Musk Stream Story 2: Most Excellent Service

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Musk story the second, for Taiko.

Most Excellent Service for Taiko by Draconicon

Herbert felt very nervous when he was assigned to the night shift for the little cafe. The manager had been very evasive about what sort of things he could expect, and it didn't help that every manager he was used to working with was assigned to morning or afternoon shifts.

In fact, the rabbit was the only one in the night shift that seemed to know anything, and he'd been working at the cafe for less than a month! The other guys assigned were a jackal that silently manned the register and a hyena cook that seemed to be dazed out of his mind. The rabbit almost wondered if the two of them were high, considering how quiet and dazed they seemed to be.

By the time he could take his break, Herbert wondered how anybody managed with the two of them. Sure, there weren't many customers, barely four over the course of an hour, but it was still difficult when he was the only one that seemed completely there.

He was just putting down a glass of water when the door opened again. Quickly throwing his apron back on, Herbert rushed out of the kitchen -

  • Only to be met by something that looked like it walked out of a monster manual. The big male had a tail that looked like a stunted mutation of a shark tail, and his head was adorned with horns and spikes that would have put a porcupine to shame in terms of sheer pointiness. Herbert wasn't sure why, but with the way that the face was shaped, he almost expected the scaly guy to have tusks, and felt almost weirded out when he didn't see them.

At least he wasn't...oh god, he was. Herbert looked away immediately as he saw that the stranger was barely wearing clothes. Someone had stuffed this slab of meat into a pair of running shorts, and the spandex looked like it was on its last legs.

Shaking his head, Herbert walked over to the new customer, trying not to look intimidated at the male's sheer musculature and height.

"Uh, I'm sorry, sir, but we have a no shirt, no shoes, no service policy. Did, uh, something happen?"

"Heh, nothing happened, little man. Just lost a bet."

That'd explain the mess your clothes are in, Herbert thought, unable to avoid looking down for a second.

He sighed, about to tell the big guy that he'd have to go somewhere else, but...

But there was something odd. A sharp smell that he didn't notice before. He took a second breath, a little sniff, but he couldn't catch what it was. It was too faint for him to really make out, too.

"Hey? Short stuff. Something the matter?"

"Huh? Oh, no. Nothing at all."

"Heh. Why don't you show me a table, huh?"

"But -"

"Come on, show a little sympathy to a guy that lost a bet."

Well...guess it couldn't hurt. The rabbit gestured for the big guy to follow him. The policy didn't matter that much, he guessed, though he usually did his best to enforce it. He sat the...hybrid, for lack of a better word, down at one of the booths, offering him a menu.


As the male perused it, Herbert sniffed the air again. That scent was still around, and he had no idea what it was. It wasn't like anything in the kitchen, and the closest thing he could compare it to were the locker rooms back in high school. He remembered them very clearly, considering how many times he was thrown into them.

But they'd smelled almost foul, rancid with sweat. This was different. Just as salty, but with something earthier in it, a little bit tangier.

Before he could narrow it down further, the tip of the menu tapped him on the cheek, snapping him out of his daze.

"I'll take the ABHW special."

"The - what? We don't -"

"Oh, wait, is this your first night shift?"

"...Is it that obvious?"

"Heh, no worries, short stuff. Just go ask Buhbuh back there how to do it. He knows."

If he's some sort of regular, you'd think he'd know the rules, Herbert thought. But if there was a special he didn't know about, he was glad that there was someone here that did. He just hoped that the hyena knew what this guy was talking about.

When he walked in the kitchen, though, he almost leaped back out.

"What the hell are you doing?!"

Buhbuh the hyena wasn't just cooking. The guy had his apron off and had his head tilted back, sniffing the air like he was in his momma's kitchen and smelled his favorite food. Herbert doubted that the hyena would be jerking off like that at home, though, as the cook's fist pounded his cock hard and fast.

The rabbit ducked out of the kitchen, his face red and burning. He walked around the corner.

"Reggie, we got a - Holy hell!"

The jackal wasn't any better. He had his head tilted back as well, sniffing the air too. His apron was off, and so were his pants, as the jackal was fingering himself hard.

And as the rabbit stared, he started to be aware of a bulge of his own. A very hard, very insistent bulge in his pants. He was only aware of it as he started groping himself, but it was enough.

