Beau and Decepshun:remake

Story by Kirek on SoFurry

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Beau stirred lightly as a ray of sunlight pierced through a crack in his stall door at the penn stables, rousing him from his nightly slumber in a rather unceremonious way. He sat up, rubbing his eyes with his forepaws and stretching his strong body out with a wide yawn.

The first thing he noticed as his pupils dilated was the sheer beauty that greeted him from just outside his stall. Not just because of the wonderful weather or the birds chirping... but because he now gazes straight into Decepshun's blue eyes.

His voice left him as he took in her majesty and splendor.

Over the course of the past conflict the two of them had often been at odds with each other, mainly because of their riders. Since Beau's rider held absolutely no love for Decepshun's, Beau's deep emotional connection to his rider had caused him to harbor a certain unsubstantiated grudge against her during the conflict. But even with this inhibition, he could never really stop himself from admiring her. She always seemed to carry herself with such confidence and pride, and moved with lithe grace disproportionate to her size.

"Oh... y-you startled me." Beau managed to mumble after several awkward moments of just staring at her.

"I'm sorry, Beau. I didn't mean to. I woke up early and couldn't get back to sleep, so I thought I'd come and see you." She replied, her voice laced with that Beau thought sounded like apprehension.

"Wow, that's nice of you. So... what did you want to come and see me for?"

"Well... it's a beautiful morning. Do you want to take a walk around Mid-City?" she queried of him, looking hopeful.

"That actually sounds like a very nice idea." He answered, rising to his feet and stretching himself out once more.

Decepshun's eyes brightened and she walked up to his stall door, nosing it open with her muzzle. Beau walked out to join her and they both walked out of penn stables towards the metropolitan sector of Mid-City side by side.

With the long-awaited ceasation of hostilities, the animosity that had dominated their riders had vanished; so their stroll was filled with friendly conversation of one sort or another. They talked about various things relating to the war as well as what had happened since it ended. But while they walked Beau noticed a certain, almost timid quality to her walk in contrast to her usual brisk gate. He thought he could also detect a hint of nervousness in her voice whenever she spoke, adding to his confusion.

But the two of them had become very close friends since the war's end, so he figured that if something was bothering her... she would tell him.

The sun breached the horizon after about ten minutes of walking, by which time they were already close to a mile away from the stables and approaching the heart of Mid-City. Due to the early hour the streets were practically deserted and their footsteps echoed off the walls of the various building they passed, occasionally catching the eye of several wandering humans or dragons that just so happened to be out and about.

Beau listened to her talk with increased curiosity; not solely because he was interested in what she had to say... but the sense of unease and apprehension she exuded seemed to get stronger as they continued on their way. He'd been following her lead since she was the one who had suggested the walk and assumed that she had some destination in mind, but his perplexity heightened even more as she suddenly made a rather sharp left turn towards an abandoned alley.

"D-Decepshun...? Where are you going?" he queried as he trotted up to walk beside her, but was amazed when she didn't answer him. He looked over at her and noticed her facial expression; brow furrowed in thoughtfulness, mouth drawn down into a worrisome frown.

It was then that she stopped dead in her tracks and Beau along with her. He looked at her expectantly as she seemed to wrestle with some sort of internal conflict before she turned to him, her expression unreadable.

"I'm diving into the abyss of fate... that's where I'm going." She replied just before she stood up on her hind legs, pushed him gently against the nearby wall and pressed her lips against his.

Even though Beau's feelings mirrored what he now knew to be hers, he was just too astonished by the sudden and extremely brief act to return the gesture as she broke the kiss after several heavenly seconds. Even though their bond had lasted for no more than a few moments, Decepshun was actually panting slightly as she looked into his eyes.

"Beau, I never thought I'd be doing or saying this... but I just can't keep it bottled up anymore. I mean, I'd been nursing a small admiration for you during the war, but now that all that is over and my emotions are no longer constrained by my rider's will, it has developed into a full-fledged infatuation! I know I cannot force or expect you to feel the same, but if I don't let it out now it's just going to be harder and harder to be around you as long as I feel the way I feel." She gushed to him, the three words she'd been longing yet too afraid to speak died in her throat as the golden dragon in her arms locked his muzzle with hers.

Now it was her turn to be stunned into silence as the dragon of her dreams willingly kissed her, deeply and fully before pulling away and returning her dazed expression with his own smiling visage.

