Condemned Chapter One: New Darkness

Story by Max The Wolf on SoFurry

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Condemned Chapter One : New Darkness Story and Characters Michael .B < Max The Wolf (Yiffstar) LT_Max_W_Charger (FA)> Condemned Reference XBOX360 and there rightful owners. Disclaimer is here to protect the widdle kidda's that are always getting there paws caught in the cookie jar of the Cookie Monster on Sesame Street. ( NNNOOOO~~!! YOU STEAL COOKIE MONSTERS COOKIE!!!! COOKIE MONSTER MAD....COOKIE MONSTER SMASH....GET REVENGE OVER SESAME STREET!!! ). See what you did now kid' pissed off a big blue puppet...shame on you for stealing cookie monsters cookie. Uh...back on track....this story contains mature content and shouldn't be seen by anyone under 18 to 21 depending on your stupid laws and shit. Please leave good comments and I will be happy.. P.S. This story had contributing from the Game Condemned Criminal Origen's so yeah...but still its got a bit of my own little twists to it so its not truly STEALING. ================================================================ Them song: Mannequin - Cradle of Filth (I figure I should let you COF lovers have a bit of recognition in one of my stories. ^_^ ) Story started 4-25-2009, finished 4-27-2009

  • * * ~{{ Downtown Slums Miami, Florida Nighttime }}~ A lone police car rolled down the alley between two buildings, trash strewn along the path before the car rolled to a stop at a T in the path. The engine shut off along with the lights before the door opened slowly and out stepped a snow white wolf, standing at near six foot tall...he was dressed in black jeans, a gray shirt and a thick, black wind breaker jacket with the letters M.F.T. on the back in yellow, this stood for who he worked for...the Miami Forensics Team. Moving from his car he walked to the left making his way to a open doorway just under a light where a cop stood waiting for him. "I'm glad you made it Detective...the chief is up at the scene waiting for you. You do know where right?" the cop never faltered his smile while he spoke. The young wolf laughed softly and gave a nod moving through the doorway and down the hall, taking a flight of stairs up to the third floor, switching on his flashlight in the darkness while making his way to a open door just at the end of the hall. Upon stepping inside he was greeted by another cop and the police to mention the store mannequin sat in a chair near a table, almost casual like. "Dakota...over here." the chief flagged him over with a smile. He was a tall middle aged man...a little on the heavy side but that still didn't mean he couldn't chase down a jackrabbit and slam a biker thug against the wall like a tank. Dakota had seen that first hand many of times and it was one thing he looked up to in the chief. "I do hope I'm not late sir." Dakota smiled; walking over to the human before turning his deep yellow eyes upon the table setting looking it over with interest. The setting was like a formal dinner, only minus the food and drinks. Slowly Dakota moved to the table, stepping around it carefully checking the mannequin silently then he looked over to the side looking at the body of a young female collie chained to a chair that was laying upon its back. "Tony turn off the lights...the Detective's equipment works better in the dark." the chief called over to the cop standing by the door who gave a nod flipping the switch leaving the one area the chief and Dakota was in; in darkness. Soon Dakotas radio chimed a incoming call so he pulled the small headset from the side of the radio clipped to his hip and placed it on his ear. "Dakota...I'm ready to start receiving data..." came a crisp clear voice of a female on the other end. Dakota smirked softly. "Yeah I bet you are Suko...okay lets see if this new stuff works." he shrugged slightly and pulled a small UV light from his pocket fitted with a scanner along the full length before he turned it on running it slowly along the Collies body, stopping at her neck noticing that the light showed the clear bruised markings of some one strangling the poor collie to death, and the way she was tied and bound...she couldn't have fought the attacker off even if she tried. Dakota slowly shook his head as he scanned the marks and sent them to Suko before her voice chimed in again. " it... Seams this is the work of the Puppet Master..." her voice seamed calm yet to Dakota he picked up the fear hidden within. "So...we do have the prints right? So why is this guy not caught?" Dakota asked softly while he moved the UV light over the table fallowing a new trail of drops along the surface that ran up to the mannequins arm and up to the side of its face where a vast amount was found there. "Suko...I got something else here... I'm sending it through now." he spoke while scanning the fluid. "Well...he dose have prints...but none of them come up in any database...that's why he isn't caught...but as for your mystery fluid...its...I...I don't know yet.. I'll let you know when I do find out though." Suko replied softly before the chief spoke up. "Tony...I told smoking at the crime scene." "Uh...I don't smoke sir." The chief walked over to Tony slowly while looking around. "Well some one was just now." he looked to a door to the side "Its coming from behind this door." he looked to Tony slowly then turned back to look at Dakota flagging him over as Tony opened the door and walked down the small hall and into another room lined with windows. "FREEZE!" Tony called out before running over to a window near the fire escape just outside. "Shit...Chief...he's moving up to the roof!". Both Dakota and the Chief moved to stand by Tony before the Chief looked to the side. " that door for the Detective and then get your ass back over here and we'll go to the roof. Dakota...get the lights back on in this