Going Gay (M/M - roo/zebra; M/M/F - roo/roo/zebra)

Story by Vaille on SoFurry

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This is porn for the sake of porn. These things are turning into a interconnected sexcapades. Go read "Set Up" ( https://www.sofurry.com/view/336011 ) & "Jonny Ain't Gay" ( https://www.sofurry.com/view/667001 ) if you want things in order.

(PS: I apologize in advance if I fucked up anything with female anatomy. Like Tommy, I've only ever been with guys, so yeah, no RL experience from the female side of the fence to draw from...)

Going Gay



The female roo gasped behind her paw. On the monitor, a husky was muzzle-fucking a polar bear. She stared at the screen, brown eyes wide. The video zoomed into a close-up of the bear's fat, black dick. With each gratuitous pump, his cockslit drooled precum that slicked his shaft and paw. "Oh my God..." Jenny whispered as she watched from over her boyfriend's shoulder.

Joey glanced at her. Sinking back in his chair, the male kangaroo arms folded across his chest. "Almost there." The view panned out. The dog had dislodged himself from the bear's mouth. The bear was kneeling. The canine stood in front of him, rigid. Between his paws was the bear's head. His crimson dick twitched spastically, the tip occasionally tapping the top of the bear's nose. A string of pre connected them. The husky started whining. Behind his red rocket, the knot had swollen to the size of a tomato.

"Wait for it," Joey said.

The whining intensified. Grew higher in pitch.

"Wait for it..."

The dog's chest began heaving. Hips bucking.

"Wait. For. It."

Before the ursine understood what was happening, the husky jerked the bear's head forward as he drove his dogcock straight into the big, open muzzle.

"BAM!" Joey yelled, punctuating the moment with a sharp, loud clap. He laughed, pointing at the screen.

In the video, the dog and bear toppled to the ground and the husky was thrashing wildly in the throes of his orgasm. Cum trickled from the corners of the bear's puffed, knotted mouth. It ran sloppily down his chin, dripping into his fur and onto the floor. Jenny could see his Adam's apple rising and falling. He was swallowing. "They actually let you record this?" she asked.

Joey sat up straight, grinning proudly. "Hell yeah. You don't know 'em like I do, Jen. Trust me, they don't care. This is actually their second time," he said, laughing. "Shit, they think vids like this are hot."

Jenny fondled his long ear, clawed fingers teasing the inner ridge. Her gaze was still transfixed on the screen. The husky had freed himself from the bear. He was licking himself clean, starting with his own balls and cock, while the polar bear continued to paw-off next to him, watching. "It is hot, Joey."

The boomer arched a brow and quirked his muzzle. "That shit ain't hot. It's funny, fucked-up faggot shit."

Jenny glanced at Joey's lap. He was sporting a tent. "Your dick disagrees."

Joey rolled his eyes. "You're fondling my ear. You know that turns me on." With a flick of his finger, the monitor flipped off. He swiveled around in his chair to face her. She peered down at him. He grinned up at her. "Sexy time?"

The female roo crossed her arms, her eyes slitted. "If I asked you to, would you?"

"Would I what?"

"Fuck a guy."

The boomer blinked. "Huh?" he asked, dumbfounded. The complete earnestness of the question had taken him totally by surprise.

"Would you?" she repeated, looming over him.

"Baby, that's not fair," Joey protested. His voice was strained. "It's not my thing. I ain't into faggot shit."

"Does Tommy know you call gays 'faggots'"?"

"Tommy's cool. He's gay, not a fag. And besides, Kevin and Jonny aren't gay, they're just fucked-up and horny all the time. There's a difference between being gay and fagging-out, you know..."

Joey had hoped obnoxiousness would steer her away from her question. It didn't. "So would you?" She repeated.

"I told you, I'm not gay."

"And neither was I when I spent an entire evening between Sandy Mueller's legs!" Jenny shot back. "Because you asked me to!"

"But you and Sandy--

"Gave you enough jack-off material for the next decade-and-a-half! I was muzzle-deep in her mound when you blew your load all over her tits!" As she shouted, Jenny's tail thudded hard against the floor.


"Don't 'baby' me, Joey. It's a total fucking double-standard. It's ok for me to go outside my comfort-zone, but when I ask you to do the same, you won't because it's 'faggot shit.'" Another glance at the boomer's crotch. He was still hard.