"I love you." their voiced blended together as the simultaneous declaration set their hearts racing and made their loins begin to stir.

Beau gasped slightly as she kissed him again, deeper this time. His eyes opened wide with surprise at her forwardness before he began to relax into it, eyelids drooping and his mouth opening slightly to allow her questing tongue to probe inside his muzzle.

She murred happily as she felt him begin to submit, running her tongue along his while her tail swished behind her with her steadily emerging arousal.

"Wait... a-are you sure we should be d-doing this out here in the open?" Beau asked in a shaky voice even as his draconic member started to creep from his sheath.

(Broken Hands by Lamb of God)

"Oh why not; it'll be a thrill..." she purred to him, reaching down with a paw to fondle his emerging length. Her lover groaned softly; any objection he'd been planning to voice buried beneath the lust for her he was beginning to feel.

Decepshun seemed to sense his internal struggle and gripped his cock with her paw to squelch any further doubts he might still have possessed. As a final measure she leaned forward until her head rested on his shoulder, her muzzle mere inches from his ear and spoke.

"I want you, Beau. Right here. Right now. I don't care who sees..." she said and was delighted when she pulled away and saw the look in his eyes. "Coming around to the idea, are we?"

"You're quite... nnngh... persuasive..." he grated as she continued to coerce his dragonhood from his sheath with her paw. Decepshun murred under her breath and leaned towards him to take his mouth in a deep kiss... only too delighted as she felt his forepaws encircle her neck and his tongue ease out to run along hers.

She slowly eased him down to sit with his back to the wall, nudging his back legs apart so she could gaze in wonderment at his now fully erect and throbbing length as she pulled out of their kiss and knelt in front of him.

"I'm going to tell you what I'm going to do. I'm going to suck that wonderful cock of yours..." she murred in a sensuous tone in conjunction with her leaning down to run her tongue from the bottom of his member right to the top. "Until my face is dripping with your seed..." Deep groan from fell on her ears and made her smile, closing her lips around his swollen head and sucking lightly.

"Ohhh GODS...!" Beau gasped, still not quite able to believe how quickly she was turning their little stroll through the city into a taboo sexual experience.

Decepshun giggled softly around his cock and shifted her angle so she could begin to take him into her muzzle, delighted as she felt his hips buck a little and placed her paws on his thighs to steady him. She fondled his scaled testicles as she began to lower her head, inch upon engorged inch of dragon meat being engulfed by her willing mouth until the tip of his massive erection tapped the back of her throat and her lips rested at the base of his member.

Pleasure and lustful anticipation coursed through Beau's quivering body as Decepshun just held herself there, slowly undulating her tongue against his throbbing cock in serpentine waves within her muzzle and smiling as his groan fell upon her ears from above her.

"T-that feels so... good..." he stuttered in a broken whisper, her mouth doing absolutely wonderful things to his sense. His paws traveled to her head, gently petting her in silent entreaty for her to continue.

In addition to her tongue's gentle caresses she now began to apply a bit of suction to her oral treatment, her own paws continuing to fondle his balls.

"Mmmm... Mmmm..." she moaned around him as she lapped up the beads of pre that dribbled out, suckling him vigorously and delighting in his pleasured panting and vocalizations. She suddenly withdrew his dragohood from her muzzle and began to lap at his flared tip rapidly while bringing one of her paws up to wrap around the knot at his base, squeezing firmly and making his back arch.

Beau writhed and squirmed under her attentions, constantly groaning her name and begging her to continue. His senses were overwhelmed by her sweet mouth as her tongue slobbered over his throbbing cock, his balls also tingling at the behedst of her paws as the orgasm he knew would soon be upon him.

"I-If you keep this up... I... I'm gonna...!" he gasped to her, his whole body shivering as he felt his seed begin to rise.

Decepshun suddenly pulled herself off of him, her muzzle lingering a tantalizing few inches above his throbbing length as she looked at him.

"Gonna what?" she asked, her tone light and teasing. Beau quivered even more as her hot breath washed over his pulsing erection.

"Y-you know damn well w-what I'm gonna do...!" he stuttered in a near-frantic voice, the sweet innocent way she was looking at him and her apparent ignorance of his impending orgasm was infuriatingly arousing.

