Dating Naked: Changes of Scenery

Story by LeiLani on SoFurry

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One for the transformation fans out there. ^^ userpay wanted a commission based on the hit TV show on MTV called "Dating Naked", which took individual, romantically-inclined contestants and paired them up for dates on an island paradise. I took a few elements of that, and created this for his two unique characters Leiko and Cyrr. He loved this story so much, he was able to further "know" his characters! That says a lot to me. <3

Leiko and Cyrr care of userpay

"Hello, ladies and gentlefurs, and welcome to "Dating Naked", where couples from all walks of life congregate on our luscious tropical shores to meet the mate of their dreams..." The sarong-clad sea otter grins for the camera in front of her. "or the worst nightmare of their lives. The upshot is that everyone who partakes in the "Dating Naked" challenge are, well, just that. Naked. So all the pressure is immediately off, and our participants can enjoy getting to know one another in these beautiful surroundings, while in nothing but their fur, scales, hair, or whatever. My name is Leilani Perierre, and I am your hostess here on "Dating Naked!"

Music begins, and the camera pans hard to the left and then zooms almost dizzying outwards to present a beautiful tropical island surrounded by the rich, blue sea. A montage of scenes are presented, including a scenic lagoon, a small mountain range, a dense, lush jungle, and several small grass huts with a large, sparkling swimming pool in the back, surrounded by palm trees and swaying fronds.

As the music continues, the scene fades to black.


"Happy Birthday to you,

Happy Birthday to you!

Happy Birthday, dear Leikooooo...

Happy Birthday to youuu. Aaand many morrrrre."

The cat-bird grinned in front of the laptop and shook her head, starting to giggle. "Aw, you guyyys! Thank you!"

"So what's it like there, Leiko, seriously?" One of her Skype friends asked, poking her beak up against the camera.

"A little early to tell," she sighed. "I just got unpacked yesterday. But I'm excited." She looked next at the camera pointed at her from inside the bedroom, where a small crew was stationed around her bed. "A little weirded out that I've got this many people in my room though."

"It's not like you haven't had a group in your bedroom before, hon." This was followed by outrageous laughter and cackles, and Leiko flapped her hummingbird wings hard in annoyance, blushing deeply.

"Oh great, just tell everybody!" She was about to slam the laptop down but one of her other friends came into view on the screen and smiled.

"You'll have a great time, babe. We're cheering for you!" Then she and the others around her pulled back from the camera to show off "Dating Naked" t-shirts, whistling and yelling their appreciation. Leiko waved to them all, wiped a tear from her teal eyes, and closed the laptop. Then she hopped off the bed and went to her closet, rummaging around her hanging jeans, sarong-wraps, and swimsuits. The cameraman followed her as she picked out a beautiful green two-piece bikini with white strings and laid it on the bed.

Then she laughed, looking at the camera. "Oh! Right...I guess I won't be needing this for now." She colored some and took off her t-shirt and shorts slowly, then clasped hands in front of her. "This is so awkward. I mean, I really love the idea of being naked in front of my date, front of everyone? Wait, how many people watch this show?"

"Uh...we really don't know, we're just the crew." The cameraman said uneasily, still staying focused on her covered breasts.

"Millions," the boom microphone operator offered helpfully.

The green feathers around Leiko's wrists ruffled and the rest of her fur stood on end as she gulped. "M-millions...?"

The view zoomed in on her feline face, her eyes now wide.


"So, my name's Cyrr. Hello, everyone out there." The salamander smiled for the camera pointed at hir face as sie sat primly on hir bed, unbuttoning a blue and purple trimmed vest and slipping it from around hir arms. "I have to admit, this is a brand new experience for me, getting naked in front of a viewing audience. But I'm used to actually being naked." As sie spoke, sie stood up to wiggle out of a pair of khaki cargo pants and slip off hir sandals. "I'm a traveler at heart, well, more of an explorer. I've been in a lot of places where the lack of clothes, shall we say, wasn't really an issue."

Sie got up naked from the bed and went over to hir dresser, taking out a bit of lotion and spreading it all over hir red and black-speckled body, massaging the leathery scales. "I know I'm a bit older than some of the other contestants here, but age is all in the head, to me. I still feel fantastic, and..." Sie paused, dipping her hand down to work the lotion into cream-colored scales between her thighs, and then around hir crotch, closing her eyes as sie ran her digits across the length of sex starting to protrude, aroused. "Oooh, that feels nice." Sie grinned as the camera seemed to tremble a bit, then poked out hir long tongue and ran it over her mouth teasingly. "Getting excited, are we?" Sie chuckled and waggled a finger. "Can't be too careful, right? Especially in the burning sun."

