Love's Battlefield - Volume 3

Story by Joseph Raszagal on SoFurry

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Love's Battlefield: Volume Three â€" Nightlife and Nightlives

Exiting the school and stepping out into the cool night air, Thomas sauntered down the cracked sidewalk with a confident yet casual stride; his eyes almost glowing with a haughty indifference for the world around him. After all, he'd just finished blackmailing two teens into sexual slavery and abusing the body of a particularly innocent young fox, leaving him crying on the dirty tiled floor of a public school's shower room; a deliciously depraved night if there ever was one and he'd loved every wanton minute of it. And as things stood, the night was not yet over. In the distance behind him, the vague silhouettes of Danni and Forrest could be seen making their ways home, but not to separate domiciles; both to Forrest's home. Thomas, however, was headed in the exact opposite direction of his abode; distancing himself from his lonely little house with each and every added step. To him, the night was still young and there was much, much more to do before the gleaming rays of dawn came stretching over the horizon.

"I love the dark." Sighed the adolescent dog happily. "It's so much more free in the dark than it is in the light..."

Thomas's sights were set on the city's bustling underground center, the dank pit of perverse depravity that thrives chaotically just below the town's otherwise innocuous, innocent surface. One nightclub in particular, 'The Lion's Den', rules the city's secret underground world as the last great sanctuary for the hundreds of unfortunate poor souls who's fetishes and kinks have been deemed too disturbing and unnatural to be accepted by modern society. Truly, this hub of decadence and hedonism is something of a godsend to the people of this weathered metropolis; its doors open to all whom fear the judgmental eyes and ears of their daily brethren. It is here that any fantasy can be fulfilled, any lustful pallet satiated; it's many halls and rooms filled brim with willing servants and their accompanying tools-of-the-trade. It is here that the amorous blue canine is headed... to work...

"How much more does this night have in store?" Mused the Lucario to himself as he came upon the massive wooden doors of what looked to be a castle dated back to the Christian Dark Ages.

"More than you know, I'd venture to say." Laughed an unseen voice from above.

Smiling, Thomas looks up towards the castle's stones gutters and affixes his gaze upon a single shadowed silhouette cleverly mingled amongst the Gothic statues and gargoyles lining the marbled roof. A young bat with reddish brown fur and a devilishly attractive lupine face peers back down at him with a friendly grin. Jumping from his high perch, the rust-colored mammal spreads his wings wide as he glides gently down to solid ground in a stylishly spiraling circle; much more of an mesmerizing acrobatic act than it really needed to be.

Clearly, this was a bat with a sizable amount of respect for aesthetic appeal.

"Heya, Adam." Said Thomas, as though his friend's skillful little display hadn't been as fetching and hypnotizing as it honestly was; returning the smile with a smile of his own. "It's pretty late for you, isn't it? Are you sure you should be here?"

With a neutral shrug of his shoulders, Adam replies, "Urgent matters, Little Boy Blue; very urgent. I wanted to be sure I could speak with you, so I came here; your inevitable destination. After all, I couldn't very well have waited outside of the school for you, could I? At a little past three in the morning, that would have looked pretty suspicious, perhaps suspicious enough to attract some unwanted attention in some unwanted squad cars, eh? And that would have been bad news for both you and the poor boys you were having your way with."

Snapping around in an instant, the Lucario exclaimed, "Wait, you've been waiting here for me this whole time then; for nearly five hours?"

Rolling his mahogany eyes, the slender bat folded his wings back behind him and answered, "Like I said; urgent news. And besides, I'd like to think that I can make time for a friend; even an immoral degenerate friend such as yourself."

"I am what I am." Smirked Thomas in return; slowly losing the edge in his voice. "But thank you for waiting for me; even at the cost of your own health..."

Chuckling sardonically, Adam sighed, "And what a high cost it's become, right? Sooner or later I'm going to run out of money."

That comment had an instantaneous effect upon Thomas's disposition... a negative effect.

Noticing the Lucario's immediate frown, Adam shook his head and sighed begrudgingly, "I know, I know; you don't like it when I'm morbid, not even if it's a sarcastically clever, humorous morbidity. And I'm sorry, it's just that things have gotten complicated recently and I've been needing to talk... some real 'sit down and talk' talk."

"Right, right; then I guess we'll talk." Said Thomas with a reluctant sigh; scratching his head with one paw. Perhaps his personality's greatest flaw, really; he doesn't like it much when conversations take a sharp turn towards grave seriousness, especially when he's emotionally involved. "I have to head on in to work at any minute now, so this might not be the best time, but we will talk tonight; I promise."

As though he had to mull it over in his mind, Adam shut his eyes and thought things through for a second or two before opening them again.

Smiling, the athletic bat tapped his open palm against his forehead and laughed, "Hehe, I kind of forgot about your 'job' for a moment there; sorry about that." Maintaining his bright smile, he added, "But thanks, Thomas; I mean it. I'll be at my house when you get off work, so whenever you're ready, just come on over."

"Not a problem; not for you anyway." Grinned the blue dog as he outstretched his paw.

Gripping the friendly paw with his own, Adam shook it and mused, "Then I guess I'll be off for a relaxing walk in the clouds while I'm on my way home. See you when you get there!"

