Ian Entry #2 - Kinky Date Number Three - Part 1

Story by IanWolf on SoFurry

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#8 of Ian and London - Our Dates

London stole Ian's idea. What was it and is Ian going to be mad?

Ian Entry #2 - Kinky Date Number Three - Part 1


I'm going to be doing this 'date' from Ian's perspective only because I think it'll be more interesting.

I honestly have not planed this one out lol. So, this might get weird towards the end. :D


"No..." I moaned, attempting to turn over, "I'm still tired. I don't want to get up yet," I said groggily.

A tugging at my wrist had awoken me, though I assumed London was just sitting up or something. On occasion he had accidentally rolled onto my arm, making it fall asleep.

With my eyes still closed, I all of a sudden felt tugging at my other paw.

"What are you doing?" I asked, slightly more annoyed.

No response.

"London! Stop!" I exclaimed as my legs were suddenly spread, "I don't want to do that right now."

I finally opened my eyes, however, no light entered them.

"What!? What's going on?" I cried shrilly, moving my paw to my face. However, my paw did not follow through.

"Wha?" I said, tugging on my arm.

I turned my head to look at my paw which I assumed was bound to something, however I still couldn't see.

"London!" I said, concern entering into my voice.

"What's happening? Why can't I see?"

No response, just tugging at my feet.

"London! Stop this, now! I don't like this!" I exclaimed, getting angry at him.

Suddenly I heard footsteps coming over toward my head. I looked in that direction and suddenly was blinded as the cloth over my eyes was ripped off.

The harsh light stung as my eyes had yet to adjust to the sudden change in brightness.

I cried, squinting my eyes shut, slowly opening them little by little until I could see again.

My eyes fell onto a big, burly brown bear, hunched over a few feet from the bed I was on. I frantically looked around. I was definitely still in London's room. We had yet to move to the city, though we were in the process of looking. It was silly for me to drive 30 minutes back and forth each day to the college.

London, to my surprise, actually seemed to like the idea. I guess the bright lights of the city promised excitement and grittiness. I guess he had gotten bored with our quaint town.

"Who are you!?" I called out to the bear.

He turned around slowly, placing his giant paws on his hips. His round stomach jiggled as he bellowed in a deep, brawny voice, "None of your concern, Fox."

I breathed heavily, though I was calming down. I was in London's room, in his flat. For some reason that thought gave me some piece of mind.

The flat was in a good area, a safe area. I couldn't be in any real danger, right?

After calming myself down some more, I looked over my situation. My arms were pawcuffed to the posts of the bed. I had a spreader on my legs, which were propped in an uncomfortable position for easy access to my tail hole. My feet were cuffed together and were once more, uncomfortably tied to the back posts so that my knees stuck out the furthest.

Luckily I was pretty agile, so after a few minutes, my body adjusted.

Suddenly, I heard a door close and the familiar footsteps come across the creaky living room and up the iron steps.

My eyes never left just above the half wall. And as soon as I saw the top of his ears poke out, I yelled, "London! What's going on?"

My wolf walked up to the bear, said a few words, and then the bear walked off.

"He didn't hurt you, right?" London asked, coming over to the side of the bed and sitting down. He was wearing a simple pair of jeans and a tight black shirt which fitted his body very well.

"Uh, no, but, what's going on?"

"Well," London began, "The other night, I had to use the computer. Yours was the closest," He snickered, "Well, you must have forgot to close the page you were on."

"Oh..." I said, knowing exactly what he was talking about.

"Wait, you think I was-"

"You don't have to explain yourself," London said, "You don't have to hide your fetishes."

"But it's not-" I began.

"Quiet now, or I'm going to have to use this," he said, holding up a ball gag.

I swallowed. London had the whole thing wrong. It wasn't MY fetish. I was looking up some kinky stuff to do for my next date. He stole my idea!

I must admit though, being naked, with everything exposed like this, I began to get slightly aroused. Thoughts of London chained to the wall flooded back. Now I was in his situation. And although I enjoyed having control then, him having the control only felt natural.

"What are you going to do?" I asked sheepishly.

"I'm not really sure yet. Let us see what my pal left us," London said, walking over to the box.

"Ooooh," there's some good toys in here, London moaned.

Picking up the box, London dumped out the contents onto the bed next to me.

My eyes widened at the assortment of objects, toys, gels, and other things I couldn't name.

