Heaven or Hell?

Story by RC1138 on SoFurry

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All right, for this story I need a foreword. First of all, to get the idea, understanding of the characters and such, you kind of need to read A Ranger's Tail. All of the characters are from that story and I don't think one can fully appreciate this story if you don't read that one. This sums up and, literally, tells what will happen to ALL of the major characters of my other stories that have to do with Ranger's Tail, so if you had a particularly favorite character, he or she's in here somewhere. Second, regarding the nature and events of THIS story, specifically any religious concepts, ideas pertaining to God or the after-life, these are my ideas, not your and I'm not trying to convert anyone or screw with what you believe, so keep comments regarding THAT to yourself, it's just a story and lets leave it at that. One thing I might add, (having watch someone read it in person) you kinda have to read on, past the first page or two, don't just stop right away. Heaven or Hell? "Good night Cathy," Steve said to his wife, kissing her softly and laying down in their bed. "Night Steve," the fox whispered back, and laid her head down on her husband's chest. They both lived in that same home they had bought so many years ago. Their son had grown up there, been married there, and they had spent more time with each other in the home than anywhere else in the universe. Steve, now in his 70's and Cathy in her 60's had both lived a very peaceful and happy life together. Emily and Sean had moved in down the road a bit, their son and Sarah had both moved off world, but Sean was still close and comfortable with his parents. In the end it was the way Steve and Cathy wanted things, they often sat quietly with each other, happy to be around each other. Steve heard Cathy's breathing slow and knew she was asleep. Even at sixty-three she looked as beautiful as she had the day he met her, if not more. Saying the pair was happily married was an understatement, but lately Cathy had been having a hard time sleeping. She had been having dreams, ones she could barely remember in the morning but she would awake in a cold sweat, clutching onto Steve. Being that she seemed to be sound asleep, Steve let the warmth of rest envelop him and they began their rest cycle, together. Unfortunately though, it wasn't to end the way either of them would have wanted or expected. During this night, Steve, a Captain of the Federal Army, a Consular of the Federation, and loving husband to Cathy, breathed his last and slipped away in the night, just a bit passed one AM. When it happened, Steve felt a severe level of cold water run through his body, he wanted to shiver but he couldn't feel anything, but the cold was terrible. "Oh God Cathy, do you feel that?" he whispered, but he realized not only was she gone, so was he. He couldn't see anything, he couldn't feel anything, but he could feel the cold taking over what he thought was his body, but it wasn't there. Then he felt a warmth, a small one, but it was there. He felt it in his heart and moved it out, as if it was in his veins. The warmth moved out into his arms and legs, into the rest of his body, into his face. Suddenly Steve could see again and he looked down at himself. He was wearing a white robe, like a toga of sorts, and was wondering where on Foc he was, and more importantly, where was Cathy. "Hello Steve," a voice said from the nothingness. All of his worry melted away as he heard it and Steve felt small and humble almost instantly. "Are you well?" the voice asked, but Steve didn't answer, just looked about, not seeing anything. All of a sudden the place where he had been disappeared and he found himself standing in space, but literally standing. "Am I dreaming?" Steve called out, figuring he must have had too much wine that night. "No Steve, I'm sorry to say that you are not," the voice said, very warm and comforting, like the voice of a mother calling out to a child in distress. "Where are you?" Steve asked, now a bit… confused by his situation, a pang of fear resonating through his body which, in a way that was indescribable, floated from his chest and out into the blackness of space, "Who are you?" he added in a whisper quiet voice. As Steve looked about a light enveloped him, millions of times brighter than a star. For some reason the Captain was able to look directly into it without his eyes hurting or needing to adjust. He could make out a figure in white standing at its center. "I'm dreaming," Steve thought to himself, moving his head in circles trying to make out the figure of light. "I told you my son, your not dreaming, your dead…" the voice said, not changing in tone for a single word, just remaining calm and loving. Steve huffed, but was shaken. He felt the same fear he had in combat, a fear he hadn't felt in at least thirty years, but he trusted his gut and it said the stranger was righter. "Then your God?" Steve asked, and in saying that her turned and found himself in a cold metal room, big and empty, with battle armor adoring the walls. "I know this place…" Steve whispered, looking about. He was barely clothed and knew it was cold, but he couldn't feel anything. "Yes you do Steve, you spent a great deal of pain training in this room, this room exactly," the voice said, but now the figure and the light was gone. Steve heard the voice but didn't react; he just looked at the room. As he went to touch a wall it became a wolf in body armor and Steve jumped back. He didn't realize it but he felt great, his arms weren't tired anymore and he felt as strong as he had at his peak physical condition in life. Steve turned in a circle and realized he was surrounded by thousands of people, wolves, foxes, rabbits, cats, squirrels, and dozens of dozens of other species, all looking at him, all in various states of injury and death. "The ones I've killed?" Steve asked aloud, taken aback by the display but he remained unafraid. He felt a nod come from the voice and looked at the massed group. None of them looked sad, none of them were alive, and they didn't look it either. Each was standing on his or her own power, but had a life-less look on their faces. One caught his eye; it was a wolf, his neck torn up and blood, fresh blood, drenching the front of his fur. "I take this is my Hell, my penance, I have to be with these corpses for all eternity?" Steve asked, walking over to the corpse of the long dead Alpha Wolf. He felt the warmth leave his body and he fell to the floor in pain, his body freezing. "No Steve, this isn't Hell, why would you think such a thing?" the voice said, and Steve looked up to see all the bodies swirl around him and disappear, all but two. "Well I killed all these people and fursons, and since Mafeu's here," Steve trailed off, seeing that the two bodies that remained was Mafeu's and, what Steve preserved to be, his son's. "Mafeu's not in Hell, and I'm hoping you won't be either," the voice said, not changing its warm tone. Steve chuckled, "You mean things aren't decided even though I'm â€Ëdead?'" "That is correct my son, only you can decide where you go, it's not up to me," the voice said, Steve searching for a trace of it being uncertain, but found none. Steve crossed his arms, "So your not God?" "I am," the voice said, and Steve felt a vibration run through his body. "Then how is it you don't control my fate? Don't you know what I'm going to do, what's going to happen?" Steve asked, feeling a bit of the warmth reentering his heart. "Of course I do, it's part of My job to know, but that doesn't mean I have to control it, I never have, think about it. Your actions in life, as it is believed by most, effects your placement in death¦" "So it's my decision no matter what happens, but if I'm dead," the Captain said, still not sure that this wasn't a dream, "then why am I not in Heaven or Hell?" "Because you haven't picked one yet," the Voice said. "I choose Heaven of course," Steve replied, feeling the warm come fully back into him, but then leaving his heart, but remaining everywhere else in his body. The bodies of Mafeu and his son disappeared, and Steve found himself in his bedroom, rather above it, looking down on Cathy and himself asleep. "Are you sure you want to choose that yet?" the Voice asked, and a light came up next to him. This time the light faded, sort of, and Steve looked at the figure. He could see the Man, but couldn't see Him. Steve knew that he was looking at Him; he knew he saw features, eyes, hair, fingers, arms, but they didn't register. It was like as he took in an image of the Man floating next to him, it was taken back and he couldn't see Him. "You are God," Steve thought, but his thoughts were auditable. He knew God was smiling at him and they looked back down at Steve's wife. "So are you sure?" He asked. Steve tilted his head, feeling very strange and replied, "Of what?" "That you want to go to Heaven?" God said, putting a hand on Steve's shoulder. Steve, feeling very confident and comfortable from God's touch answered, "Why wouldn't I?" "Because you can't stay with her," God said, and nodded to the sleeping fox. Steve, in an act that God had seen in few examples of His creation, shook His hand loose of his arm and spun around, looking God right in they eye. "What do you mean â€Ëcant stay with her?' She's the greatest furry in the universe and the kindest one to boot! How can she not go to Heaven? You're the one that said only each one of us can choose our own fate, you mean to tell me she'd choose Hell!?" God wasn't surprised by the man's act; He already knew that it was going to happen, but He still had to stiffen a laugh. As if He ignored Steve's question, God waved his hand around them. Steve found himself and God in a land of brimstone and fire, the image and idea of what Hell was to all that heard of it. "You think this is Hell?" God asked, stretching his hand out. "No, not now, You wouldn't be showing it to me if it was, it's to much like what you would read in a story or something," Steve replied, looking about at the movie-like set. God smiled, "Correct My son, this," he waved his hand again, "is Hell." Steve looked about and saw a beach, a nice one at that, then a hotel room, then a city street, and millions of millions of other places. It could have taken an eternity, it could have taken a mere second, but Steve saw and took in all of them. Every kind of place imaginable played out before his eyes. It ended with Steve and God floating space one more. "That was Hell," God said. Steve very confused said in a draw, "but… but how?" "I think we need to clarify something," God replied, "What do you think Hell is?" Steve stared at the Deity for a moment and took a breath, realizing it did nothing for him; he really was dead. "It's a place of punishment for doing… committing sins," Steve replied finally, saying it but barely believing it now, not in this place. God didn't reply. "It isn't?" he added. "Is that a question or a statement Steve?" God asked, Steve knowing He was smiling. Steve smiled too; he liked God, which was a weird way to look at it, "A question," he finally answered. "No, that's what you would think, but it isn't." God answered, "There are people who suffer in Heaven and those that suffer in Hell, just like there are happy people in Heaven and happy people in Hell." The Captain tilted his head, confused again. "Happy in Hell?" he asked. "What is Hell?" God repeated. "Tell me." God frowned and Steve felt a chill go through him. "It," God began, Steve noticing He said it with heaviness in His voice, which frightened him, "is merely a place away from me. Whether or not one is punished or rewarded for what they did in life has nothing to do with the place they stay for eternity, that's almost irrelevant in the grand scheme. One can do many terrible things in a short lifespan, and can do many great things in the same time frame, if I judged you on that then even one who was forced into a bad life, one the ended many other's lives would be guarantied to Hell." Steve looked away, realizing God, the Supreme Being was talking of him. He felt a little bit of the warmth in his body go away. "Some considered the concept of being away from me a punishment," God continued, His voice heavy enough that Steve felt it move him down, "while I would stand to agree with them, I know that is not true. There are those who find themselves happier away from me. There are those that consider Hell to be personalized, just like yourself, and indeed they are correct in that assumption, but they often think that it is what they dread the most, when in reality, pending on whether or not they