Paternal Love: An Unexpected Christmas Present.

Story by FurryNation2013 on SoFurry

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Charles is a good father, with a well paying job, nice house and above all, a beautiful daughter, who he loves more then anything. Christmas break has just begun and Charles plans to show her just how much he loves her.

WARNING: This story contain hard core incest between a father red fox and his pre-teen daughter, and involves molestation, seduction and cum inflation. If these are not the kinds of subjects you are into, exit out of the story now.

Paternal Love:

An Unexpected Christmas Present.

It was close to 7:00 pm when Charles Carlyle finally arrived home. He has spent the long day at work filing papers and important documents, but luckily it was the eve of the holiday break and he was looking forward to spending his time way from work. He pulled into his driveway and removed himself from his vehicle. He was a fully grown, healthy male red fox, dressed in a finely made, casual dress cloths. His fur was a rich, bright orange.

Undoing the trunk with his keys, Charles went around and removed a small, neatly wrapped package. It was a square box with bright red wrapping paper and green ribbon. A card was attached to it with the words: "To my beautiful daughter Holly."

It was the beginning of the winter holiday and Charles had been planning something extra special for this year. Just him and his young daughter, Holly. Her mother had died when she was only two, and since then, Charles had been the only family she had known. He loved his daughter dearly. She was his entire world. Every day he would make her breakfast and pack her lunch, just before driving her to school and picking her up the fallowing after noon.

They did everything together. Ride bikes, work on her homework, go shopping, pick out cloths for her, watch television. They were inseparable. But today, Charles had been unable to pick her up from school. He had called the front office to tell her that she needed to ride the bus today because he had been held back at work. In truth, that was only half of the reason. The other was because he needed to run and do a quick bit of Christmas shopping for Holly.

With the brightly colored present in his hands, Charles approached the front door. Unlocking it he quietly stepped into the entry way. He could hear the television in the living room. He followed the noise and found Holly there, laying on her stomach in front of the television. She had removed her school cloths and now was wearing only a baggy T-shirt and a short, ash-gray skirt.

"Daddy's home," he chimed. Holly looked up with a joyful smile. "Hi daddy," she answered in her sweet youthful voice. Her large, fluffy tail swaying back and forth.

Hopping to her feet, she ran over to her father, giving him a warm, welcoming hug. She was a rather small individual, and even though she was over 11 years of age, her head only barley reached over his pelvis. Of course standing over 6ft didn't help with it either.

"How was school today sweet heart?" He asked kindly.

With wide eyes, she looked up at her father smiling warmly down at her. "School was ok," she said passively, "But I'm really glad it's over. Now I can spend more time with you, daddy."

Suddenly, she spotted the present her father had brought her. A bright shiny red box with her name on it. "Is that for me?" She asked with excitement.

"It sure is sweet heart," he replied. "I know it's not Christmas yet, but I wanted to get you something really special and I could wait to give it to you."

Holly took the box in her petite hands and looked it over. What could it be? Holly always loved presents from her Dad, he was always so great with buying her a new computer, a TV, Ipod and she wondered what else she could need. She looked at the card that was attached to the back - Victoria Secret, as it said on the cover. She couldn't imagine was it was. Maybe a new bra since she was coming of age?

"Why don't we go up to your room and we can open it together?" Charles suggested.

With that, Holly eagerly raced up the stairs to her room, with her father in hot pursuit. Hopping on her bed, Holly began to open the box with great vigor and as she tore through the tissue paper, she began to see a pair of white lace panties and a small lacey bra.

Removing the bra from the box, Holly held it up to get a better look, finding it to prettier then she first thought, but as she inspected the panties, a questionable look adorned her face.

"Why don't go to the bathroom and try them on?" her father suggested, "Then come back and show me, I want to see if they fit. Then after your done, I'll give you your second present."

"You got me another present?" She asked with glee.

"I sure did honey, and it's a big one. Now go run and change."

Obediently, Holly headed off to the bathroom, which was right across the hall from her bed room. The bra was comfortable and very nice, but the panties had a hole where her crotch was.

"Daddy," she called, "I think you need to take back the panties... there's a hole where my cunny is."