And with that, the young bat with the million dollar smile spread his wings wide and took off into the air. With each added flap of his sizable wingspan, he drifted further and further out of sight; steadily becoming only a fleeting spec in the dark twilight haze. The Lucario sighed once more at the thought of a serious conversation awaiting him after work and then strode up the stairs and proceeded to tap his closed fist against the massive pair of wooden doors. Several rap-tap-taps later summoned forth a large falcon to the cloudy peephole on the other side and then spurred on a minute-long sonata of locks rapidly unlocking. Then, with a hearty heave, the bird pulled open the enormous double doors and stepped aside as the club's most illustrious patron, attraction, and tease strolled gallantly in; his red canine eyes flashing with joy as his senses were assaulted by the many sights, sounds, and smells previously hidden inside.

"Honey, I'm home." Laughed Thomas wryly; brushing off the dust and dirt collected via walking through the city's grimy streets during the dead of night. "Home; sweet, succulent home."

And indeed, upon entering, the young dog entirely forgot about his impending conversation with Adam and the drama that would likely ensue as a result. He forgot about everything that sat beyond the castle's barricading walls. He was in his element and was ready to get down to business with some hard 'work'...

As the feisty, frisky Lucario entered the club, his nose immediately caught the powerful scents and smells of the building's nightly patrons; a mixed atmosphere of cigarette smoke, alcohol, sweat, cum, and lube. The amalgamated odor was one that the lusty teen had long since become acquainted with; a soothing incense-like fragrance to him. Looking up towards the center stage, a large raised platform suspended three feet above the floor, Thomas could see a ring of furs surrounding five others; a small hyena mounted from the front and back by a total of four feral cats. A hot and horny frenzy erupted on the stage as the young hyena had both his ass and mouth ravaged by two throbbing cocks at once; the four furiously aroused felines stuffing the small slut with all of their might and emptying their loads into his inner confines. The little whore gagged as he was forced to swallow the sizable stream of semen as it spilled down his throat and into his stomach. Howling and screeching, the wildcats dug into his plump ass and rigid shoulders with their claws as climax after climax turned their knees into limp, useless gelatin. The hyena's eyes rolled back from the raw sensation of it all; the thick streams of goo slowly filling his moist insides as the disgustingly filthy, yet wonderfully erotic odors of the club continued to fill his nostrils. All at once, the outer ring of perverted masturbating furs that surrounded them released all of their pent up loads as well, covering the hyena and his four mates in a stringy, globby coating of hot seed.

The show was spectacular and had every onlooker hooting and hollering.

"The little slut still loves the attention, huh?" Smirked Thomas as he continued along his way and glanced towards the second stage.

On this platform stood only two performers; a tan wallaby being dominated and taken from behind by his master, a silvery arctic fox. This act too seemed very close to reaching its finale; both participants panting and moaning wildly as the surrounding audience replied with an uproar of cheering, yelling, and, of course, jacking off. The commanding fox pulled hard on his pet's leash and collar, jerking the bound marsupial's head back and eliciting from him a guttural groan of pleasure. Totally elated and enthralled with his rightful role beneath his master, the wallaby's pair of rounded glasses dangled uselessly at the tip of his nose as his eyes lost their focus and began to steadily roll back. With a deliciously squishy sound, the vulpine's knot popped in and out of the roo's stretched tailhole; the poor Aussie's battered bum invaded and evacuated over and over again by his foxy master's pulsing length of pink meat.

"Hmmm, I don't think I recognize these two." Said Thomas aloud, though mostly to himself.

"Are you kiddin', they've been at it all night!" Exclaimed a nearby dalmatian; his wide grin widening further. "The joey could barely make it onto the stage without trippin' over himself and shakin' in his boots! Hell, I thought he was gonna run away, but his mate leashed 'em and fixed THAT little red wagon; cuffed 'em, tied 'em up, then started stuffin' 'em full!"

Smiling salaciously, the lewd little Lucario laughs, "Shy up until the moment of truth, huh? Hot."

Strolling casually along, Thomas trades waves, nods, salutations, and blown kisses with repeat customers of his. Somewhere near the back of the room, the blue canine finds himself surrounded by tables and booths and the patrons occupying them; the third and currently empty stage just a few short feet away. As though he'd sensed a 'disturbance in the force', he scanned the area; his sharp eyes on the lookout for something that clearly only he could see. Then, as though his gaze had been called towards a specific booth by the gods themselves, Thomas locked eyes with one of his most sought after prizes. A seemingly 'simple' human by the name of Dominic Michael Christopher sat snugly between two other men; a nearly naked dragon wearing only a banana hammock and an effeminate young coyote dressed in a pink fishnet top and, believe it or not, a matching fishnet bottom. To top that off, not only was the feral lupine's cock poorly hidden, he was also quite clearly aroused and in need of some 'assistance'. The black haired and tan toned Dominic laughed jovially as he sipped on his drink, an expensive looking mishmash of colored liquors, and gave no effort to shoo away either of the eager entertainers hanging all over him. This young man was, in Thomas's expert opinion, the ONLY worthwhile human to be found in the entire city; a rare catch with both a stunning body and a jadedly sardonic personality that perfectly matched his own.