were indeed a good being, it can be the place of their dreams, or a place of their nightmares… just without me." Steve looked back up and "saw" that God looked upset, "So Hell can be good?" "From the chooser's point of view, yes. Some believe that one's purpose in life is to one day be happy with Me in Heaven, but that's not an entire truth. I made you and your purpose to spend your living life to find what made you the happiest. Those that found something that made you a little happy or couldn't find anything at all, usually were missing something," God smiled and bluntly added, "Me. Those that did find something, something that made them truly happy, that, as some would say, â€Ëcompleted them' tend to not need me and," God sighed, "Choose Hell. Now that can go both ways; one could find happiness in hurting others, but still want to be with me. While that's their choice, and I will abide to it, they will find punishment, but I will be there to try and comfort them. I don't want to see anyone suffer, and I can ease a person or furson a bit while they suffer, but I cannot free him or her from the pain they built for themselves. Now a person can find something or someone," God paused again, looking Steve in the eye, "that they truly love without question, that makes everything else useless to them, and they don't need Me. In that case they can be happy with what or whoever that is, just not with me." By now Steve had figured out what this was about, what God was doing for him. He had a choice, and he wasn't sure what to do. "Now even more of you believe that once one is facing punishment, that is their fate for all eternity, whether or not I'm there to watch and be with them, but that isn't true. The most horrible beings that I created, that tried to undo everything I did, they all did these things in less than a hundred years. Even if their actions effect people for the rest of time; eternity? That's too long to punish someone. I will always forgive a person or furry if they are sorry, I made that promise to all. What decides the end of one punishment is if the victims of the punished, all of them, forgive him as well. If everyone learns that, in the end you all deserve to be happy, then a punishment isn't needed." "So even Mafeu doesn't suffer?" Steve asked, angered by the mere thought of the wolf. God shook his head, "He is suffering now, not everyone he has hurt has forgiven him, but one day he will, one day he will find what is needed to make him happy in eternity." "I don't like that," Steve commented and looked away, but he felt some more of the warmth slip away. "Why not?" God asked. "He took that happiness away from those that never found it, or came close to finding it. He killed Emily's sister in cold blood, after raping her no less! You mean to tell me one day he will be forgiven and will not have to suffer anymore?" "He forgave you Captain, and so did all those bodies you saw just before," God said, and the bodies returned. Steve felt uncomfortable now, seeing all of them, but was stunned by God's words. "That's why you get this choice now, without any penance, all of those have seen you, seen how good you were, and forgave you," God added, watching the man's reaction. Steve "fell" to the ground. He wept at the thought. He had killed thousands, all their bodies surrounding him. So many and they had all forgiven him, why? "Steve…" God said calmly and rubbed the man's back. "I forgive them all," Steve whimpered, feeling much self pity, "I forgive Mafeu, his son, my father and Catharine's father God! Please, just let me go where I'm supposed to go." "You still need to choose My son," God said, and lifted Steve up. The bodies disappeared and Steve was alone with God once again. "I know you're a blunt man, so I will won't lie to you; you need to choose between Me or Catharine your wife. Your choice determines where you belong, in Heaven or Hell," God said calmly and in a full voice. Steve felt a tear come to his eye. He was in the presence of his Creator, the One whom countless people and furries had died for or against, and this Being was telling Steve he had to choose to turn his back on Him, or turn his back on his wife, both things he couldn't bear to do. Taking a deep breath, which was more for reassurance, he actually felt no air rush in, and said carefully, "I can't choose, not between You or Cathy. Oh God…" he said, not addressing Him, "…What is Cathy going to do when she finds out I'm…" he trailed off. "That brings us to our next trip…" God whispered and held out His hand. Steve took it without question and the two moved down towards a planet, to house, and over Steve and Cathy's bed. Steve smiled at the sight of his wife and whipped a tear from his eye; to his surprise it didn't feel wet. God turned and smiled at Steve, "You have been a good and noble man. You cared for all and while you did bad things, you repented for them, you were forgiven for them and you forgave others. You raised a good family, you cared and loved them above all," God paused, letting that sink in and continued, "you helped others and made your government, My universe a better place on a significant level, and never lost sight of what meant the most to you, you never let it go to your head, and for that, I'm going to do something special for you." Steve looked up. "I'm going let you talk to your wife, right now, one last time. When she wakes up in the morning she won't remember the conversation, so keep that in mind when you speak, but you need her help and sadly I know that I cannot." Steve shook his head, "But if you know what I'm going to do, what's going to happen, what does that matter, why torture her for that moment and leave her like that in the morning. You want to help me, tell me what I'm going to do and let me get on with it." God chuckled, "I know what your going to do, but that doesn't mean I can just skip ahead to a point when it's â€Ëconvenient' for you. You need to make a choice, and you need help, and I'm giving you the gift of console, console from the one source you trust. I realize the concept is hard to understand, but believe me, it needs to be done. Even though I know your future, your future can still change, you still control it; I just know what you do to change it. Nothing is set in stone, I can't do anything to change it and I don't want to, that's why I made things work the way they do." The Captain sighed and whispered, "I still don't understand…" "You don't have to, its not yours, its Mine," God replied. Steve nodded and said in a very hushed voice, "Okay." As he said it he found himself in a dark room, with a single spotlight over him. God stood next to him with a shoulder on his arm. "How am I to talk to Cathy?" Steve asked, looking around. "Speak," God whispered, "She will hear you¦" *** "Hello Catharine," a voice said, it was calm and caring, yet she never heard it before but it was as if she had known it her entire life. Cathy sat up, as if propelled by a rocket and looked around. She wasn't in her room, she wasn't next to Steve, she wasn't anywhere. It was dark but she felt nothing. "Steve?" she called out, looking around. "Hi¦ hi Cathy¦" she heard Steve say, his voice breaking as if he was about to cry. "Honey where are you?" she yelled, upset and scared for him. "I'm here, with God…" he added, taking a deep breath. Cathy sighed, "A dream, thank God." "No need for thanks Catharine," the first voice said, in a slightly humorous tone, "this isn't a dream by the way." "Cathy I'm dead…" Steve whispered. *** "Why can't I see her?" Steve asked, turning to God. "It will make things harder for both of you…" God whispered. "I know, but I need to, one last time…" Steve said, his voice very finalizing. *** All of a sudden Cathy felt herself lift up and she was in a darker room, but she was in a single spotlight. Then, about eight feet away, another spotlight went on and Steve, and a Man, one she couldn't seem to see even though she looked right at Him, stood in the light. "Steve?" she said and took a step closer to him, but she didn't move anywhere. Not detoured she took another step, and another. A bit frantic she ran, but never came closer. She started crying and running as fast as she could but still came no closer to her husband. "Why do I have these nightmares!?" she yelled out. The Man walked over to her, the only one able traverse the distance between Steve and Cathy. He took her paw and she was calmed, filled with understanding. She heard every word that had been said between Steve and God, but she didn't understand any of it. "He needs your help again…" God said, only Cathy could hear it. She nodded and looked across the expanse between her and her husband, she said in a clear voice, however upset, "Steve…" "I love you Cathy…" he whispered, and he forced himself not to cry, he didn't want to lose his wife. "Don't cry Steve…" she replied, trying to stop herself from doing the same thing, "… go with God, I can't have you go to Hell because of me." "But I'll never see you again!" Steve said, breaking down for the first time in many years. "Why?" Cathy asked, looking at God, who nodded. God smiled sadly, "Remember your wedding day, I know you do Catharine. You swore to love and care for each other, till death do you part, well, he's dead…" "And I will be too soon enough…" she thought, not wanting to live without him. God held her paws tightly and whispered, "I know you won't, and I want to avoid that." Cathy would be more than willing to kill herself to be with Steve forever, but what God was telling her frightened her to her bones. Her tail hung sadly between her legs and her usually perky ears were pined closely to her head. "You can stay together," God continued, "but you'd both have to deal with never seeing Me, and for some that's to much. Because Steve has gone first, he has to choose for both of you. If he chooses to go to Heaven, so will you, but you won't be with each other in so many words. You'd be able to see each other, talk with each other, but not be with each other. Your love for each other as husband and wife would be taken away so that a love of Me will be the soul thing left. That is the purpose of Heaven." Cathy said, in as strong of voice and quiet so that God could only hear, "Can I do something so we both share the choice?" "Yes…" God whispered and the three were moved to a beach by a lake, the same beach where Steve and Cathy had made love and Cathy had been seeded to have their son. The sight made Steve and Cathy feel a little bit better, but they pined for each other. God moved the pair closer together, so that they were mere inches apart but they still couldn't touch. "This is the moment you have to choose Steve, and part of my gift to you will decide her fate as well," God said, and took both of Steve's hands, and both of Cathy's paws, and handed them to each other. Steve felt the warmth leave his body, but another one, a better one, replaced it instantly. God smiled at both of them, knowing from the beginning what was going to happen, "Now, if you choose Me, kiss your wife and you have to say good-bye, but if you choose her, place her paw over your heart. If you don't choose Me that leaves a hole in your heart, and you cannot move on with that, so it must be filled with something, which is what this has all be about, which is what decides if you go to Heaven or Hell; what fills your heart? Me or Catharine?" God stepped back and let the two stare at each other. "What will happen to me?" Cathy asked, but didn't look away from Steve. God made a throne appear and he sat upon it, "You can go with him now if that's what he chooses, but that means you will die obviously, without saying good-bye to your son. It's hard, I know, but this is a test of life and eternity. I gave Steve this chance to either take you with him and spend eternity with you or say good-bye and leave with Me." "How can there be a choice to this?" Cathy thought. "Some spend their whole lives thinking their in love," God answered, "only to die and find out they were filling that hole with what they can at the moment, but were waiting for Me. This choice has plagued many couples, some even taking what would be to you thousands of years to finally decide, but this has all happened in an instant, Steve only died a second ago." Steve wasn't sure what to do, he really wasn't. He could feel the warmth of Cathy's paws, the furry pads, the black fur that covered them. He looked up and saw her warm face, her somewhat bleached red fur, the nightgown she slept in, but he looked at God, his Creator and Master. What would happen if he chose Cathy and never got to meet God again, it would be forever. What if he Chose God and lost the love