A Dragons Revenge A Riders Children.

Story by Eclipse_Lunablade on SoFurry

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#5 of Dark times (An Eragon FanFic)

The final chapter in this little series. I know the fight scene is a bit weak but it's my first time writing one. I intend to make a sequel series to this but it will be more episodic meaning that it won't follow a set storyline and will be made up of single oneshot stories. I hope you enjoyed and I hope this inspired you to write your own Saphira fanfic (god knows we need more of them).

Saphira woke in pain, her lower body feeling as if it was on fire. Roaring out in pain Saphira woke Eragon and Nevre who quickly got up.

"Saphira what's wrong?" Eragon asked

"She's about to lay her eggs." Nevre said

"Already?" Eragon asked as he comforted Saphira

"The eggs take around three days to form at which point the female lays the eggs while the hatchlings continue to develop." Nevre said

"Is there any way we can help her?" Eragon asked

"Just keep her calm, it's all you can do." Nevre replied as Eragon held Saphira's head in his arms.

"E-Eragon... It hurts so much." Saphira said as she felt the first egg begin its journey out of her womb

"I'm right here Saphira, just keep looking at me." Eragon said trying his best to keep Saphira calm. As soon as the first egg appeared Eragon took it and placed it against Saphira who roared again as the second egg came.

The process was long but eventually it was over and against Saphira was five dragon eggs. The first was a dark blue only slightly darker than Saphira's was, the second was a light green colour, the third was a deep golden colour, the fourth was pure white, and the last was pitch black much like the dragon that sired it. Looking at the final egg Saphira sighed and looked to Eragon.

"I wish they where born from you." Saphira said looking back to the black egg before taking it and looked to Nevre.

"You said you wanted an egg Shade, then take this one." Saphira said rolling the egg to Nevre who carefully picked it up.

"Saphira." Nevre said surprised at her willingness to be rid of one of her young

"I know it isn't the fault of the hatchling, but I can't help but see Shruikan when I look at it." Saphira said as Eragon gently pet her lovingly

"I understand Saphira Brightscales." Nevre said as he bowed to Saphira before taking the egg and placing it in a pack that rested beside his horse.

Shruikan landed in a small clearing close to the cave he had tracked Saphira and Eragon to, hoping to get the element of surprise Shruikan waited until nightfall.

When night came over the forest Shruikan made his move, keeping low he moved through the forest with ease despite his size. With the cave in sight Shruikan quickly flew towards it letting loose a loud roar.

Eragon and Nevre quickly dodged the massive dragon only to see him barrel into the weakened sapphire dragoness.

"Whore, how dare you leave your mate." Shruikan yelled at Saphira as he held her down. Expecting more of a fight Shruikan looked towards the small clutch of eggs Saphira had been curled up against before.

"So that explains it, well I suppose I had better give you a new clutch after I'm done with your rider." Shruikan said as he reached down and licked along Saphira's neck

"Let her go Shruikan." Eragon demanded drawing Brisingr from its scabbard

"Oh the simple farm boy turned rider, do you honestly think that having a riders sword makes you powerful enough to kill me?" Shruikan mocked not even bothering to look at him

"He can't alone but with the right help..." Nevre said as he materialised a sword of his own

"A Shade, it seems you make some strange friends Eragon." Shruikan said finally getting of Saphira.

Taking up a combative stance Eragon prepared to strike, quickly moving forward Eragon swung upwards hoping to strike where the dragons dark heart rested. Shruikan however simply swung his tail knocking Eragon into the wall of the cave. Nevre tried a different strategy, using his powers he sunk into the shadows only to appear above Shruikan's head hoping to strike at the brain. Shruikan however sensed the Shade and dodged out of the way before knocking Navre away as well.

Eragon and Nevre both got up and tried again, only for Shruikan to overpower them both, each time the two got up to attack Shruikan would simply knock them away. Shruikan however had forgotten that he had left Saphira alone long enough for her to recover just in time for her to see Shruikan approaching Eragon.

"Stay. Away. From. My. RIDER." Saphira bellowed as she launched herself at Shruikan, her weariness completely forgotten in her rage.