"Mmmm... tell me anyway, handsome." She murred sensually leaning downward once again and giving his cock one long, wet, firm lick from his balls right up to his tip.

"C-C-C-CUUUUUUUUMMMMMM!!!!!" Beau roared mightily as her warm tongue finally sent him over the edge.

Despite being fully aware of his imminent climax, Decepshun was still a bit shocked as to the sheer volume of cum which erupted from his cock. The first spurt alone filled her muzzle almost instantly and she struggled to swallow it all before the second burst of hot seed bombarded her. Her eyes, opened wide from surprise now slid closed as she murred at his delicious taste. Her throat muscles contracted as she gulped down all she could, but the amount of cum he was putting out made it impossible for her to keep some from leaking from the corners of her muzzle.

Beau writhed and moaned on the ground as his peak took all thought from his pleasure-drunken brain except for the feeling of her sweet mouth and tongue ushering him through his orgasm. His paws grasped the back of her head as he fought off the almost overpowering urge to start wildly fucking her muzzle.

Decepshun caressed and squeezed his aching balls gently, as if to encourage him to empty all of himself into her waiting muzzle while reaching up with her other paw to rapidly stroke the portion of his shaft that she wasn't sucking on. Eventually she had to pull off of him so that she could catch her breath and his seed spurted all over her face and muzzle, which she opened to catch the last few ropes of it.

This went on for close to thirty seconds before the flow of his seed finally began to wane, at which point Decepshun's belly had begun to bulge slightly from the incredible amount of his essence she'd willingly swallowed.

"Mmmm... see, I told you." She chided, licking her lips and indicating her face that was, indeed, COVERED with his seed.

Beau wasn't able to respond right away because he was so short of breath from his explosive release, but he somehow managed to sit up slightly and kiss her gratefully... murring at the taste of himself. While he recovered Beau assisted in cleaning her up, Decepshun occasionally twining her tongue around his as he licked her face clean.

"That... was... incredible..." he gasped several minutes later when he was able to speak clearly.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it." She purred sensually in reply.

"Now... I'm going to tell you what I'M going to do." Beau said, suggestiveness lacing his voice and making Decepshun look back to him with raised eye-ridges. Beau leaned forward on his haunches and gently pushed her back against the adjacent wall with a forepaw. "I'm going to eat that delicious pussy of yours until your entire body quakes and your juices flow like a sweet river..." he whispered in her ear, making her shiver with desire she hadn't even realized she'd been harboring.

Decepshun shivered from the dual effect of his words and his paw rubbing sensually against her inner thigh as he turned the tables on her, pushing her back against the opposite wall and guiding her to lay on her back.

"Oh gods... yes..." Decepshun spoke in a hushed whisper, unable to fully give voice to the roiling cauldron of desire that bubbled within her because his paw had nullified any further speech as it began to slowly rub at her dripping and swollen pussy.

She spread her hind legs willingly, pleading to him with her eyes. She needed him to go further, needed him to do what he said he'd do. Her new lover's muzzle smirked down at her as his head disappeared between her thighs.

Decepshun would have roared her relief and pleasure to the skies had she not been completely paralyzed by the wave of physical sensations that washed over her as the gold dragon's hot tongue ran long and wet against her needy sex, the pleasure enhanced by her love for him. Beau's draconic appendage bathed her pussy in saliva, mixing with her juices and creating a decadent cocktail of which he greedily partook.

Decepshun's back arched off the pavement as he began to skillfully eat her out. Her paws moved to the back of his head in a gesture of affection as well as entreaty for his continued stimulation. Her eyes were alternating between being lidded with soft enjoyment and the dinner plate look of utter rapture whenever he hit a sensitive spot.

"Mmm... delicious. But I hunger for more." Beau stated in a blunt yet lustful voice leaning up to kiss her lovingly before he placed his forepaws on her thighs and smooshed his muzzle against her pussy, delving his tongue as seep inside her as he could.

Her paws on the back of his head tightened down as she screamed in rapture, heedless of anyone hearing as her love lapped at her delectable cunt. Her back arched strongly as waves of love and pleasure permeated her, filling her to the brim with happiness. The golden dragon between her thighs murred deep in his throat and writhed his tongue in serpentine waves inside her, grasping her hips with his forepaws to pull her into his oral worship.

