
Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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Love cannot be contained, no matter how well we think we can hold it within. <3

This short story contains F/F themes and F/Solo sexual acts in a public place. :3


Sasha panted heavily as she rounded the final curve of the campus running track once again. The collie had been jogging without pause for almost thirty minutes now, and showed no signs of slowing or stopping. Two wireless headphone buds were clipped to her ears, pumping energising music through her as she ran, and keeping out any distracting influences from beyond. With her eyes fixed upon the lines of the track either side of her, she seemed unstoppable and entirely focused to the others also training on the track. Of course, there was no reason for them to think anything else. She was here almost every day, after all. Pushing herself to the limit, to the very edge of exhaustion, to ensure that she remained in peak physical condition.

No-one knew the truth.

No-one knew Sasha's real reason for running day after day, lap after lap. Except of course for the collie herself, and her ever present, ever supportive dorm-mate.

Katie sat on the bleachers, only occasionally glancing up to check on her dear friend's progress as she worked on whatever assignment were currently on the books from her professors. It was the same every day. Just as reliably as Sasha could be found at the track at around this time each evening, her friend could be found close by, silently supporting the collie with her devoted presence. They barely ever spoke, or interacted while Sasha was actively training. Not even a glance passed between them until the day's running was done. But they always arrived together, and following a brief disappearance by Sasha into the locker rooms to change, they always departed together... chatting and laughing just like the close friends they were.

It was the perfect cover. A ruse hidden so carefully in plain sight, that what had begun as a simple one time dare had now become something else. A habit. A ritual of sorts. A treasured part of both women's day, which neither would sacrifice for anything in this world.

No-one knew. No-one knew what Sasha was listening to within those earphones. Not music. Not a pounding, pulsing beat to keep her energised and excited as she ran, but words. Whispers. Teasing suggestions and loud, lingering moans. Recordings of intimate acts performed within her and Katie's own dorm room. The cries, the screams, the shrieks of the collie and red setter pleasuring one another, as they had been doing for months now, ever since that first night Sasha caught her roommate playing with herself after lights out.

The recordings were only the tip of the iceberg though. A reminder of what Sasha had enjoyed for the previous few nights, and what awaited her if she succeeded in her training regime today. They were as much an incentive and encouragement as any get-psyched mix of songs, particularly when combined with the real key to Sasha's training.

With every light beat of Sasha's running shoes against the asphalt track, her breasts jiggled; cushioned and restrained for the most part within the tight confines of her spandex sports bra. No matter how tightly they were held by the firm, stabilising material though, Sasha's nipples were still visible as they protruded through the fabric, stiff and rigid as diamonds. Her lower half however, somewhat strangely for someone who spent as much money on high quality sportswear as the collie's shoes and upper garments seemed to suggest, was far less figure hugging and revealing. A pair of loose fitting, elastic-waisted cotton jogging shorts, dark and obviously drenched in sweat, flapped around Sasha's thighs as she ran. It was these perfectly serviceable, if low-quality garments, that were the key. The collie never would have worn them otherwise, and certainly wouldn't have done so if she had any real interest in distance running as a competitive sport. But for her and Katie's purposes, they were ideal.

A pair of tight, spandex shorts would have been too revealing. Too tight to hide the items they required, and certainly too revealing to ensure that the equipment in question remained hidden while in use. With her upper legs covered by the loose fitting jogging shorts though, Sasha was in an ideal position to carry a concealed package upon her person. Wrapped tight around her thigh, a custom-made buckled garter-belt, itself secured to her panties by miniature suspender-straps for extra security. And within the clutches of that belt, Katie's pride and joy. The device which was one of many luxuries the red setter had shared with Sasha in sheer adoration and gratitude for keeping their nightly intimate relations a secret.

For supporting and understanding her desire to keep on receiving the tuition money from her conservative parents, so that she could graduate with a degree that would free her financially from their narrow-minded world view, and allow Katie to live the life she knew she was meant for. A life with a woman she could love and cherish for the rest of her days.

A life, perhaps to be spent with Sasha... herself a newcomer to the idea that she might, in fact, be a lesbian.

Clutched tight against the collie's thigh, the battery pack of a high-powered egg vibrator lay nestled within the garter belt's grasp. A thin cord, more than small enough to be invisible beneath the loose cotton of Sasha's shorts, ran from the battery all the way up to the collie's panties, and within... into Sasha herself, where the toy lay, buzzing wildly, deep inside her.

