A Fathers Revenge

Story by Leapardofalltrades on SoFurry

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Authors Note: Basic Disclaimer, I am not responsible if you're viewing this stuff illegally in your location, IE underage etc. The following story deals with controversial subjects such as Rape, Sadism and murder. If you're uncomfortable with such subjects, then stop reading now, I will have no sympathy for you if you come up with comments about how twisted it is. That's what I wanted and that's what I wrote. Conversely I know there are some of you who enjoy such dark delights, so have fun.


A Fathers Revenge


James stared at the knife for a moment before spinning it in his palm. Snapping his fingers closed, he shoved the eight inch blade nearly half as deep into the tabletop. "Do you know why you're here Deakar?" he asked coolly. With a flick of his wrist, the torment kit was rolled out onto the table above the knife and James began to look over his instruments. The light from the lone lamp hanging above the table glinted off the shinny metal tools as it swung slightly in the damp stagnant air.

Deakar shook his head, spitting up a bit of blood from his split lip and whimpering. "No... I don't. Please let me go. I won't tell any one I promise," the wolf said with every bit of surrender he could muster. He struggled in his binds, the ones that held him to the now protesting chair. It squeaked and groaned as Deakar moved, and he struggled briefly before giving another panicked whimper.

"You're here," James replied slowly, "because you're fucking with some one I care about."

James picked out a blade that looked like a curved butter knife and studied the edge by running it across his finger. The light glinted and flashed across the demons red goat-like face. He took a breath and turned, leaning against the table's edge and stared down at Deakar. James' body now obscured the light, casting the trembling grey timber wolf in darkness again with his eight foot frame. Naked red flesh covered the demon from head to toe, covering a thick muscular frame with bat-like wings and cloven hooves adorned in ebony black.

"I... I'm sorry man, I didn't mean to do it.. Please I don't even know who they are? I promise I won't do it. I'll give you anything! Please tell me..." Deakar's words almost pored out of his muzzle in an incoherent jumble. He panted as fear made his mouth and throat dry and sticky with thick saliva. He blinked and stared at the demon, already shaking with fear as his dual colored blue and green eyes traveled to the blade James was now holding.

James took a step forward, his hooves clacking against the stone ground and echoing softly off the damp cellar walls. He reached out and ran his right hand along the wolf's head and smiled a warm deceptive smile. As his fingers curled in his fur, he jerked Deakar's head back and let a warm exhale of breath wash over the fur's face.

"Who she is, is not important. What is of minor concern though is that I have been informed that on countless occasions you have been told by her that she is unavailable and that your advances are unwelcome." James frowned.

The demon raised the blade in his other hand and let the blunted side trace along Deakar's muzzle. Deakar whimpered, and chocked back a sob and clenched his eyes shut. James continued till the blade was tracing along the wolf's right ear.

"You seem to have a problem listening." James grinned.

With a simple twist and flick of his wrist he drove the blade down through the thin cartilage of the wolf's ear. The severed end fluttered down into the darkness and disappeared. Deakar shrieked and began sputtering again, and began sobbing ruefully.

"AAaaahrrg!" He cried out as the blade had severed his ear. Though it had been much to sharp to really be painful, there was little doubt that the shock of it sent the wolf's mind reeling. "Gah, PLEASE!! No more, please.. anything. You want money, I can get it! Just let me call my buddies... let me go to the bank.... I'll suck your dick!!! ANYTHING!" Deakar sputtered.

The wolf broke down and wept with panic stricken breaths, shaking his head as James released it. Blood splattered the walls in silent testimony of the bloody deed. James growled lowly and reared back his right hand and let fly with a back hand across the wolf's cheek.

"You pathetic mortal, how could you even think you where worthy of one of my women?" The blow nearly toppled the wolf over in the creaking chair, save for the hand that snatched up the wolf's head fur once again and righted him. "They are much too strong for you; you would die trying to pleasure them. You are not worth their presence much less the right to taste them. You curse them with your touch, spreading your foul stench. You reek of weakness and pathetic longings."

