Thirty Day Fallout

Story by Riverweasel on SoFurry

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#3 of Coliseum Aftermath

Sometimes plans change.

Just one month ago, my life had been dramatically altered after one part arrogance and two parts unjustified conviction. I had fought a panther, not for my life, but for the freedom to choose what to do with it. After a fatal mistake, I had stolen defeat from assured victory and ended with an owner, gold rings pierced through my nipples and a inlaid silver collar buckled permanently around my neck.

My body had been claimed, but instead of a tortured soul, my spirit had found consolation and peace in his arms. His voice was firm but affectionate, taking hours on his days off to snuggle with me and chat about his life while taking a vested interest in mine. Whenever he brought up a topic I didn't know much about, he was happy to answer any of my questions.

In just one week, he allowed me into his study where I stumbled across a book about the more raunchy side of body modifications. However, inside that book, there was no mention about what society's opinion on it was. My mephit frame had come to life, tingling with fire as I thought about adding to the metal adornments I already possessed. Rasputine had caught me in the middle of it, and instead of chiding me, he indulged it and brought me to a massive orgasm. Since then, a gold cock ring hugged the base of my sheath, bringing a smile to my face whenever I took my pants off.

A week later, the doctor had confirmed a full healing for my nipples, meaning I could wear a shirt and do some rougher work. Staying true to his word, I was given a tour of his stables, introduced to his horses and then after a kiss, he handed me a broom and pointed me to the hay bales.

"It's time you start earning your right to shelter and my bed. This should take you most of the day, but there's a surprise for you if you do a good and expedient job. One of my servants will come out around noon to give you lunch and there plenty of water around back for when you get hot."

With a smile plastered on my face, I hugged him and got to work. My tail flicked around as I hummed, entertaining myself as I worked through the comfortable morning into a stifling hot afternoon. Sweat rolled down my back and legs just as quickly as I could drink water to replenish my body. Each stall was cleared of the hay flooring and mopped before new hay was laid down. By the time I finished placing the matting down in the last stall, the air had begun to cool down. The sun was low in the horizon and all I could do was sit on a nearby bench and nurse my exhausted body, drinking large gulps of water in between deep breaths.

"Samuel had told me you were working hard, boy. I took a look inside and I must say I'm very impressed with your efforts."

I moaned as his fingers dug into my sore shoulder muscles and began to knead them like bread dough. My head dropped and I just let him ease the tension out as he kept talking.

"Well, either my mention of a surprise motivated you or else you like working, but either way, you've earned it."

My dick tingled, the thought of what his surprise could be diving straight to the primal corner before I even heard him.

"Tomorrow, I think I'm going to take a few days off. There's a gorgeous forest a morning's ride north that should have avoided the biggest part of this heat wave. I think I'd prefer you to come with me rather than linger around here. The tent of mine is more than large enough for the two of us and I'd love to talk knowing there won't be any interruptions. Go back inside and clean up. Dinner will follow and then I'll help you...pack."

The way he said that last word left nothing in question to what he really meant. Nodding back at him, I stayed for a few more minutes while his claws gave me a satisfying back rub. When he ruffled my head fur and turned around, I stood up and followed, looking forward to more than just a cold shower. Samuel was there to give my coat an oil rub and brush as I dried off and then slipped into some loose clothing.

My stomach was rumbling loudly by the time I sat down at the table. In front of me was a large assortment of fruit along with two cooked birds. The eyes in my skull rolled as I took a sniff and caught the perfectly scented fowl along with the telltale signal of approaching panther.

"Dear Rachel, do give the two of us the room to ourselves for the next three hours. Do not interrupt me under any circumstance outside of an impeding threat to life."

The vixen nodded, giving me a knowing smile before leaving and locking the door latch behind her. I turned my gaze from her vanished presence back to my master.

"Go ahead and eat, skunk. I know you must be famished after such a long day. However, first, I think I have some more fitting attire I want you to put on."

My eyes bulged as he brandished a white leather, good studded harness in his paw. A long throb echoed through my dormant spire as I tried to swallow.

