It's Tough Being a Baddy

Story by SniperSpartan-977 on SoFurry

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Just a short little one-shot flick. Doggy on woman bestiality with a subtle twist.

In the sterilised air of the umbilical, Baddy realised exactly how much he reeked like a firing range. And he loved it.

His ship was so fumigated with the musk of cordite, fused plasma packs and burnt out pulse packets that he didn't even smell it anymore, despite his super-sensitive nose. But in the umbilical tunnel connecting the two ships the air was scent-less, and he was able to pick up all his favourite smells wafting from his fur.

It was gorgeous, and Baddy savoured it like a connoisseur sniffing a cigar.

What he didn't like so much about the umbilical was the flaky gravity. Sierra on the other hand didn't seem to mind.

The long-legged woman's graceful gait was barely impeded by even the load she was carrying. The bulky bergen on her back must have weighed ten kilos alone. And then there was the trolley stacked high with metal crates and bound down with cargo netting that she towed in her wake. But still, she skipped down the umbilical like the pixie she was.

Tall and slender, Sierra looked like she must have weighed about sixty kilos soaking wet. A trim musculature, leggy figure, she almost looked human. Almost.

Her skin was a light shade of blue etched with dark swirls and glyphs all across her smooth exterior. Her ears were long and back-swept ending in elegant points, and her slanted almond shaped eyes were framed with dark make-up that added a piercing quality to her fiery orange irises. Her long hair was the same shade of orange, falling down past her shoulders in half-curled waves.

Absolutely nothing of Sierra's mystically seductive body was left to the imagination. Clad in what was best described as a slutty enchantress' gown, black gauzy fabric draped over her shoulders and fell down along her front in two bands, one over each breast while leaving her chest completely exposed. At the back the gown formed something of a short cloak down to the small of her back. Around her waist was a narrow belt from which a half-skirt hung from just right of the buckle, over her otherwise bare crotch and down to her left knee. The skirt only covered her left hip down to the knee and half-covered her firm, shapely buttocks.

The elven enchantress was a wet dream walking, and were Baddy not so accustomed to her company he'd be struggling about with a permanent erection. In fact, that was exactly how Baddy had struggled by in the first couple of months of their mutual business-like partnership. Even the fact Baddy and Sierra were entirely different species didn't stop many a naughty thoughts crossing the male's mind.

For all intents and purposes, the Belgian Malinois dog should not have even been interested in Sierra's tantalizing appearance. Technically speaking Baddy shouldn't have even been smart enough to find Sierra attractive.

Technically speaking Baddy wasn't a normal dog though.

And he was smart enough to hate long walks through starship umbilicals. For all the useless shit he knew, Baddy still had no idea why umbilicals were made to be so long. Perhaps it was of benefit when two massive starships were attempting to dock with each other. But when two smaller ships were attempting to attach it made things very tedious. Especially when you wandered on the very edge of the gravity fields projected by either ship's gravity generator.

Floundering alongside the elven woman, Baddy did his best to keep a steady four-pawed pace in the umbilical's low gravity. Stepping over the mid-way threshold was the worst, a little zero-gee dead-zone Sierra navigated with a practiced little hop. The dog on the other hand thrashed in a brief panic as he floated for a second, then came drifting back down to the deck. Widening his four-legged stance, Baddy did his best not to whimper like a puppy fresh off the teat.

Sierra giggled as Baddy landed, his tail tucked between his legs, all fours spread widely as if over-compensating stability and a wide eyed terrified look on his canine face.

"Come on, Baddy. It's not that bad," Sierra giggled.

Baddy gulped, silently begging to differ. He didn't even open his mouth to catch his breath, fearing he may lose his breakfast if he unclenched his jaw. He just kept his eyes on the airlock ahead and savoured the comfort as Sierra reached down and gave the short fur behind his alert ears a light scratch.