"What's a sorcerer like you doing in a den of evil like this?" Mused Thomas with a wily grin as he sat adjacent to the other three. "Shouldn't you be out upholding justice or something of the sort?"

Taking a small sip from a cocktail that he was both too young to drink and too jaded to care about drinking, Dominic smirked in reply, "Justice is such a broad word; too vague to be used these days." And with a wink, he added, "And honestly, another eight seconds spend cooped up in that house with Dante and Beck would have been the end of me; I'm certain of it."

"So, are you here to just read the menu and drool, as per the usual, or are you going to suck it up and finally sample the cuisine?" Questioned the azure pup with a raise of his eyebrows; his gaze drifting across the young man's fit, firm body. At some point during the night, the last half hour or so, someone had managed to unbutton Dominic's black silk shirt and expose his muscular chest; probably the dragon, seeing as how his scaly mitts were the ones groping the handsome wizard's powerful abs. Thomas thanked his lucky stars and continued to stare; molesting the young man with his eyes instead.

Sipping once more, Dominic responds, "No, I think I'm going to enjoy myself tonight and I think I'll let these two help me; if you catch my drift. After all, they seem more than a little willing." Tapping his now-empty glass against the table, the human spellslinger smirks, "I'll take the fuzzy one from behind while the scaly one takes me; how does that sound?"

"A sandwich?" Laughs the Lucario; clearly enjoying the thought of the teenage boy pressed tightly between his fellow coworkers. "Sounds delicious, especially if you add enough mayonnaise."

"Oh, don't you worry, Tommy." Chuckles the dragon as he orders Dominic another Bangkok Bomb; his broad, strong shoulders and sculpted, chiseled chest heaving along with his hearty laugh. Apparently, the little hume liked his men hunky and huge. Interesting. "I'll completely slather the sandwich in rich, white, creamy mayo; there won't be a dry spot between the bread!"

Nearly coughing up some of his drink, the teenage warlock laughs, "At the rate these two are pouring alcohol down my throat, anything's possible. I mean, c'mon, I'd never even heard of an Adios Motherfucker until tonight."

Thomas grins widely at the thought of Dominic's delicious pink ass getting hammered and wasted on obscure cocktails then drunkenly mounting a girlish, crossdressing coyote whilst being nailed from behind by a thick, throbbing drake dick as well. His mind begins to wander into the gutter, as it often does; wondering just how well the boy's untrained hole can handle its first cock, and for that matter, its first knot; wondering just how loud he'll moan once penetrated by seven to eight inches of slick serpentine shaft. He envisions the young man's slender human form trapped between a squealing, giddy hound and a mighty reptile; droplets of salty, musky sweat glistening in the light as they glide across his skin and drip down to the clubs dirty, dirty floor.

Well, ahem, with those images fresh in his mind and a sultry smile to prove it (and a tighter pair of jeans too), the cerulean canine waves goodbye and struts merrily away; pushing his way through a door in the back of the building marked: 'Keep Out, Performers and Entertainers Only'.

"Time to pretty myself up for the big show!" Exclaimed Thomas jovially.

And then, as the door slid shut, the wily Lucario's heart stopped and his smile faded.

Standing before him sporting a subtle smile was, quite possibly, the most stunning rabbit alive; his brightly flashing crimson eyes firmly affixed to the abruptly silenced canine. With a head of hair as dark as the darkest night, decorated here and there with bright scarlet highlights, and a plush coat of fur colored a deep shade of charcoal everywhere save for the shimmering snow white of his slender chest; this bunny could have easily made the front covers of a bajillion different modeling magazines. The twin stars tattooed just under his left eye and the various other designs marked sporadically across his chest, back, and belly were somehow both adorably cute AND salaciously sexy at the same time; not to mention the jaw-dropping, pants-tightening addition of the multicolored series of gems adorning one pert ear and the twin gold rings set through his stiff pink nipples.

Now THIS is one helluva hare.

But wait, a pair of wings extended from his furry back as well; jet black and coarse with scales, like the powerful wings of a noble, regal dragon.

Apparently, he's more than just a mere forest-dwelling bunny...

"Pretty yourself up?" Mused the rabbit's debonair, commanding voice. "Not on my watch, you won't; you're beautiful just the way you are now."

Averting his eyes almost immediately, Thomas licked his lips anxiously and gulped to swallow the suffocating knot in his throat. His normally strong and defiant stare... simply died. Everything haughty, prideful, and confident about his posture melted away as his knees actually began to shake. In an attempt to hide some of himself somehow, the flustered pup clasped his paws behind his back and twiddled his thumbs nervously; failing miserably to appear as anything other than meek and sheepish.

Wow. In less than a single second, this mysterious hare successfully managed to shatter Thomas's normally bulletproof composure into a thousand tiny pieces. Was this sexy stud of a bunny really that intimidating; was he really able to make such a domineering dog submit to him THAT fast?


"And you should know that, my pet." Added the resplendent rabbit. "After all, why bother dressing you up when I'm just going to strip you back down?"

Smiling softly, the beautiful bunny outstretched a single paw and closed his eyes, awaiting every pet's proper response. In the space of a single heartbeat, Thomas was already on one knee with his lips pressed to the hare's occupied ring finger, gently kissing an extravagant gold band socketed with a trio of opal gems. Like a dutiful servant, the hushed Lucario remained kneeling until his master's paw, thoroughly pleased by his performance, was taken from him. The hare chuckled with a merry grin and cupped the blue dog's chin; not so much lifting or pulling the boy to his feet by pure force as much as he was finally allowing him to stand.

