Advising the King- Sweet Dreams

Story by Jette on SoFurry

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Onyx leaned to the side in his throne, scraping his claws against his scepter, letting the world of dragons around him fade in and out steadily. His bright, silvery queen watched him closely, smirking wide at the sight as she rested the side of her head in an open palm. Nearly every dragon in their kingdom dreamt of being king, doing whatever they wanted with the most beautiful of all dragoness at their side, but Onyx seemed to shrug off the common dream. She couldn't help but wonder what made him so bored, but she never bothered to ask, either.

Platina cleared her throat, returning Onyx to a world of his denizens before leaning forward and looking over to her king's left side. "Raez, it appears that our favorite king is tired. Could you perhaps bring him something to wake him?"

Onyx raised a fist to the front of his mouth, hiding a yawn as he'd seen the other species do. Only a moment later, he shook his head and turned to face his best friend and human advisor, a short man with a small frame and long jet black hair. Though he looked to Raez directly, he was spared no attention until Platina had finished speaking. With a nod in affirmation, Raez spoke a phrase that he knew very well.

"Yes, my Queen." Raez turned the entirety of his body to face Onyx. "Is there anything that you desire in particular, my King?"

Onyx's face scrunched up with a frown before he answered Raez with a snort, blowing his hair backward. Every time he watched Raez open his mouth he hoped for a smartass remark, or something witty_anything_ that ensured him that the human at his side was truly his best friend. Despite his desperate and silent pleas, Raez responded to any, and every situation presented to him like an actual advisor, or, even worse, a common servant.

Staring deep into Raez's eyes, Onyx's frown slowly shifted into a smile and he chuckled softly. His mind slowly began to fill with memories of their past days, before he had become king, and before Raez was a well-respected human among dragons. He could hear Raez's yelps as images of tumbling down hills and mountainsides played through his mind, leaving him feeling a little dizzy.

With a shake of his head and a lick of his lips, Onyx snorted away his tiredness into Raez's face once more, looking for any reason at all to tackle him to the floor. After a while with no response from Raez, Onyx took a deep breath, eager to take a step back through time, even if it was just for a moment.

"The usual..." Onyx spoke softly, reluctantly turning away from Raez and returning to the side of his throne in boredom. Raez bowed, just as he expected, before turning away and starting down the large flight of stairs. As Raez's feet left the top stair, Onyx's eyes shot open and he started to smirk again. Suddenly, he flicked out his tail, snatching up Raez's ankle midstep. Only a moment later, Raez tumbled down the flight of stairs, grunting loud as he hit his side, then landed on his chest.

"Raez!" It was Onyx's voice that caught the room's attention. The black dragon rushed to his feet and stumbled down the stairs, dropping to his knees at his advisor's side, leaving his scepter to crash against the ground and his cape to flump beside it. "I-I'm so sorry! I thought you'd--"

Onyx reached forward, wanting to help Raez up, but his massive claws trembled above Raez's body. It was the first time in a long while that he had been scared for anything, and as fate would have it, Raez was his target. He clenched his teeth with a subtle pant as Raez rose up to a knee, shaking his head and grabbing his chest with a quiet groan.

Platina watched from her throne, sighing with a roll of her eyes before speaking out. "Raez will be fine. He's survived more than falling down some stairs, isn't that right, Raez?" Onyx looked to Platina with a short glare as Raez picked himself up to his feet. He opened his mouth to speak, he wanted to tell Platina to silence herself, but he could see Raez shake his head out of the corner of his eye.

"She's right." Raez took a deep breath, nearly looking Onyx in his eyes as he stood as tall as he could. "I'll be alright."

For a moment there was silence, then Onyx stood up tall at a solid 11 feet, just under twice Raez's height. He frowned even more as Raez struggled to his feet with a wince, but didn't say a word as Raez bowed and turned away. The room watched as Raez left in silence and Onyx returned to his throne, discontent. Platina looked over upon Onyx's return, smirking and crossing her arms, raising her breasts with her arms.

"Come now, Onyx, you can't be a great king if you worry about the safety of each and every servant around you."

Onyx didn't respond, closing his eyes and resting his head in a palm with a slow sigh. He wasn't worried about the safety of his servants, at least not entirely. He was worried about the safety and well-being of his longest, and most true friend.


