Deep into the caves

Story by Shaon the Kozo on SoFurry

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#5 of Heart of a Trainer, Soul of a Pokémon

Zack licked his cracked lips as he sat behind a boulder in a dark den. A lamp sat next to him, the light flickering tiredly from his days of exploring. He had been cooped up like a spearrow in these caves for days, studying the mythical creatures that were held within.

His breath collected in front of him like powder, crumbling to pieces in the cold air, the hair of his body standing up on end in ill attempts to keep him warm. He occasionally shivered, but was too excited for it. Maybe this would be the night he found what he'd been looking for. He had spied the occasional ripple in the pool near the other craggy cave wall, swearing he spied a small head or tail. Often times, he was close to packing up his things, only to pause and reconsider. It had taken him hours to get down here, he had plenty of provisions. Just one more night, his mind kept chanting within his thoughts; just keep waiting, if you leave now you'll miss it. In the end his curiosity and lust to see won out over his rationale. It was why he was still curled behind a rock, stalactites glistening from the ceiling, rock jutting threateningly from all sides of the wall like a gaping maw ready to swallow him whole. Yet, he was no longer afraid of the damp cave, moist with cold air. After days of waiting, considering his sandwiches as he chewed them, he was no longer afraid of the snarling walls or grumbling stones that nibbled free of the behemoth walls holding them tight.

He squinted, his brown hair ragged from the climb, wait, and lack of bathing. His clothes were stained, and even his skin had scabs in a few places from the dangerous climb. They only throbbed with passion, telling him he came this far and could not give up now. Still, they could not rule out the ebbing desire in the man. Because of course, no matter how much a human wants something, they cannot wait forever. Stubborn as he was, he was not going to waste his life away in the darkness, eyes straining weakly through the darkness like a spinarak dangling from a tall tree by a mere thread. Like the spindly spider pokemon, he was going to catch the breeze sometime and disappear, catching the winds of change onto his next adventure.

It was dark, Zack didn't remember falling asleep, but he must have because the next thing he knew the faint sound of humming air reached his ears. The faint sound rang in his ears. He didn't know why, but it made him peak over the craggy rock that molded shapes and lines into his arms while he had dozed off. His eyes grew wide with the sights, what he had been waiting for in the dark caves had finally come. Exactly where he thought it would. Fumbling in the dark he grabbed his camera, focusing the lens, switching the sizes and zooming in and out, trying to find the best view of the wonderful sight.

Dragonites, dozens of them, all very quiet with the air of grace around them. He nearly drooled with excitement, but caught himself before he ran off into his fantasies, trying to focus on the sweet pictures he would take satisfaction in later. Each was a bold female, their gold bodies curved downward, scales glittering softly around their thighs and over their soft blue eyes. Some murred very faintly, their muzzles turning upward, the quivering antennae on their temples shivering almost as if they were freezing in a storm. Some rested quietly, leaning daintily over on all fours, exposing their cream undersides as they bent over to take a drink. Others huffed softly, running their delicate claws through their scales and along their blue filmed wings, the yellow fingers stretching out and grabbing hold of the calm air among them, buzzing with the low hum of their murmurs.

"Control yourself." He hissed to himself, trying to not focus on the more seductive part of the lovely dragonesses. Their sweet sexes were swollen with need, the pale belly scales rosy around their pink slits, almost dripping with heat. Zack swallowed against his beating heart, hammering up into his throat and causing his body to shiver. It was hard to take his eyes off the sweet flowers, budding with their succulent nectar. He had waited too long to lose control, he told himself, trying to force down the constricting feeling in his pants, building against the denim and making him ache.

Trying to fend off such thoughts, he grabbed his notebook while he flashed pictures, scribbling down with his shaking hand. The Dragonite mating season, a lovely event to behold. Not many would venture this deep; scrambling over boulders, crawling among the thorny ground of spiraling rocks, spelunking through the cavernous belly of the roaring mountain, just to witness the wonders of life. Or in Zack's case, see the dream of his life.

