Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 16: We Better Not (I Hope) Pass This Way Again....

Story by Worlds Apart on SoFurry

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#17 of Counter Earth Chronicles

Last Chapter-

Alex kind of succeeded in his rescue attempt and convinced Lady Vermin to save his doppelganger as well- just before the universe delivered a colossal dose of payback to the rebels and their encampment. It doesn't pay to be evil folks....

Counter Earth Chronicles

Chapter 16: We Better Not (I Hope) Pass This Way Again....

Day 61 continued

"Geez do I have to?" I asked Lady Vermin. "How do we know he won't find his service weapon and kill us while we are sleeping?"

"You don't." Alexander said snickering trying to be funny.

We both stared at him as he said that.

"Well I could knock him out." The rat warrior said walking behind our rebel guest. "Relax, I can do it so it won't hurt." She said staring at him.

"I was just kidding! Just kidding! I am grateful to the both of you for saving my life, for your kindness, mercy and generosity!" Alexander blurted.

"AND?!" Lady Vermin said raising her eyebrow.

(She must have learned that from my mistress.)

"Not all of you animal people are that bad either. I now see and understand that."

"Hmmm....." the rat lady said looking him over. "He appears to be sincere."

I looked at my other-self. "Here's the deal..." I said to Alexander. "If you behave yourself, we will feed you, keep you warm and then cut you lose when we leave. Give us any trouble and I will personally toss your naked butt out of this cave and let you die of exposure. Which may or may not be before my colleague shoots you. Got it?"

He nodded in agreement.

"Now let me see those ropes."

While Lady Vermin adjusted the thermal sleeping unit on the cave floor, I made sure that Alexander's ropes were just loose enough so that he could sleep on me comfortably but not be able to use his hands and feet to crawl away to reach his service weapon.

Lady Vermin made sure to place his weapon with hers out of his reach and would not give it back to him until we left.

As we got into the thermal unit, Lady Vermin leaned on her left side and use her right arm to pull me into an embrace with her paw on my chest. I in return pulled Alexander onto me so that his head was on my stomach and his shoulder very near my groin. A point that he reminded me of constantly.

"Oof!! Hey!! What was that for?!" I yelled at him.

"Sour grapes; because you out smarted me and I lost." He said.

"You didn't lose that badly did you? I mean you still draw breath. Speaking of drawing- when was the last time you bathed?" I asked noticing his aroma.

"Out here life is tough- as you could tell there is no running water." My other-self chided. "I am not fuzzy and smell nice and bathe every day like your bear, but you know what?"

"What's that?" I asked Alexander.

"She gets to sleep in a soft bed wondering how her pet is doing and you get to sleep with me honey." He smirked.

(Everyone is a comedian....)

Lady Vermin soon drifted off to sleep. But Alexander and I decided to chat for a while longer. Well, whisper for a while longer.

"How does that feel?" I asked my other-self.

"I am quite warm and comfortable given the situation." Alexander said to me. "Say Alex are the beastials always that affectionate?" Alexander asked noticing Lady Vermin's embrace.

"Stewing in your own hatred you have never bothered to get to know one have you?"

"No." He replied.

During my time with the beastials I have found them to be warm, friendly and fiercely loyal. They are quite loving and affectionate as well not to mention quite sexual." I said to the would-be-warrior-in-training.

"And manipulative, calculating and have a tendency to use those whom they deem are inferior." Alexander added.

"Yeah you mentioned that before. Are you just saying that or are you speaking from experience?"

Alexander groaned when I said that.

"You aren't allowed to judge until you get to know one. I countered."

He groaned even more after I said that. I decided not to pursue the matter any more and changed the subject.

Say Alexander do you have anyone special you care about?"

"Yeah, Aurora Cross."

"Who's that?" I asked.

"My girl I left in World One when I went to join this outfit. She, like me has had a hard time and begged me not to go. When all this is over. I think I might marry her."

