Broken Pine Part 1

Story by DreyBeast on SoFurry

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#1 of Broken Pine

Ok, so lets start by saying it's been a while since i wrote anything. A few good friends have been bugging me asking me to get back at it. Most demanded it. Then i good friend reminded me of a time in my life i really didn't share with anyone.

Next thing i knew i was finishing writing part one and well into my way with Part 2. But as i said, it's been a while, so let me know if i made any mistakes so i can fix them. Constructive criticism is always welcome.

Anyway, hope you enjoy reading it as much as i enjoyed writing this little story, Part 2 is on its way.

Ok, went back and fixed up some things. Sorry it was so messy.

There was nothing worse than a new school and this was my fifth one this year. Lucky, for me it would also be my last. After weeks of arguing I had finally won. My Dad was one of those big wig CEO's of some company with a name that was too hard to pronounce. His work took him all over the world, and for my whole life I had been dragged around with him like a suitcase. But that was all about to change.

"So you're Mr. T. Talon's son?" asked the Principal. She was a simple looking deer, just past her prime. From the way her room looked I could tell that she was down to earth and preferred things to stay simple. It was part of the reason I had short listed this school out of the thirty Dad had offered. I craved simple.

"Yes Ma'am. My names Jacob Talon and Tyler Talon is my father." She gave me a wry smile. I had sounded like a glorified recording. The idea that I might actually be as anal as my own father washed over me leaving me chilled to the core.

"Relax Jacob. You're the only predator in this room." That made me smile. Not many people bothered with classifications like predators and grazers any more. But it the simple joke had broken me down a little. For the most part I enjoyed being a leopard. Not that being a good jumper and swimmer were exactly useful skills.

"Sorry, just really don't want to screw this up." She nodded her understanding. I had fought way too hard to get this opportunity. There was no way I would let him prove me wrong.

"Yes, your father told me that he was disgusted with your choice to stop travelling with him and even more disgusted with our..." she cleared her throat and put on a scowl "back water two bit trash city school" she grumbled impersonating him perfectly.

I let out a long sigh "Don't take it to heart." I grumbled "He says the same thing about his last four wives... minus the school part and add something about people who dance on poles." Now it was her turn to laugh.

"I think you'll fit in just fine." She reached a hand across her desk. I took it and shook it firmly "Welcome to Broken Pine. I hope you'll enjoy your time here with us." I gave a polite nod praying desperately that I didn't screw it all up. I had to make this work.

"Formalities aside, how about I take you to your room. I bet you can't wait to get settled in." I gave another hastier nod and followed her out of the room.

I began to tremble with a mix of anticipation and fear. This was the first time I was truly going to be on my own. Dad was probably boarding his flight about now, and there was no one within two states of Broken Pine that I even knew. It was a bit daunting. But at the same time it was exhilarating. Like a bird flying for the first time.

We approached what I guessed was the dorm building. It was a tall three story building with arched windows and a Tudor styled façade. Back in its prime I was sure that it would have been rather grand. But right now it just looked old. Sure the gardens were well kept and the building wasn't in disrepair. But time had left a very clear mark on the building. Giving it an almost grungy appearance. Still, it was rather imposing compared to the far less impressive office building.

"Your rooms on the second floor." She said walking me inside "The rec rooms available at all times. We have a kitchen available and a laundry to the back of the room. The showers are down the hall and there are toilets on every floor." She said pointedly leading me quickly from room to room.

"Communal showers?" I asked hesitantly. As we reached the open shower room.

"Yes, haven't you ever showered in a locker room before?" she asked curious. I shook my head and swallowed hard. Dad had forced me into fancy uptight school with private showers, or at the very least shower screens.

"I had personal tutors and trainers." I explained "I've never even taken off my shirt in front of someone who wasn't a doctor." She couldn't hide her surprise. Maybe that was just what the life of suitcase was meant to be like.

"That's ridiculous. Grow a pair and get over it." She brushed off my worries like a film of dust and headed for the stairs. Welcome to the real world, leave your modesty and ideals at the door. I thought absently to myself.

I just had to remember. I had asked for this. This school was the one I had chosen. Sure it was a little unrefined, but that was what I had been looking for. I had wanted a real high school senior lifestyle. Not some fancy prep school. I wanted to be something more than a glorified ass's suitcase.