Onyx slowly opened his eyes to find Raez making his way back up the stairs toward his throne with a silver-domed platter in his hands. He couldn't help but snort as he sat up, looking around only to notice that his queen, Platina, and his servants weren't around; it must've been late. The dragon king whipped his tail forward and then to his side in childish discontent, but upon Raez's arrival, he straightened up his posture, looking down to him with an expression of expectancy.

"My apologies, my king. It took some time, but..." Raez slowly lifted the silver dome from the platter and knelt down to set it down at Onyx's feet. Somewhere along the way he caught Onyx's attention, who leaned forward a little to see what was on the platter, it looked like a steaming drink of some kind and a pie loaded with whipped cream.

As Raez stood back up, presenting the dessert to Onyx, he was met with a bit of a confused expression. He didn't have much of a taste for sweets, nor did they help him "wake up," really, but nothing on Onyx's face said for Raez to turn away. After an awkward moment, Raez reached down for the large blackstone cup of steaming liquid and held it out to Onyx, who took it and looked down into the murky drink.

"Thanks." Onyx took the drink with a nod and a slight sigh. A strong feeling of regret began to overwhelm him, he should've told his friend to stay. He should have knelt down and apologized, let him know that he didn't want something to wake him up, that he wanted his best friend back. He mulled over the idea as he took a sip of the drink, only for his eyes to widen after the first, small gulp. "Raez...?"

"Yes, my King."

Onyx held out the drink, motioning for Raez to take it, which he did and looked down into it. "It's...just hot water..."

Raez's eyebrows raised at the sound of that, taking a quick drink and sighing out. It was much hotter than he thought. Afterward, he chuckled. "Oh! No, this isn't water, my liege..." For a single moment after catching Onyx's attention once more, the professionalism in his posture faded away and a smirk spread across his face. "It's revenge! Haaah!"

Only a moment later Raez threw the drink directly into Onyx's face, pulling a gasp and a yelp from the depths of his massive lungs. The cup fell to the floor a second later followed by the empty platter as Raez held up the whipped cream pie and Onyx looked to him in overwhelming belief. He couldn't believe what just happened.

"Raez!? I- Wha-" Onyx couldn't help but stare wide-eyed, the very end of his tail wagging. Admittedly he was completely stunned, overwhelmed by the new aura surrounding Raez and the smirk on his face. Suddenly, everything about Raez was reminiscent of their glorious days fighting side by side against any and all odds. Before he found himself thinking too long about the past, he returned Raez smirk with his own. Was the Raez he wanted at his side finally back? There was only one way to tell.

"Hold that thought..." Raez turned to the side, raising the pie, but before he could throw it, Onyx whipped out his tail toward his waist. In a burst of speed, Raez reached out and gripped the tip of Onyx's tail, only to be met with a massive set of claws aimed at his chest. Using the same hand, Raez pushed Onyx's wrist to the side with flawless accuracy and lightning-like speed only to slam the pie at the side of Onyx's face, winning the exchange with a wide grin.

The pie tray fell to the ground as Raez chuckled, leaving Onyx covered with whipped cream and looking to him with a smirk of his own. Onyx sat up, lowering his claw and relieving his tail of Raez's grip before rolling his eyes. "Go ahead and say it."

"Say what?" Raez chuckled, crossing his arms a little with an even wider smirk.

Onyx sighed playfully, almost a little in disbelief that he had actually lost, and so quickly too. Then again, it wasn't just anyone who could move like that. "You know what..."

Raez smirked wide and stepped forward, looking up to Onyx and standing on the tips of his toes to stand just a little taller. "YOU'RE DAMN RIGHT I DO! I AM THE KING OF DRAGONS!" He took a deep breath and roared as loud as he possibly could directly into Onyx's face, looking him directly in the eyes in a display of ferocity and dominance. He panted deeply afterward, dropping back down flat on his feet as Onyx cracked his neck.

"Finished already...?" Onyx smirked.

Raez chuckled. "Y-"

Before he could finish Onyx burst forward, tackling him out of the throne's pedestal and spreading his wings for a quick descend, landing them in the middle of the throne room. He pinned Raez down by his shoulders before grinning down at him. "Good! Let me show you how it's done!"

