Into the Sun: Part 2/11-Spinning

Story by VoodooRoo on SoFurry

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#2 of Into the Sun

The following story depicts sexual acts between two GAY furs. If you like MxM, or are under 18 (21 in some states) DON'T READ!!! The rest of you, enjoy!


There was a soft knock at the door. DJ opened his eyes, looking at the digital clock on the desk; 1:20 PM. He tried to remember when he went to bed; sometime between three and four. He looked over and saw Jaime snoring softly, and Cody's empty bed.

He swung his legs out of bed and went to the door. He scratched his stomach and opened the door.

There was a lynx standing on the other side. "Hiya."

DJ squinted his eyes. "Hi," he said, quietly.

"Is Cody around?" asked the lynx, looking inside.

DJ shook his head. "No." And he walked away from the door.

The lynx slowly followed DJ inside. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you guys."

DJ waved a paw. "S'okay."

"I'm Kale, by the way."

DJ shrugged.

"Do you expect Cody back anytime soon?" asked Kale.

DJ shook his head.

Kale furrowed his brow. "What's the matter."

"Nothing," said DJ, and picked up a change of clothes. "I'm going to shower. Excuse me." He bushed past Kale and left. Kale just watched him go, puzzled.


DJ let the warm water sluice over his body. Apparently he'd hit an off time, because no one was joining him. Just as well; he wanted to be alone.

He hadn't slept well at all. He was worried about Cody; about where he went, and what he was thinking. DJ knew he'd acted too fast, that he should've waited until he was totally sure. He had been positive Cody had been feeling the same way.

He still kept hearing Cody's last words echo in his mind; "I'm not a faggot!" That had hurt more than his rejection. Cody had told him his parents had been anti-gay; apparently he hadn't escaped it completely.

Usually DJ liked to paw off in the shower when he was alone, but he didn't even feel like doing that. He just washed himself off and stepped out of the shower area. Nude, he stood in front of the mirror, looking at himself. In less than forty-eight hours, he'd driven off a room mate and alienated a new friend. He felt sick.

He got dressed and walked back to the room. Jaime was sitting up now, rubbing sleep from his eyes.

"Where's Cody?" asked Jaime.

"Out," said DJ, putting his shower stuff away and hanging up his towel.

"Where?" asked Jaime, off-handedly.

"I DON'T KNOW!" shouted DJ. "Why does everyone keep asking ME!?"

Jaime looked a bit taken aback and bit his lower lip.

DJ looked away. "I'm sorry. I'm just a little tense."

"Did something happen last night?" asked Jaime quietly.

DJ opened the door. "Nothing important." He walked out into the hall, slamming the door behind him.

Jaime got up, getting his own clothes together. He noticed Cody's bed didn't look any different than it did the day before; like he hadn't slept in it at all.


"That's great, Ty," said Lance into the phone. "Don't worry, we'll be home over summer, okay? We'll see you two then. Bye." He hung up the phone.

"So?" asked Race, leaning against the wall near the payphone.

"Nothing new," said Lance. "Josh got into Brockton Technical and Ty didn't; they're putting college off for a semester to see if they can both get in next term."

Race nodded. "Still surprised they've stayed together this long. I honestly didn't think it would last."

Lance shrugged. "That was a weird time...for all of us."

"Yeah, I know," said Race, hugging Lance. "Anyway, what're we gonna do with the kid?"

"Cody?" asked Lance. "I don't know. I get the impression he got into a fight with one of his roomies."

"Over what, do you think?" asked Race.

"Something bad enough for him to want to be out of the room for the night," said Lance.

"Well, he can't stay here EVERY night," said Race.

"I know," said Lance. "Why are you so hard on him?"

"I'm not," said Race.

"If you say so," said Lance.

"I let him stay last night, didn't I?"

"WE let him stay."

Race didn't say anything. "I bet I know what it was."

"What?" asked Lance.

"What did YOU do the first time a guy came onto you?" asked Race.

"Ran away," said Lance, quietly. "Maybe that IS it."

"Probably the otter," said Race.

Lance nodded.

"We should go back, check on him," said Race.

"Good idea," said Lance.


Jaime padded into the bathroom, trying to ignore the sounds of sex coming from a nearby bathroom stall; especially since one was clearly female, giggling and moaning. He stepped up to a urinal, relieving himself and flushing. Then he stripped and walked into the showers.

It was how he started every morning, same way; shower, comb his hair, brush his teeth, clip his claws, and groom his fur. It had been an important part of his growing up; if his claws exceeded the spot his father had marked on the ruler, he ended up in the crawlspace for the day. And in the summer time, it had gotten very hot in there, and he had to keep the spiders and hornets away from himself.

He tried to block out the sound of the furs in the stall. The male was grunting deeply, and the female kept moaning. He felt his cock stirring between his legs, and that brought up more bad memories. He'd only ever pawed off once, and it had ended in tragedy. His bathroom had no lock on it; none of his doors had had one. His father had burst in, catching him with his erect penis in his hands. His father had made Jaime finish in front of him, then taken him downstairs and severely beaten him. His parents hadn't been religious; his father was sadistic and his mother was drunk. Most of his cries fell on his mother's deaf ears as she nursed a bottle. His father had had total freedom over him. Even when he got into his teen years, he was so conditioned to be afraid of his father, he'd never fought back. He just took his beatings, or food deprivation, being locked up, the nights when his father would come into his room and whip him with a belt for the hell of it. But he never sexually abused him; just mentally and physically, controlling every aspect of his life, down to who was friends with. Which was to say, no one.

But Jaime still couldn't make those sounds go away, and he was still all soapy, he couldn't just leave all sudsy. But he did notice the suds made his now-erect penis all slick.

He looked over his shoulder and wrapped a paw over his cock. He hadn't done this since he was thirteen; but despite the fact he was so humiliated in front of his father, he remembered it felt good.

He slowly let his paw slide down his cock, squeezing down tightly as he did. He felt some places were more sensitive than other to his touch, and he let his paw slide back up on those places. It made his breath catch in his throat. He still remembered how bad his back bled where his father had beaten him with a belt six times; once for every shot of cum that had escaped his member.

