An Afternoon Walk

Story by Doran Eirok on SoFurry

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So this guy awakens to find themselves at the mercy of the dragon sorceress Naya, and is in for an enjoyable, if rather odd, afternoon. An adult short story featuring shrinkage/micro stuff, paw and boot worship, soft stomping, and most of all the protagonist being used as a boot insole, all of this in a tender and loving manner. And he finds that he rather likes it.

Being captured and shrunk and used as an insole is a fantasy that's been stuck in my head more and more lately, and then Naya got all up in my brainpan with this idea going all 'write it write it write it write it write it' (as she does) until I did.

What, isn't that how art works for everybody?

An Afternoon Walk

by Doran Eirok

March 2015

He woke up confused, in darkness, not knowing where he was or remembering clearly where he'd been before. Everything was a blur, and he was very groggy. He'd been asleep or unconscious, and his mind was only rousing from that state with extreme reluctance.

A few things gradually began to clear, but they did little to help explain his situation. It stayed dark even after he thought his eyes should've been giving him some sort of useful information. Testingly, he blinked a few times. There was a difference, but it was slight... a dim light filtered in from somewhere but did next to nothing to illuminate where he was.

He put the matter of vision on hold for a moment, as the act of stretching brought something more concerning to his attention; he was bound. He seemed to be laying on his back, naked and spread eagle, with some sort of smooth and unyielding cord holding his wrists and ankles securely to whatever surface he was laying on. The surface presented its own mystery, feeling smooth and cool to the touch but quite soft also, conforming to the shape of his body slightly. It squished when he flexed his fingers or heels against it, then rebounded when he let up. Some sort of padding, perhaps.

That he appeared to be helplessly bound somewhere dark was worrying, needless to say. He wracked his brain, trying that much harder to remember anything that came before, anything that might shed some light on how he possibly could have found himself in this predicament. Nothing came.

His eyes at least had made a little more progress at adjusting to the dim light, but still could not tell him much. He seemed to occupy some kind of cavern or structure, every surface black as near as he could tell in the low lighting. There was a ceiling of some sort not too high above him, constructed of a material that appeared smooth and a little shiny, but with an oddly curved shape to it that he couldn't place.

Of his available senses he hadn't yet given much consideration to smell as yet, but it hit him suddenly then with the rich scent of leather. It was so strong and seemed to saturate the cavern so completely that he hadn't processed it at first, his waking brain having initially treated it as part of the background. But now that he noticed it, it was nearly overpowering. Tanned leather, but dulled from the smell of a brand new garment or upholstery by time and contact, possessing a greater depth and complexity. Like a jacket or glove that's been kept in good condition, but worn by one person long enough to acquire a shape and scent unique to the wearer.

Odd that his brain should fixate on such detail, but for the moment there was precious little else to fixate on. With the scent of leather in his thoughts now, he couldn't help but consider that the padded surface upon which he was bound had a decidedly leathery feel to it. Perhaps simply the material the padding was covered with, but the strange and smooth texture of the ceiling, from what he could see of it, also struck him then as resembling leather. On neither surface however could he discern any apparent seams, which didn't make a great deal of sense if it were leather. The panels would all be far too big.

Things changed then, before he could spend too much longer dwelling on his limited clues. The world moved beneath him, a vibration moving through the strange material at his back. Then the ceiling moved. It shifted and flexed, flowing like fabric rather than a solid structure. It was too surreal for him to make any sense of, even when the shifting of his prison caused more light to momentarily descend from above. Everything around him seemed to be in motion, and he watched in alarm as the space past his footpaws opened up from a rumpled wall and ceiling of material, reshaping itself to form a larger space and a passageway upward. This upward-angled tunnel was where the light came from, but the scene would not rest. Things continued to move and flow, the walls and ceiling flexing constantly and the angle of that upward tunnel shifting until he could almost see up it, toward the source of the light.

The light dimmed again then, as some new shape began to block it out. Something was moving down the tunnel toward him now, seeming to cause all the movement in his strange prison. It grew closer and seemed to be massive, several times larger than himself. He could not get a decent view of it but the character of the motion convinced him that whatever it was, it was alive. Some massive creature, sliding down this strange tunnel toward him, where he was bound to the floor.

His panic rose, his mind utterly incapable of discerning any context in which the things he was witnessing made any sense. Was he about to die, devoured by some great monster without ever understanding how he even encountered and was captured by it? But his panic did not last long; in the next moment it was replaced by abject confusion. The creature descended toward his chamber at the end of the tunnel and he finally got a better view of it, and his brain recognised the shape.

