The Life of Another - Chapter 10

Story by Jake Atkinson on SoFurry

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#13 of The Life of Another

Yay, I had time to write this week!

For clarification, Bea is a Pug. Melina is a Gray Wolf with normal wolf fur and build but the color pattern is that of a Doberman.

I hope you guys like it. ^^

Life of Another - Chapter 10

© Jake Atkinson

P.O.V. - Dylan

I sat at my desk chair and leaned forward with my elbows on my knees, staring at nothing and feeling like sh#t. Meanwhile, my older brother Kyle packed. Eventually, he broke the silence. "We don't belong in this f#%kin' school anyway, we're not f#%kin' freaks. You see that new kid yet, the Lion with the f#%kin' horns?! You should just come with me, we're both better than this sh#t."

F#%k, I hate it when he puts me on the spot like this, as if I have a choice! Mom and Dad are flipped out enough with just one of us getting expelled. He angrily slammed a dresser drawer shut as he removed the last pair of socks and threw them into the suitcase on the floor.

The last of his belongings packed, Kyle growled. His upper lip went back and his tail curled as he directed his rage at the closest target, me. "I've always had your back and there you sit, starin' at the f#%kin' floor! Just like last night, that psycho Wolf was twisting my arm off and there you were, just standing and watching! If that had been you on the ground I would have ripped his f#%kin' blue tail off!"

I looked up but was careful not to lock eyes with him in any mood, let alone now. I retorted, "You mean like that time Harlan was kneeling on my chest and punching my face in and you laughed when one of my teeth fell out?!"

He stepped forward to glare down at me "That was different!"

I pushed the chair back and stood, even then I still had to look up at the offensive linesman that was my brother.

My ears flat back, I yelled "Yeah, it always is! Look, this isn't about us anyway! You're right. We don't belong here with these freaks. We don't have glowing fur, or horns or f#%ked up faces. It's not up to me and you know it. You know how badly Dad wants us to follow in his f#%kin' deviant paw prints. I didn't ask for this crap and neither did you. You'll be eighteen in a couple months and then you can tell him where to shove it but I've got three more years to deal with this sh#t!"

The door opened partially and our Dorm Rep.'s muzzle peeked around the edge. Chris, great!

The Snow Leopard barely showed his blue spots as he said "Hey I'm getting some complaints, if you don't keep it down I'll call security."

Kyle pulled off one of his shoes and threw it as he roared, "Get out of here you little f#gg#t!"

Chris pulled back and slammed the door shut in time to dodge the projectile.

I heard his voice through the door. "Fine! Now I AM calling security!"

I growled and Kyle snapped, "What are they gonna do, expel me?!" He stomped across the room and picked up his shoe, angrily pulling it on as he hopped over to kick the lid of the suitcase shut. He knelt to latch it closed and, in his anger, snapped off part of the mechanism. He threw the chunk of metallized plastic across the room and exclaimed "God damn it! Look what that little f#g made me do! Here, you take this and the duffle bag." He picked it up and shoved it at me. Without a functional latch I couldn't carry it by the handle or it would fall open. I had to hold it awkwardly between my arm and torso so I could also manage the army surplus duffle bag. He picked up the gym bag and backpack and stalked for the door. "C'mon, the shuttle better be ready."

P.O.V. - Sue Vaughner

How am I going to break this to Roger? Catherine, if ever I questioned God's plan it's because of her. Doesn't she realize how her endless string of bad decisions affects other people? To be blessed with a loving husband and a child only to throw it all away to get high! Why couldn't it have been Cathy in the car that night?! ... What a horrible thought! Oh, God forgive me! I felt a wave of guilt and yet I still thought it was true as I rose from the bench in the hall, feeling all the worse for it.

I glanced expectantly at the admin office door as it opened. The Wolf that stood in it turned as I heard a voice saying something to him but I couldn't make out the words. With a start, I noticed his glowing blue tail and gasped. He could at least try to hide it by tying a jacket around his waist or something. To imagine, a whole school full of these poor devia... no... no... that's not right. We are all God's children. The Lord knows I had my own troubles at their age. The Wolf turned and when I saw his face I realized, it was Roger! Oh I stayed away too long! Where is the little boy I remember from just five years ago?! I've been so selfish these last few years but it's not too late. It's not his fault his tail is blue, I must look passed it to the boy I remember. Maybe I can still make a difference and fix some of the damage Cathie's choices have made.