he felt for Cathy? "God," Steve began, of the few time he ever referred to his Creator like that, "If I choose her she dies and comes with me right, she dies?" "Yes," God answered. "And we stay with each other for all eternity?" Steve continued. "Yes," God repeated. "What do we do for all eternity?" Steve asked, still not sure what his decision would be. God sighed, "You can do whatever you want. Talk to anyone who is in Heaven or Hell, meet with them, do whatever you want, just you cant see Me, talk to Me, ask questions to Me, even through those that chose Me. Remember, if you come with Me you gain the understanding of the universe, concepts and knowledge you cant even imagine, but…" "I lose love for my wife…" Steve finished. "The love that she is your wife, instead you will just love her as a fellow being," God added, clarifying a fact. "And if I choose you Cathy stays alive but she'll go to Heaven too?" Steve asked, looking at both points of view. "Yes," God answered simply, knowing Cathy had been a very good and kind being, that few had ever held a grudge against her and she had, for all intensive purposes, never done any real wrongs to anyone. Steve took a deep breath, and looked back at Cathy, studying her again, for the last time like this. "Can I ask you a few questions?" Steve said, looking his beloved wife in the eye. She was crying softly now, worried terribly of what his decision would be, and she wasn't sure which one would be best either. She took a deep breath as well, but for her it actually allowed breath to enter her lungs, she was, indeed, still alive. "Go ahead Steve…" she whispered, not able to look away to hide her sadness. He sighed and asked her what to do, but she didn't hear it. Steve asked again, but no sound reached her. "You cannot ask her that, this is your choice and your choice alone," God said from his throne. "Damn it-" Steve muttered. "Careful what you wish for," God whispered, lighting Steve's mood. "Alright, Cathy, I love you, I have loved you since the moment I've saw you, I've loved you for the past forty-one years of our combined lives, but I can't ask you to make this decision and I cannot make one for you that will change your eternal life," Steve said, his heart heavy and empty for the moment. Cathy gasped, "Don't Steve…" "God," Steve continued, "Can I ask you a few questions?" "No problem My son," He answered calmly and lovingly. Steve took another deep breath, but a shorter one, starting to realize he didn't need to breath; "If I go with You now, and let Cathy go, what will happen to her when she does… die?" "She will come up to Heaven and live with Me as well," God answered. Steve shook his head, realize God was toying with him, "I meant will she have a choice like this too? Won't she get to choose between you and her love for me?" Cathy became excited at hearing that, he could let go of her now and she could pick him up later, so she could say good-bye to her friends and be back in mere hours. "I'm sorry Steve," God replied, shaking his head, "but if you come with me now and your love for each other will leave both of you." "So what will happen to her then?" Steve asked, looking back at the fox whose paws he held tightly. "She will wake up, not remembering this conversation. She will be sad, very sad at losing you," God went on, as if he was reading the future from a book, "She will bury you, and miss you terribly, but in time come to terms with your loss. Because one of you, you Steve, had given up love for the other, both of you lost that feeling, and you won't love each other that way. She will live somewhat happily with her friends and family, seeing your son and his wife, their children, even living long enough to see her great-grandchildren, and there will be many of them." Steve chuckled, thinking of his son and his wife. "Catharine will outlive most of her friends, including Emily and Sean," God continued, "and when she does die, it will be peacefully, alone in her bed at night the same way she lies there now. When she comes to Heaven, and don't worry she will, she will see you and all her friends, and be happy because of it, but the love for you as a husband and a soul mate will be gone, and she'll want to spend time in Heaven as part of My works. It's not because I want or am trying to take her from you, it's just how things are done." "But what if she doesn't want to lose me?" Steve asked, trying to stall as long as possible, a futile gesture to say the least. God sighed, "If you two really, truly share a bond, a perfect bond of love and trust, than you already know what she'd want, and you can make that kind of decision for her. Few ever claim life is fair, and I know for a fact that no one ever thought that decisions made after the end would be any more fair, but take comfort in knowing this is the last one, the last time you need to think of something so final. You've had a tough life, I won't deny you of that satisfaction, you've made decisions that have effect millions, and worse you knew that fact. I know the biggest decision you made was to save Catharine that day, which changed your life in a way you'll never know. I also know you won't believe me when I say this but that decision was more important, more effective and changing for you than this one will be." Steve heard God's words and thought for a long time. "What to do?" was the one question that ran through his mind. He chuckled softly, "Of all things I used to ask You for help in times like this, and now your standing right beside me God and I can't even ask You for advice." "Who said you couldn't ask Me?" God answered, His tone not changing. Steve almost, almost let go of Cathy's paws, at hearing God say that.  "Then what should I do God?" Steve asked, almost raising his voice. God whispered something but neither Steve nor Cathy heard it, but Steve felt his words. They didn't say to do anything, they just calmed and cleared his mind of everything. All the mental noise that had crossed over from life to death with him melted away, and all was left was the thoughts of this final decision. Cathy had remained pretty silent this entire time, deathly afraid of what might happen. She had waited long enough too. "God," she began, turning to look at Him, still not sure why she could see him but not see him, "Can I ask you a few questions? I may never get to ask them like this, feeling like this." "You won't remember my answer," God warned. "I want Steve to hear them," the fox added. God nodded and Cathy went on, "Well first of all, why can't I remember all this?" "Not part of my plan," God replied. "Part of your plan? What about my plan? What about how much I love my husband?" Cathy said, not really distinguishing that she was talking to God. He, in turn, replied, unoffended, "I hate to put it like this, but you do what I want you to do, because I want what's best for you. I already know his decision, and I know where that will leave you, and what will happen to each of you. I know what will happen no matter what he says, too." "Okay," she said, whipping a dry tear from her cheek, "One more." "No problem Catharine," God replied. "Well, if he lets me go, and I don't love him anymore, like a husband, then will I not love our son the same way? I love him because I love his father as well. Losing his father's love will lessen, a little, what I have for him. Every time I would see my son I would see his father, but if I don't love him anymore, how can I love Sean?" God smiled warming both of them, they were both coming closer and to terms with what was going to happen, "You would love him the same, as hard as that is to believe, because he is your son, and a mother's love is pure if she has it. You fed him with your milk, cared for him when he was sick, and cried at his wedding, that love doesn't disappear." "But I did all those things, sort of, for Steve, and you said I would lose my love for him?" Cathy added, actually believe she caught God in a loophole. "The love I spoke of, specifically, was that shared between soul-mates, that kind of love can't be changed by anyone, not even me, with a single exception to the mates themselves," God replied, finding it funny that He had to say the same thing so many times. All beings seemed to not understand Him when He said something once. Steve had figured out what to do while Cathy and God spoke. He wasn't sure if it was the smart move, or even if it was the right move, but it was what he was going to do and he locked it in his mind. "Cathy…" he murmured, his voice breaking a little under the pressure. Her attention was diverted from God instantly, looking Steve in his eyes, and she felt a bit worried by what she saw. "Cathy I love you, I really do, I always have and always will, no matter what He…" Steve paused, realizing how stupid that sounded, "…and I beg you; please, please, if this isn't what you want, forgive me, forgive me no matter what." "Steve don't…" she whispered, tears welling up in her eyes. He tail hung sadly between her legs and her snout puckered up tightly.. "Promise you'll forgive me if you don't like what I do, swear to me…" he said, trying so hard to not become as upset as she was. He gripped her paws tighter. For the first time in her life she hoped that Steve didn't kiss her, she wanted to touch his heart so much now and would have herself, but she couldn't move them, and she was trying very hard to as well. "I swear…" she managed, tears running down the fur on her cheeks. God watched the pair and smiled, He was glad for Steve's decision. "I love you Cathy…" he whispered and pulled himself closer, to which Cathy realized her fears, but she put out her lips and closed her eyes, accepting his decision and planning to at least enjoy their last kiss. A long moment passed, but she didn't feel his kiss, she didn't feel anything, she felt a cold sensation run through her body, then warmth go into her paws. She opened her eyes and saw Steve smiling at her, and the sound of the lake coming back into her ears, and she could feel the sand beneath her paws. She felt different too, she felt like she had when they had been at the real lake, she felt very young again. "Good-bye Steve…" she whispered but look down and saw her paw, which was placed firmly over his heart. "I chose you…" he whispered, and kissed her, this time it was more than welcomed. Cathy was dead and so was Steve, and both couldn't be happier. He had given up a chance to spend eternity with God, favoring his wife, just as God had known from the beginning. "Thank you…" he whispered, but he knew for the first time in his life, there was Someone out there who heard him. Cathy reached up and whipped her eyes and looked at her husband. He was young again, not much older than thirty. She to had changed; she was younger too, in her thirties or so as well. Their clothes were different too, he wore much more causal, soft clothing, and Cathy was wearing a nice bikini under a lace cover, which looked better now than it would have when she appeared sixty-three. "You look the same in my eyes…" Steve whispered warmly, "…your beauty never changed from the day I met you." Cathy's knees went weak and she fell into him, crying uncontrollably now. They were together; they were really together, forever for real. It was too much to think of now. He let them both fall to the sand and they landed like feathers. No grunt sounded from either of them, it was like the world molded around them. They laid there on the sand, Cathy and Steve upset and letting it out. The true magnitude of what had just happened still hadn't registered with either of them. *** "It's okay Sean¦" Sarah whispered to the fox, he sat there a bit distraught. "I know it is but I still miss them…" he whispered, feeling the rabbit rub his back. His parents had both died, mere seconds apart, and while everyone thought that it couldn't have happened any other way Sean still missed his father and mother. Lucy and Karl weren't fairing much better, nor were the twins, as was Sarah's parents. Sarah forced a smile and rested her head on Sean's shoulder, rubbing the fur on his neck, "They went together peacefully at night, I knew your mother really well, if she hadn't gone with him… I don't know what she would have done. They really, really loved each other." Sean nodded; he just wanted to say good-bye. "One day you'll see them again My son…" a voice whispered right in his ear. "Hmmm?" Sean replied. "I didn't say anything," Sarah answered. "Yes you did," Sean insisted. Thinking for a moment Sarah repeated, "I said they died together, in each others arms, they couldn't have gone more peacefully." Sean nodded again, feeling a bit better now. Sarah kissed the side of his face and