After sie finished slathering lotion on, sie padded over to the bathroom and looked at hirself in the full-view mirror, turning around to look from all angles. "But even older, I bring a little something else to the table anyway. Like so."

Hir body seemed to shimmer for a moment, and then morph as black and white fur started to sprout instantly from all over hir body, changing the shape of her head, and prehensile tail, until sie was now a handsome, very buff male skunk. The camera jittered and nearly dropped to the floor, and Cyrr laughed. "Not bad, huh?" He still had the same soft, lilting voice. "And I can change into virtually anything."

He morphed again, and this time his form was that of a female white vixen. The length between her legs disappeared, replaced with a healthy, aroused mound, showing tufts of netherfur around pink, inviting lips. By this time, the camera was having a hard time focusing on her, and nearly dropped, as one of the microphone operators off-camera gasped and then coughed politely, murmuring, "Ohhh, I love my job."

Cyrr giggled and swayed her long fox-tail at the camera, showing a tempting butt and tail-hole. "So, yes, I'd say my date is going to be in for a fun time, wouldn't you say...?"


Leilani stood on her toes on the lighted stage beach-side, smiling and waving as Leiko, now completely naked, padded up next to her and gave the sea otter a hug, wrapping her wings briefly around. "Leiko! It is so wonderful to meet you. You are so beautiful. Clearly one of the more unique contestants we have had on the show."

The cat-bird smiled and then blushed a bit, nodding. "It's a pleasure. I, um, watch your show all the time. I have a lot of friends back home rooting for me too."

Leilani grinned. "As well they should. Your date is also very unique, and one of the most intriguing characters to bless our stage. Would you like to meet your date right now?" She gestured off-stage.

"Yes, please. Before the excitement kills me." She laughed and folded her wings in shyly, looking towards where the sea otter was pointing. At first, there didn't seem to be anyone there in the machine-generated fog, but as the lights trained on the spot and the smoke cleared, she saw a beautiful naked sea otter standing there, smiling widely, almost an exact replica of the charming hostess herself.

Leilani blinked confusedly and then reality struck her and she giggled. "Cyrr! Come on, you promised!"

Cyrr was laughing uproariously, holding her sides, and then straightened up and shifted to hir natural form of a salamander. Sie blushed as sie walked across the stage and up to Leiko. "Hello!"

Leiko was still laughing as she gave the amphibian a gentle hug. "Nice...entrance," she offered between chuckles.

"You should see what I do for an encore, lovely cat-bird."

"Provided we get that far, right?" She was still quite impressed with the shifting abilities, and gently caressed Cyrr's arm. "Does it...hurt when you do that?"

Cyrr shrugged. "Not really. I just feel a weird sensation for a second or two, like I'm falling, and then it's over."

Leilani smiled and interrupted gently. "Alright, you two. Time for your date. I want you both to have an exquisite time, and just to be clear, anything is possible. If you will both please head off the stage to the right, you will see another otter with an envelope for you. Good luck!" She stepped off the stage as the soft music got louder.

The cat-bird and salamander joined arms and walked to where a lone otter, dressed in traditional Tahitian headdress and sarong, solemnly gave them an envelope. Cyrr opened it up as Leiko read next to hir.

"Jungle safari. Oh nice! I've always wanted to go to one of these!"

Cyrr smiled over at her. "Really? I've been in a few jungles already and know a lot. I'm proud to be your guide."

Leiko smiled back and reached for hir hand. "I'm all yours."


Within an hour, the salamander and cat-bird found themselves amidst the glorious splendor of a tropical jungle. "Although these places receive about 12 hours of sunlight daily, less than two percent of that sunlight ever reaches the ground, thanks to all these trees." Cyrr said as they walked under yet another canopy of tall, majestic palm trees and mangroves, holding hands. "In fact, if you look down, you'll see hardly any plants or flora of any kind, just mostly brush and fungus. Oh, look at this..." Sie grinned and pointed to a large tree, entwined with thick ropes of roots.

"Wow..." Leiko carefully padded around the tree, noticing the roots completely wrapped it. "Is something taking over this tree?!" She brushed her hand of small ants.

Cyrr smiled and nodded, running hir hand across the roots. "Indeed. The tree over there is called a strangler fig. Since it's nearly impossible for a plant or tree to get proper sunlight, survival depends on the plant's ability to tolerate constant shade or... adapt strategies to reach sunlight. Observe." The salamander knelt on the ground and pointed to several seeds. "These are its seeds. They'll obviously never sprout roots here, but..." As sie was speaking, a tiny bird swooped by and picked up one of the seeds before flying off. "See that? The birds take the seeds back to their nests, onto the branches of neighboring trees. The seeds then get better sun and sprout, sending a long root down the branch, down the host tree, and finally the ground itself."

