Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure, Fifty-sixth Entry

Story by Gideon Kalve Jarvis on SoFurry

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#57 of Pathfinding-CYOA

Another moment of truth is upon us. After a heated session with Kabula and Loshada, the centaur mare and her filly daughter, we go before the actaeon leadership, and the present Great Prince himself, Wauken. Now we see if they are willing to heed the call to battle.

Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure

Fifty-sixth Entry

By Gideon Kalve Jarvis

Vote Tallies

1) Who gets a campfire scene?

Hanaro - 2

Jonna - 2

Ryg - 2

* Imogen & Wisselfleur - 3

Hanaro - 2

Rael - 1

Kyte - 2

Shara - 2

Cassidy - 1

Lesage - 2

2) What to do with the bucks?

A - 2

B - 4

* C - 7 - Deliver the bucks personally, and get the actaeons to join our cause - 30% base chance of success - has hidden modifiers

Take them to the centaurs instead - 4

3) Who does the talking (if diplomacy wins out)?

* Jonna - 7

* Adel - 7

Imogen - 2

Lesage - 1

Skaeth - 2

Additional Votes

* Skaeth is up to something - 9

* Shara gangbanged (all-female and all-male both suggested) - 8

* Give Kyte to the Valkyries for taming - 1

* Rufus bottoms to Windtooth (his father, the Blue Feather alpha male) - 9

* More F/F scenes - 1

* More M/F scenes - 3

* More non-consensual scenes - 3

* Bring back Goro, the panda heavy - 2

* More smooth-skinned males - 2

* More Kyte scenes - 1

* Kyte/Rufus - 5

* Kyte/Skaeth - 4

* Pairing between Urtan and Jonna (long-term) - 2

* More Hanaro sex scenes (Rufus and Urtan primarily) - 8

* Imogen develops a spanking fetish - 3

* Fix Urtan's throat, let him talk - 11

* Reveal the Warlord's name - 2

* Don't reveal the Warlord's name (perhaps only if the Warlord is defeated) - 1

* Brief genderflipping for Rufus and/or Rael - 5

* Introduce a female character who's not into Rufus - 3

* NC scene for Rael (Rufus seeking revenge afterward likely) - 1

* Gryphon encounter - 1

* Warlord throws slaves to her feral pets - 1

* Romance scenes (Rufus/Adel most likely) - 2

* Bring the succubus imp back (she's in the summoning orb right now) - 1

* Skaeth/Jonna epic sex - 2

* Find a dragon and get it on our side - 1

* Have Rufus magically lose his knowledge of sex, and need retraining - 1

Vote Options in Progress

* Urta/Rael/Adel/Rufus scene; family dynamics in action

* The Steampunk Trio start work on sex toys...and use them on Spark!

* Shara and Padmini learning flesh magic and non-lethal skills (sex quite likely)

* Rufus/Urtan scene, where they finally go at it

* Share Calanon and Durion with the Valkyries (will take place at the Valkyrie city)

* Spark becoming a size queen/interested in Horse

* Lesage's gradual sexual corruption

* Dominate Skaeth: put the bull in his place

* Challenge Jutta to a contest of strength, and the loser submits to the winner

* Get the Valkyries to join the Blue Feather camp (may tie with the vote above)

Author Notes

Nothing like centaur sex to brighten up a lazy afternoon. Also, since both Adel and Jonna got an equal number of votes, I'll bow to the will of the reader, and have them work together on this one.

Pathfinding Fifty-sixth Entry

"Mooo-ther!" whined the sandy-haired filly, Loshada, the freckles on her cheeks almost obscured by the redness of her blush as she did her best to keep walking even while feeling Rufus' large, powerful paw resting on her petite equine flank. "This is sooo embarrassing!"

"Now dear," Kabula chided, the chestnut-haired centaur mare staying close to her daughter, her flank bushing against that of the younger female, her cheeks equally flushed, but in pure sexual anticipation rather than the cocktail of emotions Loshada was experiencing. "You know that you've got to have proper training in all our people's ways eventually. And besides," she glanced over her shoulder at Rufus, giving the grey-furred wolfen a wink, "it's better to have someone experienced for your first time."