"M-master." Replied Thomas in a near whisper; his eyes still anxiously averted. "H-had I known that you would be here tonight, I-I would have done a great deal more to make myself look more presentable. P-please forgive my sloppy, slovenly appearance."

With a bemused look about his face, the rabbit retorts, "Silly boy; were you not listening to me a moment ago? You look fine; far more tantalizing and enticing than the likes of a mere audience deserves."

Thomas replied with more nervous silence; just standing there fidgeting and quivering more than ever.

"Nervous, dear pet?" Questioned the rabbit with a giggle as he pressed a finger to the cerulean canine's lip. "I can't imagine why. After all, you've performed many times before and splendidly at that. It might be a bit prudent of me to say, but I consider you to be one of the club's biggest attractions. Hell, there's been many a night where I've had to endure a veritable tidal wave of requests; all for you." Then, with a devilish grin he added, "But truth be told, you've never been partnered with me, have you?"

Speechless, Thomas shook his head slowly and struggled to fight the visible shivers coursing through him. After all, he'd come in expecting a fairly uneventful night, aside from the wild sex of course; certainly not a night of wild sex with the manager himself!

Known only as Dex, the crowned king of all nightlife and the tens of thousands of nightlives inhabiting his sultry, sullen world, very little about him was known (and he'd have it no other way, thank you very much). Rumors, however, still spread like raging wildfires; tales of his countless conquests as a noble mafioso and the legends surrounding his supposed work running one of the world's largest underground crime syndicates. It was public knowledge that the dashing, charismatic young hare had spent a few short years as an actor in the porn industry, even making a few names for himself along the way, but the details on just WHEN and HOW those experiences had translated over to him becoming the unopposed ruler of a prostitution and pornographic empire were still a little unclear. But regardless of his sketchy past and mysterious background, there were few who could claim immunity to his charms and fewer still who could deny their willingness to submit to his whims; Thomas most certainly included. In fact, the teenage Lucario could barely contain himself whenever Dex's beautiful behind bounced on through his alert gaze; the jiggling of the bunny's firm nether-cheeks enough to put the blue boy in a coma.

And Thomas not-so-secretly lusted after him as well... And better yet, Dex knew...

Brushing a paw through his quivering pet's hair, Dex drew closer still and gently cooed, "If you're worried about measuring up to my standards or something, and I can't for the life of me imagine why, then rest easy." Grasping Thomas by the shoulder, the handsome hare pulled him into his arms and trapped the rattled boy in his warm embrace, trailing a lick up and down his captive's cheek. "Just so you know, I could have just about any piece of tail in this whole goddamn city; all I'd have to do is snap my fingers. And yet, even with that veritable cavalcade of options, I chose to entertain myself tonight with you, my most loyal and faithful of pets."

Again, Thomas failed to muster the strength to reply.

"Now, before we take to the stage and awe the audience with our conjoined, interlocked bodies, I do believe you're missing something." Chuckled Dex gleefully as he motioned with one finger for his shivering servant to kneel once again. "Yes, yes, there's definitely something missing; the only thing I'd ever consider adding to this picture perfect pup of mine. Can you, dear Thomas, guess?"

Stammering, the anxious teen replies, "M-my collar."

With a wide grin the randy rabbit answers, "But of course; such an obvious oversight! How could I forget my pet's collar?"

Still smiling with that sultry little smirk, Dex saunters over to a steel footlocker marked: 'Thomas Alexander Rayne'. Opening it with a whimsical flick of his paw, he withdraws a large leather collar, black and shiny and adorned with a small golden plaque that also bore Thomas's full name; the lettering extravagant and cursive. And if that weren't enough, engrave directly below the young Lucario's name was a single word, the font of which was bold and superimposed.

It read: 'SLAVE'.

Enjoying the moment, the lordly hare caresses the soft fur of his pet's slender, delicate neck; rubbing the pads of his paws all along the silky surface. He giggles fiendishly as the azure dog whimpers quietly. Then, after having his fill of the plush feeling, he leans forward and slowly fastens the symbolic restraint around the sleek and sexy throat of its designated restrainee. Taking a second or two to admire his little slave as he quivers helplessly on the floor, Dex nods silently to himself and then clips a light but sturdy metal chain around the collar's shiny, silver hoop. Finally, tugging on the steel leash, with the room's dim fluorescence reflecting off of its polished chrome-like surface, Dex purrs a sweetly poisonous command and orders his pet to stand.

"There we go; that's all the prettying up and primping you'll need." Whispers the ravishing bunny as he nibbles on one perked canine ear. "Are you ready for the show to begin?"

Gulping down yet another nervous lump in his throat, Thomas stammers, "Y-yes, M-master."

Narrowing his eyes, Dex wraps the chain around his paw several times, pulling Thomas close. Peering down at him, the domineering rabbit smirks, "Still afraid, eh?" Furrowing his brow and pressing a finger to his temple, he asks, "Thoughts of inadequacy; apprehensive feelings of self-doubt? Tell me, dear slave, are you afraid of performing poorly in the presence of your master?"

