Goodbye...sister (part 3)

Story by Starflight on SoFurry

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Warning:there is no warning. Ok so last time they saw a monster who had ran away because miki so let's continue!

"What the hell was that?!" Said Michael." M-m-mi si-sister is go-." Jewel was so shocked she couldn't talk." FOLLOW IT!" Yelled Fire flash. "Shouldn't we check on Starflight first?" Asked Chandon. They all went to her tent witch was filled with bags. But no Starflight. "Hey look what I found!" Jewel yelled. They all came to look at what she found witch was a bag marked ART BAG . They had no idea what the stuff was so they opens the bag.

Entry's,knifes,rope,water,food,drawing pad,ETC. The did not know why she needed all these things. "Mabey she has that stuff incase she gets lost." said Michele. As much as that made sence it looked like she was ready for something worse. "Look at some of these drawings." Said Jewel. Half of these drawings were very horrifying and gory. "What are u guys still doing her!!!" A girl rainbow dragon said. "Me and clay are leaving!" Said the dragon. "Come on Glory! Let's go!" Said Clay. "Ok coming!" Answersed Glory as she scurried to him. -well at least we are not alone- thought Jewel. She started recording the camera. "What are I doing Jewel!" Chandon yelled. "I'm making entry', why u have a proplem with that!?" Said Jewe." Nope no proplem ." Said Chandon.

They walked in the woods to look for the woodland creature and miki. "I have a question." Why are we walking TOWARD the monster?" Asked Chandon . Jewel grinned at him in a sarcastic way. "Oh we're going near it because the monster invited us for tea." Fire flash said in a sarcastic way. Kill me kill them. They heard a voice said that. "Who is there?" Jewel said.

"What are you?" Miki said to Starflight. "Well right now I should tell u the truth... My name is not Starflight my name is josh." Said Starflight. "We'll come on your a guy. And who is Starflight!?" Asked Miki. "Starflight is a furry." Said Josh." You have something on your pants." Said josh. "Really what is it?!" Asked Miki. Josh pulled her pants down. "It's my dick." Said josh with his penis in her. "J-josh?" Miki said. He stopped "oh my I'm so sorry." Said josh "I'm so dirty"

Goodbye...sister (part 2)

Warning:some people might not agree on the content suitable for the following ages. Viewer you've been warned. Still recording they were driving for one hour. "Miki just because it's spring break dose not we should be camping for a week." Chandon...

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Goodbye...sister. Part one

Note: this contains some sex parts I'm going to let all ages read tho. Viewer you've been warned "Uh "yawn"!" Said Jewel. "Get up u lazy raccoon!" Said miki. Jewel is a shy loving raccoon who is in collage with her happy cat sister miki. There are a...

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