East Meets West

Story by RaptorianOne on SoFurry

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Holy shit I'm finally uploading stories again :x This one features my Eastern dragon character, Kenji. The story is (loosely) based on an RP, so the Western dragon is (loosely) based on someone else's character.

East Meets Westby RaptorianOneClover stood before his parents, hands clasped in front of him. In this pivotal moment, he felt like he was on trial."Mom, Dad... I've been trying to work up the courage to say this for a long time. I... I'm gay."They hadn't taken it well. They'd called him horrible names: faggot, sissy, tail-lifter. And worst of all: "You're a shame to this family."He'd known that acceptance was too much to hope for. All he'd wanted was understanding. But instead, he got hatred - and homelessness. "Get out of our sight. Get lost, and never come back."The young anthro Western had taken 'get lost' perhaps a bit too literally. He spent three hours trudging through the wilderness, growing more and more tired with each step. By the time he found a source of water, he was beginning to wonder if he was seeing things.Real or not, though, it was quite a sight. Cascades of water tumbled down from majestic mountains, feeding the lake below. Even in his sullen mood, Clover couldn't help but admire the scenery.

 Then he paused for a moment and stared at the waterfall. For just a split second, he thought he'd seen moving behind it. But when nothing else happened, he simply shrugged and chuckled to himself. "Probably just imagining things." He heaved a sigh and scooped some water into his hands, drinking and washing his face. Then, without really thinking about it, he began to remove his clothing. After all that walking, he needed a bath.His entire body was covered with smooth pearly-white scales. There were no differently-colored scales on his chest or belly, though his horns and claws were black, as well as his tongue and cock. His cock was fully exposed, too; no sheath or slit to hide it. Bathing out in the open made him rather self-conscious, even though he knew there was no one else for miles around.He sighed and tried to relax as he washed himself, lathering up with the bar of soap that had been in his backpack. His scales were very much like human skin, for which he was grateful - tough scales required expensive soap.

 With his mind no longer lingering on thoughts of his family, the teenage dragon began to relax. Then his eyes caught movement again, and he gave another questioning look at the waterfall. This time, the waterfall seemed to look back. Two golden lights shone through the water, glowing brightly. Clover froze and began to say something, but before he could speak, a large serpentine body burst through the water. The body belonged to a green Eastern dragon with a red mane and a furry muzzle. The glowing lights were its eyes, now firmly fixed upon him, though the glow slowly faded out."Hello," the Eastern spoke. It was a male, if its voice was any indication. His four feet flexed in midair, claws structured like an eagle's. He

seemed to notice Clover's awestruck look and began to uncoil himself a bit, displaying his full size. At fifteen feet long, he was smaller than some of his kind - but still much larger than any anthro."I... I, uh..." Clover swallowed loudly and covered himself with his tail, as if he'd suddenly remembered his nudity. "I'm sorry... is this your lake? Am I trespassing? I'm sorry... I just needed to drink and bathe..." He stumbled over his words all the while, nearly stuttering.

 Then something unexpected happened: the Eastern dragon smiled. "I do live here, but I do not mind your presence." His voice was calming, almost hypnotic. "You have good intentions, so you may stay."Clover blinked. "You mean you somehow know what my intentions are?""As well as your name and your nature, yes. My eyes show me these things." His eyes glowed again, as if to demonstrate their magical senses. "So, since I know your name, I suppose I should offer my own. I am called Kenji.""I like that name." Clover smiled somewhat awkwardly. His cock had begun to stir a bit - damned teenage hormones. But thanks to his strategically-placed tail, Kenji hadn't seemed to notice."Have you eaten?" asked Kenji, after a moment of silence.Clover's stomach growled. "Ugh... not since this morning." It was nearly sundown now.Kenji peered down upon him with a warm and sincere smile. "I will bring you a meal. Do you eat meat?""As long as it's cooked..." Clover began to thank Kenji for his kindness, but by the time the words left his lips, the Eastern had already hovered away.

 Now alone, Clover willed himself to ignore his now-throbbing cock. Unable to make it go away, he simply sighed and decided to put his clothes back on. He'd dry them off later.It wasn't long before Kenji returned, with firewood and a deer. He used rocks and straw to start the fire, which surprised Clover a bit - he'd always thought all dragons could breathe fire."So... I've never met an Eastern dragon before." Clover rubbed the back of his neck. "There aren't many of you?""No," answered Kenji. "We are quite rare ... and the few that remain mostly live in hiding." Clearly this troubled him, but he didn't volunteer anything further."That... that sucks." Clover frowned, uncertain of what else to say, and Kenji replied with a simple nod."Well, what about visitors? Do you get many visitors?""A few, yes... but not as many as I'd like.""Well, if you're lonely here, why don't you go--""I cannot," Kenji interrupted, and sighed. "I cannot leave this place. My spirit is bound here, due to ... an unfortunately-worded promise."