Joey smiled meekly, rocking side-to-side in the chair, doing his best to look cute and play it off. His tail swished with anticipation. "Make-up sex?"

"Really, Joey? Really?" she huffed in disbelief. "I'm going to bed." She glared at the erection hiding in his shorts. "You can take care of that tonight while you sleep on the couch. Don't cum on the cushions." Turning, she strode from the room, the door slamming behind her.

"Fuck..." Joey groaned, shaking his head. Turning on the monitor, he opened a browser and stuffed a paw down the front if his boxers. The boomer hit replay.


"Got it?"

Tommy nodded. "Yup." A little blue pill dropped into Joey's paw.

The boomer examined it for a moment, shrugged, tossed it into his mouth and dry swallowed. It was awkward. Intimidating, even. At first, Joey thought his issue was the huge tool, hard and black, poking up from between the zebra's legs. It wasn't. It was the fact that he was naked, in bed, with an erect, nude zebra. Never had he believed it possible. With Tommy, no less. His best friend. Hell, some parts of his brain still probably didn't think it was. He sighed. "Man, this so does not feel right..."

"What?" Tommy whickered.

"This," Joey said, motioning between himself and the zebra. "You. Me. Here. It feels..." He fought for the right word, "...forced."

Tommy peered hard at Joey, considering. The roo was damn adorable and Jenny was lucky to have snagged him. Plush beige-grey fur covering his lean body. Those heavy, powerful legs with that gorgeous package nestled between them. An extra thick tail. Oversized footpaws with those big toes and stubby claws. Boyish-good looks. Stout muzzle, darling nose and kissable black lips. And then there were those eyes, those radiant pools of the bluest green. Joey was a gay-boi's dream come true; the straight boy he'd jacked-off, sucked-off and fucked-off in so many masturbatory fantasies.

The straight boy he'd convert into a cock-jockey. His cock-jockey.

Still, no matter how much Tommy wanted it to be true, he knew it was just a dream. Joey wasn't like him. Not gay. Harder to accept was the fact that he was with Joey not because Joey wanted him, but because of Jen wanted it. Sure, they could have sex; he could have that moment he'd longed for - hell, ached for so many years - and take Joey for a few hours. But after their climaxes faded and the semen dried, it would be Jen, not Tommy, with whom Joey would spend the night. Tommy understood this and it hurt. A lot. Grabbing his boxers, he slid a hoof through a leg hole. "You're right," the zebra nickered quietly. "This is a mistake."

"Gimme those," Joey said, ripping away the shorts before the striped horse could slip back into them. He threw them across the room. "I didn't say it is a mistake. I said 'It doesn't feel right; it feels forced.' That's what I said. Guys aren't my thing. That doesn't mean it's a mistake, because it's not..." He patted the equine on the back.

"Yeah. But, you know. You and Jen--

"Want this," Joey interrupted. "Look around. Where are you? In our bed. We've invited you into our bed, Tommy. You're like a brother to me. Yeah, I can be a crass, insensitive ass but I love ya and I trust ya and there's no way I'm doing this with any guy other than you, bro. No way in hell. Yeah, it's not my thing. But it is your thing and it is Jens hot for it and I care about you both. I want this for youz. Both of youz. She's wanted it for a long time; you've wanted it for like..." The roo shrugged, "...well, like, forever."

The insides of Tommy's ears burned bright red as the skin beneath his cheek fur blushed and grew hot. He opened his mouth. Closed it. Opened it again. "I-- Y-you knew that--

Joey mercifully stopped the stammering with a paw to the zebra's nose. He continued. "Nothing to be embarrassed about. It's kinda flattering having my best friend crush on me. I'm gonna make this happen. I want to. I just need to warm up to it a little, yanno?" The roo grinned as his paw wrapped around stallion's dick and gave it a playful squeeze. "Besides, you wouldn't have fit into your boxers anyhow with this like that, ya oversized stud."

Joey always did have a way of making Tommy feel better. That was one of his friend's most endearing qualities. He batted Joey's paw, laughing. "Trust me, the whole 'hung like a horse' thing... yeah... it's not all it's cracked up to be. Our peckers are as big as any feral quadruped's. Difference is, we wear clothes. So uncomfortable and embarrassing. Once I got hard and ended up pawing in front of a family of otters just to get this fuckin' thing back into my shorts," Tommy whickered as he absently played with himself. "You should have seen the looks on their faces as I stood there, jacking-off, panting, 'Sorry. I'm so sorry. Almost done,' between snorts and grunts. The mom had to shield her pup's eyes. She watched as I painted the wall in front of 'em. That was a bit strange." Tommy smiled, showing off a mouthful of blunt, white teeth as he looked at his friend. After a moment's silence, he asked, "Are you nervous at all?"

