Damian's Dick

Story by Zielregen on SoFurry

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#9 of Commissioned Work

A commissioned piece I recently finished up featuring Dick Grayson (Nightwing) and Damian Wayne (Robin) from the Batman universe. This was an interesting project with some themes that some people might be familiar with. Good old fashioned size theft (aka/ dong shrinkage) Ended up being a much larger project than I expected, but I am quite pleased with how it turned out.

Damian Wayne swung through the air with the aid of his trusty grappling hook. It had been far too long since he had had the chance to patrol the seedy streets of Gotham City. It wasn't that he disliked his stint at Titan Tower with the other Titans. It was just that he missed being able to hang out with Dick Grayson, his mentor and older brother figure. The two of them were the unstoppable crime fighting duo of Nightwing and Robin.

Damian was having a hard time focusing on the patrol today though. In his time away from Gotham he had begun to realize some things about himself. He had been running from the truth for years, but he had finally begun to accept that he was really into dudes. He had yet to manage to break the news to his immediate family though. He was effectively back in the closet now that he was spending the summer back at the Wayne estate, and the mix of repressed desires and overactive teenage libido was doing a number on his ability to concentrate.

As Damian swung through the air, he couldn't focus on scouting out possible crimes or listening for the telltale signs of distress. All he could do was scope out his adoptive older brother's fantastic body. Dick Grayson's skin-tight spandex Nightwing uniform clung to the curves and contours of his impeccably sculpted muscles like a second skin. In fact it almost seemed like he wasn't wearing anything at all. Damian could clearly make out the fantastic bubble of Dick's juicy, muscular, bubble butt. Damian felt like he could lose himself in those supple cheeks. The cute little dimples on the sides of Dick's booty drove him absolutely wild, but even Dick's amazingly dense, toned musculature and his firm, round, juicy booty paled in comparison to what he had packed away in front.

Dick's cock was the stuff of legend. It was a solid foot of pure, masculine meat. The hefty tool was as big around as Dick's toned forearm and every bit as long as it too. Dick was also a shower and not a grower. His massive piece strained against the front of his skintight super suit. The black spandex left nothing to the imagination. The VPL he was rocking was positively indecent.

Everyone was impressed with Nightwing's dick. Even outside of costume, Dick Grayson's cock was the stuff of legend. He had a list of sexual conquests that read like a Greek epic. He had bedded nearly every woman that was above a 7 on the hotness scale. Even chicks who weren't into dudes made an exception for him and his fantastic cock. Even some dudes were completely enamored with his legendary rod, and Damian was one such fellow.

Damian's interest in Dick's cock wasn't purely sexual though. Sure, he lusted after that cock like any other gay guy, but there was something else at work there. There was an intense longing that resonated in the very core of his being every time he saw that fat cock in action. The way it filled out every inch of the front of his spandex. The way it strained visibly against the front of his casual slacks. The way it swung and lolled heavily as he strutted nude around the Wayne estate. Damian wished more than anything to feel that.

Damian was nowhere near as gifted as his adoptive older brother, and that was putting it mildly. Damian was well below average below the belt. For the longest time he had chalked it up to the effects of going through the Lazarus Pits at such a young age. He figured that the resurrection magics had muddled up his puberty, but as he got into high school he quickly realized that he just had really, really shitty genetics. Puberty came and went. He had gained some hair under his arms and around his crotch, but he had added scarcely an inch to his dick. His tiny tool barely capped out at three inches fully erect. His little dick didn't even fill out the front of his tight little super suit. He didn't even have a bulge to speak of, and every time he went on patrol with the legendary Nightwing and his legendary rod, Damian felt meeker and meeker. The two of them made the front page all the time, and in those full color front page pictures, the two of them would be side by side. Nestled between Nightwing's thick, muscular thighs was a huge, juicy, fat cock that threatened to spill out of the overstretched spandex that struggled desperately to hold back the unspeakable girth, but tucked away between Damian Wayne's toned quads was nothing. His crotch may as well have been completely flat. Damian had taken to wearing a cup under his suit, ostensibly to protect the family jewels while on patrol, but the real reason was to mask his shame. Nobody would bat an eye at the rock hard lump of a plastic penis guard, but people were sure to snicker at the tiny little lump of his micro-bulge.

"Earth to Damian. Come in, Damian." Damian's older bro quipped. The sudden comment snapped Damian out of his reverie and back to the task at hand. He hadn't even realized it, but Dick had led them directly to an old supposedly abandoned warehouse. It wasn't abandoned today though. The eerie blue lights flickering in the window said as much.

"What's going on here?" Damian asked.

"I dunno, but I think it's time we checked it out." Dick replied.

The caped, crime-fighting duo swung into action. They silently hopped through an open hatch in the roof and dropped scouted out the site. It didn't take them long to find out what was going on. Even in the dim light, The Mad Hatter was unmistakable. His gaudy clothes and over the top top hat were readily apparent, and his creepy laughter echoed through the warehouse.

"I wonder what he's up to." Dick mused out loud.

"Nothing illegal, I'm sure." Damian replied sarcastically. After a brief pause he nodded towards a makeshift operating table and said, "Looks like he's got a captive. Let's skip the fact-finding part of the mission and go straight to the bust."

"Right there with ya, kid." Dick replied. Damian cringed at the remark. He knew Dick didn't mean anything by it. Dick had a hard time seeing Damian as anything other than his kid brother, but it still irked him. He had just started college, and Dick still treated him like a kid... although Damian still felt like a kid in many ways, and even looked the part below the belt.

The duo sprung into action and flawlessly knocked the Hatter out cold in record time. The Mad Hatter was caught completely unaware. All it took to silence his obnoxious laugh was a well placed karate chop to the back of the neck. Dick set to work tying their quarry up while Damian rushed to the side of the captive.

Damian pulled off the sack over the guy's head aside and gasped at what he saw. He knew this guy! It was Brock Tomlin! Damian had seen all of his vids. Damian didn't know what The Hatter wanted with a gay porn star especially one known to have the second biggest dick in Gotham - second only to Dick Grayson, but Damian was sure it wasn't good.

"What's up? Do you recognize him?" Dick asked. He had overheard Damian's gasp.

"What? Oh. No. I thought I did, but I must have been mistaken." Damian replied. It was a flimsy lie at best, but there was no way in hell he was going to go blurting out that he recognized a gay porn star to his older bro. He didn't need Dick getting any more fuel for his suspicions.

Damian sliced the straps holding the guy to the table and began to hoist him to his feet. The sheet that was covering his body fell loose and cascaded to the floor. Damian tried not to stare, but he couldn't help it. He had long dreamed of seeing that legendary tool up close and personal. He felt his tiny cock stir to life in his spandex suit as Brock's neatly-trimmed pubes came into view. Damian held his breath in anticipation as what he expected to be a huge, meaty dong came into view, but what he saw couldn't be further from what he expected.

Brock's legendary tool was gone! In its place the fallen porn star had a tiny little acorn nub of a cock. The little softy wasn't even an inch long and was topped off with two small cherry-sized testes. They were hardly the chicken egg sized nuts that Damian had expected to see. This didn't make any sense at all!

Damian's gaze slowly drifted back toward the Hatter who was now tied to a nearby post. Even in the awkward, slouched position he was currently in, Damian could tell that he was packing. The Hatter had nowhere near that much meat the last few times they had faced off. Damian wasn't one to check out every dude's bulge he met, but the Hatter's gaudy slacks never left much to the imagination. There was no way he had anywhere near that much cock last time.

"Ok. That about wraps this up. The police will be here any minute. Let's get going. The detectives can handle it from here." Dick said.

Damian wasn't ready to leave. He needed to know the secret of The Hatter's transformation, but he didn't dare let Dick know what he was up to. He didn't expect Dick to understand his fascination or his desire to discover what The Mad Hatter had done. Dick had always had a huge cock. He didn't know the embarrassment that Damian felt whenever his eye's fell upon his older bro's massive package.

