King of the Urban Jungle

Story by IYamADocta on SoFurry

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Hehe, it's me again. To my fans I'm sorry for neglecting you for so long. But this story just sorta came to me and I felt like posting it. It's a bit of a rush job but I hope you enjoy it.


A gentle thudding could be heard, slow, rhythmic and deliberate. It was that same blasted melody that his fingers always seemed to tap to when he found himself bored. King of the Jungle he was often jokingly called by his friends and peers. The young lion was a prime male specimen, he should have been out enjoying life and putting his naturally extraordinary physique to good use. But being the level headed and rather dull man that he was Ilez never thought of pursuing the worlds of vanity, athleticism or dare he even think of it, eroticism. The silver lion was on the cusp of turning thirty and yet he had already settled into his routine, he would sit in his office and wait for live customers to actually greet his attention starved sapphire eyes. But no, only stack after stack of paperwork came to visit. Given the firm's insistence that he need not deal with all the riff-raff that might come his way he was assigned a young and haughty secretary to handle his affairs. The hyena was nearly as bored as he was but she could often break her monotony, she would tell the customer's that they had filed this and that wrong or that they should go to the office just down the hall, that mister Aji's was hard at work with some of the more important paper work and that he couldn't handle all the clients he used to be able to. True his work on the corporate books was certainly much more important in terms of scale than the work he'd be doing balancing old grandmother's checkbooks or sorting distressed mother's tax forms but he missed and yearned for that human contact. He could already feel his powerful crimson mane graying, or so he thought given the day to day stress though this was certainly just a figment of his imagination.

His secretary, Cindy, was a bit of an oddball. She came off as a spoiled teen when ever Ilez would give her instructions, often raising an eyebrow just enough to form a quizzical arch above one of her amber pools and then she'd mumble about getting to it later. Low cut blouses and tight skirts showed off us much of her youthful and as Ilez often reminded himself off limits body. And yet when ever concerned clients would rush in she'd transform into the sweetest and most sincere creature on the planet, informing them of as many loopholes as she could conjure up and pointing them in the right direction where she could, though she tried to hide this from Ilez he saw on occasion when he would gave out of his office window and watch her intently.

Half way through the day he would excuse himself for an hour, nearly every day it was at the same time. He would promptly receive a text from one of his close friends from the firm, unsurprisingly his general good nature and natural charisma certainly made him very popular among his co-workers. The young lion would have a quick lunch, often laughing alongside his friends as they joked and talked, truly these were the happiest moments of his regiment ridden work days. The lion always left far more than his share of the bill, jokingly claiming that if he didn't leave enough for a tip there wouldn't be any, as he would often excuse himself early from the lunch and head back to the office and disappear into his private bathroom. Only the sharpest of ears pressed straight to the door could hear the muffled roar and faint splashing sounds that would have given away what it was that he pretty much needed to do before returning to work, and no one was ever anywhere near the door.

And so his routine would go on day in and day out when ever he worked, his weekends were certainly another matter and he certainly lived and he lived well. His life though monotonous was not one to pity if that is what this drab exposition might lead you to believe. True relationships were never his forte, in fact though he was loathe to admit it all of his charisma flew out the window when it came to dating, in fact the young go getter was indeed still a virgin. But that was all soon going to change as were many things in his life.

It all started one week day, he had finished his load of paperwork early and with out the mountain of files to obstruct his vision or distract his trained ears he noticed something was amiss. Cindy wasn't there she certainly hadn't notified him and as a quick call confirmed she hadn't notified any other branch of the firm either. Always the big hearted one he quickly made up an excuse, claiming he was nauseous and needed to rest at home, and set off to look for the young teen. A quick trip to her home offered no answers, no one seemed to be home. Her parents were probably at work and any siblings she may have had could have been any number of places given that it was the summer time. His mind raced to all sorts of possibilities, some simply unflattering portrayals of her as an unmotivated worker who just took the day off with out calling in and some examples of the worst floated into his mind. And so he scoured the streets for his secretary, why he still didn't know in earnest, perhaps he cared for her more than he thought he did but he certainly didn't have time to ponder that. His hunger for routine soon set in and then his eyes wandered over to a place that he never would have dreamed of venturing into but he could feel his desire for certain actions he'd normally dare not speak of growing and he succumbed.