Biting his lip, Thomas nods his head silently.

Pushing Thomas up against a wall, pinning the tense and frightened dog between his arms, Dex laughs, "You really haven't been listening, have you? Didn't you hear me at all; didn't you pay attention?" With a sinister smile, the master looms over his slave and sighs, "I could, quite literally, have any mate of my choosing; any man, any woman, anywhere, anytime. This town belongs to me, it's my play-place, and I've long since earned the right to have the pick of the litter here. And yet, even with that endless, limitless list of options, all of whom are ready and willing to submit to yours truly, I still sifted through the sand and chose only a single gem; I chose you." Then, in a seductive smirk, Dex adds, "And should you doubt that, the truth that I could have anyone I so desired, mind you that my strut alone is enough to make a grown man, married with children, ejaculate in his honest, hardworking jeans like a well-seasoned slut; forcing him to drop his pants faster than a fighter jet drops a chemical bomb. Believe that, little pet, lest I be forced to show you my powers in public; with everyone in the whole damn world watching; their eyes fixed on you and your tight little pair of denim short-shorts as your sinful stain begins to show through. You'll squeal, you'll squirm, and you'll hide your face in shame, but you will understand, little pet; I'll make certain of that."

Whimpering as Dex grips down even tighter upon his leash, Thomas lets out an audible squeak as he attempts to turn away.

"But, I know I needn't take such drastic measures; not with you." Laughs the raunchy, randy rabbit. "Your imagination alone is enough to keep you mesmerized, hypnotized, and above all else, obedient. Because as foul and dirty and stained as I can make you to be; I know for a fact that you'd still love every depraved moment of it; you'd wallow happily in a pool of submissive sin like a pig in the mud. And so, in light of that, listen up my cute little slave; you may be interested in what I'm about to do to you. What I've said and done over these past few minutes amounts to almost nothing in comparison to the countless things that I'm about to indulge myself in; for indeed, oh yes indeed, such a pretty little thing as yourself should be made to gasp, groan, and cry out in ecstasy." In a rumbling, lustful growl, Dex twirls a finger through his slave's mane of dark dreadlocks and continues, "Just imagine yourself thrown hard against an unmoving wall with one paw held firm against your back, holding you down in submission, whilst another covers your maw and muffles your guilt-ridden moans. Imagine the delightful shiver that will go shooting down your spine and across your entire body as I bite down upon one of your tense shoulders and run a single finger down the smooth trail of silky blue fur leading towards the crack of your ass."

"M-master!" Yelps Thomas as an intrusive paw somehow finds its way down the back of his pants and between his cheeks.

"Oh, it gets better." Purrs the bunny; his eyes shining with lust and hunger. "Then imagine your lips quivering uncontrollably as I tug upon the base of your tail and steadily pull you towards me; towards my slick and dripping tool as it extends, inch by inch, from my sheath. Marvel at it for as long as you can, because I won't be giving you much time to merely look; no no no. After all, why look and gawk at something when you're given the option to touch and feel it instead; when you're able to experience it rather than simply view it? And so, with that said, imagine how you'll squirm from the helpless sensation of my paws gripping down upon your furry cheeks; spreading your slender legs apart as I prepare to lay siege to your castle walls with my battering ram and enter your sanctuary..."

Trailing off into silence, Dex pulls away and stands back up, straightening himself. Looking down at his petrified pet, he smiles softly; a competition for attention currently underway between Thomas's terrified expression and his raging erection's attempt to escape his restrictive trousers. Clearly, the boy was indeed frightened, but apparently anxious fear wasn't the ONLY emotion coursing its way through his system.

"Now, knowing what you know, that you are my one and only tonight, I will ask once more." Says the hare. "Are you ready?"

Though afraid and unsure and much, much more, Thomas nods his head yet again. He has ALWAYS been ready for this.

"Ha ha, still silent? No matter; well said nonetheless!" Exclaims Dex merrily as he presses a paw to the door. "Now strip out of those useless covers of yours; it's time to start the show!"

Blushing feverishly, the pensive pet did as he was told and piece by piece removed his clothing; revealing all of himself. He slammed shut his eyes as his stiff cock emerged, already dribbling pre, and saluted its master's master. Tossing the last article aside, that tiny pink thong of his, Thomas shuddered at the feeling of the cold air stinging against the sensitive flesh beneath his navy fur.

But he'd be warm again soon enough.

And then, without another word, Dex shoved the door open and stepped forward. Squinting his eyes as the bright, colorful lights of the club's main hall assaulted him, Thomas had little time to readjust and was soon jerked through the door by his leash; forced to trot blindly behind his master. All eyes from all directions immediately centered on the cerulean canine and the handsome hare guiding him via chain. The attention wasn't something that the Lucario was unfamiliar with; not at all. He'd performed on stage many times before and always did well, sending the audience roaring for an encore each and every time (an encore that he'd likely be far to tired to provide). In fact, Thomas had played and portrayed just about every sexual role in the book; serving as the bottom for many a burly, rugged top. However, that said, the blue boy never actually submitted himself mentally; it was always his superb, albeit somewhat deceptive, acting skills that made it 'appear' as though he were being used and abused. In truth, he'd never once been manipulated or controlled; that was always his job to enact upon another.

