Half-Blood Chapter XXXVI

Story by Artwolf5 on SoFurry

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#37 of Half-Blood

Here we go folks! The next chapter of HB! Hope you guys enjoy! Thanks RuthofPern for editing you are awesome!

Chapter XXXVI: Forming Bonds

"However I am curious about something...when were you going to tell me Lucas was Ian's mate?" His mother asked calmly. Ian literally fell out of his chair with that question. That had come out of NOWHERE! How did she find out? He had tried not to be all but humping Lucas's leg (and various other body parts.) He thought by all rights he had done a great job hiding that, but apparently not. His father looked sick and Richard was silently looking between everyone as if trying to figure out what was going on. His mother seemed almost annoyed at their shock however judging by the frown on her muzzle.

"Why are you all surprised? Do you honestly think I wouldn't know when one of my own children is attracted to someone? I figured it out the second he talked about Lucas, Ian had that goofy lovey-dovey smile of yours while he did so." She stated as if it was obvious. "Plus you were staring at him the entire time dear." Ian felt himself blush at that, he was certain he hadn't been staring! He had been a good wolf at dinner!

"Was not..." he mumbled, mostly to himself which made his mother laugh.

"Oh yes you were dear, but seriously how long would it have been until you were going to tell me... Jordan?" She asked while glaring at her husband. "Why did you not tell me? I'm his mother. I have a right to know such things!" Jordan looked down uncomfortably at that. "Well?" His father just twiddled his thumbs, obviously not liking being in this situation. Ian really wasn't either but thankfully his mum's ire was directed exclusively at his dad and not him or worse... Lucas. So this was going just as good as he had hoped.

"We weren't sure how you would react... plus it wasn't really something to say over the phone... it was something very personal." That answer all but made Ian's mother blow her top. Ian just winced, waiting for the explosion to happen.

"You weren't... WHAT WAY IN THE BLOODY HELLS DID YOU EXPECT ME TO REACT?! I've known he was gay since he was THREE!" She shouted at him. "A good mother ALWAYS knows about their babies." She said lovingly towards her son before gently brushing his cheek. "I was just waiting for you to tell me." She told him kindly. "I love you no matter what did you think I would stop on such a trivial manner?" She asked, sounding almost hurt which made Ian feel like shit, he had been so afraid of her taking it badly he had inadvertently hurt his own mother.

"I was scared," he started cautiously, trying to explain his reasoning for hiding. "Because the Council forbids homosexual mages from holding power... I was afraid that they would strip me of my birth-right and embarrass the entire Clan." He admitted. "I was afraid you would be angry because I could put our Clan's standing in jeopardy over it. Honour is everything to the Clans, especially ours..." Ian admitted while looking down. "I was scared, I don't want to bring shame on our Clan or disappoint you." His mother just let out a tired sigh before walking up and embracing her eldest child, holding him close to her as she began talking

"Oh honey, you could never disappoint me, neither of you could." She stated while bringing Richard close so she could hug him as well. "I love you two more than anything on this earth, nothing is more important than your happiness. Those old codgers can jump off Mount Olympus for all I care, you two are far more important." She said before breaking the hug before looking Ian directly in the eye, her tone dead serious. "Do you truly love him Ian? Does he make you happy?"

"He does," Ian stated softly but with conviction, he could feel his heart thumping in his chest, and the warmth he always felt when he thought about his love was heating up his gut. It was by far the easiest question he had ever answered. "He makes me the happiest Fur on earth." Even he was amazed just how easy it was to say it, but in his heart he knew every word was true, he had never felt what he felt around Lucas with anyone else. "I want to make him happy Mum. He's been hurt so much in his life I just want to take all his pain away." He said with a great passion. "I refuse to leave him. I swore on my own honour that I would be with him no matter what."

His mother just smiled, obviously proud of her son before hugging again, "I'm proud of you," she told him softly, still hugging him close to her, Ian's heart skipped a beat at hearing his mother's words. "You've grown so much since you left I think that boy is a good influence on you." Ian blushed again at that.

