Walk a Mile: Covert Ops: Cinder

Story by Von Krieger on SoFurry

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#6 of Walk a Mile: Covert Ops

Walk a Mile: Covert Ops: Cinder

By Von Krieger

Cinder was awoken by her internal chronometer, the cybernetic enhancement awakening her precisely at 7:00 AM. She licked her lips, looking forward to both breakfast and her master's wakeup call. Though they had once been two differing events, they had long since become the same for the lustful vixen. Her cock ached, throbbing with morning need and desire, something only made worse by her master's alteration of her body. He was always having her genome tweaked to provide new and interesting pleasures to grant his pet.

Ignoring her desire, Cinder instead tended to that of her master, tossing the bedcovers over her head with her snout, allowing her to climb in without disturbing her master too much. She crept towards him on all fours, his powerful, dominating scent filling her keen snout. Oh how good he smelled.

She wasn't sure what part of her had been altered, her mind or her body, to produce the effect, but everything about the dragon pleased her greatly. He smelled great, his voice made the vixen's tail wag with delight, his merest touch was enough to send blissful shivers down her spine, and breakfast... Oh how she loved breakfast. Cinder nuzzled her master's scales, running her tongue over them as she sought out his groin. He always relied on her to wake him at the proper time. He hadn't altered himself to be as lustful as his vixen pet when he awoke, but most of the time while asleep he was half-hard or fully erect.

This morning he was at full arousal, allowing Cinder to easily slip her muzzle around his plentiful length, taking it deep into her gag-reflexless throat. He was a perfect fit, her body altered to be the perfect size and tightness that he enjoyed. Every contour of his length stimulated nerves within Cinder's mouth, tongue, and throat, giving her pleasure far greater than firing off every pleasurable nerve impulse in her old body could have given her.

She knew what her master loved, knew how to move her tongue around the back of the spade-shaped cock head, knew to let the tip scrap against the ridges on the roof of her mouth every time she moved it downwards or when her thrust into her. Some of it was programming, some of it was trial and error. But Cinder knew she was her master's favorite, and did her best to pleasure him.

The dragon awoke slowly, his taloned hands gripping the vixen's ears tightly, adding his thrusts to her ministrations, a low pleasured growl rumbling in his throat as he forced his length into her, not bothering to hold back or be gentle. Cinder had been designed to take the abuses of full-on sex with her master, and she loved it. She was the only creature whom her master could risk fully relaxing with.

Her master arched his back, tugging Cinder's ears with enough force to likely break the neck of a normal creature, his plentiful seed surging forth into Cinder's eager, awaiting maw. Jet after jet of thick, plentiful semen flowed into her, as always tasting ever so slightly of mint. The vixen made sure not to spill a drop, licking and suckling greedily until her master was finished, casting off the covers.

The black dragon yawned, a grin upon his face, making his way over to the shower in the corner of the room, a smirk upon his face as he turned the water on. He gave Cinder a faint nod, telling her that it was time to play.

Cinder recalled that she used to despise playtime, but she couldn't imagine why. It felt so good. Chained to the floor every morning was some terrible individual who had done something bad to her master. The vixen's cock leaked generously with anticipation for the act she was about to commit. If she didn't do this, after all, her master would likely do something even worse to the prisoners. Some of them didn't deserve to be hurt, but many did, which was why Cinder did her best to be gentle, to make her playmates feel good, even if they didn't want to. Morgoth always started the day by having Cinder punish a prisoner, or another pet.

Cinder crawled out from beneath the covers, looking her toy for the day over. She shivered with lustful need at the sight of the gorgeous creature that lay before her. A vixen like herself, but a bipedal one, the captive's fur was a gorgeous brown-gold, her hair long and a wonderful shade of honeyed blonde that made the vixen long to nuzzle it for hours. She looked like one of her master's business dolls, creatures that were made up to look pretty and for someone to play with them and discard, paying handsomely for the privilege. She wasn't as well built or busty as Cinder would have liked, but then her own tastes of beauty had become rather warped from her physical and mental alterations. She looked in one of many mirrors her master had placed around, admiring her sleek fur, flame red over most of her form, becoming the a deep, metallic crimson on her paws, tailtip, and a X shaped marking over one eye. Her thick, lustrous mane was the same gorgeous gold as the captive doll before her. That was one thing the playtoy had going for her at least. Compared to Cinder the other vixen's body was rail thin, lacking the thick muscle and powerful definition the vixen sported.

