the best kind of birthday surprise

Story by Calafin on SoFurry

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?This little story is a direct result of an image done by the talented tokaido of FA, and an image she did of Nak and I here:

All characters are (c) their respective owners:)

I hope you all enjoy:)

A low sigh emenated from Calafin as he opened the door to their house, the wet slap of blubbered feet on tile signaling his entrance as he chittered and shut the door behind him with just enough force to indicate irritation without real anger. Shaking his head in a vain attempt to try and clear it, the 6'6" Anthro Bottlenose headed into the expansive living room that only a few months ago had held a rather large halloween party, his fit and athletic form plopped unceremoniously into the waterproof couch surrounding their hot tub and entertainment system. Aquamarine eyes glanced around and then closed as he absently rubbed his melon, the equivalent to a human stroking the bridge of their nose. "No-one ever said being a parent would be easy, but dang..." Lying back against the grey cushions, he unzipped the front of his wetsuit, the air in the house adjusted to be moist enough so his skin wouldn't dry out, revealing well defined but not huge pectorals and a six pack, his body language yelling a need to try and relax. Mentally, he thought over the days events, making sure that he could relate everything properly to his wife and Mistress, Naketa. The day had started off well; Hermnet, the Hermaphrodite Support Network that he and hir had setup, had finally hit 25,000 active members, a major milestone considering a few years before it had only 50 people on it, including his wife and their calf, Psyra. This had happened to occur about a week before his birthday, and shi'd decided to throw a combination party, both for his birthday and that Hermnet was now supporting a good percentage of the natural born herms in the United Furry States, and the world, for that matter. He'd been blindfolded, taken to a huge auditorium, and all but lead around like a presidential candidate for most of the morning. He had to admit it had been fun, and he was glad he'd put his collar on announcing exactly who he belonged to; there had been more then a few intersex beings in attendance who'd have jumped his bones given the chance, and the collar made sure they remembered to 'mostly' behave themselves. Between drinks, cake, food, and the overall good vibe, it had been a terrific way to start off a friday. Of course, all good things must end, and in his case it was brought to a screeching halt by a phone call about 2 o'clock or so. One of their trio of calves had apparently had something happen at school, though not hurt, and he was needed there. Their mutual wife and his spirit sister, Finna, was busy teaching a self defense course she couldn't get out of, and his orca had the hermnet celebration to handle, so he'd volunteered to go see what was going on. It turned out that if anything, the school should have been rewarding their half-anthro boycalf, Typhon. His twin sister, Serina, had been getting bullied, and the little half anthro girlcalf was a pacifist, simply crying. Her brother had jumped in, and it wound up with typhon unhurt, and the wolverine bully had wound up with a black eye and bruised nose. He'd watched the videotape with the principal, and found that he had not only not started the fight, the bully's injuries were self-induced from his opponent parrying his strikes and blind charge into a locker and the side of the pool they were in. Thankfully, the school administration understood boys would be boys and praised him for teaching their son about defending himself without directly hurting others. The bully was still protesting when he took the calves with him, enough time having passed that Finna was done with her class; a quick phonecall later they were enroute to the beach. They'd both sat him down, explained how he had done good, reassured Serina that all was well and comforted her, and told their third calf, Psyra, what was going on. After a while and some ice cream the calves wanted to stay at the beach but he'd wanted to go back and see how Nak was doing at the party. Enroute, he realized the party had broken up, and with no way to know if nak was busy during the cleanup, he'd decided to go home. So now here he was, alone and waiting for everyone else to get home, on what was supposed to be his birthday celebration and blowout for the success of hermnet. Getting up and starting to shake his head again at how much fate seemed to love throwing curveballs, he paused as his phone began going off, retrieving it from his pocket and turning it on to see if Finna or the calves needed anything; The phone simply opened a text message from Naketa "We are having guests my phin: ETA 20 minutes. I expect you to be on best behaviour." The message was code, of course: Referring to him as hirs meant he better be naked and clean for them, and best behaviour meant either a scene or something sexual. The phone hit the side table next to the couch as he ran to the bathroom, pulling his wetsuit off enroute; 20 minutes was not much time, but he might just make it. Any thoughts of what the surprise might be got wiped from his mind as he focused on making himself look properly presentable. He'd been kneeling in front of the door, naked save for his collar and nipple piercings, skin still sheened from the shower, for all of 30 or 40 seconds before a single knock came from the front door. Walking up to it, he opened it and bowed, then kneeled again, legs spread and hands on his knees, beak pointing down at the tile as he churred "Greetings Mistress, how may I serve you?"