Greg still got onto him about being reckless so he didn't think he had grown that much... the tiger would have probably burst out laughing right about now. Richard was barely suppressing his snickers though so Ian elbowed him, payment from earlier. Richard could only glare and rub his ribs but he otherwise stayed silent. He was still happy though, things seemed to be going great! His mother wasn't angry, nor did she too despise Lucas. That made him feel a lot better, the kit really didn't need her hating him he was already a nervous wreck as it was.

"Thank you Mum..." He stated shyly before looking away. "Any idea on how we are going to tell Grandpa? I want him to meet Lucas, but Lucas would probably be terrified of him, you seen how he reacted to you after all." Rebecca merely frowned, it really was a tricky problem. Getting his Grandfather's blessing was huge for him, not only would it mean so much too him personally, if Grandfather gave them his blessing Ian could hopefully hold on to his birth-right.

Despite always being a rather stern man Ian adored his grandfather (he loved Grandpa Amos and Granny Rosa just as much of course but he never much saw eye-to-eye with his great-great-grandfather Gregor McKay. The man was well over a century old and sometimes still thought it was the 19th Century. He was always so nasty too Greg for one, always calling the tiger a pampered house cat.)

He was tough, but always completely fair and always treated him and Richard well and often told them about their Granny Nadia who had died giving birth to his Uncle Rupert, leaving him a widower with three young children. But he'd had Grandpa Arlen and Granny Tabitha's help as well as the help of his siblings (him being the eldest of five). He still remembered the haunting cry of despair that his grandfather let out when he heard of Uncle Rupert's death... the sheer despair affected him even more than the news itself. He had been too young at the time too fully grasp it.

His father always said that Rupert had always been their father's favourite and considered him 'Nadia's last blessing.' Ian doubted the man would ever fully get over the fact he had outlived his youngest son and not even having the comfort of keeping his ashes (by tradition all Mages were cremated.) His mother just pursed her lips before shaking her head. Clearly she wasn't so sure either.

"I'm not sure, Isaac is a very hard person to read. I think we should wait until later."

Ian just nodded, thinking it was probably for the best they go with that, was the best option they had at any rate. "If you say so...? You aren't mad at me are you?" He asked shyly, he hated when he mother was upset but thankfully she just laughed and hugged him closer to her.

"Of course not, you had your reasons! Your father on the other hand...?" She stated glaring at her husband who just kept his head down. "We will talk, and then I will decide if he will share our bed or be sleeping on the couch this weekend." Richard and Ian both gagged at that implication but she just rolled her eyes. "Oh do grow up, just because we stopped having children didn't mean we stopped having sex."

"Okay we get it!" Both the brothers shouted out feeling rather squicked out at the moment. Their mother just laughed once again before becoming serious.

"If I may ask Ian, may I speak with Lucas? Alone?" Ian tensed and became very nervous at that... Why would she need to speak to him alone? He just looked too his brother who helplessly shrugged, he seemed as surprised as Ian. As if sensing their nerves she just sighed. "The boy just lost his mother, and is probably in need of some maternal guidance right about now. I will do no harm, I would never attack a child. I just want to help him since he has no mother figure now."

Ian just nodded, still nervous naturally but he trusted his mother. "Sure, I'll go get him now, come-on Richard." He stated dragging his brother away. Richard complained loudly and struggled, trying his best to break free of his brother's grip, but alas Ian was still the older brother and was bigger and stronger (plus Richard didn't have any water too blast him with.) Their mother just smiled at their antics as the brotherly struggle continued to the point it was becoming an all-out wrestling match. Gently though their mother stopped them before it could escalate too that.

"Thank you, tell him to meet me in here, I'll go fix us both a scáiltín, maybe that would help him relax around me?" She stated before she walked out of the room herself, their dad and the brothers themselves following close behind.


Lucas was in the sitting room with his sister, Greg and the Agents. They were talking about really nothing in particular but it was relaxing all the same. Greg had brewed up some yummy honey tea for them. His ears twitched however when he heard the study door finally open. Ian's mother, Mrs. Mansfield was the first to exit, she gave him a tiny smile as she exited the room of towards the direction of the kitchen. Jordan was next and he gave him a broad smile and a pat on the back before he spoke to him.

