The story of the glowers Pt4

Story by TheNovelist on SoFurry

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#107 of Exploration

The cat that I had stunned chose this rather inopportune moment to wake up again. He turned and ran for it, confronted with the strange sight, but Draco dived sideways, grabbing it by a leg as it shot past. He successfully caught hold, and the big cat struggled as he picked it up.

"Now now, I want to talk to you."

"Let me go!"

The dragon looked the cat in the eyes."I'll get Alduin to stun you again, if you don't behave."

The cat obviously didn't like that prospect, and stopped struggling. There were some bushes, and Draco carried the cat into a cluster, and I could hear them talking to one another.Billy played with a grenade, tossing it in the air and catching it. Salbar was asleep, one leg hanging lazily off the branch he was on. Javid was still in his wolf nap, and Simba was going through the details picked up by the scanner, which was steadily mapping more and more of the planet.

I shivered gently as Alecto continued to suck me off.His furry hands continued their manipulation of my testicles, massaging them and playing with them delicately. Keen was enjoying it a lot, the glower hadn't experienced this sort of thing before.Maybe that's what he was curious of, had the glower that merged with Silverine told the other glowers about this.

"He did, and we liked the sound of it."

Ah yes, the slight disadvantage, Keen could listen to my thoughts at will.Pink elephant, pink elephant.

"I can't stop listening to your thoughts, mind you, it gives an interesting insight into the scout's minds."

Green elephant.

"I shouldn't bother, unless you're prepared to be doing that for however long you intend to be merged."

Sigh. But Alecto distracted both of us from this, by the arrival of my second climax.

After this had finished, Alecto sat on top of me, my cock inside his ass, doing nothing. We were not really needing to do anything, this place had nothing to do. Draco was still talking to the cat, and Alecto was talking to me about the sex.Simba was sitting beside a scanner, his laptop on his legs, dozing as the scanner recorded terrain information for miles around.

"It was wonderful, so much more intense than normal. Even when Draco's hammering me, it wasn't as good."

"Keen enjoyed it too, he's never experienced sex before."

"Well, I'm glad I could help, glower." Alecto directed at me.

"By the way you licked up our semen, you liked it."

"It's so tasty, delicious."

Evil thought, and Keen did pick it up."Well, he did say he enjoys the taste."

With a mental surge, Alecto found his own body was curving over. The foxes had remarkable flexibility, and he bent over until he was sucking on his own member. I envied those with the ability to self oral.He understood part of my intention, and obligingly gave head to himself, and I placed two fingers into his vagina, firing a burst of energy into him. I didn't let him up, and he gave a cry as he released yet another burst of semen. He swallowed, and I let him briefly off.

"Alduin!" he gasped,"Why?"

"You said you enjoyed the taste." I said innocently. He smiled, and continued sucking.

Zac teleported in, right next to the scanner, and I released Alecto instantly, getting out from underneath him and striding over to Zac, grabbing all my clothes.

"Zac, do you know my new form?"

"I do, and that's why I'm here, I heard you wanted to test if I could fit in your Rage buggy."

"I certainly hope you can." I replied, and changed.

I was suddenly in my Rage off roader form, and the glower spoke in my ear.

"Yes, it appears I change with you, I was wondering if I might get left behind."

"That's a relief." I replied. Being two foot tall, and about five long, Zac looked a little thoughtful. There was no steering wheel, only a seat and a set of straps for him to get into.

"We should so put a mounted blaster on your hood, I could man it as something to do." he commented, before climbing through some of the cross beams into the seat. It wasn't dignified, but he just fitted as he slid into the seat.

"Another two centimetres and I'd be having trouble." Zac commented, drily, strapping himself in. I could feel him tightening the straps, and he spoke.

"Right, I'm in. Let's see what the ride's like." he asked, and I instantly fired up the engine. It started with a crackling roar, and sounded more like a petrol R/C car with it's high revving.Zac rocked gently to get himself comfortable, and I rocked on my massive suspension. Then I accelerated.