The giggle that came from the doorway definetely did not belong to his mistress, but he kept his eyes downcast, like a child waiting to see what present their parent brought. The voice belonging to the giggle then spoke, deep but soft, like a barrel lined in velvet, but definetely feminine "My, you *do* have him well trained..." and was answered by his orca "Mmmhmm, took quite a while, but worth every bit of it... Calafin, you may rise and greet our guest." Chittering, he nodded "Thank you Mistress..." and then stood up, looking up, and forcing himself not to take a step back. At six and a half feet tall, he wasn't short, and his wife and mistress orca was 7'6", a good foot on him. But the being standing behind hir was even taller, at least 8'3" or 8'4", not counting hir head horns. Shi(at least, he assumed a shi) was definetely a dragoness or dragoonkin, hir primary body color being a shining amethyst purple, the underside of hir chin, hir belly, and he assumed other parts were a bright white, matching white socks on the ends of hir arms, legs, and tailtip. A pair of proud horns stood from the sides of hir skull, and between them was a well maintained mane of brilliant red hair, long enough to brush against a rather generous bosom. Currently shi was wearing a white shirt that did not nothing to hide hir cleavage, and a tight pair of jeans, clothing made for flexibility and mobility. Hir eyes were a shining gold with snake-like pupils, returning his gaze. He barely managed to keep his gaze on hir long enough to be polite without going into staring territory; between hir height and well formed muscles, their guest looked positively amazonian, and he was glad to know his mistress was allright with hir. Turning his eyes to his mate, he smiled and bowed his head, admiring the muscular yet feminine form of his beloved orca, hir body a mixture of a male orca's strength and the curves of the most luscious lady in existence(at least in his mind), hir body currently covered by a shirt and business slacks. He returned his look to the huge dragoness a step behind hir, churring softly "Good Afternoon, I'm Calafin, It's a pleasure... " and stepped to one side, bowing to let them both enter the house. After they'd both entered, he gently shut the door, glad that when the house was built they'd designed it for larger beings, their guest not having to duck as shi came in. Turning to face them both again, he kneeled and chittered "What would my mistress and our Guest desire?" A soft laugh came from the giantess as shi eyed him "Oh, For... Call me Arun... and I'd love some water. You Naketa?" His mistress murred and nodded, then winked at him as he left the room, hir hand making him jump as it met his rumpcheek with a soft, playful smack while he passed hir.

Retrieving the water, he blushed as he heard them talking in the next room, trying not to let his arousal show. "With an ass like that, I'd bend him over every morning too, where did you find him?" came from their guest, followed by a low trill from his orca "Oh, we met in college, he was captain of the water polo team... It was fun teaching him... we still on for the bet, Hmmm?" Whatever hir reply was got cut off by the ice machine, his mental curse not affecting it as he put the twin glasses of water and ice in a bowl atop a tray, then brought it in and presented it to them. Taking a glass, His mistress smiled at him "Thank you Slave..." and then turned to "Arun" and sipped from it "Well then, I believe a more private setting is in order... Cal, go downstairs and prepare the playroom... I will be expecting you to have it ready and be sitting in the chair." Nodding, he held the tray for the dragoness to take hir own drink, then put the tray back in the kitchen before going downstairs to the first floor, his belly pinkening at the thought of what was to come. The playroom was their scening space; a giant california king bed with space on all four sides, toys from dildos to paddles and whips concealed in wall panels, and arm and leg restraints hidden in the bed itself. There was even a suspension harness in the roof, and the entire room was being filmed in 3d High Definition by multiple hidden Camaras. If his mistress wanted it ready, it meant things were going to get *very* kinky. It took only a few moments for him to have all the lights on and the camaras engaged, the bedsheets already cleaned and nicely folded. Set down on one side, he retrieved his 'chair', the wooden assemblage designed to let him be restrained comfortably in several positions for prolonged periods. It was one of his favorite toys, for sheer versatility and the sheer number of naughty memories associated with it. Taking his seat, he waited, his pinkened belly the indication of what he hoped was coming.

