Swollen River
He worked himself to her swollen glans a final time, the fat head of her cock soon meeting his lips as he suckled and collected her flowing lust.
Swollen and Bred
She howled, rocking and arching, moaning out his name in broken, spat curses, her womb swollen, belly bulging more and more.
Swollen and Needy
Even swollen and needy, arctic was always mistress shy's best pet. always.
Swollen Confidence [Trade]
"One drink!" Tohrk had said, almost as soon as he'd walked into the bar. He wasn't particularly... stout himself, but he'd once made the mistake of wearing his pads to the bar, and had had to half-turn to get in through the door. Tonight was not one of...
He muttered as he just raised a paw to his face and slowly trailed the heavy mitt down his swollen features. his cheeks and jowls bounced and smooshed beneath the weight of his thick appendage, distorting for a moment the draolf's soft look.
Industrial Accident
Juno groaned aloud as he sat down on the bench in the locker room at his job after he finished changing. It had been yet another rough day at the plant, and he was just exhausted. The drabull was woefully out of shape as it was, and when that was...
Beer Me
"Barkeep, beer me!" A blue-and-pink skunk yelled across the crowded bar. Sol, the skunk, knew that it was too early to drink more than one or two at the most, but he had been invited to the brewery for an early brunch with friends, and that did mean he...
The Story of The Adventures of El Macho 2: El Macho Vs. The Milker
The Adventures of El Macho 2: El Macho Vs. The Extractor When we last left our hero he'd fallen foul to the Wizard, who captured the heroic green-skin and whisked him off to his tower, where he drained him of his liquid strength. The Wizard held El...
Slayer or Layer 36
He'd made that work last time, but he doubted that it would be anywhere near as workable with a swollen stomach.
Tale 8-1 - Subconsciously Swollen
Linus woke up that morning feeling strange. His head was swimming and spinning a little, almost as if he had a hangover, but he hadn't been drinking since Friday night, and it was Monday. Friday night hadn't been that crazy either. His stomach was...
The Boss's Sow 14
Her clit felt like a little bump that was begging for attention, her pussy itself feeling like some swollen mess.
Going Buggo
There was one sight i had to become particularly accustomed to while here, and that was my now giant swollen abdomen.