It was a paw. Against all possible sense, the 'monster' coming down the tunnel for him was a black dragon's paw, possessing four toes and a smaller dewclaw, black claws, black pads, all the surfaces sleek and smooth. Only it was inexplicably enormous, filling the tunnel. And it was familiar.

He knew this paw. And his recognition of it finally awoke some of the memories he'd been floundering for.


Her name was Naya. He'd known her for about a month now. She was a beautiful anthrodragoness, her body covered in a smooth and soft wine-red hide; her hands, wings and footpaws a shiny black that resembled polished leather both to the eye and to the touch. There was also a line of exotic, bright green runes tattooed down her neck and back that he'd wondered at. She'd smiled at him, and he had blushed and made awkward conversation, wishing for the courage to manage something better. But she'd been patient with him, displaying a captivating balance between a self-assurance that reached into what could be fairly called dominance, and a tender warmth that was friendly and deeply accepting. He was in awe of her, which she didn't seem to mind, but she'd coaxed him through his shyness until they'd somehow fallen into what could properly be called friendship.

At first it was hard for him to understand what she saw in him, but as their friendship developed into casual dating she'd helped convince him. Helped him understand what made him special, worthy of her interest, and attractive in his own understated and honest way. He was naturally a submissive sort of person, more a follower than a leader, and this made a perfect fit for Naya's more dominant personality. She was happy to take charge of things, guiding him in a way that made him feel secure and valued rather than demeaned, and that felt deeply special and intimate. He quickly realised that he loved her, and from all he could figure she loved him as well. Their love had grown until they reached the point where they'd decided to take things to the next level. He'd come over to her home, they'd shared a romantic dinner and spent a long while cuddling and enjoying a bottle of fine whisky together, and eventually had helped each other to her bedroom where they had made love. Several times, interspersed with additional cuddles and several unintentional naps.

That had been last night.

The whisky, and the incredibly late night, helped explain his grogginess. He didn't actually have much in the way of a headache or other usual hangover symptoms, and he remembered that along with the whisky, Naya had been diligent in making sure he had regular drinks of water along with it. Always taking care of him.


He was glad of the memories returning to him, but they didn't do much to explain the more specific details of his current situation. He was certain it was Naya's paw, but he couldn't explain why it was enormous, to the point that he was about on par with a single one of her toes. Or what this strange place was, or why he was tied to the floor. The paw descended further, the toes splaying out slightly as they began to brush the floor of the chamber somewhere down past his restrained footpaws.

As for why he was so certain the paw was hers, well... that was one of the many intimacies they had shared last night. Part of his submissive nature was an affinity for paws, and the notion of being dominated by them or made to care for them. Part of her dominant nature was an enjoyment of having hers cared for, or using them to dominate others. The symmetry of their kinks was perfect, and while their first mating had been more or less conventional, after it they had begun to explore one another more creatively. Somewhere in the haze of whisky and passion he had found himself on the floor at her footpaws, and taken one into his lap to massage it. Naya's rumbles of pleasure had encouraged him to continue and escalate his care, eventually demonstrating his devotion and love for her by kissing and licking her paw while stroking it tenderly. Both of them had eventually become aroused enough by the exchange that his licks began to work their way higher up her leg, and they once again shared their passions with one another.

So, he definitely recognised her paw. He had become intimately familiar with it last night, but it had been rather smaller then.

Sometime during the lazy afterglow, he'd spoken to her of things that she had certainly already known about his attraction to her. How awestruck he'd been of her since he first saw her, how attractive he found the confidence and dominance she exuded. From the way she simply carried herself to the way she dressed, favouring long, flowing dresses and skirts in dark colours, and lots of black leather in her long coats and tall boots. In particular, a pair of tall black boots that rose to just past her knee, made of incredibly soft leather that wrinkled and played with the light when she walked or simply flexed her legs, hugged to them by several buckled straps. Shaped but closed over her toes to protect them from the autumn chill, in a way that hid from view her beautiful paws but teased at their shape. He admired those boots and smiled to see her wear them, and the memory came of another event sometime during that long night.

She had grinned at him and told him to sit on the floor, then proceeded to make him watch as she slowly slid her paws into those very boots right in front of him. She then rested them in his lap while remaining otherwise unclothed. All she had needed to do then was give him an expectant smile, and he had begun doing as he had earlier. Stroking and kissing her paws, expressing his love for her through their worship, but this time through the soft leather of her boots. His fixation on the appearance and texture of the paw-wear had proceeded to excite him again, and after a long while savouring the intimate submission they had mated passionately a third time, Naya not bothering to remove the boots before doing so. That this seemed to heighten his overwhelmed and submissive pleasure even further was a fact Naya had not missed.


