Lazirus - Chapter 1

Story by Frostofthecwsw on SoFurry

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#1 of Lazirus Series

This is chapter one of an ongoing series I intend to write. Will be updating bi-weekly AT MOST. It might be two parts one week and another two weeks from that. I don't want to restrict it too much because life is unpredictable and such. Please tell me what you think, but please be constructive in your criticisms.

The sparkling skyline of the city lay stretched out before me as I surveyed the scene. I sat atop one of the thousands of super-skyscrapers, the several hundred foot building serving as my perch to consider my target.

From my current position I could look down and into the building at an angle, watching people mill about in the meeting room. I took a deep breath, and, activating adaptive camouflage on my suit, dropped over the side of the building. The wind rushed past my face as I plummeted, the howling current whistling in my ears as the HUD on the inside of my faceplate displayed my trajectory and altitude upon the world around me in standard VR fashion.

With a flick of my wrist I tossed my hoverdisk out in front of me. It unfolded circularly, starting as a small wedge, then flared to life, antigrav boosters on the underside keeping it aloft. Using the microboosters on my sleek, black stealth suit, I executed a full flip, then landed on the disk utilizing the mind reading abilities of the advanced neuroweave in the fabric.

Immediately as I alighted on my disk's surface it compensated for my weight, even as it linked up with my suit and reading my intentions from it. Standing slowly but fluidly, I swiveled my head from side to side, taking in my surroundings and noting avenues of escape. My right hand raised at my behest, and I considered the thick, black bracelet on my wrist, before calmly pressing one of the buttons hidden in its smooth surface with my left. It sprang open into a bar, maybe a hand span in length, which I grasped in the same hand I'd activated it with. The bar extended in a gentle arc, metal seeming the grow and shape itself as the various buttons and slides appeared beside the grip, before the Altered Plasmatic Energy coils flared to life, emitting the bowstring out from the tips of the arc. My bow now fully primed, I reached back over my shoulder to remove one of the short cylinders of metal resting in my backpack's main housing. The arrow in hand, I pressed on the toggle upon its surface and it sprang outward, at the same time thinning down. Lastly, the fletching and arrowhead burst from the minute APE emitters in each end, invisible, much like my bow's string, in stealth mode; my suit, however, highlighted the invisible APE currents.

I nocked the arrow and drew back the string, the bow flexing back silently as I pulled. A smirk broke out across my hybrid features, my fennec-like ears twitching with excitement whilst I sighted down the shaft. In my VR HUD, the arrow's path was lightly highlighted, not that I really needed it to be, and I calmly placed the trajectory upon my target, the human male at the head of the table. He spoke from the far side of the meeting room, in comparison to my current position, most likely feeling safe and secure behind the Titanglass windows of the building.

Finalizing the flight path, I let loose. The arrow sliced silently through the night, passing through the glass without shattering it in the slightest, and finally passed through my target's head to embed itself in the wall behind.

All this this took mere moments, and back outside I had already returned my bow to its bracelet form. At that point, a knelt and reached beneath my hoverdisk to depress a toggle, causing the transport to turn off its antigravity boosters. Immediately, I began to plummet.

I spread my arms, my suit transmitting the sensation of the wind whipping past into my neural weave, making me experience the drop as if I were fully nude. Once again using the microthrusters, I angled myself around the traffic, making sure not to be noticed in any way. A readout popped up on my heads-up display, showing that the police had been alerted, most likely by a private alarm. Distantly, I could hear the sirens.

At this point, my suit reactivated my hoverdisk, a slight mental twitch enough for the command to be sent. The suit override connected my actions to the disk at this point. Using a miniscule amount of my well-honed concentration, mixed with movements of my body, I maneuvered myself into an upright position and pushed my way along through the city.

By the time my HUD showed that police arrived at the scene, I was long gone on my way back to my base of operations here in Raelicen City. Far below my rocketing form bubbled the magma that gave this place much of its power and heat, and required the lower levels to be shielded with forcefields. It also provided fantastic cover for my base.

I once again deactivated the antigravity thrusters on my hoverdisk, the forward momentum carrying over as I dropped. The disk closed up, and I snatched it from the air before storing it in my pack. Filled with a sense of serenity, I closed my eyes, already below traffic height, not to mention on a closed thoroughfare of a deserted residential block, and just allowed myself to relax, gliding along on inertia alone.

After several minutes of falling, I activated the thrusters on my suit and rolled forward in the air so that I was upright. Flaring my arms out, I used them to help slow and guide me down to the front porch of my base. Well, more accurately, the balcony on the second floor of the building at the end of the block.

From outside, this place looked like an abandoned, run down building, but in reality, behind the forcefield and camouflage, it was quite lived in. I stretched and growled slightly as my suit retracted and reshaped, becoming a tanktop and shorts, both black in color. This also revealed some of my lithe form, a strange muddy mix of innumerable species, though primarily fennec, raccoon, kangaroo, and squirrel.

"My my, nanotechnology sure is wonderful," I mused under my breath, before stepping in and closing the sliding door behind me. Nigh on instantaneously, my fur prickled and stood on end, my ears twitching up to a fully erect position in an attempt to discern any sound made by whatever may be lurking about. An intruder.

Out of subconscious reflex, I fell into a low, slinking stance, my footfalls light, even as I drew a knife from the holster on the left side of my backpack. Using three limbs to locomote and the fourth to defend myself, I made my way deeper into my domicile. The fur on my long, ringed tail bristled as my sensitive ears picked up the soft sound of movement. Whoever this was, he was an amateur...and most certainly hiding in the kitchen.

I moved stealthily through my weapon room, which was off to the right of the balcony, and up to the wall on the left side of the opening that formed the entryway into the kitchen. I peeked carefully around the corner, my eyes easily adjusting to the change in light. The intruder was indeed there, his back to me as he stood against the other wall, gun in hand. What an absolute IDIOT.

In one motion, I slipped around the corner and pulled a wad of antigun nanopaste from the underside of the kitchen table. Smirking, I then lobbed it at the feline's weapon. It stuck to its surface, causing the unaware puma to shout and wheel about, pointing his gun at me and pulling the trigger.