P.O.V. - Roger

The woman in the hall looked momentarily stunned when our eyes first met. From the matted darkened fur on her muzzle it was obvious she had been crying recently. The initial surprise melted from her perked ears and she wagged her tail tentatively before holding her arms low and open, clearly expecting a hug. I couldn't leave her hanging, not with so much hurt in her eyes. I stepped forward and embraced her.

"Oh Roger, I'm sorry it's been so long. It shouldn't have taken times like these to bring us closer together." she said as she patted my shoulder. As she let go, she ruffled the fur on the back of my head but withdrew her hand self-consciously after a moment. "You're not a little cub any more, I shouldn't embarrass you."

Mr. Burwell's baritone voice rang out from behind me. "Mrs. Vaughner, I'm Mr. Burwell. If only we could have met under better circumstances. Please, come in where we can all be more comfortable."

I reflexively turned and stepped aside, gesturing for her to go first. The simple action seemed to bring her a moment of subtle astonishment which she accepted with a nod and slight smile. "Thank you Roger." she said as she passed.

We filed into a private meeting room and seated ourselves around a smoothly finished, oak table. I made a point of sitting next to Sue. It put our backs to the door but gave us a beautiful view through the bay window framing Mr. Burwell. He put his hand to his muzzle and cleared his throat before saying "I'm afraid I don't have as much time as I'd like. Mrs. Vaughner, I want to express my deepest sympathies for this tragic turn of events. If there is anything the school can do to assist in the matters at hand please do not hesitate to ask."

"Thank you Mr. Burwell." she said, her hands clutching the purse in her lap. "You have been quite generous already. Mrs. Patterson was wonderful company on the drive in from the airport and she filed me in on everything."

He clasped his hands on the tabletop, leaning forward as he responded "Excellent, then we can get right down to the details. Will you and Roger need to travel for the services?"

At this, she became frayed at the edges, replying "I, that is Catherine... she's requested... that the services be held at _her_church, the Sixth Baptist Church of Phelan." She shifted in her chair uncomfortably and asked "Mr. Burwell, would it be possible for Roger and I to discuss something privately?"

The broad-shouldered Lion seemed only too happy to accommodate her as he rose and strode around the table. "Yes, of course. Please take your time and simply inform Mrs. Patterson of your itinerary." He rested a heavy hand on my shoulder as he passed and extended the other to shake with Mrs. Vaughner. "We are all saddened by recent events. Please take care Mrs. Vaughner."

She rose and accepted the offered hand. "Thank you again Mr. Burwell."

He sure wears expensive suits, maybe I was too generous with those donations! That outfit cost more than my car! ... Erf, this is awkward. If only I was dealing with the mother it would be so much easier. Frame a complex issue with a catch phrase that over simplifies it and then throw out a scapegoat. That type is so easily manipulated. Poor Sue, I wonder what she's holding back? I turned my chair to face her, the room feeling emptier with the departure of Mr. Burwell.

She fidgeted in her purse and produced a pack of travel tissues which she set on the table between us. Her back straightened and her ears came forward as she composed herself to say "Roger, I know how you feel about that church, I feel much the same way. Ever since she was_born again_ during one of her recoveries and joined them, it's been nothing but trouble for Denny and you. Unfortunately the law is on her side in this. She wants to have the service there and..." she steeled herself "you aren't invited. Roger, honey, I tried to talk sense into her but... you know how she can be."

The surprise showed on my face but she took it to mean a very different reaction. With a pained expression, she leaned towards me and squeezed my hand reassuringly. "Roger, she's confused and looking for easy answers. And her friends at that church are all too happy to feed them to her. I know they're a major part of the reason you're here. It's a shame, because congregations like that give all Christians a bad name and we aren't all like that." After a pause, she squeezed my hand again and said "I won't be able to do anything in time, but I'm working with an attorney. He says that with her record and Denny's death..." She pulled her hand back to grip tightly at the purse and started to cry.

Stranger though she was, I couldn't stand to see her like that. I picked up my chair and set it beside hers to grasp her hand, enclosing it with mine.

She gripped it tightly and said "Oh Roger, you're so much like your father."

After a moment, she regained enough emotional fortitude to continue her train of thought. "The attorney says there's a strong chance I can become your guardian Roger. It will take time, she'll probably fight it, but we think there's a very good chance you could come live with me."

I leaned forward to pull the tablet from the tabletop and and set it in my lap, still holding hands with Sue. Deciding to play it safe, I settled on vague platitudes, typing out "Aunt Sue, I don't know what to say." and followed up with a firm hand squeeze.