"The food was bloody brilliant son, you did a good job!" Lucas just blushed at the praise and thanked him back. "No problem son." He said while patting his back once more before he also left. Richard and Ian were the last out and Ian quickly grabbed him and kissed him which caught him by surprise.

"Ia-Ian!" He blurted out panicky, "Your mother! She's still here you weren't supposed too-" he cried out before Ian kissed him again.

"Mum knows, she figured it out herself actually, and she isn't mad, she wants to speak with you actually!" Lucas froze, his entire stomach frozen with dread at that. As if sensing he was on the verge of a major panic attack Ian swiftly calmed him down by assuring it was nothing major. "It's nothing serious she just wants to talk to you. You've talked with Dad several times I don't see why this would be any different eh?"

"I've known him longer..." Lucas stated half-heartedly.

Ian just rolled his eyes and kissed Lucas's forehead making the fox blush. "Just trust me Lucas, please?" Lucas could never say no to the pout the wolf gave him and when he sighed Ian's pout turned into a broad smile. "Just wait in the study okay? She'll be in shortly."

Lucas nodded and did as he was told, slowly but cautiously he walked towards the study before entering. The room was indeed empty so Lucas sat on one of the numerous chairs and waited. After about ten minutes Mrs. Mansfield walked in carrying two glasses of what looked like hot milk.

"Here you go dear," she said kindly as she passed one of the glasses to him. Taking a cautious sip he was surprised by the taste of whiskey, he looked at her questioningly, surprised she had given him something alcoholic. Seeing his surprise on his face she gave him a gentle smile and explained herself.

"It's called a scáiltín dear. Hot milk, whiskey and various spices, my granddad always served it for me when I was a little girl and couldn't sleep, and I used to give it to my sons when they were little, so drink up dear, no use on letting it go to waste."

Lucas gave a shy nod and took a sip of his drink and murred at the warmth that spread through his body. "This is good, thank you Mrs. Mansfield." He told her politely.

The women just blushed lightly and let out a hearty laugh at his formality. "Oh do call me Rebecca dear, Mrs. Mansfield is my Great-grandmother-in-law. I just wanted to thank you for the delicious birthday dinner," she told him softly, "But I'm not quite at Tabitha's age yet." She continued with a smile.

"Tabitha... wasn't that Ian's great-grandfather's wife?"

"Oh yes, amazing woman, she was a massive help when I was pregnant and Jordan's Aunt Jerry served as my midwife both times I gave birth," she said with affection, obviously adoring her in-laws. "But I wanted to talk to you about things dear." She stated, her voice more serious but still laced with the same gentle kindness and concern. "I heard about your Mother's passing."

"Oh," Lucas stated uncomfortably while looking down. Rebecca gave him a kind smile and got close and hugged him tightly. Feeling her warmth made him cry, it reminded of him of how his Mother had hugged him goodnight the night before she left for work. Rebecca just held him and whispered sweet loving words into his ear as he cried.

"Shh, let it out dear, no use letting it build up. I've got you." He cried for about five minutes before he finally stopped. Embarrassed he wiggled himself away from the lady blushing madly.

"Thank you..."he muttered shyly, Rebecca just smiled and rubbed his back gently.

"It is nothing dear, I'm sorry for your loss..." She stated sadly. "It must never be easy to lose a parent so young. I could only begin to barely comprehend such a tragedy as both my parents are still living." She stated kindly. "But I am here for you Lucas, if you ever need a maternal presence I will be happy to lend an ear."

Lucas just nodded thankfully, he actually felt guilty for being so afraid of her, she seemed so nice and kind. But her face became firm, "But I must ask, do you truly love my son? I don't mean this personally but a mother's got to protect her pups. Ian would do anything for you and I will support him completely, but I must know, so he doesn't wind up hurt."

Lucas's ears twitched and he flushed at her question. It made sense if course, he reasoned, this concerned her son after all. But nobody had ever asked him about that. Did he truly love Ian? His thoughts drifted too how Ian held him after making love, how safe and loved and how happy he made him feel when he complemented him...And how his heart shivered when Ian would smile lovingly at him.

"Yes..." He stated shyly, after nearly ten minutes of complete silence. "I-I do lo-love him ma'am." He stated politely. "He makes me feel safe and loved. He comforts me we when I'm upset and he stood by me at my lowest... I owe him so much and he's been so kind to me." He stated.