James lashed his tail against the stone ground, filling the room with the sound of some ungodly tool being sharpened against a jagged stone. Deakar stared ahead, transfixed with horror, whimpering and sobbing pitifully. James spat into Deakar's face and held the surgical blade right up to the wolf's right eye.

"I'm going to take great pleasure in this. Your fear is ambrosia to me; your stench is my sustenance." James whispered sadistically.

The demon grinned from ear to ear and slowly began to run the blade right along the flesh directly under the wolf's eye. Deakar screamed, jerking his head back and forth in the demons grip. He was held too tightly to do much more than that though and it only served to make the controlled cut turn into a jagged wound under his eye. Deakar's cheek fur soon became soaked in blood, appearing only as a dark stain in the dim light. Soon the wolf had a gash that went from the bridge of his muzzle and arched under his eye to halfway between his eye and ear. James then stood back and admired the beauty of his work, letting the light shine into the wolf's face again.

James grinned "You're going to die. I want you to know that right now."

James chuckled softly and turned to slip the now blood stained blade back into its spot in his torment kit. He then let his clawed finger roam over various other instruments as if trying to decide which would be best for his next cut or torture.

"However, I'm going to make sure it's nice and slow. I want to know your enjoying this as much as I am. I figure if you want to know my women, you should at least get to know me first."

James pulled up a probe. He held the long thin steal instrument into the light, letting the wolf see it over his shoulder. The probe was long and slender, maybe eight inches long. At the tip, the probe was spaded, flattened out into a sharp tapered blade. The wolf suddenly doubled over in his chair, or at least as best the binds would let him. He wretched, the shock and fear finally upsetting his constitution and he coughed and gagged violently for a second till he resumed his weeping.

"You're crazy man... your fucking nuts! Let me go, please let me go!? I swear I won't touch another woman again." Deakar shook his head ruefully, tears and blood dripping off the tip of his muzzle, along with spittle from what he had done moments before.

"Well, at least you're right about one thing. You'll never touch a woman again." James turned around and stepped back to the wolf.

The demon could smell the sour stench of puke that the wolf had left in his own lap. He chuckled softly; it was always nice to see how the body coped with unimaginable fear and stress. James grabbed the wolf's throat this time, just under the jaw. His grip tightened to steady the wolf's head and the probe was inserted into his tattered right ear again.

"You see. I'm not just a mere fur. Oh no. I'm James the incubus demon. I used to feed off lust and life force like other Incubi, but I've since outgrown that." James noted idly.

The probe began to slip into the wolf's ear very slowly. James kept it going at the right angle and made sure that its progress was a slow tedious process, one that could be anticipated with fear and trembling.

James continued "I feed on fear... which is normally a good thing. In your case it's a very bad thing because though I don't need to kill for feeding, in this case I'm going to make an acceptation."

The spaded tip of the probe was twisted just slightly, getting past the bend in the whimpering wolf's ear canal.

"It's been a long time since I've been able to torture some fur to death. I find that I miss it. I was becoming worried that I was loosing my touch." James smirked.

"Yggg AAHHH! Please please please!" The wolf whined and whimpered, trembling like a leaf in a hurricane. "Don't do this, you don't have to do this.. Please I have family!"

The wolf's expression was twisted in ways only fear and panic could contort a face. His eyes were clenched shut and every muscle was as tight as a high tension wire. The wolf's entire body trembled uncontrollably now. He was barely breathing between the shuddering sobs and whimpers. He continued to beg, though the grip on his throat made it sound like a chocked frog was trying to sing. Soon it was nothing more than incoherent garbles filling the room.

"I wanted you to know this, so that you understand who it is that is going to take your life," James continued. "Plus, I need you to know this before you can't hear me any longer."

James finally halted the probe; the tip was now pressed painfully against the wolf's eardrum evoking a startled cry of pain again. James grinned and licked his red lips. As the demon canted his head to the side, he shoved the probe in about an inch or so into the wolf's skull. As the wolf howled and cried, yipping and whining with utter suffering, James gave the end of the probe a twist. The wolf's eardrum was pierced and so was the sensitive organ behind it. The twist of the spaded end scrambled the organ and sent pain and the wailing sounds of dying nerve endings into the wolf's head.