We headed up the narrow stairs to the second floor. A single long hallway ran down the entire middle of the level with another staircase at the far end. Architecturally speaking, the building was far more simple inside then it had appeared on the outside.

"This is a the boys only dorm. The girls are on the other side of the campus. Girls are not allowed past the rec room. If I even catch a sniff of a girl in a bedroom I'll have the culprit strung up." I swallowed hard and gave a nod. No fraternizing with the enemy. One thing I was certain of was that she wasn't joking. The mad glint in her eyes told me that perhaps I wasn't the predator here after all.

"Threats aside. We didn't have many options for a room this far into the year. There was only one vacancy in the dorm, so you're rather lucky to have a bed at all." She walked me up to a room at the far end of the hall, the sound of a loud guitar echoing out from behind the door. She pounded twice against the pine door with more force then I thought the small woman had in her whole body.

The guitar fell silent and the door opened. A cross bred wolf about my age opened the door with a lollipop handing out of the corner of his mouth. His left ear had three piercings as well as a stud in his nose.

"This the new kid?" he asked, the glint of a tongue piercing behind his teeth.

"You look like a stoner." The principal spat. He just smiled.

"Anything to make you smile." He teased.

"Jacob, this it Marcus. He's a moron who thinks himself... he's just a moron." Marcus didn't seem to mind the description. Honestly, he seemed proud of it. From the sweat scented heavy metal shirt to the baggy jeans. He was everything that my father despised.

"Want a lollipop?" Marcus asked me. I shrugged uncomfortably. His eyes narrowed devilishly. Yep, there was no denying it. I may have been a leopard, but right then I was anything but a predator.

"I wish you luck." The principal said giving me a pat on the back "Your classes start the day after tomorrow." And with that she left, abandoning me to my new room mate.

Marcus stood in the doorway looking me up and down. He was either about to murder me or worse. He reached into his pocket. I tensed. He smiled impishly and pressed a lollipop into my hand. I let out a sigh of relief as he stepped out of the way letting me in.

I looked about the room. It looked much as I had expected. There was a pile of dirty clothes beside Marcus's bed. The bin was overflowing and there was a dozen cola cans strewn around. Just looking at it made me want to clean. I was far from the tidiest person, but I was cleaner than this.

"I cleaned up before you got here." He pointed towards the bin.

"I... I can see that." I said turning my attention to the boxes on my bed. I began to rummage through my belongings in silence. Clothes in the drawers, books on the shelf and everything I needed for class on the desk ready to go. Pens, book and textbooks. I was ready.

Everything else I shoved into a single box and slid it under my bed. I would deal with it later. As I finished, Marcus whistled. I turned blushing a little "What the hell?" I asked.

"Oh nothing, just admiring the huge stick up your ass." He said as he sat tuning his guitar absent mindedly.

"I do not have a stick up my ass." I grumbled.

"Yea you do. And it's a big one." He teased looking around me as if to admire it further. Asshole, he was a bloody asshole. Now wonder the principal had wished me luck.

"Sure, and you're nothing but a fucking slob." I sat down on my bed and opened a random text book.

"Hey, at least I didn't swear." Now he was just gunning for a fight and I was too nervous and uptight to know better.

"Ass is a swear word." I retorted.

"Swear word... are you nine or something?" He shook his head.

"What, it is!" I snapped sounding just like the nine year old he had accused me of being.

"God you're pathetic." He mumbled.

"What the hell's your problem?" I asked.

"Apparently it's fucking, but honestly. If I had a fuck, I wouldn't give it too you anyway... wouldn't be able to get past that stick anyway." He laughed.

I slammed the book shut. I wouldn't be able to win against his wit. That much was clear. This was just testing the boundaries. He wanted to make himself the dominant male in the room. If I let him win then he would have something over me, authority. And I was not ready to give that up.

"Fine," I said letting out a sigh "Why do I have a stick up my ass?" he cocked his head to the side.

"Seriously?" he asked. I gave a nod. If I was right he wouldn't have anything to say. If I was wrong then I was screwed. A gamble I was more then willing to take if there was a chance of shutting him up.