Rebecca just smiled and patted his cheek in a fond manner. "You are a sweet boy...I'm happy Ian has you. Maybe you can help him grow into the man I know he could be. Please help him, as I think he might need you as much as you need him. I saw how he was with you at dinner, and his eyes never left you, not for a second." Lucas just blushed at that, he had noticed it himself but he was afraid of bringing attention on them both if he commented on it. "But I think I kept you to myself long enough dear, finish your drink and we'll get out of here."

Lucas just nodded and sipped his drink, surprisingly it was still piping hot, though he figured that it had probably been enchanted not to go cold. Once he was finished Rebecca took the glass from him and let them both out. Ian was the first person to notice them and quickly grabbed the fox and hugged him close. Rebecca just smiled and chuckled at that before she went on towards the kitchen.

"How'd it go?" He stated as he lifted up and carried Lucas to the couch and sat him on his lap. "Went well I hope?" He asked as he nibbled on the fox's neck causing Lucas to let out a trilling moan.

"It... um... it went well..." he murmured, Ian's antics were making it kinda hard to concentrate at that particular moment. Ian had stopped nibbling on his nape and was now kissing up and down his neck causing Lucas's pants to become uncomfortably tight. By the feeling he felt on his rump it seemed he wasn't the only one with that problem. "We ta-talked about thi-things... and she made me a dr-drink... she was so nice." Now it was seriously becoming hard to concentrate and he was beginning to worry about spooging in his underwear.

"See, I told you love," Ian said as he started nibbling on Lucas's neck. "You should listen to me more..." he stated and accentuated it with a rather hard bite. Lucas's poor body could take it anymore and his eyes rolled back and his body shook as his underwear was filled with fox cum. It went on for several moments until he stopped shaking and just panted into Ian's ear. Ian for his credit was blushing, especially at seeing the dark stain on the front of his pants. "Um... whoops..."

"I... think I might need a shower... and a change of clothes" He stated in an embarrassed manner. Ian didn't let him go and instead just lifted him up and carried him downstairs. He let him down outside the bathroom and kissed Lucas's nose.

"I'll get some sweatpants and underwear for you, wait here okay?" He said while he rushed towards their room.

Finding himself alone Lucas decided to try and test his seer-sight once more, as he felt like it would probably come in handy later. First he tried to check where the others were. Richard was the easiest...he Jonah, Xander and Agent Wallace were playing another game of poker. Erin was in her room texting someone, probably one of her friends.

On a whim he searched for Jordan and found the man buck naked on his bed massaging his sizable cock as he heard Rebecca step in the room. He quickly shut that off, his face burning like fire at having caught him in such a private moment... but he was even bigger than Ian down there! Shaking that particular image out of his head Lucas decided to search for Greg and found him tending to his plants in his room. He stumbled a bit after that, probably from overexerting himself with the visions just as he shook his head Ian had finally stepped out of his room carrying two pairs of sweatpants.

"Here we go!" He said before rushing Lucas into the shower. It was a quick one, neither really feeling up for any sexual antics soon after Lucas found himself naked on Ian's bed once again. (After clearing it with Ian's mother of course) They had just gotten done making love and were waiting for Ian's knot to go down. They stayed silent for several blissful minutes before Ian finally spoke. "I'm going to miss having you here..." he mumbled as he played with Lucas's swollen belly.

"I'm going to miss being here also, but I also miss home. It'll be nice being in my own room..." Lucas stated before his ears drooped. "I'm just scared my mother will haunt me even more now..." He stated sadly.

Ian just let out a sigh and hugged the fox close. "It'll be okay, if she haunts you just call me and I'll be right over, or you could just pop over here using a portal. I'm sure your Dad will understand." Ian told him as he snuggled with the fox holding him close to his chest. "Now let's get some rest, I'm exhausted." As if to prove his point Ian let out a large yawn showing off his razor sharp fangs. Lucas yawned himself, it certainly had been a tiring day and he was glad it was over. Mumbling to himself he fell asleep in Ian's arms.