"Come on now, no need to be shy. You've worn less around me many times before. Take off all of what you're wearing right now and then I'll help you put this on."

Nodding in obedience and an ever growing desire to comply as it was, I stood up, sneaking a handful of fruit into my maw at the same time as I slipped out of my shirt, pants and undergarments, exposing myself fully in front of my master as he sauntered over to me.

"You made me think when I caught you reading that book last week. What if curiosity wasn't the leading reason you got so into it, but rather it hit some deep nerve of lust that had just been previously undiscovered? You see, the surprise was not the camping trip, I had planned on you coming with anyway. The surprise instead revolves more around further exploration of this query of mine."

He spoke all this while fastening the harness to my chest and waist, the taut leg bands hugging me while the harness connected to my collar, the strips of leather splitting just below my sternum to snugly wrap just under my pectorals before rolling around my upper back. A ring hung below that, circling around my navel before another pair split off to circle around my lower back. There, a large, flexible ring snapped around the base of my tail tightly. Simply tightening the strap above it would forcibly raise my tail up high enough to fully expose my rump.

By the time he had finished securing the harness, the red tip of my shaft had poked out to say hello. I looked up at him as he admired my body and how his choice of style added to my attractiveness. His smile was all too telling and that was when he brought out the cuffs. White suede leather with fur on the inside for cushioning and comfort. Part of me wanted them on so badly, to give any control I thought I had to the feline lord, but then my stomach told my dick to shut up and my gaze lingered back to the food.

"Don't you worry, Draskit. I'll make sure your belly is more than comfortably full. Come sit on my lap."

I obliged and followed as he led me back to my chair and sat down, lifting me up and setting me down on top of his legs.

"Eat until you can't take another bite, lovely. I won't rush you."

I murred at his words and then my paws were all over the food. The berries were sweetened to sugary and tart perfection, my lips smacking and throat buzzing as the delicious flavors slid down my throat. Here and there, the panther would grab something and pull me back to feed me it, adding in a minute or two of physical ministrations on my body before letting me lean forward again. When I got to the quail, I picked the first up, and took a deep bite, stiffening as I felt Raspotine's paw graze over my currently content wood.

"How do they taste, Drasky?"

"Intense and spicy. I'll have to thank Rachel later."

"Oh, but you are mistaken. I made this whole thing while you were doing such a great job taking care of my horses. Rachel spent most of the day in the city with her parents."


"Yeah, I'm actually quite skilled at cooking up a hot night."

"But, why?" I asked as I took another glorious mouthful of quail into my muzzle, arching joyously as his finger tickled the tip of my maleness.

"Call it a moment of crisis. When I first took you in, I saw you as a young, lost mephit who needed a true home and I knew I could give it to you. This obviously came at a cost to you as you were permanently indebted to me once I won our little duel.

However, the truth is that I'm no more than five years your senior. In only my wildest dreams did I think you would take to me the way you have and lately, in just the one moon cycle I've had you here, I don't think any of the titles I had come up with to define you work anymore

I treat you better than any concubine or servant I've ever had and you and I share the same bed together every night. I admired you ever since you nearly laid a humiliating licking on me in the Coliseum. I think I might have more thoughts for you than I did originally and I want to spend some quality time diving further."

There weren't really any words I could think of to say in response, so I kept eating the quail, the amazing taste driving me to eat the second even though my chest was beginning to feel full. When I finished, his paws were rubbing my ears, his tongue lapping at my nape as he then pulled me back into his warm body. I let out a loud burp before settling into his hug, my eyes fluttering in pure satisfaction as the food began to settle down in my stomach. He continued to rub over my chest, his fingers occasionally drifting to my nipples to pinch or pull the rings lightly. Ever since he had been told that they were safe to play with, the panther had barely been capable of keeping his fingers away.

"Remembering back to that book, I thought to myself that you might like it if I gave you what you wanted. And so, after several days of thought and another day of shopping, I bought this for you."

His paw rubbed my chin while he brought a curved gold barbell into my field of vision. My cock jumped between my legs and I found my muzzle loosing a series of wanting moans. The tomcat kept rolling his fingers under my chin while he spoke again.