Damian went along with Dick's plan at first, but as soon as the opportunity presented itself he ducked away and went back to investigate the scene. He used some flimsy pretense about needing to check into a lead from an informant, but oddly enough Dick bought it.

It didn't take Damian long to hack into The Hatter's computer, download all the files, and then delete any trace of The Hatter's latest scheme before vanishing back into the shadows to catch up to his brother. He doubted Dick even noticed he was gone.

As the weeks went by, Damian pored over the data from The Hatter's computer. He needed to unlock the secrets. He needed to know how The Hatter had done it - not just for Brock but for himself.

Actually as the weeks went on, Damian became less interested in helping Brock. The porn star was doing remarkably well for himself despite losing his biggest draw. He was still making vids, but his role and his persona were completely inverted. He was no longer the big-dicked top. Now he was a cock-hungry, baby-dicked slut. Damian had beaten off to his newer vids several times in the past few weeks.

Finally Damian had had a breakthrough. He had unlocked the secrets, but as much as he wanted to throw himself into his master plan, it took him a few more weeks before he could work up the nerve to go through with it. Finally the fateful day arrived.

Damian tied the towel around his waist and reached for the door handle. He still couldn't believe what he had planned, and he could believe even less that he was actually going through with it. He took a deep breath and took a moment to steel his resolve before turning the handle and stepping into the large, ornate bath.

The bath was more like a large, sudsy swimming pool than an actual bath tub. When he had been younger he had bathed alongside his father and adoptive brother many times. As he had gotten older it had begun to seem weird, and so he had stopped doing it altogether. It still seemed a little strange to him, but this was the closest thing he had to a decent excuse to be nude alongside his bro.

Damian's heart pounded in his chest as he sauntered over to the side of the bath. He tried to tell himself that there was nothing to worry about. Damian had already taken the serum so even if he lost his nerve, Dick would still be susceptible to suggestions. All Damian had to do was slip some thoughts into Dick's mind and then Dick would never think anything unusual had happened.

Dick was still soaking his hair in the soapy water and hadn't noticed Damian come in. Damian tarried for a moment beside the bath and waited for Dick to glance his way. Fortunately he didn't have to wait long. If he had been there too long, he probably would have lost his nerves, but after only a few seconds Dick rinsed the suds from his hair and looked up.

"Oh. Hey, Damian." Dick replied. He seemed surprise to see the younger guy there, but he didn't seem at all put off. Then again, Dick was never shy about being seen naked. He was hot and hung, and he knew it. He was always more than happy to let people get a good look at his nude, smoking hot body.

There was a tense, awkward moment where Damian merely stood silently beside the bath; his hand firmly gripping the towel around his waist. Dick waited for a moment, but when it was clear that Damian wasn't about to say anything, Dick decided to speak up to diffuse the tension.

"So... uh... did you want to talk to me about something?" Dick asked.

"No, actually..." Damian replied nervously. He took a second to get his nerves under control and then continued with his master plan. "I was just thinking... I'm going back to Titan Tower tomorrow, and I thought, maybe we could bathe together again. You know... Like old times." Damian murmured.

A huge, toothy grin spread across Dick's face. Damian was surprised to say the least, but he was also relieved. Dick seemed to be buying his excuse.

"Well look at you." Dick replied happily. "I never figured you to be the sentimental type. Don't tell me you actually miss me when you're off hanging out with your new friends." Dick teased.

"I guess, like you said, even I can be a little sentimental sometimes." Damian replied nervously.

Dick patted the water beside him as if he was patting an open spot on the couch. Damian understood the invitation, but it took him a moment longer to psyche himself up. He took a deep breath and decided to go for it. He'd already come this far. It was time to man up and take the next step.

Damian pulled his hand away from his towel and let the cloth fall to the floor at his feet. The second Damian's cock came into view, Dick began to look a little flustered, and it wasn't hard to figure out why. Damian's skinny, three inches were standing at attention.

Dick averted his gaze and coughed nervously. "Um... Damian...? Is there something you're not telling me?" Dick asked.

"You don't have to be so embarrassed." Damian replied. "Go ahead and look."

Dick couldn't say why he did it. He still didn't feel comfortable staring at his adopted bro's dick, but curiosity was getting the better of him. He had known Damian was a little below average below the belt, but he didn't realize his bro's cock was so tiny. It was so small... It was...

"It's embarrassing, isn't it?" Damian asked.

The words seemed to echo in Dick's head. Yes, embarrassing. That was the word he was looking for.

"Do you pity me?" Damian asked.

Dick tried not to let on, but his eyes gave him away. The way he stared at Damian's little cock said it all. Everything about the look in his eyes and the expression on his face telegraphed how much he pitied his younger bro.

"It's ok. I don't blame you. It's pathetic. A tiny dick like this is hardly a dick at all. There's no way I could ever hope to please another guy with this." Damian lamented. His heart was pounding in his chest. He was beginning to feel sick. He had never intended to ham it up this much, but as he kept talk, his emotions bubbled to the surface. He hated having such a little cock. How he longed for a huge schlong like Dick was sporting. He'd give anything for just a few more inches, anything to not be so tiny.

"Another... guy...?" Dick murmured. He sounded groggy as if he was struggling to stay awake, and that wasn't too far from the truth. He felt like he was slipping in and out of consciousness, but he could hear Damian's voice loud and clear. In fact Damian's voice seemed to be echoing up from the very depths of his own mind.

"Yep. I guess I should have told you earlier, but I'm gay." Damian explained. He had hoped coming out would make him feel more at peace or even somewhat liberated, but he felt neither. If anything he felt worse than before. It was as if by saying it he was getting mad at himself all over again.

"Man. A tiny dick and gay." Damian grumbled. "If I believed in any of this reincarnation crap I'd say I must have been horrifyingly cruel to puppies in a past life to deserve this. At least I've got an OK ass I guess since the only way a tiny dicked dude like me could ever satisfy someone is by riding a real cock."

Damian sighed while rubbing his sculpted, muscular butt cheeks. Dick even had a better ass than he did. It seemed like Dick had won the genetic lottery in every way known to man. "It's not as nice as your ass though..." Damian grumbled. "If I had an ass like that I wouldn't even mind having such a small cock. At least if I had a big bubble butt like that I could accept my role in life as a tiny dicked cock slut."

Dick fought through the haze that was settling in on his mind. He didn't know why his thoughts were so scattered tonight, but he knew he needed to be an older brother. Damian seemed hurt and ashamed, and it was up to him to help his little bro through whatever it was that was eating at Damian's mind. Dick steadily got up and strode over to his younger brother.

"Hey. It's alright." Dick said as he placed a hand reassuringly on either of Damian's shoulders. "It's not so bad. None of us care if you're gay, and it's really not that big of a deal about your cock." Dick murmured groggily. He was trying to be there for his bro, but at the same time he just couldn't seem to focus on anything.

Damian could hear his bro's words, but he wasn't paying too much attention. He was staring straight down at both of their cocks. Dick's cock was completely soft, and yet it still completely dwarfed Damian's spindly little three inch pecker. Damian could feel the ire and jealousy welling up inside of him. "Of course you would say that. You're cock is so huge and fantastic. Admit it. There's just something so much better about a huge cock. They're so hot and sexy. Tiny ones are just embarrassing." Damian grumbled.

Dick found himself absent mindedly nodding along with what Damian was saying. Dick had never thought of himself as anything other than 100% straight. He was a ladies' man through and through. He had a list of sexual conquests a mile long to prove it, but he couldn't help but agree with what Damian was saying. There was something hot and sexy about a huge cock. Images of big, fat, throbbing cocks filled Dick's mind. His own dick steadily stirred to life. Before he knew it he was fully boned just from thinking about how sexy huge cocks are.

