Superhero Stream Story 1: Rooftop Rumble

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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A surprisingly sweet little story of a super hero and a super villain.

Rooftop Rumble for Heru by Draconicon

Captain Gamma ran over the rooftops as fast as his booted feet could carry him. It helped that his powers left him near weightless during the jumps, but even that only gave him so much speed. He groaned each time he landed on the next roof, shaking his head as he put the pedal to the metal.

"These little meet-ups are getting ridiculous. STOP!"

He shouted towards the black-caped figure fleeing ahead of him. The villainous equine barely stopped to throw a hand behind him, and Gamme ducked to the side, barely avoiding a burst of fire thrown his way. It collided with a water-tank on top of the building behind him, filling his ears with the sound of hissing steam.

The canine shook his head at the damage. He needed to catch the Obsidian Destroyer, and fast.

After his next jump between buildings, Captain Gamma flung out his hands, the same energy that adjusted the gravity around him streaming out in black beams towards the equine's feet. The villain noticed the beams just a second too late, and the caped canine grinned as he landed, walking over to the slowed down criminal.

"You thought you could just get away with that money?"

"Curse you, Captain Gamma! You don't think you're stopping me this easily, do you?"

"Well, I'd say that I'm pretty close."

"I'm not out of tricks yet!"

Gamma had barely taken two steps across the roof before the wind suddenly picked up. The superhero grabbed hold of the railing around the roof, but the wind got stronger and stronger, the horse's eyes glowing.

"I forgot you could use wind like this!"

"Ha! I told you it wouldn't be so easy!"

The two of them were shouting at the tops of their lungs in order to be heard around the screaming wind around them. As the wind kept getting stronger, Gamma was forced to release his gravity grip on the horse and apply it to himself to keep himself being being thrown off the roof.

No sooner had he done it than the Obsidian Destroyer was charging him. Gamma set himself, but he was no match for the villain's brute strength. The powerful gravity around them only made his fall harder, and with the horse's bigger size above him, there was no way that he was getting up without turning off his powers.


"Yes! Fiendish and foul, I am...The Obsidian Destroyer!"

The horse grabbed him by the balls, and Gamma blushed, particularly as the equine leaned down and kissed him. He opened his mouth slightly, letting their tongues touch for a second before they broke it. Gamma shook his head.

"Looks like you win this one, hun."

"You bet I do. The Obsidian Destroyer never loses."

"Yeah, yeah, now you're starting to sound like that WHW champion. Get offa me."

"Yeah, um...mind turning your gravity off so I can do that?"


Gamma snapped his fingers, and the weight of the horse went from crushing to comforting. Destroyer stood up with a small groan, cracking his back.

"I swear, I thought you were going to snap my spine there. God."

"Snap your - you were about to throw me off the roof."

"Oh, yeah, like a little windstorm would ever throw Captain Gamma off the roof. You might as well have glue shoes."

"Uh huh, and how am I supposed to fight the Obsidian Destroyer? Overpowered piece of Mary Sue writing, you are."

"Mary Sue? Mary Sue? That's impossible. I am a well rounded supervillain, thank you very much. I have a good backstory, and plenty of weaknesses. Just because Captain Gamma can't exploit them -"

Rolling his eyes, the caped canine reached out and pulled his boyfriend down for another kiss. Better than hearing him go on about his own alter ego again; it was like listening to the worst fanboys down at the comic shop gossiping to each other about who was the best cape.

A few minutes of tongue-play later, Destroyer was grinning again. The equine swept him off his feet (literally, with a sweep kick) and Gamma hit the rooftop with a grunt. His lover straddled his face, the bulge in his spandex outfit even more obvious than it had been while they were chasing each other. The horse was quite true to his species, and Gamma smiled as he licked his lips.

"So, you won this time, Destroyer. What do you claim as your prize for defeating Captain Gamma?"

"My prize is you, Gamma! Finally, I will convince you to join my side, and help me rule this city!"

Yeah, when you stop robbing convenience stores, and I stop wasting my time showing off at the gym, maybe I'll believe that, Gamma thought as the villain ground his bulge against his face. The hero groaned at the hardness he felt through the suit; it was clear that the Destroyer had been waiting for this moment for a while.