they walked into the funeral parlor, kneeling down by the double caskets. *** They laid on that beach for so long. In reality it could have been seconds, it could have be thousands of thousands of years, but for them time was meaningless. They had eternity to spend with each other and now they needed to rest, Cathy felt more tired now than she ever had in life. On the plus side though, neither Cathy or Steve had felt this… healthy and strong in years, not counting the fact the fact they both looked younger, their minds still felt the experience of life, but wasn't burdened by age. All this "time" Cathy never removed her paw from over his heart; she probably couldn't if she wanted to. Steve's mind was a torrent of a mixture of worry, but no regret. The entire time before he enacted his decision he worried he would be taking something away from Cathy, he worried that he might be taking the chance for Cathy to spend time with God, but most of all, he was worried that his own desire to stay with her forever would make him look selfish in her eyes. "Steve…" she whispered, breaking the silence, "… thank you…" Steve sighed, feeling light headed, but not sick. The sensation was there, but he willed it away and away it went. "Steve?" she asked, not moving a micro-meter, "Steve are you okay?" "I'm okay Cathy…" he answered. "Thank you," she repeated. Steve felt complete contentness to just stay like this for eternity, he wanted that. He felt the cares of the world and of everything else leaving him; he just wanted to never let go of Cathy again. She could feel his worry and, slowly, kissed the side of his head. "You didn't take anything from me," she answered, to his thoughts. Steve smiled, "You can read my mind?" She coddled his leg, both beginning to wake up a bit, "I can feel your thoughts, like I don't hear them but I can feel them… it's hard to describe." "You don't have too, I know what you mean," he replied, feeling her thoughts as well. "Well you didn't take anything from me so don't worry, you gave me what I wanted from the moment I saw you, eternity with you free of worry," she whispered. Steve, with his hand still on her paw over his heart, drew himself closer and rested his face on the fur on her neck. "I'll never need to worry if you'll be there in the morning," she went on, "I'll never have to worry you'll cut yourself making something, I'll never have to worry about someone stealing you from me, and I know for sure that you'll never leave me." "I never would have left you in life and I sure as Hell…" he paused at the word for a moment, "sure as Hell won't leave you now." She huffed, "Jeeze and all this time I thought Hell was a bad thing, now I never want to leave." Steve smiled and nuzzled her body, "Me neither, and we don't have to." "Forever…" Cathy whispered, "I wonder what that's like?" "Time doesn't matter honey. Let's try something; what's something you always wanted to do, somewhere you wanted to go?" Steve asked, still lying next to her. She shrugged in the sand, not noticing not a grain moved. "There must be something…"Steve asked, but he didn't feel any thoughts coming from his soul-mate. Cathy thought for a moment but opened her eyes to see nothing changed. "Nothing?" Steve asked. "I thought of something, but I guess it doesn't work like that…" she answered, and forced herself to her feet, still not removing he paw from Steve's heart. They walked down the beach by the lake, their lake. He had brought them here on their twentieth anniversary and it looked even more beautiful now. "This is beautiful Steve, I've-I cant- I mean…" Cathy trailed off. "Nothing's more beautiful than you," Steve answered. "I didn't say anything," Cathy answered, but she had heard it too. It had been her voice, but not from her. "They're beautiful aren't they?" Cathy said, staring at the distant peaks. "Not as beautiful as you," Steve whispered, but not the Steve that held a fox with her paw clenched to his heart. Steve and Cathy turned to see, what they could barely believe was, Steve and Cathy. It was their past selves. "It came true, what I thought about!" Cathy said to Steve, as they looked at their past selves admire the mountains across the lake. "What was it you wanted to do?" Steve asked, looking at the two young lovers before him. She hugged him close and whispered, "I always wanted to see this again, what we did, if it really was as good as I remembered." They watch their past selves embrace in the water, then the past Steve picked up his furry lover and bring her back to the beach. They were both wearing the armor that Steve had fought hundreds of battles in, and they both removed it and continued embracing, then that Steve began rubbing his lover out. In watching this both Steve and Cathy, the ones that were observing, but had a similar reaction within themselves. They watch themselves make love on the beach, the perverted acts they did to each other, Cathy with some envy of her past self. They watched themselves go through their entire foray, and walk off. Once Steve walked over, and tried to touch the past Cathy's face, but his hand went right through her, causing his wife to laugh as he did. "So we're ghosts," Steve said, watching his past self walk off with Cathy in toe. "Well we're dead so it makes sense," Cathy replied. "I love you Cathy…" he whispered, feeling alone except for her. "I know, I love you too Steve," she whispered back. Taking a deep breath she whispered, "I was worried you were going to kiss me, I was deathly afraid you would." "You told me not to," Steve answered. "What were you going to do?" she asked, the question had been sitting with her, quietly though. "I was going kiss you, but not for myself, for you. Like I thought… said… whatever… like I said, I didn't want to take God from you unless that's what you wanted. How could I do that? I love you and you're my wife, how can I take anything from you? You said, â€ËSteve don't' and I didn't, I put your paw on my heart," he gestured to it which was still clutching his chest, tighter now, "If I had kissed you I wouldn't know what to do, I don't think I could have enjoyed Heaven anyway, not loving you like this, like you are my wife. I don't know, I wanted to choose you, and I'm more than happy that I did, and I probably would have, but I would have felt guilty taking you like that without you saying what you wanted. God said I couldn't ask you, but I guess he meant exactly that, I couldn't ask you, but you could still tell me what you wanted. It was still my choice, and I wanted to spend eternity with you, no problems or doubts, but I couldn't… wouldn't take something away from you if that's not what you wanted." "You doubted I loved you? Like that I mean?" she asked, listening carefully, her tail, which was now perfectly groomed, made circles behind her. "Not for a moment," he replied, honestly too, "but I…" he took a deep breath again, this time he felt something, not air but something enter his body, and the right words came to mind, "I didn't want to take something like God from you, I didn't want to kill you which, by the way, sorry, I kind-a killed my own wife." Cathy chuckled softly, and brought herself closer to her husband. "They say if you truly love someone you'd be willing to let them go, well, I love you more than I love God, and I was willing, if that's what was best for you, to give you to Him. But in the end I was saved, by you, you wanted me more than you wanted God, and for that, I thank you." Cathy smiled and took her hand from his heart and held him close, so close she felt like they were one, but she knew they were for real. They were filled with the same life now, because he had chosen her above all else. "Kiss me now," she whispered, looking him in the eye. Steve hesitated, even though he knew better, he still was worried that it might make her disappear. "It's okay, your mine now and I won't let you go," she added, still in a hushed voice. He smiled and kissed her. As he did the environment changed and when he removed his lips he looked back at her. She was in the white dress he had married her in, and they were in the great hall on Conakry, it was their wedding. "You sign yourself to me forever again…" she whispered, smiling a toothy smile. "Anything else you want to do?" Steve asked. She smiled deviously, feeling younger now, "I can think of three or four things." Steve grinned as well but whispered, "Can we do that? I mean… it's supposed to be there for to have kids and we can't do that so can we-" "We can try…" Cathy whispered and she lowered the lace veil that covered her body. Around them the environment changed once again, but this time neither of them knew where they were. It was a dark room, with a single light over a bed. It was draped in black leather covers and braces and chains hung from the ceiling. "Oh my¦" Cathy whispered. "What? Where are we Cathy?" Steve asked, a bit uncomfortable in the room. He turned to see the vixen, who looked no older than twenty now, maybe even eighteen, blushing enough that below her vibrant red fur-covered cheeks Steve could see her blushing and he smiled at the display. "This is someplace you were?" he asked, a bit taken back by the room. She shook her head quickly, "No!" "Then where did this place come from? I have an idea what… these are for," he gestured to the whips on the bed and felt a bit, strange, "and I know I've never seen anything like this before." The fox sighed and took Steve's hands, "One time I caught Sean and Sarah…" "And they did things like this?!" Steve almost yelled, finding that hard to believe. "Ya…" she said, a bit embarrassed, "I walked in on them, before they were married, I guess they got the idea from Karl and Lucy, they seemed like the type to enjoy this…" "Sadomasochism? Sean and Sarah! But… That's my boy?" Steve said, rolling his eyes, "But wait, why are we here?" "I kind-a fantasized once or twice about it…" Cathy said, her age changing again to about her mid thirties, about the same age she caught her son and Sarah, what a day that had been. Steve started laughing and hugged Cathy. "You want to try this?" he asked, looking at the stuff and rolling his eyes. "I think we're too old for that kind of thing Steve," she replied, realizing it was a weird thing to fantasize about. "Cathy, we've got eternity, just look at you know, you don't look old at all, you never did to me anyway…" he whispered and kissed her deeply. Cathy was so happy she kissed him deeper than she had ever done in life; maybe it was because they were sure of things now that she could do that. "There's one thing I want to do first," he whispered, barely removing his lips from hers. He pat her furry head and rolled his hands over her ears, "I want to go see Sean, what he's doing right now, if he's okay I mean." The fox smiled at pat his head, "You really are a great father, even in death," she chuckled. "Let me do it though…" he whispered, and thought carefully of his son and they both turned to find themselves in a funeral parlor. They turned around again and were met by, of all things, two simple boxes, coffins, side by side. "Together in death…" Steve whispered to Cathy, feeling strange for a moment. She squeezed him at the sight, also a bit… uncomfortable by the situation. "Where's Sean, I don't like this…" she whispered, not wanting to think of Steve or herself dead. They were in fact be dead, and of all things, in Hell, but Cathy felt alive, she felt more alive now than she had ever before. They turned again and saw Sean, looking pretty upset, standing at a podium, their coffins before him. "My parents were both two of the greatest soldiers in history," Sean began, Cathy clutched onto Steve's arm, not believing they were actually witnessing this, "My family has served in every single war of the Federation, and my father, who was a human, showed to those that doubt it was possible for a man to love a female of another species. My mother was equally great. She overcame odds that were against her, stayed strong, saved my father when he got into trouble, and he got into trouble a lot." The congregation chuckled softly and Cathy whipped a tear from her eye. They walked up and stood next to Sean and listened to him continue. "I know if they're watching now they're together and happy for it. They went they best way they could have, together and stayed as one. They will be missed by all, not just their family, but I'm sure millions of others in the Federation, lives saved by my father, lives made better by the charitable acts of my mother. I read a poem awhile back in school," the fox chuckled a little, although it was clearly forced, "I just think it fits well here:" > "And now I lay you down to sleep…

