Chapter 5 Julianna The fighting fox

Story by Ismo on SoFurry

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#5 of Life as a Anthro

Chapter 5

Julianna the fighting fox

A male Orc fell on the floor of a fighting arena, Sweaty and somewhat bruised his green skin orange in some places. "You little bitch!" He grunted as he got back up and balled his fist up. A female fox in the arena with him ran up to him and kicked him straight in the face the crowd roared as they watched the fight inside the cage. The fox jumped up in the air and kicked the Orc in the face three times while in mid-air as he fell down to the ground and didn't move. Ding, ding, ding.

"The winner is Julianna!" The announcer yelled in his booth.

Julianna was a Female fox Anthro that Lived in a Small outpost as a cage fighter to get her money. She enjoyed it; not a single male or female could beat her. She was the best of anyone in the outpost she also beat all the travelers that would come though. She also had a secret stash of cash hidden in her room at the Inn; the reason is Unknown however. Her father is still alive in the town of Vincoo. Her mother however is missing, presumed dead. She refuses to believe that her mother's dead; she wishes to one day find her. Julianna has been quieting lonely and has been seeking companionship.

5 minutes later...

Julianna left the female locker room with her winnings walking down the short road to the Inn a Male cat Anthro with pink fur wolf-whistled at her. She giggled at him lightly. As she walked into the Inn. It was half-empty half full. She walks up to the Bar and Pounds her fist on the table to get the Bartenders attention.

"Gimme a sex on the beach cutie." She said all giggly. He smiled and whipped one up for her quickly. She took a sip as a Male Rodent Anthro with white fur and Blue eyes he had on some short blue jeans and a leather vest.

"Vodka." He said in a deep voice. He looked over and winked at Julianna. "Hey there sweet thing aren't you a work of art." He commented with a casual grin.

"Thanks, you're not a bad piece of work yourself." She replied with a soft giggle.

"Hey you wouldn't know where a Place here That I can get some money?" He asked as He Drank his Vodka down.

"Well, can you fight?" she asked back.

" You bet." He said with complete confidence. She smiled at him as she gulped down her drink.

"So what's your name Anyway?" She asked. " Levant." He Smiled.

They both walked out of the Pub giggling happily together Levant's Arm around Julienne's Shoulder. " Yea' know your alright. Iv never had so much fun before with anyone." Levant Said A little drunk.

" Boy, You haven't seen anything yet. Wait till we get to the Fighting Arena." She Grinned Playfully.

"But first I'd like to go and see someone real quick. Care to join me?" She offered.

"Sure, who is it?" He replied curiously.

"My friend chivy, He's a Raven in the Clinic. He's Very Ill and Iv been Helping him with some money on the side to help pay his bill there." She explained.

"Is he just your friend? Nothing more?" He grinned at her.

"Yes he's just. A Friend." She said smiling as she Put her arms around him and Kisses him with her eyes closed he Kissed back and then Put his left hand on the back of her head and Held it Gently he broke the Kiss. They both then Smiled at each other.

"Wow you're a good Kisser." Julianna said Smiling at him. "Let's go." She said grabbing his left hand and Holding it gently as they walk toward the clinic.

They talked for awhile Laughing and Sharing their interests some people watching them along the way Looked at them in Disgust Julianna didn't care though. She thought racism was stupid and whoever was racist was a closed minded person so to give Levant some Comfort she Warped Her arms around his arm and rested her head on his Shoulder.

He blushed lightly he really liked her already even though he just met her 2 hours ago. He nuzzled her cheek with his as they walked into the entrance of the clinic. Julianna Broke away from Levant and they both walked up to the front desk.

"Excuse me, I'd like to see chivy. He is alright to have company." She asked concerned. The Nurse Nodded and then awnsered the phone.

Levant Followed Julianna Down the hallway the lights bright inside the clinic, it was quiet at this time of night in the outpost. Julianna opened the door to chivy's room and walked in Silently incase he might be sleeping. The pair moved toward the bed to see chivy sleeping almost completely covered in Sheet. Levant could see half of his head was wrapped in bandages.

"What happened?" Levant asked quietly.