This thing might only be an off roader, but it still had power. It had 112 modified horsepower, top speed 101 kilometres per hour, and nought to 50 kilometres in 3 seconds. Zac immediately shouted as I kicked up a stream of dirt and dust.

"Help! This is terrifying!"

I floored the throttle, although there was no pilot controls for Zac at all, and with an extra plume of dust, roared towards the horizon. The terrain was mostly flat, but even the smallest bumps would send the entire thing lurching gently. Zac's seat was comfy, and he wasn't complaining about being sore, he was just not accustomed to being thrown sideways on every bump.

"At least my bottom isn't wrecked." he shouted over the roar of the engine, as I crested a verge. The Rage just left the ground, and I flew through the air before landing on three wheels, bounced wildly, and then braked to a sudden halt, coming to a stop sideways in a cloud of dust and engine fumes. Zac was so tightly strapped in, and holding onto the sides with his arms, he hadn't received a bruising, but he spoke.

"O.K., I could get used to it." he began.

"It's a bit rough then."

"Just a bit.I mean I could definitely fire a mounted blaster, but every time you find a pothole it's like landing on your tripod form, minus the sore backside. This is really comfy."

"Not surprised." I replied, and then spun around in a noisy donut, and went back the way I came. The jump was actually a sixty degree slope on this side, and I drove straight up it, grabbed some air, and then landed heavily on my two back wheels. As my nose landed I immediately gunned it, driving over the semi firm ground. Javid was still asleep, and I drove straight beside him, slamming on the brakes.

Javid woke up rapidly, looking around for the foe, and spotted me.

"Why didn't anyone tell me Zac was here?" he asked.

"We thought we'd let you sleep. Alduin's just testing his new form." Zac landed a friendly hand on a beam. Javid looked me once over.

"Some kind of Desert Patrol Vehicle." he said, looking at me.

"Close enough, it's a Rage off road racer. DPV's have three seats." I replied.

Simba was taking shots of me with his camera glasses, and Billy was watching in interest. Salbar was still sleeping.I took off again, and headed towards the desert. The ground quickly gave way to soft sand, and I floored it. There are two ways to confront this sort of terrain, one good, one bad. Treat it gently, which doesn't work well, or floor it, which works better.

I rose over the crest, left the ground briefly, and then crashed down on the other side in an explosion of sand.

"This is like a big dipper, no control over your direction, and you're hurled in every direction so fast you barely have time to catch, ouch, your breath." We landed hard after another jump, and slid sideways. I felt myself roll, and closed my eyes until the world stopped moving.

"All the blood's going to my head." Zac commented, hanging upside down in his straps. I opened my eyes and was treated to an upside down view of lots of sand. I began rocking back and forth, shifting my weight to either side, until I regained my composure and my wheels.

"That was fun, except the crash."

"I'm working on it." I replied. Zac leaned out of the cockpit and looked at my black panels.

"You took a bit of scraping there."

"I'm had worse."I felt slightly sore, but nothing special. I gunned the throttle to climb the next dune, and we looked at the vistas of sand unrolling in front of us.

"I've heard of your Paris to Dakar rally, but we aren't training for it. Are we?"

"No." Simba said in our head sets," we're heading back to Central, Draco's got enough answers from the big cat, we're heading back to Central. The scanner says there is no advanced life here either."

I immediately spun around, and drove hectically back over the dunes. Zac swore loudly as we went over a sharp jump at high speed, but we landed safely, and left the desert behind, racing over the plain lands back towards the party. I hit a small rock, two wheeled it towards the party, landed on all four wheels, and screeched to a halt in another cloud of smoke.

"This is actually quite cool, what's it like on smooth terrain?" Zac asked.

"I thought we might drive around Central for a while to determine that." I replied.

Salbar was woken up, and we squadded up. Draco took hold of my chassis, and teleported.

"Alduin, before you run off..." the glower hovering in front of me began, but I had already floored it, and Keen laughed in my ear.

"You don't like hanging around us, do you?"

"It's a running gag. Running being the key idea." I said, as I power slided through the smooth corridor. Zac was leaning back in his seat, smiling.