"I wonder what all these things do!" London exclaimed, picking up a jar of what looked like Vaseline.

He read the label slowly, "Arousal Cream: Use to get the hardest boner you've ever had. Oh! Oh boy!"

"Oh, I have an idea..." my London said wolfishly, grinning with all of his sharp teeth showing.

With that he removed the lid and stuck two clawed fingers in, pulling out a liberal amount of the white, waxy material.

Grinning evilly, London moved his hand to my pouch, which already had a sizable amount of my penis visible.

With his other hand, he forcefully pulled down the remainder of my sheath, exposing my full length, still skinny.

"Yaaagh!" I moaned, gritting my teeth.

My still flaccid penis flopped out sideways. He took his lathered up hand and grabbed my stick, massaging it in roughly. The feel of his fur against my sensitive skin made me cringe in pleasure, while the ultimate coldness of the wax sent a shiver through my body.

After lathering it up, London stepped back, watching my bone, which at first didn't change. Then, all of a sudden I felt it begin to swell as the chemical began to activate, inflaming my genital.

I moaned audibly as I felt an incredible heat begin to radiate through my abdomen.

"London!" I screamed, making tight fists and pulling against the cuffs, "It burns!"

"Don't worry," he said, "I think it said that goes away quickly."

"You think!?" I yelled, though just as I said it, the burning began to quickly subside.

What was left was a rock hard erection.

"Oh my God. So cool!" London exclaimed, reaching out to touch it.

It jerked hard as I moaned loudly. His gentle touch had sent such extreme pleasure up my spine. My brain was overwhelmed, both from the touch as well as from the extreme pressure below.

London pulled back his hand.

Rummaging through the pile as I squirmed, London exclaimed as he found what he was looking for, "Ah. My friend was telling me about this."

He held up some sort of device.

My body was already so overwhelmed that I could barely see it through my teared up eyes.

"Don't worry," London said, seeing my misty eyes, "I'm sure you'll get used to it. But this. This you might not get used to," he said with that grin.

"What is it!?" I managed.

"Well, you're so overly stimulated right now, that I can imagine you might just cum if I accidentally breath on it. This will make sure you don't. You'll get right to the climax... and then this here device will send out some signal to your brain or something. I don't really know the science. But it will make it so you can't cum. Isn't it amazing what science can do?"

I didn't share the same feeling.

Knowing he wasn't going to get a response, London strapped the small device to the base of my penis.

"Let's test it out. If it doesn't work, that'll be disappointing. But I think it should."

London laughed maniacally as he picked up what could only be a feather.

"Perfect!" he exclaimed, bringing the feather which he held delicately to my twitching member. It even looked like my boner was slightly bigger than usual. It must have been so swollen, the skin had stretched an extra inch or two.

London, looking at me with that evil grin, gently laid the feather onto my hard, swollen penis.

I arched my back as my neurons exploded with information.

London moved it around, tickling my skin, enjoying my suffering.

Within moments, I could feel it building inside me. I knew I didn't have much longer.

Just as it was about to happen, my body was shut down instantly. My muscles relaxed, though the frustration that had built up remained.

"London!" I cried.

"Did it work?" he asked.

"Yes! Please stop."

"I'm sorry. Did you say do it again? My ears have kind of been blocked lately."

With that he put the feather back onto my fully erect bone, bringing me to climax, over and over again. It was like I was a women, except with no release.

It was torture! And I must admit, by the fourth or fifth go, I was starting to enjoy it. I was incredibly horny, but I could tell most of it was synthetic. Though by this point I could feel my own horniness start to dominate. The torture began to become pleasurable; erotic.

Eventually London stopped, "NO, I need more!" I yelled.

"Good," London said, putting back down the feather. It was if he was TRYING to torture me!


Let me know what toys you want me to use on our Ian in the comments. I'm actually probably not going to release another one tomorrow, so that'll give you some time to comment. And if no one comments, I'll just have to come up with some random stuff.

I don't want anything to unrealistic or extreme, though if a lot of furs want it, I'll gladly do it.

I was thinking about some portal play or something, but I don't know if that was getting to much into the realm of fantasy or science fiction. Though I could easily explain it as a recent scientific breakthrough. Porn is usually the first thing breakthroughs get used for, so I guess it wouldn't be that far-fetched.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed.

Sincerely, IanWolf

And please, please comment!