As he entered the club the pungent smell of cigarette smoke and cheap alcohol hit his nostrils like a freight train. The lion somewhat ashamed quickly payed the cover charge and took a seat in front of the stage, his eyes closely following each performer as they went about their routine. Each burlesque act captivated him in ways he never would have imagined and as he kept subconsciously reaching into his wallet and demanding another scotch from the waiter he soon found his vision hazing. He could barely make out the last performer who when announced received a loud series of cheers of approval from the crowd, and as she made her way out she eyed the crowd. The sight of the inebriated lion forced a girlish shriek of indignation from her lips as she quickly covered herself and retreated behind the curtain. The once overjoyed crowd began to boo and hiss loudly, beer bottles and the like were hurled at the curtain. The performer who to Ilez was a mystery whispered to a rather muscular wolf and Ilez soon found himself being told to leave. How ever for all of his outstanding qualities his ability to process liquor wasn't one of them and he promptly stuck a finger in front of the bouncer's face. Several blows later and being dragged out by the scruff of his collar and Ilez found himself very drunk, somewhat bloody and lying in the gutter. His vision tunneled and soon faded to nothingness.

The once proud lion awoke with a throbbing head, he felt several cotton balls in his mouth and was sore in many places. He found himself stripped of his shirt and lying in an unfamiliar bed, the fur of his chest was scuffed and somewhat messy, not nearly as neat as he often kept it though he was relieved to see that his muscles hadn't gone anywhere not that they could have of course. Ilez's eyes began to slowly circle the room as he placed one firm paw upon his head, the pain unbearable, and as he took in more of the room it dawned on him he was in a young girl's room... No a teenage girl's room, it was colorful, filled with pictures of young actors and the like. But what shocked him the most was what could only be described as a shrine to him, photos and the like of him as well as... A copy of his personnel file?! And a little hand painted sign hung from the shelf, "King of the urban jungle", he chuckled lightly though he was certainly too paralyzed by fear to truly find it humorous or investigate it.

A light tapping against the door and a sheepish mumble could be heard before the door slowly creaked open. It was none other than that final burlesque dancer. She was wearing red pump, a plain white g-string which didn't really cover her outerlips and a fishnet top that certainly was more for show than for cover. And then as he stared at the ashamed face, scarred deeply with the reddest of blushes it dawned on him. Tears welled up in her eyes as Ilez mouthed the word "Cindy" in amazement. He began to cough weakly and she handed him a glass of water with a small sob. He struggled to sit up and she helped him up slowly, when her arms wrapped around his muscular form a powerful scent hit the lion's trained nose though it was one that he certainly had no experience with.

"Cindy? Is- Is that really you?", the lion was very confused. And the pounding in his head certainly wasn't helping.

"Uhm... Yes... Yes sir.", she managed to say between light sobs.

"What happened? And er where's my shirt?", he said, trying his hardest not to stare at the practically bare and luscious melons right in front of his face.

"Well it's kinda hard to explain but-"

And so she told him everything, about how the job as a secretary was just a dayjob and that it wasn't enough to help her family pay the bills. That she had to start dancing at night and on weekends. That the money soon became really good as she began to draw in a crowd, how they'd come rushing in to see a fifteen year old and how she had become caught up in it. How she soon grew to have feelings for him and how those feelings developed into unrequited love, why at this point she was really spending her summer at the accounting firm. And when she saw him what a shock it had been to her and how she didn't want him to see her that way. How what was supposed to be a polite escort out became a confrontation with the bouncer which ended up in him being in the condition he was in now.