He knew it felt like a lot longer then it actually was before His Mistress and their guest stepped into the room, his hands staying folded on his lap as he watched them both, doing everything he could not to be nervous. Arun, for hir part, seemed highly impressed, the dragoness joking that shi didn't have to duck for once, then walking around the room, letting Naketa show hir all the various hidden compartments and their contents. He didn't need a nose to tell the dragoness was getting aroused; hir body language and voice told the tale quite effectively. Finally they stopped in front of him, his orca giving a soft murr, a seductive tone in hir voice "Now Cal, you're going to settle a wager between us..." Gulping without making a sound, he nodded "Um, Yes Mistress?" and then looked up at hir, followed by their guest, keeping his hands relaxed and doing his best not to let his thoughts make his maleness erect. Smirking, his beloved orca slid hir hand along his chin, giving a soft, sultry whistle "Arun doesn't believe I can make you orgasm without touching you... I am to prove hir doubts groundless..." and then grabbed a length of rope from under the chair, caringly tying his arms behind the back of the chair and his legs to the front legs, a final couple twines of rope on his beak assuring he couldn't try to do anything to his maleness with his tongue or beak. Nodding slowly, he chirrupped and let his maleness slide free, a blush forming on his beak as the dragoness gave a long, cat-call whistle "Well, you didn't exaggerate on that part... he must be quite a ride...". His mates response was a giggle and a chirrup "Mmmm, well maybe you can find out first hand later..." followed by hir sliding hir hand up to the dragoness's muzzle, stroking the side of it "Now, I believe we have a bet to check... and a show to put on..."

Willing his eyes not to blink, he watched as his mate and mistress pulled hir top off, revealing hir hefty, blubber clad rack, held up by a silken bra he'd bought hir for christmas. That was also soon discarded, revealing the hefty globes he so loved kissing, carressing, and playing with, each pink nipple pierced by a golden hoop. A part of him was amused as his mate stood on hir toes to reach up and softly kiss hir partner on the lips, the kiss soon returned as their tongue's began to twine, murrss of enjoyment echoing from them both. Arun soon followed his wife's lead, hir white shirt tossed to one side, then the black sports bra underneath, their guests globes as hefty as his mate's, though smaller compared to hir overall frame. The twin pairs of globes soon were rubbing against one another, scale to smooth delphic skin, as their kiss grew more intense, tongue stroking and rubbing as hands carressed each other's forms, their focus on each other, though every so often one or the other would glance at him, to see his status. With hir shirt gone, he could also note numerous scars on the dragoness's body, not hidden or worn proudly, simply there, along with what looked like etched runes on one of hir arms and hir back. He was positively trembling in his seat; seeing his wife be with other people was one of his more illicit and well kept kinks, and seeing his beloved mistress be with a huge, lovely dragoness was definetely high on his list. His maleness was already rock hard and starting to ooze tiny droplets of pre down it's length, his belly a bright pink as he allowed himself to blink, trying to resist the urge in order to not miss anything. He'd have the videos for later, but nothing could match his minds eye when it came to something so erotic.

Softly breaking the kiss, his mistress murred "Mmmm, Good boy... Calafin, you may cum if you reach your tolerance, but you may not touch your maleness... understood?" Slowly, he nodded, and blew his air, trying to not reveal how incredibly excited he was, despite knowing his mate was already aware of it. That arousal only got worse as his mate murred "Shall we take this to the bed, Arun? My pants are getting quite uncomfertable.. and I imagine yours are as well..." Parting hir lips in a grin that revealed teeth worthy of a predator, the dragoness purred "Mmmm, in a bit... I kind of like where we are for the moment... though you're right about the pants..." as shi reached down and undid the snap on hir jeans, the zipper's distinctive sound filling the room a moment later. As it parted, it reveal an aroused shaft, the length not scaled but smooth and a dark black like velvet, a dribble of pre at the tip as the now confirmed hermaphrodite stroked a hand along his mate's chin, giving him a wink "How about we let him watch your mouth at work on me?" The whimper that came from him was soft, but apparently what they both wanted to hear as his orca churred and kneeled, her bosom stroking along hir partners proud erection as shi slid to hir knees "Ohhh, I think that sounds just about right to make my phin squirm..." He did his best not to blink as the sweet orbs of his mistress's chest wrapped around the thick draconic erection, starting to stroke up and down it as an eager and skilled tongue coiled around it's head, lapping up the dribbling of pre on it's tip.