building." he moved to step through the open window as Tony moved to a door that was closed nearby and slammed it open with his shoulder, revolver aimed looking around before giving a nod standing back some. "All yours Detective...take care." he gave him a pat on the shoulder before rushing to met up with the chief. Dakota glanced back some and moved on into the dark hall, his light falling upon nothing but clutter, like before when he made his way to the third floor. As he walked on something or someone rushed past in the corridor knocking over a few boxes on its way. Drawing his weapon, a Rock River .45 AUTO; he looked around before Suko spoke up. "Careful in there Dakota...this part of town is full of crazy psychos and junkies...there highly aggressive and violent." Just as she finished her statement, a short ocelot jumped from around the corner holding a 2x4 plank with four nails in the end of it before it charged him with a yowling growl, pulling back its arm ready to strike but soon did a rolling rag doll to the floor over the report of a gunshot, a bullet hole in its head from Dakotas .45. He sighed softly, while he stepped over the body making his way into the corridor and moving to the right into another room, it was clear to see that the building was being worked on before it was abandoned and over ran with the crazies...but for now he had a job to do and a killer to catch. Slowly he made his way down into the basement of the building before he froze in mid-step looking around, thinking before moving on finding a small pillar of smoke raising up from a almost put out cigarette at the foot of the main circuit breaker, he then pulled the switch and a shock ripped through him, knocking him backwards to the floor...his gun being tossed from his paw and sliding to a stop at the feet of someone in a orange jumpsuit. Dakota looked up to the shadow standing in front of him as it bent down to pick up the fallen gun and with a mocking jester the person pointed the gun at him and imitated a few gunshots before turning away and walking out the door nearby. Dakota slowly got up shaking his head some to clear out the cobwebs from the shock and made his way through the door grabbing a small steel pipe, looking it over slowly and gave it a few test swings, giving a nod. He moved on through the building till he was almost caught up with the suspect before yet another ocelot jumped out in front of him. This one didn't waste any time in a attack, lunging at Dakota full force swinging its wooden weapon only to have it blocked by the pipe. Reeling back from the deflected attack the ocelot stumbled slightly leaving its body wide open for Dakota's onslaught of brutal hits with the pipe till the last hit slammed into its head with a sickening "Crunch" before the body hit the floor, a pool of crimson forming under its head obviously from a fractured skull. Slowly he moved up to a door that was partly open. Holding the pipe tightly in his paw he pushed the door open into a large room with two large windows looking out over the alley, and as he moved on into the room something grabbed him from behind and slammed him into the concrete wall between the two windows, forcing him to drop the pipe. The light that poured in from the outside buildings shone upon the person who grabbed him; it was a tall black wolf with soulless blue eyes. "You have interfered with my job. I would have been done sooner if you all didn't show now I have to get my hands more dirty than I wanted..." Just then; the chief and Tony came into the room, weapons drawn and ready to fire but before they could even make a move, the black wolf turned slightly and shot them both in the heart killing them before they hit the floor. "Well...detective...seams you have shot your own friends...this just gets better and better...but we will meet again." he said softly yet in a deep voice before slamming his fist into Dakota's stomach twice and throwing him against the window, shattering it and sending the young detective to the ground below; only to fall upon the roof of a trashed car with a heavy thud just before his world went black. ~{{ Apartment 201, Miami FL }}~ When Dakota came-to his vision swam into focus before he noticed he was back inside his apartment. Could it all have been just a nightmare? A figment of his mind playing games with him? No it wasn't, he was still dressed in his work cloths and his back hurt slightly. He then sat up noticing he was on his couch, looking around till a old gray wolf stepped from around the corner from the kitchen. "Ah...I see you woke up. How are you feeling Dakota?" Dakota rubbed his head slightly and shrugged. "Who are you and how did you get in?" he asked before he stood up slowly. "I'm a friend of your fathers...and as for how I got in...I found you passed out on the roof of a car and brought you home." the old wolf spoke while moving about the room slowly with a cup of coffee in paw. Dakota watched before moving to look out the window before he shrugged. "I can go to the PD...tell them how it all happened and--" he was cut off by the old wolf who looked at him intently. "And do what? Two officers shot with your own gun...who are they going to believe? You or the bullet?" Dakota sighed softly before he heard the sounds of thudding boots making there way up the stairs toward his floor, most likely not for a social call. The old wolf moved to open one of the windows near the fire-escape looking back to Dakota, watching him walk over. "Get out and lay low for a while." Dakota moved through the window with out question, still having his gear packed away in his jacket pockets as he moved down the fire-escape and to the street below making his was down into the subway line, walking slowly down the path before his radio chimed in fallowed by Suko's voice. "Hey...what happened? Are you okay?" she asked, clearly