"Well that answers a few things but why are my pants still on?", Ilez joked.

"I said I had a crush on you, not that I was going to take advantage of you sir.", she said with a slight giggle. Though it was a small step he could tell he had made her somewhat more comfortable with the truth of the situation. "So uhm...", she began to prattle, her cheeks burning with a crimson fire. "Sir, why did you come looking for me?"

"I just didn't know what happened to you, I was worried.", he said, he too was blushing.

"Does that mean you-", a glint of hope sparked in her eyes.

"Well you're certainly a remarkable girl and I'm glad to have you as my secretary, you do great things for the people. I don't think I can say I feel that way about you yet, but I'd certainly like to try to see you in that light.", at first it seemed as if he was being painfully honest and he could see the hurt in her eyes but as his sentence turned around she latched onto him, hugging him tightly.

"Good enough for me! Let me change out of this... I guess I cheated you out of a bit of the mystery, sorry."

"Don't be, that's certainly not what I'd be dating you for."

"Oh c'mon, you gotta admit, it's certainly an amazing body."

"I would never deny that...", he said slightly nervously, she only responded with a sheepish giggle.

And so they spent the day together and as the day turned to night they left the house for a bite to eat, the lion treated his new companion to a night on the town. The two talked, joked and even flirted a bit. And as the night came to a close and he lead her to the door the two stood nervously, staring at their own feet.

"So, do you want to come in? Not that you have to.", she choked out quickly, her voice heavy with fear.

"I don't want to rush you, do you- Do you think it's right?"

"I... I do."

And with that the two entered her apartment, it soon became apparent to Ilez that she truly was alone, no family to call her own. They had touched upon that when they dined but the conversation continued to shift towards happier subjects.

And very quickly as the crossed the threshold into her bedroom their trepidation and embarrassment soon gave way to a cacophony of lust. Ilez crashed upon the small bed, the creaky mattress bouncing slightly under his weight and creaking loudly. The proud lion pulled his prize atop him, arms wrapped gently around her as he cradled his new love. Their lips brushed gently, she prodded his with her tongue and he slowly granted her entrance. Their tongues danced gently as the two of them shared not only their first kiss together but their first kiss ever. The two only separated when they ran out of breath, panting heavily. Their chests rose and fell powerfully as they stared into each other's eyes. She felt something hard pushing against her thigh and her eyes widened in amazement. A devious grin crossed the jackal's face as she undid the lion's shirt, she herself slowly slipping out of her outfit in the meantime, hand gently caressing his powerful chest, fingers tracing through the fine silver fur. And then she made her way toward her prize removing his pants and boxers she let her jaw drop when she saw the miracle of nature unfolding before her. The young lion's sheath was swollen as the powerful pink muscle was slowly making its way out of its cage. Powerful veins that ran across the mighty lance's shaft throbbed dangerously as it continued to rise skyward. Easily dwarfing anything she had seen before, it finally stopped and jutted upward as it twitched and suddenly became incredibly rigid. And that was to say nothing of his two mastodonic testicles, each powerful orb was like a swollen tennis ball. In her line of work it was rather common for the more lewd of customers to either have a hand working under their pants or even in some cases to expose themselves, and from that she learned many things but nothing prepared her for the sheer size of Ilez's genitals.