James pulled the probe out unceremoniously and gave a cold chuckle to the wolf's suffering. Blood and gore began to dribble from Deakar's ear and he shook his head in odd circles as his equilibrium had become compromised. James released the wolf's neck and switched the tool to his other hand.

"One down, one to go." James mused.

James looked into the wolf's fluttering eyes, watching the pupils do rapid jerks back and forth. Given time the brain would adjust to the confusing signals being sent from the now obliterated organ in his right ear, but James wasn't about to give Deakar that chance. The probe went into the ear canal of the wolf's left ear now. Deakar struggled and yipped with fear and pain, even snarling a bit trying to pull his head away from the inevitable fate that awaited his other ear. James only gripped the wolf's neck tighter, making Deakar gag and cough.

The probe slid up the ear canal and tore through the ear drum. The small bones behind it where split and crushed as the bladed tip slid past them into the cochlea. Deakar howled in pain again, his head jerking and twitching as the sensory organ was pierced. Eventually the tip of the probe slid right into the auditory nerve. With the same twist, James severed and mangled the connection and Deakar was once again thrown into a world of confusing signals and eventually utterly deaf silence.

James pulled back the probe and stepped back, leaning against the table once again. He watched as Deakar whimpered, sobbed, and howled in pain. Though James had nothing to worry about, he had chosen this location well. Such a disturbance would hardly raise an ear around here. Deakar was here to suffer as James pleased. As James placed the probe on the table behind him, his left hand roamed down his chiseled belly and finally rested along the bulge between his thick thighs He grunted slightly as a sickening grin pulled the edges of his lips clear from one ear to the next, the sudden dark desire flooded his wicked mind

"It's been a long time since I've had time to play with a victim properly. Been a very, very long time." James chuckled softly.

The demon released his growing arousal to pull the knife from the table where he had plunged it earlier. He stepped over to Deakar where the wolf was almost convulsing with the effort to stop what must have been a sickening ride of dizziness.

Deakar's head was jerking from side to side, his eyes refusing to focus as they spun in his head. His voice was a harsh whimper now, ragged with the howling from earlier. He twitched again and James laughed, then the wolf doubled over in the chair and retched into his lap again. The nausea from the dizziness would keep the wolf incapacitated for the time being. As it was, James had other plans for him before the final blow.

James walked behind the shuddering heap of a wolf and reached down with the blade. Slipping it under a loop of rope, the demon pulled it up and severed the length cleanly. As James cut another loop, the ropes began to fall slack around the wolf.

Deakar's arms came loose and he pulled them in front of himself in a daze. As his posture was no longer restrained, he suddenly fell forward. As Deakar slipped from the chair, he fell face first onto the ground. His paws did him little good in halting his fall, the slippery mildew covered stones making them slip from under him. He panted hard as he lay on the floor. As if coming to his senses, the wolf suddenly began to scramble away from the chair.

James only sneered, "Going somewhere? I don't think your going to get away going that direction. The stairs are behind you." He chuckled softly. "Ahh, but that's right. You can't hear me. I've ruined your ears and now your completely def and disoriented. Dear me, what will I do with an invalid wolf now?"

James stepped forward and kicked the chair out of the way, slamming it into the wall before it toppled onto its side in the darkness. The demon then stepped forward and ensnared the wolf's tattered and now bloodied shirt from the back and lifted him effortlessly. As James pressed the wolf's body against the table and laid him down upon it, the demon pressed his hips against the wolf's denim covered rump and groaned in the darkness. James sucked his breath back through his teeth and smiled.

"Ahh. Such a warm body cooled by fear. I'll show you what it means to not take no for an answer. Feel free to scream and protest all you want, it will make it better for me in the end." James licked his lips.

The demon took the knife and hooked it into the waistband of the wolf's pants and then sliced it downward towards Deakar's knee. He then cut the fabric from the small hole (for the wolf's tail) up through the waist band as well. James then raised the knife, blade down, and jammed it downward. It cut through the wolf's shoulder blade and through the left side of his chest and stuck solidly into the wood table top.