Your finally at rest.

My love for you I'll always keep;

You were the very best.

You gave me love for all those years,

A memory for each new day.

Then came the day of all my fears:

The day you passed away.

A part of me you took with you,

And I can't stand the pain.

But when this life on earth is thought,

I know we'll meet again." Sighing Sean continued, whipping a tear from his muzzle, "They really, truly made this universe a better place, and a bit of happiness has gone with them now that they are gone. I love you mom and dad, and I miss you terribly." Sean sighed and stepped down from the podium, pausing to look at the two caskets, and sat back down next to Sarah, who tried her best to comfort her husband. The fox was very sad, he was going to miss his parents all his life and would pray that he would meet them again, one day. Cathy and Steve walked up next to him, and Karl, who looked almost as upset, said a speech, but Steve knew he could come back one day and watch this again, even speak to Karl, he had a duty now for his son. "Can we? I mean can we make him feel a little bit better?" Cathy asked, looking at their son. Right now Sean look older than Cathy and Steve, he was in his forties, Cathy and Steve looked to be in their thirties, it was a strange thing for the both of them. Steve didn't answer, but he put out his hand and it went right into Sean's body, causing no effect on the fox. Cathy tried as well, but to Steve's surprise, rested on their son's shoulder. The fox shuttered and sat his head up. Cathy shot her hand back, surprised to say the least. Now Steve felt dejected, he wanted desperately to just pat his son once more. Cathy realized the sadness in Steve and rubbed his back. "I guess it's because I'm his mother…" she whispered, keeping her hands away from Sean. Steve lowered himself and wrapped his arms around Sean, but he felt him this time. Cathy removed her hands from Steve's back and Steve flew right through their son. "So that's how it works!" Steve chuckled. He stood up and Cathy rested her hands on Steve's back again, and this time Steve gave his son a full hug. The fox sat up strait, as if at attention. "I'm going to miss you boy¦" Steve muttered, and released his grip. Standing up he whipped a tear from his eye and turned back to Cathy. "Let's go somewhere¦" he whispered, "anywhere." Cathy kissed his cheek and thought of a nice happy place, somewhere she knew would cheer him up. She turned the pair and they were in a large, open room, with a huge extravagant bed and a roaring fireplace. Cathy changed herself so that she was the exact same way she looked on their wedding night and stepped back from him. "Lets try¦" she whispered, that same devious look in her eye that she got when she was about to do something great. "What about your fantasy?" Steve asked with interest, although he liked this idea too. "We have time, we can try that later," she said, and drew herself in, letting her perky breasts rub up against his body, a shock wave resonated through him, "I have a lot of fantasies too." "So lets do a few, easiest one first," he replied, licking her lips, he had the first move in breaking the new ice. She smiled, "Oh I'd be embarrassed now, we just got here-" "Want me to go first?" Steve asked, thinking of something. She nodded quickly, letting him lead off. She became excited instantly; this was going to be fun. The vixen looked up and saw that she was standing on a stage, alone, with a single metal bar in front of her and Steve was sitting alone at the end of the runway-like stage. Cathy wasn't stupid; she knew exactly what this was. "A stripper?! You want me to be a stripper?!" she yelled, embarrassed and surprised. Steve smiled broadly and nodded quickly. "Oh you're a dirty old man…" she whispered, and made herself were the least revealing clothing she could imagine, causing Steve to chuckle. Steve had been to strip clubs, not on his own interest and he wasn't that interested in the girls at them either, he always thought of his wife, but the concept stuck with him, and he often dreamt of Cathy doing a nice dance for him. Seeing him not let up Cathy smiled and changed her clothes to combat fatigues, but about four sizes to small, more than enough to get Steve going already. "Oh thank God I can still get hard…" Steve thought to himself, having worried about that a little, maybe they could have sex after death. Cathy smiled deviously and straddled the metal pole, spinning herself around it on her paws. She kneeled down, letting the pole run between her breasts and legs, which made Steve shift uncomfortably, his hard on trying to escape his pants. She smiled again and removed her fatigue top, revealing a very, very tight leather vest of sorts, which barely covered half of her breasts. She tore of her pants too, revealing and equally small leather bikini bottom, which almost made Steve jump of his seat and fuck her hard right then and there. She giggled at the look on his face and said, "Oh you really are liking this…" "I think you are too," he replied, realizing her blush was gone and she looked like she really was enjoying herself. Having watched one or two pornos herself, Cathy knew what to do and she straddled the pole backwards and leaned her head back, looking at him. She felt tingly down in her neither regions and let her long, elegant legs hang off the stage, and hopped down, making sure to land in a way that her tits bounced as she did. She walked over to him as seductively as possible and turned, rubbing the seat of her leather bikini bottom in his face. As a joke Steve tapped his foot rapidly on the carpeted floor, as if he was a horny rabbit, instead he was just a horny man. Cathy giggled seductively and turned, rubbing her leather crotch in his face instead, almost too much for him to handle. She saw his hands start to move and put herself just out of reach. "No touching the girls…" she whispered, barely able to say it without laughing. Steve put on a smug look, annoyed by her teasing. He growled at the fox as she mounted the stage once again, but was dead silent as she began unzipping her top. Cathy pulled down the zipper on the leather top, but shook herself side to side, letting it slip off gradually. When it came off Cathy could hear very well the sound of air escaping Steve's clenched lips; she knew she was doing well. The dimmed lights of the club cast a shadow on her, and realizing this Cathy stepped out into the light, letting her two perky tits come into full view. Her fur was back to its vibrant, fluffy, blood red self it had been in her twenties, she was twenty again. It was having more than the necessary effect on Steve and he shifted himself uncomfortably, resting his hands on his crotch, his hard on pitching a good-sized tent in his pants. Cathy turned around and put her tail up above her head. She bent over and slipped down the leather bikini bottom, now leaving her nude aside from her knee high leather boots. Her pussy lips were pink and vivacious, moist too, she swore she saw Steve lick his lips. She straddled the poll once again, letting it rest and separate both her tits and her pussy lips. The vixen propped herself and rode it up and down, slowly, letting her fur guide her over it. She was surprised when she felt… good having her pussy lips touched, realizing that she worked, her parts that is. The cold steel that was the poll had small streaks on it from where her pussy moved over it. She climbed up the poll, wrapping her tail around it, the white tip of dancing in small circles. Steve couldn't believe it, where did all this self-control come from? What on earth was he waiting for? He wanted to fuck her so bad right now, a feeling that he was very thankful to have. Cathy let herself down from the poll and laid down, on her back, letting her furry little head hang of the stage. Then, in a graceful move, she flipped over and landed on her paws on the floor, her back facing him no more than an inch from him. She slid her tail over her husband's face, looking over her shoulder with a sexy look in her eye. The vixen spun around and straddled his lap, letting her pussy lips be spread by his bulging pants. Her juices ran and covered the front of his pants, and she felt a flutter in her heart, she wanted to fuck him too. "You're really, really sexy you know? Maybe you picked the wrong job," Steve smiled broadly. Cathy smiled too and lowered her face, licking the base of his neck right to his lips, then stuck her tongue inside his mouth and kissed him deeply. He moved his hands carefully along her sides and brought her closer to him, to which he felt no objection. "I thought I can't touch you?" he whispered into her mouth. "Shows over," she replied, "now it's my turn," and she continued kissing him, but now Steve found himself in that same dark room on that leather bed with the chains, braces and such; a real BDSM den. When she had kissed him enough, for the moment, she unstraddled his lap and pulled back, showing she was again, to his dismay, clothed again, but barely this time. She wore a leather corset, similar leather panties, and a leather collar. "I knew you liked leather honey, but not this much," Steve chuckled, and realized he was now wearing similar clothes; leather chaps, and nothing else as far as pants went, a chest-less leather shirt, and a collar to match hers. He finally noticed that both of their collars had dog tags, their dog tags from the war, so they both looked like pets. "I take it you really looked into this huh?" Steve asked, inspecting his garments. Cathy giggled innocently, covering her snout with her paws. "Why didn't you ever ask me to try this before? I would have done it, this might even be fun…" he whispered, rubbing the leather bed cover, feeling himself be aroused a bit more than he would have expected. "So how much do you know?" Steve asked, not very familiar in the way this was to work. "A bit… a lot…" she answered and Steve rolled his head. "Oh Cathy… if you had an interest with this you could have shared it with me, I wouldn't have changed my opinion of you," he stood up and whispered. She smiled, but in a more impious way than normal, which was surprising, but enticing to Steve. "So what do we do?" he asked, playing with the collar around Cathy's neck, he was starting to like this admittedly, "This isn't going to hurt though right? I mean can we even get hurt?" "I-" Cathy wasn't sure. "We're supposed to be free of pain and suffering, so does that mean we can't be hurt?" Steve asked, although he knew Cathy couldn't answer, he just wanted to talk a little. The vixen slapped her thighs, she had no idea. Steve smiled thoughtfully, "Well there's one way to find out," and he thought up and produced a pistol, remarking to himself how much fun this was. He pointed the gun at his foot and fired without hesitation. Cathy yelped and jumped at him, expecting to have to cradle his body as he fell in pain. "Oh shit Steve why the fuck did you do that?!" she yelled out, holding his shoulders but no screaming came from him, no pained expression on his face, not even a tear or a winch. He shrugged his shoulders, "It didn't hurt," he pointed the gun again but Cathy put her paw below it, and Steve froze, even though it wouldn't do anything, he couldn't shoot his own wife. "But look at your foot and the hole through it?!" she yelled, grabbing and throwing the gun away, it disappeared as it left her paw. He shook his head rather nonchalant, "Doesn't hurt at all, look," he stamped the foot, but did leave a trail of blood. Steve thought hard and before their eyes, the wound disappeared and his foot was fine. He flexed it and it felt no different than it had before he shot it. "Well that answer that," Steve said, and Cathy made a "ha, ha, ha" gesture with her snout, she