"Oh yes, I could get used to this. This is driving." The dirt streaked Rage buggy revved high, and we raced through the corridors at about eighty kilometres an hour. We came to a halt outside the food store, and wondered how we could get in without Zac getting out. I didn't have a horn, I couldn't change with Zac in the cockpit. So I drove gently into the door. Zac was knocked forwards slightly, but it did the trick, and Silverine opened the door, and looked around before looking down.

"Hey Zac, what's that?"

"It's Alduin, in what he calls a Rage racer."

"Off road toy, Silverine, I had ideas for getting Zac into the thing." I added, and Silverine smiled.

"I wondered why it had no method of driving."

"All powered internally." Zac shrugged, as he opened the door wider, and stepped aside so I could drive in. I drove through the mostly packed store, and Abigail activated her shield and set it diagonally against the table so I could drive up it onto the table.

Everyone got up to observe the dirt splattered off roader, and Zac began speaking with the lioness.

"This thing drives by itself, literally, I was wondering how hard would it be to put a mounted blaster on the hood for me to fire?"

"Not very hard at all, Zac." Abigail looked at my bonnet, and then began designing with a piece of paper.

"So why this form?" Silverine rapped a hand on the roof of the off roader.

"Owch."I said pointedly, " it's strong, designed to work off road and survive impacts. Unlike my F1, where a gentle nudge would lose a wing, this rolled earlier, with no damage."

"I was wondering how you got streaks of sand on your roof." Silverine nodded.

"I misjudged.The glower found it amusing."

"He still merged then?" the Lupogriff asked.

"I am." said Keen, although he couldn't converse with anyone.

Zac removed all his straps and climbed out of the Rage racer, and I transformed back into my six foot normal self, stretching some cramps. Zac sat beside Abigail as she designed, and Silverine clapped a hand on me as the rest of my party arrived.

"Another quiet planet, there's barely anything on the surface." Simba nodded to the Lupogriff.

"Although a few nasty things underneath." Javid added,"Alduin had to vaporise a huge sand worm."

Everyone looked at me." Vaporise?" Abigail asked.

"I used the glower's power to do so, we've all got Draco's camera shot of it."

Simba pulled out a projector and a two metre projection of the video filled the room. The lights dimmed, and we were treated to a replay of the light burst. There was an involuntary shudder from several in the room as they watched the light, and I noticed my companions all diving for the ground after the first pulse of light, the one that blinded them. Then a huge concentration of light seared towards the sand worm, and then the camera went white.

There was a long and heavy pause after looking at the remains of the sand worm, and people were looking at me in uncertainty.

"Magic's got nothing on that display." Winslo said, hiding his staff behind his back.

"You scare me a lot, Alduin." Takori said, looking at the final frame.

"My master did that because his friends were being hurt." Alecto said, rushing to my defence.

"I'm not saying it wasn't necessary," Takori replied quickly, looking at me,"I'm just saying it's scary he has that much power."

"Still, silver lining." Runo smiled, and Sunrise looked up in surprise.

"You better not be thinking about that.I told you it's a stupid idea."

"I just wanted to see what they're capable of."

"See that sandworm? That's what they're capable of." Sunrise reminded, shifting into his dragon form. Hinori was very nonchalantly backing away from his brothers.

"Let me guess, you wanted to challenge a glower to look at their powers?" I asked.

"Are you reading my mind?" Runo demanded, and there was an interested silence. Sunrise realised there was no way either of us would back out of this, and took several steps backwards, as did everyone around Runo.The Lava dragon looked around.

"Oh come on, what's wrong with a little curiosity?"

"There's a difference between spirit of enquiry and finding out what the glowers are capable of." Silverine suggested, retreating behind me. Keen was speaking in my ear.

"How interesting, a magical scout wanting us to test our powers against him."

"I'm all for it."I thought back.

"As am I." Keen replied, and I spoke.

"O.K., Runo, bring it on." I stretched my neck muscles while everyone looked at me. Kodey sidled from alongside me to Silverine, and the floor was quickly cleared for ten metres around both of us. Runo looked at my faintly glowing form.

"And no killing me, Alduin."