Suddenly Damian's tone changed. He was no longer lamenting his poor fate. "Hey... Bro. If there was some way that you could help me with my little problem... would you do it?" Damian asked anxiously.

"Hmm?" Dick asked groggily. He was sure that Damian was still talking about his tiny penis, but Dick didn't see how he could possibly help.

"I mean... Hypothetically... If you could give up some of your size. Like maybe an inch or two. Not much. And give it to me? Would you do it?" Damian asked.

The question seemed so far-fetched that Dick wanted to just blow it off and make some quick quip to diffuse the situation, but Damian's voice seemed to be echoing in his head. It was as if Damian was pleading with Dick's very soul. Dick couldn't refuse such a fervent request. He couldn't even work up the nerve to politely suggest something else.

"If such a thing were possible...?" Dick murmured in reply. He mulled it over for a minute. Even though it was impossible for him to give up some of his size, the request was still absolutely absurd.

"Please? I don't need much. Just an inch or two. Think about it. If I get just two inches, I would have five inches. That's average! That's more than I ever could have hoped for! And you'll still have ten inches. That's still huge!" Damian implored.

Dick couldn't argue with his logic. It seemed the more Damian spoke and the more the words echoed in Dick's head, the less Dick worried about how physically impossible Damian's odd request was. Aside from the logistical aspect of it, what Damian said was true. Dick did have more cock than he really needed. He wouldn't miss an inch or two, and Damian could really use the slight boost.

"If such a thing were possible I would gladly give you a few inches." Dick replied groggily.

Damian could barely contain his glee. His plan was working. Damian could already feel the elixir going to work. All that he needed was to bypass the mental block and the juice was free to work its magic. Damian felt a warm tingle arching through his fully boned cock. He grinned from ear to ear as he watched his tiny dick ever so slightly add on mass. His cock seemed to grow proportionally too. He was worried that he'd only gain length and that he would soon have a long, skinny, spaghetti noodle dick, but it appeared his fears were unfounded.

His cock slowly crept up in size. His rock hard boner, which had once been the size of his thumb, steadily grew until it was even longer than his middle finger and thicker than a magic marker. His once tiny, olive-sized nuts had grown to the size of cherries. He had it - a perfectly normal, perfectly average five inch long cock. Damian could hardly contain his excitement. He was so turned on that his rock-hard cock was actually dribbling pre.

Dick felt a pit form in his stomach. He couldn't believe his eyes. His cock was actually shrinking! He could feel it shriveling away. He could feel it pulling inward. He knew his dick was still massive by most normal standards, but he felt a small tinge of shame course through his body. How could he have let Damian talk him into this? It was only two inches, but still it was enough to dethrone him as the proud owner of the largest cock in the city - hell, the largest cock in the state, maybe even the country!

Damian looked up at Dick's cock. Dick's fantastic dong had noticeably shrunk. It was still massive by most normal standards, and it looked gigantic next to Damian's slightly enhanced, average dick. Dick's enormous cock had been as long as his forearm and as thick as a can of beer before, but now it was as thick as his wrist.

Damian stared longingly at his bro's huge cock. He knew he should be happy with what he had now. He no longer had such a pitifully tiny baby dick, but he just couldn't stop fantasizing about having more. Even after having taken a few inches from his older bro, Dick's enormous schlong still made Damian feel self-conscious.

Damian's thought's raced. He remembered all those cover photos in the paper that showed him standing side by side with his older bro. Dick's massive member strained against the front of his fitted uniform. Dick's massive, indecent bulge stood in stark contrast to Damian's own acorn of a nub that poked through his own skin-tight uniform. Even now that Damian was relatively average below the belt he'd still look like a puny shrimp next to Dick.

A new idea formed in Damian's head. He had the power to even the scales a bit. He didn't need much, and he was totally fine with letting Dick continue to have the larger cock. He just needed another inch or two.

"Hey, bro..." Damian began to say. His voice faltered.

"Hmm...?" came Dick's groggy response.

"What would you say to giving me another inch or two? It's still not much, and you'd still be bigger. Hell, you'd still be big by anyone's standards. Eight Inches! That's a cock fit for pornos!" Damian explained. He still felt nervous, but as he explained his reasoning more and more he became more and more sure of himself. It made perfect sense. Eight inches was massive. Who wouldn't be happy to have that?

Dick tried to concentrate on what his bro was saying. Eight inches was huge alright, but it wasn't the ten inches he had come to love. He had had a ten inch python since middle school. He wasn't sure he wanted to give it up even if it did mean giving his brother a little boost downstairs, and there was something in the back of his mind almost like a voice hissing a warning from the shadows. It was as if some lost memory was trying to fight its way through the haze that covered his mind.

Dick tried to shake the fog from his mind. He couldn't understand his own thoughts. Had he really had a ten inch dick for years now? That number seemed off somehow. It seemed lower than it should. Had Damian already tricked him into giving up some of his cock?

"Come on..." Damian pleaded. "You said so yourself. Chicks are intimidated by that monster. Think of what you could do with a smaller one? Chicks would no longer refuse to let you ream em out of fear of that beast splitting them in half!"

Damian explained his case so passionately and so emphatically that Dick found it hard to disagree with him. As the words echoed in his mind Dick remembered that he had in fact lamented such a thing just a few weeks ago. There were times when his dick was just too big to be useable, but on the other hand he loved being so hung. He loved the looks the ladies gave him. He loved how it felt in his hands when he jacked off. He loved the way it filled the front of his suit to capacity. He loved that way that other dudes jealously stared at his bulge.

"It's just a few inches. You'll still be huge." Damian said in an effort to coax Dick past his last mental block.

Dick couldn't deny the logic. Eight inches was huge - Far larger than most guys are blessed with. He would still be a stud with that cock. He would no longer have the biggest dick that Gotham had seen, but he figured that it might be for the best. His legendary sexcapades were getting in the way of his crime fighting anyway.

"Fine." Dick replied groggily. "Two more inches couldn't hurt..."

"Yessss!" Damian shouted triumphantly. As soon as Dick agreed Damian could feel the changes begin to wash over him. He stared on in awe as his cock steadily grew before his very eyes. His barely average five inch pecker steadily crept up to a solid six inch boner and kept growing. The surge of growth didn't abate until he had hit a rock solid seven inches of rigid cock.

Meanwhile Dick's cock steadily shrunk down another two inches. He could feel a familiar wrenching in his gut and a familiar surge of shame wash over him. His once massive ten inch spire dwindled to a more manageable, but still large eight inch long porn star cock. His rock hard cock was now just slightly thicker than your average can of shaving cream. His once Grade A jumbo chicken egg sized nuts had dwindled down to a more modest golf ball size. His cock was still huge by most normal standards, but it was hardly the legendary tool he had started the day with. He had lost a third of his length and width. The sheer volume of his cock had dwindled exponentially.

Dick could only stare down at his big dick in silent shock. Damian had done it again. He had talked Dick into giving up some of his precious size. His dick was still big, but it was by no means legendary. Dick felt somehow ashamed of his own cock. It seemed small compared to what he knew he should have, and somehow that feeling of smallness translated into shame and embarrassment.

Damian could barely believe it. In the past few minutes he had more than doubled the length of his dick. He could scarcely believe that just a few minutes ago he had had a mere three inches of dong. His tiny little tally-wacker was a disgrace and an eyesore, but now he had an honest to god cock. He couldn't help himself. He had to feel it firsthand. He didn't even care that his brother was watching. Damian wrapped a hand around his dick and began stroking it.

