A walk in the woods : A fennekin tale.

Story by MrWoofles on SoFurry

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#2 of A Fennekin Tale

A story about a retired ranger and his fennekin, Commission by Summoner of Pigs

Amber the Fennekin was sitting outside on her trainer's porch, looking up at the stars by herself. She marveled at some of the night time Pokemon flying about in the darkness, gently wagging her tail while she waited. Only a few moments passed, before she felt a warm and calloused hand on her head from her trainer, Gregory. The thirty-year-old former Pokemon ranger smiled, his body honed from years of climbing mountains and protecting other trainers from the dangers that lurked around every corner.

"How's it been going, yellow butt?" He smiled at her, as she gave him an annoyed growl. She didn't mind that name, but she felt that he had broken the moment. He sat in his rocking chair, joining her in quiet stargazing. Each twinkling star winked back at the Fennekin, as the cool mountain air caused the trees to shake and shiver, as if the wood itself was suffering from the cold.

"Lovely night, huh?" he said, as he cracked open his can of soda and started to rock. "It was a night like this that I found your egg sitting on my porch, so many years ago." The gentle creek of his chair was starting to lull the pokemon into a more serene state, she gave a soft sigh as she nuzzled his leg affectionately.

"Yip." She cried regally, before jumping in his lap, carefully to miss his drink. She padded her paw against his thighs, making herself comfortable before nuzzling her head into his stomach. She loved his smell; he was a metalworking expert out of their small mountain home. Yet, he still smelled of steel and grass. There was a soft humming coming from the man, as he looked out into the darkness, the only light being from the home and the occasional glow of electric Pokemon crawling about the woods.

"Well aren't you affectionate tonight," he chuckled, placing his hand on the Pokemon's head. "It's a pretty nice night, isn't it?" The ranger began to gently rub her large ears. Amber would give a soft coo, as she felt Gregory's hands brush against the warm red tufts sticking out of her ears, her legs twitching happily from the affection. Gregory gave a deep baritone chuckle at this, and continued petting.

The night wore on, as a large Sewaddle crawled across the steps of Gregory's porch. The bug gave a squeaky cry, before spitting a large glob of string into the face of the resting Fennekin, causing her to growl angrily and spit a small ember on the leaf of sewaddle. The burned pokemon squeaked and dived off of the porch rolling itself in the moist grass before running off.

"Heh...little jerk got what was coming to him. Lets get you cleaned up," he said while pulling some of the string off of the fox Pokemon. Amber gave a disapproving grumble and glared at the retreating bug Pokemon, as Gregory carried her back inside of the house. The pair walked to the bathroom as Gregory called down stairs with a yell. "Hey Tank, I need a little bit of water." There was a loud series of thumps, as a Blastoise climbed the wooden stairs and walked into the bathroom. He looked at Amber and gave a little snort, before leaning over the tub. Tank released nearly scalding hot water inside of the tub. He glared at the Fennekin, waiting until she gave a grumbling thanks.

"Thanks, big guy. If you step outside, please pop a few of the bugs; they have been getting a little territorial lately," Greg said with a grin, watching as the equally territorial Blastoise rushed down the stairs with a deep chuckle. He locked the door behind the large turtle and turned around to watch as Amber lazily pawed at the water, which was slowly cooling to a tolerable level for humans. She whined loudly, not wanting to get inside of the water, but at the same time not wanting to deal with the matted fur and uncomfortable feel of web in her face.

"Yeah, yeah...you don't like taking baths. Well guess what: if we don't get you clean, I'm going to have you sleep in the basement with Natalie, and you know how sticky she is," Gregory chuckled, thinking about his Goodra that was probably sleeping. He noticed that Amber immediately jumped into the tub at the mention of having to sleep anywhere but the bed. She looked at him and gave a yip, waiting on the shampoo.

Gregory opened a cabinet and pulled out the shampoo for the fluffy fennekin. He smiled at her, giving her ears a rub. "You have nice warm ears, I love the feel of them." He smiled gently, as his hands rubbed over her body. He felt each of her six nipples harden from his touch, as his hand rubbed under her fur. Amber let out a coo and started to nuzzle his hand, as she felt his touch traveling over her body, the scent of the shampoo strong but pleasantly fragrant.