"I'll try." I replied, and Runo brought his hands together.

"Pyro locomotor!" and a huge fireball blasted into existence and rocketed towards me.

With a mental command, the fireball disappeared before it got two metres near me. Runo blew a jet of flame, and I thrust a hand at it, and it deflected off ninety degrees. Runo was looking astonished, but fired a magic missile at me. Five arrows zoomed at me, but with a wave all five turned into delicate red roses. I levitated them all together, and conjured a blue ribbon around them, holding them while leaning against the table next to me. The lava dragon looked at the bouquet that had been his missile spell.

"O.K., that's never happened before.Sub Oculus non cadere!"

He vanished, disappearing into invisibility. I clicked my fingers together, and he reappeared, looking slightly annoyed.A lightning bolt erupted from his fingertips, and with yet another mental command allowed it to flow across my body, but not harm me.It crackled up and down my frame, but before Runo could celebrate hitting me with something, the electricity leapt down my legs and crackled across the floor in jagged bolts. People jumped away from them as they earthed into tables and chairs.

Runo shouted again.

"Cryogeni!" a bolt of ice came flying at me. It encased me, but the glower's power was stronger than the ice, and I mentally removed all the ice I didn't want for this next part.

Runo must have got a shock as the human broke out of the ice bubble in ice armour. Super cooled, and mostly bullet proof, my entire body was covered in this ice armour.

"Now what about attack?" Runo suggested, casting a fireball. With a mental command a couple of hundred litres of water rained from the grate above onto the dragon, extinguishing the fireball and leaving Runo somewhat damp.

He pointed directly at me, water steaming off him.He looked pretty scary himself, but the glower's were the alpha and omega of terror on Central.

"Mind control!"

The resultant back shock of the spell knocked him backwards at a rate of knots. The dragon landed hard against several chairs, and several tables but got to his feet unsteadily. I was still holding my bouquet of roses, and pointed them at him.

"You are trying to gain mind control of a glower? I'm surprised you weren't driven insane."

Runo held his hands together, and a ball of darkness formed between his hands. I concentrated, and the darkness became solid glass, a dark orb of immense weight. Runo dropped it, and it smacked into the floor, sprinkling glass shards everywhere.

I folded my arms as he threw another fireball at me, and the fireball bounced off the ice armour back at Runo. The dragon ducked, and I looked him in the eyes, concentrating hard.

Runo stopped, and began looking in fear, paralysed by what he saw. To him, he was looking at the most spine numbing thing he could imagine, and he took a hesistant step backwards, trying to prepare another fireball. I advanced, placing the flowers on the table, and stormed towards him. Chairs and tables went flying towards him, and he deflected them with his shield bubble. Then his shield vanished, and Runo had to duck as a chair sailed over his head.

He looked down as he did so, and found his wrists were bound together with chain. He heaved at them, not understanding, and I grabbed at the chain, holding it and pulling it forwards so he looked at me. Runo made eye contact, and I looked impassively into his face. Runo looked scared, and then sunk to the ground, sound asleep. A whimper escaped his lips, and he fell to the floor.

There was an impressed silence, and Simba came forwards to check how Runo was.

"How long will he be asleep for?" he asked me.

"I don't know and don't mind." I replied, as everyone began resetting the food store to normal. Draco came over with Sunrise and Hinori.

"O.K., someone help me up with him." I leaned down and picked up the lava dragon under one arm, and Sun did the same. We sat Runo on a chair and let him to recover. Hinori looked at me with an expression of awe,as I picked up the bouquet of roses.

"Not one single attacking move,and no magic, that was unbelievable."

"Thank you Hinori." I clapped him gently on the shoulder, and he flinched. Silverine took the other seat beside me, and shuffled close.

"Did you have to exert yourself at all, Alduin?"

"The glower didn't have to exert himself, no." I replied, feeling the Lupogriff's chest brush my side.I realised something, every time I did something with the glower's power, there was the flash of light I was accustomed to, like when they cleaned or changed something, but I was no longer seeing it.