"God! This cock look fantastic on me!" Damian gushed. He knew Dick's cock was still somewhat larger, but Damian's current schlong was so huge compared to what he was used to that it looked simply massive in comparison. He couldn't get over how huge and sexy it looked on him. He wasn't even thinking about anything else as the words slipped past his lips. "Wow... I think this huge dick looks better on me than it ever did on you." He said as he continues to lewdly stroke his big dick. It felt so huge and thick in his hand. Just last night when he had jerked off he only have to use two fingers, but now he could wrap his entire palm around his thick dick and still have some cock left over. If this kept up, jacking off would soon be a two handed ordeal.

The thought caused Damian to balk. He already had taken four inches from his bro. He had doubled the size of his cock and then some, but he was still fantasizing about more. He didn't dare let himself continue that line of thought. It would be so easy to get greedy and take more and more. If he took any more, he'd have an ever bigger dick than Dick Grayson... and yet...

Damian couldn't shake the idea from his mind. Dick had had a massive cock his whole life. It wasn't fair that Damian had to suffer through high school with that little toothpick of a dick. Damian had done his time. He had paid his dues... and yet... he couldn't bring himself to do it. This was his brother he was talking about. He didn't want to doom Dick to a lifetime of being small. Damian had experienced it firsthand and he could safely say it sucked.

It was then that Damian became aware of the looks that Dick was giving him. The look in Dick's eyes looked hungry... it looked horny. Dick was staring at Damian's cock with unabashed lust in his eyes.

"You ok?" Damian asked uncertainly.

"Yeah. I'm fine." Dick replied, but his eyes never left Damian's cock for a second.

"You're staring at my dick. Do you like what you see?" Damian asked. Dick didn't respond - not verbally at least. He merely nodded silently in agreement.

Damian could feel the blood rush to his face. He knew his face had to be beet red by this point. Something about having his bro check him out was as embarrassing as it was flattering. It was also completely bizarre. Dick was as straight as they come. Why was he so enthralled with Damian's cock?

"That big cock is so hot..." Dick murmured groggily.

It was then that Damian realized what was happening. His little pep talk he had used to butter Dick up had had some unforeseen consequences. Damian's insistence that huge cocks were hot as hell had now been implanted deep into Dick's subconscious. It was strangely exciting. Damian didn't doubt that Dick still had an eye for the ladies, but there was something cool about being able to talk about dicks with his older brother and not have him get weirded out.

"Yeah. It does look pretty good on me, doesn't it?" Damian replied. His smug sense of self-satisfaction showed through in his voice and in his posture. He was grinning like the Cheshire Cat as he ogled his own big dick.

"It looks so much better on you than it does on me." Dick replied. His voice dripped with lust and awe. He was absolutely enamored with Damian's newly enhanced cock. Damian's words from earlier still echoed in his head. The more he stared at his little bro's dick the more Dick came to realize that Damian's big cock did look so much better on his short, lithe build than it did on Dick's own beefy bod.

Damian was momentarily taken aback. He was surprised by what he was hearing. Dick really liked the look of Damian's new and improved seven inch schlong. Damian had never dared think that his own bro, the owner of Gotham's biggest cock, Dick Grayson himself would be complimenting his impressive dick. Damian felt a rush of pride like he'd never felt before. It was intoxicating.

Damian turned to face the mirror walls of the bath and checked out his new and improved schlong from a new angle. He had to admit it looked fantastic. His thick, meaty seven inches would have been big on anyone, but on Damian's short, lithe frame the dong looked absolutely magnificent. Damian knew that if they were to whip them out and line their cocks up side by side, Dick's cock would be larger than his by a good margin, but on his smaller frame his cock looked even larger than Dick's.

Damian slowly turned around and faced his older bro. A huge, excited grin was plastered on his face. The words were out of his mouth before he even had a chance to second guess himself. "You know, bro. You said so yourself. This cock looks so much better on me." Damian paused for emphasis and to let Dick nod along with his line of reasoning.

"So how about another inch? Or maybe another two inches? After all you love my huge cock don't you? You'd love to see it get even bigger and bigger, right?" Damian asked playfully.

Dick continued to nod along with what Damian was saying. He couldn't even begin to muster a counter-argument. All he could think of was how huge and sexy Damian's cock looked. He wanted it in his mouth or in his ass. He had never really thought about guys in such a way before, but it just seemed... right. He couldn't think of any other word to describe it. He just couldn't get over how hot and sexy Damian had become.

Damian actually giggled as he felt another rush of warmth spread across his cock. It was actually happening. He was about to have a dick that was larger than he had ever dreamed possible. He stared on as it grew again. A crazed smile of manic glee plastered across his face as his dick reached the nine inch mark. By the time his most recent growth spurt was done, his cock was almost as long as his forearm and as thick as his wrist. It looked every bit as huge on him as Dick's ten-incher had looked on his older brother.

A look of shock crossed Dick's face as a moment of clarity cut through the fog. He knew this feeling; this tightness in his gut; this tugging feeling in his dick. He had felt this before and just recently too. He glanced down and stared in awe as his cock shrank down another two inches coinciding with Damian's growth spurt. His once legendary cock was now half its former length. His painfully average looking six-incher was barely thicker than a Wii mote and not even an inch longer than one. His once massive jumbo egg sized nuts were now the size of ping pong balls. It was hard to believe that just this morning his dick would have made the biggest, baddest porn stars balk. As it was now his dick was looking positively puny compared to his little bro's huge cock, and it was looking even more pathetic compared to what he knew he used to have. He could barely even remember what it was like to have such an enormous schlong. It was like all he had was the memory of the numbers and not the visuals that went along with it. If this kept up his dick would soon be even smaller and smaller. Another transfer like the last few and his dick would be officially small. He'd have a tiny little dick only fit for a pitiful bottom bitch.

Dick was shocked by the own words that flooded his mind. Where had he even learned that? How could he even think that? He had never thought that cock size mattered before, but as he stared at his reduced dick, Damian's words bubbled to the surface of his mind. Small cocks were embarrassing. They were pitiful. Dick shuddered, but it wasn't fear or disgust that was welling up inside of him... it was anticipation. He couldn't understand it, but there was something sexy about getting smaller. Even at their current measurements, Damian's nine inch wood dwarfed Dick's own six inch stiffy. Just thinking about how huge it was got him worked up. It looked so sexy at its new size. He had no doubt that Damian would soon ask for even more, and Dick didn't think he'd be able to refuse Damian's request.

Dick's gaze drifted back up towards his bro's massive cock. It was so huge, so sexy, so enticing. He was once again struck by how much he wanted it inside of him. His throat felt tight. He longed to feel that thick, juicy rod sliding past his tonsils. His ass ached. He wanted so deeply to feel that huge, fat cock reaming him from behind. Dick's painfully average cock shuddered. Pre dribbled down from the tip of it. Even just fantasizing about his bro's cock got him so worked up that he felt like he could burst at any minute.

Damian saw the way his bro was looking at him. He saw the lust in Dick's eyes. He could practically hear Dick pleading to have a turn with Damian's huge cock, and Damian was more than happy to let him do just that... but not before a little bit of playful teasing.

"Wow. You really love big cocks." Damian chided playfully. Dick merely nodded in agreement. His gaze never once left Damian's massive dick.

"You just can't wait to taste it. You want to lick it, to suck on it." Damian teased. He placed his hands on Dick's shoulders and slowly pushed his enthralled older brother down to his knees. Soon Dick was eye level with Damian's newly enlarged package. The enormous cock and immense balls filled his entire field of vision. He couldn't help it. He wanted it in his mouth. He needed it in his mouth. He could smell the pre dripping of his bro's massive cock. He could practically taste it in his mouth already. Dick leaned forward and stuck out his tongue. Damian's cock was mere inches from his mouth. He was so close he could actually feel the heat emanating from it. He could taste the pre dribbling off of it, but just before his tongue could make contact with the fantastical cock, Damian's hand shot down and blocked his path.