 Clover blinked, bewildered.Kenji drooped his head a bit, bringing his muzzle closer to Clover. "We 'mystical' creatures can defy some of your physics, but we have rules of

our own. For example, my word is truly my bond. If I make a promise ... I must keep it.""So, you promised to stay here, until...?""Until I die," Kenji finished. "This is a good place. But living here for so long, alone, unable to leave ... it is... troubling.""I ... I imagine so." Clover frowned and gently reached out to stroke Kenji's muzzle. Kenji accepted the reassurance, nuzzling into Clover's attention - though his own attention soon returned to the deer. "The meat should be ready now. I have already eaten. Have as much as you like.""Thank you..." Clover bowed respectfully. He began to eat, and as he did, Kenji's tail randomly brushed against him and wrapped around him. He began to wonder, How should I react? but in truth, he'd already decided that he quite enjoyed it.Once finished, the Western stood and stretched. "Mmm... thank you so very much. This was very kind of you... but I really should be going now."

 "Should you?" Kenji tilted his head. "Must you?""Well... no," Clover admitted. "I don't even know where I'm going ... I just figure I should keep moving until I find someplace good to stay.""This is a good place," Kenji chuckled. "You may stay here, if you wish. Even if only for tonight - and for longer, if you'd like.""I... I, uh..." Clover found himself blushing again. "Are you sure...?""Yes, I am quite sure." The Eastern smiled, his gaze full of compassion. "In fact, I would like you to stay with me for the night.""Are you really that lonely...?""I am quite lonely, but I have practical needs, as well. Cold nights are quite uncomfortable for a cold-blooded creature; I would appreciate your warmth.""Oh, right..." Clover nodded slowly, frowning as he felt his loins stirring again. "Alright, I'll stay here tonight.""Here," said Kenji, offering a hand. "Come with me."The white dragon blinked and slowly took Kenji's hand. Before he knew it, he was tugged into the Eastern's arms. He was immediately impressed that Kenji could hover and fly, seemingly unimpeded, even while carrying another's full weight.

 Clover tensed up a bit as Kenji plowed right through the waterfall, but it was so fast that there was only a 'whoosh' of rushing air and water - Clover wasn't even wet.Opening his eyes again, he slowly glanced around. The area behind the waterfall, where he guessed Kenji resided, was a small cave - very small. More like a rock shelter, really. It was only just barely big enough for both of them, though at least there was dry rock underfoot.Try as he might, though, Clover couldn't position himself so that he wasn't brushing against some part of Kenji - which only worsened his already-nagging arousal."My apologies," said Kenji, "but I would like to request something... though it

may sound a bit brash.""Yeah?""I would like you to remove your clothing." The Eastern smiled again, looking wonderfully innocent. "Clothing chafes uncomfortably against me. Bare scales are much better.""Uhh..." the Western blushed hotly, his scales practically turning red. "What do you mean...?""I mean," Kenji chuckled, "that I wish to wrap around you, and it'd be much more comfortable ... for both of us ... if you were unclothed."

 "I, I'm not sure about this...""Please," Kenji insisted."O...okay." Fuck, thought Clover. Fuck, fuck, fuck. I'm so dead. He's gonna see my boner. I bet he'll fucking bite it off... ugh... I've got no choice here... He whimpered slightly as he divested himself of his clothing, fully exposing his lithe young body ... and his thick throbbing cock."Thank you," said Kenji, suddenly wearing a toothy grin. His muzzle dipped down toward the Western's crotch.Clover whimpered again as he awaited his horrible fate. Would he be made a eunuch, or simply killed?But ultimately, Kenji did neither of those two - instead, his long ribbonlike tongue slipped out of his muzzle and brushed against Clover's pulsing length, making Clover groan reflexively.Still, Clover wasn't sure what to think - until his cock was suddenly enveloped in the Eastern's hot muzzle. Far from being bitten, it was instead suckled and caressed, massaged with the kind of expert attentions that could make any man moan.Clover rolled his head back and tilted his muzzle skyward, letting out a deep moan. Fuck, this felt so good. Kenji had already gulped down his seven-inch length; his soft plush lips were now pressed against his pelvis, suckling softly, sealing his trembling shaft inside a hot and snug embrace.

 "Oh, my gods..." Clover gasped. He couldn't last long like this. He hadn't pawed off for several days, and he'd already been so pent-up... he grunted loudly, trying his best to hold out for as long as he could.Kenji purred softly, sending gentle vibrations through Clover's cock, and his amazing forked tongue coiled around the length, squeezing and rippling and filling the young Western with sensations that could only be described as 'heavenly'.Clover whimpered, squirming now. He couldn't hold it much longer. "I... I'm gonna..."The Eastern did not stop what he was doing. He simply smiled, gave Clover's cock a gentle nibble, and kept up his talented work. His head bobbed a few times, his slick tight lips slurping along the length, squeezing and massaging along with his wonderful tongue. As he sank back to his hilt, his furred muzzle brushed against Clover's balls, tickling them slightly.That was it. Clover gasped and moaned, crying out his pleasure as loudly as his vocal cords would allow, as he knew no one would hear him all the way

out here. He grabbed Kenji's horns and pulled the other dragon's mouth down on his cock as he came hard, spilling a hot, plentiful load into the Eastern's muzzle and throat.

