
Story by Terinas on SoFurry

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This is the sort of stuff I get into when I'm roleplaying with someone.

Soooo... this story. This is an adaptation of a roleplay I did with someone I met over Flist, a really cool person, Feronordie. I liked the general gist of the story enough to adapt it into a short story. The format might read a little bit funny, but I like it. Rated RK for Really Kinky, this is a divergence from most of the other content you'll find I've written and put up publicly.

Please tell me what you think, and I hope you enjoy!


A story by Terinas, adapted from an RP between Terinas and Feronordie

The two of them would have made an odd sight to anyone watching: a human and an orange furred anthropomorphic tiger, seated next to each other on a couch. They'd just gotten back from a garage sale an half hour away from their residence and were a bit tired. The only thing they'd actually bought was a plate. The former, a tall man wearing a muscle shirt the color of cream and a pair of grey sweatpants, held the remote in his hands as he flexed an arm, his muscles bulging. He leaned in and kissed a bicep, proud of all the work he'd done to get the defined, muscular body he had. The man, with the unusual name of Feronordie, looked over at his roommate and sighed. "God, do you care what you eat at all?"

His roommate, the tiger, looked up from the plate of sugar cookies slathered with strawberry jam. He'd been using the plate they'd bought, mostly out of novelty. There weren't that many cookies left on it, as his paw wrapped around one and pulled it up, revealing a print of cartoon children on the plate underneath. They were hurling insults at each other, each insult a mix of various symbols entrapped in a word bubble. The tiger's whiskers twitched as some crumbs ran down his muzzle, hitting the green brandless t-shirt he wore around the house. They bounced off and fell against the blue jeans he was wearing, coming to a final rest between the cushions of the couch. He swallowed his mouthful and licked his lips before responding. "Why?" He bit into the cookie he was holding.. "It tastes good and I rarely ever gain a pound." He grinned.

His human roommate rolled his blue eyes. "Sure, until your metabolism runs down. You'll never get a girl, eating like that with no regard." As Feronordie finished his sentence, he smirked. Neither of them saw that the eyes of the cartoonish children on the plate had begun to glow.

The tiger smirked and stuck his tongue out. "Maybe I don't need a girl." As he snorted and looked over into the other male's eyes. "You already like me enough to keep me around." As he swayed his tail against the couch, the tiger getting a fanged grin. "And you've got a fat enough ass you could pass for a woman from behind in those sweatpants." As he reached down to rub at the other male's ass, which swelled out into a proper bubble butt.

Feronordie felt the other guy pat his ass. He felt a bit embarrassed. He'd kept his whole body toned, but he'd always had trouble developing the muscles down there. "Oh?" he asked, his expression blank, the human maintained a calm composure. "You're the one with that silver tongue. Has any girl EVER thought you were a guy with a voice that soft?" He purred, as the tiger felt his larynx contract and shift. A pop came from the back of his head, changing his vocal patterns to sound more effeminate, like he imagined a proper slut would sound like. It would take incredible focus for his roommate to talk in the more masculine voice he used to have.

Terinas gasped, hearing his voice change. Why had he been talking so deep, anyway? He didn't remember, but he felt pretty angry at his roommate. He shifted back to his girly voice. "H-hey!" As the tiger's tail lashed behind him like a whip. "Oh yeah?!? Well, you're the one with those fat, sensitive, womanly nipples." As he reached up, pinching at Feronordie's nipples, as more nerves formed, the nipples growing larger as they grew more sensitive and soft. "Listen to you..." The tiger spoke in his new sissy voice, not even trying to conceal it, since he was too focused on other things. Like his jerky roommate. "Yeah...and you can't ever seem to resist squealing whenever someone pinches your nipples, can you? Sometimes your tight shirts even get you hot, I bet. If anyone's the woman here, it's you!"' The tiger chuckled.

The human let out a moan, arching his back a bit. "A-Aaanh~!" He shouted and grabbed the tiger by the hips. His cock was rigid, pressing up against the fabric of his jeans. "At least I've got some muscle on ME. You're just a fatty. Those cookies just skip being digested and went straight on to being some extra baggage, don't they?" He laughed, patted the cat's belly as it pudged out, followed by the rest of him. The changes were more drastic this time. The tiger's hips bloated, the size of hams. His swollen stomach rubbed against them, the tiger's chest developing faint bulges. His arms sagged under the weight of the tiger's fat, amassed from years the tiger remembered eating junk foods.