But he kept going, moving his paw back and forth quickly, the soap helping him to stimulate himself. He could hear the girl in the stall, "Oh, God, yes! Faster!" This charged him further, and he went at himself harder and faster. He felt his sac jiggling up and down with every pull, and after a few moments he wasn't moving his hand up and down anymore, but was thrusting into his paw, humping back and forth. He moved his other paw to his testicles, lightly tickling them, and this made his heart-beat race and his cock spasm with excitement.

He started grunting himself, like he heard the male in the stall doing. He closed his eyes and kept fucking his own paw. He opened his eyes and saw pre dribbling down his shaft, but it was washed away in the shower water. He kept pulling his cock in and out of his paw, feeling liberated and amazing at the same time. No one was telling him 'no.' He could do whatever he wanted, and this proved it.

When he came, every shot that hit the wall was one more mark in his liberation. Every cock-spasm that sent more and more of his seed coming forth, over his paw, and down his leg was a signal to him that it was all up to him now. He even brought his paw up and licked off some of his own semen, which tasted different than he imagined; not unpleasant, but also not a four-star meal.

He milked himself after his orgasm passed, watching more white fluid come to his slit and be washed away, down the drain with the rest of his cum. He sighed and finished washing himself off.

Walking from the shower area, he noticed the two furs in the stall were gone; he hadn't even heard them leave. He also wondered idly what he would've done if someone had walked in. He would've been so embarrassed.

He pulled his boxers up and leaned against the sink. It had been so long since he'd been sexually stimulated; he'd long ago pushed those feelings down, for fear they would give rise to something else his father could beat him for; he'd already had enough excuses when Jaime had been growing up. If he forgot to take off his shoes at the backdoor, or didn't finish his dinner, played the TV too loud, wasn't asleep when ordered, spilled a drink; any one of numerous small things kids did naturally earned him a beating.

Growing up, he'd almost been happy he'd had no friends; he would've been mortified if they'd met his father. It was bad enough when they pointed and whispered at the lash marks on his back in gym class. However, there were marks elsewhere on his body no one had EVER seen, and were now thankfully covered in thick grey fur; it was the only time his mother had ever sobered up and taken notice of him.

He shook his head. He'd been stupid. Pushing the thoughts aside, he finished dressing and went back to their room. DJ still wasn't back, and Jaime was worried; about DJ and Cody.

Jaime reached into his back and removed the one personal effect he'd grabbed from home; a picture of himself, his mother and father when he was two. He was on his father's shoulders, and they were all smiling. They'd gone to an amusement park for the day, but Jaime had never gotten on any rides, or been given cotton-candy or anything else kids did at those places. They just walked around for the day, his father chiding him when he asked for a hot dog; "Hot dogs will make you fat, Jamie. Fat people are of no use in this world. Do you want to be fat and a drain on society?" Jamie had cried afterward, and they'd left for the day. But it was his favorite memory because up until that point, they'd all been getting along up until that point.

Jamie sighed, clutching the picture so tight, it made his paws hurt. He wiped away a tear quickly and put it back in his bag. For now, he was free. He didn't know what he was going to do when summer arrived, but right now he didn't care. For the first time in his life, he had a couple friends, and that made him happier than ever.

But he was still puzzled over where the two of them had gone. He jumped off his bed and decided to go and look for them.


Cody kept staring at the ceiling, his arms behind his head. He'd been awake for three hours now, and hadn't moved from that position. He was just thinking. About DJ. About Rachel. About last night. He'd pretended to be asleep when Race and Lance had left an hour ago; he hadn't wanted to worry them. He had been wondering what to do about himself and DJ. He knew he would need a room transfer; he couldn't stay here forever, and he couldn't stay there now. But the RA's were both gay, and would want to know WHY he wanted out of that room. Every excuse he thought of sounded lame. Plus, all his stuff was back there; he would have to return eventually.

He'd woken up with a start with a growing erection in his pants, mostly over the images in his dreams, vivid and still with him; he and DJ, locked in a passionate kiss. His boxers had felt wet, and he'd been drenched in sweat. He'd felt along his crotch at his penis, straight and rigid, and were it not for the presence of Race and Lance, he would've been tempted to paw-off again right in the bed. But he'd just fondled himself a bit and left it at that.

He rolled over, facing the window. It was bright and sunny out, but he didn't feel like getting out of bed. But he would have to; his classes started tomorrow. There was one more reason he had to go back to his room; all his books were in there.

Sitting up, he noticed he was down to his undershirt and boxers. He wondered when he'd stripped off his shirt and pants, but they were hung neatly over the back of a nearby chair. He pulled the dirty clothes back on, which didn't smell too bad; his musk smelled worse.

Cody went to the door and opened it, looking into the hallway. There were a couple furs in the hall, but didn't seem to notice a husky walking down to the bathroom.

When he came back out, he saw Race and Lance outside the door. He ducked back into the doorway of the bathroom watching from around the corner. He waited until the two of them had gone inside and then slipped past the door and into the lobby.

Not ready to go back to his room just yet, he decided to go outside instead.

He stuck his hands in his pockets and ran across a wrinkled piece of paper. He took it out and found a phone number; Rachel's phone number! He'd completely forgotten about it.

Walking over to a payphone, he slipped two quarters in and dialed. A female voice answered on the third ring. "Hello?"

"Hi, Rachel?" said Cody, nervously.

"Yes? Who is this?" she asked.

His stomach sank; she'd forgotten him already. "Um...Cody? From the dance?"

"OH! Hi, Cody!" she said, happily. "Sorry, you sound so different on the phone. What's up?"

"Um...well, I was wondering if you wanted to get together before we're tied down to classes tomorrow," said Cody. "I was thinking something to eat; I haven't eaten anything yet."

"Sounds great," said Rachel. "I'm in the dorms now; where are you?"

"Right in front of the guys' dorms," said Cody.

"Oh, great!" said Rachel. "Wait there, I'll be right down." With that, she hung up.

Cody put the phone on the cradle, being more than nervous; he had the same clothes as last night on, and hadn't showered. He sniffed at himself, and wasn't TOO offended.

His attention was caught when he saw Rachel walk out of the girls' dorms. Guys weren't allowed in the girls' dorms, and vice versa, but that didn't stop some of the more determined furs.

"Hi," said Cody, walking up to her.

"I was hoping you'd call," she said. "So, where're we going?"

"We could walk into town, since the food here sucks," said Cody. "Lunch on me."