"Don't move," James snickered.

Ren suddenly howled out again and reached up with his right hand, trying to reach over his back to pull the blade out that now had him effectively pinned to the table like a moth. The wolf's pants and under clothes fell down his thighs as James tugged at them roughly. James grabbed his cock as it sprang up in the damp air, pre came dribbling from the tip. A few dollops of pre cum where flung away from him, meeting surfaces unknown in the blackness of cast shadows from the single light. James' hand gripped his throbbing member behind the thick bulbous head and squeezed it roughly.

"I'm going to enjoy this," James groaned. "I hope you've loosened up."

The thick head of the demon's 12 inch member was pressed against the howling wolf's tail hole. His tail was pulled up out of the way as James looked down to the initial penetration of the wolf's bowels. The demons grip on the wolf's tail tightened, and he leaned over Deakar, putting his hand on the wolf's right shoulder. His hips pressed forward roughly. His cock ripped through the tight ring of the wolf's anus and drove itself inside his warm velvet depths. James grunted with deep rumbling satisfaction. The wolf's voice screamed out in pain and suddenly went silent as his lungs where emptied in the howl of suffering.

The demons grin grew in the haze and he licked his lips again, watching Deakar struggle. The wolf's legs kicked underneath him as James pulled back his hips and thrust into Deakar again. The warm slickness began to grow from the blood and it lubricated the demon's shaft as he began thrusting ruthlessly into the wolf's body. The flimsy table began to groan and creek occasionally knocking against the wall where it pressed against. James' groans of sadistic pleasure began to fill the room as well. Deakar's tight ring clamped involuntarily against James' cock, making the demon moan and thrust fiercely into the wolf's anus. James began to moan gutturally, making animalistic grunts and growls as he fucked the wolf. The demons teeth clenched tightly as he savored the pleasure of suffering the wolf further.

The wolf's rasping voice screamed out in pain at the start of each thrust. His abused tail hole could only take so much and James simply had no sympathy. The demons grip on the wolf's tail tightened and his claws dug in ruefully, his own growls and groans of pleasure beginning to drown out the wolf's on meager whimpers. James' began thrusting a bit faster and leaned over the wolf's back, having to bend him self over slightly as he brought his muzzle over towards the blade stuck in the wolf's back. The demon moved his hand over, slipping his claws into the hole that was there and tore it open wider. The fur underneath was dark red, stained with the wolf's blood as it seeped from the wound, and as James continued to thrust into the wolf's now ragged anus he licked at the wolf's fur. The blood coated his tongue, throwing James further into bloodlust frenzy.

James' nearly let himself go right then and there, it was only with ungodly strength that he managed to keep himself from emptying into the wolf's lower intestine right at that moment. He cringed and growled softly as he slowly began to back down from the edge of orgasm, gently removing himself from the wolf's posterior, the kindness only out of necessity.

James panted a moment, then reached over and grabbed the hilt of the blade embedded into the wolf's back. He placed his other paw in the middle of the wolf's back and yanked the blade back through his flesh. The sound of barbs rasping against flesh encased bone resounded of the walls for the brief moment that it happened. James then brought the blade to his lips and let it slide ever so slowly across his long forked tongue. He savored the moment, eyes fluttering in the darkness.

"It's been a while," he chuckled. "I have not been able to truly torment a living mortal to my hearts content for a long while. What with having a family to protect, I hardly need to draw attention to my actions. You, however, are a rare treat and I doubt you will be missed over much, and I'm sure that a single homicide will leave the town with plenty to think about in the days to come. This, however, will hardly become notable to those who I have to be weary of."

James licked his fingers clean of the wolfs blood an then slammed the blade back into the table top, this time above the wolf's left shoulder. James picked up the wolf, turned him around, and let him down on the ground slowly. As the wolf slid off the table top, James sneered at him and grabbed his throat again as it came within reach. James pinned the wolf's head against the side of the table, partially suspending him above the floor.