(So he does have something waiting for him away from this.)

"That won't happen if you are labeled an enemy of the empire and on the run for the rest of your life." I warned him. "The only reason you are not coming back with us when we leave is because our objective was to observe and report, not to take prisoners."

We soon realized that dawn had soon turned to late morning and both went to sleep. Lady Vermin and myself were both exhausted and I assumed since Alexander had been up part of the night for the big meeting at the camp he was tired too. For the rest of the morning and most of the afternoon we slept.

Despite the odd arrangement. I slept like a bear, so did Lady Vermin, that was until I was awakened by a fifth ground shaking and gushing noise.

I got up and started making another hole at the cave entrance so we wouldn't suffocate.

(After all the avalanches was there any snow left to run down hill?)

It took me a good thirty minutes to finish and then I decided to start widening the hole to make an exit for the hover bike. Lady Vermin and Alexander slept. While I was working, After I had finished, I returned to the thermal unit to find Lady Vermin cuddling Alexander!

"It is late afternoon, I think we should be going." I announced to the rat lady.

Lady Vermin rose groggily. It took her a moment to realize she was hugging the wrong Mr. Winter.

"Good afternoon madam knight." Alexander snickered.

"Ack!" She exclaimed

"Hey Alex, did a proud and dignified Knight of Wundagore just make the sound I thought I heard?" My doppelganger asked.

"Apparently she had." I responded.

"Not a word you two." She then examined the cave entrance and the hole I had made. "It still looks dangerous but we should leave now if we don't want to be stuck here for another night."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

Lady Vermin handed me the vision equipment. From our position I could see more snow rumbling down the far wall of the valley.

"My lady, Alexander you should see this!" I said to them while looking out from the entrance of the cave. The she beast untied the rope binding Alexander's legs so that he could follow her to the entrance of the cave.

In the light of the afternoon we observed the true extent of what had happened. The avalanches had completely buried the valley floor and surrounding hills in- a 24 foot mound of snow leaving the peaks of the surrounding mountains quite bare.

"I don't think anything could have survived that." I said to my companions. "There is no movement at all down there or in any direction; I think everyone there and in the surrounding area was buried alive."

Lady Vermin checked her tracking device- she found Nicholas Shock's signal coming from the floor of the valley roughly where his tent had been. There hadn't been any movement in more than 6 hours.

"Confirmed." She said coldly.

"Oh no!" Alexander stammered. "Some of those people I considered friends." He said in disbelief.

"Those people were murderers and thugs!" Lady Vermin said watching my doppelganger shiver in the cold afternoon air. "Despite what you may think. If you continued with them you would have become the same as well."

She then zapped him again with her device and returning his clothes to his naked form.

"I can't explain it- but it seems the universe has a way of balancing itself out."

"What?" Alexander asked.

"Remember what I said about a bad end?" I told my other-self. "These people took others lives indiscriminately in the name of their cause. It appears now their lives have been taken- indiscriminately."

"And the knights have never taken a life?" He asked indignantly

"Very rarely. We prefer to knock our prey into next week." The rat warrior said candidly. "But sometimes our prey doesn't give us that option."

"I have to try to help." my other-self said. "They took me in from the street when I didn't have anywhere else to go. It is the only right thing to do."

"You can try." Lady Vermin warned. "But you would be jeopardizing your life trying to save them; another avalanche could come and bury you at any time. Ultimately you would be sharing their grave." She told my other-self.

"Alex, we should be leaving." Lady Vermin said.

"What about me?" Alexander asked.

"You have a decision to make about your future." I told him. "Now is the time. You can spend all day looking for survivors under that mound of snow out there or make your way out of this valley of white death and back to civilization. The choice is yours."

With that I untied his hands and placed his side arm at his feet, I also left him the rest of our rations and Lady Vermin's thermal unit.

"This should be more than enough to get you back to civilization. I will toss you the power source for your weapon when we are a safe distance away." I said hugging him while Lady Vermin prepped the hover bike. "I hope that you become a model citizen and that we meet again someday and under better circumstances."