"Are you done changing sweetie?" He asked.

"Yes daddy, but the panties have a hole in them."

"Let me see, sweetie."

Putting her T-shirt back on, as it was a little chilly without it, Holly headed back into her room. As she stepped into the bathroom, she found her father lying on her bed. He had removed his business coat, setting it aside on a nearby chair and had unbuttoned his undershirt. "Come here sweetie, let daddy see."

Moving over to her bed, she hopped up and sat next to her father. "Why did you put your shirt back on? Is it chilly?" He asked with concern.

"Yeah, it's a bit cold, so I put it back on."

"That's ok," he said warmly, "Now, lets see this hole."

Holly stood next to him as he took his hand and put it on her tiny crotch. He opened her stance a little wider so he can see for himself the hole in the white laced undergarments. He eyed it intensely, a wide smile spreading across his muzzle.

After a few moments inspecting her neather regions, he looked up at his daughter, and while looking directly into her large, golden orbs, he said, "There suppose to be that way sweetie. So I can rub your cute, little cunny anytime I want."

In that instant, Holly's eyes shot wide open as she felt her father suddenly being to rub his figures against her virgin snatch, tracing around her clitoris and slowly massaging her untouched folds. Holly stood there stunned.

"It's okay sweetie, Daddy is going to make you feel really, really good, and your still my special little girl, but Daddy wants to play with you, and you need to play with Daddy."

Reaching back with his spare hand, Charles traced down the length of her back, coming to the base of her tail he clutched one of her cute, tiny ass cheeks.

Tears started to swell in Holly's eyes as her father touched her petite pussy and ass. Her Dad shouldn't be touching her this way she thought, she was his only daughter!

"Don't cry baby." He said in his nurturing voice, "Me and mommy used to play this game all the time, and now you and daddy are going to play it."

Holly could help but feel a warmth begin to build in her crotch as her father rubbed it back and forth. She let out a slight whimper as her tears began to stream down her cheeks, staining her bright orange fur.

She opened her eyes as she felt his hand wipe the tears away. "Now honey, it's time for you to open your other Christmas present." He said smiling fondly. He then grabbed her hand and placed it on his swelling crotch. Holly could feel his rather impressive package straining against his pants. It felt like it was about to explode out of them.

"Go on baby, open your present." He said. A slight tone of anxiousness peeking in his voice.

Hesitantly, Holly leaned over and undid her fathers belt, fallowed by the pants button, then zipper. She was surprised to find that he was wearing no underwear, so as she unzipped his pants, his massive member immediately erupted out to stand proud and tall before her in all its masculine glory. Over a foot and half long, the massive pulsating organ was about the length of her forearm. Canine in appearance and bright red, it sported a large knot at its hilt, protruding out from a sheath at the base of his loins, accompanied by two large testicles that where about twice the size of her clenched fist.

She could smell her fathers thick, potent musk radiating outward from the organ, causing her head to spin and the fire that was building in her crotch increase in strength.

"Do you like your present sweetie?" He asked.

"It's," she stammered, "It's so big!"

He sat up and kicked off his pants so they would fall to the floor as he told her to lay on her side.

Taking her hand in his, he placed it around his throbbing shaft. "Go on sweetie start rubbing Daddy's cock back and forth like this." He said as he began to guide her hand up and down.

As he guided her in her rhythmic stroking, Charles also placed another finger inside Holly's now trembling bitch-hood. The young vixen could help but feel an aching fire burn inside her as her father steadily fingered her, she moaned a little.

Bringing his muzzle down, Charles looked directly into his daughters eyes before closing the gap between them and planting a passionate kiss on her lips. Slowly, he snaked his large tongue inside of her muzzle, their saliva intertwining as their tongues danced together. After a moment, Charles broke away from the kiss, a long strand of saliva still connecting their lips.

"Daddy loves you so much sweet heart. Your going to be sleeping in Daddy's bed now. But remember this is our little secret, you can keep a secret right?" She nodded her head and took a breath "Relax sweetie, I'll go in slow and deep so I can pop that cherry of yours and make you Daddy's little girl."