Amber waited until her body was completely soapy, before bobbing her head in the water and allowed her ears to , as the heat from her ears caused the water to bubble around her. Steam started to fill the bathroom, beginning to fog up the mirror and window beneath the blinds. Gregory smiled and finally pulled the wet Fennekin out of the tub.

He watched with a smile, as the Fennekin's body quickly dried itself off with just her high body heat. Amber grinned and trotted to the door, clawing at it until Gregory opened it to release the steam from the warm bathroom. His face a small mixture of confusion as he watched the pokmon leave the room. Moments later, the fennekin came back with a small stainless steel rod in her maw that they often used for games of fetch. No matter how hot it would get, the rod would never burn away. She took the stick and waved it in his face before running into the bedroom.

Gregory shook his head and followed her into the bedroom. Amber gave a soft yip while sitting on the bed, waving around the stick in her mouth; this was her universal way of showing her interests in playing. "I get it, you want to play before bed?" Gregory smiled and reached for the stick. Amber dodged his hand with ease, wagging her tail playfully. "Oh, is that how you want to play it. Come here!" he spoke out with a smile, before diving at the Pokemon, who quickly jumped out the way and ran down the hall. He could hear her little feet clicking on the wooden stairs.

Soon, as he left the room, he noticed dozens of fingernail sized purple flames freely floating in the air. "Oh my..." He slowly walked forward, waiting until each wall of tiny flames died out before continuing onward and down the stairs. He noticed that, sitting on the open windowsill, was a tiny purple Will o' Wisp that dissipated as he got closer. He started looking out the window and noticed that the trail of flames continued out the door and into the woods. "Aw crap," he uttered with a small sigh.

Gregory stepped out into the cool air, following the little floating purple clues, until he was deeper in the forest than he felt comfortable. The sounds of Hoothoot and Murkrow calls did little to put his mind at ease. He soon noticed that he walked right into a clearing that was only barely illuminated by the purple flames and the star light. A large flat rock was in the center of the clearing, and a pair of glowing red eyes reflected by the lighting looked back at the trainer.

Amber gave a soft whooping cry of excitement as her owner neared her. She watched intently, as the human sat down near her on the rock. She hopped on his lap and started licking his face, grinning as he leaned chuckling. With this, she took her chance; she turned around and pressed her presented herself. She didn't know if he would get the hint, but she would rather try and give it a shot.

Gregory gently picked up the Fennekin and placed her near his head. The fox looked at him with a huff before shouting a series of annoyed yips and barks. She stamped her feet on the stone and turned around a few times, waving her tail, hoping that her scent would give the human a clue if her swollen femininity didn't. Gregory watched the Pokemon with a confused expression on his face, his hands brushing over the back of her tail, as he heard the gentle sounds of the forest around them.

Amber growled and tugged his hand with a gentle bite. She started to rub her moist lips on the human's fingers, the sullenness displaying her need. "Yip!" she growled, turning back at him and trying to get her message across. The air around her steamed faintly, as her body started to heat up. She began to grind against his fingers at a more rapid pace, whimpering with her hips bucking awkwardly against his digits. Greg smiled and slowly pushed his pinky finger in her warm and waiting body. Amber eyes widened, feeling the invading finger inside of her. "Y-Yip," she growled to herself, happy that her lover finally got the message. She began to pant softly, as the tiny finger felt quite large inside of her tiny vulpine frame.

"Oh... is my little fire fox enjoying herself?" Greg said with a large grin on his face, as he slowly wiggled his fingers inside of his little fox, causing her to yip excitedly in tandem with the finger. A drop of herwarm feminine fluids dribbled down his finger as a single clear droplet. Amber clenched lightly around his finger, showing proof of her need, slowly trailing down to his hand. "Hmm.. what a bad girl you've been, forcing me to come out in to the woods and having me lay on a hard rock," Greg tutted softly at Amber, while she cooed loudly on his finger, her ears laid back on her head and pushing the heat toward Greg.