Given how skilled he knew his beloved herm was, he was initially surprised at how gentle Arun was; hir maleness was throbbing hard, visibly pulsing as it slipped in and out of his mate's breasts and along hir tongue and lips. The tall dragoness seemed almost afraid of harming his mate, and he was glad to see hir caring so much, even as Naketa went down on hir with all the eagerness of a wanton, lusty fertility priestess. Pleasure filled groans soon filled the room, and it took only a few minutes for their guest to be thrusting into his wife's eager maw, a huge bulge in his orca's pants as shi was face-fucked as shi so loved to be. Licking his beak, he had to let himself blink as his orca alternated between using hir bosom and mouth on the thick, black erection shi was worshipping, only knowing his eyes would go dry giving him the force of will to not stare as the passionate, pleasure filled scene before him. The skill of his orca soon had hir lover holding the back of hir head and thrusting, eyes closed as hir head laid back, red hair splayed along hir shoulders, bosom, and back, hir tits bouncing as the lovely herm dragoness visibly neared, hir body tensing. It surprised him almost as much as his mate when shi pulled hir member from his orca's maw, the stiff flesh drooling pre and saliva onto hir bosom as shi visibly shuddered and caught hir breath, hir muscular scaled form very close to edge but not allowed to go over "Oh no, we still have our bet... and my first seed is going right where it's supposed to..." It was hard for most races to understand cetacean facial expressions, but to him the surprise and small amount of disappointment on his orca's face was plain to see, but quickly evaporated as shi stood and murred, pulling the dragoness into another kiss.

"Well then, I think we have about 10 minutes left... let's introduce ourselves to each other properly..." His mate's statement was met by a low, lusty growl, the sound of his orca's slacks hitting the ground followed a moment later by Arun's jeans, then two pairs of panties hitting the floor, revealing their full nudity to him, his wife's form familiar and loved, their guest revealing some more scars and runes on hir thighs. He couldn't hide his grin as their guest glanced down and audibly gasped, hir eyes growing wide as shi saw his mate's maleness. Partially thanks to his mate being an orca, partially from hir being a fertility priestess, shi was longer and thicker then hir partner, the length cone shaped with a dribble of pre at the tip, the base as thick around as a 1 liter of soda. Beneath hir maleslit was a swollen, pink tinted sex, the opening visibly wet as shi churred "Like what you see, Arun?" The dragoness's response was grabbing his mate, the orca letting hirself be pulled up onto the bed with the amethyst scaled form of hir lover getting atop hir a moment later, giving him a direct view of their firm rumps and wet femsexes as shi began hungrily kissing his mate, their bosom's rubbing each other as a mixture of lustful chitter and passionate growls filled the room. At this point, if he could have gotten free of the bonds, he was unsure which sex he'd put himself in before no doubt being yanked out and chastised. His mind was also curious; the bet apparently was that Arun wuld get to mount his mate if he didn't cum without being touched. He was in conflict; he wanted to make his mistress proud, but seeing this giantess mount his mate, make hir squeal in pleasure, was such a tempting prize. He loved seeing his orca drop hir control and submit, loved seeing hir give in to hir lusts. Making up his mind, he resolutely began thinking of the most unsexy things he could without losing his erection, figuring he could make it up to his mate later.

Arching hir back, their guest groaned as his mate's maleness flexed back, teasing along the swollen purple lips of the lusty dragoness "Ohhhh, you are even better then you promised at the party..." was replied with "I haven't even started..." as that thick draconic erection was gripped and stroked lovingly, the pre teased along the head as he watched and murred, doing everything within his power to not cum from the incredible sight before him, his best efforts still unable to stop a dribble of pre from forming at his cocktip. Without his conscious control, his body began to fidget, trying at his bonds as his eyes took in the gorgeous, lusty scene. His beloved orca on hir back, teasing a herm dragoness a foot taller then hir, their bodies seized by lust and passion as they put on a show for a party of one, him. It took the cellphone in his mates pants going off to break them from their reverie, the sound of an alarm clock ringing snapping everyone's attention to the crumpled clothes on the floor.