Deakar reached up and tried to pry the fingers away from his throat, sputtering a bit as his tongue hung from the side of his muzzle. James grinned down at him, peering down with red irises as he sneered. The demon chuckled coldly, keeping Deakar's head bent back against the table to keep him from falling. Deakar flailed a bit and whimpered in a choked breath as his tongue began to turn blue in the pail light. James stepped forward, his legs over Deakar's lap, his erect penis hanging in the air in front of the sputtering wolf. The demon jutted his hips forward, smearing his throbbing cock head against the wolf's tear and blood stained cheek.

"I hope your enjoying yourself Deakar. I know that I am. I know you can't hear me but I think we understand each other. You're my little puppet; I am your worst fear come to light." James huffed through clenched teeth.

James reached down and gripped his cock from the base, then gently rubbed it over the wolf's lips and tongue. A trail of blood, spittle and pre coated the wolf's trembling lips. James moaned softly, rumbling the damp air with a sadistic utterance of pleasure. Deakar continued to struggle fitfully, his eyes staring strait ahead into the darkness, the orbs of his eyes wide with fear. James lifted his cock and gently stroked it from the base, forcing the pre from his shaft and letting a sole droplet drizzle down into Deakar's open muzzle.

The Demon chuckled coldly, licking his lips with his red forked tongue. His every feature trembled with lust and desire, with the look of a cruel and heartless master who toyed with his puppet for his own sadistic pleasure. Deakar continued to tremble, his body racked with the fear of mortal peril, with the fear of a puppet whose master was intent on simply crushing every ounce of enjoyment from Deakar's tortured body. This was the tourniquet before the rush of heroin slips into the vein, this was the shuddering anticipation. This was the darkness made real, this was Demon Rapes Wolf.

James Growled, his head snapping back with a guttural groan. Deakar was lifted from his spot against the table once again and lifted into the air with a single thick paw wrapped around his neck. James tightened his grip, his own teeth gnashing as he watched Deakar's choked expression twist and become even more panicked. The wolf began to struggle, to kick and writhe. His jaws flexed, opening wide as his tongue turned darker still as he gasped silently for breath that would never come. James sneered, laughing softly and waited with baited breath while his other hand continued to stroke slowly over the throbbing member between his thighs.

"Yes," James snarled "Just a little longer... Feel the cold sink in. I am the instrument of your demise pet, though I am not through with you yet."

Deakar's hands where desperately clawing at James' hand, trying to pry it away from his throat. Panicked moment's passed, and soon those struggles became weaker and yet more desperate. Deakar's eyes slowly became unfocused. His movement's spasmodic as his brain began to drop from the silver lining of consciousness. James' arm was covered with futile claw marks. His thick skin was too much for the wolf to rend, but the effort only made James tremble with utter pleasure, the way a child might laugh as he held a magnifying glass over a single ant to watch him smolder and burn.

The wolf's body slowly gave in; his eyes fluttered and drew upwards into their sockets. The body went limp, every muscle and sinew going slack. The trembling finally stopped, the struggling slipped away and gave in to darkness and oblivion. James licked his lips again, the paw that continued to stroke as his member stopped suddenly, wrapping tightly around the bright red head. He squeezed it harshly, shuddering as he restrained the impending orgasm that threatened to boil forth at this moment. With another groan he managed it, then breathing harshly, huffing for breath with the excitement. Deakar was limp in his other hand, a rag doll for his pleasure.

All things being equal, James understood that there wasn't much time now. The brain could survive for a short time without blood and oxygen and now the timer was ticking down. James laid Deakar down onto the wooden table once again and it creaked with protest and finally accepted its task. The torment kit was pulled to the side, searched through and finally several small pins were selected. James held them in one paw, pressed between his fingers. His other hand traced down the now limp body, down Deakar's still chest and down his still warm belly. The massive paw slipped further down and gently cupped Deakar's genitals, his soft furred sheath and slightly cooler testicals. Deakar's crotch was wet now, the scent of his urine now filled James' nose. Even this was normal, expected as the nervous system shutdown. James gripped Deakar's flaccid sheath and cock and began to slowly stroke it.