Joey nodded. "A little, yah."

"So am I. My stomach's kinda in knot right now."

"Why?" the boomer asked. In his own way, Joey did find Tommy attractive. Not that he'd ever admit it. The stud was a twink, through and through - slender, lithe and slightly feminine. Joey liked that. The black and white stripes covering his velvety body were alluring. Almost hypnotic. He had a cute, boyish face and vibrant golden-brown eyes. A Spartan mane crested his head, parting his big ears before flowing down the middle of his back, ending just above the sexy, solid tail that hid his ass-crack. Then of course there was Tommy's cock. It was absolutely equine, with a medial ring a third of the way up from its root and a large, flat glans. The horse's cock was easily as long as Joey's arm and just as thick. If Joey had been into guys, he'd have fucked Tommy long, long ago.

If... the roo thought.

"Jenny," Tommy replied.

"Hmm?" Joey grunted, yanked back into the moment.

"You asked why I'm nervous. It's because of Jenny. You're not into guys. Well, I'm not into gals. The last time I touched pussy was when my mother foaled me. I wouldn't even know what to do with a pussy if it smacked me in the face."

Joey punched Tommy in the arm. "You do what comes naturally. You stick your dick in it, ya fuckin' gay goof."

"Easy for you to say. The things are... repulsive."

Joey scrunched his face, ears splaying. "I thought you said you've--?"

"I haven't," Tommy explained. "But I do browse porn sites. Even the straight ones if the guys are hot."

"That's not the same," Joey said with a roll of his eyes. He closed them. "Just imagine fucking your cock into warm, wet silk. It glides around you, slick, trying to pull you closer. Deeper..."

Tommy watched as the roo's sheath twitched. It started to swell. A hint of pink peeped from its lip. It continued to grow, filling out.

"You get so hard it hurts. You can feel yourself leaking into her as she flutters around you, groaning, moaning your name. You make her shiver. At that moment, you're the only thing in the universe that matters to her as her toes curl and she starts to quiver, gasping for breath--

"Hey Joey?"


"You're hard..."

Joey glanced at his crotch. His cock was erect. His paws flew to it, covering. "The Viagra..."

The zebra grabbed the roo by the wrists and wrenched his arms open. "I wanna see," he protested. "I've never seen roo cock."

It was pink, six inches in length, with a thick shaft and a bulbous bell-shaped head. Without thinking about it, Tommy leaned in and nosed Joey's crotch, inhaling. The musk was sharp, throaty and very, very male. He whinnied.

Joey shoved him lightly and laughed. "Don't do that you perv!"

"Sorry," Tommy whickered. "It's a horse thing. But seriously, I thought kangaroo cock was s'posed to be all slender and pointy and stuff."

"Yeah, and our balls are supposed to ride over our sheaths, but they don't. Thousands of years of divergent evolution, I guess. Sorta like how we don't have pouches, either.

"Kinda wish something like that had happened for us," Tommy lamented, pushing his cock away only to have it sling back and slap him in the chest. "Fuckin' monster..." He looked at Joey. "What time's Jenny get home?"

Joey glanced at the clock. It was 6:41. "Usually around 7:00-ish."

"Good then. There's time."

"Time for what?"

"Something I've wanted to do for a long, long time." Gently, Tommy reached behind Joey's head. He pulled the roo to him. Their noses bumped. Tommy rubbed them together. Tilted his muzzle up. Kissed the tip of the boomer's nose. Kissed again and again, going lower and lower until their lips finally met. They pressed together lightly at first, then harder as he grabbed Joey around the waist and tugged the boomer against his body. Tommy's horsedick sandwiched between his velvety fur and the soft down covering Joey's front. The kangaroo's erection stabbed against his leg. They both were leaking.

The suddenness of it all took Joey by surprise. At first, he was stiff in the equine's arms. But as they kissed, he began to relax, allowing himself to melt against his best friend's body. He parted his lips. Tommy's big horse tongue instantly dipped into his muzzle. Joey danced with it, tip to tip, top over bottom and bottom over tip. It was very much like kissing a chick, but still different at the same time. Everything was thicker. Heavier. Stronger. And Jen's whiskers never tickled his nose.