Leiko grinned, fascinated. "Let me guess. The roots come back up and strangle the tree."

Cyrr laughed. "Exactly." Sie looked up and saw some fruit hanging high above them. "Would you like to sample a strangler fig?"

The cat-bird beamed, pleased to be asked. "I'd love's hard to fly around here with all these trees." She giggled, giving the salamander a pet. "I'll leave it to the tree-climber."

Cyrr gave her a coy smile then instantly shifted to a powerful black male gorilla, startling her with his sudden massive size and height. "Well, let's not monkey around then." He winked at her.

Leiko watched in awe as the gorilla climbed up the dying tree as if it was second-nature. She couldn't help but marvel at his butt and strong legs as he climbed nearly to the top and then swung over to one of the branches. Every so often her eyes focused on his front, the broad chest, the generous sex between well-built thighs . She caught herself brushing a hand across white-furred breasts, lightly grazing over her nipples - before she realized there was a camera crew in plain sight around them and quickly dropped her hand, blushing.

"Stand clear down there!" Cyrr called out from above, and the cat-bird quickly stepped out of the way as a small group of fig fruit came plopping to the ground nearby. She watched as the gorilla climbed back down until he was dangling from a low-hanging branch, looking down a few feet at her. "So, not bad huh?"

Leiko nodded, drawn immediately to his groin again, where the gorilla was in full arousal, his thick sex bobbing as he swung. " bad at all..."

Cyrr looked down at himself and then turned sheepish without actually morphing. "Oh. know, soft, and there was rubbing..."

But the cat-bird was already giggling, walking over to him and teasingly brushing her hand across his hip. "Uh-huh. Here, have a fig..." She tossed a fruit towards him, and Cyrr caught it with his large feet. As they enjoyed the fruit pleasantly, Leiko noticed a little of the fruit's juices dribbling down the gorilla's front, trapping in black pubic fur, and there was an intense desire to go over to him, while he was still hanging in the tree, and lick the juice free - and perhaps trail her tongue across his rigid shaft as well.

"'s...really good, Cyrr," the cat-bird trembled, and realized she was now sporting fully aroused nipples to her companion.

Cyrr smiled as he ate, nodding. "I ate this when I visited a jungle like this some time ago. Maybe when you were a kid..." He was staring at her now, the tropical beauty of a hummingbird and a feline. He'd never seen a mix quite like hers before, and was quite enjoying the sight. His eyes traveled from her ripe breasts, down to where the fur and feathers combined in a lovely crisscross pattern about her curvaceous hips to present a white-furred, bare mound of folds. "'re really...gorgeous..."

Leiko looked up at him and smiled. "I like you too, Cyrr. I you are is nice, and definitely eye-candy, but I like that you know so much about the world,'s like you really enjoy guiding me around. And you're so patient. And then, that whole shifting thing is just...well, it's magical to me."

The gorilla flushed noticeably then jumped down and transformed again, back into hir original salamander form, this time with big red wings behind hir. "Want to see this place from above?"

"Can you really fly in all this?" Leiko said, looking up at the trees surrounding them. She experimentally beat her wings quickly, lifting vertically a few feet off the ground, and hovered. "I don't have a problem unless you-"

Cyrr had transformed again, this time into a much smaller version of hirself, no more than a foot tall. Sie scampered across the ground, climbed up Leiko' leg, along her hip, making the cat-bird tremble, then perched atop her shoulder. "Ready!"

Leiko laughed and petted Cyrr gently. "So you can change sizes too. Oooh, I can see a few advantages there already."

Cyrr admonished her with a playful nosing to her cheek. "You have a dirty mind, cat-bird. Let's go."

Leiko beat her wings quickly and elevated them both up into the air until they were out of the canopy of thick trees and enjoying warm sunlight beating down on them. "Oh wow..." She looked down, seeing the camera crew waving back at them from far below, and the magnificent splendor of the jungle as it stretched for miles in every direction. "It's fantastic..."

Cyrr replied, "That it is. In fact..." Sie suddenly surprised her by leaping off her shoulder and then transforming back to hir regular winged size. Sie swooped down close enough to brush over the treetops, then fluttered back up to join Leiko in the sky. "Much better."

Leiko giggled and glided around Cyrr in a circle, then reached out to swat hir butt. "Tag!" Then she was gone, beating her wings as fast as she could, zooming above the jungle.

"Oh you little..." Cyrr laughed and shot after her, beating hir wings and trying to grab Leiko's foot before she flew out of reach.

For some time, the two winged friends dove, dipped, and swayed as they chased each other across the sunlit sky. Cyrr entertained her by transforming into other winged creatures, like an eagle, a falcon, and for added thrills, a giant pterodactyl and then finally a fire-breathing dragon. When the cat-bird became tired, sie allowed Leiko to ride on hir back and enjoy the sights, every so often pointing out something new to her. Eventually the cat-bird's hands came around hir chest to caress hir breasts, and she kissed the back of hir neck.