Glancing over, the dragoness grinned as shi saw him and his current state "It seems Naketa, that I won the bet..." His mistress's head quickly turned, eyes looking into his, and he didn't hide the guilty triumph in them; hir face changed quickly in a moments span, confusion, then understanding, then rueful amusement. "Indeed, it seems he wasn't up to his usual performance... but a bet is a bet..." As shi slid out from underneath hir partner, hir melon distorted, sending a tight beam of sound, a message intended only for him, hir voice echoing in his skull "I will thank you properly for this after shi leaves, my subby phin..." His response was a tight beam back to hir, a simple nonverbal affirmation as he watched hir move. Getting onto all fours, his orca smiled at Arun and licked hir beak "Mmm, how's this?" and accepted the dragoness's warm nuzzle as the amethyst hued giantess slid behind hir, stroking hir clawed fingertips gently along his mate's soft, slick hide "This will do nicely..."

Fidgeting in the chair, he realized his mate was already thanking him for his betrayal, as the position they were in gave him a perfect view of where his mate's sex was about to be impaled on that thick, black draconic shaft. Naketa lifted hir thick tailstock for hir lover, Arun stroking along it a few times and then laying atop his orca, hir dorsal slid into the ample cleavage of hir partner as the head of that black shaft stroked the petals of hir femsex, hir body covered by hir lover. A moment later, a loud groan echoed from two throats in the room, his delphic squeak mingling with them as his lover was taken, the thick staff of the dragoness slid easily into the wet depths of his mate's hungry sex. Just as when shi was recieving oral pleasure, his orca's newfound lover was gentle at first, pumping in and out of his orca's hot sex at a measured pace as shi panted and murred, nuzzling at the side of hir head. His orca had hir eyes closed, hir hands gripping the sheets as that long, velvet shaft pumped in and out of hir, the wetness of hir sex leaking onto the bedsheets as they coupled in front of him, a hiss of enjoyment filling the room as Arun hilted in hir partner. After several delicious minutes, it became obvious their passion was starting to overcome both their restraint; his beloved herm was pushing back at the maleness burying itself in hir, and hir lover was lustfully purring, their hips slapping wetly against one another, his lovers maleness drooling pre onto the sheets as they both worked towards their mutual pleasure, Arun's hand gripping his mate's breast and gently squeezing it in their growing need.

It was taking all his willpower not to orgasm from seeing his mate be taken like this, giving in to hir desires and lust. His body was fidgeting under his control now, his maleness aching it was so hard as he tried to will himself into the scene, under his orca being taken by hir maleness, behind their guest and rutting into hir sex, it didn't matter, just so long as he got to somehow participate and enjoy what his throbbing arousal needed. It took both an eternity and far too soon for him to see the signs of pending climax; his orca and hir dragon lover moving faster, bodies slapping as their rhythem began to become frantic. The wet, eager slapping of their crotches was sweet music as first his mistress, then a moment later hir lover, arched their backs and moaned, the wet sounds becoming much more thick and gooey as what had to be a massive orgasm filled his mate's tight depths. With slowness borne of reluctance, they both slowly relaxed, collapsing onto the bed with their bodies still joined, his mistress's face turning and accepting a kiss from hir counterpart, bodies rubbing against one another gently in the warmth of afterglow. Glancing up at him, a kinky smile slid across the dragoness's face, followed a moment later by a soft purrr "Mmm, how long are you going to leave him tied up like that?"

Glancing at him, his orca smirked, a look on hir ace that would have disarmed an angel "Normally I'd say for the rest of your visit, but as I lost the bet, I think that should be your decision. " Blinking a moment, he let those words roll around in his head, then watched like a deer in headlights as their guest stood up, towering over him as shi walked over, glancing him up and down. His first squeak came as shi reached down and undid the bindings on his beak, then his arms and legs. The second came when shi kneeled and stroked a hand along his maleness, his beak hanging open as he groaned "Well, he's certainly darn clo..." Hir words never finished as hir hand brushing his maleness overcame what little self control he had left, a loud squeal erupting from him as a jet of his seed fired from his cocktip onto hir hand, then as shi moved it away several more jets fired onto hir front, a load pent up from more then a half hour of touchless stimulus painting hir front as shi gave a surprised chuckle "MMm, well you *did* tell him to cum so long as he didn't touch himself, didn't you?" His mates laugh made him blush, even through the glowing aftereffects of his orgasm "Yes I did... Cal, from now on. you may only cum when given permission..." Blowing his air, he nodded, then blushed more deeply as he saw the mess he'd made on their guests scales "Umm, apolegies Mistress Arun..." His surprise was as much as his orca's when the dragoness kissed him full on the mouth, his hands going to hir head as shi mmmm'ed, then softly broke the kiss "Oh, don't worry... you'll make up for it..." and walked back to the bed, mmming and stretching out, hir maleness limp against hir belly as shi turned hir head and then raised up on hir elbows, glancing back and forth between them "Wait, you're both still hard?" followed a moment later by hir running hir tongue along the lips of hir snout "This gets better and better..."