When Tommy's hand gripped Joey's cock, the roo practically jumped. The zebra gently pumped the roo, keeping their muzzles pressed together as he slowly used his body to force Joey onto his back. Joey turned his head to break the kiss. Tommy's muzzle fell against his neck, nibbling, as he continued to stroke the boomer's cock, head to hilt. With his thumb, Tommy fingered Joey's cockslit, smearing clear precum all across the tip.

An instant jolt of pleasure wracked Joey's body. He writhed. "W-what are y-you doing? Jenny's n-not here yet..." Joey protested, shaking and gasping.

"I'm doing you," Tommy lilted between nips to Joey's neck. "Now shut up and enjoy." His grip around his best friend tightened. He knew the pressure would be unbearable before too long and that was exactly what he intended.

Joey thrust into the zebra's fist. He could feel himself growing harder and harder and leaking like a sieve, slicking his shaft and the velvet covered fingers wrapped around it. His breath was heavy, hitching in his chest with each jerk of his body. "Oh f-fuck, T-Tommy... This is...oh God...This f-feels so damn nice. I ain't g-gonna l-last like this."

"I know," the horse whispered as he squeezed even tighter while he masturbated his friend.

"B-but what about you?"

"Shhhh," Tommy replied, tapping Joey on the nose with a finger. "Right now, this isn't about me, hon. Don't worry about me. We've got all night. Just relax and come. I wanna watch you come."

Joey's mind drifted to his first time. It was during a road trip with his high school baseball team. There was a bunny. He practically peeled her clothes off with his teeth. Her fur was merle. It was so soft. Those firm tits. That tight ass. When he slid into that cunt, it was so, so tight. But he loosened her up. Repeatedly. He could feel her nub slip n' slide across his dick every time he plowed her. He fucked her without a condom, cumming in her over and over again. When the week ended, Joey was no longer a virgin. He knew every crack and crevice of her delicious lapine body, not to mention 12 different positions and 3 new uses for his tail. Honestly, he considered it a minor miracle he didn't end up a father. Cross-species breeding, while difficult, is not impossible. And considering the amount of cum he'd fucked into her snatch...

Then there was that cheetah. Joey would ejaculate on her, trying to play connect the dots with his jizz. She loved it, giggling, rolling in front of him, on the floor, trying dodge the shots. That pussy-cat gave the best titty-fucks; not once did she complain when he squirted her in the face.

And Sally, his gecko girl. They dated for a year-and-a-half. Her smooth, cold skin felt so nice against his cock. He'd leave glistening trails of pre across her belly, trailing down to that cool slit between her legs. And that tongue; God, did she know how to use it. The fuckin thing was prehensile. She would wrap it around Joey's dick and slowly draw it up and down while the tip slid into his hole. Sally gave the best head.

His very first time with Jenny. He'd met her at a local nightclub when they were in college. He was drunk. Wandered into the women's bathroom. Jenny was inside, primping her fur. When she asked who he was and why he was there, he smiled; said she was the prettiest thing he'd ever seen. And when he asked for her phone number, she gave it up. A month later, Joey was flat on his back, Jenny straddling, giving herself up to him. They nosed and kissed. Tongued. Their tails intertwined. She surrounded him. He was inside her. They moved together in purpose and pleasure. The sex was hot, slick and smooth. As Joey slid in and out of his mate, the pressure grew in his loins. She gasped. He groaned. He felt more alive than he ever had before. Electric. Her sent in his nose; his taste in her mouth. In and out. In. Out. Faster. Harder. His claws dug into the sheets. Back beginning to arch. Balls close. In his mate, his cock felt like hot iron. Head flared. It slid from her folds over her hooded clit to her cervix and back out over and over and over again. Her walls quivered around him. Her breaths were short. Fast. In. Out. In out in out in out. She screamed in ecstasy, toes curling, nipples hard. Joey bucked, tossed over the edge, burying himself in her tunnel as it exploded around his cock. He cried out as he loosed himself into her, spurting rope after rope of his seed deep inside Jen's fluttering, quivering vagina, breeding her.

Joey's eyes cracked open. With effort, he wiped a paw across his muzzle. It was wet and sticky. His cock was still hard, semen oozing from the hole.

Tommy grabbed a shirt and dabbed at the thick spattering of ejaculate shot across the boomer's belly, chest, neck and face. "Man, you were pent up," Tommy said. "The first shot went straight over your head and hit the wall."