Greg withdrew his finger with a wet pop and scooped up the fox,. He held her up in his arms, looking at her face and grinning. "I think it's time for your punishment, naughty girl." He slowly lowers her puffy vagina down to his mouth and sets Amber on his face. "Mmmphf," he grunted, while his tongue played over her wetness. Greg could feel her warmth on his face, as he started to slowly lick her soft, vulpine pussy. One of his hands gently lifted her, rubbing the heated fur in a sensual manner. His other hand grabbed the smooth metal rod and moved it behind her. He continued to taste her salty fluids, as he slowly pressed the rod against her tiny puckered anus. He smirked to himself between each slow and sensual lick, as he slowly inserted the rod inside of her.

Amber felt the long thin rod sliding deeper and deeper within, her eyes shooting open, as she let out a loud, vulpine call as she felt another orgasm spread throughout her body. Her heavy panting was marked by small puffs of smoke on the sides of her mouth. She began to hump Gregory's face, as she coated his chin in her fluids. Gregory sputtered beneath her, but continued to lick her messy body, the salty taste giving way to a sweeter tasting fluid. Amber squealed softly, as she felt the rod begin to pump more vigorously inside of her body. The rod was only six inches long, but even going half way felt massive within her her small frame. Her hind legs started to scratch into his chest, as he started to twist the cool metal rod inside of her. "YIP!" She barked out, enjoying the intensity of his tongue and the rod.

Greg smiled, pulling the rod out for a moment, causing Amber's eyes to widen from the sudden emptiness in her rear. Greg's hands moved to grasp her hips firmly, and his tongue shifted from her dripping wet femininity to her puckered hole. She squealed from the pressure against her sensitive hole, her tail wagged hard, as it tickled his nose. Amber continue to moan, as his warm tongue continued to press against her tiny hole. She started to hump his face aggressively, her pussy quivering against his chin."Yip..." She moaned softly as she gritted her teeth. She let out a gasp, as she felt his tongue suddenly push through her sphincter before wiggling inside of her. She felt her body quiver with pleasure, as a powerful orgasm came over her, and caused her to squeal at the top of her lungs. A little puff of flame came out of Amber's mouth, as she screamed out in ecstasy. Greg could smell her musky scent and lowered his tongue back to her pussy. He grabbed the rod, and slid it back inside of the Fennekin once more. Her pussy quivered around his invading tongue, as it pushed in for another taste. Greg continued to lick her like a thirsty Lickitung.

A sudden growl caught the attention of both Greg and Amber. Standing at the edge of the clearing was a strong looking Mightyena. The Mightyena let loose a howl that chilled Greg to the bone. He sat up causing, Amber to tumble off of his face and land in the soft grass. He gazed around and noticed that there were several Poochyena (?) peering at the pair from the tree line, their gaze fixed on the female Fenniken. Greg instantly knew that this was about to be a show of dominance. The Mightneya barked at Amber, who looked over her shoulder at the metal rod sticking out form under her tail. She blushed while yipping back at the larger Pokemon. He slowly crept closer along to the pair, his fur bristled out and his tail raised. Amber looked at her trainer and her mate, suddenly smiling with coy expression her face.

The Mightyena paused while listening to Amber give off a series of growls and yips. She turned to the larger Pokemon, proudly showing off the rod inside of her. The Mightyena growled and the entire packs eyes fixated on Greg with a sudden hatred. The pack took a step forward and glared at Greg, as the pack leader started to howl. The rest of the pack started to join in causing the leader flex his lithe body outward.

"What are you telling them?!" Greg nervously shouted at Amber. She looked over her shoulder and grinned. "...This is because I stuck the toy up your butt, isn't it?" Greg sighed as she nodded. "But that's because you ran away...and in the middle of the night, fuzzbutt!" he shouted. He noticed that she still didn't force the toy out. "You still have it in your butt," he said, and she blushed before turning to the opponent at hand.

Amber leaned back and opened her mouth. A large sphere of fire suddenly launched out of her maw and floated high in the sky, bathing the area in light as bright as the morning sun. The Poochenya backed away from the bright light, while their leader stood his ground. He was determined to mate with this female, then deal with the human who dared to invade his territory. He let out a growl and ran at the Fenniken. He didn't notice the smile on Greg's face or the feral grin on Amber's face.