"Eragon, now." Saphira said as she pinned Shruikan. Understanding immediately Eragon took Brisingr and plunged it into the dark dragons exposed underbelly. Although not a fatal hit it was still enough to make Shruikan roar in agony. Nevre quickly followed and plunged his sword at the pint where the body and wings connected causing unimaginable agony to shoot through Shruikan who was now thrashing about trying to escape the grip of the dragoness above him.

"I said I'd make you pay Shruikan." Saphira said looking into the black dragons eyes which to her delight showed a hint of fear.

Taking Brisingr out of Shruikan, Eragon looked up at Saphira.

"Would you care to do the honours my love?" Eragon asked

"I'd be delighted, my love." Saphira replied before she reached down and sunk her teeth into Shruikan's throat.

"I have waited a long time for this you waste of scales." Saphira said

"P-please Saphira, spare me." Shruikan begged as he felt Saphira bite down harder

"That sounds familiar, oh yes that's right. I said asked for the same thing when you raped me, now allow me to respond in kind." Saphira yelled in rage as she quickly pulled her head back taking half of Shruikan's neck with her.

Shruikan gasped and gurgled as blood flooded his lungs and what was left of his throat try to get fresh air into him. However it was useless, within minutes the mad kings dragon lay dead on the cave floor.

"It's-it's over." Saphira said to herself feeling like a mountain had been lifted off her

"Saphira, are you alright?" Eragon asked

"I'm fine Eragon." Saphira said spitting out the remains of Shruikan's throat

"So he's dead then." Nevre said as he poked Shruikan's side

"I guess so." Eragon said

"I guess it's good bye then. After all that was part of the deal right?" Nevre asked

"Forget that part of the deal." Eragon said

"What?" Nevre asked

"I allow you to visit me and Saphira should you desire." Eragon said in the ancient language

"Th-thank you, Eragon, no... My friend." Nevre said as he reached out to shake Eragon's hand which Eragon accepted.

"You best get back to the Varden. I'm going to stay here and see if I can learn anything from this pile of filth." Nevre said pointing towards Shruikan's corpse.

"Very well Nevre." Eragon said as he moved over to the eggs and soon had them packed in a bag that he placed on his back as he climbed onto Saphira's back.

"You ready to go home?" Eragon asked

"More than ready." Saphira said and with that the two flew back to the Varden waiting for what the future would bring to them and their children.


With Shruikan dead the empire had lost it's greatest weapon. With this knowledge and with Eragon and Saphira's help the mad king Galbatorix was slain. With Nasuada on the throne the kingdom quickly recovered.

Upon hearing of learning of Eragon and Saphira's love Nasuada helped fund a new home for the two which was built where Eragon's farm had been before the Ra'zac killed Garrow.

"I'm home Saphira." Eragon said as he returned from his hunt

"Welcome home love. Children your father's home." Saphira said walking out to her mate only to be passed by four recently hatched blurs which all crashed into Eragon. Saphira laughed as her two sons and two daughters jumped Eragon making him drop the bag he was carrying. Saphira tore open the bag and revealed to her children the large buck that was inside. Salhira chuckled as her children switched their attention completely to the large buck at their mothers feet. Within seconds the four hatchlings where tearing into the meat and feasting happily.

"You know Saphira, as much as I have come to dislike hunting, getting to see our children's eyes light up like that makes it all worth it." Eragon said

"I agree my mate." Saphira replied before she heard a branch snap. Eragon also heard this and upon turning around he saw a familiar man with a small black dragon on his shoulder.

"Good to see you again." Nevre said as he walked up to the two lovers "I thought I'd come by and give you something." And with that Nevre handed Eragon a small bottle. What happened then is a story for another time.

Dragon and Rider Reunited.

Saphira opened her eyes as the light of the sun hit her eyelids, getting up Saphira stretched herself like a cat so as to get any stiffness out of her joints. "So I really escaped." Saphira said to herself as relief washed over her at the fact that...

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A Dragons Escape A Riders Love.

"Wake up whore." Shruikan yelled as he hit Saphira across the face making her roar out in pain as she quickly got up. When Saphira got her composure back she looked back at Shruikan with pure hatred in her eyes. "Attacking someone in their sleep,...

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A Riders Deal and A Dragons Feelings

Eragon panted as he ran through the dense foliage surrounding him, his hair clung to his forehead as sweat covered his brow. "Damn it, why did I leave like that, I should have scanned the area first but no I had to leave Saphira to get some damn...

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