"I thought you might like it. It's for your navel. Mind if I set it for you?"

I nodded eagerly, never wanting to feel the metal to stab into me again so badly ever before. I felt his paw slip around my chest as he gently pulled me back into him.

"Just lean back and let your master take care of everything. As you're well aware, it will hurt some, but I'll try to be as instant and efficient as possible."

Soon, a familiar looking rod was laid on the table along with the jewelry and a towel. Using the latter, a cold rubbing alcohol solution dipped into my belly button, working to disinfect the small hole before circling it as the cloth came out. My breaths were already coming in short puffs by the time he leveled the sharp rod at the bottom. He waited for a few seconds before the clamps were clasped around the flexible skin, pulled to the point of pinching pain. A heartbeat later and the rod was into me. I mewled as the sharp pain shot through me, but it did nothing to stop the rod from curving through and then piercing back out a little more than a centimeter underneath my navel.

This time it was with fascination, rather than defeat, with which I watched the metal threaded back through the fleshy hole, the rod sliding out with the second end. Its job done, the rod was placed on the table as the panther pushed up against the bottom half while he screwed the emerald bead into my actual navel. There was hardly any blood and it was washed away quickly with a squirt of saline water.

"There you go, handsome. That quell your need for now? Do you like it as much as I do?"

"Yes and fuck yes. I look...just damn."

"You look beyond sexy and the amount of things I want to do with you right now rivals a playwright from Shakespeare. Let me have your paws."

I listened without hesitation, murring in lust as I felt them pulled behind my back secured together at the wrist by his cuffs. They felt warm and comfortable but nothing compared to the sensation of the panther's paws returning to my chest and sheath.

"Someone as cooperative and adventurous as you are needs someone who can match it with ferocity and understanding. I think you'd do for me so much more if I gave you the opportunity. During our camping trip, I'm going to wear you out with swordplay - both kinds, that is. It's time you learned how to handle a blade, mephit. Would that make you happy?"

"Yeah, I've been looking forward to that chance ever since you first mentioned it, master."

"Enthusiastic as always."

I crooned back as his fingers rose up to tickle and graze over my nipples, giving a few gentle tugs to the gold ring hanging off of each one. His lips pressed against the back of my neck, just above the collar while he breathed heavily against my nape fur. He didn't speak any further words, but just kept working his paws over and against my fleshy chest nubs, his claws were flame flickers from a fireplace, caressing the erect nipples with every passing heartbeat.

"Boy, turn around so I can see those gorgeous eyes of yours."

Doing my best to keep from moving off his lap, I twisted as he held me steady, soon facing him, my harness and piercings catching his gaze as he looked over my form once again, his smile growing as his paws slid around to embrace me, pulling me into him while his lips pushed against my collarbone. His teeth nibbled at the barely covered bone while one of his paws drifted down my spine to stroke over my rump.

I moaned when I felt myself prodded to lift my body up partially, smiling in glee as he tugged on the harness strap to force my tail high up in the air. Gripping the base, he spent little time positioning my ass right over the tip of his feline cock. A light tug downward on my raised tail was all the encouragment I needed, hissing out at the ceiling as his tip penetrated me, the tapered head spreading me open and sinking a little more than an inch into me.

His paws were quick to grab my hips, not to pull me down further, but his pads massaged against them, his fingers stretching down to tease the tops of my ass cheeks while I tried to make more room inside myself. My thighs shook as I used them to suspend my whole weight. I knew there were several more inches to go, but I hadn't any lubrication other than the precum his penis was dripping out.

"Come on, love. I know it hurts more than you're used to, but it'll make release just that much more satisfying for the both of us."

Nodding, I clenched my fists into balls behind my back and took a breath before contracting my muscles as hard as I could in a swift effort to take every inch into me. I cried out in agony as that tip drove deep, my rump slapping against the panther's thighs while I did all I could to steel myself against wanting it out. My walls burned and stung like they had been burned, my passage reflexively doing all they could to push the intrusion back out.

