Confessions of a Dragon: Chapter 1

Story by Montrosity on SoFurry

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#2 of Confessions of a Dragon: My Memiors of My Time on Earth

Confessions of a Dragon: Chapter 1

A Quick Description:

After getting some good responses, I'm going ahead and jot down the memoirs of my exploits. But first I should describe myself more. I'm your basic greenish teal male dragon with a golden tan underbelly. I sport a pair of grayish white horns twisting in spirals. A decent size of the bulk of my body just larger than a horse, I do look bigger due to my long tail and wings fanning a good distance. And with those wings, I can fly. They provide a good way to travel those long distances that I like to do.

As a full blooded dragon, I hate being called a lizard or any kind of reptile. Aside from a superficial appearance at a distance, I'm nothing like those reptiles and consider it a kind of insult to be called as such. Lots of differences I can tell you. Things like my bone structure (hollow bones as well as the skeletal anatomy), warm blooded, four chamber heart as opposed to just three, and reproductive organs are among the many differences. I will go into much more details as I write more of my life experiences.

Online I go by the name Montrosity (I misspelled monstrosity badly but I got used to it) and I shall use it here. It often gets shorten to Monty and sometimes Mon. I won't reveal my real name as I have many people (very bad people too) after me for the things I did to their organizations. They gave me many names like '"Jaws of Death", "Winged Avenger", and a few unsavory terms that I won't repeat here.

The Beginning:

Just over two years ago I arrived on this planet through a gateway, or portal if you want to call it that. Similar to a wormhole, it transported me to earth from a distant planet. These gateways are ancient. Many occur naturally though extremely rare and very unstable. Around ten to twenty thousand years ago, a race of beings was able to control the gateways They suddenly vanished and abandoned the sites.

The leading theory as to why they disappeared surmise that the various factions virtually killed themselves off, almost going extinct. Some old stories tell of a great war that spilled into their own population. You see, they used humans, dragons, demons and other species "harvested" from the portals to fight as proxy in their wars. Some species even got genetically modified as well. This worked for a long time until something happened and they themselves got involved. The details are very sketchy, but it seemed very powerful biological weapons got released. Being so effective that few few survived.

They escaped through the gateways as their home planet no longer safe. No one knows where they all gone to much less what they looked like. Some believe they are large and powerful creatures but the major speculation these days points to a much smaller beings with very high intelligence. Perhaps too smart as it turns out.

Getting Stuck:

Now you may wonder about those gateways. Rediscovered around 25 years ago, even now very little still are known about them, less than the ancient ones themselves. This leads to many problems and downtimes as the scientist tries to work on the old controls. Amazing that they stood up all these thousands of years in the first place, they break down often. Hard to repair something one have very little knowledge of.

This brings me to the situation I'm stuck in now. I traveled through a gateway to earth that fateful day over two years ago. Soon after the controls broke. I seen the carnage afterwards. Some poor guy was just in the window when it happened. Every molecule in his body ripped apart from the collapsing portal and scattered all over the chamber. Wasn't a pretty site. At least it was an instantaneous death.

The workers manage to bring the gateway back into life but still fluctuates on a daily basis. So only cargo allows to pass through unless all the kinks ironed out. Everyday, at least one load gets "messed up" and torn to bits. You can imagine why no one alive can go through now until a better fix is found.

I'm still waiting for the day when it is safe to return. In the meantime, I continue on with my research studying earth and its inhabitants. I learned the basics of English rather quickly though I'm still shaky on my grammar. So excuse me for any glaring mistakes. I have been told I write better than most humans anyway so there is that hope.

But studying all the time can get boring. I can't mingle among the human population since that would cause much panic. Can you picture the scene if that happens? Yeah, better to remain out of sight. Well, for the most part. Other than surfing the Internet and chatting online, especially on IRC, I spent a lot of my spare time crime fighting. I read a good chunk of human history since arriving here and was intrigued by unsolved crimes. I guess it is my hunting instincts showing through here.

The First Case:

After about six months of arriving here (and finding out my return trip would be delayed for who knows how long), a very bad event occurred. I read about an unsolved string of murders. The police report was a lot more detailed than what the newspaper reported. Since the victims were the homeless and prostitutes, the paper and other news media glances over them. The police reports much more chilling. The force was willing to solve the case but having a hard time finding witnesses. Those few they found refused to talk. Either they didn't care or just afraid to talk.

This got me interested as I felt I could help. I know ways to make people talk. Being a dragon, I find it easy for them to spill their guts... sometimes literary. I used to be an active member of the imperial dragon core in the empire's military, so I had some "interrogation" experience. I don't intend to harm the witnesses, just convince them to talk. My awesome charm works wonders... or is it the threat of great bodily injury. Whatever it is, it gets results. Something they needed since the murders getting more frequent now, nearly once a month someone gets killed in a very hideous manner. The grisly details I'll expand on in the upcoming chapters and how I dealt with them.