Rachel giggled. "Okay, husky-boy, let's go."

She took his paw in her's and the two of them walked off.


Lance opened the door, Race following him into the dorm.

"Where's Cody?" asked Lance, looking around. Cody's bed was empty.

"Probably back in his own dorm where he belongs," said Race. "We could pick up where we left off last night..."

"You ever think without your dick?" asked Lance, teasingly.

"I try not to," said Race, hugging Lance from behind and starting to pull of his shirt. "Don't think as clear."

There was a knock at the door.

Race grumbled under his breath. "Now what!?"

Lance tugged his shirt back down and opened the door. "DJ?"

The otter was standing there, tugging at his shirt. "Hi, Lance. Um, is Cody here?"

Lance looked over at Race. "He was. He spent the night here. We left for awhile and he was gone when we got back. Why?"

"Well, we had a little...problem last night," said DJ. "I know you guys were getting along pretty well, I just wanted to know where he went is all. I was worried."

"What happened?" asked Lance. "Want to come in and talk?"

DJ shook his head. "I wanna find Cody and talk to him first. Thanks, Lance." With that, he left again.

"He'll come back when he's ready," said Race.

Lance closed the door again. "Wonder if everything--"

Race grabbed Lance by the shoulder and threw him backwards on the bed, stripping off his shirt and throwing himself on top of Lance.

"God, I should know better than to let it build up," said Lance as Race undid his belt buckle. Race just grunted as he shucked off Lance's pants and boxers, which were followed by his own. Race lay across Lance, rubbing Lance's chest.

"So?" asked Lance. "Going in?" He grinned.

"Not quite," said Race. He slowly snaked down Lance until he got to his erect cock and wrapped his muzzle around Lance's throbbing member. He ran his tongue up and down Lance's thick shaft, tasting his sweat. He licked down Lance's balls when his tongue reached the base of Lance's shaft. Lance just shivered in ecstasy.

As Race was playing his tongue up and down, licking at Lance's penis, he reached around and put two fingers inside of Lance's tailhole, penetrating him. Lance arched his back a bit, bucking his cock into Race's mouth. Race stopped playing his tongue up and down and just engulfed Lance's cock. He let his boyfriend go into a full face-fuck, pushing in and out of Race's muzzle of his own volition while Race kept pushing his fingers slowly in and out of Lance's behind. Every time he sunk them back in, he felt a little throb in Lance's cock. Slicked up from Race's saliva, Lance rammed his penis in over and over, playing the little sensitive spots on the top of it over Race's tongue.

Lance was curling his paws in the bedsheets, trying to keep himself from crying out in pleasure; he knew the dorm walls would be paper thin, and the neighbors didn't need to know was going on in here. He just managed to mumble, "deeper," and Race further infiltrated his tailhole, stroking his prostate, which made Lance move his cock through Race's maw that much faster. He would go fast, then slow, backing off when he felt his orgasm approach. But every time he slowed, Race would resume his work with renewed zeal, which made Lance start to propel his cock upward faster again. Race licked off Lance's precum as it leaked from his cockhead, a salty-sweet taste every now and then when Lance slid his dick in. Race had also taken his other free paw and was gently stroking and jiggling Lance's testes as he buried his hot member inside Race's willing jaws. Race could feel Lance's balls start to tighten, heralding his coming orgasm.

Eventually, Lance could not hold his cum back anymore, and arched his back, pushing his cock as deep as possible down Race's throat; he came across the back of Race's maw, warm cum shooting right down Race's throat. Race sucked it all down eagerly, still fingering Lance's prostate as he came.

When Lance was done, Race removed his fingers from Lance's rear and his muzzle from his cock. Some of Lance's semen dripped down his face as he grinned.

"Naughty collie," panted Lance.

"You haven't seen naughty yet," said Race as he rolled his lover over.


DJ looked at the sandwich he'd bought at the cafeteria, but didn't feel like eating. His stomach was churning too hard, and his mind was reeling too fast. He just got up and dumped his tray, going outside.

He squinted in the sunlight, putting a paw over his eye to help shield them. He looked across the campus, and stopped.

There was Cody, standing near the payphone. DJ was happy he was okay. He was ready to call out when he saw Cody walk over to a girl; the same labrador from the night before at the party.

DJ felt his heart sink. They must have been going out to do something. DJ watched them walking away in the opposite direction.

He started walking back towards the dorms, happy no one was nearby to see him crying.


Cody and Rachel walked into a small cafe the two of them had strolled past. Cody was fairly certain she'd chose this place because it seemed a little more cost-effective.

"Sure you want to eat here?" asked Cody.

"Yeah," she said, getting in line.

"So," started Cody, "how long are you going to be at Gryffin?"

"Just two years," she said. "I'm majoring in business, but all I can afford is two years."

"Oh...," said Cody.

"What about you?" she asked.

"Four years," he said. "I don't know what my major is yet. But my parents are paying for all of it."

"That's nice of them," said Rachel.

Cody shrugged. "They insisted; said they had the money."

"Maybe I'll see them next Saturday," said Rachel.

Cody looked puzzled. "What's next Saturday?"

"You don't know?" she asked, stepping up to the counter and ordering a ham and cheese sandwich. "It's parents' night; the college is sending letters to everyone's parents."

Cody's stomach clenched. "I see." Now he knew he HAD to get out that room. If his parents saw him dorming with a homosexual, they'd yank him home in a flash.

Cody ordered a turkey sandwich, and the two of them sat down in the corner.

"I was surprised you called me back," said Rachel. "Pleasantly surprised, though."

Cody paused in mid-bite and looked up at her.

"Been awhile since a guy as cute as you returned my phone calls," said Rachel.

Cody gulped down his mouthful quickly. "Well, I..."

She giggled. "You're cute when you blush. I can see it right through your white fur under your eyes. And that blue fur is cute, too."

He looked away. "No, not really. Most people don't think so, anyway."

"Well, I think so," said Rachel.

"I always got picked on in school for it," he said, brushing his paw through his azure-colored fur. "I don't even know where it came from; both my parents have silver fur. They're NORMAL."

"You are normal," said Rachel. "This just makes you special."

"Like a second head is special," said Cody.

Rachel grinned. "Yeah, like that." She pushed her food aside. "Come on, I want to take you somewhere." She grabbed him by the paw again.