"I don't see why I have to learn about mating at all," Loshada suddenly declared, coming to a stop just within view of the lake's shore, giving one of her dainty, almost deerlike hooves a stamp. "It's silly and stupid and nobody asked me if I wanted to do anything like this in the first pl...ah!"

Loshada's adorable expression was priceless, baby pink lips parted, hazel eyes wide, cheeks flushed so deeply they were almost glowing. The cause of this expression, of course, was Rufus' hand, his fingers soon making loud, wet squelching sounds as he started to finger the tight little filly's pubescent pink cunny.

"All right," growled the big wolfen alpha with a teasing grin. "How'd you like to learn all about how good your body can feel, Loshada?" He leaned in close over her body, making her shiver all over, human upper half and equine lower half at the same time, as his hot breath teased against her delicately-pointed ears and the back of her neck. "How'd you like to find out how good it feels to wake up the next morning, all sore and aching, but satisfied in ways you can't even imagine, your cunny aching and clenching with need for another cock - soon!"

"You...that...I..." stammered the petite filly, her legs already trembling, chest heaving as she fought to regain some measure of control - fought and lost. "This isn't..."

"C'mon, Adel, Rael - I think the little filly needs some extra persuasion," Rufus called to his lover and his daughter, both of whom approached eagerly, Rael's pink tongue dangling as she panted, her tail wagging rapidly above her perky bare bottom. "I don't think it'll take too much more persuasion, though."

Short as she was, Adel was at just the right height for her mouth to reach the teenaged centaurette's smooth, pink quim. Big paws squeezing and mauling Loshada's sleek equine flanks, making the youngster whine loudly, her hind legs trembling so badly she could hardly stay standing, Adel promptly pressed her short muzzle up against the centaur girl's tasty cunny, humming softly to herself as she suckled on Loshada's swollen little clitty, diddling it with her tongue until the filly was nearly screaming. Eager little pup that she was, Rael was right next to Adel a few heartbeats later, her smooth lupine tongue flicking and lashing in ways that Adel's more experienced mouth simply couldn't manage.

"Join them," said Jonna gently, patting Hanaro's back. The samurai teen blinked at the tall mino-babe in some surprise at this, before Jonna smiled kindly and explained herself. "Loshada needs someone to handle her breasts, poor thing - she simply doesn't know what else to do with herself right now. See how her hands keep clasping at the air? You need to show her what to do with them."

Nodding her understanding, her dutiful nature promptly taking hold once more, Hanaro swiftly stripped off the light shift and bloomers she'd been wearing, then stepped forward, meeting the surprised Loshada's lips with a kiss, her hands gently caressing and handling the younger female's pertly upthrust breasts. At first, Loshada struggled a little, making cute noises of surprise and protest against Hanaro's lips. Then, slowly, her eyes closed, and she began to kiss Hanaro back. The dark-haired Cho-Lin girl let her hands move to Loshada's, lifting them, moving them to her own more substantial breasts, showing the inexperienced filly how to properly caress another girl's naked body.

"She's ready," growled Rufus. "Guide me in."

Eyes widening, Loshada briefly struggled against Hanaro, only for the human teen to hold the filly until she calmed, much like she would a fractious horse. A flick of Adel's tongue over Loshada's clitoris was all it took to finish off the last of her fight, with Adel holding the centaurette's folds open wide, while Rael, panting and wide-eyed in her eagerness, gently guided her daddy's big wolfcock into place. There was a rough thrust and a whinny from Loshada, muffled against Hanaro's lips, and then the young centaur was moaning and squirming, her horse feet doing a sort of soft-step dance as the loud slapping of Rufus' hips against her sleek-furred bottom filled the air, along with his savage, primal grunts in her ear.