The morning was mercifully slow thankfully. The two had gotten up around 9:00 and after a quick shower they went upstairs. Rebecca was lounging in the sitting room reading a book. She looked happy and quite relaxed, obviously enjoying her days off and when she heard the two enter she looked up and smiled to them brightly.

"Morning you two! Sleep well?" She asked while motioning towards the couch in front of her. Happy to oblige his mother Ian sat them both down, his paw never once leaving Lucas's own.

"We both slept well Mum!" He told her cheerfully. "You force Dad to sleep on the couch after all?"

The female wolf just chuckled and shook her head in amusement at the question. "Oh no, your father managed to 'convince' me to allow him to sleep with me..." she giggled, "He was quite persuasive..." Lucas flushed brightly at that...he must have caught them shortly after Jordan did his... 'Convincing'.

Ian just looked like he was going to be ill however. "Sorry I asked..." he muttered and shook his head as if trying to dislodge those icky thoughts out of his head.

Rebecca just continued to chuckle to herself, obviously amused at her son's antics. "Anyway, are you two hungry? Greg cooked some pancakes earlier, there should be some left do you want me to heat them up for you two?" Hearing both their stomachs growl at the offer she chuckled once again before speaking. "I'll take that as a yes. You two wait in the dining room I'll bring the food out."

Before she walked away Ian asked her one other thing. "Where are the others? Is everyone else up?"

"Greg is in his room, he said he wanted to focus on his plants some today. Xander is upstairs with Martin. As for Erin, Richard and Jonah they were up for breakfast but all returned to their rooms afterwards, so they are probably doing their own thing. Your Father is working in his study he has a shareholder meeting today, so he probably won't be out for a while." She answered before she left the room.

Lucas and Ian did as they were told and waited in the dining room. A few minutes later Rebecca returned with two platters piled high with pancakes, the smell of which made both boys drool. "Here you two go! Eat up now." She said as she laid the platters down.

Both boys dove into them like starving dogs. Rebecca sat with them enjoying their company and once they were finished eating Rebecca gathered up the dishes and went to wash them. Lucas quickly offered to help which earned him a beaming smile from the woman. Together they took the dishes and began washing them. Rebecca had somehow convinced Greg too let her handle all the dishes, so there were quite a few. They did the washing mostly in silence before Rebecca spoke up.

"Your mother's funeral is this Wednesday correct?" Lucas just nodded, not wanting to talk about it... at all. "Good, I called my office yesterday and told them I wouldn't be returning to Scotland as I planned." Lucas looked at her surprised. "I want to be there for support, for you and Erin both. My boss wasn't happy but he understood my reasons."

"You won't get in trouble will you?" Lucas asked nervously.

Rebecca just gave a soft laugh and patted his back in a gentle fashion. "I won't get in trouble dear, you don't have to worry. I told them that something came up and I needed to attend a funeral, he was most understanding I assure you. Plus I'm one of the best LA's he has at the company and he knows it. I'll just probably leave for home Thursday instead of Monday as I planned."

"Sorry that you had to change your plans for me though..." he stated while looking down. He heard Rebecca let out a soft sigh before giving him another hug.

"You have no reason to apologize dear, I made the decision myself. As I said I want to be there for support, this cannot be easy for you." He just nodded silently it felt nice having people being there for him. It wasn't something he was fully used too yet. Soon after they moved apart and continued on the dishes in a comfortable silence.


Erin just sighed as she looked at her phone. All her friends were busy it seemed which sucked. She hadn't slept well, and she was still having those nightmares. Sometimes she could sleep fine but others like last night were not among them, she still felt Ishmael, he was somewhere close but she couldn't locate him. She was knocked out of her thoughts when she heard someone knock on the door.

"You okay Erin?" Greg's voice rang out. "Lucas sent me up too check on you?"

"I'm fine! I'll be out in a minute!" She stated before she put her cheerful happy façade up. It wouldn't do for Lucas to see her any other way...he had enough problems as is. Once she was sure she was ready she walked towards the door and opened it, seeing Greg standing outside it. "There you are," he stated kindly, "Lucas is fixing lunch, and you guys are expected home by 20:00 so I hope you enjoy yourself here."