"Where're we going?" asked Cody, getting up.

"You'll see."


Rachel brushed aside a set of low-hanging branches. "Right over here," she said. They were in the woods, just behind the college, and Rachel had kept dragging him along.

"Much further?" asked Cody.

"No," she said. "Right here."

It was a small rock formation, jutting out from the side of the hill, overlooking the whole town.

"Wow," said Cody, taking it all in.

"I was walking around on the first day," said Rachel, "and found this. Isn't it great?"

"Yeah," said Cody.

She sat down on the edge. "Come on," she said, patting the ground next to her. He sat down as instructed.

"Are you seeing anyone?" asked Rachel.

"Not right now," said Cody.

"Hmm," she said.

Neither of them said anything. Cody just reached over and took Rachel's paw in his.

"Would you want to he?" asked Rachel, looking in his eyes.

"We just met," said Cody. "Why don't we get to know each other first, see where it goes?"

She smiled. "Okay." She leaned her head on his shoulder. "I can do that."

The two of them sat there for a few hours, watching the sun set.


Jaime was laying in bed, reading a book. He kept looking over at DJ, who was laying in bed, turned away from Jaime. He didn't even have his earphones on.

"Wanna play Cody's XBox?" asked Jaime.

DJ said nothing.

"Get dinner?"

Still no response.

"Are you going to tell me why you're sulking?" asked Jaime.

DJ shook his head.

Jaime shrugged and went back to his book.

The lock on the door clicked, and knob rattled as it opened. Both Jaime and DJ looked up to see Cody walk in.

"Hey," said Jaime.

"Cody!" exclaimed DJ, bouncing off the bed. "Where have you been?"

"Just...out," said Cody, walking past him. DJ just stopped in his tracks as Cody brushed past him, saying nothing else.

"Um, tomorrow I'm requesting a room change from the RA's," said Cody. "I'll have my stuff together and out after class."

DJ just looked at the floor. "...Okay, if that's what you think is best."

Cody said nothing, just sat down on his bed. "I do," he finally said.

DJ climbed back onto his bed, and lay down facing away from Cody but now towards Jaime.

"Why are you changing rooms?" asked Jaime.

"It's...," said Cody, looking at DJ's turned back. "It's for the best."

Jaime didn't pursue it further, feeling awkward near the two of them.

"What...what did you guys do all day?" asked Cody.

"Not much," said Jaime. "Erm...sat around, mostly, relaxing before class kicks in."

Cody nodded. Then got up and changed into shorts and a T-shirt.

"Tired already?" asked Jaime. "It's only seven."

"I'm just gonna, y'know, lie down," said Cody, laying on his stomach, looking over at DJ. He knew he felt bad about last night, but he just couldn't think of anything to say. He sighed and grabbed a Gameboy from his pack; his parents had long ago forbidden video games, but he had bought the Gameboy and XBox secretly just before he left for college.

The hours passed, and Jaime turned in first, because he had a nine o'clock class. Cody then switched off his own light. DJ hadn't moved since he'd gotten in bed. Cody wished he could've seen his face in the dark, but he hadn't rolled over yet.

In the middle of the night, Cody sat upright again; more sex dreams. He gasped over and over again, breathing deep. He looked over at DJ in the darkness in his bed. He could see his shoulder heaving slightly, sobbing under his blankets.

Cody got up out of bed, going over to DJ's bed. He was ready to lay a hand on his shoulder, when DJ quietly said, "please, don't." Cody stopped a slowly pulled his hand back, getting back into his own bed.


The showers on opening day of class were crammed. Cody had been in line for twenty minutes already, and he had to get in class in forty minutes. He was lucky Jaime had woken him up when he left his class to let Cody know how bad it was.

DJ had been long-gone by the time Cody got up.

He was still wondering how he was going to get a room-switch; the truth certainly wasn't going to help here ("I want a room transfer because my roomie came onto me and now we can't stand the sight of each other...").

The line shuffled forward slowly, and Cody was getting to be the next in line. He could see naked guys coming and going in the bathroom, and he was doing his best not to get turned on. He let his focus fall on stupid things, like sink fixtures and the floor.

When he was up, he dropped his stuff on the ground, finding a dry spot, stripped and stepped in.

"Good morning, puppy," came a voice next to him. He turned and was next to Kale.

"Oh, hey," said Cody, soaping up.

"Came by yesterday," said Kale. "You weren't there. All I got was your downer of a room mate."

"Yeah," said Cody, quietly. "It's not his fault he's down; it's mine."

Kale frowned. "How come?"

Cody shook his head.

"Oh, come on, if you can't tell the gay you just met about your personal problems, who can you tell!?" asked Kale, laughing.

"Because you'd hate me," said Cody, squirting shampoo on his head.

"I doubt that," said Kale, turning off the water and grabbing his towel.

"No, you would," said Cody. "I'm...not proud of what I did."

Kale clapped him on the shoulder; Cody tried not to think of how close Kale's cock was to his leg.

"Well, if you want to talk, I'm around," said Kale, and with that took his leave.

Cody washed the soap from his head and face, then went out himself to get dressed. He was cursing as he ran back to his room, grabbing his bookbag and hauling himself to the classroom building.

He ducked into the classroom with thirty seconds to spare. He went to the back of the room and plopped down, sighing. The classroom was filled with twenty-four other furs, none of whom he knew. Not that he knew many people as it was, and one of them wouldn't even look at him anymore.

The class was long and boring. He spent the whole time wondering what in the hell had possessed him to take a philosophy class. Half the time was spent on the professor rambling about 'expectations' for the year, the other half reading a boring chapter from the book on existential philosophy. When the bell rang, the professor called out that the next two chapters in the book were to be read, and a summary prepared for Wednesday.

Cody sighed. He was happy he'd scheduled all his classes so he only had to go on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. It would give him time to do the obviously-heavy workload.

His other three classes, which were math, 20th-century history, and english, all had similar assignments. Math had given him seventy problems to do for homework, english an essay on why they were attending college and getting higher learning, and history four chapters to do and take notes.

When he got back to his room, Jaime had already claimed the desk and was doing his homework. "H-hi."

"Hey," said Cody, dropping his bag and flopping on the bed.

"Long day?" asked Jaime, erasing a math problem.