She continued, her words picking up pace in a way that suggested she had rehearsed them. "I know it's a lot to take in, but this could all be part of God's plan. I know you love your mother despite everything. But this isn't about her, it's about what's best for you. You don't have to hide here in this school for devi... for special children. You know I live in a big city Roger, things are different there. People won't notice so much, you could dye your tail and live a normal life. No one would ever know except us and you know I care for you whether you have special gifts or not."

I nodded slowly, trying to think of a way to dodge around getting trucked back to Phelan or into Aunt Sue's closet.

Taking my silence as indecision, she said "Roger, I don't expect an answer right away. The process will take months if not over a year. In that time, I've been granted temporary guardianship with the compromise that you stay here at the school until everything is settled."

Phew, that gives me time to work at her. I am NOT going to hide any more. I did that for years, albeit for different reasons... who am I kidding, some of the reasons were the same. Still, F#%k that. If some people don't like my blue tail it's their problem! New life, new rules! Next time I see her, I'll be able to talk and I'll deflect her focus. There are more pressing issues. For now I'll distract her about the funeral. I started swiping at the screen and she watched over my shoulder as I typed. "So, I can't go to the funeral? Is it because of... what I think it is?" I felt like a complete jerk for deceiving her but I had so little background to work with that I managed to justify my actions.

An angry tone gave her voice a shaky but firm edge as she spoke. "Roger, you know how your mother's friends feel about... people with special gifts. Denny told me about the sign you vandalized at the church. The one where you crossed out the word pray and wrote in hate so it read "Let us hate with you."

Roger did that? Hah! Too bad he got caught.

I tried to hide my smirk and she continued without any sign of noticing. "The hate they preach isn't right, but neither is defacing their sign. It only escalated everything. They made it clear that if you show up they'll have you arrested for trespassing. I talked with my pastor and he recommended an Episcopal church near here. One where we could take some time, just you and me and a member of the local clergy, and have our own little service."

Oh god! That could be a disaster! Sit around talking about all the good ol' days that I know NOTHING about! Time to go for an Emmy award!

I summoned up the nerve and, with a moment's trepidation, threw my arms around her and sobbed. I pretended to wipe at my eyes while actually jamming a finger in each one to make them tear up. If ever I felt like a total heel it was right then but I couldn't think of any other cards to play.

She patted at my back consolingly. "Oh Roger, I know, I know! I'm so sorry! Life has been so hard these last few months for you. There now, just let it out."

I slowly pulled it back together and then tapped at the tablet. "I'm just not ready... it's all too much right now. I just can't, not now. I can't think about Dad." I hit enter and let it talk, diving in for another round of bawling as it finished.

We pulled apart after a time and she spoke softly. "I know dear, I feel the same way. Perhaps it would be best if we waited. Of all people, he will understand and in Heaven there's all the time in the world. He'll be there to listen when we're ready."

Phew, I feel awful but what else could I have done? That bought time and with time comes options.

I sniffed and dabbed at the end of my muzzle as I typed out "Thank you Aunt Sue, for everything. I know this is hard for you too."

P.O.V. - Nick

The dining area sat to the side of the food court style cafeteria and consisted of countless, square tables that were designed to seat four people. Inevitably some were pushed together to accommodate larger groups, forming communities within the open space. Expansive windows along one side offered a view of the central courtyard and class buildings where the midday sun strove valiantly to melt snow still hiding in the shadows of trees and walls.

Bea swallowed a forkful of mac n' cheese, without taking the time to chew, as she excitedly whispered across the table. "Hey, there's a Wolf walking this way. I can't see his tail. Is that him? Don't Look!"

I rolled my eyes to the side without moving my head but couldn't see anything and whispered back loudly "How am I supposed to know without looking?!"

Her curly tail wagged excitedly as she squealed in a voice that somehow fit her unique features "Everyone is looking his way, it must be him! He's coming up right behind you!"

Chris rolled his eyes dramatically at Bea's antics before settling his gaze on Roger who had stopped behind the empty seat next to me. The Wolf gestured with a tip of his head and a cocked ear at the open spot, his hands occupied holding a tray. Just as I was about to speak, Chris jumped in. "You sure you want to sit here? You know how it is, you get seen talking with us and you'll get stuck in the wrong caste. There's a spot over by Jim, he's your room-mate right?"