Keen was chuckling about the fight, making rather clever comments about my use of his abilities, most noticeably the morphing a magic missile spell into flowers. I had done it as an act of mocking the spell being thrown at me, and make Runo annoyed.

"And it worked perfectly, again." Keen teased.

Even my thought pattern wasn't secure. I couldn't even think to myself.

"You can't even think full stop without me telling, Alduin. But we are entirely moral, I would not dare slip a private secret of yours to anyone.We are not like that."

While I studied the fresh roses, watching the slow pulsing of the veins.The very cells of the leaves rippled with each slow systolic thump.The building blocks of creation had done amazing work when they designed the flower, each bright petal staggeringly beautiful, a tapestry of the most brilliant hues, surrounded by more of the same, surrounded by yet more, infinitely over to create a mind numbing spectacle of exquisiteness.

But if the rose was beautiful, then no word in any thesaurus would describe the staggering splendor of looking at a being, be it dragon or human. Several billion atoms of complete inability to be life, yet they come together to form an organism of infinite variety and life. Draco would have been immensely cocky if he had heard it, but his scales, each one of them, glowed with a lumiensence of almost sun like radiance. Scales in particular in concentration, but when you thought harder, they lost their light as the very structure of them became transparent and yet not so. I could see the metallic DNA surging through Draco and Simba.

As I looked at Draco harder still, I noticed one of his bones in his left arm had a small hairline crack in it. It was a gaping chasm of infinite proportions, but in truth would have been less than a millimetre in size.

"Draco, did you hurt your arm recently?" I asked the dragon.

"I knocked it rather hard against the ground when I leapt at the cat to stop him, why?"

"You've got a slight crack in your upper arm, did you bump a rock?"

"I did.Did you say it was cracked?" Draco looked at his arm in surprise.

"I did.Go see Arachno, his instruments will tell you the same." Draco looked warily at me, and then excused himself. Silverine looked at me.

"You're concentrating pretty hard to see the bone structure?"

"If I was concentrating hard, I would be staring right through you and into Time Dancer behind you." I replied, looking at Kodey. He was wearing a steel device around his right shoulder, and he flinched as I looked at that section of his skin.

"I know, I'm paranoid."

"On the contrary." I replied," I watched at the time, remember?"

Silverine looked at me."And I used to think it weird because I once merged. You're doing exactly what I used to do. I remember that because Abigail was once using a dildo, and I entered when she was fully clothed, although minus underwear. There was no way I could have seen it for real, and she crossed herself when I told her I knew."

"You don't have a dildo, but I do see a dagger in your left boot.The heel of the left boot, in fact."

"I know."

"I won't even start on what's in the right boot." I replied, and Silverine flinched again.

"I like having weapons close by, it's my nature."

"It is." Kodey replied, with a smile. I chuckled, and went back to staring at the bouquet.

Draco arrived ten minutes later.

"Arachno was most surprised." he said dryly."But it took two minutes to fix, and he wants to know how you did it."

"He can see right through your body if he chose to." Sunrise replied."And he's also better at noticing small things."

Alecto proffered his arm to me."Is it possible for him to fix heal things with those powers?"

"Quite probably." I replied, glancing at the arm in front of me. With a flick of mental power, Alecto's fore arm devloped a small cut. He gave a yelp of pain, and looked at the blood staining his arm.It was a small cut, but he had felt it, and licked at the wound.I commanded the wound to heal, and it did.

"We leave that sort of thing to Arachno, healing isn't that much problem. Poisons on the other hand, we cannot work them. And we cannot bring people back from death." the glower said.

"What about morphing creatures?"I asked off hand.

"It would hurt them, but it's theoretically possible." Keen admitted.

"Do you mind me having a go?" I asked.

"Not at all, providing your subject also doesn't." the glower replied.

I whispered to Alecto."How would you like to be able to fly?"

"What are you thinking?"

"I'm just testing the powers of a glower, and I was wondering if was possible to fix with DNA."

"You want to try and give me wings?" Alecto sounded breathless, partly with excitement, and partly with fear. I thought on this, and nodded.

"I was intrigued." I admitted,"Keen thinks it might work."