"I forgot how annoying homework was," said Cody, "especially when it's triple the amount from high school."

The door opened again, and DJ stepped inside, going to his bed, looking at neither of them.

" was your first day?" asked Cody.

DJ shrugged.

"Lots of work?"

DJ nodded.

"Look, I--"

"Just leave the fag alone," said DJ quietly, cutting Cody off.

Cody looked at DJ for moment, then turned away from him. Jaime made himself concentrate on his work.

"Well, I'll be back," said Cody.

"Going for the room transfer?" asked DJ.

"Yeah...," said Cody. "Why?"

DJ shook his head again. "No reason. Go."

Cody thought he was going to cry, but left before he did.

He walked down to the first floor, to the RA's dorm, and knocked on the door. Bryce answered.

"Hi, there," said Bryce. "What's up?"

"Erm...," began Cody. He suddenly remembered this was the guy he'd heard getting butt-fucked the other day. "Can I come in?"

Bryce stepped aside, letting Cody walk in. Gerald was sitting on their couch, doing work of some sort.

"What did you need?" asked Bryce.

Cody took a deep breath. "A room transfer. My room mate and I aren't getting along well."

Bryce sat down next to Gerald, putting his arm around the tiger. "What's the matter?"

"Well, we...just don't click, I guess," said Cody. "We've been fighting a lot and aren't even talking to one another anymore."

Bryce nodded. "I see." He picked up a clipboard, with the rooms listings on it. "This is common. We've got a few double dorms we can put you in that only have one other person in them. Room two-fourteen has an open spot. Want that one?"

"Any one," said Cody.

Bryce scribbled in a quick note. "Okay, anytime you want to move in, go ahead."

Cody nodded. "Thanks."

"And you're sure you can't work it out with your room mate?" asked Bryce.

Cody took another deep breath. "This isn't something we can easily work out."

Bryce nodded. "I understand."

With that, Cody got up and left, going back to his room. He went inside, seeing DJ was back to laying on his bed.

"Okay, I'm outta here," said Cody.

"But, why?" asked Jaime, turning around. "Something I did, wasn't it?"

"No, no," said Cody.

"But you're my friend!" exclaimed Jaime. "And...I don't have many of those."

Cody smiled. "We can still hang out. And you still have DJ here; not like you're alone or anything."

Jaime averted his eyes at the ground. "Well, still...I don't want you to go."

Cody smiled again. Then started getting his things from the drawer. He noticed DJ turned to the other side when Cody crossed his field of view. He sighed and finished packing back up, then left, saying bye to Jaime.

He went downstairs to his new room, knocking gently. The door opened, and a skinny malamute answered. "Yes?"

"Hi, I'm Cody. I'm your new...uh, room mate," he said, lamely.

"Oh," said the malamute. "The RA's mentioned you were coming. Come on in." He let Cody come inside.

"I'm Jack, by the way," said the malamute. "I'm sorta glad I got a roomie, it was getting boring in here all by myself."

Cody tossed his stuff on the right-hand bed. "Well, it's nice to meet you."

"Likewise," said Jack. He looked at the clock. "Damn, I gotta go; class. I'll see ya later." He grabbed a pile of books and notebooks and was out the door.

Cody looked around, noticing the room was much smaller than his last one. But it would all be for the better in the long run.


The rest of the week seemed to fly; with classes and homework, Cody barely had any time for socializing. He still made time to go out with Rachel; they got out nearly every night during the week.

Friday was a true blessing for Cody. It meant he could have a couple days in a row off. He needed time to stretch out and relax. And the fact he was still losing sleep over his dreams didn't help.

That night, he and Rachel went out to dinner.

It was a small restaurant in town, and seemed to be fairly unknown; it was very quiet.

"Nice place," said Cody.

"I spotted it the other day," said Rachel.

Cody kept fidgeting, not being to be comfortable.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"Nothing," said Cody. "I just...nothing."

Their meals came, and Cody just picked at his.

"Something's on your mind," said Rachel.

"I feel like I'm LOSING my mind," said Cody quietly.

Rachel just looked at him.

"I...earlier this week, my room mate came onto me," said Cody. "But, I'm not gay. So, I changed rooms, and we haven't spoken since. But I keep thinking about him, all the time...even when I'm sleeping."

"I see," said Rachel.

"'s not like that," said Cody. "I'm here with you."

Rachel smiled. "That's very sweet." She handed him a small box. "Here."

Cody looked puzzled. "What is it?"

She giggled. "Open it."

He did so, and saw a pewter pendant on a sterling-silver chain inside.. The pendant was an unusual-looking tribal symbol.

"It means strength and pride," said Rachel. "I saw it and thought of you."

Cody smiled. "I love it."

"Here," she said, taking it and putting it around his neck. He looked down at his chest where it came to rest.

"Thank you," said Cody.

She smiled again. "So, ready for parent's night?"

"As ready as I'll ever be," said Cody.

"You don't want your parents to visit?" asked Rachel.

Cody averted his eyes. "My father is a minister, and my mother is an accountant who volunteers at the church on the weekends. They both insist they need to give their lives to God, and that I should do the same."

"And you don't like that?" asked Rachel.

Cody shrugged. "I just don't want to live that way, is all. And every time they see me, they just talk about how I should be a priest like my dad. The only thing that saved me was that I wanted to go to college; they agreed I could do that."

Rachel just nodded.

"I just feel like they never approve of ANYTHING I do," said Cody.

"They do," said Rachel. "They're your parents; they just have funny ways of showing it sometimes."

Cody said nothing. They just finished eating, paid the bill, and left.

Cody and Rachel walked back to the girl's dorms, hand-in-hand. They stopped when they got to the front doors.

"I had fun," said Cody.

"Me, too," said Rachel. She looked around and leaned in closer. "Wanna fool around?"

He looked at her wide-eyed. "Huh?"

"There's a vacant room in the rear with a ladder in it; it's how the guys get into the dorm without the RA's seeing them. Be there in two minutes and I'll get you up," she said. She kissed him quick on the cheek and ran into the dorm.

Cody hung around outside, trying not to be obvious. Then, casually strolled around to the side and then the back.

He looked up, trying to find her.

"Over here!" came a fierce whisper. He looked to the end and saw Rachel. He stood underneath.