Onyx took a deep breath and spread his wings, throwing his head back before raising a fist. " _I_AM THE KING OF DRAGONS!" He continued with a monstrous roar, trembling the entire throne room with his vocals and then roaring extremely loud, breathing the exceedingly rare black flame into the air, lightning up the well-lit room with a mysterious, dark purple. The room's color returned to normal as the flame dissipated, then Onyx settled his gaze on Raez once more with an exceedingly cocky smirk.

"...but you weren't bad for a human." Onyx chuckled and Raez burst into laughter, pulling himself out from under Onyx. Still caught in Onyx's massive shadow, Onyx kept him in place, wrapping his tail around his waist before lowering his head and pressing it into Raez's chest. In under a moment, Onyx went from the most powerful, awe-inspiring creature in existence to the most adorable, nuzzling against Raez's chest with a wide grin and a soft purring sound.

"Raez..." Onyx sighed as he forced his friend to recline as he continued to purr, a sound that only Raez had ever heard from him. "It's been far too long. I thought I had lost you, and that I'd never find you again. I promise, I'll never put anything between our friendship, never again."

Raez sighed, caught in a windstorm of emotion, his smile trembling just a little as he took in Onyx's feelings, but kept in his own as well. Each and every word was true and he knew it, but it wasn't Onyx's fault for accepting the role and responsibilities as the Dragon King. In fact, he blamed himself; Platina had a way with words and an issue with his close he and Onyx were, especially when it came to Onyx acting outside of expectations of the Dragon King. He didn't have a choice but to change, at least when Platina was around...but then he kinda did, knowing that Onyx would stand up for him. Once more, Raez sighed, reaching down for his shirt and taking it off.

"Damn it, Onyx..." Raez pulled the massive dragon into an embrace, wiping his face with his shirt, cleaning his scales of the whipped cream as much as he could. "You're getting whipped cream everywhere..."

Onyx became silent, and his body noticeably began to tremble. Only after Raez finished cleaning off Onyx's scales he dropped his shirt to their side and Onyx began to rise up. Suddenly, the trembling began to make sense and started to wash over him as he sat eye-to-sheath with Onyx, focused on his fleshy colored cock proudly erect. Raez's eyes widened at the sight, and his nostril's momentarily flared at the strong musk of the dragon king.


"Onyx, I..." Raez looked up to Onyx, but he didn't scoot back, raising a hand to his chest. With a subtle panting. He hadn't seen Onyx nervous very often, but it made sense why he would be. It wasn't just any dragoness he was revealing himself to, it was his best friend, and Raez knew better than anyone else, that his response to the situation would resonate with them for the rest of their lives. He took a silent breath, closing his eyes as he traced his decision with his mind, shortly afterward, he opened his eyes. "I'm honored."

Onyx looked deep into Raez's eyes with the most adorably lustful expression he'd ever seen. Admittedly, it made him nervous, Raez hadn't ever even considered mating with a male before, but then again, Onyx wasn't just any old male. Even so, the idea didn't make Onyx's dragon cock any smaller or his ass used to the ravaging it was about to get. Despite the clear unease spread across Raez's face, Onyx dropped to his fours over him, hanging his throbbing cock just in front of Raez's face.

Raez wanted to speak, he wanted to say anything, really, but the sight of Onyx's member made his throat dry for whatever reason. He rolled his eyes and scrunched up his face a little before taking a deep breath of Onyx's robust musk and the scent of Onyx's precum spilling on his darkened well-toned chest. Afterward, he smiled a little, deciding that it was probably for the best that he had a nice thick drink right in front of him. Meanwhile, Onyx sank his claws into the solid, polished darkstone and lavish, dark purple carpet under them, sighing a dark purple flame and closing his eyes in anticipation.

Following a final look to Onyx's cock, Raez reached up and gripped its thick, yet slender shaft just under its tapered tip. He slid his hands to the somewhat bulbous base of the member before shutting his eyes tight and opening his mouth wide. He choked down the scent of the musk and took Onyx's member as far as he could into his mouth, touching the back of his tongue. He gagged a little out of reflex and a little out of the slimy, meaty taste, but he didn't dare back away from it. He didn't necessarily enjoy the taste, but his inexperience with a male was overwhelmingly obvious, even moreso as he pressed his lips to the throbbing shaft and attempted to force it even deeper.