"Why is that?" Alexander asked.

"Because I would very much like to meet your parents." Alexander nodded. "Don't forget that your hated enemy spared your life, helped you survive numerous avalanches and is leaving you a trail out of this valley." I told my other-self as we started to depart.

"I won't beastial lover!" He replied. "What happens if I don't straighten up and fly right?"

"Oh, you better! Because I know a certain evil scientist who would love to get his paws on you if you don't!" I warned my other-self.

"It's time we leave left." The she beast said.

With that I joined Lady Vermin on the hover bike and we were off.

The trip out of the valley and over the mountains was as treacherous as was our arrival here. Fortunately the rat lady was well rested and up to the task. I on the other had, closed my eyes and trusted her to skillfully fly us away from the valley of avalanches- a place like prairie on my first mission I had no desire to ever return to.

"You know I hope Alexander makes the right choice. We probably didn't abate his hatred for the empire and the dictator, but hopefully I rattled his cage just enough to cause him to question- everything." I said to Lady Vermin on the trip back. "If he does decide to look for his comrades and does find survivors- I think that zinger I left earlier will still point him in the right direction."

Lady Vermin on the other hand was quiet.

"Something wrong?" I asked.

"I was just thinking." She said to me. "I realized something Alex."

"What's that?"

"If you hadn't come with me on this mission I too would have perished in the avalanches." She said. "It is quite possible you saved my life too." The she beast said to me.

"I would hope that if the situation had been reversed you would have done the same for me without hesitation. But please- if you feel a need to thank me a hug will do." I said placing my hand on her paw.

"Why is that?" She asked.

"I know your furries are quite sexual with those who save your lives."

"How would you know that?" She asked.

"Experience." I responded.

We returned to Castle Wundagore around late evening and were debriefed by Lord Tiger for two hours. He was surprised and yet pleased that the enemy had been wiped out by the numerous avalanches that had taken place. It saved him from mounting an attack on the enemy encampment. But he said he would send some forces out to look for survivors just in case.... He did but none were ever found. As for Alexander, my doppelganger did make it out of the valley alive, but that is another story.

"You both performed admirably, Good work!" The tiger warrior said. "In particular you Alex. Without your involvement in this mission, it is quite possible that Lady Vermin would not be with us today."

"One question sir." I asked as our debrief concluded. "Is this how the knights eliminate all threats to the empire?"

"No." The tiger warrior responded. "Most of the time we are able to destroy the rebel factions from within. But this group was the exception- we weren't able to get inside. That was why we needed you two to observe this group. Alex, your abilities were quite useful during this mission. I plan to use you again in the future."

(UGH! Someone save me....)

"Thank you sir." I said meekly.

"I have one more thing," Lord Tiger asked." That biological weapon you mentioned the rebels were working on, any idea as to what it could be or its whereabouts?"

"That information perished with the rebels. They might have had a copy of it at the encampment or elsewhere." The rat lady responded. "I think more recon will be needed."

"Agreed. Dismissed." The commander of the knights said.

"So what happens now?" I asked as Lady Vermin walked me home.

"We earned some downtime." She said. "I am going to catch up on sleep and tend to my injuries. I think you should go and tend to your mistress' lair." She snickered as I arrived home.

"Hmm... 9 PM and she is not home."

"Oh yes." The lady rat said. "We were not the only ones on a mission. I believe Ursa and Ram were on a mission of their own."

"Really, what was it about?"

"I think they were following up a lead on The Madam." Lady Vermin responded candidly.

"Who is that?" I asked .

" A rogue scientist the knights have been after for some time. Nothing you need to concern yourself with. Anyway this superior being thanks you for your assistance on this mission." She said to me.

(There's that ego again.)

"Thank you for yours." I countered hugging the rat lady. I think we made a great team."

"What's this?" She asked startled.

