Way Too Far

Story by Serenity607 on SoFurry

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My mate requested that I write something dark for him based on his favorite song by Korn. I watched the music video for it a few times, and listened to the song for a while. This is what I came up with for him.

I've never written anything like this before, so some feedback on it would be really appreciated! ~.~ I marked it as adult, but if you think it needs to be rated as extreme, please let me know!

Characters and story are mine.

Song © Korn

1,320 Words.

Tucking the brown shopping bag against my chest, I unlock the door and push it open, my eyes instantly searching for the soft feline shape that is my wife. It's been a long ass day, and all I want is the beer that's in the bag, and my arms around her soft body, my fingers buried in her plush fur. Stepping into the apartment, I yank my keys from the door and kick it shut behind me, my senses reaching out to find her. My nose twitches as I catch her scent drifting from the kitchen. With a large grin, I kick the shoes from my feet and excitedly make my way to her. Rounding the corner, my smile falters as I see her leaning over the table, her head down and ears low. I smell the tears now, and my heart damn near stops.

Here it comes Once again 'Irrational' I give in Paranoia Expands within Little voices start to begin:

"Baby, what's wrong?!" I rush to her side, my arms around her in an instant, pulling her to me. I hold her close, my hand under her chin as I gently lift her head to gaze into her eyes. She pulls herself away from me with a soft sob and grabs something from the table, shoving it into my hands as she backs away. I stare down at it for a moment before my brain registers what it is. Positive. She's pregnant! I look up at her with a smile on my lips once more. She's holding herself, tears streaming down her face. "I'm not keeping it." Her voice is shaky as my brow furrows. Not keeping the baby...

Everyone's out to take your joy away Constantly scheming to keep us at bay Everyone's plotting and they are just taking You must make it stop Make them pay

"We can't afford to. We're behind on payments, late on bills. We can't keep it." I hear her say. "You know we can't afford to be spending at random, like with the beer you just brought home." She grabs the bag from where I set it on the counter, and dumps the bottles into the sink, tossing the bag aside. "Why the hell are you even drinking again? You said you were quitting!" Angrily, she opens the first of twelve and dumps it down the drain. I don't know what came over me then, but something snapped inside of me. I storm over to her and grab her by the arm. My petite, angry little wife, who stands a solid foot shorter than me. I grab her and throw her down, hearing her head impact solidly with the floor.

Sometimes I just take things Way Too Far Irrational feeling I just try too hard 'cause What goes up, must come down The problem is I have no bounds 'cause Sometimes I just take things Way Too Far

She stared up at me, her emerald green eyes wide with fear and shock as I stand over her. I clench my teeth in rage, and grab the empty beer bottle for the sink, its long neck gripped tightly in my paw as I point the butt of it at her. "You don't want the baby? You don't want me to drink? You never want anything anymore. You hardly let me touch you, you barely look at me. WHY?!" I fall over her, my knees pinning her arms effortlessly in her daze, and I bring the bottle down on her head as hard as I can. I feel the end shatter against her temple, leaving the middle of it jagged and sharp. Those green eyes stare up at me, her gaze unfocused, blood gushing from the large gash across the right side of her temple. I can't take it, and I shut my eyes as I bring my hand up and back down quickly, the sharp edges of the beer bottle cutting into her belly. I hear her cry out loudly, her scream ripping from her throat harshly. Again, I bring my arm up and back down, the edges slicing into her breasts. Over and over, I drive the bottle into her flesh, until she is nothing but a bloody mess.

Reality is surreal Wretchedness is all I feel Now its really just a way God, I hear the voices say:

Gasping for air, my eyes finally open and I see her. Green eyes fogging over with death, beautiful white fur stained crimson with her own blood. Her belly raw and gaping open, her wounds deep and fatal. There is no saving her... I stare in horror at what I've done. My gaze drifts from her belly and chest up to her face. She's practically gone, but she's whispering something. Over and over, so softly I can't hear her until I lean closer. My ear so close I can feel her breath, feel the blood bubble on her lips, as she whispers it one last time. "I love you." Then nothing... I stay like this for an eternity before standing, my legs wobbling beneath me as I stare down at her mangled body. I had just wanted to hold her. Kiss her, feel her in my embrace. Instead I had killed her and our unborn child. Everything I had ever wanted in life was gone.

Everyone's out to take your joy away Constantly scheming to keep us at bay Everyone's plotting and they are just taking You must make it stop Make them pay

I stumble to the bathroom, my stomach churning and clenching. I don't even make it to the toilet before the vomit forces its way past my lips and lands on the floor. I heave until there is nothing left to expel, and keep on heaving. Finally, it subsides and I can stand. I catch my reflection in the mirror and can't look away. Her blood is all over me. My arms, my chest, my face, all covered in her precious life source. Once more my stomach churns and I'm doubled over dry heaving until my throat is raw. With tears streaming down my cheeks, I manage to find my way to the desk in the spare bedroom. Pen and paper already sit out, and I scrawl a small note before dropping the pen to the floor.

Sometimes I just take things Way Too Far Irrational feeling I just try too hard 'cause What goes up, must come down The problem is I have no bounds 'cause Sometimes I just take things Way Too Far

Wooohoooo! Wooooohooooo! Wooohoooo! Wooooohooooo!

My feet feel as if they are being pulled through tar as I make my way to the balcony doors. My fingers fumble with latch, but finally I've got it and push the doors open. The edge is just there, and I lean over it, my vision blurred by tears. With one last thought of her beautiful face, I lean over the edge of the rail and let myself plummet 14 stories to the pavement. I'm dead before anyone can even get to me to see what the hell just happened, my head split open and brain smashed. They'll find the letter once they search the apartment. They'll read about my shitty day that ended with a promotion in a shitty workplace. They'll read about my joy in hearing about my wife being pregnant. About my sorrow and anger when she said she wouldn't keep it. About how I murdered them both. They'll find my dead wife, her beautiful body cut to ribbons and mangled. They'll shake their heads and mutter about how things turned out as they bag our bodies.

Sometimes I just take things Way Too Far Irrational feeling I just try too hard 'cause What goes up, must come down The problem is I have no bounds 'cause Sometimes I just take things Way Too Far

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