Joey smiled. Chuckled. He'd have laughed if he'd had the breath. "That was all you, bro. I pawed earlier today," the kangaroo panted. "You really know how to work a cock, horsie."

"Thanks," Tommy said, blushing. "I take pride in giving quality hand-jobs, especially to straight roo-boys."

"Straight..." Joey said as he covered his eyes with a paw and scratched his balls with the other. "I'm gonna have to re-evaluate what that means whenever you're in town. What time is it?"


No sooner did the words fade from the zebra's lips than the front door of the apartment opened and closed. Keys fell onto a table, jingling. The dull thud of shoes falling against the floor. "Hey Joey, I'm home."

"Show time...," Joey whispered.


The got into position. Joey, on his back, legs spread, balls out and cock hard, pulled Tommy against himself. The zebra snuggled up, his huge, stiff dick poking across Joey's thighs. Resting his head against Joey's matted belly, his heavy horse lips grazed the roo's slick, salty dick tip.

Their hearts hammered in their chests from equal parts arousal, anticipation and fear.

The door opened. Jenny padded into the bedroom, nose buried in her cellphone. "Hey Joey, what do you want to do for..." The cellphone dropped from her paw as she looked up, eyes wide. "...Dinner?" She blinked. Blinked again. Her mouth opened. Closed. Opened again. "Holy fuck, Joey!" she finally managed to yell.

The boomer grinned. "Hey babe."

"What the... When did... Joey, why is Tommy nuzzling your crotch?!"

Tommy nosed Joey's cock. The roo shuddered. "God damn, Tommy, stop that for a moment, will ya?" he muttered under his breath. Joey's attention returned to his girlfriend. "Remember last week? That fight?"


Joey simply smiled.

"I didn't actually mean--

"Bullshit," Joey said cutting her of before she could finish. "You meant it. Get undressed and climb in."

"But dinner--

Joey patted the mattress. "Dinner's right here. There's a whole lot of cock. Now c'mon."

Jen walked to the side of the bed. As she sat gingerly on its edge, Joey took her paw. She could feel him twitch and shake as Tommy teased him. "One condition," she said.


"You blow Tommy. You know, just like the bear did for that dog. And you swallow, too. All of it."

Tommy glanced up, making eye-contact with Joey. The roo shrugged. "Whelp, it's official. I'm gay for the night. Come on, Tommy..." Joey said, nudging the zebra up.

Scooting up Joey's side, Tommy sat up and slipped a leg over Joey, settling on the roo's chest, straddling. Joey could smell the Tommy's musk in the space between his nose and the horse's balls. It was thick, sweet and heavy. Tommy bent forward, lifting his rear and angling his cock so that the head touched Joey's slips. With a flick of tongue, Joey tasted his friend for the very first time. It was salty and slightly bitter. Reaching up with both paws, the boomer gripped Tommy's cock. Beneath his fingers, Joey could feel Tommy's heartbeat. It was racing. The roo started stroking the horsecock staring him in the face. It was beautiful. The heat beneath his paw pads was incredible. Slowly, he massaged Tommy's flesh. Above him, Tommy began to fuck into his paws, snorting and groaning all the while. Then he did it; Joey opened his mouth as wide as possible, took the cock's head and started to bob and weave around it.

Jen felt herself dampen as she watched her boyfriend muzzle-fuck the striped horse. Their musk was intoxicating. She could smell something else. Semen. One of them had already come; the glop that had dripped down the wall. Drawing a deep breath, Jenny closed her eyes and held their scents in her nose. Exhaled slowly. Her clit, like her nipples, had grown hard. Quickly, quietly, the female roo unbuttoned her blouse and stripped it away, followed by her bra. She unfastened her skirt and kicked it off. Shoved her panties down with growing urgency. They landed on the floor. Sliding in to cuddle next to Joey, she slipped an arm under his pillow as she fingered herself sensually with her free paw as she watched Tommy and Joey fuck. Her fur tickled the wet folds of her slit. Then they were inside.

Tommy found his rhythm, bucking slowly and firmly into his friend's muzzle. His best friend's tongue swirled around his flat, mushrooming head, driving him to push harder. Deeper. Tommy groaned. He chuffed. Snorted through flared nares. Joey's paws massaged his length. They were so warm. So soft. His rigid flesh tingled beneath the their small, leathery pads. Precum flowed freely from his cockhole against the occasional flit of the boomer's tongue.