Cindy gently grasped the thick lance, a silent moan escaping from the lion's lips as he felt her hand slowly gliding over his sensitive flesh. She continued to graze her hand across his length, small but steady spurts of pre dribbling from his aching length. The canine knelt forward slightly, sniffing his length and inhaling his intoxicating scent in large quantities. Cindy pressed her tongue forward gingerly, an unexpected burst of flavor hit her tongue as a surge of pleasure ran down her spine, knowing what she was doing to the man she admired for so long. Though her mental stimulation was nothing compared to the physical bliss Ilez was receiving, his hips bucking ever so gently as his jaws forced open in pleasure and anguish, barely audible moans leaving his throat. The jackal began to slowly graze her long, broad tongue across the tip of Ilez's quivering length. Soon she found her way snaking further down his manhood, lips now wrapped gently around his fat cockhead as her tongue swished back and forth across the meaty shaft. As she went further down his length Ilez's near silent moans became ghostly wails, more and more pre spurting down the young girl's throat with each successive bob of her head and she greedily swallowed each and every one. Now her cheeks were stuffed and she could feel his penis on the brink of entering her throat, she summoned all of her courage and plunged, taking her lover to the hilt with some effort. She began to bob rapidly for some time, eyes turning toward the ceiling as she was caught in the ecstasy of her act. Ilez's hips rising powerfully into the air, he could feel himself nearing the edge. Cindy soon lifted her head, coughing and sputtering slightly as she felt air rush freely to her lungs once again, her hand gently stroking Ilez's length as she nuzzled his hip lightly, catching her breath again. And as she began to suckle on his head again Ilez let out a loud yell, a steady stream of his seed filling her mouth. The young jackal sealing her lips tightly around the feline's shaft as she swallowed as much of his seed as she could, salty and somewhat bitter unlike the tender sweetness of his pre but regardless she wanted to drink as much of his essence as she could. His testicles rumbled, rose and fell with each powerful jet of his creamy gift, Cindy's cheeks swelling slightly as she struggled to keep up with the flow. She soon broke off of his devastating length, several more spurts flying upward as his orgasm slowly began to die. A few of them landing gently on the jackal's cheeks along with the small amount that had managed to break past her lips when she pulled off. She quickly licked her lips and quickly wiped her face clean with a nearby towel.

She crawled atop her man, head nestled gently on his chest as he began to purr lightly, slightly dazed by his afterglow. Powerful arms wrapped tightly around his newfound love. They shared a tender kiss before she began to gently massage his inner thigh, eyes going wide as she accidentally grazed his length.

"Y- You're still good for another round?", she asked somewhat blankly.

"Uhm... Yeah. If you don't want to do anything else, that's fine. Believe me, it's not like I was even expecting this. To tell you the truth I'm actually a bit of a-", Ilez said before he began to mumble and trail off.

"You're a virgin! Well tell me, how'd you like that? Because I mean, I'm a virgin too. I swear, my show's all look, no touch. Though I erm, do happen to have a bunch of toys and well my mind did tend to wander to you. So it's not totally unused but if you'd still like to-", but before she could say anymore a large finger gently found its way to her lips and a gentle shh.

"You can be so silly sometimes, I'm just glad to have as remarkable a friend as you, some one to truly cherish and to love. I wouldn't care if a million guys had been with you in the past."

"Get up!"