"Amber...Use Flame Charge!" Greg shouted, as Amber waited for the Pokemon to close the distance. Her ears glowed, as her body burst into flames, suddenly crashing into the Mightyena and biting into his neck, before rocketing forward and spiraling into a tree. The fire charred the tree and burned off most of the fur on the Mightenya's neck and chest. She stood over the Mightyena and started to the bark to the rest of the pack. The other pack member started to approach her, when she opened her muzzle, revealing the glowing fire within her maw. They hesitated, as they heard their leader whimpering under the much smaller Pokemon. She pushed the toy out of her puckered hole with a loud pop, as it landed on the Mightyena's chest. She stepped off the downed Pokemon and scratched loose dirt on his body as an insult.

The other Poochyena barked a few times before latching on to their leader with their jaws and dragging him away from the smug looking Fennekin. She looked at her mate and tilted her head toward the house. Greg nodded and started to follow her, as she slowly trotted away toward the house. He felt the eyes of the Poochyena on him, as he continued to follow Amber. His hairs stood on the back on his neck, expecting to feel the small but painful bites of the Pokemon behind him.

After traversing through the woods, he started to see the familiar lights of the his home. He noticed that Tank was patrolling the porch and firing pressurized streams of water at any bug that appeared in the grass. "Good Job, Tank." He reached over and scratched under the chin of the large water Pokemon. Tank gave a happy grumble, before Gregory walked into the house. Amber's nails could be heard clicking on the steps.

Greg walked into his bedroom, the excitement of nearly having to fight off a group of Poochyena and a scary Mightyena having worn off and left him feeling quite worn. Amber was already on his bed, her ears laid back with an unsettling look towards the trainer. "What's wrong Amber?" He gazed at his bed, suddenly noticing that there were three more of the her little metal sticks resting soundly next to Amber. He couldn't help but smile at her, before he looked over the toys. "My My...Someone is taking my punishment a little too seriously," Greg snickered. Amber blushed, as her ears started to steam a little from the added heat. "Roll over," he commanded, as Amber rolled over with her legs sticking up and into the air. The Fennekin stared at him, waiting to see what he would do next. Amber quivered, as she felt his hand rubbing her belly.The former ranger made sure to give each of her 6 nipples a little tug, as she yipped in surprise. He adjusted her until she was looking up into his eyes.

Amber panted slightly, as her mate started to rub over her sensitive nipples, with her left leg started to kick out rapidly from the attention. Her eyes soon widened, as she felt his lips pressed against her muzzle. His hands were like heaven on her body, as she felt his awkward but soothing kisses on her maw. She locked eyes with him and slowly slid her long, vulpine tongue into his mouth. Their tongues began to dance together, slowly snaking over each other in a passionate exchange. The pair continued to quietly kiss in the dim room, the soft suckling sound echoing, while they explored each other mouths in heated excitement.

Greg finally broke the kiss with a smile. "I really enjoyed that...but I think its time for my treat for being such a good trainer, don't you agree?" Greg spoke softly while undressing, soon standing completely nude and looking down at the much smaller Pokemon. He quickly flopped on the comfortable mattress, his penis as hard as a Nidorano's horn, as he laid down and looked at his warm pokemon in anticipation. He scratched under her chin and smiled. "You're such a pretty girl." She yipped proudly, puffing out her chest fur and blushing from the attention, only to gasp as she felt his hands dancing over her very sensitive ears.

Amber had been mated to her trainer for a while, so she understood each of his likes. She smiled while moving closer to the large, throbbing cock in front of her. She hopped between his thighs while looking at the impressive penis in her vision. She gave a soft lick to the warm flesh, tasting the salty sweat on his shaft and inhaling his scent of light musk. She took her time to please the thick member, making slow long licks from the base to the tip. She blushed harder, as Greg moaned from the attention. She could feel the cock throbbing on her tongue. When she was ready, Amber stood up on her hind legs to get closer to the tip of the penis, and, with the gentleness of a long time lover, she places the tip of the penis in her mouth and began to suckle on the swollen tip. She was gentle with the large flesh in her maw, cautious as to not to rake him with her sharp teeth.