Then again, so had he. His sheath was full and his cock was hard, standing up inside of his spandex costume. He grinned as he rubbed it a few times, giving the Destroyer's cock a little kiss.

"You will never corrupt me, Destroyer!"

"I have already started! You would never willingly serve a villain, so I will make you serve me!"

With that, the equine yanked down his pants, his long, thick cock already hard and pointing up. His massive balls drooped down, so heavy and full looking, and they lay right over Gamma's nose. They were just moist enough to leave his nose wet, and he could smell how sweaty and musky they were. He groaned, closing his eyes.

"Sniff that musk, 'hero!' Smell my scent, and know where you belong!"

I swear, honey, you take the roleplay way too far sometimes, he thought even as he stuck his tongue out. He dragged it over those massive orbs, pushing them up - which was a feat of strength in and of itself - before letting them drop again. Each lick left him throbbing from the taste of pre and sweat and flesh, and he panted as he started sucking on them, pulling the heavy orbs into his mouth. The Destroyer moaned above him, but he was more attentive to the way those huge orbs swelled in his mouth, rolling around as he licked them, even as the villain's pre dripped on his head.

The Destroyer suddenly pulled back. Gamma barely opened his mouth in time, and even so, his boyfriend sported a little scrape along his balls.

"Sorry, honey."

"No, it's fine. I mean." The horse cleared his throat. "Your defiance will not be tolerated!"

"No hero will submit to a villain's cock!"

"Well, then, you can submit to my ass!"


Both of them seemed aware of how silly the line had been, because the Destroyer turned around and pulled his pants off the rest of the way. His big horse ass was more than a little rounded, and Gamma smirked. The canine might have cheated a bit in the gym, but at least his ass wasn't that big.

Gamma groaned as he was suddenly pinned down by the horse's rump, his boyfriend's ass cheeks spread wide just above his muzzle.

"Show your respect, Gamma! Show me you know where you belong. Give your master's ass a kiss."


"Do it, or I will...I will...Uh..."

"Burn the building we're on?"

"Oh good lord. Isn't that a bit harsh?"


"Good line though."


"Now kiss my ass, or I'll burn down this building!"

"You fiend! I...I must save them, any way I can!"

Throwing himself into it as if the building really was at stake, Gamma didn't just kiss his boyfriend's ass. No, a kiss would never save their lives. He had to do everything he could. The hero dragged his tongue up between the horse's thick ass cheeks, licking from his balls to his hole. He lapped at the hole, feeling the skin around the rim follow his tongue as he tugged on it with every lick.

He dragged his tongue all the way up to the horse's tail before going back down again, the taste of damp flesh and warm musky manhood strong all the way down. Gamma grunted as he stuck his tongue against the horse's rim again, circling around that puckered hole again and again, feeling it flex beneath his tongue with each lick.

"Y-yes, that's it! You're doing well, Gamma! Perhaps I'll make you a personal minion instead of just a lackey."

"I do it for the sake of others!"

"Keep licking, then! You're saving more with every - oooh that's good..."

Captain Gamma did just that, licking away at the villain's rump. It flexed and twitched beneath his tongue, his nose filled with the smell of sweaty flesh, of the fresh sweat of a man just exercised. He groaned, his cock throbbing all the harder in his costume, oozing into the spandex as he gave the horse the rimming of a lifetime.

The Destroyer gasped above him as Gamma shoved his tongue into that hole, spreading it open in a single lick. The horse grunted as he suddenly stood up, the dog panting still on his back.

"Get those clothes off. I need your ass. Right now."

"Heh, you? Or the Destroyer?"

"I don't care, I just need you."

And this is why the foreplay's worth it, Gamma thought as he rolled over, pulling his pants down. He'd barely gotten his ass out before the horse was on his back, slamming his cock up his hole and fucking him hard. Never gets randier than this...

As he lowered his head as he was fucked, Gamma caught sight of a couple of policemen out of the corner of his eye. They looked rather shocked at the show they were getting, but the caped crusader pointed back at the dropped bags at the far side of the roof. One of the officers, a doberman, arched an eyebrow, as if asking if he needed help.

Gamma shook his head. He was fine right where he was. And next week, when they started another run, he was pretty sure he'd be the one on top.

Just gotta figure out a way to keep the big lug from falling on me again...

The End

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