"It is my way of saying we are friends." I responded.

She was my mistress' best friend after all. I assumed that after what we had experienced on this mission, I could consider her a friend as well.

She agreed. "Well, until next time...."

When I walked into the lair I discovered it was a mess. Clothes were thrown all over the place. Plates and dishes left on the table and counter and what was weirder was that I had only been gone a day!

My mistress may be skilled on the battlefield but domestically she wasn't. Which was odd because the day she adopted me her lair was spotless- she must have cleaned it before hand.

(I guess you can take a bear out of the forest but not the forest out of the bear.)

Grudgingly, I decided to start cleaning the lair from top to bottom. It was around midnight when I knocked off for the night. She hadn't returned by then so I decided to sleep on the sectional and wait for her.

Day 62

Around 7 AM I continued cleaning the townhouse from top to bottom. I managed to finish before professor Love arrived to continue my language instruction. Having missed two days of schooling due to the rebel attack and the mission with the knights, the professor had a lot of material for me. Afterwards, I worked on my homework and then I made dinner- salmon, before my she beast finally arrived home.

It was during my downtime that I thought about the mission and specifically my conversations I had had with my other-self how much of it was the truth and how much of it was rebel rhetoric? But there was something about our dialogue that bothered me. Now what was it?

My fierce ursine warrior arrived home just before 7 PM that evening and after seeing that I had arrived back safely from my mission, she pounced on me and gave me one of the greatest bear hugs I had ever received in my life.

"It was lonely around here without you my pet." She said.

"I missed you too mistress." I replied. I then noticed something different about her- she sounded hoarse and congested. "You have another cold?" I asked.

"Yes, I caught it during your absence. But you can help make it go away later this evening." She said.

During dinner I told my she beast about the mission in the valley of the white stuff, my encounter with my other-self, Lady Vermin's supposed rescue and the avalanches.

"It sounds like you had a great time." She said candidly.

(Great?! What?)

"It was a dangerous and challenging mission. It also made me look forward to my life back here as a simple house pet, stable and safe- no political intrigue or danger."

"Aw." She teased. "I thought you were ready to become a Knight of Wundagore or an honorary one at least."

"No mistress, I will help out if commanded, but I much rather be a civilian then a knight or spy."

"Anyway, the evening is getting late and this knight needs her sleep and her medicine."

With that she left our plates on the table, picked me up from the chair and carried me to her chambers. Upon reaching her room, my she beast removed what clothing she and I were wearing, and placed me on her bed, where she gently crawled on top of me- her chest on mine. I was finally going to cuddle with my fierce ursine warrior.

"So what exactly did you miss most from our time apart my pet?" She asked.

"You and everything about you. Don't get me wrong, Lady Vermin kept me warm in that cold valley, but she was not you."

"Oh? How so?" My she beast asked.

"To start she doesn't have beautiful golden eyes to intimidate enemies with, or powerful paws with razor sharp claws to carve up adversaries. She doesn't have those strong arms of yours either. The ones that make me feel so safe and protected that the universe could be ending and I wouldn't care. I also missed that short stout snout which is great for kissing and those pert beautiful breasts the softest pillows in the universe and that cute rump of yours with that squishibly soft nubby tail." I said to her.

"I do declare my pet I think you are in love with me!" She said.

"Yes mistress, I realized that some time ago."

"I also missed you too." She said. "Your kind, gentle and generous heart. I also find your shyness and insecurity adorable. You try very hard to hide it but it always reveals itself. I also missed that cute, hairless, tail-less rump of yours quite different from anything I have known. But most of all I missed you and your special abilities. One of which I am in need of now." She said.

"You know I still haven't quite figured out how that works..." I said to her.

"I have." My she beast replied. "It is your semen."

"Come again?" I asked surprised.

"It has curative properties silly. Remember that night I took your virginity in the woods? The moment you came- my cold went. It was as if someone flipped a switch; my nasal passages were clear and I was no longer congested."