"Fine, you walked in here without saying a word to me. Unpacked without even asking me any questions about the room. You looked down on me when you saw the room was a mess and to top it off you didn't even say thank you for the lollipop." I lost. I had been so caught up in the idea of being here and not screwing up that I had neglected half the reason I was even here. I was here to try and be a normal senior, and that meant I had to make friends.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled then laid down facing the wall.

He whistled again "Not a bad looking ass without a stick in it." I heard him cross the room. He sat down on my bed and put a hand on my shoulder.

"If we're going to be room mates, can I open up to you about something?"

"Ahh, depends. You're not going to tell me you're a fairy or that you've never had a friend before are you?" I went silent and Marcus's jaw dropped "You're a fairy! But I can't even see the wings."

"Fuck off." I gave him a shove and pulled the covers up around me. Marcus let out a sigh. It was real sore point with me. Because we moved so much, sometimes three times a month, it was impossible to actually make real friends, or to stay in contact with the few that I had made.

"Yeah, might have gone a bit far with that one. I'll leave you alone. Let me know if you need a hand with anything." He put on a pair of headphones and started fiddling with his IPod. Maybe Dad had been right. Maybe I was an idiot. An ignorant, arrogant, uptight idiot.

I opened my eyes to find the room was dark. Marcus sat on his bead with a book in his hands with a small light aimed at the pages. I sat up and turned on the desk lamp beside my bed. Marcus glanced over and smiled.

"You snore." He teased.

"Don't start on me please." I groaned rubbing my face "Why'd you let me sleep so long?" I asked "Did I miss dinner?"

"Relax, dinners in about twenty minutes and you were tired and cranky. Wasn't about to poke that bear." Fair point. I had been a bit of an ass earlier, but so had he.

I stretched and yawned loudly "about before." I grumbled groggily.

"Forget it."

The room fell silent. It wasn't an awkward silence, more of an understanding. I took the time to find a change of clothes without drool on the collar. Marcus set down his book and instead took to watching me.

"Do I have a stick up my ass or something?" I asked.

"Nah, just trying to figure you out. You don't exactly act how a normal guy our age does." I looked at the folded shirt in my hand and then at his pile of clothes. Was that normal?

"My Dad was strict." I told him. He nodded taking it in.

"I should probably change too. Doubt anyone wants to smell this shirt." He got up and pulled off his shirt. I tried not to stare, but it was hard. I wasn't used to the lack of modesty. It seemed almost alien. He shoved down his pants and I gasped. He was completely naked. I covered my mouth and looked away in a panic.

"What's wrong?" Marcus asked.

"N-N-Nothing." I stammered hopelessly.

"Don't tell me you've never seen another guy's dick before."

"Just put on some pants." I pleaded.

"I already have." I sighed my relief and turned. My face and ears burnt red as my eyes locked onto his still naked body.

"You're going to struggle in the showers." He mumbled pointing at my pants. I glanced down at the growing bulge between my legs and quickly covered myself with a yelp. What the hell was wrong with me? I knew I would be uncomfortable, but not hard. It was weird.

"What's wrong with you?" I sobbed with tears stinging at my eyes. I didn't know why I felt like crying, maybe I was just so uncomfortable that it was the only thing left that my body could do.

"Ahh hell. I'm sorry man." He put his arms around me and gave me a tight hug "I didn't mean to upset you."

"Do you want me to leave or something?" I asked between to sobs.

"No... I... fuck. I'm fucking gay and you're cute and I get awkward around cute guys. I'm a total dick and you didn't deserve this." I stopped crying. He was gay. Was that why I got hard? Did I actually think this slob was attractive? But I wasn't gay... was I?

"Really?" I asked.

Marcus nodded "Yeah, I'm gay." Wasn't he ashamed about being gay? Dad had always told me gay people were weak and acted like women, but Marcus wasn't like that. He was a pig, he wasn't girly at all.

I shook my head, that wasn't what I had asked. I couldn't even believe that I wanted to know "Do you really think I'm cute?" I asked nervously. Marcus glanced down at the tiny gap between us.