Decepshun's ears were assaulted by all manner of lewd slurping and suckling sounds, blending with her own moans and yelps of bliss. She was positively dripping with sexual hunger now, her pussy oozing her fluids against his muzzle whilst Beau feasted upon her. She twitched and writhed on her back, body yielding to the tantalizing touch of his talented tongue.

"Oh fuck!" she yelled as her sex began to quiver and contract in anticipation of an incredible orgasm. She pushed her hips into his face, urging him silently to provide her with that last bit of stimulation and love needed to send her over the edge.

Beau smiled into her folds as he felt the spasms begin, pulling his tongue out of her and concentrating his efforts upon her most sensitive area. His scaled lips close around her engorged clitoris, nibbling and suckling tenderly. He also ran his tongue over it, the rough texture drawing a screech of ecstasy from beneath him.

Decepshun came hard for her new lover, soaking his muzzle and neck with a varitable flood of her juices. Beau ceased his attentions to her clit and once again buried his tongue inside her, lapping at her convulsing walls. His tail swished behind him with enjoyment at finally being able to do this for her. He devoured her pussy as she continued to cum, slurping up her feminine nectar. Bolts of white hot pleasure lapped at Decepshun's nerves as her orgasm took her and left her panting, twitching and moaning incoherently as her convulsions started to become less frequent.

"Oh... oh my god..." she gasped, reaching down to caress his head weakly with her shaking paws.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it... because I sure did." Beau replied as he rose up to look at her, licking what little of her fluids he hadn't been able to lap up from the corners of his muzzle.

"But I want more. Oh gods... I NEED more..." Decepshun moaned desperately to him. Their eyes met and a mutual agreement sparked between them; one that had been decided from the moment her lips had touched his.

She sat up slowly, her muscles still weak from her orgasm but she was driven... driven by her sheer desire to mate him... to have that huge draconic cock fill her.

"Well, if you want more... who am I to deny you?" Beau asked as she stood up before him, eyeing her with a gaze filled with lust and desire... but also overpowering undertones of love. His dragonhood throbbed almost painfully between his hind legs and he ached to bury himself in her slick heat that she now displayed to him as she turned her back and lifted her tail, looking back at him with a pleading expression painting her visage. He smiled at her while his cock gave a twitch of arousal, stepping up to where she was.

Decepshun's sex throbbed in time with her heart, which began to pound as he strode closer, almost whimpering as she caught sight of his gorgeous length, slick with her saliva and leaking a bit of pre from the tip.

"Beau... I need you. I need you to take me..." she moaned softly as he approached, the heat coming from her hungry sex almost palpable.

"Yes my love... I'm going to fill you nice and deep." He murred in a husky tone. As he reached her he braced one of his forepaws to either side of her, standing over her prone and willing form. He leaned down and nipped at her neck, making her arch back against him in desperate anticipation.

"I love you, Beau..." she murmured softly, pressing back against him.

He responded with a mimicked declaration and a lick of her neck. "Are you ready...?" he asked, nuzzling her affectionately despite his raging lust.

"Yes... please... I NEED you inside me!" she keened in reply.

Beau nodded and braced himself, taking a few deep breaths to ready himself before he slowly started to inch forward. Her sweet lips parted as she began to take him in, his massive cock spreading her open deliciously.

"Oh... my... GOD!" Decepshun nearly wailed as he began to penetrate her. She was barely able to keep herself standing under the incredible sensation of that flared tip pushing past her labia and sliding further into her. She wanted to push back against him and take all of him, such was her burning desire for him. But he was just so big, she knew she'd have to adjust to him... more and more the deeper he went.

Beau clenched his jaw to keep himself from fully spearing her right then and groaned loudly, finally sliding his dragonhood where he'd most wanted to put it for what seemed like the longest time. Her wetness rippled with need around his cock, lubricating him and allowing him to slide ever further inside her.

A short forever later beau finally felt the scales of his thighs brush against her rump, the tip of his dragonhood resting fully inside her, cradled delicately yet firmly by her silky walls. Decepshun was panting heavily, and he hadn't even started yet! Her mind rejoiced, yet shuddered at the thought of what it would be like to finally have him pound her tight pussy and fill her with his hot seed. She felt his breath on the back of her neck and, now being comfortable with his massive girth, pushed back into him with a growl of lust and passion.

