Running Rings

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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There are many wonderful things to love and cherish about college or university life, but for Daniel, his favourite can be found in a locker room. ^^

This story contains M/M sex between consenting adults in a semi-public place. :3

Running Rings

Daniel loved his college. He loved his professor; a man he idolised and respected not just as an academic, but as a friend and a father figure too. He loved his fellow students, closer and more numerous dear friends than he had ever had before. He loved the campuses with their broad open spaces and old, regal looking buildings. But most of all, he loved the twenty four hour fitness centre that was open to all students and faculty.

The raccoon had always been something of a health freak growing up. Eager to make up for his absent father, to be strong and to be able to protect his family should the need arise. Not to the point of obsession, thankfully, but certainly to a level where it had partially shaped him mentally, as well as physically. From the very onset of puberty he had toned and worked his body to the limit, keeping it fit, lean and trim each and every day. Even his tail, a feature traditionally thick and bushy amongst his species, was trimmed short in order to minimise wind resistance as he jogged laps around the track at the end of each and every night.

Truthfully though, it wasn't the track which made Daniel adore the fitness centre so much. Nor the gym equipment. Nor the pool. It wasn't even the friendly staff, most of whom he knew by name and all of whom were happy to leave him and the other few late night users of the complex all the time and space they needed to work out. It was the locker rooms which he cherished so very dearly.

The fitness centre's locker rooms were more like those of a public leisure centre than anything else. Large, central aisles filled with rows of metal lockers, yes. But no cold, hard wooden benches on which multiple bare rear ends were to sit in awkward communal space. Surrounding the lockers on one side were a myriad of private changing cubicles, permitting co-ed use of the facilities, while on the other side of the changing area were an equal number of shower cubicles with their own swing-style, lockable doors.

Perfect for unwinding after a long, strenuous hour of endurance jogging. No need to remain self conscious about how you looked while washing off the sweat and dust of the track. No reason to worry about exposing yourself to unwitting eyes in any particularly compromising fashion. And, as Daniel had discovered just a few months into his first year at the college, an ideal venue for a quick jerk-off while your blood was still pumping and your body was flooded with invigorating adrenaline.

Though, these days, a self-serviced quickie was the very least that Daniel had come to expect. He was, after all, not alone in using the track late at night. There were a small group of them. About seven or eight regulars and another ten or fifteen more casual athletes who preferred to work out in the darkness, beneath the flood-lights and in the cooler temperatures.

And within that group, that little collective of nocturnal runners and swimmers and gymnasts, there was a certain tradition. A certain unwritten rule upheld amongst them, which Daniel's own less than subtle masturbatory adventures in the showers had swiftly led him to become included within.

If the showers or changing cubicles were occupied, and the door was locked and marked engaged, the occupant was of course to be left alone.

But if the door remained unlocked, and the hour was late enough for only those select few to remain around... it wasn't simply an invitation to join in. It was practically a plea.

"Yeah... y-yeah..."

Daniel smirked as he slipped into the locker room, instantly greeted by the soft murmurs of one of the swimmers. It sounded like Michaela, and sure enough as the raccoon rounded the first row of lockers and made his way towards the cubicle where his stuff was resting, Daniel could see the thin tip of a long, scaled tail sweeping happily back and forth beneath an unlocked, ajar cubicle door. The tail belonged to one of the other track athletes, and doubtlessly indicated their presence between Michaela's legs; hungrily giving her ample reason to moan in pleasure.

Taking just the briefest of peeks into the cubicle, winking at the lioness as their gazes met and she growled at him in heated arousal, Daniel left her to her fun and pulled open the door of his own changing block just a few cubicles down. Without even stepping all the way inside he began to peel off his sweaty track gear; trainers, socks, t-shirt, shorts and boxer briefs. His ears twitched as the feline female's cries grew louder and more urgent, and the raccoon's already thickening sheath began to swell as he grabbed his towel and began to pad leisurely over to the shower area.

A roaring, orgasmic cry echoed through the changing area as Michaela's body was brought to a peak. Daniel licked his lips in delight, remembering the last time that he had been lucky enough to take a dip in Michaela's pool, and reached down to fondle his swelling erection.

"I hope you don't plan on taking care of that yourself..."

Distracted by the continued moans of the lioness and his own growing arousal, Daniel jumped at the suddenness with which the voice spoke up, and instinctively moved to cover his stiffened arousal with his towel. A moment later though, he dropped his guard. His body relaxed, and his face split into an embarrassed smirk.

"Jeez, how long have you been waiting there..."

Standing in one of the shower cubicles, resting with his back to the door so that it remained wide open, was the man who had first introduced Daniel to the cliché that everyone was bisexual in college. The man who had first approached him in the shower as he stood there under the running water, beating his own meat vigorously, and offered to do it for him with no strings attached.

Liam grinned, running a hand casually through his soft, fiery red hair, and bounced his shoulders in a playfully non-committal fashion.

"I dunno. Long enough to have been listening to Ms Lopez and Mr Southall from start to finish. Not that they've been at it for long. That gecko has quite the tongue..."

Glancing down at the red panda's crotch, Liam's own erection thick and glistening with pre-cum, Daniel felt his cheeks reddening.

"You were listening right from the start? But... you're still..."

He swallowed thickly, his voice trailing off before returning on a slightly more innocent tangent.

"...dry. You haven't even turned the shower on yet?"

Again, Liam shrugged.

"It's like you said, Danny. I've been waiting here. I've gotta say, it took you long enough. I figured you'd be done five minutes after I finished my run... not fifteen."