hadn't liked this experiment at all. "Sorry Cathy…" he whispered, realizing he scared her. She nodded and whispered, "I'm being the top…" "Hmm?" he asked, not fully hearing or understanding what she had said. "Nothing," she replied, smiling, "now that you've shown us we can't get hurt, you should have let me finish and say, I don't want to do anything that will hurt, not everything about BDSM is about pain." Steve shrugged, he was listening to whatever Cathy said, he had no idea about any of this except what he had already seen, it involved lots of leather and it made her look sexy as hell. "Well," Cathy began, "One of us is the Dominate, the other is the submissive. Then one of us is the top, the other is the bottom." "You can be the Dominate," Steve forwarded, thinking he was getting the idea of things, "I don't know what to do and it," he grinned, "appears you really were interested in this." Cathy smiled and her tail wagged slyly between her legs, a sign Steve knew to show that she was excited. "Okay, then that means," she continued, "here," she gestured to the bed, "lay down. You do what I say, but nothing to extreme." He did as she told and laid down, but he propped himself up on his elbows to watch her. She really looked great in the leather. "Now do you want to be the top or bottom?" she asked, a bit embarrassed but saw that he was staying strong and so she would too. "Like position?" he answered, not sure what that meant. Cathy chuckled and replied, "No; top does things for the bottom." "Top then," Steve answered without hesitation. The vixen felt a sensation go through her body; she was getting horny over this, it was a strange but long thought of dream come true. She walked over stopped, a few inches from his open legs, taking in the moment. "What was appealing about this Cathy? What's it all about?" Steve asked, looking at the red fox attentively. She smiled and answered, "It's about trust. The submissive's trust in the Dominate." "Ahhh," Steve smiled. It was totally clear to him now. One of the building blocks of their relationship was based on trust, her trust in him and him gaining her trust, so this was the likely choice for her to make in a sexual fetish. An odd one to his mind, but when she put it like that, it sounded nice. "Well you know I trust you Cathy, so lets go, what do you want to do?" Steve asked, pushing himself to the center of the leather bed. She got up on the bed, so many thoughts, perverted ones at that, running through her mind, but of all things, when she finally could do some of her deepest, strangest fantasies, she was so taken by how willing he was comply that she wanted to have normal, "vanilla" sex. Cathy told herself not to falter though and took each of his hands, kissing them as she did, and strapped them in the ties that appeared on the bed. She noticed that Steve tilted his head, unafraid but a bit… interested where this was going to go. The vixen pulled down and removed her leather panties, more of shorts actually, revealing an even smaller and tighter pair of real leather panties, with holes in the crotch and below her anus. She sat down, carefully though, on top of his head, putting her dripping pussy right over his lips. "Now eat me out Steve," she said in a full voice. Not much of a command, but he obeyed, and, with his hands tied to the bed, started eating out her pussy. She let more of her weight go onto his face and felt his mouth go deeper into her crotch, his lips between the folds of the leather tong she wore. "This isn't so bad," Steve thought, tasting his wife's luscious pussy. He felt more of her weight go down on his face and he went to bring his hands up to support her, but his arms were restricted, kept at his sides. He understood clearer now what this "trust" aspect was. "Don't stop Steve," she said as he let up to think for a moment. She was enjoying this but he couldn't tell, not from his position. She cradled her own breasts, even in the leather corset, and moaned; she loved how submissive he was acting. Testing his limits Cathy lowered herself even more, now all of her weight was on his face. Steve couldn't breath; more over he needed to and felt himself starting to asphyxiate, yet he knew he couldn't die, where would he go? Starting to feel pain in his lungs he went to pick her of, but alas, his remembered that his arms were still tied to the bed. "Cathy get off," he mumbled, but the fox was moaning too much, because he was indeed quite good at eating her out, and she didn't hear him. Starting to get a little frightened Steve bit down carefully, however not to lightly, on one of her pussy lips. His attempts were met with the opposite feeling and Cathy moaned harder, yelling out, "Oh you're a bad boy, aren't you? Do that again!" Steve's lungs were burning now and he could barely stay awake. "Comon Steve, bite my cunny again!" she yelled out and, of all this, pushed herself harder down on his face. He tried yelling out but the vibrations of his voice only made her hornier, so Steve did the one thing he knew would garter her attention, nothing. "Oh God Steve don't stop!" the vixen yelled out, but he remained still, trying to keep from passing out. "Oh I was almost there!" she yelled again, and unseated from his face. Steve breathed deep, and although he didn't feel any air enter his lungs, the motion of breathing was comforting. Seeing his red face and distressed look Cathy caught onto the situation. She realized what happened, but was confused how it happened. "Oh no… sorry Steve!" she cried out, hugging his tied down body. Steve tried to pet her head but he was still bound to the bed so he replied, "It's okay Cathy, I just couldn't breath really well, it started to hurt a bit too." "You shot yourself in the foot though? How could losing your breath hurt? I thought we didn't even need to breath?" Cathy whispered, still panting from what Steve had been doing. He shrugged into the bed, "Don't know how but it did." The fox undid her husband's bindings and freed his hands. She sighed and whispered as he flexed his wrists, "Sorry Steve, this is why I never proposed this in life." "Ohh, it wasn't bad Cathy, we just need to be a bit more careful that's all," Steve replied reassuringly. Cathy remembered and shot a paw to the side of her head, "Idiot! I forgot to set a safe word or something! Ohh, I'm so sorry Steve!" she yelled out and hugged him tightly. "And a safe word would have helped how?" Steve asked, smiling calmly. She tilted her head, "Well it doesn't have to be a word per say, it could be an action, like-" "Like me biting you?" Steve said, furrowing his brow. Cathy felt worse now, and pinned her ears back in shame. Not only had Steve figured out the concept of a safe word on his own, but also she had ignored it, going so far as to enjoy it. Steve saw her shamed expression and wrapped his arm around her shoulder and rested her head against his chest, the leather on both of them creaking over each other. "Hey, it's okay, I don't think anything bad can really happen anyway, I'm just not used to all this," he said, playing with her collar, he really thought she looked sexy with it on. Steve smiled and added slyly, "But one day I will." Cathy smiled back, giving him a sly look too and kissed him deeply, swirling her tongue around inside his mouth. They embraced for as long as they could before their equally aroused states tore them apart. Steve continued playing with her collar and she smiled, "You like that a lot don't you?" "Yes, it really looks great on you," he commented, nuzzling her face. She smiled and nuzzled him back. She liked wearing it too, it was like her wedding ring, but more impressive. Cathy looked at Steve's hand and for the first time realized he had his ring on. "You have your ring?" the fox asked, feeling it on his finger. "So do you," he answered, and gestured to her paw. Indeed she did. Cathy went to spin it but she couldn't. She tried to take it off but it was as if it was part of her. Steve watching this tried the same, but was met with the same results. They couldn't remove their rings no matter what they tried. Not that they particularly would want to, it was just another curious attraction of the afterlife. "He just has all sorts of surprises left behind for us, doesn't he?" Steve commented, wrapping an arm back around Cathy, stopping for a moment to flick her dog tags on the collar. She shrugged and leaned into him, "I guess, just look at the pain thing; you could shot yourself in the foot but you can still feel like your being choked." "Maybe it's self infliction?" Steve proposed, "Like I can't hurt myself but if I made a mistake it could hurt you?" Cathy shrugged again, "Maybe," and letting her dangerous side show for a moment, added, "Want to try it out?" "Like how?" Steve asked, scrutinizing his wife. Even in death he couldn't do anything to hurt her, but he wasn't particularly fond of being possibly hurt as well. "Well," she said standing up, "hold still." Steve had barely a moment to react but it was too late, Cathy's furry fist slammed into the base of his jaw. Not particularly hard, but enough that it would hurt. A bit surprised by what she did Steve shook his head and replied, "Didn't feel that Cathy." "Hmmm, that's strange…" Cathy whispered. She liked to figure things out, it was in her nature. When she had served in the Military she had been a good field-intelligence annalist, and whenever something happened Cathy was the first to try and figure out all angles. An idea coming to mind she thought for a moment and some wall straps appeared for hands and feet. "Here," she said, positioning herself between them, "put me in the braces." "Are you-" "Ya, this I know is fun…" she whispered back in a devious tone. Steve chuckled and stood up. He did as she wanted, stopping to kiss parts of her body as he bound her in the paw braces. Already pretty horny she moaned, "Now whip me…" "Cathy you can't be se-" he began to protest but Cathy interrupted with a pleasured moan. "You said I was in charge, so do it Steve." Bowing his head with a grin he whispered back, "Whatever you want mistress…" He took a moment and came up behind her, cradling a tit in one hand and rubbing her side with the other. He kissed and nibbled her neck, Cathy moaning quite contently. She liked being tied up, she liked being the submissive in truth. Steve produced a whip and, lightly, slapped the exposed fur on her back between her leather panties and corset. "Mmmm harder Steve…" she moaned, enjoying this a lot. He gave her a moderate whip, still not to hard, and she moaned even more, but it wasn't enough for her. The realization of a long time fantasy and, until of all things death, fetish, was letting Cathy's perverted and kinky side come out in full. "Hard Steve! Whip me hard!" she almost yelled, a feeling of her heart beating rapidly behind her breast. Steve came up close behind her, rubbing his body against her back. "Are you sure?" he whispered, reaching around with the whip and rubbing its handle up and down her body, causing her to stiffen against him. She nodded, now realizing he was getting into this too, "Yes, give me a good one!" Steve walked back and took a wind up but Cathy turned her head and said, "Not on the tail though." Now he hesitated, that meant she was nervous and Steve didn't want to do anything that Cathy didn't want, particularly if it was potentially painful too. "Comon Steve…" she said back, in the most sensual voice she could muster, she was getting nervous. Taking a breath he replied, "Okay Cathy," and he drew his arm back. He released the whip and it cracked across the vixen's backside with a loud bang. She yelped out loudly in obvious pain and Steve saw her legs and whole body give out and for a moment was suspended up by the bonds. "Cathy! Oh