"Go ahead, Beau... fuck me senseless!" she nearly yelled back at him, caught up in the burning inferno of love-fueled desire.

With surprising gentleness considering his situation, he leaned forward and kissed her... withdrawing and giving a hard shove back into her.

She yelped against his mouth and virtually shoved herself back onto his length, begging him to take her. She was rewarded less than a second later as yet another brutal thrust assaulted her senses.

The two struck up a rhythm immediately; Beau giving deep, long thrusts into her dripping sex while she rocked back into them with feral growls of heat.

"Oh, fuck yes..." he hissed through clenched teeth as he pounded away at her, moving just his hips and resting his muscular chest on her back.

"Faster!" she gasped, her pleasure now growing at an exponential rate.

Beau could only nod and slam himself deep inside her, holding himself there for a few seconds as she shivered and moaned beneath him.

"I'm gonna pound you into the ground..." he whispered in her ear, taking her throat in his jaws. Decepshun couldn't even form a response, only able to whimper desperately up at him. He pressed her down with the weight of his body as he began to thrust hard and fast into her, his hips slapping against her upturned rump.

"Oh YES!" Decepshun screamed as she found her voice, unable to do anything else but just lie there and writhe with the pleasure of his cock hammering her insides.

The two moved in passion for a short eternity before Decepshun began to feel a tingling and clenching in her loins, which made her shiver n anticipation of a sudden orgasm.

"Harder! Faster! Deeper!" she cried, wanting to feel him thrusting wildly inside her. As her sex began to clench Beau suddenly slammed himself further into her than ever before, his knot slipping past the lips of her pussy and tying her to him.

"FUUUUCK!!!" She screeched as her orgasm hit, and hit hard. Her body shook violently with convulsions of bliss while her pussy clenched down on her lover's dragonhood. Her fluids flowed from her sex in tremendous volumes as Decepshun kept howling with bliss, Beau still thrusting powerfully to prolong her peak for as long as possible. Her tail wrapped around his rump to aid him in pounding her.

"Oh... gods yes..." she heard his voice hiss in her ear as the speed of his thrusts began to increase. As her climax abated she began to once again push her hips back into his strokes, silently begging him to fill her with his hot dragon seed.

"Yes my love... I want you to cum inside me." she crooned amidst his brutal plunges into her pleasure-wracked body, and smiled as she felt him shudder and moan above her. She gave her inner muscle rhythmic squeezes to try and force him over the edge.

Beau roared and slid himself all the way into her, the tip of his draconic member pressing against her cervix. His back arched strongly and his knot swelled, powerful spurts of dragon cum flooding Decepshun's pussy to overflowing.

"I love you!" he yelled to her in the midst of his climax, immensely gratified as she responded in kind... caressing and suckling at his cock with her wet, slick walls.

When his climax began to taper off after close to 15 seconds Decepshun was literally filled to the brim with his seed. She moaned softly and savored the feeling of being filled so completely.

"T-Thank you Beau... thank you so much." She panted with pleasured fulfillment, looking back at him with glazed eyes and a sated grin.

"I got j-just as much out of it... as you did" he groaned into her ear as he lay across her back, the post-sex exhaustion rendering him unable to do anything else other than gasp for breath. "Heh, I don't think we're going anywhere for a while..." he said with a smile, licking his lips.

"That's fine, I'm perfectly content like this." Decepshun replied as she wrapped her tail around the back of his neck and drew him towards her so she could kiss him. She murred against his lips as he shifted his hips a bit, causing his cock to rub at her sensitive walls and his knot to rub against some of her most sensitive areas, holding every drop of his precious gift inside her.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that." Beau said after he broke away from her lips.

"Oh I think I do. I know we've been at odds in the past, but I know the desire has been there almost ever since I first saw you." Decepshun responded, licking his muzzle as she slowly eased herself down onto the ground, allowing him to lie atop her.

The two lay there and basked in the afterglow of their consummation, immensely thankful that the day was still young and the streets still relatively deserted. After about 10 minutes Beau's knot had shrunk enough for him to pull out of her and. After a bit of cleaning up, they began to make their way back towards the stables again. Their tails were twined around each other and they each walked with a confident gate, almost signifying a new purpose in life. Both Beau and Decepshun knew that this would be but the first of many times they would mate, and were happier than either of them could remember since the war had ended.