Night after night, Sasha ran the track with that toy humming and throbbing within her; holding back her screams and wails of desire, disguising her obvious bliss under a guise of fatigued exercise, all the while knowing that her lover was watching. That Katie was sitting up in the stands, pretending to work... to be a good, meek, well mannered friend and student, rather than a woman whose day was given meaning by watching her beloved girlfriend be teased to orgasm in a public place while she watched, her own pussy getting hotter and wetter with every lap Sasha ran.

It really had started as a one time thing. A game, to see if Sasha could really find a way to cum in public without anyone noticing... not an easy feat, as Katie had swiftly learned once she'd spent a few nights with her face buried between the collie's legs. Now though, it was foreplay. It was the prelude to what Sasha and Katie shared almost every night. The most frantic, feverishly intimate love making, hidden away within their dorm room... revelling in the joy of knowing that their secret indulgences were safe and secure with one another.

Thus, tonight, just like any other night, Sasha ran and Katie pretended to pour over her books... each of their minds filled with passionate thoughts of the other, their eyes flickering over to where their lover could be seen, causing their hearts to skip a beat and their loins to tremble with desire. Saliva drooled down the side of Sasha's muzzle as her tongue lolled out, the trickles of liquid mirroring the rivulets running down the insides of her thighs. For the last ten minutes or so, the powerful egg-like vibrator buried inside the collie had been teasing perilously close to her g-spot. Try as Sasha might though, she couldn't shift it into position; couldn't get it to hit that sweet spot which would bring her over the edge for sure, and mean that she could drag Katie home and into bed.

Another lap, another, and another. Sasha was whining and grunting with fatigue, desperate to simply bury her hands between her legs and tease her swollen clit, knowing that any such stimulation would surely drive her into orgasmic rapture. She couldn't, though. Even if the track hadn't been occupied by countless other students exercising or simply hanging out, the security cameras stationed around this part of the campus would surely spot a woman reaching into her underwear so blatantly and intimately. Then questions would be asked, and word would doubtlessly get back to Katie's parents. She wasn't willing to take that risk, not if there was any chance that the red setter's family might fear for their daughter being 'influenced' by some sort of deviant lesbian, and withdraw her tuition money.


Sasha couldn't call out. She couldn't even whisper in desire, not here. But within her ears, the past echo of her lover could say precisely what she was thinking.

"Please, Sasha... c-cum. Cum with me, baby."

This particular recording was a few weeks old, but Katie had kept it on file because she knew how much it turned Sasha on. Many a night this month had been spent with the two of them lying in bed, wrapped up in one another's arms and watching their own homemade movies on Katie's laptop. Some were cute. Some were gorgeous to behold. This one was both, and even without the pictures to accompany it, Sasha could still recall every instant of what had happened in vivid detail.

The very toy lodged inside her now had been pressed against Katie's engorged clit, held their by one of Sasha's own hands as the red setter fingered her feverishly with three digits in return. It had been a race, not for one of them to beat the other to orgasm, but to get there at the same time. Katie had been fighting with every ounce of willpower she possessed not to cum, and Sasha had been practically sobbing with ecstasy as she willed herself to let go; to cum as hard as she already had done once that night, on their daily excursion to the track.

The recording had captured the tension of those final few moments perfectly. The fragmented pleas and gasps of Katie as she begged her lover to join her. The high pitched whines and yelps of Sasha herself as she bucked and writhed upon the red setter's fingers.

Then, suddenly, it had happened.

Katie's digits, in a spasm of bliss, had curled slightly as they pressed inside her. Striking hard, rubbing and grinding without mercy, at the collie's g-spot.

A frantic shriek of ecstasy erupted in Sasha's ears, the sound of herself cumming suddenly, violently, and joyously. It came out of nowhere, so swiftly and loudly that it shocked the collie, and she stumbled mid-stride. With a yelp of her own, live, not recorded, she lurched forward upon the track, and with her hands thankfully outstretched to break her fall, dropped to her knees.

She hit the ground with only a minor impact, just enough to rattle her a little... and to jolt the toy inside her.

Sasha's eyes widened. She gurgled desperately, and shook her head in despairing anguish as she glanced upward, and saw a handful of people moving towards her; concern and the genuine desire to help upon their faces.

She felt the toy buzzing hard against her g-spot, not merely grazing it as Katie's fingers had on that fateful night, but drilling into it with constant, unceasing fury. She felt her insides spasming. Clutching. She felt hot fluids bursting from within her, gushing, squirting out into the already dampened fabric of her panties. She was ejaculating, and worst of all... she hadn't even cum yet. It was still building. Swelling. Ready to explode, but still a few torturous seconds away; just long enough to ensure that she would be surrounded by spectators, their eyes and attention fixed upon her, when she came.