"Nuh uh uh." Damian chided. "If you want to play with this, you're gonna have to earn it."

Dick whimpered pleadingly. That magnificent cock was so close but yet so far away. He would do anything for just a taste.

"You're such a cock-hungry little slut." Damian teased. He was all but cackling as he watched his older bro ogling his enormous cock.

Dick's slipped a hand down towards his cock and began stroking his rigid shaft. There was once a time when he would have needed two hands to really get the job done, but he couldn't even remember what that felt like. One hand was all he needed, and one hand was all he could remember ever using.

"You want my cock to get even bigger, don't you?" Damian teased. Dick silently nodded in agreement. Damian couldn't hold back his laughter, and he didn't even try.

"Come on. Give me another inch or maybe two. I'll make it worth your while." Damian goaded his bro on. Dick was too transfixed on Damian's cock to give a coherent reply. He merely whimpered pleadingly while staring at the huge cock that was waggling before his very eyes.

Damian reached down and grabbed his thick cock. It was hard to believe that just this morning he could have jacked his pitiful little tadger with just two fingers, but now he could barely wrap his hand all the way around the fat shaft of his massive schlong. It was so fantastic, but it was not the end. Not yet.

"You know you want to give me even more. You know you want to watch my cock become even larger. Come on. Another inch maybe two. It's not too much to ask, and it's not like you'll be getting much use out of your little dick there, Little Dicky." Damian teased. Dick still couldn't bring himself to form a coherent response, but he didn't need to. Damian was more than happy to keep teasing him.

"I see that look in your eyes - the way you stare at my amazing cock. You want it to get bigger. You want to worship and service huge cocks like mine. You don't even care that your own dick is steadily dwindling away to nothing. At this rate you might end up with a tiny, little baby dick, but that's fine right? A tiny little sissy dick is just perfect for a cum-hungry cock-slut such as yourself, right?" Damian continued to tease.

Even Damian was surprised by the words coming out of his mouth, but he didn't want to stop. They just felt so right, and it was clear that Dick was enjoying it too. Damian watched as Dick's hand began to move faster and faster as he stroked his tiny dick harder and harder. Dick's cheeks turned redder. His breathing grew more labored. He looked ready to cum at any second.

"Hah. You really do love it when I tease you like this, huh? You know you deserve a tiny little dick. At this rate your cock will shrink away to a nub that will never be able to satisfy anyone, but we both know you won't be using your dick to satisfy guys, don't we?" Damian asked playfully as he guided the tip of his cock towards his brother's eager lips, but he stopped mere millimeters from actually making contact. Dick tried to lean in and close the gap, but Damian quickly pulled his cock back.

"I told you already. You'd have to earn it." Damian chided. He then slowly moved his fat cock forward until it was touching Dick's lips. "For one inch. I'll let you lick it." Damian said. He then moved his cock from side to side causing the tip of his dick to smear pre all along Dick's eager lips as the fat cockhead slid from side to side.

Dick opened his mouth and sensually began to lick the tip of Damian's cock. It tasted fantastic. He had craved this taste his whole life, but only just now got to experience it firsthand. He was so enthralled by the enormous, delicious cock that he hardly realized that it was getting thicker before his very eyes. He hardly even noticed that he had to tilt his head back ever so slightly to accommodate for Damian's cock getting ever so slightly longer. He didn't even realize that his own average dick was steadily dwindling between his fingers. He had to tighten his grip to adjust for the slight change in thickness, and his fervent strokes became shorter as his hand motion adjusted to his new slightly shorter dick. His cock was now straddling the lower end of average, but he didn't care. Damian's dick was just too magnificent. He wanted to see it grow larger and larger. He didn't care that his own dick was shrinking. It wasn't like he was getting much use out of it anyway. He had known his dick was a little small for years and had long since given up on being a top. It was a good thing that his constant crime-fighting regimen had granted him a fantastic ass because he couldn't get enough of taking fat cocks. The thought of being reamed by huge dicks plagued his mind day and night.

Damian chuckled as he stared down at his older bro. Dick was so enthralled with his now ten inch cock. Something about the way Dick knelt down before him and serviced his huge cock while tugging at his own smallish cock drove Damian wild. Damian's gaze kept drifting back towards Dick's little cock. It was hard to believe it used to be huge. It used to be beyond huge. It used to be massive, but now it looks so little and puny, and the strangest part? Damian couldn't stop thinking about how good it looked on his older brother. Maybe it was the way Dick was so enthralled with Damian's cock that made him look like the kind of guy who would have a tiny dick. Maybe it was just Damian's natural desire to be better than anyone else, or maybe, just maybe it was all those years that Damian had resented Dick's massive cock. Whatever the case was there were so many emotions and sensations bubbling up to the service of Damian's psyche that he couldn't quite make sense of them all. All he really knew was that Dick's little cock filled him with a sense of raw, sexual power.

Dick needed more than just a taste. He wanted to feel his bro's massive cock fill his entire mouth. Dick opened his mouth as wide as it would go and slowly began to descend upon Damian's leviathan. He was so close that he could literally taste it when suddenly Damian stepped back leaving Dick with a mouthful of nothing but air.

"Uh uh uh." Damian chided playfully. "You only paid for a lick. If you want to suck on it that'll cost at least another inch."

Dick didn't even waste time pondering his options. He just opened his mouth and leaned in towards Damian's massive cock. Damian didn't try to block Dick this time. He merely smiled victoriously as he watched his older bro try desperately to wrap his lips around his steadily growing cock. Damian's monster cock was eleven inches long and almost as thick as his fist. Dick's jaw hurt from trying to open his mouth wide enough to suck on the behemoth. He couldn't believe cocks that large existed. If he hadn't been sucking on it, he never would have believed it to be real, but he couldn't deny the way the fat, spongy cockhead filled his entire mouth nor could he deny the taste of his bro's pre as it dribbled onto his tongue.

Dick feverishly pounded away at his fully boned cock as another inch slowly vanished from his once mighty tool. The tip of it slowly sunk beneath his palm. There was once a time where he could have wrapped both hands around his dick and had room to spare. He couldn't even close his fingers around the impossibly thick beast, but those days were long past. Dick couldn't even remember what it was like. Now he could eclipse his entire dick with just one hand. His cock was now shorter than the width of his palm and not even as thick as a size C battery.

Some part in the far back of Dick's mind was screaming at him to snap out of it. It was trying to get him to resist the thoughts that Damian had flooded his mind with. Some part of him still remembered what it was like to have a massive, twelve inch fuckstick. Some part of him still remembered the pride he felt whenever he whipped it out for whatever hot chick he was about to ream. Those days were long past though. His dick had dipped below the four inch mark. It wasn't even a third of its former length and was far, far thinner. He still couldn't believe he had let Damian talk him into this. His cock was now so small and pathetic, but the worst part was... he knew he wouldn't be able to resist if Damian asked for more. As much as he missed his huge cock, he couldn't get enough of watching Damian's dick grow before his very eyes. It was so huge, so hot, so sexy. It demanded Dick's full attention.

Damian chuckled as he watched his bro fervently stroking his little dick. At this rate Dick's once mighty cock would soon be as small as Damian's had been, but of course the tiny tool would look far, far smaller on the bigger, buffer older bro. This knowledge filled Damian with a rush of pride and vigor. He couldn't wait to see it, and he knew exactly how to get the last inch out of Dick's once legendary cock.

"You love my cock, don't you?" Damian chided playfully. "Bet you just can't wait to feel it spreading your tight ass wide open like the cock-hungry slut you are."