Greg moaned, feeling the hot mouth and even hotter tongue gently sliding along his tool. He could feel her tongue licking as far as she could reach. He started to stroke his hands over her warm ears and large tuffs of fur, his eyes soon meeting with hers in a loving gesture. They paused for a moment; even with his throbbing cock in her mouth, Amber looked as beautiful as ever. "I love you, Fuzzbutt." Greg spoke, trying to hold in a moan at the muzzle currently drooling on his member. The Fennekin looked at him and wagged her fluffy tail in response, as she blushed and continued to suckle. "One of these days, I'm going to evolve you into a braixen. Then maybe you'll be able to go deeper than just the tip." Amber pulled her mouth off the cock-head and tilted her head, before spitting a heart shaped smoke ring at her trainer. Greg smiled at the sweet gesture and rubbed her ear tufts, causing her to shiver from the pleasure.

The moaning grew louder and louder, as the pair both jumped when the door slammed and the annoyed grumbles of Tank could be heard outside the door. Greg smiled down at the Pokemon still sucking on his dick. "I'm so close, Amber," he panted, reaching down to put his hand on both sides of her head, gently bobbing her on his meat. She gave a soft grunt, taking more of the dick that she was used to, "Do you think you could try taking more of it in?" he asked. Amber gave a slight nod with a bit of uncertainty in her eyes. "Do your best, Fuzzbutt." She opened her mouth as wide as she could and slowly stepped forward, taking the whole tip into her mouth. She slowly took another inch of cock into her mouth, feeling it already reach her throat and causing it to bulge on the outside. Greg watched her eyes slowly begin water, as she struggled with just a few inches.His body felt like it was in heaven with just that little bit of himself inside of her. "Ooooh Amber...Right there...Just keep sucking," he moaned, his eyes closed, while his body relaxed, and his mind focused on the pleasure.

Amber stopped with just three inches in her mouth and pulled back. "Yip!"She called out proudly, before struggling to do it again while growling to vibrate the member in her mouth. As she pulled off, she could taste Greg's salty pre-cum on her tongue. She blushed brighter at this, before lapping at the salty substance still on the tip of the quivering member. She leaned forward and pressed her body against his shaft, keeping his length pinned between her warm body and his. She continued to climb until her vulpine pussy rested against the base of his cock. She pressed her tiny paws into his stomach and started to rock her hips, her moist pussy slowly lubricating his shaft. Greg moaned from the attention before lowering his hands and rubbing them over her sensitive nipples, ears and chin. Amber cooed softly from the feeling of her own need bubbling within her, as her body started to heat up slightly from the attention. Her hips rocked with a powerful fervor, she started to growl quietly as she could feel his hips bucking under her to show his own need.

Greg let out a grunt, feeling himself getting closer and closer to his own orgasm. Pre-cum dribbled down onto his belly, as he watched Amber, her mouth open wide when she panted, as she rocked her hips harder and harder. Her warm fur and wet pussy were drenching his cock with her juices, the wet sound of her body sliding along his intensifying. Greg reached for one of her toys on the bed and placed it in his mouth, licking it until it was slick. He reached down, placing the toy behind her, as she scooted up. She slid back on the toy, feeling it pushing up into her tiny puckered hole once again. Amber yipped loudly, looking up at her mate and puffing a small cloud of smoke in his face before lowering herself back down, feeling the rod stinging slightly, but causing her to feel more pressure on her sensitive parts. Greg felt himself building closer to his peak, as he started to twist the toy in his lover's body, while he tensed, leaking pre-cum at an even faster rate.

Amber started to reach her peak with a content growl. Her ass was feeling slightly sore, and her knees burned from the effort. She grit her teeth, holding in the pleasure for as long as she could. It was then that she felt Greg's hands move away from the toy and grabbed each side of her narrow hips. She squealed between her teeth as he roughly slid her along his shaft, the wet sound her sliding on his shaft made her growl. She leaned back feeling her climax, she let out a small gout flame from her muzzle that illuminated the room as she reach her peak and gushed her female juices on his shaft, crotch and thighs. She shivered hard in Greg's grip while riding out her climax, she panted before flopping forward into their mixed juices.