"Thanks Greg!" Erin stated kindly while she pulled Greg down a bit so she could kiss his cheek. She really did like the tiger, he was pretty sexy with how built he was. He was also very firm and stable which also attracted her... Too bad his world revolved around Ian so completely, as she would love to go out with him sometime. Greg just blushed at her kiss and quickly cleared his throat awkwardly.

"It is no problem Erin, you are our guest, and Lucas's sister so I would never want you unhappy here."

Erin just gave him another smile and patted his chest making him blush even more than before. "You're a sweet guy Greg, you'll make a girl very happy one day I bet." She stated.

Greg just looked away uncomfortable. "I doubt I'll ever find a relationship, it would just be too big a distraction from my duty. I will eventually need to sire an heir sure, so my bloodline and Clan can continue but that is probably ways away. I've got school and college first, and Jordan made it explicit we were all going to college."

Erin just nodded to herself...that made sense. Jordan obviously wanted what was best for his sons and his ward and college would help a great deal. "So what? You would just hire a surrogate or something?" She asked curiously.

Greg just shrugged but did decide to speak his views. "If needed yes, that will most likely be my main option, especially if Ian ever decides on children. Which will definitely be necessary so he can continue his own bloodline and the Council might be more willing to leave him be if he produced an heir or two."

Erin just nodded, it did make sense really. From what she learned Mages were relatively a tiny group in comparison to the Mundane population, about a few million at the highest out of billions, so producing heirs was very important to keep the population stable. From what Rebecca had told her that it wasn't uncommon for Clans to have at least five children per couple. Far larger than the typical 2.5 average in Mundane society. Plus Mages tended too typically be relatively on the wealthy side. The Mansfield's themselves were definitely filthy rich as far as she knew, as Jordan had enough money to pay for at least four school payments at Greenhart which was very expensive.

"That does make sense, though I have a hard time seeing Ian as a father really. At least now, he can be pretty flighty sometimes." She states bluntly. "He's a good guy and treats Lucas great, but he can still be a flighty, but he's young."

"He can be yes, I'll be frank about that, but I think Lucas is having a good effect on him. He is maturing somewhat but his recklessness hasn't gotten much better which is frustrating..." Greg mumbled before sighing. "But let's go downstairs shall we?" Erin just nodded and let him take the lead. They continued talking on their way down and she had gotten Greg to talk more about his plants and why he was so passionate about them.

"They remind me of my mum honestly." He started sadly. "One thing I remember was that we had this huge garden in the Moore Manor, before Hunters burned everything down... Mum would spend hours tending to it. A large portion of the garden was imported from India, so she had a place that reminded her of home. We used to always spend a few weeks during Summer Holiday there. That was part of the agreement along with being raised Hindu."

"You've been to India?" Erin asked in a curious fashion. "I'm curious though, you said you were supposed to be raised Hindu but your Hellenic right?"

"Yes, I've been to India, spend two weeks of every Summer there. Jordan brings Rebecca, Ian and Richard along as well obviously, since I can't leave Ian we stay in a guest house in the Patel estate. But I always hated spending time there," he admitted in a somewhat sad tone.

"I just never fit in, really. I'm just too British for them and my Cousins would usually ignore me, plus my Uncles were never shy about mumbling insults about my parents within my earshot. They still haven't forgiven my Mum for eloping." He said as he continued on his way. "As for religion? Jordan said only my Father agreed to that but since I was his ward he thought it best to raise me Hellenic along with his sons."

"I'm sorry you have such a rough relationship with your Mother's family. I never met my maternal Grandparents or Uncles...Though I hardly know anyone on either side honestly, except for Auntie Rita and Uncle Aydin."

"Your Grandparents are coming here soon aren't they? For the funeral?" Erin just nodded. She was really eager for the meeting though her brother obviously seemed too dread it. Hopefully they weren't as bad as her father made them out to be... the last thing Luc needed was them harassing him over being gay or an atheist, especially with him still struggling over their mom.

"They are, I'm looking forward to it honestly, it'll be the first time I'll ever meet anyone from my mother's side of the family. but at the same time I worry about Lucas. I'm afraid they will harass him mercilessly, especially if what my father says is true."