Roger glanced at the neon Fox seated several tables away and shrugged, setting his tray down next to mine. He grabbed the tablet balanced next to his plate of pasta & chicken and began to swipe. "I'm cool with sitting here if you guys are."

Chris continued, "You're new so maybe you don't notice, this is the freaks and f*gs section. In your old school that blue tail might have qualified you to be a freak but around here that's nothing but a fashion accessory."

Bea spoke up. "Oh never mind the bitter drama queen, he's just cranky today. Of course you can join us. I'm Bea, the grumpy kitty is Chris and you already know Nick right?"

She wore a smile on her short wide muzzle that matched her bulging eyes and stout frame perfectly. I noticed that Roger was initially taken aback by her appearance but already seemed over it. As I focused more on how he was feeling I was pleasantly surprised to find he was actually upbeat, he had a gleam in his eye like he was hiding a really fun secret.

He sat down and started swiping at the screen. "Tail aside, I still fit in. Anyway, Nick and I have met only briefly but yeah. Sorry for the stupid tablet chat, hopefully I can start talking a little tomorrow." As the synthetic voice finished, he smiled in a quiet, mischievous way and his tail wagged hard enough to bounce against mine.

Wait, did he just say what he didn't just say?! I thought.

His finger flashed and the device spoke again. "Anything I can help with Chris? I could use a distraction and I've got some time on my hands."

Chris was brooding and seemed to miss Roger's innuendo but snapped out of it at the sound of his name. "Huh? Oh... it's those damn McGill brothers. Kyle, the older brother, got expelled today and they caused all sorts of problems at my dorm. I'm the dorm rep. so I had to deal with it." His tail thrashed behind him, the blue spots reflecting light like the eyes of Peacock feathers.

Roger ate slowly and lapped at a huge cup of water while the Snow Leopard talked. Despite being subtle, I caught the Wolf sneaking a glance my direction and he startled when our eyes met, then smiled before looking back to the Cat.

Oh my god! Is he checking me out?! I thought as I noticed Bea was about to burst. Her tail was wagging furiously. She obviously caught the glance too.

Roger responded via the tablet, "Erf, sorry to hear that. Guess I can't help with stuff in the past tense." Chris exhaled loudly and said "Ah, it's a small price to pay to finally be rid of Kyle. Dylan's no treat but Kyle was always the instigator."

I was relieved to see Chris' mood improve and spoke to fill the gap in the conversation. "What have you been up to since this morning? You sure start the day early." Wait, why did I say that? Now he's gonna remember me walking in on him in the bathroom and he probably talked with his Aunt and he'll get all down and...

Before I could finish my self-destructive train of thought, Melina walked by with her entourage. The black and brown Wolf paused, causing Bea to tense up next to her. Her diamond stud earrings sparkled as she spoke. "Hey Bumble Bee, whatchya doin' with Splash at your table?" She turned her gaze to Roger as Bea appeared to be considering murder. "Come on Splash, we'll show you around the school. You shouldn't be sitting over here." She flipped her tail and tipped her muzzle in a way that usually sent guys sprawling to grovel at her paws.

Roger, however, flared with a rush of anger and mirth as the tablet intoned in it's gentlemanly British accent. "Thanks but my throat's still sore from blowing that deviant with the horse c#ck the other night. Maybe another time." When the voice finished he flashed a wicked grin that belonged on a serial killer selling tooth whitener.

Melina stood in shock with her friends. One was a Black-Footed Ferret with shiny navy blue instead of black markings and the other was a Jackal with pink ventral counter-shading. They each issued a gasp and an "ewww" respectively.

He casually went back to eating his pasta but his tail wagged and his eyes gleamed with mischief.

Melina, unaccustomed to her charm spell failing on any male, let alone one she actually wanted, stammered out an awkward laugh. "Huh huh huh, oh hey you almost got me with that one."

Roger had a reply ready. "Do not come unto my lands and insult my companions. Be gone vile harpy! Thine powers hath no sway here!" As the words poured forth from the device, he tried not to laugh but couldn't help it, his sides jumping as he snickered.

The black and brown Wolf had enough, declaring "Whatever! Psycho!"

She stepped haughtily away with her two friends in tow as they muttered "What's his problem?" and "I heard he was a f#ckin' weirdo."

The whole table sat in shocked silence except Roger. He calmly finished the last bite of his meal and cleaned his muzzle with a napkin before leaning back in the chair with a satisfied expression.

When he saw our stunned faces he typed "What? Like I'm gonna let some b#tch insult you guys? Is it the horse c#ck thing? I was just throwing her off balance. I've never actually met a guy like that, but I saw a video on the internet once."