Not only was Baddy above ordinary intelligence, he had a fairly extra-ordinary build. He was larger than the average Belgian Malinois dog, much closer to a wolfhound of some sort. His short, straight fur was a base of light grey with tones of darker grey and black forming a digital night-camouflage pattern across his body, as if he'd been specifically engineered for armed forces service.

Mind you, that wasn't too far from the truth.

Breaking up his fur pattern was the midnight black tac-vest fitted over his body, with plate inserts protecting the chests, sides and gut. There were also a series of load bearing straps attached to the handle sewn into the spine of the vest.

A handle by which sierra had to carry Baddy the last few steps across the umbilical and through the airlock, into the cargo hold of the CSV Starcaster.

It's tough being a baddy, the dog thought to himself with a grim expression.

While he was hanging helplessly in Sierra's protective grip, the airlock sealed behind them and the elf dragged the gear they were transferring to the centre of the hold. The chamber was cavernous, cargo and gear forming small stacks running from the walls into the centre of the room a few metres, like tiers of shelves in a hardware store. Somewhere above their heads hung a kinetic crane for moving the larger crates and pieces of equipment, and a drop ship sat in a titanium cradle somewhere to the edge of the main floor.

The Starcaster had a pretty impressive setup thus far. She wasn't a big ship, but the ranks of torpedo bays and laser banks spoke in volumes of this kitty's claws. Most impressive though seemed to be the smell.

It smelled like a girl's room. Baddy could attest to that, because the Starcaster smelled quite like Sierra's room, toned with perfumes, subtle scents of lavender and spicy candles. How the hell the crew pulled that off in the cargo hold of their ship - or why, for that matter - Baddy couldn't tell.

Now Baddy was by no means a womaniser, but there are just some things any male just can't help notice. And when Sierra put the dog down, the first thing he noticed where a large set of inviting cheeks with a bodysuit pulled taught over the skin.

Blinking, Baddy couldn't help stare at the ass wagging slightly from side to side at the nearby work-bench scattered with partially disassembled. It was all he took in for a moment, ignoring the plethora of racked guns and tools nearby, completely forgetting that attached to the ass were a pair of long powerful legs, a tight waist and all the other parts required to make an attractive, athletic woman.

It was only when she turned to assess the newcomers that Baddy tore his eyes from her ass and assessed the rest of the woman. She was, unlike Sierra, a proper human from Earth. Pale, smooth skin with short cropped chestnut hair and dark brown eyes. She had a sporty, athletic build and fairly scant curves apart from the enticing curves of her ass. Though what she lacked in a chest she made up for the fact she was clad in a skin-tight under-armour, the stuff generally worn under combat armour or an EVA-suit.

The woman wiped at a smudge of grease on her cheek with the back of a grubby hand as she walked over. As she was moving she called out to her side, voice echoing through the hold.

"Jen! They're here!" She had a tired, coarse voice. Not exactly the kind you'd hear lulling you into a seductive encounter.

That tone was reserved for the warm, almost motherly voice that answered the engineer. "Just a minute!"

Contrary to her reply, "Jen" did not need a minute. More like four seconds. She appeared, rounding a stack of crates by the time the approaching engineer within hand-shaking distance. As Sierra put down her backpack and let the dolly she'd been towing hover in place, she shook the woman's hand. Baddy on the other hand watched with alert ears as a second figure approached.

And this one had curves as epic as the engineer's rear-end all over her body. Long, sensuous legs led up to a hourglass shaped waist that fed into a fun-sized C-cup chest. And then Baddy realised what he was looking at.

She may have looked human, but like Sierra, she wasn't human. She was an anthropomorphic feline, her body covered in a coat of white fur so sleek it looked like pearly skin from afar. Her emerald green irises were huge centred by slitted pupils, and her attractively slanted eyes were lined by long fan-like eyelashes. Thanks to her feline features Baddy wouldn't have been able to make out her lips were it not for the crimson make-up on her bottom lip.