He placed his hand on her pussy to rub it again to get more juices flowing. She felt the wonderful sensation coming back again. She started to breath heavily and move her hips again. "Aw, does daddy's sweet baby girl like that? My little girl loves that doesn't she." She couldn't lie and whispered "Yes Daddy, I love your fingers in my cunny."

"Oh, Daddy loves you so much Holly, and I want to show you how much I love you. I've been wanting this ever since I was your age. And maybe, if your especially good, Daddy will plant his seed in your tiny womb and we'll make a baby together. That's what daddies do when they really love their daughters."

"Really?" She asked naively.

"Yes sweetie. And if it's a boy, then he can fuck you too, just like Daddy, and if it's a girl, well then I'll fuck her too a make a baby with her. We'll be one big happy family."

He looked at her and kissed her on lips and started to work his tongue once again inside her mouth. Before she could open her mouth she felt a wonderful sensation. Charles was moving his hand up and down in her pussy. Her juices were starting to flow rapidly and her mouth went wide open as she gasp for air, but he only shoved his tongue further into her mouth.

The sensation Holly could feel as her father fingers worked in and out of her was indescribable. She had never felt like this before. It was almost like a fire had been set between her legs, an aching sensation that caused her to whimper with every caressing stroke of her fathers digits. She felt something building inside her. A sense of welling up. Something was about to happen!

"Da-daddy!" She cried, " D-daddy! Daaadddyyyy!" With that, a sudden wave of liquid erupted out of her, drenching her fathers hand in sticky, wet juices. She removed her hand from her fathers phallus, grabbing hold of his arm for support as she was about to collapse from the sensation.

"Aww, my baby had her first orgasm. How cute." He said. Charles then removed his digits from Holly's now dripping snatch and raised them to his muzzle. With longing eyes, he placed them in his mouth, eagerly drinking his daughters taste. Silky, sweet, a little sour, but with a lingering satisfying flavor, she tasted just like her mother.

"Lay down sweetie." He said lovingly. Holly then laid down on her back, resting her head upon a soft pillow. "No sweetie," said Charles, "Daddy wants you to lay at the end of the bed, with your head hanging off."

Holly looked at him with a confusion. "You've cummed already, now Daddy needs to cum. Can you help Daddy cum, sweetie?"

She nodden her head. "Good, now lay at the end of the bed."

Holly followed her fathers instructions. She positioned herself so that her head hung off the end of the bed as her father stood up and walked around.

Charles moved to where Holly had laid herself. Bringing his crotch mere inches away from her snout.

Holly laid there as she was now confronted by her fathers massive cock. The flared, dripping tip directly in front of her muzzle. Charles then bent over and placed his hands on either side of his daughters subtle form.

"Go on Holly, taste it." He said, "Take Daddies cock and place it in your mouth..."

She hestitated. It was so big, how could she possibly put THAT in her mouth. She looked up at him in concern.

"I know its big sweetie, but you'll be able to practice when ever you want."

With that, Holly opened her mouth as wide as she could, placing the enormous phallus in her maw, and began to suckle. Charles shuddered as he felt his precious daughter suckling at his throbbing member. The warmth of her muzzle, the tender way her virgin tongue lapped at his tip, it was almost unbearable. As Holly worked his shaft, Charles turned his attention to something that he had been wanting for years now... Holly's bitch-hood.

Bringing his muzzle down between her legs, Charles inhaled his subtle, young scent. He parted the hole in the white lace panties and brank in the glorious sight. It was so small and pink... he eyeballed it intensely as his mouth began to water as it glistened with the left over moisture from when she had first came.

He had to taste it first hand.

Gently, he slid the lacy undergarments down Holly's modest legs, completely exposing her beautiful, young nether. He noticed as Holly's now swelling pussy slightly witched as his hot breath caressed it.

Sticking his tongue out, Charles made a slight flic at his daughters petals, causing her to wince slightly. He then applied a longer stroke, letting his tongue drape across her snatch... she tasted so... delicious.

He continued to lap at his daughters petite cunny, saving the taste as it danced across his tongue. At the same time, Charles began to move his hips forward and back, sliding his massive shaft in and out of his daughters muzzle.