His mates murr as shi stroked hirself was as good an answer as any "Mmmhmm, phins are used to mating several times in a row; we have almost no recovery time and can stay aroused for hours if we want..." The dragoness's reply was cut short as his herm orca rolled over atop hir, that thick orca shaft nestling between the firm, scaled breasts of their guest as shi churred, hir hands gently pinning Arun's hands to the bed "Ohh yes, and we're going to make sure you leave here with lots of happy memories..." To his surprise, not only did the dragoness not fight, shi grinned and began suckling on his mate's cocktip where it protruded from between hir breasts, mmming and enjoying allowing his mate to dominate hir, arching hir back to rub hir breasts along the thick length of orca cock currently flexing within hir cleavage. He took a moment to admire the view before standing, both of the herms too preoccupied to notice as he stretched and approached the bed. His mate's first sign that he'd joined them was The dragoness under hir bucking and gripping the bedsheets, giving a long, soft moan. Glancing back, shi could see him slipping the first few inches of his bone hard delphic beak into hir, the entire length vibrating thanks to his sonar, and turning him into an organic vibrater as he literally began face-fucking hir. Shi rewarded his origionality with a grin and a whispered "Good phin..." before resuming thrusting into hir now captive partners breasts and maw, enjoying watching hir face as shi was doubled up on.

It only took a few minutes for his maleness to be back at full hardness, and he had to admit he was loving the view, the hard dragoncock bobbing in front of his face as he licked and suckled and thrust his beak into the hot sex of it's owner, his own mate's sex dribbling nectar and fresh cum from it as shi titfucked and lustily enjoyed the mouth of their captive lover. His hands were on hir inner thighs, stroking and massaging where the scales were small and sensetive, each lick of his tongue and thrust of his beak working to bring hir closer to orgasm, hoping he would soon get to feel himself inside the depths of hir sex. It took only a few moments for him and his mistress to hit a proper rhythem, working Arun's body between them as shi began to tense and groan, hir body arching. Hir form was pinned willingly by their hands and body weight, hir body at their command, and shi was apparently loving every moment of it, hir cries of pleasure echoing in the room. With both of them working together, it didn't take long at all for their guest to be bucking against them, and a few moments later he was rewarded with a squirt of dragon-nectar that shot from under his beak, his vibrations rubbing at hir clit and G-spot as shi gasped and moaned, body shuddering in a potent orgasm, writhing against them without trying to get away, their new lovers breath stolen in a long cry of ecstasy before shi finally relaxed again.

Feeling and hearing hir trying to catch hir breath, he and his beloved orca both stopped, carressing and stroking hir, his teeth gently raking the inside of hir thighs as shi moaned. It took several momente for hir to groan "What...was... That?" and his mate to giggle a reply "That, Dear Arun... was why I love calafin's beak so much..." a low murr came from the dragoness, followed by a giggle "Yeah, I can see why... I want more, and not from his beak..." Grinning, he waited for his mistress to give the go ahead, and got up on the bed, laying on his back and stroking his maleness as he eyed hir "Who am I to say no to such a lovely lady?" The dragoness didn't so much get up as roll over atop him, his face suddenly covered by dragon cleavage as he groaned and shi mmmm'ed, sliding down and taking his maleness into the hot, clinging depths he'd only moments ago been burying his tongue in. The gasp shi gave as he hilted in hir gave him a moment of pride, knowing that he could fill someone even as tall as shi was. Given their relative heights, he soon pulled hir torso down and began licking and sucking at the purple nipples adorning hir bosom, hir staggered breath and soft moans music to his ears, hir hands on either side of his body holding hir up.