"Nngh...Raez..." Onyx swept his tail from one side to the other then back to its original position with a deep, excited panting. A second wave of pleasure came as Raez tilted his head to the side and actually began to suck his cock, running his soft, comparatively spongy tongue over his veins. Little by little, as Raez took his mind off of the idea, his performance began to improve, subtle slurping and smacking sounds, the bobbing along his length, and the feel of Raez sucking even harder as he swallowed down as much precum as he could manage all managed to tie into the best session of oral that Onyx had ever experienced before. He fought back against what seemed to be an inevitable release, throwing his head from side to side, but couldn't help but assist Raez in his duty with a slow, rough thrusting of his hips, prodding at the back of Raez's throat and filling it with precum. "A-Almost..."

With Onyx's cue alongside the feel of the dragon cock throbbing, almost inflating in his mouth Raez prepared for the inevitable, closing his eyes and sliding backward. Just as his lips rested at the very tip of Onyx's cock, he found himself stuck with Onyx's massive hand holding him in place. His eyes widened as a sliver of dread crept down his spine and immediately he squeezed Onyx's cock as hard as he could, attempting to push back the loaded cock aimed at his throat, moving this way and that, attempting to swear at Onyx over the sound of his roaring vocals, but to no avail.

Eventually the rumbling sign of pleasure trembling Onyx's body had become a full-blown roar and in a mere instant Raez was gagging on his cum and the tip of his cock alike. One echo at a time, Onyx told Raez just how he felt, holding him in place as he spilled one thick, sticky load at a time into his mouth, overflowing it and pouring it over his bare chest and legs. Just as soon as the gagging started, however, it seemed to stop, with Onyx letting Raez fall onto his back only to kneel down over him, stroking his cock as hard and as fast as he could, messily spurting the rest of his load directly onto Raez's face.

Onyx finished shortly afterward, looking down on Raez with lazily unfurled wings and a glazed over gaze. He panted hard as Raez slowly came back into focus, starting to smile at the sight of Raez's cum-covered body, the work of art he had just created. Despite the sight of Raez's straight-faced frown, Onyx couldn't help but chuckle as he continued to stroke his still-hardened member, dripping the remnants of his recent orgasm into a pool on Raez's belly.

"What's..." Raez wiped his mouth with a cough, reclining with his arms behind him. "So funny...?"

Onyx smiled and crawled backward to lower his head to meet Raez face to face. He inched closer and closer until their lips were planted firmly together. A moan not loud enough to echo throughout the room filled his ears as he parted Raez's lips with his tongue and ran his claw along the underside of Raez's own erection. He wasn't sure when it had appeared, nor did he remember ever picking up with a peculiar love of Raez's flavor, but he welcomed it all the same.

After a while Onyx pulled away with a grip around Raez's cock, tying their open mouths together with a rope of his own seed. He folded his wings properly behind him and rose up to his knees before spreading them to cloak Raez's body in a shadow of his dominance. In a single short breath littered with pants here and there, Onyx finally spoke, looking deep into Raez's eyes.

"Submit to me, Raez." Onyx fell to his fours over Raez, his throbbing cock's tip kissing Raez's lower lip. Despite the sight and the sudden ravenous hunger that had overtaken him, Raez knew that his mouth wasn't where he was going, and admittedly, he was perfectly fine with that. "Turn around and kneel for your King..."

Raez obeyed without question or hesitation, scooting back before turning away. He rolled over and fell to his fours, grunting softly as Onyx kept a hard hold on his member. Before he could rise up to a knee, however, Onyx kept him on his fours, pulling him back by his hip and prodding his ballsack. Only afterward did Onyx squeeze Raez's cock even harder, roughly tugging him as he ran his long tongue alongside Raez's neck.

"That's it..." Onyx whispered into his ear as he properly positioned himself, pressing the tip of his cock to Raez's tightest hole. He pushed forward forcefully, but slowly, spreading him apart as Raez lowered his forehead to the floor, gritting his teeth and immediately tightening up around the throbbing tip. He was big, much too big, but somehow he'd fit. "Bow before your king..."