At this, Terinas meeped, reaching down to rub at his big belly pushing out and stretching his shirt. He was plump! He'd always been that way, though. How dare Feronordie tease him about it. He KNEW the tiger was sensitive about his weight. "MUSCLE?!?" Terinas snarled, growling loudly. "You call that stick-thin gym bunny figure muscle? You can't build any muscle tone at all!" The other male's body thinned, his sweat pants loosening and his muscleshirt hanging limp against his tits. The tiger's mind felt fuzzy. He was speaking out of anger, but when he looked, his roommate really wasn't that buff. Was he supposed to be? For a moment, the tiger thought Fero had been stronger. Words popped into Terinas' mind as he folded his arms, and he didn't question where they came from. They felt like the right thing to say to get his buddy's goat, after all. "You know, if it weren't for that amazingly floofy tail you have, there wouldn't be any guys trying to get you to lift it at all. You're hardly girly at all!" As he watched as Feronordie's pants were pushed down as a tail slipped out, growing out and developing thin, floofy white fur that puffed out. The new appendage twitched and swayed with even the slightest thought of it's owner.

Feri gasped, pissed off that his roommate was rubbing in his odd inability to bulk up. He'd worked out long and hard but never gained any definition. "You bitch!" He looked down at himself, words flowing into his mind as he thought of the perfect insult. "If you could just stop jerking it for an hour, you'd probably be able to hit the gym, too!" he shouted as he whined and stripped himself of his muscle shirt. The straps were just too much whenever they rubbed against his tender nipples. He stood up, his sweat pants falling to the floor. His cock remained erect and poked out proudly from the stimulation he had been experiencing on his chest. All he had left were his boxers. "You're just a wanton slut!"

Teri shuddered and mewed as he looked at that cock before him, poking through his enemy's boxers. Why had he forgotten how horny he was? The tiger couldn't go a day without jacking it, and his roommate had to beat him off with a stick sometimes. The less-fun beating off, anyway. "Oh don't act so high and mighty..." the tiger rolled his eyes as he mewed cutely and got on all fours, moving over to nuzzle his muzzle against the bulge in the other boy's boxers. "Like you don't only go to the gym to check out the jocks. Do you ever do anything else other than lift your tail in the showers and hope someone rapes your ass? You're as slutty as I am! You're nothing but a slutty alley cat in heat!" As Teri finished speaking, his roommate''s ears shifted, growing pointed and fuzzy with snow colored fur matching his tail. His hands began to shift into paws, white fur sprouting along them and claws pushing out, then back in. The once-human's face pushed out into a snarling muzzle, the kitty displeased that his roommate was teasing him about his favorite exercises. His cock throbbed, images of men pumping his ass hard and raw while in the the locker rooms flooding Feri's mind.

These images caused Feri to moan and arch his back, as he rubbed his nipples and grinded against Terinas' cheek. He no longer knew or cared where the insults he was hurling were coming from. They were irritating his roommate to no end, and that was all the kitten cared about now. "Nyaa~ You're just jealous that I've got such a sweet ass. All the boys look at are those massive tits on your chest." Feri grabbed the head of his cock and almost cried out in pleasure. He was panting, on the edge as he stroked his barbed head, feeling the tiger nuzzling at his balls below. "So big and m-milky... Y-you're just a fat cow!"

The other cat below Feri gasped and mewed... which started to turn into a moo, as the tiger's tail thinned, falling down into a flat, ropey thing that hung limp behind his butt. Tiny little horns grew out of his head as Teri's nipples budded, blossoming large breasts in a matter of seconds. The stripes along his fur grew out into splotches of black, the orange of his fur fading to a dull, creamy white. The developing cow stood up, his vast breasts bouncing. He had to cup them from underneath just to keep them from moving around on him so much. His udders dribbled milk as the boy squeezed his own tits. "M-moo... well at least I'm not flat as a board!" The cowboi gazed into Feri's eyes, rubbing his now white-and-black fuzzed tits. "Can you even call those tiny things tits? And the way you strut around without a bra on?!? God, you're such a slut, why do I ever go shopping with you?" The milkmaid swayed his thick hips, looking away and letting out a loud huff of air from his snout as his ears bent from the top of his head to the sides of it. "You only talk sweetly to me when you need some cream, don't you? I know I've caught you drooling while I'm being milked... you just crave sexcream or milk, don't you? You can't go a day without one of the two on your tongue." The cow's malevolent grin spread as far along his face as it could go. He was thinking of such good insults. It was impressive. And all of it was totally true. He saw the memories which provoked his insults just a few moments after he hurled, which only made his tone more confident.