As he yanked his hands back, he heard a ripping sound. Turning his head, he saw the hybrid lounging on his seat, the spandex shorts giving up their struggle to contain what was inside. Twin shafts broke free as the male sat with his feet on the table, and as they sprawled out, the hot scent that he'd been noticing all night hit him full force.

Herbert collapsed almost immediately at the intoxicating blend of pheromones and musk, his eyes rolling back at his first real exposure to it. His cock throbbed in his pants before unloading a heavy load of cum right into his underwear. It burned, hot and thick against his shaft, but he kept shooting, as if his body was unable to stop. He panted, sucking in more and more of that strange scent, his head starting to tilt back.

"Heh, looks like the special's gonna be a foursome instead of a threesome tonight. Come on over, you guys."

The jackal and hyena almost leaped to follow his words. Herbert, lost in the fog of his orgasm, stumbled to his feet. The little rule-loving part of the rabbit that still existed inside held him back, making his walk more of a shuffle, but even that didn't stop him from slowly approaching the big, double dicked customer.

His coworkers were already on their knees in front of the hybrid, their mouths open and drooling over a dick each. The big guy looked at him, chuckling.

"Looks like you aren't used to the night shift yet, huh?"


"Yeah, kind of a habit of mine. The ABHW special? Not even on the menu, just something I made up." He reached down, pulling his cocks back. "What's it called, boys?"

"Alek blows his wad special."

The way that the two other employees answered in unison was more than a little disturbing to the rabbit, but there was nothing he could do. Buhbuh and Reggie pulled him in, and he had no strength to resist as he was shoved face first under the pair of cocks, his nose mushed up against the big male's balls.

From the first breath, he was utterly lost. The complaining bit of his mind disappeared under the flood of hot musk, drowned in it in the second breath. With each subsequent breath, it became easier and easier to just sit there, just take in the scent, and be relaxed and subservient. No need to move, no need to do anything. Just had to sit there and breathe.

Above him, he could hear his coworkers slurping along those shafts, and after a few minutes, Herbert felt that he should start helping out. The rabbit stuck out his tongue, dragging it along the somewhat scaly, somewhat fleshy sac, collecting bits of sweat and old cum on his tongue and swallowing it down. Each taste only made him come back for more, the flavor as mind-numbing as the smell.

"You know, you guys are not bad. Not as good as some of the guys I get, but definitely not bad."

Alek - he supposed was the name - laughed above him, and Herbert hoped that meant he was doing good. The rabbit couldn't think much, but he did think that he wanted the hybrid to like what he was doing. He licked a little harder, wishing he could think to do more.

"By the way, I hope you guys are still getting paid well. The boss said anyone put on the night shift would get time and a half all the time. He keeping that deal?"

Whatever Buhbuh and Reggie said went unheard for the rabbit. He doubted that it was happening, though. From what little he remembered, he was told that the tips at this time of night would make up for any loss of income. But there was no mention of time and a half.

"He better be. That deal's getting him pretty well-off." The hybrid laughed. "Then again, after all this exposure, you two aren't really that brainy anymore, are you? I could probably just take you back for some porn studio deals, and you'd make more than you do here. Think you'd like that?"

Herbert thought that he might, and it gave him an idea. Rather than licking more, he opened his mouth wide, sucking one of those big orbs into his mouth. He felt the male jerk a bit in surprise, and then chuckle.

"Look at that. We got a real go-getter here. First night and he's already up to sucking my balls. You two didn't even do that; it took me all night just to get you to lick my tips."

He felt a weird sense of pride at that. The rabbit giggled, licking the orb in his mouth a few times before spitting it out.

Before he could get the other one, the hybrid pushed them back with his tail. Herbert groaned, sitting back and staring up blankly. Alek chuckled, rubbing his hands together as he positioned his cocks with his tail.

"That's enough foreplay, boys. Let's get on to the real fun of the special. You two, on my cocks as usual. Bunny boy?"

Herbert perked up his ears.

"Give 'em a handjob while you keep sucking my balls. I like that."

He grinned, darting forward to start. As the other males mounted up, the rabbit started sucking.

Looks like the night shift wasn't so bad after all.

The End

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