The first pin was placed in the wolf's chest and the fingers traced down further, feeling for the lines of force that flowed and slowly faded in the now lifeless body. James pressed another pin just under the wolf's flesh while his other hand slipped under Deakar's thigh and gripped the hem of the pants that where still wrapped around his legs. The demon pulled and tugged, quickly pulling the stinking fabric from Deakar's body and tossing them onto the floor in the damp darkness. Deakar's legs dangled over the side of the table and as James nudged them to the side with his own thighs, they parted like a willing lover. The thick phallus was pressed between the wolf's thighs, parting Deakar's ass as it slipped towards the abused entrance he had raped earlier. Another pin was placed further up the wolf's body near his neck.

James cooed, huffing a bit as he slowly pressed into the wolf's body. His cock met no resistance and James now looked down lovingly at the body. He took on a kinder expression, like making love to a lover with the kindest of intentions as he slowly thrust upwards into the wolf's still inanimate body. As soon as James was pressed a good ways inside Deakar's body, he leaned over and, ever so gently, nuzzled the wolf's muzzle. His hand reached up and lifted a single droplet of the expired wolf's tear and whispered softly into Deakar's ear.

"There there pet, do not cry lest angels weep with you. You are mine, now and forever, master and twisted pet. Your salvation has not come yet." James sighed softly and kissed Deakar's cheek.

The demon's hips began to thrust slowly, making love to Deakar's body as it lay there lifeless below him. He waited only a moment longer; savoring the silent repose as the wolf's body gently shook with the thrusts he gave. James leaned over, gently kissing the wolf's open maw as the last acupuncture needle was placed behind one Deakar's ears. James thrust hotly into Deakar's body, increasing his pace slowly as he gently cupped the wolf's muzzle and closed it. The kiss continued, gently, passionately and then finally as James inhaled sharply he blew the first breath into Deakar's lungs.

"Live again, live to die, live to suffer. Live." James whispered to his pet and huffed another breath into Deakar's body.

Deakar's body resisted, clinging to death for a moment longer as James violated him lovingly. But after the third kiss of life, the self preservation finally took hold and Deakar took a shuddering breath on his own followed by a wail of utter disgust and fear. He wailed again as his body shuddered and convulsed, and blood that had lain stagnant pumped harshly again, warming limbs and filling them with life once again. James continued to thrust, his pumping becoming sharper as his pet lived once again to suffer for it. As Deakar convulsed and coughed James could feel the tortured pucker of the wolf's asshole grow tight as a vice around his cock.

It could only be the worse possible way to wake up, to wake to a sadistic lover raping your recently lifeless body, raping your soulless corpse and then only to wake with his member still pumping inside you and his sadistic grinning face hanging over you. Deakar trembled anew, shaking with the cold, shaking with fear. Deakar looked up into James' face for a moment as the demon thrust his thick phallus into his abused and trembling ass. James sneered, savoring the look of fear and disgust as Deakar struggled now weakly against his rough thrust. Deakar reached up, pressing his hands against James' chest and face, trying to push him away as a sob shuddered forth from his lips. A weak and rasping voice slipped from the wolf's lips.

"Please, no more, let me go." Deakar sobbed softly, not even daring to look into the demon's eyes.

James chuckled coldly, reaching down to grab a hold of Deakar's muzzle and drag it back into facing him. His hips continued to thrust into the wolf's bowels, making the table creak and whine with each quickening thrust. James groaned softly, licking his lips and smiling as he responded.

"Not yet lover, we've barely gotten to know one another. First let us make love, and then as I loose myself inside you, then I'll let you go. Then I'll let you slip away into oblivion, then I will let you die and leave you here to rot." James grinned wickedly, quickening his pace "But for kicks, let's see you love me, lets see you lust for your death."

James leaned forward once again, kissing the wolf on the lips and then pulling away. Summoning old magic, James pulled something from deep inside him, feeding off his own lust and letting the sweet breath flow out over Deakar's shuddering body. As and Incubi, James rarely used the old ways to tempt his prey but there was something twisted about making your unwilling lover beg for more just before you smothered their life from their body, like making a whore beg for her fix.