People likely thought it would be strange upon a creature like Cinder. Her musculature was like that of a bodybuilder, but you never had bodybuilders in a quadrupedal form. Her genetically altered frame had been perfectly sculpted by her master's scrawny he-she cat pet. Cinder was always confused, for the feline looked like a girl, but had a mane as well as both male and female parts.

It was the mane that struck Cinder as odd, for female forms with male parts were relatively common around her master. She was one herself, even more so than all his money-making doll-girls.

The vixen had huge, lush, beautiful breasts. They looked heavy, uncomfortable, and somewhat comical upon her. Many an assassin had thought her to be slow and clumsy, but she had perfect control over her huge tits, and could run as fast as any biped even with them being only a scant few inches from the ground when she walked. Her cock was similarly oversized, and at full arousal would stick out from between her plush breasts. She loved that feeling, so much soft fur and soft flesh around her shaft. Not at all like the tight wetness that she felt every morning.

She looked over her playtoy, finding even more whorish features about her. Her exaggerated proportions, tweaked within a few decimal places for optimal attraction, the same things for her too-large lips and eyes, the fur coloration altered upon her face to give her the look of makeup.

The toy looked at Cinder not with the usual fear or horror or emptiness, but with a fiery, lustful need. She nearly spilled her load right then and there. She loved it when her master had her playmates locked in a lustful state. They were hungry and greedy to be filled, to be violated however Cinder wished, though likely they would hate themselves for it later.

It was so much fun to pleasure someone who would pleasure you back. Not as fun as sex with her master, but then again she couldn't expect anyone to stimulate the perfectly placed points within her tailhole like her master could.

She was rather sure that she had been a male once, which was why she lacked the drippy, gooey slit that everything else with tits and a cock within a mile of her master seemed to sport. Cinder rather liked that it made her special and unique amidst her master's lovers.

She longed to show her master the other tricks she knew, to pleasure him with her member. But the dragon showed no interest in her cock. While it had been designed to his specifications and for his pleasure, that pleasure was seeing Cinder mate his foes before him.

The flame-red vixen nuzzled the captive's soft, sweet fur, her many tails twitching as the captive raised her own. She tried to remember the last time she'd mounted a kitsune like herself, but couldn't. It was heavenly, so many sweet, soft, fluffy tails against her breasts as she entered the golden vixen. Tight as usual, but not so tight as to be too painful for the toy. She moaned with delight through her gag, pressing back eagerly, hungrily against Cinder.

The black dragon stroked himself to the sight, laughing gleefully, a sparkle in his eyes that Cinder saw only rarely. She was so happy that her master was enjoying her performance this morning; that made everything feel so much better.

She wasn't allowed to climax until she had her master's say-so, or until he left, whichever came first. But there was no limit to the times she could make her toy cum, make her thin, whorish body tighten and spasm in sheer physical delight, to make her scream her throat raw from the sheer bliss into her gag, make her large (for a biped), plentiful canine cock erupt stickily onto the floor beneath her.

By the time her master was done showering, the toy's juices had fully soaked the small, raised platform in the middle of the room and they were well on their way to oozing past the one inch lip around the upper circle before the black dragon gave her the nod, allowing Cinder to fill the golden vixen's belly with her seed.

Literally filling it; she came in such volume, with such intensity, with a little bit of a special compound mixed in that gave the skin and organs some elasticity, she would typically make any toy she spooged in looking full term pregnant, so full would they be with her cum.

As usual the platform cleaned itself off, drawing away the mess from itself, as well as from Cinder and her toy. Then her master did something strange, rather than clip Cinder's leash onto her collar, her knelt in the circle and removed the toy's restraints.

"The terms of our deal are done. You're free to go or stay as you please." The dragon said.

The golden vixen bowed her head, "We will stay here, Master Morgoth," the vulpine said softly her voice sounding wrong for the body, more like a shy girl in her mid teens than a voluptuous prostitute, "She'd be heartbroken if we left and I..."

The vixen shuddered, "I would still be at the mercy of my family's enemies and I... I can't..." tears began to fill her eyes, "I can't stop fucking. I... I can't afford to buy a companion for myself. I... I need..."