Feri couldn't resist the scent of his roommate's milk once it had started leaking out. He groaned and leaned in, pressing his paws against his roommate's soaked tits. His own breasts were barely even noticeable. It was true he'd always been jealous of his roommate's milksacs. His head bent down as he began lapping at the milk that dribbled over his hands. "Sh-shut up. Kitty just likes milk is all..." he licked up Teri's cleavage and worked his way up to lick at his roommate's sweet nipples, causing Teri to squeal and moo. "Mmm~ They look so heavy... Must really hurt your back." He gave one a gentle suck, and was rewarded with a mouthful of that sweet nectar he craved. "How many times are they being milked a day, again? Six? I bet you can't help but touch your tiny boiclit when it's going on..." he purred and swished his tail behind him. "Nyaaa~"

Teri squirmed and mooed, the big cowboi's head feeling foggy. He couldn't remember ever having been milked before, could he? But then the mists of the mind cleared and Teri know that was incorrect. She did remember... her breasts trembled as she turned away from her roommate's teasing mouth. "S-seven." She blushed. "That's why I have to carry around the portable milker, you KNOW that." As she reaches up to jingle a cowbell that she remembered putting around her neck that morning. She was angry, but Feri had a needy look in her eyes which was making the cowboi wonder why they'd even been fighting in the first place. "W-well, at least... at least I don't hate you. I mean... you're a real sweet boi when we're not fighting. And you've got really pretty eyes... purple cat eyes with flakes of pink in them..." She blushed as she gazed into Feri's eyes, which shifted to match the description. "I could loooook into them for hours..." Her feline roommate stood back up as the two of them locked eyes. Teri turned back and pressed her tits up against the other femboy's nipples, watching the alleycat's fur growing all over his thin chest. She felt her hand moving down, and absantmindedly stroked at her boiclit. Just pressing her chest against her friends got her hot... "And you like shopping for pretty clothes as much as I do, and help me find stuff in my size..." Of course Feri did. Teri suddenly remembered their frequent shopping trips as clear as day.

Feri nodded. "If only you weren't so tall... You're like an amazon, so statuesque." She pouted, poking out his tiny lip. "I'm so jealous. I guess that's why I'm so angry..." she hugged the cowboi tightly. Her massive cock was standing out as hard as a mast, twitching as she felt her roommate's milk trickling down her alabaster chest. "I'm sooo sorrrrry." She let out a purr as she rolled her r's. "Pwease forrrgive me~"

Their embrace lasted for a few moments. If both of them didn't remember Teri being so tall, they'd both have sworn that the cow was growing. But there was no way that Teri gained two feet of height so quickly. Absolutely no way it was possible that fat and muscle were redistributed, as the cow's pudgy hips and fat gut thinned just a bit for the added body size. It was just impossible for anyone to change so quickly. And Teri had always towerd over the other girl. That was how they remembered it now, so it had to be true. Finally, Teri sighed and reached her free hand up to push her best friend's head down to smush into the mammoth cowgirl's tits. "Mm... I forgive you if you forgive me, sexy." The femmy milkcow giggled. "Hey... do you want to suckle my tits a bit mooore? They need to be drained again, and I need the best, plumpest, sexiest lips around to suck me like you did your last boyfriend's cock... can you do that? PLEEEASE? I'll get you off once you're done..." She blushed a bit, unable to remember why they'd ever been fighting.

Feri's eyes lit up and she went down on those tits, sucking them with the gusto that made her go through boyfriends like tissues in a frat house. She'd yet to find even one that could keep up with her libido. "Anh~" She slurped and suckled the cow's massive nipples. She always found it so cute that were actually the size and shape of a feral cow's nipples, perfect for playing and working like a cock. "Sooo good~" She smiled and milked the nipples into her open mouth, giving herself a milky bukkake as the nourishing beverage ran down her furry face.

Her roommate mooed loudly, pursing her lips as she watched Feri's puffy lips going to work. "OMG! How do I ever get by without you..." As the cowboi shuddered, swaying her tubby hips and rubbing vigorously at her boiclitty. The silly cow was such a horndog for her best friend. No one else ever seemed to be as horny and eager as Feri was. But she kept looking for someone else to shove a huge cock up her ass, and Teri's tiny bullclitty just wasn't big enough for it. What they really needed was a man to share. She felt her tits being drained, bit by bit, switching the kitten from one breast to the other often to keep them balanced. She closed her eyes and mooed... dreaming of the day her friend would just make it official and let them be girlfriends. Again, what Teri believed is that they needed a man they could share.