What struck him now was that he could remember clearly the scent of her boots from the time he'd spent caring for them the night before, and it was the exact scent he'd woken up to some moments ago.

His brain was trying to put the pieces together. But he wouldn't let it. It wasn't possible.

He gasped then, his attention grabbed by a new sensation; that gigantic paw had continued to move toward him, toe pads sliding along the floor and now beginning to touch him. The two middle toes moved over his body, travelling up his legs and sides, the pads an even softer leathery texture than the floor he was laid out on. He shuddered at the feeling, unable to fight down a swell of overwhelmed pleasure at how amazing that felt. Even though it clearly could not be possible.

There was another memory, a fleeting one that he couldn't pin down. It must have been from somewhere near the end of that night. It felt important but it evaded him. Something about Naya's runes. He'd asked her something about them, and she'd responded with a cryptic smile and something he hadn't understood. And he must have fallen asleep before he'd had a chance to pursue the topic further.

The giant paw slid over him further, toes wriggling slowly over his body, pads stroking up over his shoulders. Against his intention his body forced a sound past his lips; a whimpering moan born of submissive joy. Even unable to make sense of what was happening to him and where he was, the idea of being helplessly pinned beneath such a massive, beautiful paw, let alone the very feeling of actually experiencing it, was something he found absolutely overwhelming. He couldn't understand how this was happening, but he knew it was Naya's paw, and that reassured him somewhat. He knew her, and he trusted her.

He gasped again then, sharply, as the paw seemed to suddenly slide into place and settle there. The two middle toes of her paw had slid up past his head and settled somewhere above, leaving his muzzle pointing up into the hollow where those toes met the rest of her paw. The much larger main pad of her paw now rested over most of his body, pinning him down snugly beneath it. Between the softness of both her paw pads and the padding he was bound to, and the gentle contours of her sole, there seemed just enough space left to accommodate his body there. It was a tight fit though, holding him securely on all sides and squeezing him gently, wrapping his body completely in the firm embrace of padded leather and paw sole with only enough room left to squirm slightly.

It felt incredible to him.

And a new scent was now saturating the air he breathed, too; this one at least as familiar as the scent of the boot he'd recognised a moment ago. Earthy, spicy, slightly sweet, and impossibly complex, it was unmistakably the scent of his lover's paw that he'd learned so well the night before. He still couldn't explain how any of this was possible, but he knew it was Naya's paw he was under. A Naya somehow grown to extraordinary proportions? Or had he somehow... been shrunk?

The answer was obvious from all the clues available to him, but he was still reluctant to accept it, as impossible as it seemed. As the paw settled over him then, however, he felt something else. The space around him came alive with a gentle green glow, and his body tingled. He felt a presence and he knew it was Naya; her mind brushing against his, her soul ever so gently touching his own. There were no words, just a mix of emotions that she gently imparted to him. Reassurance, dominance, and a very characteristic sense of alluring mischief.

It was Naya, absolutely and without a doubt. As alarming and strange as this situation was, she was the one in charge of it and he was in her care. Knowing that, his fear dissolved into nothingness and he willingly surrendered himself to whatever she had planned for him. He did not need to understand it; knowing it was her doing was enough.

He remembered what it was she'd said, then. When he'd asked about her runes, she'd responded with that cryptic smile, and the words, "They glow when I use my magic." And he'd fallen asleep immediately after that, before he'd had a chance to be confused by this.


So apparently that was it. His lover was a sorceress, and after a long night of intimate passion had shrunk him somehow and bound him to the insole of her boot. Not exactly normal, and probably a situation that wouldn't go over entirely well with most people. His relationship with Naya had developed in a very special way, though, and somehow he just knew deep in his soul that this wasn't some trick or way of victimising him. This was something that Naya was choosing to do for him as a gift, because she knew that he would love it rather than be frightened by it. Well, initial confusion notwithstanding.