Hearing a creak on the bed, he grinned as he saw his orca positioning hirself behind his draconic partner, his mate's thrust of hir hips simultaneously causing a pressure against his own maleness, a sharp gasp from hir, and a bulge in hir belly as his mistress's formidable orcacock introduced itself to the tight undertail of the dragoness sharing their bed. Claws were dug into the bedsheets on either side of his head, and a low growl came from above him as shi murred "Oh Fuck *Yes* , please..." Deciding not to repeat himself, he simply began rocking his hips in time with his orcas, both of them working their aroused lengths in and out of the panting, moaning, pre dribbling dragoness sandwiched between them. A quick sonar beam to his mate confirmed his thoughts; Arun didn't have the kind of sexual endurance he and Naketa shared, and they didn't want hir to feel put out. Gripping their partners hips, nak began to channel hir priestess abilities; each thrust, each moan, each sensation, amplified hir strength. It was when their captive guest arched hir back and moaned, orgasming around them both, that a golden glow erupted from his mates hands, arcing along the runes tattoo'ed into hir scales like a cascade of golden rainbows, that Arun turned and looked at Naketa, hir eyes fiery a moment in betrayal, then curious "What did you just..."

Hir speech was cutoff as shi visibly shuddered, hir cock immediately coming to full, throbbing attention, hir sex suddenly tightening around him like a virgins, his orcas soft groan echoing his own, and a moment later shi answered "I'm a fertility priestess of the Cetacean gods... you were tiring out, and we didn't want you falling asleep as cal and I continued, so I just gifted you with our endurance... for the night, at least..." Realization crossed Arun's face, and shi grinned "Then you better get to work..." as shi clenched and drew loud moans from their both, followed by hirs a moment later as they resumed thrusting, pants and groans of pleasure filling the room as they resumed sandwiching hir. Two more orgasms echoed from hir before they both finished in hir, their seed only the first of many loads to soon fill hir eager form.

It was several hours later when they finally stopped, and not of their own choice. Naketa was on hir back, Arun atop hir, and him between them, their maleness's both buried in his rump as he squealed in ecstasy, his seed shooting between their bellies, when the frame of the bed finally gave out, a metallic groan followed by a loud *clang* as they feel to the ground, squeezing him between them like a pillow between someone's arms. It took several moments for them to realize what had happened, the resulting laughter finishing off any sexual thoughts as they all held each other, his happy churrs echoing his mates as they carressed their newfound lover and friend. Eventually, reluctantly, they parted, his tailring sore in the best kind of way, both herms nuzzling him as he chittered softly "Mistress?" Glancing down at him, his orca smiled "Yes, My phin?" "Next time, can we just forget the chair and start with the fun in the beginning, please?" It was not his mistress, but the dragoness, who made him yelp as hir hand landed flat on his backside, making him jump "That is to be determined... for right now... I think someone named Finna is calling..." He and Naketa both immediately looked up at the Television screen on the wall, showing a very perturbed girlphin holding dinner in take out bags, three calves behind her all holding their own dinners and restless, and a small counter on the bottom of the screen displayed her wait time for a response as being over 20 minutes. The night's activities offically ended with a simultaneous "Crap." that echoed in the room, followed a moment later by the rustle of clothing and hurried steps up the stairs, leaving a dumbfounded dragoness glancing at where a moment ago hir lovers had been, and wondering where hir clothes were.

Welcoming a new student for syrios

\*Warning! Warning! Warning!\* The following story involves m/f and f/f sexual relations, gangbangs, and freely engaging in very adult activities with characters from someone's personal concept of hell: if this offends you, stop reading now! All...

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How Freyr met Adlesio for Dreigiau-Arian

Slowly, the sun peeked over the edge of the horizon, the rays of golden yellow embracing the islands once again as it lifted itself up and carressed the sands, trees, and wildlife with it's carress. Sounds began to filter through the air of the beings...

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A halloween with the Calafins

Stepping out of their car, Syrios felt a strange, anticipatory thrill go through her as she glanced back at her mate. Leon was a strong Pitbull, one she'd learned to love not just for how good he was in bed but for his warm heart, and for the Halloween...

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