Dick didn't need both hands to stroke his cock - not anymore anyway, but he found a task for his extra hand soon enough. He was just so horny. He needed something inside of him. His hand slowly gravitated towards his fit, muscular, bubble butt. His fingers steadily drifted towards his hungry, quivering hole. He needed something inside of him. He felt like he'd go mad if he didn't have a cock inside of his soon, but for the time being he made do with just his fingers. He easily got his first two fingers in and began to stretch the hole as best he could. It felt fantastic, but he needed something bigger, something better. He needed a cock, but not just any cock. Dick sat back and stared longingly at his bro's monster cock. Dick's fingers dug deeper and deeper into his hole.

Damian understood Dick's expression instantly. A devious smirk crept across his face. "You want me to fuck you." Damian stated. It wasn't even a question so much as a statement of fact. Dick could only nod silently. He couldn't think about anything but how much he needed to be reamed. He was so fixated on pleasuring his ass that he gave up on stroking his little dick altogether leaving his little pecker to stand at attention for Damian's viewing pleasure.

Damian could hardly believe that his dick was ever that small. Hell, his dick was even smaller way back when. It looked so pathetic especially contrasted against Dick's muscular physique. Dick's tiny cock looked comically small nestled between his thick, muscular quads, but it didn't look bad. If anything it looked hot as hell. Damian loved the way the little dick looked on his bro. It wasn't just the size. It was the whole persona that Dick now possessed. The way he knelt down before his younger bro silently begging, pleading to be reamed by Damian's fantastic cock was pitiful. Dick deserved the pathetic little dicklet that was nestled between his legs, and it wasn't like he was going to be getting much use out of it since he had become such a cock hungry bottom bitch. In fact...

Damian's smirk grew even wider until it was a full-blown prideful sneer. In fact, Dick didn't even need that much of a pecker. It made much more sense for him to have less to work with - for him to have a pathetically tiny nub to match his new cock-starved persona.

"If you want me to fuck you it's gonna cost you." Damian stated. He continued to sneer as he stared at his older bro. It was obvious from the look in Dick's eyes that he would give anything to have a go with Damian's huge cock.

"I should really charge ya more. Maybe someday after I've stretched you out enough that you can handle an even larger cock I'll come back and take the rest, but for now I'll only charge one inch. Give me that ,and I'll fuck you any time you want." Damian stated. Dick didn't hesitate for a second. He nodded emphatically - or rather as emphatically as he could muster in his lust-addled state.

The changes kicked in instantly. Damian could feel his cock growing in his hands as he stroked his massive schlong, but he wasn't interested in that. It was no longer about gaining more size. He was more interested in watching Dick's once legendary cock dwindle down. Dick's once mighty cock was already a small fraction of its former glory, and it was soon to be even smaller.

It steadily dwindled down another inch until it fell just shy of the three inch mark. It was even just a hair shorter than Damian's old size, but it looked far, far smaller on his bigger, buffer bro. It looked pathetically tiny. Dick's tiny stiffy was barely thicker than his thumb and not much longer either. It was so tiny that Dick could only use two fingers if he were to stroke it, but for the time being he wasn't focused on his own cock at all. He was silently pleading with his younger bro. He was practically begging Damian to demolish his hungry hole, and Damian was happy to do just that.

"You're gonna make me do all the work?" Damian chided playfully. "If you want to be reamed by this, you're gonna have to present your ass to me.

Dick silently nodded and awkwardly shifted around so that he was resting on his knees with his chest pressed flat against the ground and his ass raised expectantly for Damian's viewing pleasure. Damian licked his lips lustily as he stared at his big bro's fantastic ass which was being served up for his using pleasure. Dick's shapely, muscular, bubble butt cheeks looked as phenomenal as ever, and the way Dick arched his back gave Damian a clear view of his tight, shuddering whole which was quivering in anticipation. Below that Damian could see Dick's poofy taint, and right below that was the crowning glory of the entire post. Dick's tiny little rock-hard dick was pointed straight down at the ground. Pre oozed freely from his fully-boned dicklet and dribbled onto the tile floor below.

Damian stepped forward and pressed his fat cock against his bro's shuddering hole. He heard Dick gasp expectantly as he felt the warm pre ooze against his hole. Dick wanted it so badly. He tried to call out for Damian to shove it in, but no words came out. All he succeeded in doing was emitting a weak, pleading whine.

Damian grinned from ear to ear as he slowly slid his massive cock into Dick's ass. It was so incredibly tight. He couldn't believe how tightly it gripped his cock. It not only filled Damian with raw, sexual pleasure but joy as well. He had long feared he'd never be able to please a guy with his tiny, pathetic dick, but now he had a massive, meaty fuckstick. He had a cock that others could only dream of. He had the biggest dick in all of Gotham and cock-hungry, baby-dicked sluts like Dick Grayson would never be able to get enough of how huge and fantastic Damian's dick had become.

Dick moaned and writhed as he felt his younger bro's massive cock spread his ass wider and wider. He had never been stretched out like this before. It hurt a little, but at the same time it felt fantastic. He didn't think it could feel any better, but then as Damian's fat cock slid deeper and deeper inside of him he felt something new. Damian's massive cock hit something deep inside of him. He gasped in shock as a wave of orgasmic pleasure wracked his body. It hit so suddenly that he didn't even have time to brace himself, and felt so good that he didn't even notice that he was oozing cum out his cock. Thick gobs of cum leaked out of his still fully-boned cock and splattered against the tile below.

Damian smirked down at his bro. He had only gotten his massive cock halfway in and already Dick was cumming. He really was a cock-hungry slut. If he enjoyed just half of it, he'd absolutely love the whole thing.

Damian was no longer interested in holding back. He had seen firsthand how much Dick loved being reamed by a fat cock and was now only interested in getting off. Damian slammed his cock the rest of the way in with such force that it caused Dick's whole body to lurch. Damian's huge, full, chicken's egg sized nuts slapped against Dick's little pouch full of macadamia sized nuts. Damian's sack alone was bigger than Dick's entire package. The sheer size difference was invigorating and spurred Damian on even more.

Damian slammed his cock into his bro's hungry ass again and again. With each thrust Dick's entire body lurched. Damian's older bro would cry out in ecstasy with each pummeling his ass took. He came again and again as Damian's enormous schlong slammed into his sweet spot over and over. He ran out of actual cum to shoot after only the second or third pass, but that didn't stop his tiny, little dick from shooting weak, watery spurts of clear jizz.

Dick's cries steadily grew quieter and quieter as the afterglow and exhaustion took hold. He felt so fantastic that he never wanted this moment to end, but at the same time he was simply far too spent to keep moaning and writhing, and his nuts just had nothing left to give.

Damian was reaching his limit as well. His whole body trembled as he struggled to hold back his wad. He never imagined it would feel so good. It took every ounce of resolve and willpower he could muster just to keep from squirting, but he had reached his limit. He let out a loud, guttural cry that sounded more like a feral roar than a moan of release and slammed his dick ass the way into his bro's tight ass. Damian's breath caught in his throat. His moans came out as guttural whines. His massive nuts seized up. Huge, thick spurts of spunk erupted from his cock and launched into his bro's fantastic ass. Damian came again and again. Each blast completely blew his mind. He had had some good cumshots before, but they felt nowhere near as amazing as this, and back when he had had a tiny, three inch dick, his climax had never felt this fulfilling. It felt like he was always meant to be a big-dicked stud. It had just taken him eighteen years of his life to finally reach his full potential, and now that he had a tiny-dicked slut to worship and service his huge cock whenever he needed it, Damian could feel this rush of sexual prowess and post-coital bliss again and again. Damian was practically cackling between moans as the shuddering and lurching of his dick steadily tapered off.

"Hey. Did you hear that?" Tim Drake asked his buddies. Roy Harper looked up from his curls and furrowed his brow skeptically. Meanwhile Connor Kent put his enormous barbell back on the rack which sent a shockwave through the entire Titan Tower gym.

"Hear what?" Roy asked curiously.

"It sounded like someone crying out. Maybe someone needs help?" Connor added.