But tonight's audience was none the wiser as the two sexy stars climbed on stage. They had no idea, none whatsoever, that their favorite adolescent lupine would be made into a moaning, groaning bitch for the first time in his whole wanton life. After all, had they known that, it would have been impossible to quell them; it's just a hellishly hot thought.

Taking his rightful place at the throne already awaiting him on stage, Dex maintains his famously cool composure as he smirks, "This must be so different for you, dear pet. You've long since become so used to dominating others, only to have the tides turned and be dominated yourself. Do tell me, is the irony to your liking?"

Wanting to preserve his pride while in front of a large crowd, Thomas did his very best to at least refrain from stuttering while replying; not wanting to appear quite THAT weak. Quietly, he responded, "Yes, Master."

"I see." Mused the bunny with a wicked smile. "So you enjoy serving me?"

Though his voice shook with anxious embarrassment, his fear of admitting the truth, Thomas did not stammer as he replied, "My one purpose in this life is to serve you, Master; to serve you in each and every way possible."

Bursting out in sharp laughter, Dex grins wide, displaying his flawlessly white teeth, and retorts, "And I wouldn't have it any other way, believe me!" Then, with a lack of concern for their servants that only a member of the royal family could display, the regal rabbit lifts his bare hindpaws and literally shoves them into Thomas's unprepared face. Grinning even wider, ready to kick things off with a bit of a kink, he casually states, "For your first task, you will clean your master's feet. I've spent the entire day either walking or standing and they're quite dirty; in need of a good, thorough washing."

"Yes, Master." Answers the broken record that Thomas both portrayed and truly WAS.

Taking the domineering hare's hindpaws between his fingers, the leashed Lucario immediately begins massaging them; gently rubbing his master's tired pads with a soothing series of repeating circular motions. The soles and heels were the first to receive affection as Thomas caressed the weary flesh with the tender skill of a practiced masseuse. His paws contoured around the two furry feet like a pair of specially designed therapeutic shoes; kneading away, in a matter of minutes, any minor aches and pains that the bunny's footsies might have had. Then, after eliminating any and all discomfort in the arches, the collared canine shifts his focus to the toes. Doctoring and pampering each toe individually and rubbing away any remote stiffness, Thomas finally closes his eyes, licks his lips, sucks in a nervous puff of air, and opens his maw. Dex simply cocks his head back and exhales a long sigh of satisfaction as his slave's tongue touches down and moistly brushes along the surface of his overworked feet; one at first and then the other. The wet, warm sensation of the azure dog's saliva trickling across and slowly coating his padded skin sends a few blissful shivers shooting up and down the ruling rabbit's spine. His short, fluffy tail twitches and his eyes close as the indentured tongue continues its course, slathering his hindpaws in pungent lupine spit. Far more heavenly and relaxing than any mere massage, Dex tightens his grip upon the throne's armrests and gasps in ecstasy as his servant's skilled oral muscle slips between his toes. The small spaces between each pair receive their own long, luscious lick and a generous amount of doggie drool; the black fur matting as Thomas's spit seeps its way towards his master's supple skin beneath. Then, fairly certain that his work was sufficient enough, did the dog proceed to take the bunny's toes into his steaming hot muzzle and suckle on them just as a nursing child would with a bottle. This lasted for another two minutes; the sweet and salty taste of the hare's hindpaws filling his mouth and penetrating his taste buds.

Taking his pampered pads away as he crossed his legs, Dex nodded his head and silently motioned for his vassal to stand. With a contented sigh, he said, "I knew that there was a good reason to decide against a more conventional foot-bath today, but I just couldn't put my finger on why. That was an hour ago. Now I know why."

"Thank you, Master." Uttered Thomas quietly. "I'm glad you enjoyed it."

"As am I, little pet, as am I." Retorted the horny hair with a raise of his eyebrows. "But I do believe it's time to kick things off. If it wouldn't be too much of a bother, would you please bring your doting master to full mast?"

"Yes, M'lord." Replied the canine through the burning red veil of a fierce blush.

At last, he'd get to feel the powerful erection of an equally powerful man throbbing and pulsing in his paw; the bits and pieces of the most beautiful bunny alive.

Crawling forward on his knees, Thomas wastes no time as he cups his master's balls and jiggles them gently between his fingers. With his other paw still free, he begins rubbing the rabbit's furry sheath up and down, stopping every few strokes to poke a finger into the warm pouch and feel the hardening contents emerging. Squeezing softly at the hare's plump pair of Easter eggs, he leans forward and sweetly kisses the firm sack; licking it tenderly as his paw slips beneath the seated sire and begins to caress the bunny's taint and tailhole. Drinking in the musky, sexy pheromones as he buries his nose deep into his master's crotch, Thomas fells the bunny's furry pocket bulge slightly and distend as the tip of his shaft pokes free. Swirling a single finger around the head and coaxing it out further, inch by sexy inch, the chained canine marvels in utter awe at its length, thickness, and delicious beauty. Gently grasping it in his paw, he squeezes and strokes its smooth surface; feeling the dirty pole stiffen and harden in his grip. Even Dex ran into some difficulty as he attempted to contain himself and maintain his composure, every once in a while failing to halt an elated sigh or gasp as it successfully escaped his well-licked lips. Eventually, a full ten inches stood proudly in the air; the black length of rabbit meat throbbing and twitching against its owners trim tummy.