Charles was in complete ecstasy. He had is eleven year old daughter lying beneath him, half naked, with his cock half way down her throat and her ripe little pussy completely exposed and open to his tasted buds! Everything about this was so wrong... but it felt so right!

Just then, Holly began taste something warm and salty start to leak into her mouth. Charles started to moan, "Oh baby, Daddy likes that. Your such a g-good g-girl..." Charles stuttered. As the heated ecstasy washed over him, Charles forgot to concentrate on keeping his thrusts gentle and even, and started to make violent thrusts into Holly's throat.

Her eyes shot open as she felt her father pick up pace. Holly tried to cry out for him to stop, but only muffled grunts were what escaped. With every thrust, Charles sank ever deeper into his daughters esophagus, until finally his knot was pounding against her nose.

It took a bit of force, but eventually, Charles managed to stuff the entirety of his swollen cock down Holly's throat, knot and all. Holly gagged as she felt her esophagus and jaw begging stretched to their limits as her father brutally rutted her face. Tears run down her cheeks as the pain resonated throughout her muzzle and throat.

Suddenly, Holly felt something begin to happen. The warm and salty taste from before had returned, and was now beginning to grow in quantity. Charles then made a loud groan and at same time, the head of his cock erupted with a torrent of hot, white semen.

Holly's eyes rolled back as her father began to brutally unload himself into her, dumping loads upon loads of cum down Holly's clenching throat. "That's it baby, swallow it. Swallow it!" Charles grunted, "Come on sweetie, you can do it. Take every last drop!"

Holly could feel her stomach stretching to it limits as her father kept pumping more and more cum down her throat.

And out her nose.

After what seemed like an eternity, Charles finally stood up and pulled himself free of Holly's muzzle, and proceeded to spray her entire body.

By the time he was done, it felt like he had unloaded several gallons, more then even the average full grown vixen could handle. Dizzily, he stepped back and stretched, glad to have experienced such a wonderful orgasm. After a moment, he took in the reality of what had just happened. He had just orally fucked his only daughter, and ejaculated on her body as if she were a common prostitute...

Who knew it would feel so good?

Rolling on her side in sperm soaked sheets of her bed, Holly coughed up almost a pint of semen, letting it pool beneath her, with her tears mixing with the semen that coated her glossy red fur. While it was not intense enough to actually burn her skin, it felt like flaming animal fat had been poured all over her body.

"Oh my poor baby, I'm so sorry. I forgot we were only going to do the head..." His tone was sympathetic and nurturing. "But you did a wonderful job. Not using your teeth and swallowing all of Daddy's cum!?"

Holly took a deep breath and looked up at her father.

"Daddy is so proud of you..."

She breathed softly, "Y-you a-are?" She said meekly.

"Yes baby. But now that the appetizer is done with, we can move on to the main course..."

Charles then picked Holly up and drew her into a passionate kiss, his tongue once again invading her maw as she moaned. He removed her baggy t-shirt and pulled down a portion of her bra. Lightly twisting her cute little nipples, sending a wave of pleasure through her.

With his free hand, he snaked around to her tight buck cheeks and firmly squeezed the, tenderly massaging them with his palms. He then snaked his hand back around and began to rub her wet pussy to get more juices flowing.

Holly trembled as her father vigorously fondled her leaking folds. She let out a distressed moan and began to grind at his fingers. Charles noticed this and said, "Does my sweet baby girl want Daddy's cock inside of her pussy?"

She smiled at him and replied "Yes Daddy..."

"Yes Daddy what?" He teased. "Tell Daddy exactly what you want..."

Holly hesitated for a moment, but as she felt the fire in her crotch grow, she knew she couldn't deny it. With wide, pleading eyes, she looked up at her father.

"I-I... I want your big, thick cock in my tinny pussy!" She exclaimed, "I want you inside me! I want you to fuck me!"

Charles felt himself get hard again as he heard Holly say this. He looked at her with longing eyes and wide, devilish grin across his face, "Whatever my daughter wants, my daughter gets."