no I¦ I!" he yelled and undid her bonds, and brought her over to the bed. When he laid her down she instantly shot her paws to her back and rubbed it vigorously, an obvious mark could be seen despite her fur. "No, no Steve," she winched, "Like I said it takes getting used too, on both our parts, I know a bit about this stuff but I never did any of it. But hey, I think I got this pain thing figured out." Sitting her up and resting her now sore body against his Steve nodded, "Okay, what's the deal." He trusted her idea, knowing she wouldn't share it unless she was almost 100% sure. "Well," she began, pausing to rub her back, he listened a bit too well, "I think it matters to what kind of pain it is, not who inflicts it." Steve tilted his head the same way she did when she was confused. She giggled and explained, "I mean, it's like good-pain and bad-pain. The whipping and the…" she rolled her eyes in mild embarrassment, "…choking we're good pain, we wanted, to a degree of course, that pain. When you shot yourself in the foot or I punched you that was bad-pain, nothing really enjoyable there." "What you didn't like clobbering your husband?" Steve joked. Cathy put a paw to her lower jaw, "Your right, now how do we explain that?" Steve growled and yanked her over, throwing himself on top of her in the process. She yelped loudly, but in a playful way. He kissed her, holding her neck by her collar. She smiled a wide, toothy smile and kissed him deeply. She opened her snout and took his mouth in hers, glad that she had such a loving husband to spend forever with. "Now were going to try something I know we'll both like…" he whispered, a playful look in his eye this time. "Can we…" she trailed off, he was nodding already. It had been more than enough foreplay for now, they both wanted to see what having some good fucking will be like in this place. "So what are we going to do?" she whispered, breaking his trance, he was transfixed just looking at her for now, "Anything different you want me to wear?" "No!" he almost yelled, "I love this stuff already, just stand up." Cathy paused for a moment; catching on that it was possible he was planning something of her fantasy as well. "Are we still doing Top and Bottom?" she asked, standing up slowly. "Yep," he nodded, "but can we switch, not the top and bottom thing but the…" he rolled his hands. "Dominate and submissive? Ya of course," she replied, now getting excited, she liked it when he took point. He smiled and stood up too, "Alright, come back over here," he walked over to the bonds still hanging from the ceiling. The fox walked over, a bit hesitant only to make it more fun for both of them. Steve slowly, tantalizingly slow, tied her up again. To her surprise though he changed the way the were, she was standing on her feet but her back was arched back, at a large enough angle that she couldn't see her belly. She couldn't see it normally over her tits, but she wouldn't have caught it now no matter what. The vixen was getting hot and wet now; her pussy was dripping so much at his slow tying. "Ready for some fun?" he asked, flopping her tits out of the corset. "Mmmm fuck me Steve. Fuck me now¦" she said, more willing than she could believe given her position. Steve rounded behind her and kissed her, his head appearing upside down to her. It was a short kiss and he rounded her again. Cathy could feel the sensation of her heart beating rapidly and she felt Steve press his cock head against her pussy. She was tighter now, somehow, "a parting gift from God," Steve thought, and with some effort he inserted himself, locking hips with her. "Oh God Steve! Fuck! Fuck!" Cathy yelled out. The positioning, the element, and above all, the closeness she felt at the moment to Steve were all wreaking havoc with her sex. He laid his body on top of hers, her hind paws hovering about half an inch off the ground. "Are you loving this?" he asked, rocking his body against hers. She moaned happily. "You love me?" he asked, smiling broadly. She tried to hold his face with her paws but they were tied, which made her even hornier, "Oh yes Steve, I love you and now I can with you forever!" Steve kissed her and played with her collar. As he did his cock moved inside her and she moaned into his mouth. "Lets go, lets fuck Steve!" she pined. He nodded and drew himself to the tip from deep inside the fox. The position they were in, which was more like doggy style with Cathy facing up, was great, one of the best things they had ever tried. While in life they had both had a very physical relationship, it had never gone to levels like this, never bondage or mild BDSM, but they were loving it now. Steve continued thrusting in and out, enjoying the leverage that this position allotted. Cathy stopped moaning from his fucking, she had an idea, a thought of something, something she had wanted to do more than anything else in her entire life. "Wait Steve, hold on," the fox whispered, Steve stopping instantly. Breathing hard he whispered back, "What's wrong? Your arms don't hurt do they?" "No, no," she smiled, glad she had remembered this, "I remembered one thing I always wanted to do." "What?" he asked, changing them to be back at the bed, laying side by side. She kissed him and thought of the spot and the situation. "Remember this place?" she asked, gesturing to the room with her paw. Steve kissed her back, "Of course, this was my- our old room on the Endeavor." Cathy thought carefully, realizing what she was setting up was working, which surprised her immensely. "I want you to take me again," she whispered, very sensually, changing herself in every way to be the same as they had been that one day so long ago. Steve didn't quite get it but nonetheless held her in his arms, feeling her furry body against his. He walked her over to the bed and laid her on her back, laying down net to her as well. "Take me again, I always wanted to have that feeling again, that one moment where I signed myself to you, sexually and lovingly." He tilted his head, still not getting it. The vixen, wrapping her body around him said in a full voice, "I want you to take my virginity again, one last time, this time I can understand what it means to us." "We can do that?" Steve chuckled, but Cathy looked at him seriously. With a very surprised look in his eye, he felt inside, carefully, Cathy's pussy, and low and behold her hymen was intact. "Take me Steve…" she repeated, arching her back. Romance was in the air, it was a dream she had long thought of, that first moment when he took from her what had been, up until that moment, one of the dearest things to her, and given her what really mattered most, a wonderful husband. The man nodded and mounted the fox, laying on top of her in the same way he had the first time they made love. When his cockhead came to rest on the front of her now obscenely tight pussy lips he lowered his face to hers, Cathy meekly licking his lips. "Let me kiss you like I did, this will probably still hurt, it's a good pain I suppose," he whispered. Cathy smiled nervously and said in a sure voice, "It's a wonderful pain, the best, it means I'm yours. Take me and kiss me Steve." Steve entwined his lips against hers and their tongues danced around each other. Cathy felt like a virgin again. She felt awkward and nervous, the same way she had felt the first time with Steve. She could remember having sex many times with him, but it felt like dreams now, the vixen really believed this was to be her first time. Seeing that she was deep in thought for the moment, Steve trusted in and felt her scrunch down. He broke her remade hymen and she clenched onto him, wrapping her paws around his back. Steve sighed as he felt her voice vibrate into his mouth, she had yelped and he saw a small tear form in her eye. While he had began fucking her right then and there when he had done this with Cathy the first time, Steve laid on top of the vixen, not moving, just kissing her deeply and waiting for her to loosen up first. Cathy was actually glad that her husband did that for her, she hugged him tightly as the burning sensation lessened and she, after licking the inside of his mouth, removed her lips and looked at him longingly, yet happily. "Thank you Steve, I love you so much," she whispered, nuzzling his face softly. Her fur was perfect, just the way they both liked it, soft yet bouncy. Steve smiled and nuzzled her back, "I love you too Catharine." Cathy pulled back and smiled broadly, he only called her by her full name when he was being the most serious. "Thank you…" she repeated, and kissed him again, this time she rubbed her body against him beneath him. Steve rubbed her cheek, glad to see that the vixen coddled his hand as she always had. His hands ran down and over all parts of his wife's body, feeling her fur between his fingers. Kissing her softly he pat her legs, sides, up to her breasts. He gave one a soft squeeze and the fox purred happily into his mouth. "Enough foreplay," Cathy whispered, loosening her lips from his, "let see how this will work." Steve nodded and, giving her snout a quick kiss, pressed his younger and stronger body against hers, letting his cock rub on her moist insides. Cathy clutched onto Steve again, her mouth gaping in pleasure as he fucked her softly. Neither could ever figure out why, but the basic, simple position of going missionary was always the best. Steve loved to be able to kiss her on and off during sex and Cathy always wanted him to cum in her, and this positioning made it so she could feel his full blast, but most of all they liked seeing each other's face, and that in the last moments they could really clutch onto each other. He increased his rate a bit and Cathy moaned out loud, panting enough that her tongue hung out the side of her mouth. It was different, his movements felt… better somehow. On his side of the road, it was different as well, she felt tighter than ever before and her fur rolled over his body perfectly, cuddling him in her fur and his hot skin warmed both of them. "Oh Steve, I love you so much…" the vixen whispered, hugging her husband closely as he thrusted in and out of her tight pink pussy. His hips moved up and down as he continued fucking her. The army cot-style bed creaked and moaned as Cathy did, to the same rate as well. Being in this room, this place, the first place they made love in life and the first place they would make love for eternity made Cathy's heart leap for joy behind her breast and she felt the pressure of an orgasm beginning to sweep over her. The vixen wrapped her paws around the back of his head and kissed him deeply, trying to stave off her approaching climax, she wanted to cum at the same time as he did, she wanted that feeling to be the end of their first eternal fucking session. Steve's mind was going a mile a minute; this was different on so many levels. She always was tight and warm but this, this was something different all together. The vixen's tight pussy cuddled his cock the same way her fur did to his body. He put his legs around hers; feeling the fur all over her body cause soft smooth friction with his body which made him want to sink into her and fall asleep. "Steve I'm cumming, I'm cumming!" Cathy moaned out, licking his lips quickly, "Oh God please cum! Oh God please cum!" she added in a breathless voice. He really wasn't up to that, but he was used to this. Cathy almost always came before he did, or right at the same time, he pussy was just too sensitive to last to long without cumming. Steve figured he'd give her a full go and let her cum a few times first so he pressured where he knew her g-spot should be, and to his thanks her entire body quivered as he pressured it. "Go on Cathy¦" he said at a draw, he was starting to feel the strain but knew he would last much