Lazily lifting one arm, almost as if the prideful rabbit were somehow disinterested with the salacious scenario, he placed a paw just behind Thomas's ears and pulled the boy towards him; towards his dark, pulsing cock.

No words were necessary. Thomas knew what his master wanted and he was more than willing to provide.

Placing a long lick up the hare's hard shaft, from the testes to the tip, Thomas swirls his well-trained tongue around the head and continues to massage the small patch of fur between his master's balls and puckered hole. The precum that flowed forth as a result assaulted his senses like a delicately prepared nectar; a fine wine brewed by a body that clearly favored succulent fruits over salty meats.

"How does it taste, little one?" Cooed Dex as he tightened his grip upon the back of Thomas's head.

Lifting his head, the small servant blushed and replied, "Sweet, like honey."

With a haughty, prideful laugh, Dex grins devilishly and chuckles, "I would hope so, I've worked hard to make it desirable. Knowing that my little pet finds it delectable is quite flattering."

And then the scene continues. Slowly lowering his head, the dirty dog took as much of the rabbit's long rod as he could into his moist maw, steadily bobbing his head up and down. Taking his time, Thomas finds himself relishing in the flavor once again; lapping and rolling his pink tongue around the dripping dick in an effort to taste as much of it as he possibly could. The saccharine sweet pre dribbled down his throat as he took yet more of the pulsing pole into his muzzle and began to deepthroat. Wet, slurping sounds filled the air around the two performers as Dex's slick cock slid down the canine's throat and spilled more and more copious amounts of warm, tangy liquid into the lupine's greedy gullet. Skilled at such things, Thomas starts swallowing; contracting and constricting his esophagus around the throbbing, meaty invader. Unable to hold back any longer, Dex groans from the combined sensation of the loving physical affection of his subordinate and mounting pressure within his leaking length of rabbithood. Moaning loudly, he reaches his first climax and fires off a thick stream of semen into the gleeful dog's mouth; shuddering as the addicted young boy greedily continues to suck hard on his master's proud penis, milking it for every last drop of the creamy dessert stored within.

Murring as the fiery orgasm slowly subsided, the ravished rabbit murmured, "Better than I could have hoped for, my pet; far better."

"You flatter me, Master." Replied Thomas shyly as he licked his spattered lips and swallowed the last of the load still filling his maw.

With a smirk, Dex laughs, "No, no, I haven't begun to flatter you yet."

But Thomas had little time to think as Dex almost immediately took to his feet once more and loomed haughtily over his tethered toy; his black wings spreading almost as wide as his sinister smile. The Lucario looked up in astonishment as the hare tugged hard on his leash, directing the cobalt canine's gaze towards his fuzzy nether-regions. Amazingly, the beautiful bunny's raging hard-on was indeed hard again.

Well, you don't become the sultan of smut without a few qualifying credentials, right? Round two, ding ding!

"On your paws and knees, boy." Commanded the hare's smooth, velvety voice. "It's high time that we got down to business."

Again, without so much as a retort or a remark, Thomas scuttled a small distance away on his knees and then fell to his paws; that sexy rump of his sticking up in the air. The surrounding crowd hoots and hollers as the rabbit circles around to face that beautiful bum, knowing full and well what is about to take place. Inspecting his prize, Dex takes a paw and grips down gently upon one of Thomas's supple cheeks, admiring the firmness and the plush coat covering it. Thoroughly pleased, he drops to his knees as well and begins stroking his dribbling cock in his paws, feeling it pulse and throb in his padded grip. The hare looks over to the foot of his throne and grabs a small bottle resting right next to it; the words The Tightest Fit marked across its label in bold lettering. Flicking open the cap with his thumb, Dex squeezes a liberal amount of the viscous fluid contained within out into his open palm and proceeds to slather his dick with the slippery lubricant. Leaning forward with his hips, the beautiful bunny begins sliding his buttered-up boner in and out of Thomas's sexy crack; playfully moving it up and down the Lucario's ass and making a wonderfully alluring mess all the while. With a fiendish laugh, the randy rabbit feels his captive growing impatient beneath him, hungry for that length of rabbit meat to finally penetrate him, and decides to end his torturous, taunting games. Pressing the tip to Thomas's sensitive ring, he swirls it around for a brief moment, lubing up the whole area, and then surges forward like a machine designed only to fuck, fuck, fuck, and fuck some more. The blue dog yelps in shock as he is suddenly filled with more than half of his master's full length, the thick rod forcibly spreading his insides apart as it plunges deep into his farthest reaches. Yanking on the leash, Dex grins evilly and cuts short his slave's protest; pulling almost entirely out and then pumping yet more of his pulsing penis back into the cerulean servant's bowels. Picking up speed and taking on a steady rhythm, the raunchy rabbit and his ten mighty inches violate the trained slut's ass, immediately eliciting a long series of moans, groans, and wails from the leashed lupine's panting maw.

"How do you like that, little one?" Growled Dex as he rammed himself back into the blue boy's butt; sinking his pole deep into the clenching hole. "Are you finally ready to accept that you are the PERFECT pet for me to use, abuse, and taint with sin?"