her voice full or worry. "Yeah...I guess..." he shook his head slightly looking around the trash covered area. "Did you really do it, I mean...kill them?" Dakota sighed moving on deeper into the area. "No...I didn't. I was set up, something bigger is going on here I just know it.". "Well look Dakota...I trust you...odd as it seams, but anyways the agency hasn't thought about revoking her lab pass so I can still help you the best I can before they find out." she smirked softly. "Thanks Suko. I'll let ya know when I...well... I found something." he blinked while knelling down beside a trashcan surrounded by empty plastic bottles, standing up slowly he noticed the trashcan held photos that he recognized as his own apartment. "I got some photos here...and some trace... I'm sending it through." he spoke while taking out the UV scanner and running it slowly over the photos before slipping it back into his pocket. "Well as for the's the same that was on the Mannequin. Its C1-40. Its used for self-developing photos...any one can get it nowadays." she said softly before giving a soft sigh. "Whoever set you up must have been watching you for a long time...I remember that old crappy couch from your Christmas party last year.". Dakota smirked "Well you know me...I can't buy much in the way of luxuries ya know. But judging by the developing fluid...I should be able to fallow this trail that was left behind...whoever is handling it must have a leaky bottle...its all over the floor." he looked along the droplet trail that went into the subway station, and into the shutdown lines. He fallowed the trail, picking up a large pipe along the way till he got near one of the subway cars only to have a big bovine dressed in a bloodstained raincoat and a gasmask; jump down from one of the cars, landing in front of him swinging a sledgehammer only to have it miss its target and slam into the tram, putting a large dent in the metal from the force put behind the swing. "Ah, hell with this." Dakota snorted reaching into his jacket pocket and pulling out his taser and firing the duel prong line into the bovines chest sending a five-hundred thousand volt charge through him with the desired effect of making the bovine stumble backwards dropping its weapon. Dakota then wasted no time in grabbing the sledgehammer and slamming it down into the bovines head, splitting it open like a coconut. Hefting the sledgehammer upon his shoulder, Dakota made his way to one of the maintenance rooms. Upon entering the room he found parts for mannequins, along with a vast amount of the C1-40 fluid but nothing to do with developing any photos. "Suko...I think I found the Puppet Masters workshop...but no darkroom..." Dakota said while moving closer to a mannequin arm looking it over slowly before scanning along the underside of the arm. "Suko...what do you make of this?". "That? Well its North and son's department store...its in the heart of the slums...the Redline subway runs right through there all the time. I would say the suspect uses the subway to get from here to there with out dealing with the would also explain why he has so many mannequins, that place was closed down two years ago and no one has been in there sense; besides the Puppet Master that is." Suko replied while the sound of claws tapping along a keyboard was heard. "Well It would look like that is my next stop huh?" Dakota grinned while moving back to the running subway lines. "Well if better hurry...the last train for the night is leaving in ten minuets." Dakota took off in a sprint down the path, dodging trashcans and pipes till he hit the main line, then sprinted all the way down the walkway, diving through the closing doors of the leaving train. He then moved to a seat and sat down to enjoy what bit of the time to relax he could afford till his stop. ~{{ North and Son's Department Store }}~ Upon his stop he moved from the subway and up to the street, finding himself in front of the department store he needed to be at. "So this is the place huh?" Dakota said while making his way through the gap between the door and wall covered by plywood. When he was inside he looked around the trashed store with a slight shrug moving on through the clutter and demolished display cases till he got to a set of escalators up to the second floor before a body of one of the crazies rolled down the steps and slamming against one of the chains at the foot of the escalators with a note stuck to the persons back with a small piece or rebar that read Get Out'. Dakota blinked slightly. "Seams I ain't the only one disposing of the crazies...wonder who did this.?" he then moved up the escalator to the second floor into a holiday themed area built up to celebrate Christmas. He looked around slightly at all the mannequins, shivering slightly. "This place gives me the creeps.." he said while walking on along room before stopping to look at one of the mannequins for a bit then moved on slowly till a small squeaking of metal wheels was heard. Dakota spun around quickly looking behind him just as the noise stopped, picking up a plank of wood from a display case fitted with two bolts; he looked at the mannequin he was just looking at seamed closer...was it? Just then a grunting laughter came from behind him causing him to turn seeing something he just knew shouldn't have been seen...something that had to be a trick. "Uh oh.." he nearly squeaked. (To be Continued.) { You're all gonna hate me for that cliff hanger... I will try my best to get a second chapter up and running soon...maybe I might be able to sooner than I think due to not having sub'd anything yet for some time. But anyways I will also keep this one up if I get good comments that will make me "WANT" to keep up this story. And yes...the game was a big contributor to this nice to me.}

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