"Maybe I should put some clothes on." I glanced down to see his dick swell at my question. His tip poking out of his swollen sheath. I looked away, my ears and face burning.

Marcus started getting dressed. Oddly I didn't feel awkward anymore. It didn't even bother me that I was hard around him. I guessed it was because he had seen it all before. That gave me an idea. A fucked up, screwy, weird idea. But an idea none the less.

"Marcus." I grabbed his hand and turned him to face me "Will you watch me undress." Marcus looked as stunned as I felt. It had sounded much better in my head. "It's just, I. I've never been naked around another guy before. And the showers are communal. If you watch me maybe it won't bother me as much when I go." Still didn't sound good.

"Umm, you did hear me say that I was gay right?"

"That's why I'm asking. A straight guy would flip out if I asked them to watch." Marcus nodded slowly letting my request and reasoning sink in.

"Sure, go for it." He sat down on his bed, his attention solely on me. I took a few deep breathes and pulled my shirt over my head. Maybe I was gay.

"Turn around." He instructed.

"W-Why?" I asked nervously.

"You want to feel comfortable, might as well let me see from all sides." He slid a hand between his legs pushing down on himself. I slowly turned around for him. He bit his lower lip.

"Maybe this isn't a good idea." Marcus whined.

"Please. I don't want to freak out when I go for a shower, and what about the gym locker room?" Why did I want him to watch me, was it really to help me get over being nervous, or was there more too it. After all, we had argued only a few hours earlier. This wasn't normal.

"Fine, but I'm really going to have to get off after this." To be honest, I would probably have to as well. I felt like I did the first time I ever watched porn. My chest was tight, my breath catching, my palms sweaty and my dick demanding my attention.

I unbuttoned my shorts and let them fall leaving me in only my briefs, my hard dick hidden only by a thin layer of material.

Marcus's breath caught and then quickly sped up "Alright, I was wrong. You're not cute. You're fucking hot." He gasped for air, his hand doing nothing to hide his growing erection.

I looked down at my own bulge. I wouldn't have an erection in the shower, so I didn't really have to show him more, or maybe I would. There was just too many questions. But watching him squirm in his seat made me want to strip. I wanted to see just how far I could push him.

I put a finger under the lip of my briefs and went to push them down. I never got the chance. Marcus leapt from his spot and tackled me down onto my bed. His nose pressed against my crotch. I went to push his face away, but stopped when he ran his tongue over my briefs. With one hand he pushed me back and with the other he pulled at my briefs. I couldn't believe what was happening. Was I really going to let this happen? Yeah I was. I wanted this.

Just as my briefs were about to come away there was a loud knock at the door "Dinner time!" a voice called. Marcus swore loudly. He looked pissed off as he lifted himself from me.

"Ahh...Marcus." He stopped and looked down at me.

"What is it." He grumbled.

"What was about to happen?" I asked, Still reeling, trying hard to turn the incoherent mess in my head into something I was capable of understanding.

"I was going to suck your dick. But now you'll clam up and I'll never get anywhere fucking near you again." He sat defeated. I sat up looking down at myself. Had I actually wanted this? Just thinking about it for a moment told me I did. I wanted to know what it would feel like to have my dick in his mouth. To moan like the men in the movies did as they had there dicks sucked.

"Does it feel good?" I asked.

Marcus looked up stunned "Yeah."

"W-we should go to dinner." Marcus nodded slowly not looking half as defeated as before.

Everyone sat at a long table like one big family. Almost everyone was eating by the time myself and Marcus got to the table. We had been forced to wait until we had both calmed down before heading down to the active dining room. I sat beside a tiger that was more muscle then cat and looked down at the simple casserole on my plate. It smelt amazing. Then again, anything would smell amazing after not eating for a day.

"Before we get to ahead of ourselves." A black cat said. I was surprised to see a woman at the table "We should take a quick opportunity to welcome our newest dorm mate Jacob Talon" everyone turned to face me. I gave them all a meek little wave. The tiger beside me looked down at me.

"Welcome." he said in a gruff voice before returning to his meal.

"Make sure you make Jacob feel welcome and help him out in any way possible. That's all."

I was just about to take a bite as I felt Marcus's hand grabbed my leg "So before, does that mean you want to have a go at it or not?" he whispered.

