Trainer Tales 3

Story by Experiment626 on SoFurry

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#3 of Trainer Tales

A conversation with Grovyle started to help understand the mating between different breeds of pokemon. Of course, the conversation then took a very strange turn...

Maybe I should tell you more about my pokemon before I go on. I've been traveling as a trainer for a few years now, but I actually haven't added to my team (aside from Lopunny) since the first month that I set out. I was lucky and got my team together quite quickly so I never bothered catching anything else.

When I started off, I was given my choice of three pokemon to take with me and I chose Treecko; who is now, obviously, my Grovyle. And I had just barely left my hometown when I saw a wild Sandshrew and decided to battle it. Despite having no real experience, Treecko and I beat it and in my excitement I threw a ball and captured it. She (my Sandshrew) was quite timid at first but through training, and evolution, she became quite strong and surprisingly confident and assertive for a normally mousey breed.

About a week later, while traveling with my two pokemon, we were attacked by a wild Charmeleon. I would have run away, but the whole Charmander evolutionary family is rare in the wild because so many of them are captured to be given away as started pokemon in certain areas. I had both my pokemon out at the time, because we had taken a break to eat so when the Charmeleon attacked, they both sprung to my defense and although it was a very tough battle, especially for the disadvantaged Treecko, we managed to win (mostly due to Sandshrew's ground-based attacks.)

My next pokemon was Flareon who I didn't actually capture at all. I entered a Pokemon Center one day and the nurse was being yelled at by a trainer. Apparently he had an Eevee and the nurse had accidentally had it in a room that had a few evolution stones in a cupboard. Well, the Eevee, feeling curious, went through one of the cupboards and came across a Fire Stone. The trainer had his heart set on a Vaporeon and was very disappointed at the turn of events. I mentioned that my family had a Flareon as a pet while I was growing up and that I'd be willing to teach him the move set to help diffuse the argument and surprisingly the trainer turned to me and said "you can just have it, then!" And threw me the ball before storming out. That was when I got my fourth pokemon.

And about two weeks later I was exploring an old cave and found Raichu. His fur was glowing faintly and he was rapidly trying to stab the spike at the end of his tail into the ground. I know now that he was trying to ground himself to get rid of the excess electricity in his body, the same electricity that was causing him to glow. At the time, his glowing fur and rapid tail strikes were quite a frightening visage so I called out Sandslash (who had recently evolved after a particularly tough battle the day prior) and battled him. Luckily Sandslash was immune to his attacks because he was relentless in letting out wave after wave of his electric energy. I think he was still more interested in ridding himself of the excess energy than battling Sandslash and I. In the end, it became apparent that he didn't want to battle and I called off Sandslash and was going to leave him be. I was surprised when he then ran over to me and stood assertively in between me and the exit of the cave. At first I wasn't sure what he wanted but then suspected he may want to join me. I grabbed one of my empty pokeballs and tossed it at him and he didn't struggle at all, leaving me with a nearly full team.

At that point, with a nearly full party, I didn't care about capturing another pokemon because my team was diverse and strong enough to handle most opponents. In the following years I conquered a few gyms and defeated all manner of trainers and wild pokemon so I was quite happy with my team, who had become my friends, and if it weren't for Lopunny joining us the way she had, I'd still probably just have my team of five.

And at that point, I was wishing I still had because the whole business with Raichu and Lopunny just bothered me. I didn't know why it bothered me, or what to do about it, and since I traveled alone, I decided to talk to my oldest friend; my Grovyle. I released her from her ball and then almost immediately started talking.

I told her about how I saw them and I recounted the whole session for her. As I did, I actually noticed a bit of stirring from down below. I was perturbed by that arousal, but the more I thought about it, the more evident it would become and the conversation would have been awkward enough without an erection so I tried to just move on with the conversation.

After catching her up fully I asked "so what do you think?" She seemed very nonplussed so I added "isn't that wrong what they were doing?"

She quickly shook her head negatively. "Gro-grovyle" she replied.

It always amazed me how, despite our not being able to understand their limited verbal skills, pokemon seemed to have no trouble understanding human language. "It's not weird for pokemon to mate with other species?"