Already so ecstatic he could barely control himself, hand running down between his legs absentmindedly, kneading at the sensitive flesh between his thighs as he ached to touch one of them. Sweat ran from his brow onto his muddied shirt full of tears as he sat waiting. He could barely contain himself when he heard the murring bellow, like a bright call from the heavens above, from the farther end of the cavern. The darkness, lined by tendril-like rocky fangs, spat from its bowls the golden dragons, glistening slick with radiance. Their scales nearly shimmered as they lighted down by the females. Eagerly, the females swished their tails, wrapping them around their paws or wagging them softly in the air as the males descended.

Zack watched, his arousal nearly forgotten as he saw the mythical creatures embrace, dragons trotting to their lovers, lightening down into each other's arms as their necks crossed, playful nipping and nuzzling swarmed the cavern. Like angels, or knights clad in shining armor of scales, the males would tug delicately on their mate's hands, cooing softly to them as they opened their cobalt wings, stretching them in the dim lighting, urging their lovers to follow. One by one, Zack watched as the males courted the females, holding them and stroking their creamy bellies together like a bright flame flickering in the darkness; a flame of love. The females, escorted by the larger, eager males, took back off into the belly of the cave, no doubt there was an exit farther on the mountain where they would tie one another high above the lowly peasants on the ground, swimming in their own bliss of love in the sky.

A warmth in his heart, Zack stood, the embraces and blissful happiness already captured in his camera, though the images already nestled deep in his eyes, warming his weak limbs. It was time to get going before he ended up lost down here. Packing his things, and not at all unhappy about the short amount of time it took compared to his climb, he stuffed his notebook and camera into his bag next to the climbing picks and ropes. Quickly, he checked to make sure he had not forgotten anything, ready to leave until he heard a stuttering whimper of a cry. It made his heart ache, crumpling it tightly within his chest, his legs becoming weak. As quietly as he could, he peaked over the rock, seeing a lone female pacing, calling out in her mournful cry once more, her scales quivering along her thick form.

Zack, overcome with sadness for the lone dragonite, frowned at the sight. His shaking legs grew unsteady as he watched her circle the cavern, wings drooping along her golden back, tail swishing back and forth in dismay, her mouth parting with her despair and anguish.

Carefully, Zack stepped out. His caution had melted away, along with his heart, for the female's cries. "It's alright," he spoke softly, setting his bag down and stepping out. "Don't cry, girl." The blue eyes turned toward him, their sadness glistening as the female shifted on her hind legs, seeming ready to vanish alone behind the distant couples. "Don't run away, I won't hurt you." Stepping forward, he eventually came close enough to the female to stroke her scales. They were smooth, like water-churned pebbles along a stream. He ran his warm hands down her side, appraising the cool scales, feeling his insides flitter around in excitement, waiting to be let free like Butterfrees hatching from their cocoons. Though the hide was thick, he played his fingers over the sturdy sides, down until his hand strokes along the soft belly. "Beautiful..." he whispered, feeling his breath hitch as his hand stopped just above the swollen sex.

However, before he could pull away the female murred to him, her claw stroking the tightness in his pants. Zack stiffened slightly, letting out a heavy sigh as he felt the gentle caress through his jeans. Not one to dismiss a chance, he reached down, holding the paw. "Give me a moment, love." His voice was thick with renewed flames, his fumbling hands quickly undoing his zipper as he swiftly pulled them and his pants off as well. He couldn't seem to get his clothes off fast enough, almost becoming frustrated with his shirt and jacket as he pealed them off his body.