Climbing on the bed, Charles laid down on his back, propping his head back on Holly's pillow. His erection had been restored and stood there completely erect and eager. Holly felt her bitch-hood tremble and her mouth water as she gazed upon the massive organ.

He then picked Holly up and brought her in close. "I need you to straddle me sweetie, and I place your cute, little pussy on my cock, it'll hurt for a bit, but I promise it will only hurt once. Now spread your legs wide for Daddy."

As she opened her legs and straddled her daddy, he gently placed her over his cock. It was sticking straight up waiting for her tight pussy to slide over it.

"Oh, Daddy is going to do some nasty things to his little girl..."

He licked at her nipples and she felt arousal build. "Oh, I cant wait until your get bigger and your breast fully come in. And when your finally pregnant they'll get all swollen up with all that milk... I cant wait to taste it."

He then turned his attention to Holly's swollen abdomen. Placing a warm hand in the large bulge, he started to tenderly caress it. "Your bellies so big. Is that all from Daddy's cum?

She whimpered as she felt the head of his cock prod at her entrance. "Your just a little cum dumpster aren't you?"

She bit her lip.

Holly felt the tip of his cock on her crotch and Charles eased her down. She tensed as she felt her petals begin to part, "Relax sweetie," he said, "You need to relax to I can put it in. I promise it only hurts once."

Holly tried to relax as he set her down. She felt her Daddy's huge cock spreading her crotch; the juices from her previous orgasm made it easy for Charles cock to slip inside. The head was first to enter, and as her virgin cunny spread wider and wider, she began to feel a little pain. Charles eased her down some more, "That a good girl, Daddy's going to fuck you now and pop your sweet little cherry."

"Oh Holly, your so tight! I may just cum right here..." Just then, Charles tightened his grip around Holly's waist, and he proceeded to slam her down as far as he could on his cock. The pain ripped through the young vixen, her eyes swelling up with tears.


He lifted her up again, and slammed her down a few more times and said, "That's it honey, take it all in. Daddy's so proud of you sweetie."


Charles said nothing, he only continued with powerful thrusting, burying himself deep inside his daughters bitch-hood.

Suddenly, Holly gasped as she felt her fathers raging member reach some sort of barrier. Charles knew what had stopped it and became more excited than ever before.

"Get ready sweetie," he huffed, "Daddy's going to pop your cherry now!

In one single powerful thrust, Charles forced his massive cock all the way into her pussy, rupturing her hymen without any effort and driving so far into her that Holly cried out in agony.

"I'm sorry sweetie, Daddy can't help it. I know it hurts, just hold on, it will feel better in a moment..."

Charles continued to slam Holly down a few times as blood started to trickle down his shaft. Holly tried to regain her breath, placing her hands upon her fathers shoulders for support.

After a minuet or so, the pain began to subside, replaced by and indescribable feeling of pleasure. She moaned in response.

She called out "Daddy oh Daddy oh My...God... Daddy. Yes Daddy! Yes Daddy more! Oh, oh, oh, OOOOHHH DDDAAAAAADDDDDYYYYYYY!"

Both Charles and Holly's breath was becoming very ragged as their heated love making escalated.

"Fuck me hard Daddy, cum in my pussy! Please!" She begged him, her eyes full of love as he stopped to look up at his beautiful daughter. Charles' massive cock was half way into Holly's now stretched out pussy. His thick shaft was buried deep inside the young vixens guts, but Holly wanted more. She wanted his knot! She wanted it inside her, to have it stuffed into her soon to be wrecked pussy!

"Oh my god!" She cried, "Keep going Daddy! I need you deeper! I need your knot!"

Charles ears picked up as he heard this. "Oh fuck! Daddy loves it when his baby girl talks dirty like that! You want Daddy to get you pregnant?!"

Holly whimpered at the question. "Yes Daddy," she whimpered. "I want your baby!"

Charles picked up his pace, working up into a wild frenzy. He was so deep inside his daughters cunny. He pushed ever deeper with every thrust, until his meaty knot was slapping against her cunt. With a little force, he slowly stuffed the massive bulge into his daughters tinny bitch-hood.

Holly gasped as she felt her fathers knot enter her."YESSS! Oh Daddy your knots so tight in my pussy!"

