Confessions of a Dragon: Chapter 9

Story by Montrosity on SoFurry

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#10 of Confessions of a Dragon: My Memiors of My Time on Earth

Confessions of a Dragon: Chapter 9

A View With A View:

The view of the valley does look absolutely stunning from here high in the mountains. The air a bit cool and crisp but my thick dragonhide keeping the bitterness at bay. I found the cave and this ledge a few months ago and I love coming up here to get away from it all. I can see the whole complex below, lining the base of the Mountain I am currently perched upon. The gateway lies deep inside the base with a long tunnel connecting to the outside.

The facilities still relatively new, built after the humans discovered the gate buried so deep below a couple of decades ago. They had to clear out the collapsed tunnel and erected the building rather quickly. Then again, we had a war going on in my homeworld that we got very close to losing. The demon invasion not only almost completely defeated the humans gave us dragons a very hard time. Luckily discovering the gates gave us access to the better technology of the humans of this world. A big help in not only halting the demon horde advance but to actually repel them. But more on that later.

Right now I am relaxing. Well, trying to anyway. My mind lays heavy with the thoughts of the previous day. That big breakthrough in the murder case brings me worry as I can do nothing but wait. Both Jim and Ted, along with a few security personnel, took the pimp Eddie that I inTERRORgated yesterday to retrieve that all important digital camera. I seems Mary might have snapped a few pictures of her killer a few days before she met her end.

Even Freddie searching for more information out on the streets. All I can do is wait and listen for any reports on my special made 2-way radio. I am getting great reception up this altitude though not much traffic to listen to so far. Munching on this mountain goat carcass provides the only thing to occupy my time at the moment. Don't worry, I made sure it wasn't on the endangered species list. In fact, the whole area literary teeming with the critters. Not many humans around as the surrounding land restricted to unauthorized civilians.

I don't get to hunt much, especially coming to this world. But it is nice to satisfy my hunting instinct every once a while. Not exactly a burning desire for me though I like to indulge myself whenever I get a chance. The food severed back at the cafeteria provides adequately for my needs. However, nothing is quite like catching and eating your own meal fresh from the kill.

I already ate most of my prey and skinned it. The fur hangs off a wooden frame to dry off so I can make some fine leather out of it. I really don't like to waste so I am using much of the lifeless body as I can. Just when I go back to basting my spread wings in the sun, I get an alert on my communicator.

The Call Waiting:

Freddie the seeker blares on the other end, "Hey boss... I mean Guiding Angel, I found some information on the kille... umm, what was it? Oh, the Blight. I talks to some of my, lets say, associates and got some important news. Something suspicions going on a one of the abandon warehouses. It seems a cop car parked nearby and a person mating the description of, um, the Blight took someone handcuffed into one of the empty buildings. I think it is our guy, boss." Freddie having a bit of trouble getting the codenames right but manage eventually.

I immediately stop chewing on my meal, "Hang tight. Are you at the warehouse location?" I fumble with the control pad on my forearm, not used to the it yet. I finally find the control to get Freddie's exact GPS location.

"I'm just behind the building, Guiding Angel. Want me to peek inside?" Freddie willingness to enter the building surprises me a bit knowing what he saw last time.

"okay, the Seeker, go ahead but be very careful. Stay out of sight. I am going to fly there as fast as I can. I'll contact Jim and Ted on the way and we all can talk... that is if I can figure this thing out. Ah, there is goes. They should be on the line soon."

Already racing in the air, I direct my flight straight toward Freddie according to the his GPS reading. Ted answers the radio, "This is the Playmaker returning the Guiding Angel call. Can you read me?"

I reply, "Guiding Angel here, I have the Seeker on the line. Possible location of the Blight. Could be the action in progress. Now flying directly there." Gods, I hate all these codenames but all of it Ted's doing.

The old pro have not problem with the names though I cough hear his frown coming from my headset. I know he hates the fact that I am racing toward the city. The sun about to set so it'll be dark by the time I get there so I will have enough cover. However I am sure Ted still not liking the idea. He know it would be no use taking me out of it so he accepts it. Besides, I will beat him and the rest of the team to the warehouse by several minutes, and every second counter. That poor handcuffed guy's life running very short. "Roger that. Just stay out view, will you. You too Seeker. Big Cheese and I are rushing to your location, the gang and all."

Pounce Bounce:

My wings burns with the exertion of flying at maximum speed but I don't care. It will be plenty of time to rest them when I land. The darkness of the setting sun masks my flight just as I reach that warehouse. Freddie had a hard time finding a way inside but able to pry a vent on the roof and finds the room where the naked victim being strung up on a rope very much like Mary had been. That bastard cop strips naked himself and folds his his clothes away. He begins to taunt the victim with his knife, making shallow cuts into his chest. Then the dirty cop gets behind his target and start to rape.

I arrive just moments later, hoping there is still time to save the victims life. I easily snap the chain on the back door and use the GPS to lead my to Freddie. He whispers while pointing to a door, "He is in here."

Even though the doorway the standard size, I burst through it like it wasn't there. I rush at the murderous cop, closing the distance. Despite the great surprise of having a dragon coming straight at him, the trained reflexes of the cop jumped into action. He grabs his nearby gun and shoots me three times before I get to him. My arm lashes out and smacks that gun flying out of his hand before he is able to fire more shots, breaking his wrist in the process.

I roar, "You fucking bastard! I got you!" My paw grabs his neck, lifting him off the ground while screaming into his face. Freddie rushed right behind me and picks up the blooded knife. He uses it to cut the victim free. Then he takes the shocked victim out of the room, now filled with an angry dragon. The events transpiring too much for both of them to watch.

Yeah, I am extremely angry indeed. My snarling teeth just inches from the criminal. He stares at me, unblinking as he wonders what the hell just happened. Being used to be the one in control, his mind froze for a moment. My paw on his neck so tight that he can hardly breath.

"You bastard, you fucking bastard! Your killing days are over, sicko! You're going to pay for your crimes! Never again you be able to taste freedom! You're mine!" I scream for any minutes, all the while suspending in mid-air and shaking him like a ragdoll.

Ted and his security force finally arrives with guns drawn. They would have been too late to save the victim if I didn't make it here in time. I let go and the cop crumples on the floor, screaming hoarsely blood murder.

"What the hell is this? Who are you? What the fuck? What are you?" The cop confused of his situation, trying to make sense of it all.

I bend down, "I am the guiding angel, the avenger for all your crimes. We know what you did. Justice will be served."

The sick bastard tries to spit at me but only manages to flip some spittle on his chin. His breath largely still knocked out of him. Then he laughed. Yeah, he sat there laughing like a maniac. What a twisted messed up mind he must have. No matter. He is quickly handcuffed and lead out of the room to be turned over to the authorities.

Ted comes over and taps on my upper arm. "He'll be turned over to the police. I have contacts to make sure he will be processed. Meanwhile, you should get out of here. The evidence collection crew on their way and you would be hard to explain. No need to make things more complicated. We will take of the rest."

I nod, agreeing with his point. Luckily the killer's choice of a desolate locale working in my favor. But not wise to linger for too long. I tested my luck for too long and be best to get going.

Thankfully it is over, finally. The killing ends tonight and I can rest easy... as least I thought. Things really gets crazy, very very crazy indeed...