"I-I... can't this wait?" I asked.

"It's killing me. Please." I shrugged and finally took my first mouthful of food.

"I promise if you don't like it we can stop no questions asked." He offered.

"Let me eat." I begged.

"Only if you say yes."

"Blackmail over dinner. You're a monster." He smiled and so did I. why did seeing him smile make me so happy. I had just met him and already seeing him happy meant more to me than any silly casserole.

"See you in the room." I whispered. He leapt up and disappeared up the stairs in two quick leaps.

I was just about to take a mouthful when another feline came up to introduce himself "For the love of whatever's politically correct right now." I stood up "If you want to introduce yourself do it after I'm finished, I haven't eaten all fucking day!" Everyone stopped and nodded in agreement. I sat down and began to eat again. So maybe I had a problem with blowing up for no reason.

"You need people skills." The big tiger beside me said.

"So I've been told." I grumbled forcefully shoveling food into my mouth.

It was almost a full hour before I got away from all the introductions. Everyone welcomed me. They all offered to show me around. A few were a little apprehensive after yelling at everyone, but they soon warmed up. Some even told me about sport tryouts and other events around the school. So it was no surprise to find Marcus asleep on my bed when I got back to the room. I shrugged it off and crawled into his bed. I was sure a nap wouldn't change my mind. Truthfully, I couldn't wait to find out how it felt.

I woke up with a gasp as something hard pressed down against me. It was only just dawn and it took my eyes a moment to adjust on the naked Wolf crouched over me. I felt my face begin to burn.

"You owe me." He reminded me. I swallowed hard.

"But I-I..." he put a hand over my muzzle.

"You're in my bed, so my rules. And rule one, no arguing." I nodded slowly "Rule two no pants." That rule I wasn't as into. He pulled down my shorts quickly and nuzzled into my briefs like he had the night before. His hot breath making me shudder as he sniffed me. I began to panic. What had I felt yesterday, and why did it feel different today?

"Your scent is amazing." He moaned as he ran his tongue along the length of my concealed dick. He shuddered and bit down lightly on me. I gasped and arched my back in surprise. Marcus took advantage of my position and quickly pulled down my briefs. I yelped softly and covered myself with his pillow.

"Rule three, only I get to fuck my pillow." He said as he pulled it from my hands.

"P-Please wait... I-I've changed..." he didn't let me finish. He ran his tongue over my exposed tip making my breath catch and my heart race. A shudder rolled through me and my hips rose to meet him involuntarily.

That was why. Now it all made sense. It was because he was everything I wasn't. He was my perfect opposite. A slob, spontaneous and confident. It was everything my father had told me I would become if I went to this school. That was it. I wanted to get at Dad. That had to be it. I wanted him to scream and flip out. I wanted... I wanted Marcus ruin me for my Dad.

"Damn you're sensitive. Might have to take my time. There's still four hours before class."

"You can't" I begged. He looked up at me as he lapped up a tiny bead of pre from my tip. I shuddered again. He was right, this did feel good. No wonder the guys in the movies always moaned so much. I just wished I wasn't so sensitive. I felt like a virgin from some cheap porn. Then again, I was a virgin. That was when I got an idea.

With one quick shove I pushed Marcus aide and leapt onto my bed. Marcus sat dazed looking over at me, his head had hit the wall "What was that for?" he asked.

"My bed, my rules." I said between pants. He grinned mischievously, apparently only to pleased at the turn of events.

"Fine with me. Only three rules though." He walked over to my bed. He sat his erection pointing straight at me. I couldn't take my eyes off it.

"Alright... rule one, if I say stop you stop." He nodded accepting it "Rule two, if I say never again I mean it."

"I was going to do that anyway. What a waste of a rule." I gritted my teeth. Prick.

"Rule 3..." I thought hard try to think of anything, but there was nothing there. The only thing in my head was his thick cock. I couldn't push the image aside to think of a good enough rule. He followed my gaze.

"Should we see who's bigger?" he asked. I glanced up completely oblivious to the fact I had just stared at his dick for a solid minute, my dick twitching the whole time. Finally, I nodded.