"I don't think it was that kind of crying out. Sounded more like moaning if you ask me." Tim replied.

A huge gust of wind blew past them and Wally West skidded to a halt by the door on the far end of the room. "Whatever it is it sounded like it came from the locker room." Wally replied as he gestured to the door beside him. The four friends and defenders of justice quickly made their way towards the men's locker room. What they saw when they entered made their jaws drop.

"Good timing." Damian Wayne said casually as his friends came barging through the door. Damian slowly pulled his huge cock out of Dick's hot, muscular, bubble butt. Dick moaned orgasmically as huge gobs of cum oozed out of his blown out ass.

"Woah. What happened to your cock!?" Roy gasped in shock. All the dudes in Titan Tower knew that Damian was a little small below the belt. They had seen him around the locker rooms, and they had all had their share of fun at his expense. It had all been light-hearted teasing, but what Damian was packing nowadays was not something anyone would make fun of. Simply put it was the greatest dick they had ever seen. Even now that it was steadily softening it had to be almost a foot long.

"Fuck that! What happened to Dick's... well... dick!" Tim cut in. Tim had grown up with Dick Grayson much the same way Damian had. He had seen Dick's fantastic cock firsthand on many occasions. He was always a tad jealous of that legendary tool, but what Dick was sporting now was hardly the stuff of legends. His dick was absolutely tiny. Tim had never seen such a small cock on a grown man.

"You like it?" Damian asked. He wiggled his hips a bit which caused his huge, meaty schlong to wobble enticingly from side to side. The four friends muttered amongst themselves. None of them were gay, but they couldn't deny that Damian's cock was simply fantastic, and the more they looked at it the more they realized they did indeed like it.

"My cock's so huge now." Damian gloated. "It's so big, and thick, and sexy. I can't get over how amazingly hot my huge cock is!" The four friends were having a hard time focusing. The more Damian spoke the more they found themselves agreeing. Damian's cock was so huge and sexy. It made their mouths water just thinking about it.

"But what happened to Dick?" Tim managed to ask through the haze in his head.

"You noticed him, huh? I didn't think his tiny, pathetic little dick would be noticeable next to my huge cock." Damian gloated playfully.

"We know your cock is huge." Connor replied. He was trying to sound annoyed, but his voice came out a little more wistful than intended. He couldn't figure out how Damian had made his cock grow. The more he thought about it the more his curiosity grew... as did his arousal.

"Fine. I suppose I could tell you." Damian replied lazily. He dramatically rolled his eyes to play up his faux-annoyance.

Damian's smirk suddenly returned full force. His voice dropped low and quiet as if he was telling stories around a campfire. "Ok. So get this. I found a serum that The Mad Hatter developed and it allows me to take someone's cock size and add it to my own." Damian explained giddily.

"So you took Dick's!?" Tim asked incredulously.

"It's not like I just reached out and took it." Damian scoffed. "I had to convince Dick to give it to me, and believe you me; he was more than happy to make a little donation to the cause."

"A little donation? He gave up the whole thing." Tim replied incredulously.

Dick glanced down at his cock. He had to agree with what Tim was saying. He had given up the whole thing. He couldn't even believe that he had once had the biggest dick in Gotham. Now he had a pathetically tiny nub between his legs. He felt a pit in his stomach form as he watching his already tiny cock slowly deflate into an even smaller semi.

"It's not like he doesn't enjoy it." Damian replied. He then gestured to Dick and said, "Ask him yourself... of better yet. Tell him. He loves it when you tease him about his little dick, don't you Dick?"

Dick let out a soft moan in reply which took the four friends by surprise. His train of thought was once again derailed by Damian's teasing. It felt so good to be mocked. It made his tiny dick hard all over again and got him so worked up. Already Dick's mind was flooded with images of huge cocks. He was still spent from the last round, but his ass ached for another cock in it.

The four Titans all looked back and forth amongst themselves as they silently decided how to proceed. Roy was actually the first one to step forward. "So. You like it when we tell you your cock is small?" Roy asked uncertainly.

"Boooring." Damian replied playfully. "Don't just ask weak questions like that. Tease him. Mock him. Let him know how pathetic and tiny his little dick is. Believe me, it's hot as hell, and he can't get enough of it." He explained.

Roy couldn't quite say why, but teasing Dick did sound hot as hell. A slight smile played at the corner of his lips, and his dick stirred to life as he thought about it. Roy chuckled nervously and then took a deep breath. He steeled his resolve and tried his hand at teasing.

"Wow. It's really tiny, huh. That dick looks more like it belongs on a kid." Roy murmured awkwardly.

It was strange. The second the words were out of his mouth Roy felt a surge of enthusiasm. Teasing Dick like this was invigorating and arousing. Roy's hand slowly dropped down to his crotch, and he began to stroke his steadily boning dick through the fabric of his gym shorts.

"Haha. Yeah... I guess it is." Dick moaned breathily as he tugged at his tiny stiffy. He felt so humiliated but also so horny. His dick was a pitifully little kiddie dick, and he loved it.

"Woah. He's really getting off on it." Wally gasped.

"See? I told you. It's hot as hell, and he loves it." Damian replied. He was grinning from ear to ear as he said it as if Dick's reply somehow vindicated him which probably wasn't far from the truth.

Tim and Connor couldn't deny that it was hot. It was hard to say what exactly got them so hot under the collar; was it Dick's lusty moan; was it the feeling of superiority that came with having such a larger dick in comparison; or was there something more sinister at work. Whatever the case was, Tim and Connor's cocks were steadily swelling in their shorts.

"God. Look at you." Tim said breathlessly as he snaked a hand down the front of his pants. "You used to have such a huge cock, but now you've got a toothpick." Tim felt a rush of excitement as he teased his older compatriot. They had served together for ages, and Dick had always been the older, the stronger, the wiser, and just generally overall better crime-fighter, but now Tim had a marked advantage and it drove him wild.

"I doubt he'd be able to please a chick with a tic-tac like that." Connor quipped playfully as he too snaked a hand down his shorts.

"That's not an issue." Damian chuckled. "He's such a total butt-slut now. He loves dicks. Can't get enough of them. I doubt he even knows what a pussy looks like now." Damian explained.

"I'm looking at a pussy right now." Roy jeered playfully. He then turned and gave Wally a high five with his free hand. Wally returned the gesture with the hand that wasn't latched around his rock-hard cock.

"You could use his pussy if you want. I stretched it out a bit though. It might not be as tight as you'd like." Damian replied playfully.

"That's fine. I'm thinking of using his mouth anyway." Roy replied giddily. He pushed down his shorts causing his fully-boned cock to spring free.

Roy's dick was a solid six inches and plenty thick. He had never felt like he was particularly small before, but that was before he had seen the solid foot of fat dong that Damian was now packing. Somewhere in the back of his mind an idea had taken root. If puny-dicked Damian could grow his cock to a solid foot of fuckstick, there's no telling how huge Roy's could get.

Roy quickly shook the notion from his mind and focused his attention on Dick. The cock-hungry slut was greedily slurping and sucking Roy's fat cock. "Yeah. Suck it. That's a real man's cock. It's nothing like that thumb you've got between your legs." Roy teased. He chuckled playfully between gasps and moans.

Dick wasn't just sucking his cock. He was going all in. Roy could feel Dick's tongue flicking the tip of his cock while he greedily slurped Roy's dick. The taste of cock and pre upon his tongue drove him wild, and as he went to town on Roy's dick he could see the other Titans fish their cocks out from their pants too. Everywhere Dick's eyes darted he saw fat cocks which just made him hornier. These were real cocks. Not shrimpy baby dicks like his.

"Fuck. He's too good at this." Roy groaned. "None of my girlfriends have ever sucked dick this good."

"Huh. You're not embarrassed being sucked off by a dude?" Tim asked.