"Here," she said, tossing the ladder down. He picked it up and propped it against the side of the building. He scaled up and into the room. He wrapped his massive arms around her small body. She giggled.

"Come on, my room's not far," she said. She opened the door and looked around, then waved him over. They ran down the hall and into the dorm room.

"My room mate is gone for the night, se we've got the place to ourselves," said Rachel. "Which is good, because she was having sex with this guy the other night while I was studying, and it was REALLY awkward."

Cody gulped; sex?

She sat on the bed. "Come here, you."

He sat on the bed next to her, and stared at the floor.

"Cold feet?" she asked him. "Here, I'll warm them up." She kissed him on the muzzle, and he kissed her back.

"Wow," he said. He pulled her closer, kissing up and down her neck, feeling her chest under her shirt as he did. She gasped as he pulled her shirt up and over his head. She rubbed her paw across his belly, feeling his taught muscles.

"You're so hot," she said, pressing her paw lower. "I bet it's even hotter in there," she said, she ran her paw over the front of his denim. He gasped a little as he squeezed him.

She untangled from his embrace and pulled her pants down a little, exposing her pink panties. He kneeled on the bed next to her, getting his own shirt off. She crooked her finger at him, and he did so. He braced himself over her, staring into her eyes.

"What is it you want?" she asked, pulling him down closer.

As he kissed her, the last real words DJ said to him echoed in his mind; "It wasn't until I took a good look inside that I knew who I WAS, and stopped being what others wanted me to be. What is it YOU want?"

His mind flicked images of DJ through his mind; the two of them kissing, hugging, Cody giving himself over DJ and letting DJ push his manhood into Cody and Cody loving every minute. Of DJ and he in bed together, just being there.

He pulled his muzzle away from Rachel. "I...I can't do this," he said quietly.

"What?" she asked.

"I...I have to go," he said, sitting back, getting his shirt. "I'm sorry, I thought you would change things, didn't." He got off the bed.

"What're you talking about!?" she asked.

"It's nothing," he said. He took off his necklace and dropped it on her desk. "I'm sorry." He opened the door and left, leaving her sitting on the bed bewildered and shocked.

He climbed back down from the window and ran to the boys' dorm. Not waiting for the elevator, he ran up the stairs, taking them two at a time, and ran until he reached his old room. He knocked on the door.

DJ answered. "Cody?"

"Can...can I come in?" asked Cody.

"Jaime's not here," said DJ.

"That's fine; I came to see you," said Cody.

"We don't have anything to discuss," said DJ.

"Yes, we do," said Cody. "Please?"

DJ sighed and let him in. He closed the door as Cody sat in his old bed.

"I was with Rachel," said Cody. "In her room. We were making out, and, in the middle, I finally realized what it is I want; you."

DJ's eye widened.

"I...I couldn't get you out of my head," said Cody. "I know I said something hurtful right before I left, and I'm REALLY sorry...I guess I didn't escape my parents fully."

DJ came a sat next to him on the bed.

"My father always said how horrible gays are," said Cody. "That just BEING gay gave you AIDS, and they molest children, and just want sex. But, then I met you, and I realized how full of shit he was all these years. It just took me a few days to realize it." He sniffled a bit.

DJ hugged him. "Apology accepted. I'm glad you came back."

Cody smiled. "Me, too."

"I know it's not easy," said DJ. "But if you're serious, well....I will be there for you."

"So, you'd want to...y'know, go steady?" asked Cody hopefully.

"With a husky as cute as you? Absolutely!" exclaimed DJ.

Cody kissed DJ on the muzzle. "I'm so happy."

"I can tell," said DJ. "Apparently in your last moments in Heteroland you got a little revved up."

Cody laughed. "I guess I did."

"Y'know, Jaime's gone for the night," said DJ. "If you want..."

"May as well give this whole thing the old college try," said Cody.

DJ laughed. "Okay." He slid off the bed and between Cody's legs. Cody just watched him. DJ reached up and unzipped Cody's pants, reaching and parting his boxers. He let Cody's cock pop free of its fabric prison.

"Whoa," said DJ. "You're a big pup."

Cody blushed. "Not THAT big..."

"Who's the expert?" asked DJ.

"You are," said Cody, and chuckled.

DJ reached up and played a finger down the underside of Cody's shaft, getting it completely erect and clear of his sheath. DJ reached down massaged Cody's knot through his fur, and Cody sat back and murred.

DJ let his finger go down to Cody's testicles, rolling them around in his paw. He unbuttoned Cody's pants and pulled his boxers down for better access. DJ brought his tongue down onto Cody's balls, licking his furry sac, then pulled his warm tongue up Cody's shaft, stopping and licking further at his cockhead. Cody growled deep in his throat.

DJ paused for a moment only to undo his own zipper, let his cock pop free as well. He was still trying to get Cody aroused enough to get his knot to appear. He rubbed the inside of Cody's thighs and tickled the spot just beneath his testicles. Cody's cock throbbed and pulsed, but his knot stayed in his sheath.

DJ stood up, pushing Cody back on the bed. He straddled him and rubbed his own cock against Cody's, pushing back forth, rubbing the sensitive spots on their penises together, making both of them pant. Cody had all but kicked out of his pants now, and DJ worked the own off the rest of the way.

"DJ, that feels incredible!" said Cody, self-conscious that someone way here.

DJ kept rubbing their penises together, checking if his knot had formed; still no. He slid back down, wrapped his paw around Cody's cock, pumping up and down slowly. Cody took a deep breath; he had pawed himself, but it felt even BETTER when someone else did it for him. He felt DJ paw tighten around his cock, driving more blood into his head and making pre drip out. DJ lapped up all the sticky fluid as it leaked from Cody.

That seemed to be what put Cody over the edge, because his knot appeared from his fuzzy sheath. DJ had never been with a canine, and it was even larger than he imagined. He wrapped his paw around the knot as he kept slowly pawing Cody. Cody just titled his head back and moaned with pleasure.

Now that the knot was clear, DJ went about his objective. He planted his muzzle over Cody's cock, pressing it as far into his throat as he could, rubbing Cody's cockhead across his tongue and the slick part at the back of his throat. Cody moaned louder. And as DJ sucked on Cody's dick, he started to paw off himself.