"Omigosh, Sash... are you okay?"

A pair of hands grabbed Sasha by the shoulders, dragging her rather forcefully to her feet. An instant later, a crooked finger slipped beneath the collie's downturned muzzle, tilting her head back and forcing Sasha to stare, wide-eyed, into her rescuers face.

Katie smiled at her, the collie's eyes dripping with tears as she fought with every fibre of inner strength and will she possessed not to scream. Not to yelp and bark and wail. Not to show just how unfathomably good it felt as she hung on the knife's edge of orgasm.

The red setter turned towards the few furs who had lingered close by after her rapid descent from the bleachers, smiling and murmuring something about how she was okay, just a little winded. Before they could say anything else, and a split-second before the last of Sasha's willpower ran dry, Katie threw her arms tightly around the collie's midsection and span Sasha around a hundred and eighty degrees, turning her face away from the onlookers as her cheeks flushed crimson.

Her eyes bulged, her muzzle fell slack in a desperate, thankfully silent howl, and she fell limp within Katie's embrace, clutching and quivering against the red setter as one of the most savage orgasms that Sasha had ever experienced surged through her lithe, athletic frame. The toy pounding at her g-spot buzzed and hummed with relentless fury, leaving Sasha paralysed with bliss for almost forty-five solid seconds before Katie managed to subtly reach down between them and turn its motor off. Even then, it was a full minute longer before with her roommate's help Sasha was able to hobble, bow-legged and hyper-sensitive, away from the track, and towards the safety and privacy of the locker rooms.

There, after pulling the toy free from herself, removing her earphones and casting off her clothing, Sasha was finally able to relax. She stood under the hot, relentless flow of one of the locker room's showers for almost a minute, eyes closed and face turned up towards the thundering water, until the sound of movement from close by gave her reason to glance over her shoulder.

There, naked and with fire in her eyes, stood Katie.

"Kay... g-get your clothes back on. What if someone sees you here with me? Your parents, they wouldn't approve."

The red setter growled under her breath.

"I don't care. I... I held you. Sasha. I held you today. In public. In front of people. And... I didn't want to let go. The way it felt, knowing people were seeing you and me together, acknowledging our friendship... just that, it was more exciting than all the days we've spent down here at the track together, combined."

She stepped forward, towards Sasha and the running shower. The collie raised her arms to hold Katie back, but her girlfriend simply grabbed her by both wrists, using Sasha to drag herself forward and into the shower's stream. She pressed up tight against the collie, and threw her arms around her once again.

"I love you, Sasha."

Any worries that Sasha may have had about the two of them being seen together were tossed violently clear of the black and white furred female's mind as she heard her lover utter those words. She knew it, of course. They both knew how they felt for one another, but... with all the time they had spent trying to keep their relationship secret, and talking about how tenuous an affair it all was in the grand scheme of things, those words had never been spoken aloud by either of them.

Until now.

"I love you so much."

Katie drew back just enough to look Sasha in the eye, and even through the streaming cascades of hot shower water, the collie could see that her girlfriend was crying.

She whimpered softly, and dragged the red setter back into her arms.

"God, Katie... p-please. Please don't cry. It'll... it'll make me, a-and god knows I'm already gonna end up bawling when I say how much I love you, too..."

The two women clutched at one another desperately as the hot water bathed their two bare bodies. They wept, and embraced, and felt their hearts thundering against one another's chests faster than any amount of running or sex could have possibly achieved.

That night was the night the two women's hearts could no longer deny what they had come to feel for one another, and that night was the last time anyone saw Sasha sweating and gasping upon the college running track.

At least, it was the last time they saw her there alone.

The following day, two figures ran the track in tandem. Both clad in tight spandex running gear, no headphones, no baggy shorts, no additional accessories.

They talked as they ran together. They laughed. They embraced.

Afterwards, they sat together upon the bleachers; working on some assignment from their respective classes, talking, laughing, and touching one another fondly as they poured over textbooks and scrawled on pads of paper.

Then, they walked back to their dorm together. Hand in hand.

They vanished inside together.

They turned the lights out together.

They shared their night together as it was meant to be shared. Privately. Intimately.

No longer did they need their kinky little outlet... their game, which had somehow become their subtle, secret way of 'openly' expressing their desire for one another.

Now, after all, that was what every day could be. Every walk they took, every date, every hug or kiss in the quad. Every moment spent as their hearts intended. Together.

By Jeeves