"Iv known chivy for a long time, were childhood friends. He always looked after me when we were smaller. He's one of the bravest people I know. A week ago A demon came into town, he called himself "Bud". He was Trying to force himself on me, Me and chivy fought him. The Bastered threw a Fireball and it was so powerful it burned his face. To top things off he's got a fever." Julianna Explained. Levant leaned in and Gave Julianna a hug and comforted her.

"Thanks, you're a real sweet guy you know that." She smiled as she buried her head into his chest. " I'm tired, do you want to come over to my place?" She asked. Levant Smiled

" Sure." He told her. She quickly walked over and Put a Small note on the end table by the bed along with a book. Then the two walked out of the room happily and then out of the clinic.

"You know I have a similar story about a friend." Levant started.

"Really?" Julianna asked.

"Yeah, his name was Carl. He gave away his life so that I can live today. He died 4 years ago while we were at war with the Lion's. Our town got attacked." He said in a serious tone. Julianna hugs him gently as they approached the Inn.

They both walked in the front doors and up the stairs as the bartender closed up and Julianna Took out her key and unlocked the door then the pair walked in and Julianna giggled.

Julianna Kissed Levant as she reached around his neck and Rubbed the back of his head and then she broke the kiss and Took off his Shirt to see his Small Six pack covered in the Soft white fur.

"Mmmm, nice." She giggled. " I hope you like sleeping...Naked." She smiled as She took her Top off revealing her Nice Perky medium sized breasts covered in short little fuzzy orange fur.

Then She took off her Pants. She was now only in her pantie pink and silky. Levant looked at this and smiled confidently as He took off his Shoes and Pants now with only his Boxers on. " So, you want these off to?" He asked Smiling. She replied with a giggle and went into the bed and covered herself under the sheets.

"I'll take that as a yes." He said as he climbed into the bed and took them off getting hard a little and Julianna getting a little wet. She then Cuddles him under the covers her boobs pressing against his chest his fur making her nibbles become hard as she Kisses him on the neck and then works her way down to his chest and then down to his lower Stomach. Him sighing slightly as he gets turned on.

"Hey." She said as she stopped for a second. " I just want you to know this is my first time." She told him as She grabbed his half-erect Dick. Then she Licked it, just to taste it for a second, and it tasted good then She took it all in and Began to Suck and Massage it with her mouth.

He moaned lustfully and breathed hard as he put his left hand on the back of her head and Massaged it to tell her she was doing good. She bobbed her head up and down as she reached up and massaged his six packs loving the feel of the muscles and the fur. His dick now fully erect in her mouth at 8 inches. He gently thrusts into her mouth as she bobbed and licked faster. She began to finger herself and remover her panties slightly.

She moaned onto his dick sending some vibrations through her mouth and onto his sensitive hard love pole. He moaned loudly as he blows his load in her mouth. She purrs as she swallows it all down and fingers herself some more. Levant pulls her mouth of his prick and Turns the both of them around so that he's on top of her. Then he moves his head down to her Panties and Smiles as he uses his teeth to pull the Panties down and reveal her sensitive wet hole.

He looks at her to see her eagerly awaiting the treatment she is about to get. He lowers her head and licks her clit gently making her shiver and then he shoves his muzzle in as far as he can and licks, laps, and sucks all around inside. She moaned somewhat loudly but not loud enough for someone to hear her. He then Raises his hand and puts it over her clit and rubs it as it licks her inner walls pleasuring her more now. She moans and squirms about as she finally gets pleasured for the first time. Finally her dream came true.

She is finally close to someone on an intimate level and she loved every minute of it. Ever since she saw him at the bar she liked him and he indeed liked her and finally she could feel love. She gasped and moaned as he lapped at her Cunny. She can feel her orgasm building his tongue going deeper and deeper as he massaged her inner thighs and then groped her butt. Then she orgasimed her juices slowly running out as she squealed as he Lapped up her juices tasteing it and savoring it. He then raises his head up and she smiled as she got on all fours and lifted her tail revealing her tailhole. He put his arms around her waist and then positioned his dick at her tight hole.