Cody could feel his semen approaching his cock head; little spasms and twinges moved up his cock and to his head. Precum was dribbling freely now, and DJ took it all in. Cody kept resisting the urge to buck his hips, but every now and then did, shoving his cock further down DJ's throat. But DJ took it well, without gagging or stopping.

DJ pawed himself furiously, being so turned on by having the dog's penis in his mouth. He even got Cody so far in, he was able to wrap his lips around Cody's knot and suck at that, which sent shivers up Cody's body and penis. DJ was trying to get himself on the verge of cumming, because he could feel that Cody was getting to that point already. DJ could feel his own precum on his paw, though.

Cody arched his back a little, and DJ happily accepted more of his cock. He felt Cody's balls press up closer to his body, and knew his orgasm was imminent. He tried to hasten his own climax, bringing his paw up and down his shaft, tickling his cockhead, and jiggling his balls.

But, he couldn't keep up with Cody. Cody felt his cock start to pulse, bringing his fluids up through his hard penis and into DJ's mouth. He came hard, his cock filling DJ's mouth with semen. DJ gulped it all down, letting Cody cum completely into his mouth. He kept licking his tongue over Cody's head, and squeezed under Cody's knot to keep milking what semen was left in his shaft.

Cody gasped as his orgasm finished, sprawling backward. "That was great."

"All well and good for you," said DJ, sitting back on the floor and pawing himself still.

Cody sat up and looked at DJ's erect cock. He went and sat down next to DJ.

"This I know how to do," said Cody. He wrapped his paw around DJ's cock. DJ just sat back, bracing himself against the bed. He closed his eyes as Cody went to work, pulling his paw up and down, sliding his finger along the sensitive spot just below DJ's cockhead that made him moan.

Cody also used his free hand and massaged the area above cock, rubbing his paw back and forth. DJ seemed to like this, since his left started to kick and twitch. Cody giggled at this.

DJ having done most of the work, it didn't take long for his load to shoot across the floor and Cody's paw. Cody kept working until DJ's orgasm had fully passed.

"Nice work," said DJ, grinning. He hugged Cody.

"That was fun," said Cody. He hugged DJ back. "What now?"

DJ climbed up into his bed and beckoned Cody. Cody jumped into the bed and DJ threw his arms around the husky.

"Now I'm tired," said DJ, "but I still want you close."

Cody smiled. "I can handle."

The two of them fell fast asleep in each other's arms.


Around two, Jamie stumbled into the room. He'd been over at the student center when a group of furs that recognized him from their math class invited him to a study session. At first he hadn't said anything, just stared at the floor and fumbled with his paws. But they eventually coaxed him into it, which also included pizza and video games.

He could hear two furs snoring, which he found puzzling; Cody had left.

But he found the explanation when he peered into DJ's bed and fond he and Cody wrapped in each other's arms.

He smiled and piled into bed himself, not bothering to change to sleep clothes. He figured he'd be out of the room before they woke up, giving them a little privacy.


DJ stirred the next morning, smiling when he saw he was awaking with Cody still there. He looked over at Jamie's bed; still empty. It seemed he never came back last night.

Cody stirred next to him, looking into his eyes.

"'Morning," said DJ.

Cody stretched out. "Hey."

"Ready to get up?" asked DJ.

Cody nuzzled DJ. "Not yet."

"Well, we have to," said DJ. "Parents will be arriving soon."

Cody's eyes went wide. "Parents!?"

"Yeah, it's parent's day, remember?" asked DJ.

"Oh, my GOD!" exclaimed Cody, and jumped from the bed naked.

"What?" asked DJ.

"My father, the anti-gay priest, will be here ANY minute! And I just fooled around with a guy last night! What was a I thinking!!??"

DJ got up from the bed now. "You were thinking of yourself for once, not what some bigoted idiot wants from you."


"Wasn't late night what you wanted?" asked DJ.

"Yes...," said Cody. "You know it was."

"Alright then," said DJ. "You don't have to tell them NOW. You can wait awhile. Let's shower, and wait for our parents. Besides, we all know the purpose of 'parent's night' is so the college can try and sign them into the alumni board so they have to pay dues every year."

Cody laughed. "I guess." DJ gathered his shower stuff, and Cody left to go back to his room to get his stuff.


When they came back, Jaime was back in the room. "Hey, guys."

"Hi," said Cody.

"What're you doing here, Cody?" asked Jaime.

"Switching back," said Cody, smiling. He had his gear in his hands. "Bryce okay'd it."

"Great!" said Jaime. "Um...DJ, your parents came by. They're waiting in the lobby."

"OK," said DJ. "Later," he said to them.

"Are your parents coming?" asked Cody.

"No...," said Jaime quietly. "They don't care."

"Of course they do," said Cody.

"Not mine," said Jaime. "When I was younger, they..." He just trailed off.

"What?" asked Cody.

"Abused me. Horribly. Beat me, whipped me, locked me in rooms, kept me in fear," said Jamie. "College was my escape. I applied myself, so I could get a scholarship, and now I'm NEVER going back. It's the second time I tried to escape."

"What was the first?" asked Cody.

Jaime looked away.


He held up his wrist and parted the grey fur. There were three obvious slash marks. "I tried to kill myself when I was twelve; it was the only time my mother ever gave a shit. She drove me to hospital, while my father told her not to."

"Jaime...I'm sorry," said Cody.

"I-It's nothing," said Jamie, putting his arm down.

There came a knock at the door.

"Sounds like your parents are here," said Jamie.

Cody breathed out. "Yeah, I know."

He opened his door, and there were his parents.

"Mom! Dad!" he exclaimed, feigning excitement.

"Son," said his father. "How are you?"

"Fine," he said.

"How's your schoolwork coming along?"

"Also fine."

"Just fine?"

"Great, I guess."

He looked over his shoulder at Jaime. "I'll be back later, okay?"

Jaime managed to summon a smile. "Okay."

He stepped into the hallway with his parents, thankful he had time to wash the scent of DJ and his own semen and sweat off.

"So, this is where you live now, eh?" asked his father.

"Yeah," said Cody, calling the elevator.

"The dorms at St. Michael's are much nicer," said his father.

"They don't have what I want," said Cody as the elevator arrived.

"You didn't even PICK a major," said his father.

"I will," said Cody, as he and his mom and dad got on.

"I guess you'll show us around?" asked his mother.

"Yeah," said Cody. "It's not very big, though."