She sobbed softly, "I need to be a whore, master, and putting myself into the hands of one of your rivals would be folly, and they..."

She shuddered, "They can't offer me what you can. They can't make me sexier or sluttier. Miss Kriegan knows just how to give me enough so that I won't twist myself into something monstrous. I can't afford the medicine..."

Morgoth smiled, "And why have my sweet little kitten remove that compulsion from your mind when it feels so wonderful to satisfy it, hmm?" the dragon purred, stroking the golden vixen beneath her chin.

The vixen remained silent, ashamed, keeping her head lowered as Morgoth strode from the room, leaving a confused Cinder behind. The golden vixen took the chain attached to her own collar, clipping the other end to the red quadruped's own.

"I don't think you remember me," she said softly, "But that doesn't matter. I wish... I wish you'd given in last year."

Cinder followed the vixen down the hall, not understanding what her master had said, not understanding what any of it meant. She couldn't talk, but she could still easily understand the words that others said.

"B-by the goddess, Flame," the vixen sobbed, "I... I'd been touching myself every day for six months thinking about you. I needed you; I needed your cock inside me so bad. You let me long for you for an entire year. I don't care how weird or wrong it is, I know you were trying to protect me but..."

She led Cinder down into a small, dimly lit hallway, one that didn't get much use. The vixen knelt and pressed her muzzle against the crimson fox's, surprising her greatly. Morgoth never kissed her; it felt so good, even without the strange vixen being her master. It made her long for her master to show her tenderness, to truly love her the way she loved him. But for now, the vixen's kiss was wonderful and delicious, her tongue tasting as much of honey as her hair looked the part.

"I... I love you so much Flame, but all the things I've done to myself... love and lust are the same thing for me. I... I..." she threw her arms around Cinder's neck, holding the powerful fox against her sob-wracked body.

The vixen clung to Cinder for a long time, slowly calming herself. Cinder was nearly a half ton of powerful predatory beast, but she didn't dare break the strange vixen's grip on her neck. The toy... no... the girl was frightened and confused, and Cinder wanted to make her feel better. So she simply remained where she was, letting the girl hug her.

"You probably don't even remember me. I mean... I can hardly remember life outside these walls, and aside from doing what we did this morning every six months, I haven't been forced into anything." She said, peering into Cinder's amber eyes with her own.

"I'm Sola, and Master Morgoth calls you Cinder because he thinks it's amusing, having made you this way, eager to please him and placid. When this all started you were like me, you stood upright, and you were a male. You were my brother, and your name was Flame." The girl said, trying not to cry.

"Every six months the master would have me brought to his room and command you to have sex with me." Sola said softly, "For five and a half years you refused, until today. Until enough of you had faded away that you didn't think about what you were doing, or you didn't recognize me, or something."

"It wasn't to torture you, idiot." She said, petting Cinder behind the ears, "It was something that amused him, that if I could get you to have sex with me we'd both go free."

Sola snuffled softly and stood again, leading Cinder down a few flights of stairs, "Stupid, isn't it? We're finally free and neither of us wants to leave."

The smaller vixen lead the larger into a large storage room, filled with boxes, shelves filled with canned and packaged foods, and furniture several years out of fashion kept in the hopes that it would come back into style. Sola and Cinder walked back behind one of the shelves, just far enough away from the wall that the broad quadruped didn't have to squeeze by.

A small, short door was placed flush with the wall, blending in almost perfectly save for the knob. Sola turned it and stepped inside, a dull red light filling the room. Cinder could hear the sounds of sex coming from nearly all directions, the noises muffled and faint.

"You can see and hear into all ten companion suites, and the companion quarters. Master Morgoth used to take pictures for blackmail, but he found it more profitable to be a perfectly open and trusting whoremonger." Sola said, unfastening the chain from Cinder's collar and her own, placing it on a hook.

The room had several shelves, a bed, couch, a tiny table and two chairs, a small vid-screen, and several other creature comforts that look like they were taken from the storehouse in the next room.

"No one comes in here anymore unless they're employees who can't afford the rates for the master's companions." Sola said, lowering her head, "Mine are much lower."

She reached down beneath the bed, pulling out a futon, "The bed is for business, though you can use it if you like." Sola said with a smile. The massive fox-beast instead lay next to the futon, placing her head on the end of the futon, peering up at Sola, her eyes questioning.