After a few minutes of steady sucking, Joey could feel a change in the zebra's body. The head of the equine's cock had belled, puffing out Joey's cheeks. Precum leaked so freely Tommy's cock might as well have been a faucet; Joey found himself pretty much guzzing the stuff. In his paws, Tommy's shaft had grown so fucking hard. His thrusts had shortened, becoming more determined and primal. Bestial, even. Joey sensed that Tommy would no longer stop, even if Joey wanted him to. Equines were like that; wired to breed.

And there was no mistake about it...Joey was being bred.

Without warning, Tommy grabbed handfuls of fur behind Joey's ears and started to tug the roo's head forward. Surprise, Joey choked. He was yanked backwards, dragged forward and yanked forward yet again. Tommy's dick, despite the flare, tapped the back of his throat. Joey gagged.

Rolling back its hood, Jen's thumb flitted across her clit in swift, short circles. She pumped her hips, pushing against it. Tommy was full on face-fucking Joey; she could smell the arousal, their sex. Joey's erect cock poked against Tommy's balls. It was so fucking hot. She reached out with her free paw and cupped the zebra's balls. They were heavy. Full. Virile. She imagined Tommy's sperm pumping from them, through his body, out his massive black cock, and down her lover's throat. She moaned at the thought. With her pinky, she tickled the insides of her walls just beyond her folds. Pussy juice dripped down her fingers, wetting the fur on the back of her paw. The breath in her chest was ragged.

Tommy snorted as he fucked Joey's face. His entire body coiled with each quick, powerful thrust. Joey did his best to hold on, gagging and choking and swallowing as best he could. The head had flared so large that it could barely move from the back of his throat. He rocked his head, back and forth, side to side, licking and pawing as he frantically tried to bring his friend to climax. Darkness hung at the edges of his vision. Then it happened. Tommy pistoned his hips forward so hard that his cock knocked the roo's head back onto the pillow, despite the fact that the equine had just pulled him forward. The horse's cock erupted as Tommy's teeth clamped down on Joey's neck, holding him in place. Spurt after spurt of horse cum blasted down the roo's throat. Joey couldn't swallow fast enough. The backpressure quickly forced Tommy's seed back up, past the seal of the horse's swollen glans and into the roo's mouth. Cum spewed out, coursing thickly down Joey's chin like a sloppy, white river. It pooled momentarily in the divot where the roo's neck met his breastbone before overflowing and streaming down his furred neck onto the bed in messy rivulets. Joey struggled beneath the zebra, writhing. He tried desperately to push Tommy off; the equine held fast, wracked with the throes of orgasm and bucking wildly. Joey started to gurgle.

The sight of Tommy's seed leaking down Joey's chin pushed Jen over the edge. With her nub between her thumb and for finger, she tugged and rubbed. The pain was incredible. So was the pleasure. Jenny's moan became a squeal. Her toes curled before splaying wide as her body flailed. She thrashed, vagina convulsing frantically, jets of slick, clear cunt-juice squirting onto her tail and the bed. Without warning, Tommy toppled on top of her, motionless and completely spent. Together, one atop the other, they panted for breath while Joey rolled away.

Once on his side, Joey coughed, spitting up horse cum. He wiped the salty white slime from his mouth, flinging it from his paws onto the bed. Grudgingly, he swallowed the rest. His throat was sore. Raw. "Holy fuck, Tommy," he rasped, "a courtesy tap would have been nice..." Then he gacked.

"S-sorry..." Tommy panted weakly. Semen still streamed from his cock even though his climax had passed, wetting the pubic fur just above Jenny's snatch. "It's another carry-over from the ferals... We kinda... lose it during sex."

"No shit..."

"Like I said...Sorry."

The roo noticed his girlfriend. Her hand was soaked, so was her cunt, her tail and patches of the bed. "Jen?"

"Oh my God..." was all she could moan.

"Did you come?"

"Oh yeah..."

"But did you like actually come? You know... like 'vajaculate'?

"Oh yeah..." Eyes lidded, the female roo smiled blissfully, completely at ease.

"I need a shower," Tommy groaned.