Tears rolled down the bridge of my muzzle while I forced myself to grow accustomed to such a violent entry. His barbs flared up as he instinctively flexed in his warm den. One of his paws left my rump to rub my ears as I sucked in deep breaths, wishing the pain away. It didn't subside very much, but the initial agonizing bite had lessened into a strong coarsing, pulsing ache.

When his second paw left my rump to cradle my dick, I croaked in relief as intense pleasure rolled through my hips, helping to bottom out the pain as I rested my head on top of his shoulder, still heaving in breaths as I tried to relax. He gently stroked up and down my throbbing length, the veins bulging out due to the pressure the rings were exerting on my blood vessels.

"There we are, mephit. That pain might be brutal at the start, but it heightens all of your senses, including the feeling of ecstasy. It would help you even more if started pistoning that spear against your prostate instead of just trying to live with the pain."

Hesitantly, I agreed with the idea, gathering my legs before pushing up and crying out as the barbs pulled at my passage. It hurt more than words could describe, but I bit my lip and kept moving, kept lifting before plunging back down, using the recoil to help propel myself upward again. The pain was severe, but his encouragement and moans of enjoyment kept me going at it, wanting to make sure he was happy. His barbs tugged at me, painful pricks as I worked over his barely damp dick.

Thankfully, he was a wet tom, and within a minute, the dry humps were replaced by a wetter, much more slick pistoning, my navel still aching sharply with each bounce. Already, his tip was finding the perfect angle to brush over my prostate. My locked paws clenched as I bucked up and down on his rod, my eyes staring at his own while he just leaned back and grinned, letting out soft purrs in return.

As the exhausting work of the day began to seep their way back into my legs, I found that eager limberness disappearing as my thighs began to hit muscle fatigue. Worried I would disappoint him, I huffed a deep breath into my lungs and tried to keep going. Just like a sprint, though, I gave out shortly after, still trying vainly to propel myself upward again, but finding failure as my hamstrings simply shuddered and gave out, causing me to fall into his waiting arms.

"Hmmmm, that was quite the effort, my mephit, but it looks like you're just too worn out to keep at it."

"I-I'm sorry, mas-ster. I'm tr-"

"Hush, sweet one. There's nothing to be sorry about. You worked hard for over eight hours in the hot sun. What else can I reasonably expect you to do now?"

"I just don't like to disappoint you."

"You never have, which is why I've grown so fond of you."

I meeped as he rose and stood up, my arms wrapping around his neck to steady myself. We didn't go far, only a step forward before he leaned down onto the table. A couple plates flipped as my hips knocked into them, but before I could attempt another apology, it was stifled by his lips. The warm tongue of his snuck right into my maw, dancing into my cheeks, coiling with my own as his paws dug into my sides.

He remained still for only a few seconds before letting out a long purr as he slid his cock back out, arching his back in just the perfect way to spread maximum pressure against my prostate. I whimpered back at him, wishing I could dig my claws into his neck as I rode such ecstasy out to the finish, but they were still locked behind my back. Instead, I was left to just groan into his maw as he continued to see-saw back and forth, working that beautiful feline pole through me as he and I both neared our mutual release.

I began to pant into his mouth, my skunkhood tingling delightfully and desperately. He pressed his lips against me harder, one paw snaking in between us to grip my hard wood equipment, squeezing firmly before he began to stroke me to the rhythm of his own penetrating thrusts. His precum dribbled and spat into me, warming me and creating even more lubrication. I heard him groan and tense several times before he lifted me back up in his arms, falling back onto the chair with me in his lap as he stilled us for a few breaths.

Not wanting to say anything, I just pleadingly looked back at him, my spire still in the confines of his warm paw. He just stared back at me and then slid both paws to cradle my back as he...his head dipped and the next thing I knew, I was lying horizontally in his arms, letting out a haunting moan as his lips opened up and every inch of my staff disappeared into his jaws.