He lost himself a little in the comforting feeling of being pinned there, just closing his eyes and savouring how strangely safe and wonderful it felt. He was caught off guard by it when things moved again then, the soft leather of the boot whispering and creaking as Naya moved her leg and paw. He gasped softly as he felt the muscles of her paw and toes flex beneath her soft hide, then cried out a little as the weight pressing him down against the insole of the boot increased considerably. The paw pushed him down hard, squeezing his body against the floor. Both surfaces formed around his body, having enough give to fit him there without hurting, but the intense force pressing down was still enough to squeeze some of the air from his lungs. That weight lingered, forcing him to take only shallow breaths, each one laden with the rich scents of dragoness paw and boot leather. He was being held so tightly that his body had no freedom to move at all now; even squirming was only barely possible. All he could do was tremble weakly in overwhelmed and submissive pleasure, which he did.

He realised that Naya must have stood up, and was now resting the full weight of her body on her paws. That's what he was feeling now. The sensation of it alone was wondrous enough to him, but when coupled with the realisation of what he was feeling it elevated the experience further. After having shared his love and submission with her through her paws and boots the night before, to now experience that in such a powerful and creative way was incredible. And his body was stirring with the passion of it. With a soft whimper, he realised that he had grown very aroused and his malehood was pressing firmly up against Naya's paw pad, already beginning to leak against it.

She then began to walk.

The weight over him shifted, her strong muscles flexing and moving as the leather wrapped around them shifted in response. The squeezing force around his body altered, then lessened as the paw lifted up from him slightly. There was a new feeling of motion that briefly kept him pressed against the insole, then a slight feeling of weightlessness. He realised he was feeling the boot descending to the floor an instant before he felt the impact of it through the sole under his back, and her paw pressed him down hard as her weight transferred to it. The force was even greater than it had been when she was merely standing on him, and for an instant it pressed all the air from his lungs. The scent-rich air was forced back into his lungs as the paw lifted again, the entire process repeating as she took another step.

He had never felt so completely helpless. He had never even imagined it was possible to feel this completely helpless, and he never would've guessed that it could be such a good feeling. His breathing was quickly forced into a rhythm that matched her steps; air forced from his lungs with each placement of her booted paw, sucked back in when she lifted it to take the next step. It overwhelmed him as well that all the air he breathed was so saturated with her scent, making it feel like the very essence of her booted paw was filling his body and marking it as hers with each breath he took. And the way each step squeezed his body so tightly between equally soft leather and paw pad felt amazing beyond words.

She started slowly, taking deliberate steps to ease him into the feelings and perhaps make certain he wouldn't be hurt. But after those first few steps she began to speed up to a normal walking pace, and as she did her paw began to shift slightly within the boot. Not a great deal, as the boot was perfectly fit for her, but just enough that each step began to add the new sensation of her soft, warm pad rubbing slightly over his naked body. It was one more feeling forcing regular moans from him before long, heightening his arousal further.

There was a brief pause in the rhythm of her steps, and a moment of being pressed beneath her standing weight, then she was off again. She'd opened the door to her home and closed and locked it behind her, but the feelings were quickly overwhelming him to the point that he could not put a great deal of thought into speculating about where she was going.

As she walked, he did still notice some differences here and there. Walking down a short flight of stairs proved particularly intense, as the angle of the boot's movement dipped more sharply and the weight shoving him down into the insole with each step became even greater. Once outside, he felt the impact of the boot sole with the ground change under him as she walked on different surfaces, moving from pavement to grass. A few times the vibrations of a dry crunching shook him through the sole as Naya stepped on fallen leaves, crushing them beneath the shallow treads of her boot. The sole was thin enough that he was able to feel all of these different sensations. The differences would no doubt have fascinated him even more if he'd had the available brainpower to process them more fully; as it was, his thoughts and actions remained primarily focused on shuddering and moaning as the sensations dominated him. He was very hard beneath Naya's sole, and making a considerable mess of it as his body leaked in its excitement.

It was when Naya began to jog briefly that his body could take no more. The speed and force of impact increased, and the added motion caused her pad to flex and rub over his body, completely drowning him in sensation. The tight space inside her boot grew warmer as her muscles worked, and the scent of her paw became richer as it continued to fill his lungs. Each strike of her paw on the ground pressed him until he was sure he'd be squished flat, but always remained just shy of causing actual pain. Naya had planned this all out very carefully, and if she possessed magic powerful enough to shrink to the size of one of her toes she was probably capable of monitoring him and keeping him protected if need be, too.

The sensations that were overwhelming him were far too intense for him to be capable of worry by this point, and his body began to shudder as the motions of the dragoness' booted paw forced his climax nearer. She seemed to know, and when she stopped running with a final, firm step of her paw, that feeling was what pushed him over.