James blew again, letting thick pheromones emanate from his body and in his breath. He licked the wolf's bloodied lips and kissed him again. His hips continued to thrust restlessly into the wolf's tattered and bloody body, filling his shuddering ass with the Demon's thick phallus. James reached down, his hand tracing over the wolf's body much like before and pulled the needles from the wolf's body.

Though now the flesh was animate and warm. The flesh pulsed anew with the life James sought to release, to rend in his own twisted manor. Though now things began to change slowly. Deakar's shuddering body writhed. The wails of terror melted and slowly changed into soft reluctant coos of pleasure. James continued to thrust into the wolf's body, savoring the feel of the tight wet ring and the warm tunnel that caressed his thick cock. The wolf's struggling hands soon began to caress and knead. The wolf lusted now, his will turned sour by the demon's dark magic.

The demon's hand clasped Deakar's sheath and encircled it as James leaned back slightly to look down. Already Deakar's body was shameless in its display and the wolf's cock was already growing hot in James' grip and the pink untarnished flesh was peaking from the tip of the sheath. James growled softly, his fingers tracing the underside of the wolf cock with practiced strokes and brought out the raging lust into full effect. The shuddering ring that had gripped James' cock in protest now milked it like a skilled lover, though it made no difference to James. The wolf's eyes still echoed a restrained and tormented look, lusting for and fearing his lover in a twisted madness that shook his body with whimpering groans.

"Please... Don't kill me. Don't kill.. me.. Don't kill..." Deakar gasped and whimpered again, his hips pumping involuntarily into James' fist now as lust filled his veins along with the darkened fear. "Don't... Don't s... Don't stop."

James didn't intend to stop, but now he drew even more pleasure from this dark and heartless deed. Now he had his victim begging for the rape, pleading for the sodomy despite being bloodied brushed and hated by the very same. The demon would make sure that the very last moments Deakar lived would be utterly twisted, lusting and fearing in the same emotion. Hating and desiring the very same treatment, loathing the one who destroyed him and still savoring the attention it merited. James continued to thrust and stroked Deakar's now leaking cock with rhythmic flicks of his thick wrist from the tip of the wolf's cock tapered head strait down over his thickening knot to where his cock nestled his balls.

All the while Deakar looked on, struggling with the feelings that warred inside him. In the back of his mind, he knew that all this was some joke to James, some twisted game to watch him twitch and suffer while James sucked the life out of him in a twisted show of force and power. This was also the creature that now pleasured him, stroking his throbbing cock and pounding into his ass that throbbed sweetly with the pain of lovemaking, though the question begged to be asked, where is the love here?

The contorted logic wrapped his mind into little knots of their own; Deakar lusted for his hated lover now and despite the fear and loathing wanted him to continue the exquisite torture. To continue anything that meant being close to the Demon, any attention he got was now like a shining star of reward. As his hips thrust again and a still weak groan slipped from his lips, he hoped desperately that this was some twisted nightmare that he would wake up from any moment.

While the hand continued stroking up and down Deakar's erect length, the other free hand lifted past the wolf's head and to the torment kit. Idly James mused that despite being so close, Deakar never bothered trying to utilize the many wicked instruments that lay inside. James pulled a single scalpel from the kit and palmed it as he watched Deakar writhe further in the grip of his other paw. It wasn't unusual that the wolf didn't fight back. James usually moved quickly and decisively, keeping his victims guessing and paralyzed by fear and pain.

The wolf's hips trembled and the tight ring that wrapped around the demon's still thrusting cock quivered softly. It wouldn't be long now, not with James thrusting against Deakar's sensitive walls and stroking his cock, now quickly and roughly in a tightening grip. The demons own hips quickened their pace, pounding into the wolf's body as he felt the sensations mounting, the exercise in morbid pleasure heightening to a paramount of bliss. James gritted his teeth, huffing softly as he waited for the right moment, drawing the free hand towards his other as he rapidly stroked over the wolf's pulsing member. The scalpel slipped forth between the thumb and forefinger, poised over the wolf's tightening balls.