Charles started suckling at Holly's nipples again, all the while maintaining his powerful thrusting. "So my baby likes her Daddy's cock inside her?" Holly didn't respond, all she could do was moan and watch her father as he sucked at her hardening nipples. She started to bounce harder on her father's cock and she could feel all her juices inside her making it easier for her to move up and down on him.

"YEESSS," she yelled "Ooohhhhhhh Daaaddddyyyyyy Ffuuuuuuuccckkk Meeeeeee Oh oh oh oh OH OOH OOOOOOHHHHHHH!"

She loved the way he felt inside of her, and now she was completely enthralled in their love making.

"Oh yeah, Daddy's pounding his little girl now!" he said as his cock was brutally ramming her twat "Oh yeah, that feels so good sweetie!"

Charles grabbed Holly tightly and she felt his cock get harder and bigger she he rolled her onto her back. Thrusting his hips wildly, he heard Holly moan loudly in pleasure as she bit her finger.

"UGHH... I... I... I... I'm cumming! I'M CUMMING DADDY!" She screamed.

"Go ahead baby.. ugh!.. cum... cum for Daddy!"

With that, Holly released her fluids in one single burst, coating her fathers dick in her silky nectar.

"Oh yeah! Daddy's going to fuck you real good! I'm going to cum in your pussy and fill you to the brim! I'm going to get you so pregnant! Maybe it will even be a girl? Then Daddy can do the same thing all over again with her... that's it! It will be your third Christmas present!"

"YES DADDY!" She screamed in reply, "Cum in my pussy! Give me your baby! Give me a daughter!"

Charles was in heaven. He had never felt so good before, he never wanted this to end.

Holly moaned and whimpered with every thrust of her father's cock, he was so big inside her, she loved it! Suddenly she began to feel his knot pulsate inside her, sending ripples of ecstasy through her. Charles heaved and huffed with every breath, letting out passionate moans here and there, "Oh Holly! Here it comes... I... I... I'm going to cum!"

She only moaned in response.

"UGHHH! I'M CUMMING!" He cried.

And cum he did! As his knot swelled inside of his daughters aching pussy, he began to erupt once again with a torrent of thick, hot semen; flooding her womb with what felt like gallons of the hot seed.

As Charles continued to blow his load inside Holly's now over-filled womb, she could feel her fathers knot swell to an incredible size. locking his huge, throbbing cock inside her stuffed pussy.

Holly could feel her fathers balls getting... Bigger... with each second that he was locked into her. His thick, hot cum flooded her womb, filling her to the point where she could take no more, with it eventually leaking out around the massive knot, and down her fathers swollen balls.

They were locked together for hours, but neither were complaining. His massive knot kept pulsating with each shot of cum, causing Holly to have orgasm after orgasm.

Finally he pulled out, laying next to his daughter exhaustion.

With heavy breaths, Charles placed his hand on his daughter's cum-filled stomach. She looked at him half-dazed. "Merry Christmas sweet heart. Did you like your gift?"

Holly said nothing, she only smiled and proceeded to lick some excess cum off her fingers. "I'll take that as a yes..."

Charles wrapped his arms around Holly and pulled her into a deep hug, "I love you baby," he said lovingly "I'm so proud of you for taking all of Daddy and letting me cum inside you."

He planted a kiss upon her forehead, "Your going to be sleeping in Daddy's bed now... and I have some new rules. One, you will not wear any clothing around the house unless I say you can, I want to see you body at all times. Two, I get to touch you wherever I want, whenever I want. And Three, when I say bend over, you bend over, understood?"

She nodded her head in response.

Holly curled up in her father's embrace, letting out a large yawn as he held her."I love you daddy..." she said as she drifted off to sleep.

"I love you to Holly... Merry Christmas."

Authors Note: Hello my little perverts. XD If your reading this, then you have probably read through the first chapter of Paternal Love. I hope you enjoyed it.

I've been working on this story for a very long time now, it's been bobbing around in my head for months, now that its finally up I am eager for feed back. I looking for thorough, in depth, critical analysis'.

So please, share your thoughts in the comments section bellow. I greatly appreciate all of your input.