She was clad in attire that was functional to her profession on board the ship, much like the engineer. Her black and silver under-armour followed the sexy curvature of her body, a pair of thigh-high boots whose heels clicked sharply on the metal floor and a series of protective plates adorned her long limbs and torso.

Her voluptuous pink hair was impossibly long, rising up a good few feet above her head like a bee-hive-do, before it fanned out and fell down past her shoulders, past her wide hips and tangled with her equally plush tail. Together her scalp and tail hairs ended somewhere below her ankles, dragging along the ground behind her. How she kept her hair clean was anyone's guess, but not that it really mattered.

She looked good enough to eat... okay, maybe not, but she looked good enough to do other things to.

As she moved over with the grace of a model strutting the runway with swaying hips, Baddy wagged his tail with feigned happiness. Though he wanted her to, she didn't seem to smile.

"I'm Isabella," the engineer who'd shaken Sierra's hand introduced plainly without much excitement - nor much of anything else - in her voice. "Isabella Clarke, the Starcaster's chief engineer. This is the executive officer, Jennifer."

The feline, Jennifer, eyed Sierra over with a slightly cocked brow. "Jennifer Skye. And you're not what I expected, Baddy."

Much to her surprise though, Sierra's smile didn't falter. In fact, her mouth didn't move at all when a voice answered... a male voice.

"Oi, toots. Down here."

Both Jennifer and Clarke glanced at each other with frowns, and then turned their eyes to the dog standing attentively beside sierra with a semi-hurt look on his face. Up until a few months ago, Baddy had been the most feared individual in the galaxy. Now he was being ignored completely.

Though he couldn't really blame them for the mistaken identity, he sure as hell was going to try.

Cocking an eyebrow of his own at their stares, Baddy added in his smart-sounding drawl, "What? You never seen a talking dog before?"

Clarke was difficult to read. Her face had changed enough to express some surprise with the sudden revelation that their contact was actually a dog. Her small "oh," was so expressionless though that Baddy was torn between whether to consider Clarke bored or unimpressed. Jennifer on the other hand was much easier to read. And it was easy for Baddy to see and hear that she was not impressed.

Her little huff made her thoughts all the more obvious. "You are the notorious arms dealer?"

"And you are supposed to be some sort of inter-stellar super-hero?" Baddy retorted adopting a similar condescending tone.

"We are legendary," the feline mercenary spouted in a matter-of-factly tone, resting her hands on her hips. "The Starcaster and her crew have saved more worlds from evil than you've had morally upstanding thoughts. To be frank, I'm pretty disgusted that we've sunk to requisitioning our equipment from a heartless bandit like you."

She continued as he leaned forward, practically doubled over. Her elegant legs remained perfectly straight, slightly parted as if she were presenting herself. But her face was in Baddy's. And not even in the good way.

"If it were up to me, I'd have blown you out the airlock by now," she hissed like an angry cat.

Baddy scoffed. "Hey, if it were up to me I wouldn't even be here. The judge made me choose; jail time or community service."

"If you don't want to be here why did you choose community service?" Clarke interjected.

"I didn't! I chose jail, but the bastard sent me here anyway because I fucked his daughter!"

Again, it was hard to discern Clarke's thoughts. Her expression shifted to an impressed smile as she looked to Jennifer. But when she spoke she sounded flat and noncommittal.

"I dunno, Jennifer. I kinda like his style."

Jennifer ignored her crewmate and sighed, straightening up again. "Just take me through the manifest."

"Fine." Baddy stepped back and tilted his head to the gear Sierra had been carrying. "If you would do the honours, m'dear?"

Sierra nodded obediently and set about unzipping the backpack and pulling back the cargo net securing the boxes to the dolly. As she was undoing clasps and revealing the plethora of gear they had brought aboard the Starcaster, Baddy explained.

"As per your request, please find enclosed your weapons and equipment. First up your orbit-to-surface whiteout communications kit. It will keep operators on the ground in constant contact with the orbiting assets with an array of spy drones networked to each other. Spy drones double up as recon assets with high definition orbit-to-surface cameras to give you a perfect view of the ground.