 And Kenji, still purring, closed his eyes and contentedly gulped down every drop.Clover panted, chest heaving for breath. His legs were so shaky now that he fell on his rump, incidentally slipping his shaft out of Kenji's mouth. Kenji just smiled and wrapped his cool, smooth body around the young Western lad. "Mmm..." he purred softly. "Now do you see what I meant?""Oh, gods, yes..." Clover blushed."Good..." Kenji grinned. "Because I would like more."Clover gasped as he felt the Eastern's soft underscales moving slightly. He felt his shaft brush against a small warm slit, then a second one, this one even smaller and warmer. "Y-you mean...""I mean I want you to mate me." Kenji smiled. "Please."Clover whined as the wise Eastern rubbed against him, rubbing that hot tight tailhole around his still hyper-sensitive cock. He still had plenty of youthful stamina... and if Kenji wanted it, then he'd happily give it."Alright..." The young Western wrapped his arms around Kenji and found himself feeling increasingly comfortable in the Eastern's warm presence. Kenji smiled and wiggled, pushing himself against Clover and pulling his limp cock into his hot, tight tailhole.

 The Western wasn't limp for long; his muzzle openedg to release a soft groan as his partner's tailhole clenched and squeezed his shaft until it was fully erect again. He gasped and gave Kenji a gentle squeeze as he began thrusting up into him.Kenji's inner flesh felt amazing, so hot and snug... but since he'd already cum once tonight, Clover was able to take it nice and slow this time. He figured Kenji wouldn't mind... and indeed, he didn't. Their muzzles met in a warm, gentle kiss, and they both moaned, savoring the moment.Their kiss deepened as Clover began to thrust faster. Tongue met tongue, the Eastern's long thin one wrapping around the Western's smaller and broader one. Both dragons rumbled and groaned as their hips met, again and again, making faint slurping sounds.Clover's balls thumped against Kenji's body as he started piercing deeper; he pulled out until almost nothing was left inside, then pumped to his hilt and back again. As he was engulfed again and again by the tight silky flesh of Kenji's hot tailhole, he craned his neck backward a bit and whined up to the heavens.

 The Eastern was certainly enjoying it too. His muscles tensed, making his entire sinuous body squeeze gently around his new friend, like a playful and gentle bear-hug. Kenji's inner muscles flexed too, tightening his tailhole and making Clover moan."Mmmm..." said Kenji, almost reluctantly breaking their kiss. His voice was sultry and seductive as he spoke. "Ohh, you are so

amazing, my friend... please, keep going...""Nnngh... you bet I will... this feels so fucking good..." Clover grunted lustfully. It was unlike him to be so blunt and direct, but hey... this time was excusable. Heat of the moment, and all that.Kenji's tailhole had a heat of its own; it was like a sweltering silky oven wrapped around his cock, stroking him with muscled inner flesh. It was almost too much to withstand. Clover whimpered, knowing he was about to cum again.Kenji just grinned, wanting the younger Western to do just that. Squeezing the white-scaled boy in his coils, he started grinding against him, slurping him into his hot massaging tailhole again and again. Clover's muscles flexed intensely, toes curling as he reached the edge - and then he tumbled over it. Kenji clenched around him, squeezing his cock tightly, and that was all it took. The Western dragon hugged his new friend as he came, letting out a scream of pure blissful pleasure.

 Kenji purred, smiling tenderly down at Clover as he enjoyed the sensation of being filled. Somehow, he'd known from the beginning that they would hit it off... perhaps that was another gift of his draconic senses.Clover leaned back and exhaled a tired sigh. "Oh, gods, Kenji... thank you.""Thank you too, my friend." The Eastern gave him a gentle nuzzle. "As I said, you are free to stay for as long as you like... your company would be appreciated, and greatly enjoyed.""Heh... alright," Clover grinned. "Well, I think I'll take you up on that... at least for tonight. M'tired." He smiled and stretched a bit, then wrapped his arms back around Kenji's body. The Eastern's previously-cool body was nice and warm now."Of course, my friend." Kenji smiled. "Get some sleep."With his shaft still buried inside the wonderful Eastern, Clover did just that.

Envy Green

Envy Green by RaptorianOne She wears green. Vibrant, glowing green, almost like a neon street sign. Envy Green, I call it, because I envy whatever lucky bastard gets to spend the night with her. The green stands out against her grey fur and accentuates...

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Bartender by RaptorianOneOver these past few weeks, I notice I've practically been begging for more massages. It's not physical pain that troubles me, but being under the skilled talons of a hawk anthro seems to take my mind to a happier place for a...

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