Crying out loudly, breaking her kiss with Hanaro, Loshada's forelegs folded under her, making her fall forward, her hind legs held up, stiff and straight, by Rufus' powerful grip on her smooth equine buns. Hanaro knelt with Loshada, and soon began kissing her again, even as Adel and Rael eagerly closed their mouths over the centaur girl's perky, puffy nipples, suckling greedily. Though fairly human-shaped, Loshada's cunny was equine in one important feature: her clitoris was set more into the channel of her vagina, which meant that every one of Rufus' swift, savage thrusts rasped his thick cock's underside right over Loshada's throbbing lovebud. With that kind of stimulation, it was hardly any wonder when the sandy little filly wailed loudly, her whole body convulsing as she shuddered through a powerful, squirting orgasm, drenching the fur of Rufus' inner thighs. Cruel and dominant alpha that he was, Rufus showed poor Loshada no mercy, and instead picked up even more speed, riding her right through her first orgasm, thrusting almost straight down into her, forcing three more out of the trembling teen before his teeth curled back in a wicked snarl, and came, hard. The splash of Rufus' thick wolfcum against the gates of her womb made Loshada's inner walls convulse, her lithe, nubile body writhing as Hanaro, Rael, and Adel kissed and suckled on her delicate, freckled skin and heavily-puffy nipples.

Not far off, Kabula was shuddering as Jonna's large, strong hands handled the mare's full breasts with gentle skill. Both had their eyes on Urtan as the broad-shouldered gnoll approached, and especially on the attractive, naked bottom of the male slung over one of those broad, spotty-furred shoulders. Slinging Erlend to the ground on his knees, then putting a heavy hand on one of the wickedly-handsome buck's antlers to make sure he stayed there, Urtan gave the two females a nod of acknowledgement, making it clear that they were allowed to do as they pleased. He didn't make any indications toward the prominent, thick brown erection standing out from between his legs, which throbbed at the sights, sounds, and smells of Loshada's first sexual experience with a male, but that didn't mean that either Jonna or Kabula missed it by any means.

"It's only right," began Jonna, indicating Erlend, "that this buck be made to make up for his crime. Since he tried to steal pleasure from you and your daughter, I think it only right that he be forced to give it instead. Don't you agree?"

"Mmm, yes," agreed Kabula eagerly, taking a few steps toward the kneeling buck, and then turning to face Jonna, her chestnut-furred haunches thrust toward the kneeling male's muzzle. "But what did you have in mind?"

Giving Urtan a nod, Jonna smiled, stepping up to press her own not-insignificant cleavage against Kabula's, the feel of soft, well-groomed black fur stroking against smooth, pale skin not at all unpleasant to either of them. As black cherry nipples dueled with ink-black ones, Urtan roughly gripped Erlend's antler a little harder.

"Wait!" exclaimed the buck in indignation. "Don't I get any say in this? This isn't fair!"

"Neither is rape, dear," answered Kabula with a teasing flick of her tail as she glanced over her shoulder. "Now be a dear and show how sorry you are for being a bad boy." Then she smirked. "Heh, a 'deer.'"

Erlend started to open his mouth, anger registering on his face, and surely about to be given voice, but Urtan put a preemptive stop to any words the buck might have regretted later by shoving his muzzle quite roughly, and quite literally, right into Kabula's quim.

"Oooh!" squealed the mare happily as Urtan started thrusting Erlend's muzzle back and forth, using the buck's antlers as perfect handles, sawing it cruelly within the older centaurette's sex and making it quite impossible for Erlend to catch a breath. "Oh my! That feels gooood!"

"Good boy," murmured Jonna as she bent to cup each of Kabula's breasts, then suckled on them, one by one, carefully and thoroughly working her muzzle over each plump, beautiful mammary until they glistened with her saliva, seeming to ignore Erlend's desperate, muffled noises as his muzzle was used like a dildo. "There might be hope for you yet."

"That's good, all right," Kabula moaned after a few minutes of Erlend's forced oral efforts, before she took a short step forward, allowing the buck to gasp in desperate lungfuls of air, his head swimming, nearly at the point of blacking out. "But I really need something more...substantial."