"You really don't remember do you?" the golden vixen said with a sigh, smiling, "I suppose that's for the best. It's easiest for both of us that way. Neither of us has to live with the hurt of what we've become. While not the path I'd choose for myself, I love what I am, and I know you love what you are."

Sola sat up, leaning against the bed, taking Cinder's head into her lap, running her fingertips over the beast's six inch long saber fangs.

"And I... I think you're so sexy like this. I... I always fantasized about the boarding cats we had on the ship, I wanted to spread my legs for them so badly, I even tried once, but you stopped me. I think your designs for the creatures made an impression on the master, which is why he made you like this. Powerful, beautiful, gentle, but deadly if needs be."

Cinder felt the girl's member harden as she thought of the huge, green and black striped felines from aboard the ship she'd grown up on. The massive vixen knew what the creatures were, she hadn't forgotten entirely about her old life.

She'd been a pirate. It had been a profitable life, insurance companies paid for the damage to the vessels raided and the goods stolen. Corporations, governments, and families almost always paid for the well-off individuals that were passengers, as well as the skilled crew. Civilians and lesser crew were sent onward with the ship. Piracy was the cost of doing business, law enforcement couldn't be everywhere, and most companies paid the pirates for protection while in their areas. It was far cheaper than hiring a dedicated mercenary company.

Boarding cats were an invention of Flame's; genetically engineered creatures, massive, muscular felines who could take out armed guards and the like, as well as cow and immobilize passengers. With a few minor cybernetic attachments a half-dozen could be controlled by a single handler and the actual raiding of the ship done without potential loss of sentient life on behalf of the pirates.

The huge boarding cats, left to their own devices, were passive pack-dwelling creatures. They didn't have any hunting instincts, in the 'wild' they would eat plants and scavenge meat on occasion if any of them got loose. But they were curious, gentle, and social creatures, always very careful around small, fragile bipeds.

Recalling the creatures, Cinder knew herself to be one of them, or based off of them. Essentially a vulpine version, the muscles were different, styled more like that of a fox, but the overall size and look were the same, right down to the massive, armor-piercing saber teeth.

She could remember Sola from before, a tiny, skinny, boyish, somewhat freakish looking fox. She had been a body modification addict, covered in scars, brandings, piercings, and when she could afford it actual genetic alterations. One of them was why her fur was gold instead of the same crimson color that had given Flame her birth name.

Cinder had taken her little sister in for counseling and to be given medication to curb her addictions after she'd returned home from a big haul with a large cock, a set of porn star breasts, and the ever-popular 'afterglow' hormonal release mod.

Sola continued to talk, her cock springing to full erection. It wasn't the size or shape Cinder was used to, but she took it into her mouth and gently pleasured it all the same. Her little sister wanted this, needed this, and after all the longing the golden vixen had carried with her for her former brother, now sister, Cinder wanted to make sure that she never let her little sister down again.

"Mmm... that's a good Cinder..." Sola said with a soft little gasp, stroking the crimson fox's ears and mane, "Now we used to live on a big space ship..."


Cinder was curled around her sleeping sister, the golden vixen's words had shaken loose many memories of her past, of when she'd bee a man, a bipedal, a pirate, and when she had been able to speak.

She was conflicted, she recalled much of her old life now, memories that she had likely pushed away or rejected as they became painful during her enslavement to Morgoth. But she wasn't sure which life that she ought to embrace. Sola and she were free to leave at any time they wanted, and yet both had reasons to stay. Despite her remembering what her master had done to her, the forced conversion that had made Flame into Cinder, despite the vengeful transformations into companions and whores that the dragon had inflicted upon the survivors of the pirate crew, Cinder could not bring herself to hate him.

Her love for the dragon was artificial, she knew that. It was far too intense to be real, and it lacked the kind and caring memories that she had of her sister. Cinder nuzzled the sleeping Sola gently, the tiny vixen making pleased sounds as she slumbered. It was hard to recognize the small, plain, but beautiful creature beneath her form as the Sola from her memories.

At first she could only recall the Sola she'd known throughout most of her life, the Sola that had aspects in the form of the sex-crazed, lustful vixen before her; her height, her build, her shy demeanor, and her addiction to altering herself. But as Sola had spoken, Cinder recalled the real Sola, the one no longer trapped by her small, frail body.