With wide eyes. Thomas balls his fists and cries out, "Y-yes! Yes, M-master! J-just don't s-stop! M-make me yours, fill m-me up, force me t-to scream!"

With a pompous, conceited smirk, the horn-dog hare continues to thrust into his slave and replies, "I don't plan on stopping until I've broken you, boy!"

Gaining even more speed, Dex continues to jackhammer the adolescent ass in front of him; the wet, squishy, sloppy sounds of the young pup's tunnel being plowed through by his master's long train growing louder and more mesmerizing with each passing second. Thomas's screams and shouts serving only to further arouse his anal assailant, spurring the bunny on to even greater speeds and depths. At this point the surrounding audience is pawing off furiously, some climaxing early while others hold out for a short while longer. Various jets of spunk and semen splatter the attendees; some getting covered head-to-toe by their fellow feverishly fapping furs. These additional scents hit Thomas's nose almost immediately and assist in muddling his normally sharp mind with an even thicker sexual, sensual fog. His tongue lolls out of his mouth and dangles uselessly to the side as yet more guttural groans of ecstasy escape his lungs. His eyes, like so many others in the club tonight, roll happily back. Even his tail relishes in the jaw-dropping, mind-numbing experience as it thrashes from side to side, sweeping across Dex's chest like a furry broom. The regal rabbit, however, maintains some composure even as he pumps and thrusts with his sizable column of pulsing meat; breaking his character to huff and puff every so often.

"So close!" Growls Dex as a pressure begins to build within him.

Wrapping his arms around the crying, whimpering canine beneath him, the hare struggles to force his entire length into Thomas's warm, moist cavern; rutting and ravaging the blue dog's ass as though he would die upon stopping. The leashed Lucario, lost in a carnal daze and reveling in the fact that the man of his wet dreams was finally rubbing his insides raw and practically splitting him in half, could barely manage a sober, coherent response and instead continued to yelp and yip absentmindedly. The only thought that consumed his mind was of the dark pole sliding in and out of him, pushing his tight inner walls apart with its thick width. It felt absolutely superior to any and every cock he'd taken before; its length and girth hammering into his distended tailhole and sending explosive shock-waves of pleasure shooting through his entire body. But like his master, Thomas's climax was fast approaching and he wouldn't last much longer; the tingling pressure within him steadily coming to a bubbling boiling point. And then it happened. Slamming his eyes shut and howling at the ceiling, the stuffed slut throws his head back and spurts all over the stage beneath him; volley after volley of the navy dog's sticky seed splattering the innocent wood paneling in thick streams and ropes. Still screaming at nothing in particular, the blue boy kept on cumming and cumming; six or seven individual sprays covering his portion of the stage in a delicious coating of his sweet and sour whipped cream.

Spreading his wings wide, Dex rears his head back and spits out a spiraling cone of fire as his orgasm finally hits him; shouting a simple, monosyllabic, "Yes!"

Slamming back into that battered blue butt one last time, the raunchy rabbit plunges his entire dick deep inside before erupting. Thomas's eyes widen immediately as a river of milky spunk rushes forth from his master's pulsing penis and begins to fill his every nook and cranny; warm, sticky liquid gushing into him and flooding his tight tunnel with a hot, rapturous sensation. Clenching every muscle south of the boarder, the lewd Lucario milks the pulsating length of bunny meat still buried deep inside his ass for every last drop, taking it all into his gut just like a faithful little whore. But eventually even Thomas is filled brim, leaving what seems to be gallons of the hot, white fluid nowhere to go other than out and down the dirty dog's legs. A small trickle of cum followed by a running stream of white leaks out of the boy's stretched hole and dribbles down in copious amounts to the floor; matting and staining the cerulean fur along the way. And after what seems to be an eternity passes, Dex pulls his emptied cock out and allows yet more of the carrot-fed cream to come spilling out; the overflowed young boy finally unplugged and able to leak at his leisure.

Struggling to stand back up, Dex decides against the effort and instead falls back into the cushioned comfort of his gaudy throne. Thomas, however, gives up completely on any notions of lifting himself from the floor and slides his arms to his sides; no longer supporting himself, he lays down in the profuse puddle of his own warm spunk.

"Well, boy..., how was I...?" Questioned the exhausted hare after several minutes of reclining in the afterglow. "Did I meet your... standards... at least?"

Having been mated like crazy and turned into his master's own personal cum container, how else was the debauched dog supposed to reply? Giggling at that thought, the teenage sex toy replied, "Master..., your meat... met every standard ever..."

Turning his head to the side, Thomas catches a glimpse of the performers on the nearest adjacent stage. A coyote in pink fishnet being mated by a spry young human who was in turn being thrust into by a crimson dragon as well; the three going at it and fucking more furiously than most had any right at all to do. Smiling, the cobalt canine took a mental note of how well the pink skinned spellslinger both gave and took cock, making certain to photograph the blushing human boy's face with his mind. Then finally, all out of steam, he closes his eyes and drifts off into a sedate slumber; his body barely registering the two lions lifting him and carrying him back to the changing rooms.

"Can this night... possibly... get any better?" He mumbles just before dozing off completely.