Alecto thought briefly, and nodded, standing. I got up, took two steps away from the fox, and people looked at me as I stood, and pointed a hand at Alecto.With as much power as I could summon, I imposed my will upon Alecto.

Alecto stiffened. There was a bright glare that didn't allow anyone else to see what I was doing, but I watched as Alecto contorted in pain. This sight of him was only glancing, as I was concentrating on creating his eagle wings. His back split down the middle as the wings spun into existence, the reddish feathers matching nicely with his coloured fur. The wings grew and widened, until they were a good five metres in wingspan, and magnificently delicate. The bone structures fitted perfectly with the bones on the back of his shoulder, and the delicate nerves criss crossed his wings with his new muscles. Everything was perfectly in order, and I lowered a hand.

As I did, I felt slightly weary, using that much power had weakened me. Alecto landed back on the floor, in command of his body again, and he was on his hands and knees sobbing. I looked at my watch, ten minutes had passed, Time had speeded up like it had when I did my form changing. The blur faded from everyone's eyes, and as they looked at Alecto, there were cries of surprise. I crossed to the fox, and helped him up. The wings beat a litle tentatively as the fox opened his eyes.

"Oh my god." Silverine looked staggered. Alecto put his hand around my shoulder for support.

"Now we would never try something like that." Keen said in my head, "Changing people's bodies like that is something that we would not bother to think about. This is what comes of giving a scout with a active mind our power, he comes and thinks of this sort of thing. On the other hand it might indeed prove to be helpful in certain situations.To make a scout able to breathe underwater, or allow him to fly, such could prove useful."

Alecto looked over his shoulders at his new wings. He seemed to know exactly what to do, and his wings beat heavily as he rose into the air. His face was joyful, and as he landed he grabbed my hands and did a fox like dance with me, dancing with me around in a circle. Valmeero looked rather amused by the whole show.

"Our culture spent a million years evolving to be both wolf and flying beast, he does it in about fifteen minutes." he said laconically.

"It hurt, doing it that quickly was agonizing." Alecto rubbed his shoulder in contemplation, and then vanished, brushing his teleporter.

"Three guesses where he's gone." Draco sighed heavily.

"My house, to show Gareth." I replied.I saw some sand that had been spilt from my Rage Buggy, and conjured it into a small plastic bag with those blue seals.I had forgotten about my rule of souvenirs, and I placed the bag in my pocket.

"I'll go catch him up, make sure he doesn't get into trouble." I commented dryly, and teleported after him.

Gareth was backed against the couch looking in shock at his foxy brother.

"Alduin, what happened?He won't tell me, except he says it as a gift." Alecto laughed, and rubbed his head against his shoulder in merriment.

"I asked the glower whether they had the power to play around with genetics, and the answer was we don't know, but go on give it a try.So Alecto volunteered."

Alecto looked at me."Your eyes have stop glowing gold, Alduin."

"Really?" I sounded surprised, which is more than can be said for Keen.

"As the merge continues, the less we appear to be there from the outside,interesting."

"So now I could walk down the street without people running away?" I smiled, and Keen laughed.

"If they saw what you just did to Alecto, they'd still be running."

Alecto leapt at Gareth, hugging him widely, curling his wings around the brother. They crashed over the couch and Gareth ended up wrapped in both the cocoon like wings and his brother's strong arms.I noticed those who had wings on Central found it very easily to control them. Silverine, when he was protecting Kodey from Draco's words.Valmeero had enwrapped me with them during a couple sessions of sex. But they also stayed unfurled behind them as well.

"Can I keep them for a while, Alduin?" Alecto implored me,"It feels so wonderful!"

I rolled my eyes inwardly, and Keen chuckled.

I thought I might as well place my bag of sand in the drawer and grab a quick nap. I was greatly aware of Alecto's want for my love, but I wanted perhaps an hour of snoozing before I could experiment more with my power. And doubtless those of my friends who also wanted to have sex with me due to Keen's boost to sexual enjoyment would want me soon, so I had better conserve strength. I went into my bedroom, octo bonded my door, and went to sleep.