"You mean them being violently homophobic? Yeah, that would definitely not go over well... poor kit definitely doesn't need that right now." He said before he looked down at her. "You okay though? You look tired? Didn't sleep well last night?" Erin just shook her head, keeping herself silent. "Those nightmares still bothering you?" Erin just nodded again. "Have you told Lucas about them? I'm sure he would want to know if you were having those recurring nightmares, especially if they kept you from sleeping. That isn't healthy."

"Lucas has enough problems, the last thing he needs is me dumping my own problems on him. You know how he can be, the moment he senses something is wrong with me he would drop everything immediately and rush to fix my problems..." Erin stated bluntly. "I love my brother more than anything, but he needs to focus on himself and not me. He's slowly but surely healing. I'll figure everything out myself if I have too."

"Erin," Greg stated firmly. "Lucas will eventually find out you know, and I doubt he would be very happy that you have kept this from him." Erin could only sigh, she knew he was correct. Lucas would definitely catch on eventually. He always had a good grasp on her being her big brother and all, but he took his big brother duties very seriously.

"I know Greg, but please, let me figure this out by myself, but I still sense him... Ishmael... he is close but I still can't pinpoint him... It scares me because I know he is out there somewhere, watching me from a distance waiting to strike out against us again." She stated as she hugged herself. "It drives me crazy."

"We'll protect you Erin, plus our house is warded as is yours, he won't be able to pass through them without setting them off." Greg stated confidently. "Plus if anything happens, Lucas can just open a portal too out house if necessary." The vixen just nodded, that made sense if Ishmael did try and attack them the wards would either stop him completely or slow him down enough too where they could escape and get help, plus Agent Wallace was going to stay with them also (while Agent Wilson would continue staying with the Mansfield's of course.)

"I know, it's still scary though..." She mumbled, finally though they reached they got downstairs. Erin could smell that Lucas was cooking something extra tasty for lunch and as they entered the sitting room they saw Richard sitting on the couch jamming to music on his phone while Jonah was laid back on the other couch reading a book. The dingo was the first too notice them of course. He gave them a simple nod and a wave not even bothering to actually look away from his book. Squinting at the title she couldn't even make out any title the cover was so worn. The book itself looked ancient.

"What'cha reading?" She asked as she plopped herself down right next his head. Jonah just gave her an annoyed look obviously unhappy with her interrupting him. She ignored the look and continued asking questions. "What's the book about?" Jonah just let out an annoyed huff, but Richard answered it for him, the wolf had turned off his music for a bit so he could snoop in their conversation.

"It's a text about Demonology, he showed it to me yesterday, it has information on both the demons of hell and the angels of heaven and their hierarchy. Pretty neat stuff! He's been trying to figure out why an angel would need or want a codex, it's not like they could use it themselves, unless they got a pet Mage or something." Erin winced. She remembered just how close she was too becoming a thrall of Ishmael... how Angel Mages and their demonic counterparts were reviled by all other Mages. "Something wrong?" Richard asked her.

"Do you think they could have one? A 'pet Mage'?" Richard just shrugged at her question. "Speaking of the Codex what are we going to do about it? Will it stay here?" Richard nodded and Greg (who had taken the seat next to Richard) confirmed it.

"Of course, the Codex is far too dangerous to be put in inexperienced paws. It's going to stay in Jordan's safe under lock and key. Lucas himself thought it best, only Jordan can unlock it and the study itself is enchanted so it would alert him immediately if someone trespasses there without his permission."

"Neat!" Erin stated with a smile.

"Yes, yes quite! But can't you quiet it down? I'm trying too read!" Jonah blurted out annoyed, which got pretty much everyone laughing. Jonah just glowered at them all, obviously annoyed but he just rolled his eyes and went right back on his book tuning all of them out. The laughter lasted for a good five minutes until Xander poked his head in, catching their attention.

"What's so funny?" He asked them in an interested tone. "But lunch is done! Thought I'd tell you!" He stated before he disappeared once more. Feeling her stomach grumble Erin swiftly got up and followed him with the others close behind.


Lunch was a loud affair, Lucas noticed, everybody was talking and laughing and he couldn't help but join in on the fun. He had actually gotten used to these kinds of meals, and he was going to miss them, almost as much as he would waking up next too Ian. Sure he could come over at any time, but it wouldn't be the same. He had been in a conversation with Jordan before he got a text, looking at this phone he saw it was from his dad.