"St. Michael's supports over five-thousand students," said his father, quietly. Cody didn't respond.

Cody took them around to the buildings. The library, which, his father noted, did not have a Christian section. The administration building, where they had to sit through a seminar on the perks of being on the alumni committee. The student center. The cafeteria, where they got lunch.

"So," said Cody, "what do you think of it?"

"Very nice," said his mother.

"I would like to meet your room mates," said his father.

"My wha?" asked Cody, his stomach dropping like a lead weight.

His father just looked at him sternly.

Cody sighed as they went back to the dorms. He went upstairs and opened the door, where Jamie was, lying down reading a book.

"Mom, Dad, this is Jamie," said Cody. "He'd one of my room mates."

Jamie nodded. "H-how are you?"

"Speak up, son, I can't hear you!" barked Cody's father.

Jaime flinched. "H-h-how are you?" he asked louder.

"Fine," said Cody's father. "What are you reading?"

"My history book," said Jamie.

His father nodded. "A worthwhile pursuit. Better than some of the heathenistic activities of others your age."

Jamie said nothing.

"Where's the other one?" asked Cody's father.

On cue, DJ appeared in the doorway. "Whoa. I didn't expect company."

"These are my parents," said Cody. "That's DJ, my other roomie."

DJ stuck out his paw. "Nice to meet you."

Cody's father took it approvingly. "Greetings, young man. So, what do you think of my son?"

DJ looked at Cody. "He's something, that's for sure."

DJ went to his bed and put his pack up on his bed, rummaging through it.

"Well," said Cody's father, "I think we'll be going now. We'll see you again some weekend, right?"

"Yessir," said Cody.

"Alright, then, take c--"

As he started to speak, DJ's pack fell off of the bed, spilling its contents. He froze in horror as two of his gay-porn magazines fell into plain view.,

Cody's father bent down and picked one up. "What is this FILTH!?" he asked.

"Um...," started Cody.

His father looked at DJ. "You! You are that which offends God most. Faggot!" He ripped the magazine in half and threw it at DJ. "I will NOT have my son staying with a man-lover!"

Cody looked horrified. "Dad, I..."

"NO! No excuses," he said. "Pack your bags, you're coming home."


"Now, young man!"

"DAD! I'm not a kid anymore!" he raged. "You can't tell me what to do! You can't make me do everything YOU want!" He picked up his cross necklace off the desk and threw it at his father. "And you can't make me want to serve God, or be a bigot in His name!"

His father clenched his fists. "I am your father, and you must honor and obey me! NOW!"

"NO!" said Cody. "Because...because if you hate DJ, you have to hate ME, because I'm gay, too!"

His father gasped, as did his mother. She stepped forward.

"You are?" she asked. "Since when?"

"Since last night," said Cody. "I...DJ and I are together. He's my boyfriend."

His father looked at DJ with renewed hate. "Foul sinner! Corrupting my son! You will burn in Hell, with all gays!"

"Dad, stop!" said Cody. "Please, can't you--"

"He probably has AIDS," said his father, paying no attention. "Did you learn NOTHING growing up?"

Cody frowned. "I learned you were a bigoted moron, doing what you wanted and hiding behind your fucking bible. But I WON'T do that! Now leave!"

His father turned to go. "I don't know who you are...but you are not my son anymore." He pushed Cody's mother out the door, following her out.

Cody went to the bed, sitting down, feeling light headed. Then he cried. DJ put his arm around Cody's shoulders, and Cody just cried for hours.


Cody was sitting on the bed still. DJ had gone to get him something to eat, even though Cody said he wasn't hungry.

"Some day, huh?" asked Jaime. Cody said nothing.

DJ appeared with a bag of food, and a letter in his hands. He handed it to Cody. "This was taped to the door."

The front of the envelope read 'Student Finance Office: URGENT." Cody tore it open, and was greeted with a two-sheet letter, for him.

"What is it?" asked DJ.

Cody had a stricken look on his face.


"I...I...," he stammered. "My parents put a stop-payment on next semester's payment for me. I have three weeks to come up with three thousand dollars, or I'm kicked out at the end of the semester."

DJ sat next to him. "Can they DO that?"

"It's their money," said Cody. "This semester's can't be revoked, since it's already processed, but they can stop next semester's." He put his head in his paws. "I only have four hundred in my account. Where will I get twenty-four-hundred dollars in less than a month!?"

DJ hugged him. "We'll find a way; don't worry."

"We all will," said Jaime.

Cody grinned and sniffled. "Thanks, guys. But, what will we do?"

"We'll worry about that later," said DJ. "Right now, you need to eat."

Despite protests, DJ got Cody to eat a little. Afterward, he lay down on his bed, wondering what he was going to do. His head was spinning so fast, and everything seemed wrong.

He and DJ slept together again that night, and for a little while, when Cody could hear DJ's heartbeat and feel his warm arms, Cody felt at peace.


Say, my love, I came to you with best intentions

You laid down and gave me just I'm seeking

Love, you drive me to distraction

Hey, my love, do you believe that we might last

a thousand years

Or more if not for this, our flesh

and blood

It ties you and me right me up

Tie me down

Celebrate, we will

Because if short but sweet for certain

We're climbing two by two

To be sure these days continue

The things we cannot change

Hey, my love, you came to like wine come

to this mouth

Grown tired of water all the time

You quench my thirst and you quench

my mind

Celebrate, we will

Because if short but sweet for certain

We're climbing two by two

To be sure these days continue

The things we cannot change

--"Two Step" ~ Dave Mathew's Band

Into the Sun: Part 3/11-Barely Breathing

This story contains GAY, sexual acts between two MALE furries. If you don't like MxM, or are under 18 (21 in some states) DON'T READ!!! Otherwise, enjoy =3 \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ DJ rolled over in bed, feeling around; no warm...

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Into the Sun: Part 1/11-How Far Gone

This story depicts sexual acts between two gay furs. If you don't like gay action, or are under 18 (21 in some states) DON'T READ! For those of you that really want to, though, enjoy! \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ ...

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Not Without You: Part 4/4-Going Under

This is a story depicting graphic acts of a sexual nature between two gay furs; if you don't like MxM or are under 18 (21 in some states) years of age, turn back now. Otherwise, enjoy!! This also depicts certain scenes of graphic violence and...

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