Her eyes turned, caressing Urtan's body, and especially his penis, almost as effectively as her hands, before she swished her long, beautiful tail seductively, giving Urtan a beckoning roll of her shoulder. Getting the hint almost immediately, Urtan stepped forward, rampant shaft bobbing, and wasted no time mounting Kabula from the rear, making her cry out in orgasmic joy almost on his first thrust right to the hilt, for she'd already been so close to the edge from Erlend's efforts. Smirking as she watched the ripples along Kabula's sleek chestnut-furred rump as Urtan slapped his hips against her with a rapid, brutal pace, instinctively sensing that the mare didn't want anything slow or gentle at that moment, Jonna turned her eyes to the buck still on his knees.

"Your punishment isn't over yet, Erlend," she said, using his name like a word of power, making the buck look up, his expression frightened despite all his efforts to hide his true feelings behind a mask of defiance. "Show how sorry you are, and I'll give you a reward."

Realizing what was about to happen, Erlend managed to take in a few long, deep breaths before Jonna seized his antlers and shoved his muzzle firmly against her cunny. Closing his eyes, his ears filled with the sounds of Kabula's cries of orgasmic joy, mingling now with Jonna's own moans of pleasure, Erlend did his best to ignore the erection all those sounds and sights and smells were causing him, and just focused on working his muzzle. He'd had a few flings with does in the past, and knew how to work his lips and tongue with more than an amateur's skill, though Erlend wasn't an oral sex expert by any means. As he worked, however, Jonna's juices flowing freely onto his tongue, he heard her gentle voice in his ears, guiding and instructing him, helping him to improve his technique. His mind buzzing with so many emotions and sensations right then, Erlend couldn't gather enough of his thoughts together to resist the advice and commands of the powerful, beautiful she-minotaur as she guided his muzzle as she pleased.

"Good boy," cooed Jonna, her body starting to tense as she rose up on her hooftips, her juices growing more copious on Erlend's tongue. "Goood boy...ngh!" Her rump clenched, and she nearly choked the buck as she forced his muzzle _hard_against the cleft between her powerfully-muscled thighs. "Mmm," she sighed in satisfaction as she let Erlend's head free, leaving him swaying on his knees, gasping for breath, "you deserve that reward, all right; you were a very good slaveboy."

If he'd had much energy left, Erlend would probably have protested being anybody's slave. As it was, all he could do was watch, wide-eyed, as Jonna deftly pressed his throbbing erection against his trim tummy with one skillful hoof. Using the pastern and fetlock of her foot, Jonna started to rub Erlend's pink penis up and down, using his stomach as the backing to allow her to get plenty of friction. His own rump swiftly tensing, the instinctive arousal he'd been enduring too much for the buck to bear for long, Erlend gave a soft, slightly choked cry as he swiftly and easily went over his peak, his whole body shuddering for several long moments as Jonna milked out his orgasm, making a milky mess of Erlend's chest and stomach and even the underside of his chin.

"I hope your elders let us keep you," said Jonna with a giggle, glancing around as Urtan came inside of Kabula with a rasping grunt, pulling out at the last moment to squirt his hyenacream over her equine lower back and rump, only a short while after Rufus filled up Loshada with his heft load of virile wolfcum. "You've got a lot of potential."


That scene had been slightly less than three days ago. A little more than two days ago, Rufus' party had been discovered by tribal scouts of the actaeons. Needless to say, they were more than a little troubled by the presence of a wolfen on their land, and swiftly sent outrunners to intercept the adventurers and their cervine captives in tow. After some explanations and a few close calls, the outrunners had finally consented, rather than trying to attack the party or to take them prisoner, to allow them to accompany the outrunners back to the tribal center of the actaeons. There, they would be allowed to present their case, and await the judgment of the Council of Stags, the Doewives, and the final ruling of the Great Prince himself.

Rufus walked confidently into the ancient henge where the leaders of the actaeon met. Behind him walked Adel and Jonna, followed shortly afterward by Kabula, and then trailed behind by the nine bucks he'd taken captive in the wilderness. Of the bucks, only Erlend had his head held high, his expression one of defiance despite the leather collar around his neck, marking him as a slave.