The heat was incredible! Soft grinds of pleasure started again, just an inch or so of movement that the panther could manage while keeping me stable, but it was more than enough to turn my moan into a panting, hissing, seething yowl. Fluid poured into my chambers, my balls clenching while my anal nub sent its own juice to meet my sperm, mixing for a second or two before the sweet, delicious twinge sent me crashing over the edge as my master tasted me for the second time.

This time, though, he never let off, but instead kept grinding and sucking me off as I shuddered and twitched through a lengthy, fantastic orgasm. When I didn't have a drop left to give, he grunted and lifted me to press our chests together again as his pole spasmed and pulsed, reaching its peak in just a few more vigorous thrusts. Suddenly, just as he came, his teeth sunk into my right shoulder and I bellowed out as I felt the fangs puncture skin and sink in just a tad, his whole face contorting in lust as he rocketed feline spunk up into my canal over and over again.

His climax lasted longer than mine had, streams and then rivers of spent cum pouring back down his pole to coat his crotch, messily marking me with all he had. A few more tears glistened over the bridge of my muzzle, but in that sharp pain, I found an intangeable closeness my mephit frame had never experienced before. It was then that I knew our master/pet relationship would never be anything more than a disguise. He wanted me just as badly as I wanted him, and as blood seeped down my shoulder and into my fur, his tongue lapping at the streams he could reach, I knew he loved me as well.

"Oh, I can't wait for our camping trip tomorrow, Draskit."

"No one says we have to wait, sire."

"Are you implying what I think you are, pet?"

"I hope so."

"You don't need to ask twice."

With that, I felt my body lifted and placed back on the table, my master pulling out the key for the cuffs and unlatching them, rubbing my wrists as he brought them out in front of me. His gaze lingered over my body, his paws soon traveling along the leather straps of the harness I wore, stopping here and there to wander off and tickle the skin nearby.

A finger on each paw then slipped in between the rings lying against my nipple, tugging upward slightly, causing me to hiss as I was forced to arch my back in response to the rapid bite of pain. Then I was on the table fully again, his maw smashing into my right nub while his paws found themselves gripping hard against each side of my ribcage.

When he drew back again, I tilted my head back and moaned in delirium, my overloaded prostate stinging me in protest, but it was nothing compared to the shock when his pole flew into me again, already hard. His feline recovery speed far outpaced my own, but it was greatly accelerated from the play he gave me on my nipple, the nub aching wonderfully as his rough tongue stroked all over it, his teeth sometimes joining in to give me a quick nip or tug on the ring as I just gripped at the tablecloth underneath me.

Our combined vocalizations would have awoken a small village, but in the confines of the kitchen, it was just us, not the world, that mattered. His barbs had flared again, and my prostate had given up trying to say no, rather sending coursing bolts of energy through me with each pump of the panther's hips. My cock was semi hard by the time I saw and felt him switch to my other nub, my jaws clenching in joy as he just rode me like a bull, each thrust so precise, every roll of his body timed on cue, as if he fucked for my sake, not his.

Within a minute, my cock as aching nicely, hard and filled again, and the signs of a second orgasm were already close. His grunts were feral and I worried just slightly about his fangs, but my paws were too busy creating new holes in the linen underneath my body to do anything about it. There was little ceremony when I came, even more intense heat pouring through my red flesh before splattering watery cum against Raspotine's chest.

I only lasted a few spurts this time, my head falling to the side and my tongue lolling out as he fucked me even harder. He purred louder as my seed splashed against him, driving his eager body forward as he dug his claws into my ribs and thrusted through his second orgasm, grunting as he overworked himself, his dick slipping free after just the first pulse, the rest spitting up against my tail and rump as he just humped against my ass.

Our second climaxes spent, Raspotine let my other nipple go free, the perk nubs standing up in the chillier air. His eyes fluttered as he worked to stay awake, my own body barely even able to react after such a thorough release of chemicals. He tried to lift me up, but failed to raise me even a few inches before he gave out and we hit the table again with a clatter.

"If I had the energy to, I would fuck you again and again, until my legs and hips gave out. I just can't get enough of you, skunk. You're done in the stables. It's time I find work better suited to the future mate of a Duke."