longer than she could. She looked at him in dismay and took a deep breath, "No, cum with me at the same time, the first time!" Steve gulped; he never really had tried to cum, the pair tended to let their fucking take them wherever it led and end when they were both satisfied, and Cathy would always acknowledge Steve was an especially caring husband when it came to that. Seeing that he clearly wasn't ready, but she still wanted to wait, Cathy did all she could in that situation. She removed one of her paws from the back of his head and reached down, massaging the base of his dick and balls as he fucked her. It worked, and she felt him going instinctively faster, but the pressure deep inside her was like water beating against a weak damn, and it really wanted to "cum" out. Between her massaging and the resulting increase of his fucking, Steve was there, and he reached back, grabbing her paw and placing it on his heart for the second time in what they were both calling now, their first day in paradise. Her pussy was so soft and warm, and so was the look in her eye and the feeling of her soft paws. Steve tried his best to keep fucking her in a way that was calm and easy, not overly powerful. "God your pussy feels so good Cathy!" he almost yelled out, nuzzling his partners face. Taking another deep breath to catch up she managed to reply, "Your cock feels unbelievable Steve! Cum in me! Cum in me!" He nodded and played with her tits, only making Cathy moan higher and longer. Steve took one in his mouth and rolled his tongue rapidly over her nipple, rubbing his face along the incredibly soft fur on her chest. She pat the back of his head, quieting for a moment to realize how happy she was. Her thoughts were interrupted by his cock going all the way in, Steve locking his hips and stopping for a moment with his lover. "What's wrong?" she asked, her breath catching back up with her. The pressure deep within her pussy subsided a bit, just a bit though. He smiled and kissed her softly, "I just like seeing you like this, just before you cum, you look the most anxious but happy." Cathy rolled her eyes and sighed, "Well I'm â€Ëanxious' cause I want you to fill me, I love that, you know that." Steve grinned and nuzzled her face. He knew that all to well, she always liked, always urged him to cum in her, and although they did that basically every time they had sex, they had only had one offspring, Sean. In the end it was just as well, and Steve was always more than happy to comply, he would do anything to see Cathy happy and content, in bed or out of it. The fox rocked her hips a little; she didn't wanted to cum and have him cum too. Steve coming out of his state of watching her rocked his hips as well, then began thrusting in and out, slowly still, of her soft cunny. The force that had started to slip away inside of Cathy came back almost instantly, and larger too. She almost came right there but she controlled herself, drawing on an ability she didn't even know she possessed. Her very sensitive pussy usually couldn't go this long without climaxing, which was a blessing usually, but now, when she wanted to be an easy, soft sided sex act, it was stressing her out so much. She moaned out loud, her high-pitched voice echoing off the metal walls of the room and it made her control her huge cum that was building. Steve pushed himself up on his hands above her, so that he could insert more of himself into her love folds. His hair and body was sweaty, and small drips feel onto Cathy's equally hot body. The smell from each of them was intoxicating and it only added to their equal urge to climax with one another. They had fucked a lot in life, that being a large understatement at best, but this was so different. She looked younger and felt younger, as did Steve, and they fucked more vigorously then they had in more recent day, yet just as lovingly as they always had. "Oh yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!" Cathy moaned out loud, her tail going ridged between her legs. As always it was her moaning, her enjoyment that pushed Steve over the edge. He felt his muscles tighten in his cock; he moved his hips faster and more fluidly. Not able to fuck her and support himself he let his body fall atop hers. She was so hot and soft; her fur was perfect, still perfect even from the fucking. He half-nuzzled her face, loving that he could still do this, would still do this, forever with her. Realizing he was there, the vixen let go the torrents of pleasure that were just waiting, urging to be released. Steve did the same literally at the same moment. The feeling overtook him immediately and he ceased his humping and Cathy added to the feeling by wrapping both her hind legs and paws around his back and neck. Cathy let out a silent scream of ecstasy, muzzle agape and her snout resting on his shoulder. She never came like this in life, neither had he. She could feel what she thought were gallons of both of their cums shooting out of their sexes and mixing deep inside her pussy. The sheets of the bed were drenched almost instantly with their cum, just like when they had just met and fucked in this room so many years ago. Both of them went ridged on each other, both moaning loudly into each other's shoulder, feeling their liquids blend inside her. He pumped her full, very full, and her cum only added to the feeling. Her pussy quivered and sucked on his dick, trying to take as much of his cum and cock inside her. After what felt like a long eternity, both the vixen and the man went limp on each other. Cathy's legs lowered to beneath his and Steve just cradled her head under his, but she managed to keep her paws wrapped around his neck. She felt, surprisingly enough, tired, but very, very content. Steve's mind mirrored hers and he brought his face right to hers. Feeling very tired, Cathy submissively licked his lips with her long tongue and nuzzled him very, very softly, not even using her face but her fur alone. "Thank you¦" she whispered and licked his lips again. Steve smiled and whispered back, "I love you Cathy, I don't know what I'd do if I could never hold you and love you like this again." "I love you too¦" she added, and at that he kissed her deeply. It was one of the best kisses he ever shared with her, possibly only second to the one they shared the day they were married or the first time he saw her after he was captured. Either way they both enjoyed it as much as they had fucking. Steve had to mentally force his lips of hers, which he did so with some great regret, but he wanted to look at her. It was one of his favorite moments during a session of sex and he knew this was a very important one. He looked her over; from the tip of her snout down to her still spread pussy lips with his cock still buried within her. Smiling he pat her body softly, rubbing her stomach and tits, so softly on the fur that it felt like wind caressing her mounds. Cathy, knowing precisely what he was doing smiled, she liked it when he admired her body like this. She looked down and looked herself over, giggling at how young she looked. The fox felt better, in so many ways too, and being young again was nice. She always dreamed of being young with him and this was exactly a dream come true. When his gaze returned to her face a few moments later he was unable to control himself and he kissed her again, just as deeply. Being that her paws never left his neck, Cathy played with his hair in her paws and felt his weight go into her, his warm body pressing against her soft and equally warm fur. "I love you so much Cathy," he said, stopping their kiss for a moment, "I can't tell you enough times how much I love you." She smiled and replied, "You don't have to say it even once for me to know that." Steve smiled broadly as well and continued kiss her, starting at her cheek and ultimately making his way back to her welcoming lips. Cathy was so happy that he bushy tail wagged up behind her head, fanning the pair as they embraced. Steve thought the covers up and it was so, and he reached underneath the fox, tilted her on her side and they coddled, quite contently to say the least. One last thing Steve managed to do was to cover himself and his wife, making a nice bed to stay with Cathy for as long as they could. "What now?" she asked quietly; nuzzling her husband's neck, not really interested in anything but she wanted to hear his voice. "Lets rest," he replied, although he wasn't sure if they could. Although she wasn't sure herself, Cathy cuddled closer to him, slipping one of her legs between his, caressing his body against her fur. Cathy giggled softly, placing her head under his, "I like this." "So do I," he nodded, stroking her calmly. They laid awake, embarrassed happily for a long, long time. This time, for those who were alive, an expediential amount of time pasted. For Cathy and Steve, time meant nothing. They were with each other for eternity, they could lie there for what would be preserved as millions of years, but it would be just one other thing to do. After awhile Steve started laughing abruptly, surprising the hell out of Cathy. "What's so funny?" she asked, looking up, feeling so warm she didn't ever want to leave his arms. He stiffened a laugh for a moment and smiled, "To think I always tried to avoid getting to this point, dieing I mean. This is¦" he trailed off, "¦ wonderful," he added, kissing her forehead softly. The vixen shrugged and kissed his cheek; "As long as I'm with you I don't care where I am, just as long as I can stay with you forever." Steve chuckled and moved his lips to hers, very, very glad he choose her over God. They kissed softly for a quick moment and went back to resting. Not sleeping, just resting. Of the two, Cathy was the most ready to sleep, and because she hadn't thought much on the matter, managed to slip into a small nap for a little while. It was a few minutes, so to speak, before Steve realized she was indeed asleep. It wasn't a big surprise to him, she had always managed to fall asleep before him, partly because she was able to quiet her mind a bit better than Steve, but mainly because she felt so comfortable when he held her in their sleep, and they almost always feel asleep in each other's arms. The few who were aware of that fact always said they seem to be like perpetually stuck in their teenage years, and Cathy would laugh and agree to that fact. Steve admired the fox for a moment; she looked cute as she slept. Her hind legs were wrapped around his, her paws clasped together resting on his chest and her muzzle facing down under his neck, a very endearing sight to Steve to say the least. She stirred a little and Steve replaced his head atop hers. He was used to falling asleep to the sound of her sleeping breath and the feeling of her chest rising and falling next to his. In a short time he was asleep as well, taking one last note that he really liked this room.


**A Wonderful Life** **Book 6: Guardian** **Chapter 1 Hallowed** Two Hours Later, Medical Bay, Federal Hospital at Fort Reynolds, Conakry, 1828 Military Time "Mrs. Reynolds!?" the artic fox, clad in a radiation suit, called out, "What...

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Little Us

**A Wonderful Life** **Book 5: Little Us** **Chapter 1 Suppose** Fifteen months later, Fort Reynolds, Conakry, 1549 Military Time Something could always be said for Sarah's tenacity and pure inability to give up a fight, but there...

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**Book 3: Memories** Alicia paused and thought about that for a moment. She wondered how good of an actor Andrew would have to be. Even though she'd only talked to him a few times, all in the context of business, she got the distinct feeling he...

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