Marcus grabbed my legs and pulled our hips together. I watched as he lined us up, our balls pressing against each other. He grabbed my dick and stood it up straight beside his. He was bigger, and thicker then I was. He had almost a whole inch on me and way thicker, but we were only sixteen. There was still a chance I'd catch up.

"Your bigger." I grumbled out. Not that I had needed the comparison. I had been able to see well enough that he was bigger than me. He grinned.

"Rule 3, bigger dick makes the rules." He offered.

"No way. You'd try and fuck me." Ge grinned darkly and nodded, drool beading at the corner of his mouth. Perverted bastard.

"As sensitive as you are, you'd love it. You'd be screaming for more."

"Shut up." I grumbled. Now I wanted to stuff my dick in his mouth, at least he wouldn't be able to say stupid stuff with a mouthful of dick.

"Ready?" he finally asked pulling away from me. I gave a slow nod. He put his nose up to my dick and drew in a deep breath before wrapping his tongue around me. I stuffed a hand in my mouth biting down on my fingers. Trying hard not to make any noise. The last thing I needed was everyone calling me a slut. After all, it had only been here a day.

He worked his way up my dick stopping at the tip. He wrapped his lips around me sucking hard, my dick disappearing into his hot moist mouth. I gasped loudly, thrusting up hard to meet him. Marcus was wrong, this didn't just feel good, it felt fucking amazing. Better than anything I had ever felt before. It made me wonder if he was right about anal. Would I really beg him for more?

He lifted his mouth off, revealing a dripping, twitching cock. He touched a finger to its tip and watched my whole body twitch as he did "That settles it." He said sitting up "You're just going to have to fuck me." He leapt forward pinning me down to my bed. Making sure to cover my mouth so I couldn't protest. That would be rule three, no covering my mouth. With his other hand he lined himself up over my dick. I struggled pathetically to get out from under him. He pressed my tip against him, his hand shifted from my mouth. I stopped struggling, Marcus took one of my hands in his.

"B-But... we didn't agree on this." I stammered.

"To bad." He grunted as he lowered his weight onto my dick. A low moan slipped from between my gritted teeth as he took my full length into himself. He clenched lightly, gripping me. I looked up at him, his face showing his pleasure as he let out a long, relaxed sigh.

"Do you want to lead?" he offered. When I didn't answer he took the lead, raising and lowering himself on my dick. I pushed down hard into the bed. My head and heart a blur of pleasure and panic. His speed picked up and I gasped, sitting up.

"Ready to lead now?" he asked. I nodded slowly. I had gotten my wish. Marcus was going to ruin me. He got off of me. Crouching on all fours on his bed, his tail raised high. I voicelessly made my way over. Desire dictating my every step. Taking his hips in my hands. There was nothing else in the world except this moment and his ass, and right now I wanted both.

With one thrust I buried myself deep inside of him. Marcus gasped, hugging into his pillow as I pounded his ass faster and harder. My hips seemed to know what to do better than my head. After a few minutes I flipped him over so I could see his face. I was getting close. Marcus grabbed me by the scruff of my neck and pulled me down into a hard kiss. I pushed him off in a panic. He looked up at me and smiled. My heart melted. He looked so fragile beneath me. His breath was heavy and his body trembling. I bent back down and surrendered my lips to his.

The world shattered around me. My heart stopped racing. Was this love? Was I falling in love with a guy I had just met? I wanted to tell myself that I was straight, and that I didn't want this. It was a lie. This was what I had always wanted. This is what I had been searching for. I reached back finding his dick and gripped it. He gasped into my mouth and pushed me back, breaking off our kiss.

"Make me feel it." He begged. I couldn't say a word. My mind to consumed by the act to find any suitable ones. I did as he asked, and went as hard as I could. He arched upwards putting his arms around my neck. I lifted him, my hips still thrusting upwards into him as he pushed down onto me. Finally I couldn't take it anymore.

"I'm gonna cum." I gasped.

"Do it." He moaned. I thrusted up once more gasping as I came hard. My legs trembled under the weight of the both of us. Marcus bit down on my shoulder until I bled, not that I felt it past everything else. Marcus sobbed lightly as I thrusted hard once more before falling back into my bed defeated.

"Fucking hell." I gasped.