"Next up, a full compliment howler tactical missiles with the full heat-shield fairing package. Honestly I dunno what interstellar mercenaries... sorry, vigilantes, would do with an orbit to surface strike package, but hey. I've sold guns to draconian tribes whose official invitation to parley is rape and pillage, so I shouldn't judge.

"Now if the rockets havent turned your nipples to diamonds, the sidearms are bound to get your panties moist. As requested, pistols are plasma repeaters; you'll find them in the boxes with the explosive hazard stickers on 'em. They don't have the highest ammo capacity or rate of fire, but they pack the whallop you'd expect of a plasma weapon. Just don't expect to be especially virile after prolonged use.

"You'll find plasma and pulse grenades in the packs marked accordingly, enough ammunition to wage a small war and to top it all off you got dark-matter ballistic vests which will stop anything short of a point blank energy shot."

Turning back to his audience, Baddy gave a smile looking quite proud of himself. "If I'm not mistaken - which I'm not - that's the works,"

Jennifer faked a smile. "Good boy. Now unload the gear, catalogue it and stack it. Go on. Fetch."

Baddy deadpanned. "I'm not just an ordinary dog you can boss around, toots."

"Oh, wow. So you can talk. Big deal," Jennifer snarked resting her hands on her hips again.

"I can do more stuff than talk," Baddy said as-a-matter-of-factly.

"Yeah?" she challenged.

"Yeah," he assured.


"Yeah." Baddy met Jennifer's glare with his own as she leaned in close to his face again.

Her eyes flitted down canine body as Jennifer's tone suddenly filled with husky suggestion. "Yeah?" Her gaze lingered on the dog's lean musculature and the tiniest flash of bright red flesh visible against the black fur on his belly.

Baddy started nodding as he confirmed, "oh, yeah."

"Your room or mine?"

"I don't have a room."

"I guess that settles it then..."


"Oh, fuck! Oh, Goddess!" Jennifer mewed drunkenly at the top of her lungs. "Yes! Fuck me! Fuck me, yes!"

Baddy frowned, wondering if the loud verbal encouragement was even needed. What the hell did she think he was doing back there already? Having a picnic?

Tightening the grip of his forelegs around Jennifer's waist, Baddy thrust his length into the feline with renewed vigour, the dog's bright red peen slotting deeper and faster still with every sharp thrust of his hips. Jennifer's back arched in response, giving him better access to hilt himself into her sopping snatch.

Jennifer was bent over on hands and knees, bits of her suit and armour scattered about her quarters, bouncing on her torn up bed where she rocked her hips to meet Baddy's long thrusts. Her claws were out as she screamed with pleasure, tearing into her bed sheets. Her small pink tongue was rolled out over her bottom lip as she panted - ironically enough - like a dog. She was breathing so hard with her head so high in the clouds she didn't even remember to swallow, letting a string of saliva run from her tongue and connect with the sheets.

Her mouth wasn't the only part of her body drooling, and a similar string of fluid dripped from her stretched out nether-lips and formed a glistening dark patch on the bed.

Baddy was positioned behind and on top - at risk of sounding like a pun, he was doing her doggy-style. As much as he wanted to, he had no idea how to make a "chasing the kitty up a tree" joke. And honestly, he didn't have a lot of left over brain-power he could commit to focusing on coming up with something. He was all focused on trying to avert his mind so he would fill Jennifer to the rim.

His dick had her stretched wide open. For such a voluptuous woman, Jennifer was tight. Her silky insides hugged him just right, and every time Baddy thrusted his body moved on automatic to hilt him all the way inside, like wanted to crawl all the way inside and feel her all around him.