"Nah, man. He's just too good, and nnng... and besides... he's got such a small dick he barely counts as a dude, right?" Roy replied between moans.

"Can't argue with you there. That little nub is definitely not a man's cock." Tim replied playfully. He then sidled up beside Roy and started poking Dick in the cheek with his cock in an effort to goad Dick into sucking his cock instead of Roy's.

Roy glanced down and saw Tim's five inch stiffy and sneered. "I guess little dicks must run in the Wayne family household, huh?" He teased.

"Fuck you. It's not small, and I'm not related to this shrimp-dicked loser. I'm adopted, remember." Tim spat back.

"I can see it's a sore subject. Maybe you can ask your little bro for an inch or two of his since he's got more than he needs." Roy chided playfully.

Tim glanced over at Damian who was stroking his fully-boned footlong cock. That dick did look absolutely fantastic. Tim could scarcely imagine what it must be like to have such an amazingly huge cock like that. Tim didn't think of himself as particularly small, but he wouldn't say no to a few more inches. He just needed to find the right donor...

Tim's train of thought was rudely derailed when Wally shoved his way to the front of the line. "Stand aside ladies. Let me show you a real man's dick." He said haughtily as he shoved Roy and Tim aside and pressed his long seven inch cock against Dick's eager lips.

"It's not even that big..." Roy muttered.

"Bigger than yours." Wally replied playfully. He then began to sigh and coo as Dick worked over his fat cock. "Fuck... you weren't kidding. This baby-dick fag really does know how to suck a dick." Wally moaned between gasps.

"I've got to get in on this." Connor said as he stepped forward and shoved his way through the group. He was by far the biggest and strongest of the quartet, and his size wasn't just limited to his muscular physique. His eight inch, fat cock blew the other three Titans' cocks out of the water.

"Yeah. Step aside! It was my turn!" Roy whined.

"No need to crowd. He's not going anywhere. His appetite is insatiable. He'll be eager to suck our dicks long after we're all exhausted." Damian replied as he sidled up beside his friends.

"Hope he sticks around then." Roy chimed in. "We'll give him all the cocks he can handle."

Dick could hardly believe his luck. Everywhere he looked there were cocks aimed straight at his face, and each dick was bigger than the last. He wanted to wrap his lips around each and every juicy cock, but he had only one mouth. He sucked on Roy's fat, six inch cock while stroking Tim and Connor's cocks, but that left Wally's long dong and Damian's immaculate uber-schlong unattended. He couldn't allow that.

He turned and gripped Damian's cock. It was so thick he could barely get his fingers around it. It felt so amazing in his hand. The warm, supple flesh of his little bro's cock felt wonderful against his palm, but that left Connor's cock unattended. Dick needed that beer can thick cock in his mouth, and he still hadn't had a feel for Wally's long, skinny dick. He turned his head and began sucking on the tip of Connor's fat, Kryptonian cock. The taste of Superboy's pre against his tongue was simply divine. He wanted to suck on that forever. As he slurped and sucked Connor's fat cock, Dick let go of Roy's cock and began to stroke Wally's dick. It felt so warm and supple in the palm of his hand, but now Roy's dick was left flying free and Tim was not getting any action either.

This juggling act continued. Dick would switch from stroking one cock to sucking another and jacking another. All the while he wished he could somehow service all those dicks at once. He was so enthralled by all the cocks in his face that he didn't even think about his blown out ass which still had Damian's spunk oozing out of it.

The constant jeers and jibes from the younger Titans drove Dick wild. Every casual jab at the size of his tiny dick got him rock hard all over again. Every snide remark about how he'd never be able to please another man with his pencil dick brought him closer to cumming. Dick was in a paradise of degradation and he loved every second of it. He didn't miss his old, massive cock not even one little bit. The tiny little prick he had between his buff thighs was exactly what a slut like him deserved. He couldn't even remember what it was like to be a stud.

Dick could hardly believe how different his life was compared to what it was just a few days ago. Just last week he would never have dreamed of touching another dude's dong in any sort of sexual way, but now he just couldn't get enough of them. He wanted cock in his mouth, in his hands, in his ass... He just wanted cocks all over him. Just thinking about it made him want to cream, and the cavalcade of cocks that surrounded him now brought him even closer to the edge.

"Shiii....." Wally moaned between gasps.

"Fastest guy alive is at it again." Roy teased.

"fuck you... I can't be the first to... fff....uuu...." Wally groaned as he struggled to hold back.

"Oh fuck... I'm gonna..." Roy moaned.

"Me too... I can't..." Tim whined.

"This is so gay." Connor muttered between moans.

"And you all love it." Damian teased between gasps.

Roy was the first to go. His cock lurched hard in Dick's hand. Dick didn't even have time to prepare before a big, wet splurt of jizz nailed him square in the side of the face. Tim was second. Dick's lips around his cock just felt too fantastic. Tim had never felt so amazing before. He had resisted this long, but he just couldn't hold out any longer. He let out a low, loud moan as his dick shuddered and lurched. His cock lurched so hard that it shook loose of Dick's eager mouth before spraying spooge across Dick's face. Connor soon followed suit. His huge, fat dick splurted creamy jizz all over the side of Dick's face. It took superhuman levels of restraint to hold out as long as he had, but the second Connor blew, Wally let his own load fly. He was filled with the euphoria of sexual release, but he was also giddy that he wasn't the first to blow.

Dick stopped trying to stroke and suck the Titans. He closed his eyes, opened his mouth and sat back and let the jizz flow over him. The warm, sticky spunk clung to his hair, oozed down his face, and washed across his tastebuds. It was so fantastic that he never wanted this moment to end, but he could already feel the Titans' loads tapering off. Roy's spurts got weaker. Tim's wads got waterier. Connor's shots became fewer and far between, but right before his lewd cum bath could end completely Dick heard a familiar, guttural moan. Dick's smile grew even wider. There was one last member of the party who needed to blow their load.

Damian's whole body trembled. He had just cum mere minutes before, but he had gotten so worked up watching his older bro service his friends' cocks that he needed to shoot again. Damian's cock trembled. The tip flared up. He took aim, shut his eyes, and moaned loudly.

Damian's wads were massive compared to his friends'. Even after having just cum, Damian's loads were still enough to drench Dick's face. Every inch of dry skin was soaked in his spunk. Damian couldn't hold back his laughter, and he didn't even try. Dick just looked so pathetic with his face completely laminated in spooge and his tiny, puny little prick sputtering and spurting weak loads of jizz. Dick was cumming hard and he hadn't even laid a finger on his cock. He was just that excited by all the cum and cocks that were in his face.

As the haze of lust slowly faded from his mind, Dick had a brief moment of clarity. He stared down in shock at his own body. He had cum dripping from his face and down his sculpted chest and abs, and he didn't even mind that. It was just shocking to think that he had once been the ultimate ladies' man. He had never before even considered the notion of hooking up with guys, but here he was slurping jizz and sucking cocks like the baby dicked bottom that he was.

Dick stared at his tiny cock and couldn't believe how much he had changed. He couldn't believe he had let Damian talk him into giving up almost all of his size, but if he had the option to do it over again he wasn't sure he'd change his mind. As much as he loved being a hot, hung ladies' man, his little dick just felt right.

The five friends stared down at the older guy and exchanged smirks and giggles as they looked at Dick's steadily softening cock. It was even punier after having deflated which made them feel all the more macho and virile. None of them could believe that this puny-dicked cum-slut was once the legendary ladies' man with the biggest cock Gotham had ever seen. His new role as the Titans' cum dumpster seemed to suit him so much better. For the time being Tim, Roy, Wally, and Conner were satisfied, but their eyes kept darting back towards Damian's monster cock. The knowledge of The Hatter's serum and the thrill of lording their size over someone else had already been implanted in their minds...

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