"So that's how it works." I replied.

"Well it is about to happen again!" My ursine warrior said as she casually lubed my penis and impaled herself on my thickening shaft. She placed both paws on my arms as she straddled my crotch in a crouching position. No sooner had she done this, I then remembered the other thing I had missed about her- her tight, warm tunnel inside her soft precious flower.

"NGH!!! So goooood!" I moaned.

"I want you to relax completely." She ordered me. "When you cum, I want all of it. Every single drop of your goo. Don't spare any of it." She commanded.

I looked at her blankly.

"My cold was starting to get severe." She said. She then started gently to grind her hips as my shaft moved up and down inside her soft sweet vaginal tunnel. I was about to get my bearpussy as my doppelganger would have said.

Something about that statement tickled my thoughts as my loins were being tickled by my mistress. I couldn't quite put my finger on it. I momentarily put that thought aside just as my she beast started growling. She was close to cumming and was enjoying every minute of of her 'sexual healing'. As was I.

She sped up her pace and grinded herself on my shaft with increasing urgency.


I soon realized I was there. It felt great to be inside her rubbing her walls with my tool.

"I can't hold off anymore I am going to cum!" I announced.

My ursine warrior then removed her paws from my arms and placed them behind my head mashing my face to her breasts as I came deep within her releasing a pent up load of semen I had been saving for a day and a half.


I must have fired six to seven ropes of my goo into her.

(This was Heaven!)

No sooner had I done this, my she beast raised her head inches from mine and roared as her climax claimed her- dosing my crotch in her goo. We stayed locked in this embrace while we rode out our orgasms into a mutual afterglow.

"Soooo gooood!" I moaned.

When she regained her senses, she snorted several times and then kissed me- bear snout to human lips.

"Best cold remedy on Counter Earth and inexpensive too." She said.

"The best things in life are free." I responded.

"Come my pet. It is time we sleep!" She said as she dismounted from my crotch and rolled me to my side, then quickly embraced me from behind.

(Lady Ursa is a fantastic lay, even more important she loves me and I love her.)

I thought as my mistress then placed her chin on my head and spooned me from behind.

As I started to drift off to sleep, I realized that during our love making my she beast had really made a mess on my crotch. Oh well. I guess we'll take care of that in the morning.... bear pussy indeed....

I then remembered! Bear pussy- that statement Alexander had said! OMG!!!! My thoughts returned to my conversation with my other-self.

Lady Ursa noticed that I was deep in thought and nuzzled me.

"Something on your mind pet?"

"Yeah mistress." I said. "Something very disturbing. Our love making reminded me of something my other-self had said to me during the mission."

"What's that." She asked?

"That I had become a collaborator for bear pussy."

"That was quite an insensitive thing to say." She said. "Did you crush him?" She asked as she snuggled me further.

"Not exactly." I replied. "He was interrogating me at the time. But that is not what I am getting at- my Counter Earth self knew that you- my mistress, were a bear. But how did he know? I didn't tell him that. No one but you, Sir Ram, Lady Vermin, Lord Tiger, Lea and Tauren know of our arrangement that is six individuals." I said to her.

The answer hit me like a ton of bricks. "Mistress, we have a problem." I said to my she beast.

"What is that pet?"

"There is a mole in Castle Wundagore."

"There are plenty here." She said as I listened to her words in shock. "They work in maintenance."

(Beastials- sheesh!)

"Not that type of mole mistress. You have a spy in the castle working with the rebellion...."

To Be Continued....

Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 17: Good Is Good, Bad Is Bad, But You Are Something Else Entirely

Counter Earth Chronicles **Chapter 17: Good Is Good, Bad Is Bad, But You Are Something Else Entirely** Day 62 continued My she beast first turned me to look at her. But then turned on the lights to the room when she remembered humans don't see too...

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Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 15: Something More Than You Are

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Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 14: Left To My Own Devices

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