On top of that she was making sounds that would make a man of the cloth turn into a raging sinners. Each mew was hinted with an innocent little squeal like she was a virgin getting the ride of her life. Every so often she'd let out a long "oooooh" and her muscles would squirm, clenching harder on Baddy's cock. Her head would pitch back and she'd bite down so hard on her bottom lip Baddy was sure she'd draw blood. At the same time her slick tunnel would heat up rapidly and the whole exercise would become even more slippery.

Her juices were matting the fur all around Jennifer's crotch and sticking to Baddy's nuts where they slapped her relative clit-area with every pounding motion. A steady flow of juices formed a small waterfall trickling down Jennifer's thigh, and droplets sprayed from where her lips hugged his shaft tightly peppered the bed.

Like the rest of the ship, Jennifer's quarters smelled like a girl's room with the tones of scented candles and sweet oils. Only now it was overpowered by the musty smell of hard, sloppy sex.

Speaking of sloppy.

Jennifer threw her head back, whipping Baddy in the face with a few strands of hair. She felt her slippery love tunnel expand as Baddy's erection throbbed and swelled. She gritted her teeth but screamed through, her cries of pleasure echoing against the - thankfully - sound-proofed walls.

"Come on," Jennifer cooed. "Come on. Cum inside me! Fucking cum inside!"

"Alright, alright. Settle down, 'ya crazy broad."

Baddy twitched, threw in two more shaking thrusts, then clenched up. His lips were peeled back into a pained snarled as he tried to hold back, but yielding against the rush of semen racing up through his erection he released a jet of hot, sticky cum inside the kitty's kitty.

He hadn't thrusted all the way in when he did though. The last thing he wanted was for his knot to swell inside her and for him to be glued to Jennifer in a lewd position for any amount of time. Honestly he didn't even like her enough to be that intimate. She was horny, he was a guy. This wasn't a special romantic moment. It was just sex.

Swallowing, Baddy clenched a few more times, several more ropes of cum shooting up into Jennifer causing her to coo and pant hard as she collapsed forward into her pillows. Each twitch filled her up more till the point of bursting. Despite how full she was already with Baddy's overpowering girth stretching her out, with one final powerful spurt a cloud of white froth bubbled out between her stretched open snatch.

Thick, viscous globules rand down between her widely opened legs and pooled where her knees cratered the bed.

Slowly but surely, Baddy peeled back and slowly un-mounted Jennifer with a wet pop as he pulled out of her.

Breathing hard, Baddy sat back on the foot of the bed, watching as a small trail of white goo bubbled from the winking hole of pink flesh breaking up Jennifer's otherwise unbroken fur. So entranced by the view, Baddy didn't even notice Jennifer lift her head and look over her shoulder at him with a mischievous smile.

Glancing down she noticed another trail of bubbling fluid beaded at the tip of Baddy's still partially erect cock and forming a trail down along the shaft. Clawing her way over, Jennifer almost immediately put her face in his crotch.

"Hey, what are you-..." Baddy looked down and saw Jennifer's rough feline tongue catch the trial of cum drooling down his shaft and lick it all the way up to the tip before she took his whole length into her mouth. "Whoa! Okay!"

Her wet lips gently racking over his shaft, Jennifer's head gently bobbed up and down until the dog's sensitive shaft was all clean before she swallowed it all down...

And then she fell asleep. Just like that, out like a light, Baddy's cock still firmly lodged in her mouth she started snoring. Shuddering as every slightest touch sent lances of fire shooting through his nethers, Baddy slowly pulled his length out of Jennifer's mouth and stumbled off the bed, leaving Jennifer to sleep.

Once he'd collected himself, stepping out into the hall was kind of like stepping off his ship and into the umbilical. In Jennifer's room he had been so drenched in the sticky smell of intercourse he didn't even realise it. But out in the corridor's clean air he became horribly aware of it.

Through the cordite aftershave he now had the dirty musk of scent added to the rainbow of scents in his fur. Sierra would surely notice and insist on dipping him in the bath.

"Ugh." If there was one thing he hated, it was baths.

It's tough being a baddy.

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