"Yeah, I think I've changed my mind." I looked at him confused "If I ever have a fuck to give, it's all yours." I smiled broadly. Knowing that I had just found more than I had ever expected to find at Broken Pine.

Marcus pulled in tight beside me "You're not angry with me for changing the rules?" he asked. I shook my head and looked down at him. I felt so strong looking down at him. He was lightly muscled and so charismatic, but as he lay there beside me I saw something that I was sure not many had seen before me. He was gentle and caring. That was when it hit me.

"You didn't cum." I said sitting up.

"Don't worry about it." He laughed. I looked down at where he lay. How could I not? If I didn't help him finish he would probably call me selfish or worse. Without worrying about the consequences I rounded on him.

"How do I do it?" I asked sitting on his lap.

"Do what?" he asked giving me a quizzical look.

"How do I suck your dick?" Marcus sat up stunned. He examined my face, looking for something that he couldn't find, maybe he thought I needed too. That I thought I owed him one. It was simpler than that. I wanted to see him smile. I wanted him to be happy too.

"Are you sure?" he asked "fucking me means nothing, the kiss means nothing. What happened doesn't mean a thing... is this what you want?" he asked.

"What are you trying to ask?" I asked confused. I had honestly expected him to be excited. Instead he looked worried.

"Look, I'm gay. Sometimes it really sucks. You can't take this stuff back. So do you really want to suck my dick? It's not something you'll be able to undo." Was he fucking serious?

"And I thought I was meant to be the awkward one. You just took my virginity." Now he looked surprised.

I took a deep breath, shoving my annoyance aside and tried again "Look, I've had plenty of chances to lose it before. Plenty of girls wanted me because of who my Dad is." I explained "But until now I had never actually wanted to lose it. I turned them all away, but I let you. I didn't even put up a fight... not a big one anyway.

I don't know what I am, or how I'll deal with what's happened. I mean, we've just met. I don't know if this is normal, but it was awesome. I... I want to know what it felt like. I-I..." the words in my head were messy and I wasn't sure how to say it. I shut my eyes tight trying hard to find the words I needed to explain myself.

Marcus sat up and pulled me close "Jacob, thank you for letting me take your virginity." He said before pressing his lips gently against mine. This kiss wasn't like the one before. This one felt different, special. There was no desperation in his movements, it was simply about showing that right now, in this moment, he cared.

I pulled back "If I say I love you would you say it's weird?"

"Very, very, very, very, very, very weird." He said smiling gently, his lips a hairbreadths from my own.

"Does that make me gay?" I asked next.

"Afraid so. But that makes me very happy." He kissed me again and then took my hand up to his mouth.

"What are you doing?" I asked as he licked my fingers.

"Teaching you how to suck dick." He said studiously.

"Oh." I mumbled. I had all but forgotten about his still hard dick.

"Gently," he said "no teeth, and work your tongue." He took my fingers into his mouth. I bit my lower lip and shuddered. He was gentle, but so telling. Now this was a skill I could understand. To make the one you care about feel like they were the center of this and every other universe.

I took back my fingers and pushed him back gently. He fell back onto my pillow, his gaze soft as I lowered my lips to his dick and kissed his wet tip. He arched his back a little and let out a soft sigh. His scent was heavy and so was his need. I could tell from the way his balls tensed as my breath washed over him.

I took his dick in my hand and stroked it absently taking a breath. This was my last chance to back out. Marcus would have understood if I did. This world was still new to me. I was nervous and honestly, was terrified of screwing this up more than I was about my own grades.

"I trust you." Marcus whispered "I honestly think you might be the only guy I've ever met that I can say that too."

I swallowed hard "What if I screw up?" I asked.

"Then you'll have to practice more. I won't complain." He mused. That cinched it. Marcus was a total prick and the more I wanted to thump him, the more I wanted to kiss him. If there was a design for falling head over heels for someone I had just found it.

I looked back at his dick and did as he had. I ran my tongue along his length, listening as he moaned. He reached down and touched my face. I pulled away. He tasted of sweat and something else that I had never tasked before. It was like his scent and his need was also his taste. I licked a trail of pre, the salty taste making me purr softly.