The female seemed to appraise his form for a moment, the curves of his body. He was not well toned, but attractive in his own way, his muscles not standing out too much against his soft curves and scruffy brown hair trailing down from beneath his belly button and cradling his sex. Gently, he reached his hand back to the yellow dragon, resting his palm on her engorged folds. He heard the rumbling gurgle from her mouth as he stroked the soft vent, feeling the sweet nectar cover his fingers as it dripped from her ripe flower. The warm flesh molded around his fingers as the dragonite leaned into him, her paws resting on his waist. The gentle claws tickled his skin, causing the heat in him to flare, looking up at the beautiful creature before him.

He leaned forward, his length half erect as nudged her to lay down. She obliged, spreading her legs for him to show him her soft stomach, her eyes alight with need. Not one to turn down a beautiful female, Zack crawled atop her, pressing his hips to hers. Her churring moan set him alight with need as he pressed himself gently into the golden creature below him. The needy female pulled him in, her paws embracing him as he rocked himself into her tight folds, spreading her around him, curling her scaly body to him as her warmth greeted him. Her hot breaths against his neck caused him to shiver as he ran his fingers along her smooth thighs, holding them as he kissed her nose, hilting himself into the soft depths, his body shivering with a half moan. The cold scales beneath his palms trembled as the dragonite murred, her toes curling in the air.

Zack thrusted forward again, the damp walls pulling his length in, squeezing his length. He rested his stomach against the warm scales, pulling his hips away before pushing farther into her, heating her wet insides, her paws gripping him as the two moaned. The folds enveloped his length the farther he pushed, resistance greeting him every push through the delicate insides, fluttering with heat against the shaft, holding it deep within through the pushes and flexing muscles. Parting his mouth again, Zack groaned out as the dragoness' lips met his own, her tongue circling around his. Her smooth arms molded around his warm body, both leaning into the other, pushes and moans passing between the two as Zack pressed himself as far as he could, picking up pace as his lips hungrily sought the female's, joining them together as his body shuddered in her embrace.

With each thrust, he felt her squirm more, her tongue rubbing against the roof of his mouth, his lips pressing deeper into hers, his hands running along her slick sides, dragging through the glassy scales, pushing him closer and closer to a climax as his stomach ran against the soft belly of the dragonite, coaxing his body as the slick opening rubbed at his balls, the tight flesh in her sweet folds clamping him so hard he almost doubled over in pleasure. Forcing a last few thrusts that paralleled her squirming bucks, he released his seed into her depths, overcome by the sudden fluid pouring over his length as she graced him with her beloved nectar, her claws holding him tight as she howled out, wings curling behind her as her wet insides dripped around him, holding fast to Zack's orgasm, drawing him farther out as he moaned, rubbing his hips into the female's, their mouths parting with a trail of shining saliva between the two.

Panting, Zack pushed his hips gently into the tight walls, his face hot, perspiration dripping off his brow as he gently rocked in and out of the female, drawing her into rumbling moans, arching her back up, pushing her sex upward into him and engulfing his length completely, his fingers raking across her sides. Her long tail wrapped around his torso, making him shiver as is flexed along him, running over his body and pulling him free only to thrust him back in again. Zack hissed softly with the feeling of slipping in and out of her lubricated sex, his arms wrapping around the tail as he pumped in and out of her, the moist juices dripping out and allowing him to bypass the constricting walls pulling him in place. Using the tail to steady himself, he began pushing harder into the female, her pulsing walls massaging his pushing length, nearing him to another release.

Never before had he felt something so good as he pushed harder, his body pushing against the arching female's, pressing him tightly against her before he felt the heat blossom from her insides, slicking her front and his legs. Before he could reach a second climax the dragonite pulled him free of her body, his slick shaft bobbing in the air as the fluids dripped down his crotch, drenching the hair and trickling down his legs onto the cave floor. The dragoness murred as she set him down, the rumbling purr resounding through her scaly throat as she pulled herself to her feet, tail swishing behind her.