'Dear Luc and Erin, Be sure to be back by 20:00 Also, your Aunt Daphne showed up unannounced Brought her kids and husband Love you two Bye'

Lucas's eyebrows just raised, he hadn't expected more relatives too show up, but apparently they did. Ian curiously looked at the text from over Lucas's shoulder and his eyebrows also went up.

"Hey mum..." He started awkwardly. "Did you catch the plane with Daphne McKeller?" Rebecca just nodded, as she ate her lunch. It was simple today, a few light sandwiches for them all. "Why didn't you tell us?"

"Because I felt like I didn't need too... Daphne said she had a brother she hadn't seen in a while, so she booked her and her family a trip to see him. Why'd you ask?" Lucas just showed her the text in question. "Oh, it is a small world... I knew her Maiden Name was Mason, but that is hardly uncommon a name." Looked like it was going to be a full house this weekend... with his Aunts and his cousins and his grandparents AND Agent Wallace they would probably barely be enough rooms...

"So he wants you home by 20:00 correct?" Ian asked. Lucas just nodded, it was just after noon nearing 13:00 so they had a few hours left until he had to head home. "Cool, maybe we can get some practice in before you go?" Lucas just nodded so after eating their fill both of them raced downstairs and stepped into the ring, getting into combat stance. "We'll do some sparring alright? So keep on your toes!" He said before sending a light blast at the fox. Lucas quickly set up a barrier however too block the blast before sending a blast of his own which Ian easily dodged.

The two went back and forth for roughly twenty minutes, Lucas was actually enjoying himself. It felt good, using his magic for fun, not being in a life or death situation. He quietly observed Ian's movements, trying to figure out a way to catch the wolf off guard. While he was watching, the fox noticed Ian tended to favour his left side while blasting and dodging which was interesting. He himself dodged yet another light blast which barely grazed his shoulder, it didn't hurt however since Ian was working on low intensity so not too accidentally harm him.

Seeing his chance to strike Lucas moved right just as Ian moved left before blasting him before Ian could recover. The blast hit Ian square in the chest making him grunt as he was thrown back a few metres. Lucas was immediately scared he had hurt the wolf.

"Are you okay! I didn't hurt you did I?" He asked freaking out. He was surprised though, when Ian just sat up and laughed at him while grabbing him into a noogie. Lucas just cried out and laughed as Ian continued to tickle him a bit.

"You got me good! Great job!" He stated which made Lucas blush. "But really you are improving!" They continued to talk until it was finally time for Lucas too leave. Greg had gotten all his clothes washed and folded which made packing easier, especially with Ian helping him. Once he had everything packed he went upstairs and found Erin and Xander also standing in the foyer with their own suitcases (which had been enchanted with an expanding charm so they didn't have to worry about making things a fit.)

The ride back was completely silent, Ian had decided too tag along (bringing Greg along also of course.) Jordan was in the driver's seat while Rebecca was in the passenger seat. The feel of the car was rather relaxed. Agent Wallace was already at the house having left an hour or two before them. Finally though they reached the driveway. The gates opened automatically and soon enough they were out of the car and getting everything out. Lucas smiled at Ian, a bit sad that the boy would be leaving him but he did his best to hide it.

"Thanks for letting me stay Ian, I'll miss you."

Ian just gave him a strained smile before holding him close. "I'll miss you too love," Ian stated before he gave Lucas a firm but gentle kiss but sadly the moment was ruined when someone spoke out.

"Ian!?" The wolf quickly moved his head up and saw a tall pit bull wearing a simple polo and jeans. The dog had Greg's eyes and was very fit, though not near as big as Greg. He knew this dog well, and he looked around the same age as Ian but maybe a few months older and he was currently in Grade 12 Curtis McKeller one of his best friends back home, and one of the very few people who knew he was gay before he left Scotland.

"Hey Curt," he said awkwardly while Lucas looked on between them confused, "Fancy seeing you here!"

"Why would it be odd? This is my Uncle's house! But that's not important... are you really dating my cousin?"