A soft whimper escaped the raccoon's muzzle, and his towel fell to the floor. Without another word, he stumbled forward into the cubicle, and found himself immediately swept up into Liam's strong arms.

"You waited... j-just for me. Oh god."

With his face burning bashfully and his masked eyes squeezed tightly shut, Daniel's body stiffened violently as Liam pushed him back against the rear wall of the shower cubicle. The door swung closed, sealing them in, and a moment later the raccoon heard the heavy clunk of a hand twisting the shower faucet close by. A torrent of water, at first freezing but swiftly heating up, began to pour down over himself and the red panda, and while wrapped up in that same haze of initial blissful excitement, Daniel felt a large, powerful hand wrapping around the length of his cock and press it tightly against the rigid, throbbing length of Liam's own.

"Of course I waited for you... silly boy."

Liam's voice. Softer now. More tender and passionate. It whispered teasingly into Daniel's twitching ears, making the raccoon shudder and squirm as he felt the larger, stronger male begin to rub their straining shafts against one another.

"Two years. It's been more than two years since I first touched you. Tasted you. Felt you inside me. And still you act surprised... like some innocent, awe-struck virgin when I do something to show how much you mean to me."

The raccoon's toes curled down into the hard, ridged tile surface of the shower floor. His claws scraped across the firm material, and he grunted in joyous ecstasy as he felt Liam throbbing and grinding up against him.

"I... I c-can't help it. You're... y-you're..."

Daniel's giddy murmurs were cut short as Liam kissed him. He gurgled and whimpered happily into the red panda's maw, eagerly accepting the advances of the other man's tongue as their cocks rubbed and drooled over one another with shameless, liberal excitement.

"I'm what?"

Breathlessly, Liam pressed the raccoon for an answer as their lips parted some twenty seconds later. Rather than allowing Daniel to offer up any suggestions however, he began to list off some of his own ideas; teasing, torturing Daniel with each tempting possibility.

"I'm obsessed by you? Consumed by the thought of being with you... pleading, begging every god and wishing upon every star in the sky that I'll run into you every night on the track, just so I can jump your bones in the showers afterwards?"

Tossing his head back, Daniel gurgled in overwhelmed excitement as he felt his balls tightening and his cock throbbing. Liam had only been rubbing him for a couple of minutes, but already he was on the verge of erupting. That was the kind of effect the red panda had on him. Not just his body; a stunning, hulking physique taller and stronger than his in every possible dimension. But his attitude. His confidence. His brain. Everything about Liam just made Daniel want to hug him close, hump against that thick, throbbing red panda cock and cum until he blacked out.


Again Liam cut him off, the red panda's own voice trembling with barely controlled euphoria.

"I'm close. That's what I am, Daniel. So close... and I know you are too. So say it. Say that thing which makes me so sexy to you. Which makes me so much more than any of the others you fool around with here every night. Say it, and then let go. Cum with me, Danny."

The raccoon's head slumped forward, and his eyes slipped groggily open; staring through a haze of steam and rushing water and pure blissed-out excitement into Liam's own exuberantly beaming face.

"You're my... m-my professor."

Growling tenderly, Liam leaned in close to Daniel's face once more, nodding as he felt the raccoon begin to tremble ever more uncontrollably against him.

"And you're my absolute favourite student. Like the son I never had, and the love I never dreamed of having, all at once."

Daniel couldn't handle hearing that. Even if he hadn't been on the verge of orgasm already; even if he hadn't even been remotely aroused or hard, hearing Liam utter words like that would likely have reduced him to a wailing, gasping mess in mere seconds. Under the current circumstances, there was nothing the raccoon could do but throw himself forward against the red panda's strong body, buck his hips frantically against Liam's own straining cock, and howl in joyous relief as he began to unload hot streaks of cum across both his and his beloved professor's torso.

"Oh fuck... f-fuck, Danny. Cum for me. Cum with me. I'm... a-ahhhhh!"

Mere moments later the red panda joined Daniel in his thrashing, bucking and blissful grunting. Their cocks ground against one another within the tight grasp of Liam's paw, twin fountains of thick, sticky cum coating one another's bodies. They pressed tenderly against each other, shielding their torsos from the relentless flow of the shower above them and allowing their seed to lash their sodden fur in long, copious strings and clumps.

"Yes... yes... yes..."

Panting and murmuring in stunned delight, Daniel was still moaning happily even after his cock was spent and Liam's hand had fallen away from them both. He clutched at his professor with both arms, intimately cuddling Liam around the neck, and whimpered gleefully as the older male kissed and nuzzled at him fondly.

"C-can I... can I come back to your place tonight? Stay over?"

The raccoon already knew the answer to the question, but he couldn't help himself. He just wanted to spend every last moment with Liam. Soaking up the red panda's scent. His every word, and movement, and all the million other tiny little things that made Daniel love him.

Liam sighed softly, shaking his head.

"You have a test tomorrow, remember? Nine thirty. Cooper Hall. It's already... what? One in the morning? If you come back to mine, we'll not get any sleep, and we'll both be snoring at our desks while you're supposed to be working. And believe me, even a tenured professor can't get away with sleeping during an exam they're supposed to be moderating."

Daniel nodded, pouting playfully.

"Fine. But... what if I get a good grade? Will you let me spend the night at your place if I get... I dunno, a B?"

The red panda chuckled, nuzzling the younger raccoon once again.

"No deal. But if you get an A... I'll make sure that I'm here when you finish your jogging every night for a week."

With a shiver of excitement, Daniel licked his lips.

"A-and if I get an A+?"

Liam rolled his eyes.

"You're a smart guy, Danny, and I love you. But even with the student I'm sleeping with... I'm not that generous."

By Jeeves