He took her hand as he slowly inserted it, groaning as he did so. Shoving all eight inches of his mouse meat inside of her tight wet hole. She groan in some pain as he got it all in he stopped for a second and leaned onto her back and reached around and groped her breasts squeezing them lightly as he pinches her nipples. She moaned as he did this. The feeling was incredible, the pleasure was overwhelming. He started to pull out of her ass then back in slowly letting her ass get comfortable as he sped up he moaned lightly her tight ass wrapped around his pole. She began to finger herself as she got turned on he saw this and moved her hand away and stuck 3 fingers inside of her and probed around her pussy as he speeded up his pace in her ass.

She moaned loudly more hungrier for love to feel. She loved every feeling, every touch every second of what was happening. She moaned loudly in complete ecstasy. Then an Explosion is heard outside and yells and screams could be heard.

"What the." Julianna says as the two Stops and quickly get dressed. Julianna Opens her dresser and takes her money and then equipped her brass knocks and then puts her handgun in her pocket.

"Come on let's go see what's going on." Levant says. The two walk out of the room quickly and down the stairs as they see the bartender run and in grab a Shotgun behind the bar. As he got up a ton of ninja stars came crashing though the windows Levant grabbed Julianna and the two ducked just barely missing being hit but the bartender got nailed to the wall some blood dripping down the wall Julianna walks up and grabs the shotgun.

"You ready to fight?" Julianna asks Levant.

"Born ready. Be careful out there." He says with a smile. The two walk out slowly looking around to see Vampire's everywhere on Horses and on foot killing people and breaking into buildings. One runs toward the pair hissing Julianna takes aim with the shotgun and fires Blowing off the vampire head. Another jumps from the roof right in front of the Levant takes out his knife and Jams it into the vampires Chest sending it into a Pillar dead.

'Funny thing about vampires. They're so fragile. But they can pack a Punch." Julianna says as they walk out to the road more. They see So many Vampires everywhere.

"We can't defeat them all. It looks like they almost killed half the outpost hurry let's get to the Wagon Station. We can escape." Levant suggested.

"Right. Let's Get Chivy first." She said as a vampire jumped at her she hit it in the face with the butt of the shotgun and then shot it in the stomach. Then the both of them quickly ran toward the clinic quickly disposing of any vampire that came near them. They reached the clinic to see the nurse on the counter bloody with bite marks and tons of needles stabbed into her. They both walked down the hallway slowly as a door opened and a vampire jumped out Levant Threw a throwing knife at it's head it caught it and laughed as Julianna Shot it in the Stomach sending it into a Wall.

Levant picked up the knife and they both walked into chivy's room he was till Asleep and alive. Julianna quickly woke him up.

"Mm, hey Juli what's going on?" He said groggy and tired.

"We have to leave now." She said as she handed Levant the Shotgun as She lifted chivy up and put his arm around her neck so She could help him walk. Then she pulled out her Handgun and put the safety off. The trio walked over to the door and opened It. it was clear so they walked down the hallway and then outside the clinic. They then walked down the street slowly, as things became quieter. They were starting to get attacked by more vampires as they reached the Wagon station. Julianna helped chivy get up in it.

"Come on Levant let's hurry." Julianna Said as she got up in the Wagon.

" I cant." He said in a serious tone.

"Why." She asked.

"Because you need to get away. If don't stay behind they'll just follow us. I need to stay behind and keep them Busy. Don't worry though I have no intention of dying here. I'll catch up and meet you in root town." He said with a smile. Julianna Sobbed slightly and nodded understanding as she made the horses gallop. Not looking back in-fear that she may see him die. All she could do was going to root town.

Chapter 6 root town

Chapter 6 Root town Billy walked down the cold mountain path kicking some pebbles as he walked down it. Thinking back to 3 days ago back what happened in the temple. "What did he mean. Who could possibly gain anything from the...

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Life as a Anthro chapter 4 Forbiddon love enter jake and Geoff

**Chapter 4** Forbidden love Enter Jake and Geoff The six-ball went into the corner pocket so smoothly as if it was being guided...

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Life as a anthro chapter 3 Val the lonely wolf

**Chapter 3** Val the Lonely wolf A lone werewolf walked through the Forest of Tears leaving a small trail of blood behind him. He was...

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