Raez whimpered in desperation, his throbbing cock spilling pre in Onyx's massive palm, growing closer and closer as Onyx felt up his hip. He pushed back against Onyx's cock, desperate to fill a hole in his being he hadn't noticed before, but Onyx only teased him with a subtle pull backwards. He curled his toes and slowly raised his head, filling the silent room with the sounds of longing pants and quiet groans. "Damn it... O-Ah-Onyx...!"

Onyx chuckled, giving Raez's nearing cock a faster stroking. He pushed forward a little more, noting a peculiar trembling all over Raez's delicate, human body in the process. Afterward he thrust forward, bucking his hips and injecting Raez's ass full of his thick dragon cock. The explosion of pain was something Raez didn't expect, forcing his mouth to gape as his eyes widened, showing a shocked expression that was quickly overtaken by the following pleasure. Raez unleashed a deep, long moan into the air, his back bowing as he thrust his hips, unloading his long awaited orgasm into Onyx's massive palms.

One load at a time, Raez filled Onyx's palm and the air with his sweet scent, giving his hips another hard thrust. He reveled in the in the pain, the overwhelming pleasure, and the feeling of his king's chest pressed against his back. As the world returned to him Onyx released Raez's member and brought the pool of white under Raez's face. Confusion spread across Raez's face, but only for a short while before Onyx leaned forward and pressed the side of his snout to Raez's cheek. He nuzzled against him just long enough to get Raez's attention then he slowly let his tongue out of his mouth, slowly lapping up his advisor's salty sweet cum and spreading the flavor around his mouth.

As Onyx chuckled childishly, playing with the slippery, sticky fluid, Raez reached up behind him and gently clamped Onyx's snout shut between two fingers and his thumb. He caught Onyx's attention immediately before chuckling a loud, pained chuckle, courtesy of Onyx's member.

"Alright, Onyx, I hope you're ready..." Onyx picked up his head at the sound of that, shaking his snout free of Raez's grip and snorting. He whipped his tail forward and backward in preparation to keep going...but something didn't feel right... "For my revenge!"

Onyx gasped loud with wide eyes before finding himself back in his throne panting harder than ever with Raez standing right in front of him with a wide smirk and an empty cup in one hand with a whipped cream pie in the other. Stricken with more confusion than he had ever experienced before, he only managed to stare as Raez smacked him right in the side of the face with the pie. The fluffy cream exploded everywhere, on his chest, his throne, the floor, and his cock, which was noticeably hard and throbbing.

Raez smirked wide at the results of his revenge, reaching out and setting the cup at Onyx's side on one of the throne's arms. Afterward, he dusted himself off and turned away without paying much mind to Onyx's precum-soaked cock. This certainly wasn't the first time he'd seen Onyx sleeping with a loaded cock, in fact, it was actually rather common when Onyx started living around other dragons.

"By the way, Platina told me to come get you for bed. Just...put that thing away before I escort you out. Or not...maybe you can put it in her mouth the next time she sighs."

Onyx tilted his head and then looked down to his cock, groaning and rubbing his cream-caked face. He chuckled quietly to himself as he looked back to Raez with a bit of a smirk of his own. "Heheh, maybe I will."

Raez turned back and bowed once more before stepping just out of the throne room to wait. All the while, Onyx couldn't help but watch Raez move his body, finding himself just as memorized as he was by the dragoness all around him when he first became king. He flicked his tongue out at the thought, tasting Raez's seed from his dream before finally picking himself up. There was quite a way to move from the throne room to his bed and with the right words and maybe a little bribery...there was no telling whether or not he'd have extra company for the night.

*Author's Notes*

Holy hell, I started this piece months ago and I finally got around to finishing it. Right before the sex I stopped and told myself I'd get back to it, but never picked up the motivation to get back. I think it was actually around the time that I wasn't feeling the whole writing thing. At any rate, I picked this back up a few days ago and just decided to let it go where it went, but about 3500 words later I started feeling my motivation start to wane. Instead of pushing this aside, I decided it'd be best to come to a stopping point, perhaps, something to pick up in a part 2 whenever I start feeling it again. With that said, the ending is a little sloppy and I didn't get the chance to do much editing with so much school work, but all in all, I'm rather satisfied with the end result, even more satisfied that I did away with the ending that would lead to a pretty tasteless part 2, replacing it with something that I can't stop smiling about.

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