Again she quickly answered no. "Wait, have you been with another pokemon?" I asked, surprised by how vehemently she defended inter species mating.

She hesitated, clearly caught off guard, and then slowly nodded yes. 'Well if it wasn't Raichu, maybe Charizard? He's so much bigger though... Or maybe it was that time I left her at the daycare for a few days. Or I guess it could have been one of her several night stays at a Pokemon center...' I pondered and then saw Grovyle nervously staring at me. "It's ok Grovyle, I'm not mad at you. I just didn't know you had mated before."

"Hmm..." I thought aloud. "Maybe it's just us humans who make a big deal about that kind of thing." Not expecting a response, I was surprised when Grovyle immediately shook her head positively. "Oh, really? You think I shouldn't make a big deal out of mating?"

I started to laugh but then, much to my surprise, Grovyle moved quickly forward and jumped up forcing me to catch her. Even more surprising, she then kissed me. I was caught up in the kiss for a moment, because despite being surprising and wildly inappropriate, it was a rather pleasant kiss. Then it hit me that this was Grovyle and I pulled away from the kiss and set her down.

"What was that?!" I asking incredulously. She just stood there blankly with her head down, not responding at all. "I think it's time to go back in your ball" I said as I reached for the pokeball. Before I could recall her, she jumped up and knocked it from my hand. "Grovyle!" I started to scold before she tackled me to the ground.

At that point, being on top of me, Grovyle started kissing me again and I was at a much less advantageous position to stop her. Also, since kissing was not a natural thing for pokemon to do, I wondered where she had even got it in her head to do such a thing. I have to admit, however, that when the initial shock went away, the kiss was really quite good. Her maw was not shaped like a human mouth so the kiss wasn't as seamless as a regular make out session with another human would be, but Grovyle loved me and I could feel that passion in the kiss. I could also feel this encounter having a very familiar effect on me and I'm sure I wasn't the only one that noticed the tightness of my pants or the growing lump in them.

I had stopped resisting her and was starting to really enjoy myself when Grovyle surprised me again by using one quick leaf blade attacks to slice open my clothes.

"Hey!" I started but she quickly slid downward on my body and with no hesitation and inserted my then exposed erection into her welcoming slit. I lost the rest of whatever words I was going to say and instead loosed a moan as I could feel her warm and wet opening engulfing me. Being only three feet tall, her proportions were smaller and so she wasn't quite prepared to take my size. She was very tight and I saw her wincing as she kept pushing herself further down on my shaft with each thrust.

Finally, when she had gotten my entirety inside her, her look of pain was replaced with one of incredible pleasure as she bounced enthusiastically on top of me. At that point, I had forgotten my objections and grabbed hold of Grovyle's sides to guide her with my hands, keeping her moving at just the right speed.

I was certainly not a virgin, but it had been a while since I had had sex with a girl (and never with any of my team) so I found myself nearing orgasm pretty quickly.

I tried to focus on something else and keep myself going at least long enough for Grovyle to enjoy herself, but at that moment, and at that angle, I actually found her sexy and was having trouble keeping myself from getting too excited. The erotic look on Grovyle's face seemed to intensify as she realized my plight and she then began to thrust harder and quicker to end my suffering.

She didn't have to wait long as I soon erupted inside her with a moan. I could feel an immediate and intense feeling of overwhelming pleasure rip through me as I shot stream after stream of my seed into her. I couldn't remember ever having come that much before.

When I finally felt the torrent subsiding and knew that she had drained me, I lifted her off of me. I could feel a small trickle of our combined juices leak out of her as I did. Once I moved her, she turned and licked away the spilled juices and the coat of her lubricant from my diminishing erection, causing a twinge of ecstasy that sent shudders through me. I pulled her up and she settled against me, snuggling next to me as we lay on the ground together.

I still felt like what just happened was wrong, but I just didn't care anymore. At least, not at that moment.

And now, lying naked next to my grovyle, with my seed still slightly dripping from between her legs, I am back to where I first began. And going forward, I had no idea what I was going to do about any of this.