"Far out Jacob, you're killing me." Marcus whined. Enough playing around. There would be other chances to examine him more closely. Right now I needed to do something far more important.

I slid his dick slowly into my mouth. The taste of him exploding through my mouth. I went about half way down his dick before gaging. Marcus laughed "You get used to it." He promised. I took his word for it and tried my best to copy what he had done earlier.

Marcus moaned, his hips shifting. He whined when my teeth touched him, but gasped when I did something right. She shuddered a little "Fuck... stop." He pushed me off "Damn Jacob." He said panting.

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked.

"No, I almost came." Wasn't that the whole idea?

"Then what's wrong?"

"What, did you want me to shoot in your mouth?" I paused unsure.

"But you're not finished." I mumbled.

Marcus groaned and looked down at himself. He had put his body through a lot. I had to wonder if I would be as composed in his position "Use your hand then. You can always wash your hand." I nodded and took his dick in my hand instead. I had to admit I was a little offended. I got that he was trying to go slow, but this was ridiculous. I looked down at my dick. I was already hard again. That was when I got an idea.

I rounded on him, pumping his dick fast. Marcus gasped. He gripped the sheets tight and thrusted up into my hands. Instead of sucking his dick I opted for his balls instead. He swore a little to loud as I did.

"I'm close!" he gasped thrusting up hard. A few more and he tensed in my hands. Just before he came I forced his dick into my mouth. Marcus gasped in surprise thrusting up hard, cumming hard in my mouth. I gagged as he shot his thick, hot cum straight down my throat. Now I understood why he told me not to. The force of a guy cumming was huge. He grabbed the back of my head forcing me down. The taste of salt and dick overwhelmed my taste buds.

Finally he finished. He growled lowly and kicked me back "What the fuck, I said no!" he spat. I fell back onto the floor with half a mouthful of cum. I swallowed and gasped, a little panicked from the experience. Marcus leapt to his feet and stood over me.

"Here I am trying to be all gentle with you, and you go ahead and do that. I haven't cum in a week." He didn't really look angry "if you freak out now because you swallowed my load then that's your damn fault." Was that it, was he still worried I was going to turn tail and run?

I sat up and yanked him towards me. Grabbing his still hard dick and licking it "You taste awesome." I moaned "does everyone taste like this?" simple plan, how could he be angry with me while I wasn't upset about it. While behind it all, hearing him yell at me brought tears to my eyes.

"Gah! Stop it." He pulled me up "That's fucking sensitive." He grumbled. Marcus watched me for a moment then pulled me into a hug.

"You could have just said that you wanted to try. You just got me so worked up that I was afraid I'd hurt you."

"My jaw does hurt." I grumbling, brushing away a tear before he saw it.

"Sorry." He mumbled.

Marcus let out one last sigh and pulled away "We both need a shower." He laughed looking down at the both of us. Compared to Marcus I didn't look too bad. At least my tail wasn't matted with cum.

"Oh shit." I gasped "I smell like you. What if someone notices!" I quickly started yanking on my clothes desperate to get there before anyone else got up. Marcus looked amused as I fell face first trying to pull on my pants.

"Stop Jacob and take a breath, no one's up yet... and I like the way you smell right now." That wasn't good enough. If my Dad found out he would do something insane, like tear down the school. Marcus didn't understand what I was afraid of. He didn't know my Dad.

"I said stop." Marcus said firmly grabbing me. I stood tense under his strong hands. He was taller than me... why was I noticing that now. I had to... Marcus pulled me into a hard kiss. My breath caught and my fears melted away with me into his stupid, arrogant, caring arms. Bastard had me wrapped around his little finger.

"But the smell..." I mumbled breaking our kiss.

"Stupid little Kitty." He kissed me again.


"I'll protect you. I promise." I put my arms around him. I believed him. He wouldn't let anyone ruin this. Right now, in that moment, I was safe and no amount of his scent would change that.

"You smell gross." I grumbled. He pulled me off.

"Yep, shower time it is." I watched as Marcus snatched up his clothes and darted out the door covering himself only with his clothes. Watching him go made me smile as I wondered what my life would have been like right now if I went anywhere but Broken Pine. Not that it mattered, because I was here and here was a good place.