Ilez a bit stunned obeyed her command. The young jackal rolled off of him and onto her back, she spread her legs wide, her glistening sex now visible. Ilez licked his lips somewhat nervously as he rejoined her on the bed, kissing her neck delicately as his hand found its way to the crevice between her thinly parted thighs, his fingers ran gently across her aroused outer lips. Her wet fur was like a delicate velvet under his touch and her insides the smoothest of satins to his powerful digits. The two shared a gentle kiss, holding that position until their lungs gave. Soon enough Ilez gripped his gargantuan lance with one hand, pressing it against her entrance, he could feel her stinging kiss, the searing heat from those luscious petals as he pushed his tip against her unrelenting womanhood. Slowly but surely he could feel himself being engulfed by her, her sacred flower given to him and to him alone was well taken care of. He proceeded slowly, teeth gnashing as he felt the temptation to tear her in half and plow straight into her mounting, however he resisted, his eyes fixed on hers the whole time. The canine seemed to be stuck in a state between torment and bliss much as he was before, her eyes rolled toward the back of her head as she struggled to accept his overwhelming maleness. Soon enough slight pushes grew to inches which continued to grow as Ilez finally felt their hips meet. The lion began to slowly pull out, feeling each rhythmic squeeze of his lover's muscles around him, as if examining this invader in a foreign land. Soon though his cock made its way back into her tunnel, a slow rhythm building as this continued for what seemed like some time to the duo. Ilez's length was already spewing a good deal of pre into her depths but as his pleasure grew he found himself struggling to make the speed of his entry match the fury with which their hips collided, natural lubricant or not. Cindy too was lost in the throes of ecstasy, her hips crescendoing with each of her beautiful feline's barbaric thrusts. A light blush, barely noticeable considering her dark fur, stained her cheeks. Ilez clamped down on her shoulder with his jaw, teeth lightly nagging at her tense muscles, certainly something that would hurt in the morning but nothing that would pierce the skin. This herculean male's hands soon grasped her hips with both of his hands and all of their slow, rhythmic passion was transformed into a maelstrom of bliss. Limbs a blur as the tango the two were delicately performing was kicked into overdrive, each forceful thrust into her deepest depths elicited a high pitched squeal from the jackal and a restrained grunt from the lion. The two teetered on the brink of oblivion for some time before Cindy finally gave way, she could feel every muscle in her body spasm as wave after wave of pleasure washed through her, her sweet ambrosia poured out in what could only be called a tidal wave, gush after gush of her feminine ambrosia crashing against Ilez's manhood. Soon he too was lost, as his jaw loosened a roar of unmatchable intensity escaped his throat, the room itself seemed to shake as he had finally taken what was meant to be his, a lion cub's first 'kill'. What seemed like gallons of his seed filled her as with his final thrusts he pierced her cervix, bursts of his maleness splashing against the walls of her womb. He continued on, his muscles becoming taught as his testicles clenched and unclenched rhythmically, each pump filling his love further and further to the point where she felt like bursting. Her own orgasm had come upon her yet again in the midst of all of this, their two forces colliding and eventually melding.

And as everything subsided the two wrapped their arms around each other tenderly, the two nuzzled gently and shared a light kiss. Ilez purred playfully as he cradled Cindy in his arms, still embedded within her, their fluids leaking out slowly. And the two spent the night side by side in this manner.

The two had managed to sleep in, missing Cindy's alarm by several hours. Ilez quickly called and made up a story about getting into an accident on the car pool lane and telling the firm that they'd both be there a bit late. Their day went about as normal until Ilez was called into the higher up's office. As he returned Cindy gently grasped his hand, what had been a frown became a devious smirk.

"I've been promoted again."

With that the two shared a tender embrace. Ilez's jaw dropped as he saw his new office, significantly larger, more secure locks and a desk large enough to easily fit another person or tw- Wait what?

"They can't have known....", Ilez said, absolutely stunned.

"I don't know, calling out sick after I went missing. Pretty obvious. Well it's certainly sweet of them... In a twisted way."

And so they carried on, Ilez often handling the minor nuances of people's accounts, often saving them from bankruptcy. Cindy making sure that people didn't become too much of a distraction during the day and tending to his 'needs' at nights. He may have been a corporate dog, tamed and made to take orders day in and day out but with her he soared to unimaginable heights. In her eyes he alone ruled this city, he was the king of this urban jungle and she his queen.

Dinner's finally arrived.

Gloria hugged James tightly, her large breasts resting upon his shoulders. He tilted his head back, cradling his neck in her bosom. His deep brown eyes stared up into her opal pools. She stroked his chest gently as she nuzzled him. "So how long...

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Bears and Steak, mmm...

Well it seems my first chapter received a rather positive reception which I'm thankful for. This chapter's a bit long being split between two sex sessions, I'll probably have further chapters focus more on group activity but I felt it important to...

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Reuniting Bonds

It all started on a foggy autumn evening, a deepening of bonds that would rest heavily on the two for years to come. His black ears, which matched his hair and tail-fur, twitched uncontrollably as he heard footsteps approaching slowly. The young...

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