Zack swayed on his feet, nearly falling over as he watched the dragoness spread her wings, smiling at him and planting a soft kiss on his head before she pushed down with a gust to get herself in the air, knocking Zack over as she took upward, circling around him once, her scales shimmering as she rolled through the darkness and vanished from sight into the depths of the cave.

Zack pulled himself to his feet, brushing himself off before grabbing his clothes and groaning softly. Watching his shaft begin to droop downward. It was fun while it last, he thought, as he went over to drop his stuff off. Using his arm, he wiped the sweat off his forehead before going to put on his clothes. He began to pull them on when he noticed how sticky they were. Pulling them back off, he grimaced, holding them away from him and walking over to the pool of water, dunking his clothes in and wrining them to hopefully get the fluids off.

He knelt down by it, flapping the water out of his shirt, going to grab his pants before a chill swept up his back. He looked behind him and frowned, sure he felt something cool just brush over him. Disregarding it, he went back to his things and went to stand until he felt pressure behind him.

Zack, in fright, dropped his clothes next to him, jerking away from the force before two thick arms circled him, holding him bent over. His eyes wide, Zack looked up into the face of a male dragonite, its eyes deep blue and watching him. His stomach settled as he felt it back up, holding him up. But as it walked with him, he became unsettled, struggling until the drake pushed Zack's stomach up against a boulder. Zack struggled, writhing and kicking as he tried to pull himself free from the dragon before he felt a thick force prod against his rear.

He froze, his throat clamping together, heart fluttering madly in his throat as he knew what was happening. He braced himself, closing his eyes and feeling the thing thrust against his rear, the large stomach pressing him tighter to the rock, trapping him. Zack's heart raced, his body shivered as he felt the tip reach its mark and the drake shift back, ready to thrust. He steeled himself against it, preparing for it and gripping the rock as tightly as he could.

"Oh gods!" He cried, the thick shaft pushing halfway into him, its length thick and firm in his rear. This was nothing compared to the toys he would hilt, this was a whole new level.

The drake, pleased with the cries, pushed his whole body into it, pressing up onto his tiptoes as he sank his shaft deep into Zack, the ribs running across his sensitive walls, spreading the cheeks as he roared, beginning to buck harder into the man beneath him, pausing to gain momentum through thrusts.

Zack, abandoning his feelings of fear, gripped the rock together with his nails, moaning out as the large length pressed in and out, the pressure in him hot and painful at first but lightening to ecstasy and delight that filled his entire being as he felt his own erection form, making him groan into the rock, claws pulling his rear farther up, allowing the dragonite to thrust faster into him.

He felt the pre spurt into him, the shaft arching in him rubbing against his sensitive spots, caressing his insides with dominance and lust, filling him with warmth and foreign pleasure as he cried out, the claws kneading at him before he begged for more. As if hearing his pleas, the large dragon held him fast, beginning to buck frantically in him, his tail flailing madly behind him as he hilted the man again and again, parting the cavity and pressing deeper than Zack had felt anything go before within him. His own length pressed into his chest, throbbing with need as the dragonite's feet lifted off the ground once in awhile with his frantic pushing, the tip beginning to arch more, drawing Zack's pale body closer.

A powerful thrust threw Zack over the edge as he gripped the rock, the cum freeing itself from his shaft, splattering against the rock and his chest at the merciless pushing into him that soon led to hard, solid thrusts. The dragonite was close, he knew, and it was only a matter of time before....

He had never moaned louder than now as the bubbling heat built up In him, shooting from the dragon's large head and into his bowels, making his whole body spasm with the pleasure of the heat slicking through him, covering his tight hole as the dragon thrusted a few more times, coating the stretched walls with his sticky seed before pushing himself free with a grunt and taking off into the air, leaving the tired man up against a rock, cum dripping from his rear and crotch.

Zack closed his eyes and groaned quietly to himself. "Talk about a hit and run..."He would have to make it a priority to go back here next year, he thought as his hazy mind drifted into sleep against the cool rock from exhaustion.