Authors Note: Basic Disclaimer, I am not responsible if you're viewing this stuff illegally in your location, IE underage etc. The following story deals with controversial subjects such as Rape, Sadism and murder. If you're uncomfortable with such...
Abduction, Cock And Balls Torture, Demon, M/M, Rape, Snuff, Torture, Violence, Wolf
Authors notes: Well, I've finally got a story to submit. As a new author, I'd like as much input as any one can offer. Things I'm interested in getting feed back about: Story composition, Is it a good story, does it keep your interest? Gramar and...
Angst, Compassion, Cougar, Cuddling, Drama, Friendship, Kissing, M/F, Savior, Skunk, Vanilla
Authors note: This story was a short spoofed scene with me playing both parties. The formatting may be a little off in places, but I still think it was pretty sexy in the end. Let me know if there are any obvious errors.
Breast Sex, Doggystyle, Drama, Ejaculation, Incest, Leopard, M/F
Authors note: This was a story done as a submission to Furotic exchange on LJ, for Shinmaxwell. Enjoy. Parzifal property of Shinmaxwell, all others figments of my imagination...
+==================== Closing Time=====================+
Abuse, Anal, Bondage, Hybrid, M/F, NC, Rape