She remembered the fit that Flame had thrown upon discovering what exactly Sola's first mods had been. Almost all of them being of a sexual nature; the male gender template applied over her natural female one, the increased bust size, the heightened sensitivity, the sensual knowledge pack download, and of course the Afterglow sexual enhancement line. But the mix of male and female gender templates, making Sola a hermaphrodite, helped to fix her height and her build. She'd grown several inches, muscle being added onto her frame for the first time in her life. Sola had loved the feeling of growth, of the newfound power within her limbs. By the time that was said and done, her little sister had become a powerful golden giant, taller and better built than even Morgoth.

It hadn't been Flame that enraged and humiliated Morgoth in battle, but Sola. The heavily modded Sola had stood toe to toe with Morgoth, enraged by the sight of half a dozen boarding cats with their necks snapped around the dragon. They had been Sola's to control, her pets and companions.

No one could've foreseen what had happened on that day, it was something that Flame had never thought possible. Morgoth's bright pink bodyguard had been beaten and captured by half a dozen pirates. She'd opened her mouth, taken in a breath, and destroyed herself.

The energies released in her had been on a scale meant only for warship combat. Magenta's act atomized her body as the energies were released, the shaping of her skeleton and organ structure the only thing that allowed her to direct the blast in one direction. The ship that had been the home for Flame, Sola, and hundreds of the others was destroyed, a full quarter of the ship vanished with Magenta's detonation, the rest of it blown apart from the system overloads and sudden lack of hull pressure on a scale that could not be contained.

In retaliation for his wounds and the death of his bodyguard, Morgoth had every surviving pirate about the cruise vessel rounded up. He'd transformed them into his whores, men and women both into beautiful, busty creatures who were forced to obey his every whim.

He humiliated the women by forcing upon them feral desires, they would be forever unable to wear clothes, nor could they control themselves when aroused; whenever they got the slightest bit horny, they would have sex without regard to where they were or what they were doing. The pirate men had the same thing inflicted upon them, the desire to mate and to breed, to long to be filled with offspring. But he kept them sexually male. Of course from all outward appearances they were women, but they could never satisfy the biological need within them. It was meant to drive them into despair and misery.

Of course Morgoth had saved his cruelest punishments for the two pirate leaders. He had stripped away from Sola everything that she had worked for, overcoming her frail body and constitution, able to banish her inherent meekness and shyness, the unique beauty that she possessed.

Morgoth had removed everything save for her sexual modifications and her addiction. They had tried mods to remove it in the past, but instead of banishing her addiction that had only made it more intense. Specialized medication was required to deal with Sola's need to alter herself, and it cost several thousand credits a month. Kriegan, Morgoth's captive Leiaou scientist, would provide cheap and simple alterations to Sola's body for the money she made from Morgoth's employees. If Sola and Cinder left, there would be no doubt that Sola would end up disfiguring herself with brands and scars to satisfy her need for change.

Cinder couldn't allow her sister to hurt herself like that. Out in the world Cinder would likely be unable to support herself, and rely on her sister to pay for things. But with all that had happened to Sola, there was no doubt in the vixen's mind that the only thing her little sister would be interested in as a career was whoring. There wasn't a scrap of clothing in the entire room and Sola had easily walked down the hallways naked. Sola was just as screwed up as Cinder was, only her alterations were mental, rather than physical.

She would remain here at her sister's side. She would be her guardian and her lover. She knew she would have to resume her routines with Morgoth, artificial as it was, she still loved the dragon and would ache in his absence. But she would no longer be his pet and obey his every word and whim.

Cinder let out a sigh and crept carefully from her sister's futon, pulling a blanket over her to ensure she kept warm. She hoped that something would happen soon, something that would allow Sola and herself to be truly free. She wanted Morgoth to pay for what he had done to the entire pirate crew. But try as she might, Cinder couldn't think of anything that she could take part in that would bring about her master's downfall. She wasn't even sure that her programming would allow her to do anything aside from have rebellious thoughts.

She sighed once more, walking over to peer through one of the mirrors into the companion work rooms, where a tigress and a small, but athletic fox were chatting pleasantly while the fox removed his clothes.

If only someone could take down Morgoth once and for all...

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