Bea finally broke the spell, exclaiming "Oh my GOD that was AWESOME! Did you see her face?! Roger, I LOVE you!"

Roger's tail curled to the side, he was genuinely embarrassed at the adoration. "I can't stand people like that, sorry if I made you guys uncomfortable. I get carried away around bullying. I guess you already know that huh Nick?" said the synthesized voice.

My ears dropped back. "I'm sorry you got involved in that, did you get in trouble for it?"

The artificial Englishman responded "Sorta, I have to see Ms. Thurlington every day for awhile. I just came from there actually. I thought I'd hate it and had planned a whole scenario where I'd convince her I was terrified of underwear. I even went to the meeting commando in case I had to prove it but she was so nice I couldn't bring myself to follow through with the prank."

Chris did the math first and responded, "Wait, does that mean you're going commando right now?"

Roger grinned sheepishly and put his ears down.

Bea's eyes bulged precariously as she exclaimed "Get out!"

Roger looked away guiltily, the tablet responding "Free ballin' at this very moment. But I can explain! All my clothes got ruined so I only have stuff from the donation room and all the donated underwear is the wrong size or type. I'll put some on when I get back to the room, overly snug as they are."

An image of an otherwise naked Roger stuffed into a pair briefs flitted across my mind before I responded. "You could take the bus this weekend and get some new clothes. After school I'll show you the bus routes and where the stores are."

He swiped out a response. "Thanks, I'll have to check my funds. Not sure if I can afford a shopping spree right now, but it would still be good to know the bus routes."

Despite his earlier bravado he seemed shy as his eyes met mine. He was momentarily flustered and then rose after typing. "Anyway, sorry for the scene. I'm pretty sure my special talent is to make terrible first impressions. Ms. Thurlington said I had to eat lunch here and not 'brood in my room' so I have to swing by and leave the receipt at her office, then I'm gonna go brood anyway. I'll see ya after class Nick." As he turned to leave, his hand fell absent-mindly on my shoulder. At the same time, our eyes met just after I stole a glance at his butt. Embarrassed, I lowered my ears and wagged my tail in shame. He smiled subtly in return and waved to Bea and Chris before striding through the crowd of tables to the exit.

Bea's voice screeched with enthusiasm "He was soooo checking you out Nick! I'm surprised he didn't mount you right at the table!"

My ears shot up and I exclaimed "BEA!"

She calmed herself but still squirmed as she replied "Ok ok, I'm exaggerating, but still! It's about time someone noticed how hot you are."

Chris chimed in, "What are you two talking about? I was sitting right here and I didn't see anything. My gaydar registers a total zero and he's kinda weird too."

Bea turned her flat, black face towards Chris as she said "Oh give the bitter queen routine a rest! He offered to help you without even knowing you or what your problem was and he totally messed with Melina! AND I caught you looking at his butt too."

Chris crossed his arms over his chest, his tail tossing fitfully in the air behind him. "You know I'm not into that whole cross-species thing. Besides, like I said, he's not gay. He's just... weird."

I finished the last of my turkey sandwich and said "I think he just has an odd sense of humor. His heart's in the right place even if he does kinda overreact sometimes."

-BING -BING- -BONG -BONG- The bell announcing the end of lunch sounded.

We started picking up our trays and Chris responded "You're just defending him because he's cute. Some day soon, you'll catch him walking down the hall with his arm around a hot Wolf girl. And when you do, don't come crying to me with your broken heart."

Confident in what I sensed from Roger, my tail wagged despite Chris' warning.

The Life of Another - Chapter 11

The Life of Another - Chapter 11 © Jake Atkinson P.O.V. - Roger I rolled my chair to look out the bedroom window and the bevelled edges of the multi-paned glass splashed rays of refracted sunlight on my face as I looked down over the courtyard....

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The Life of Another - Chapter 9 (Adult Version)

The Life of Another - Chapter 9 - Adult Version © Jake Atkinson P.O.V. - Roger I got to bed early and didn't see Jim until I woke up just before dawn the next morning. He was asleep in his bed, facing the wall. The orange glow from his head fur...

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The Life of Another - Chapter 9 (Clean Version)

The Life of Another - Chapter 9 - Clean Version © Jake Atkinson P.O.V. - Roger I got to bed early and didn't see Jim until I woke up just before dawn the next morning. He was asleep in his bed, facing the wall. The orange glow from his head fur...

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