The demon gripped the cock as it began to twitch, sliding his hand up and back down the shaft and then over the swelling knot. As he gripped the knot tightly, Deakar groaned loudly, his orgasm finally bubbling forth as he writhed on the table with James' cock thrust deeply into quivering ass. The blade was quick now, as even the first jets of semen erupted from the wolf's pulsing cock head. The blade slipped across Deakar's testicals, opening the flesh even as the wolf moaned again. Even as James' fingers slid into the gaping wound and quickly tugged the organs from their hiding places and exposed them to the cold air, even as they still pulsed softly with Deakar's orgasm.

Deakar's moan suddenly turned sour, quivering in his throat for a moment before turning into another shuddering scream. The blade severed the tubules that connected Deakar's testicals to his body in one jerking motion. The severed organs even sputtered weakly in the demon's hand as he pulled them away. Deakar's own hands dropped to his crotch, the last spurt of his fading orgasm erupted bloodily into his hands. James growled softly and pulled his own throbbing cock from the wolf's now protesting body as his hand dropped the blade to the side. Reaching up with the free hand, he snagged Deakar's collar and pulled him towards the edge of the table once again. The wolf was howling now, crying as his bliss was severed cleanly from his consciousness.

"How was that Lover? Well, now it's time. You got off. Now it's my turn." James grinned.

The free fist was slipped under Deakar's quivering and sobbing jaw, pressing harshly into the soft spots under the hinge of his jaw. As Deakar wailed in pain and fear once again, James slipped his other fist into the wolf's mouth and deposited the testicals at the back of Deakar's throat. As Deakar took another shuddering breath, the kidney shaped organs and assorted gore slipped into his throat. Panic flickered over the wolf's face again, the feeling of being choked returning to haunt him.

James pulled his hand from the wolf's throat and then shifted his other hand once again, slipping his thumb into the wolf's cheek and pinning it inward between the gums of his jaws. The other bloodied hand did the same, pinning the wolf's maw wide open as he pulled him off the table. James pinned the wolf's head against the table's side again and groaned as he forced his cock past the wolf's trembling lips and into his choking sputtering maw. His cock was welcomed by warmth and spasming muscles that tried desperately to dislodge the blockage that now threatened to take Deakar's life a second time. James moaned, thrusting his cock into the back of Deakar's throat and gently thrusting his thick head down into the panicked wolf's body.

James watched now, as Deakar struggled to keep from dying, his eyes fluttering and darting panic stricken as James' fucked Deakar's face against the side of the table. Deakar jerked, his blood soaked hands reaching up to try and pry James' hands from his face and push the demon's thrusting hips away from his face. All of this was in vain, hopeless as James moaned softly and watched Deakar slip down a second time into darkness. As Deakar's panicked struggles sapped his body's already spent strength, his struggles weakened quickly. James thrust a bit harder, savoring Deakar's dying struggles as his cock swelled thickly in the back of Deakar's throat.

As Deakar's struggles faded and his eyes trembled and then slowly went blank. As the wolf's heaving chest shuddered and heaved a final time, James' head snapped back and his own powerful hips trembled with release. James' breath came sporadically, he thrust roughly into the wolf's dying body and with a loud lust filled groan he released his seed into the wolf's throat. James snapped his head forward, licking his lips and grinning down at his deceased lover and watched as his pulsing cock left his hot seed boiling in the wolf's constricted throat as a final gift. James moaned softly, giving his cock one last thrust before pulling it from Deakar's slack body. The thick phallus pulled itself from the wet tunnel, trailing the thick seed and blood across the wolf's now dark blue lips and tongue with grisly sounds of wet suckling to bid it farewell.

Without much ceremony, James simply released the wolf's face and let it slump limply onto the ground under the table. The demon smirked, stuffing his cock back into his pants and tugging the zipper back into place. A few moment's longer where taken to slip all of his tools and instruments into his kit and roll it back up. With a silken knot it was tethered and then tucked under the demon's arm. With a cold chuckle, James kicked the wolf's limp thigh and smirked.

"See ya later lover. Maybe I'll let my daughter suck my dick when I get home, I'll see if she can tell me who it is she can taste on it." James said.

The demon reached up to tug on the string and turned out the light, and then walked up the stairs with clicking hooves and leaving the wolf's carcass in the darkness.