At the apex of the gathered actaeon leaders, seated on an intricately-carved wooden throne settled firmly atop a wide, ancient stone, was the Great Prince himself, Wauken. Wauken was surprisingly young for the position he held, a tall and slender-hipped stag whose keen mind and canny judgment was well-known even among the wolfen. He regarded Rufus with a solemn expression, his muzzle slightly broader than the typical whitetail-breed actaeon that he most resembled. He was almost naked, as was typical of most of the actaeons on this formal occasion, his beautiful, muscular body covered only by a simple purple sash to mark his office, a garland made from daphne leaves and flowers wreathed about his head.

Waiting until Wauken motioned slightly with his head, granting Rufus permission to present his case, rather than stepping forward himself, Rufus motioned with his head toward both Adel and Jonna, then stepped back, letting them take center stage.

"Great Prince and noble leaders of the actaeon people," Adel began, addressing the assemblage with all the formality that only a true princess of the blood could muster. "We are here not just to discuss the fate of some of your bachelor bucks. That is a minor matter compared to the greater issue at hand. But first, we shall explain the state of affairs as they stand, and allow you to judge them, and us, so that it may be cleared from our minds, and allow us to face the far more pressing issue."

Adel's mention of a more pressing issue obviously piqued the curiosity of the stags and does surrounding the supplicants in a semicircle. That curiosity, however, had to wait, as Adel handed the floor to Jonna, letting the she-minotaur paladin present the facts as they had occurred, aided by Kabula, and also by Wicker, with the other bucks, all except Erlend, acknowledging the truth of everything that happened. Erlend, for his part, stayed silent, his expression proud and unbending, as though daring the assembled leaders of the actaeons to side with a miserable, much-hated wolfen and his ragtag band of misfits rather than their own flesh and blood, their own bachelor sons.

"You have heard what took place," said Adel finally, stepping forward once more. "You know that Jonna, as a paladin, cannot lie under her oaths of honesty. Your own sons have attested to the facts as they occurred, and even Kabula, mare of the woodland centaurs, has given her testimony. We leave judgment now to your capable hands. We trust you will make the right decision. But before we depart, we also must tell you of the more pressing matter, now that we have laid out the present situation to the best of our ability. Even here, in the Far North, the tales of the Warlord have been heard. The Warlord lays waste and despoils the lands to the south, and though those events seemed distant, they have touched at our very doors, as Jonna will attest."

Jonna did indeed attest, recounting the events at Belthin's tower, and the gathered hordes of barbarians still active and waiting to be called into the Warlord's service.

"This issue is pressing," Adel continued, picking up where Jonna left off. "There is no time for bickering or unfriendliness between the races of the Far North. If we are to stop the scourge of the Warlord, we must all work together. I call to you, the leaders of the actaeon, to reach out to your wolfen brothers and sisters, the same way that they are willing to reach out to you. Without you, the wolfen will be hard-pressed, and victory is anything but certain. With you, we can surely win this conflict. Thank you."

Bowing with all the courtly dignity of her upbringing, Adel waited for Wauken to make a polite, dismissive motion with his hand, and then walked from the henge, Rufus, Jonna, and Kabula trailing behind her, leaving the bachelor bucks behind under the watchful eyes of their elders - including their parents in many cases. Several hours passed, during which time Rufus rubbed his small mate's back, nuzzling her cheek to let her know that he appreciated what she'd done for him, and whether it was enough or not, it was enough for him. Then, finally, as the sun was starting to set, the actaeon leaders summoned Rufus, Adel, and Jonna back into the circle.

"We have come to our judgement," said Wauken with a slow, solemn nod to the assembled actaeon leaders. "After much thought, we have decided on our course of action. Or, rather, our two courses of action." He waited for a long moment, letting his words sink in, letting the tension build.

[rolled 34% against 30% base - +10% for Adel/Jonna doing the talking, +5% for getting the bucks on our side - we made it!]