"I'm so close..." Greg moaned, before using one hand to turn around the Fennekin. His other hand slowly guided his dick back into her mouth.He removed the toy before using his pinky finger to explore her tiny puckered hole, she clenched hard around the invading finger. The muscle contractions from her orgasm caused her tiny anus to quiver rapidly, as she gave an exhausted moan. Her heart raced in her chest, and she suckled with all her might on the tip in her muzzle. Amber bobbed her head rapidly on the penis that was in her mouth. She was exhausted, but she would show her mate all the love she could, as her long tongue danced under the tip, feeling it thrust into her mouth quite rapidly. The taste of her own juices and his pre-cum flooded her maw and nose with its musky flavor.

Greg moaned loudly, as his peak had arrived with force. His body became as taut as a bowstring, as he pressed his pinky deep inside of Amber before his cock twitched, and his seed started to flow into the Pokemon. He sighed with relief, as he could hear her eagerly drinking his cum. He simply laid flat on his back, emitting heavy pants, as all the energy drained out of him. Greg's heart thumped in his chest, as the pair laid against each other in a sticky, passionate after glow. Greg barely felt strength in his arms, as he slowly slid his Fennekin lover across his stomach, until they were once again face to face. Both their chests and stomachs had juices smeared across them, while the entire room smelled of sex and musk.

"I love you, Amber," he said softly, his face only inches away from hers. He marveled at how, even with cum on the bridge of her muzzle, fur matted with both their juices, and the smell of her musky sex looming over them, she still managed to look beautiful. "I'm so lucky to have you," he whispered, as he lazily placed a hand on the back of her head, before scooting her closer to place a kiss on her lips, her tiny black nose poking his cheek as he did. Amber blushed deeply, and her ears started to warm up, as she responded by sliding her long vulpine tongue deep into his mouth, with the taste of their connection, sex and intimacy being a cocktail of love between the pair.

They feel asleep within each others embrace and started to doze off, feeling the warmth of each others' bodies. The night wore on, with each of them breathing the strong, musky scent of each others passion. Amber's ears kept the pair warm in the cool room. She could feel Gregory's hands brush the fur on her back as they slept. She felt the love he had for her through her whole body, and all felt right in her world. She nuzzled him, until she drifted off into a deeper slumber.

The Next morning.

Gregory woke up the next day with a loud yawn, as he scanned the room after rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, only to discover that the room was empty. The door was opened, and there was a bit of slime dripping from the handle. He stood up to stretch, only to walk to his bathroom, jumping into the shower to clean himself. The warm, sticky feeling on his chest of the previous night slowly washed away, leaving his skin clean of any evidence. When he stepped out to dry himself off, he found a couple yellow hairs in the tub, drawing a slight smile across his face.

Greg stepped down the stairs, heading toward the kitchen with that same grin on his face, his body as nude as the day he was born. The smell of cooking sausage and eggs caused his stomach to growl, as he peaked through the kitchen doorway. A large Goodra stood over a sizzling skillet while wearing a damp apron and a bright pink bandana. "Hey Natalie!" he said with a smile. She returned a nod, before turning back towards the cooking food, while Greg took a seat next to Tank and Amber, who both watched the Goodra like a hawk. "I hope you all thanked her for the food," the human spoke to the duo, seating himself down on the cold wooden chair. He shivered slightly, feeling goosebumps travel across his skin.

Natalie walked around the table, giving the trio at the table their own plate, before setting down the biggest portion for herself. The Goodra smiled and clapped in delight over her cooking skills. Greg couldn't help but notice the oven mitts on her hands to prevent the slime from getting on the food. She made a few undulating cries to mimic the human act of saying grace. Tank started to eat while she was still speaking, and her head tentacles whip out with enough speed to slap his claws and his ears in less than a second. The Blastoise grumbled, but waited, slowly drooling from the corners of his mouth.