Tommy looked down. His entire front was a sticky, matted paste of cum and fur. The shit was everywhere. "You need a shower?" he laughed. "But you know what, Tommy? That shower's gonna wait. Since we're trying out new things tonight..." Joey pointed from the zebra to Jenny back to the zebra. "You and Jen. Now. I'ma watch you fuck my girlfriend." The roo fluffed his pillow and plopped into it, arms folded across his chest as his sheath began to fill yet again.

"Now?" Tommy asked.

"Now. I wanna paw while watching you breed my girlfriend."

Tommy chuffed. "Jen?"

"Go ahead, hon, while I'm still worked up." She spread her legs, inviting Tommy into her cunt.

The zebra sniffed her hole. Snorted.

Jenny squirmed under his bristles. "That tickles."

"What do I do?" Tommy asked, genuinely confused.

Jenny's eyes stayed closed. "Are you still hard?"


"Then stick it in."

"Which hole?"

Jenny laughed. She couldn't help it. Sitting up, she gave Tommy a few strokes, a lick and a kiss on his dick before nosing him onto his back. Holding his cock straight up, she stood over it, straddling, rubbing the swollen head against her wet, aching pussy lips. "Like this..." she said as she pile-drove herself onto Tommy's dick.

The horse's shaft spread her pussy wide, spearing into her, impaling. She slid lower and lower, coming to rest just past his medial ring. Dropping onto her hands and knees, she crawled forward, over him, until his nose was between her tits. Her tail draped down the underside of his cock, teasing his taint and balls. "You've really never fucked a female before?"

Tommy shook his head. He was tense.

Jenny decided to relax him. Tightening herself around him, she started to roll her hips, drawing and dragging herself up and down Tommy's length. She rocked, tits bouncing around his nose. It wasn't long before Tommy's thrusts matched her own. He was large and hard and filled her completely. Her hooded nub rubbed along the top of his shaft, sparking jolts of pleasure through her body every time it hit a vein, ridge or ripple.

"How is it?" She panted as she continued to fuck the horse.

"N-nice," Tommy groaned. Though he was a bottom, Tommy did occasionally top. He knew what it felt like to be buried under another male's tail. This was different. It was like Joey'd said - it felt like he was fucking warm, wet silk. A twinge shot through Tommy's body. His leg jumped. So did his cock.

Jenny could feel the zebra's cock stiffen inside her. "Close?" she asked, picking up the pace. The question was rhetorical; she knew he was. Squeezing her legs together, she tightened her tunnel around him. Tommy began to huff. Reaching behind her, she took her tail in paw and slowly drew its furry tip from the base of Tommy's balls and across his taint. He arched up against it, exposing his ass. She tickled it across his cheeks and down his crack before slowly, very slowly, teasing it against his tailhole.

Tommy gasped. Arched up. Jen rocked forward and back, riding him like a stallion. Tommy's thrusts grew frantic. Frenzied. With a final buck, he shoved his head against her cervix and unloaded. "Uhhhhhh...Nnnnggggggg..."

Jen smiled as she felt the shaft inside her throb and pulse, followed by the warm sensation of Tommy's seed filling her belly. "So?" she asked, rolling off Tommy with a lewd, wet schlick.

The zebra's cock slapped against his chest and belly, dribbling a trail of spunk across his front as it receded into its sheath. "It's nice. But I still like guy's better..." he said with a grin.

Jenny scrunched her nose and stuck her tongue out at him. "I'm gonna change that, you know..."


Jen turned to her boyfriend. His cock glistened and he had long, wet spurts of fresh cum all across his front. "Guys for the win!"

"Fuck you!" Jenny laughed.

"Ok, inna few. I really need that shower, though," Joey said hopping from the bed. He turned back to them. "Love ya both."

Physics (Not really a story - Just fun stupidness!)

The big naked horse was sitting cross-legged, his half-hard cock laying limply across his right thigh. "Let's talk physics." "Physics?" the fox replied, confusion plastered across his face. "Why the fuck you want to talk about physics, dude? I'm here...

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Drowning Together, Dying Alone (M human / M Cougar)

Drowning Together, Dying Alone by Vaille --- For the third day in a row, James Haddon had the nagging sensation of being watched. It was heavy. Piercing. Assessing. He didn't like it. Overhead, the sky blazed orange as the sun crept low. It had...

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Mating Day

**Mating Day** **by Vaille** When I trotted up next to him, the big red horse didn't greet me. He kept walking, hands in his pockets, emerald eyes straight ahead. "Hey Big Mac," I said. The over-sized harness on his shoulders rose and fell with...

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