"We have decided together that you did what was just while in the wilderness," he finally said, fixing his aristocratically handsome features on Rufus as he spoke, then giving the alpha wolfen a slight inclination of his head in respect. "Not as gentle as most of us would have preferred, but justice by the Old Law all the same. Our bachelor bucks have expressed their sorrow for what they have done, and we have judged that they have been punished enough...except for my son, Erlend." He looked at the haughty-faced buck, who suddenly turned, shock registering on his features. "Your decision to keep him as a slave until he has learned proper humility is acceptable to me."

"Father!" Erlend exclaimed, and would have said more, but Wauken cut him off with a decisive wave of his hand.

"As for joining your cause against the Warlord, it is true that we have suffered already from the barbarians and raiders from the northern lands coming through our territory. So far these skirmishes have been minor, but it is also clear that they are only the beginning. I will go myself, and meet with the alpha of the Blue Feather tribe, setting out tomorrow. Tomorrow, I understand you have your own journey as well, a quest yet unfinished." Then, suddenly, Wauken's handsome face spread into a smile. "Tonight, however, you will join me in my tent, and enjoy my hospitality. After all, I see little shame in starting out on a dangerous journey in the afternoon, rather than the early morning."

Rufus laughed.

"Great Prince," he chuckled toothily. "I can see that we'll get along just fine."

Path Choices

The bachelor bucks are now all willing to come with us. We will need to ask them, though, if they'd like to accompany us:

* Wicker - Slender, effeminate reindeer boy, has a soft heart and a good nature. Has heart-melting eyes that make it very hard for other creatures to *really* hurt him, even animals, who seem to like him, though he does have a tendency to end up as rape bait if he's not careful. A decent archer, and reasonably skilled with a bow and spear, but quite young, having just entered puberty, and in need of training. Has a secret passion for other males, and actually fantasizes regularly about being dominated, but does his best not to show it, since it's considered unmanly.

* Spike - The youngest actaeon, with only tiny spikes rather than antlers, and most of his fawnspots still present. Has an adorable face and large, precious fawnlike brown eyes, and often sports a "poor me" expression.

* Vin and Landis - Brothers, older and younger (respectively). Vin is 16, while Landis is 14 and only a little older than Spike. Vin has a dusting of fawnspots left, while Landis has most of his, but both sport small but proper antlers. They look almost identical, save for their ages, and are deeply loyal to each other.

* Prosler - Wearing glasses, a pair of gold-rimmed pince-nez, Prosler has a somewhat nerdy way about him, though his slender body is fit. He is the most open to trying new things, and the least hung up by the idea of m/m sex.

* Isen - An albino, Isen is pleasantly muscled, his body lean and strong, but not overly sizable. He's embarrassed about his fur, and is generally bad-tempered often looking for excuses to start fights and prove how tough he is.

* Crand - Handsome and good-looking male, fairly laid-back, more of a follower than a leader, muscular and cute body all around, typical markings of a twentysomething buck.

* Boskan - The biggest of the bucks, a moose-anthro, not too bright, but strong and a decent fighter. Takes Erlend's lead, and is unsure of what to do now that Erlend is a slave.

Please select only one buck. The top votes will all be taken into consideration to join us.

Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure, Fifty-fifth Entry

Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure Fifty-fifth Entry By Gideon Kalve Jarvis **Additional Votes** \* Skaeth is up to something - 9 \* Shara gangbanged (all-female and all-male both suggested) - 8 \* Give Kyte to the Valkyries for...

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Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure - Fifty-fourth Entry

Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure Fifty-fourth Entry By Gideon Kalve Jarvis **Additional Votes** \* Skaeth is up to something - 9 \* Shara gangbanged (all-female and all-male both suggested) - 8 \* Give Kyte to the Valkyries for...

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Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure - Fifty-third Entry

Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure Fifty-third Entry By Gideon Kalve Jarvis **Additional Votes** \* Skaeth is up to something - 9 \* Shara gangbanged (all-female and all-male both suggested) - 8 \* Give Kyte to the Valkyries for...

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