He let out a sharp cry of ecstasy, muffled into the space between her toes, as he came hard against her pad. His body shuddered and convulsed beyond his control and beneath her weight as he poured his seed out for her, the warm and intimate fluid a gift for her paw in gratitude for the feelings it was giving him. Pleasure surged and pulsed through his body, the absolute submission of his situation making it more intense than anything he'd ever before known.

A vibration rumbled down from above, through Naya's paw, as she purred softly in triumph at what she'd just made her lover feel. But she wanted more. Seeming to know exactly the right moment to act, she shifted her weight to bring more of it down on him and began to twist her paw firmly against the ground. The grinding motion of it caused her soft pad to rub firmly over his entire body, and the sensation only forced his pleasure higher. Letting out another cry, more desperate than the last, he came even harder. The dragoness kept this up for what felt like an eternity, as though determined to squeeze every last drop of his seed from his body.

As far as he was able to guess, she succeeded. When it was done, his body went limp with exhaustion, utterly spent. Desperate to show his love and gratitude any way he could, he weakly pressed his muzzle against one of her toes and licked her leathery hide, his whimpers of delight exhausted but sincere. The vibration of her satisfied purr continued, and he tended to her toes in this way as long as he could before the weariness began to defeat him. He was dimly aware of her beginning to walk again after a time, but was now so dazed in the afterglow that he could do nothing but experience whatever feelings Naya chose to force on him through a thick haze as he drifted in and out of consciousness.

Her walk continued for a long time. He was distantly aware of many feelings during it; pauses in the rhythm as she stopped and stood for a while, vibrations through her paw as she talked with people. Shopkeepers or friends or random strangers, all completely unaware of her shrunken lover trapped deep in her boot and being force-fed a sexual fantasy he'd never dared to think possible.

He came again for her, at least two or three times more, during the course of the walk. Less intensely than the first time, having so little seed left to give and his consciousness fading in and out, but each time still felt incredible. The entire experience did, even including his dazed state of mind that left him feeling even more wonderfully helpless and under her control.

He had no sense of time, no idea how long she had been walking for. But eventually he became aware that the walking had stopped, and the weight had lifted from him. He was resting there, still bound to her insole and feeling her paw nestled atop him, the product of his own pleasure sticky between his body and her pad, but from the amount of weight she seemed to be sitting now, only the weight of her leg resting atop him.

He blinked wearily, trembling a little as he wondered with excitement what she'd subject him to next. As he did, her weight began to press down on him again as she stepped on him, slowly increasing the force until his body was pushed more and more firmly into the soft insole of the boot. The soft green glow of her magic illuminated the inside of the boot then, and he felt the tingle of her power as things began to change for him again.

A new feeling took control. The sensation of being pressed down harder and harder into the soft insole intensified and merged with the tingle of her magic until it felt like the magic itself, not just Naya's weight, was both pushing and pulling him deeper into the thin sole of the boot. His vision blurred then and his body gave a shudder, his ears pounding as every one of his senses seemed to fade to a neutral grey.

After what might've just been a few moments, it all began to clear again. Slowly his perception faded back into existence, and he found himself laying on his back staring at the familiar sight of Naya's bedroom ceiling. He was still naked but no longer bound, and Naya was there, reassuringly normal-sized once again relative to him. She was sitting on her bed with a booted paw resting idly on his bare chest while he seemed to be laying on the floor. And she was smiling warmly down at him.

For a long time they said nothing, simply staring into each other's eyes and letting them say everything that needed saying.

Finally, Naya murmured with a grin, "So, you enjoyed yourself then?"

He could only respond with a weak, overwhelmed shudder and an equally ragged moan. Naya's grin widened, seeming to approve of this response.

"I'm very pleased to hear it. Only, it feels like you've made rather a mess inside my boot... I think my paw is now in need of some cleaning. I don't suppose you'd mind helping me with that?" The dragoness smiled, her boot shifting lightly on his chest as she flexed her toes to feel the sticky aftermath of his pleasure.

Trembling and smiling, he reached up to stroke his hands lovingly over the soft leather of her boot. His fingers lingered briefly on the texture with a newfound awe, before reaching higher to take hold of the boot's zipper and begin to pull it down. "It would be an honour and a delight, Mistress..."

Hunter, Hunter

Hunter, Hunter, where you been? Forest, mountain, desert, fen? Distant lands your boots have tread Deepest black and barren red. Titan, Titan, what you heard? From the bulwark, what's the word? Keep us safe behind the wall Save us from our final...

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