The dragon Pokemon finished talking, and everyone started to eat. Greg smiled before addressing his Pokemon. "Alright guys, I've got an announcement to make," the human spoke, as the Goodra stopped eating to pay attention. The other two continued to eat without a care in the world. "As you know, we've been living here a few years, and I've been intimate with Amber for about four years, but I can't fully...get inside of her." The Fennekin stopped eating, suddenly blushing, as her ears sizzle from the embarrassment. Tank let out a deep chuckle, while Natalie nodded in a understanding way before one of her head tentacles reached over to pat her trainer on the back. Greg didn't mind the slime.

"Now we all love the little fuzz butt, so I wanted to ask each of you.. not as Pokemon, but as my friends and long time companions - to help me evolve her into a Braxien, I'm not asking you to fight her, but to hold down the fort, as we go out and train her to be stronger," Greg said with a grin, before looking at Tank, who was already sizing up the small fox. "Tank, No. I know what you're thinking, but no." The trainer eyed his water type Pokemon, who shrugged before going back to eating his food.

Natalie grabbed a paper and pen from the kitchen counter, before starting to write with her tentacles, while still leaning down to eat her food. She dropped the paper on Gregory's lap, to which he read the paper out loud with a blush on his face.

"Gregory and Amber: I have been living here for a while, and I am the oldest member here. I have watched over all of you since I was still the starter on your team. I am very happy to see one of our family members plan to become stronger. When I go to collect berries and vegetable for our nest, I have been noticing a large pack of Poochyena in the woods; they would be perfect for the little one to fight with. Make sure to use protection." Gregory finished reading, as he looked back up at his goodra.

"Um...Natalie, you know that I can't have children with Amber, right?" Greg noted with a smile, while Tank laughed louder and Amber started to cough on her meal out of embarrassment. Amber blushed, and her ears started to steam a little from it. "I mean, if I could, I don't know if her little body could push out one of those huge eggs, or a bunch of little puppies," Greg chuckled, as Amber laid on the table and put her paws over her face. Natalie just chuckled in a soft, warbling voice, her smile warm and inviting. "Now, I don't mind what you do while we are gone, but remember, Natalie, I don't want any guests in the house, which includes your little gang of friends. Seriously... Are you becoming a trainer behind my back?" Greg chuckled, before the dragon type used to tentacle to drop a book in front of him. He picked up the book and his expression grew from playful to one of slight shock. "How to Train Pokemon for Dummies."

He sighed while finishing his meal. "I'm going to completely ignore the fully illegal actions of my Pokemon." Natalie looked hurt, as he continued, "I will also subscribe to Trainers Monthly if said Pokemon promises to keep my house clean and keep the slime to a minimum." Natalie eyes suddenly lit up, as her tentacles flung out with sudden speed to pull her trainer closer to her in a slimy and sticky hug. "But Natalie, why do you hug me? I'm definitely not committing a crime to keep my Pokemon happy," he said with a coy smirk on his face. The Goodra began to kiss his face, leaving sweet scented slime on his cheeks. "Since I'm totally not doing anything illegal, I don't expect a delicious steak dinner when I come back from taking a hard trip to go get the little fuzz butt stronger." Natalie nodded at his words and finished her meal.

Greg got dressed after eating, as he grabbed his dusty pokeball and a few spare potions, before strapping his travel bag on his back. He smiled at the fennekin that had a fire in her eyes. Her expression was fierce. "You're just as ready as I am," He grinned, puffing his chest out. "Alright fuzz butt; we're going out there to fight for strength, power, and, most of all, so we can finally have sex like a normal couple." He chuckled, as the Fennekin snorted a puff of flames and held up a paw. "Oh yeah...I guess we will be fighting for hands too...Oooh, I would love to get a handjob," he chuckled to himself, as they left the house. Amber snorted, but her face looked curious. She continued to look down at her paws, as she walked, wondering how it would be to walk with only two legs. After some time, they finally managed to reach the tree line, where the tall grass and many challenges awaited them.

Gregory donned his sunglasses and put a collar with small amount of charcoal on it around Amber's neck. "Alright, this is it," he said as he drew a black flute from his bag and started to play. The very air seem to shift with the sound of irritated Pokemon reacting to the strange and discordant notes. "They will be coming soon. I want you to fight like never before. Hold nothing back," he said as he picked her put and placed an affectionate kiss on her muzzle. They prepared to face the challenges together as lovers, each determined not to let down the other.

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