Feri mewled and ground against the ground. She reached behind her and into her boxers. She had both fingers buried inside of her loose little kittycunt. "Aaaaah!!" She shouted. Her fingers just weren't enough! She was in heat. She pulled away from her cowboi roommate's body and fell to the floor. Her cock stood on end, poking out of a gap in the boxers and painting the ground in precum like a lewd paintbrush as she humped it. She couldn't help it, grinding her face into the floor and pressing her balls against the fabric of the boxers' she was wearing, trying her best to cum. "Help!" She cried. It hurt. It really hurt her... she needed her fix!

Teri mooed and bent down, chuckling, as she flipped her best friend over on her back and tugged those boxers down. "Sheesh, are you STILL wearing your last boyfriends' underwear? Ugh, so jocky." As she sighed and tossed them away. "Here... let's deal with this first..." As the moocow bent down, rubbing the kitten's cock between both her udders, bouncing both of her milk-soaked tits against the kitten's shaft while her fingers reached down to press into the kitten's tailhole. She spread her fingers apart, stretching her best friends' hole like she always wanted, rubbing in and out. "Be a good girl and scream for me, alley kitten..."

Feri bucked and moaned into those pillowy dreams, as her claws dug into the ground. "Mee--OOOOOWW~!" She let out a scream of want. Her balls were sore, itching to release their payload. "Nya-Nyaaaan!" Her precum jumped out of the head of her cock like a weak fountain, staining the milk that pooled in her best friend's cleavage. In truth, she would be the cowboi's lover eternal, if she just had what she needed. Feri was a slut and addicted to cock. She just needed a good hard dicking every other day or she'd just not be able to make it. It was already hard enough for her to keep a healthy masturbation schedule.

Her roommate panted, rubbing her tits back and forth, up and down, against that barbed cock. "M...mooooo..." She lifted her head, shuddering and moaning loudly, tail flipping back and forth. "Gah, good kitty..." She began to five-finger Feri faster and faster, rubbing raw and fast, her fingers spread out wide to pump back and forth like a big fat cock taking the kitty eagerly and hungrily, stretching that hole wider than her last boyfriend ever had.

Feri came hard and whitewashed them both in a sea of cum. It was then that the neko attacked, pushing Teri back onto her plump rump and burying her muzzle into the cowboi's chest. "Nya... nyan...." She purred, falling to her knees, and lapped the cum away from her busty best friend's body. She suckled and scraped with her kitten tongue, in love with this delicious creamy mixture of cum and milk. It was a slutty kitten's christmas dream cum true.

Her roommate let out a sigh of bliss, enjoying the feeling of being cat-cleaned. It was practically a daily event for the two, and she loved it more every time. Her hand went to her tiny cock again, stroking faster than before. After a few moments her strength gave out, and she flopped on her side against her best friend's knees, dribbling milk from her tits, soaking the fur of both of them. "Oh my gawd..." She felt herself cumming, her boiclitty squirting out clear, dribbling seed onto the floor and her thigh. After a few moments recovery, she stood up and helped the kitten up. Teri looked up into Feri's eyes. "Wanna go shopping and check out boys once we get cleaned up?" She mooed and rubbed her tits. She'd need a milking just a few hours from then, and her breasts would be so heavy and swollen, plenty of men would look her way. And Feri probably would also, licking her lips and planning on getting under the cowboi's bra again.

Feri purred and nodded, before hugging her chubby friend's arm. It was like a mother and daughter going to town -- their height was so drastically different. Terry was a milky MILF and Feri was the sexy, jailbait daughter. "I want a new pair of yoga pants. My old ones broke." She pouted and looked up at her best friend. "My instructor was so beefy and he had this biiiiiig cock." She held out her hands for emphasis. "I ripped through my pants in the middle of the lesson." She pouted, showing out her cock pillows. Her lips always went back to form the perfect "o". "And they kicked me out. Can you believe it? They wouldn't even give my cunny a lick to help me get rid of it. I HAD to suck myself off in the bathroom like an animal..."

The taller femboy chuckled and took her besty's arm in hers. "Gah, you mean the big bull who teaches your class? Did you ever catch him staring at your butt?" As the two walked towards the bathroom, Teri looked into her roommate's eyes. "Um... I don't even remember why we were fighting, but I love you soooo much, girl. Still besties for life?"

Feri giggled and nodded, licking some of the cum-and-milk from her lips. "Besties for life!" She replied with a purr, as they walked towards the bathroom to get cleaned off and dolled up.

And the plate left behind, it's magic depleted and it's purpose fulfilled, shattered on the couch.

Coming Out On Top, Part 1

Coming Out On Top, Part 1 By Terinas _You want to know how it happened for me? Well, it's a bit of a long story..._ I awoke in a cold sweat, jerking up to a sitting position. The abrupt movement was enough to cause Teri, the tiger I'm not quite...

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Pleasure In All Things

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