"M-maybe...we should...get back to the ground?" Cyrr visibly trembled at her intimate touch, and the sex between hir legs stiffened, aroused further by the displaced air as they flew.

"Yes..." Leiko sighed and laid her head against Cyrr's. "Mmm...I could use a swim."

Cyrr nodded. "Your wish is my command, island-girl." Sie beat powerful dragon-wings and headed out of the jungle and towards the not-too-distant white sands and the beautiful blue Pacific beyond. They landed in the sand and Leiko hopped off, while Cyrr transformed back into hir salamander form.

They didn't go in the water right away, and spent some time sunning on the beach and talking. Cyrr was impressed when Leiko mentioned loving to dance, and she showed hir a few of her favorite moves, including a hula-shake that left the salamander nearly speechless. Cyrr in turn helped Leiko build a sand castle, with a moat and several parapets. Soon the hot sun was too much to bear and they decided to swim.

"Are you a good swimmer?" Cyrr asked as Leiko reached for hir hand and waded into the water.

Leiko laughed. "Well, I could be more so without the wings, obviously. I wish I could explore more though underwater."

Cyrr didn't answer at first as sie floated out a ways from the shore, Leiko following, then smiled. "Come on, climb on."

Leiko paddled to Cyrr and wrapped her legs around hir body. "Where are we go-"

"Just take the deepest breath you can," Cyrr chuckled and then instantly transformed again with Leiko clutching hir - this time into a dolphin morph.

Inwardly, Leiko squealed with delight as she took one deep inhale and then held on tightly as the sunlight vanished and she was propelled underwater. She let out a few bubbles in surprise and quickly clamped her mouth shut again as the dolphin dove deeper and deeper and the water pressure squeezed her body. Her eyes slowly adjusted to the dim water and saw that Cyrr had swam them to an exotic reef filled with sponges, coral, a few flowers, and shells. She kicked her legs behind her to get a better hold of Cyrr's sleek form as they reached the bottom of the ocean, roughly 60 feet down.

Leiko let go of Cyrr and smiled, nodding, before venturing forwards and exploring the reef, picking up a starfish and then a colorful flat-shell. Cyrr watched her, aroused beyond belief by this time, and nudged hir beak gently against the cat-bird's butt. Leiko turned, her black hair floating about her head, then grinned, pointing back up to the surface before swimming up.

Cyrr however reached out and grabbed a hold of her foot, pulling the confused cat-bird struggling back down into hir arms. For a moment, Leiko was frightened being this deep underwater, nearly out of air, and then Cyrr's mouth was over hers, kissing her warmly, and passionately. The cat-bird forgot all about breathing and wrapped her arms around the dolphin to kiss back hungrily. She noticed also that air was coming into her mouth somehow, and suddenly realized Cyrr was replenishing her tired lungs. She practically moaned against hir and wrapped her arms and legs around hir, kissing hard for several minutes.

In time, the kissing led to exploring, and Leiko's hand moved down, taking the dolphin's thick spire of flesh into her hand, giving it several hard, firm strokes. Cyrr's amber eyes took on an intense glow and sie in turn reached down between the cat-bird's legs, caressing her smooth, swollen folds with patient and gentle fingers. Sie leaned forward, pressing hir mouth to her crimson neck-feathers and then to her luscious breasts, giving each nipple delicate, bubbly licks as the cat-bird lost more air in a near-swoon of pleasure.

Leiko stepped up her strokes, feeling the dolphin's warm sex throbbing and jerking in her hand, and continued kissing hir until she could feel hir release several spurts of hir seed into the water. She blushed deeply as the dolphin emptied against her hand, then kissed hir hard again, eager to have her own orgasm now.

Cyrr nuzzled against the cat-bird again and shifted back into hir salamander form, kissing her hard and thrusting two warm digits deep into her folds to snatch her button-clit between them and massage. The cat-bird shook all over, her head thrown back in a bubbly cry, and rewarded hir companion close to a minute later with her own release, trembling hard as wave after wave of orgasms washed over her, leaving her drained and nearly faint.

Cyrr quickly collected the cat-bird in hir arms and shot for the surface, reaching the sunlight again, both of them breathless and tingling.

"Ohh...oh my gods, that was so hot..." Leiko moaned and hugged around Cyrr again to kiss. "Mmm...oh...let's do that again...please..."

They both took in another gulp of air and dove back down.

Behind them, on the shore, the frustrated camera and sound men looked at one another. "That's it," one of them said in disgust. "Someone tell that crazy otter we need an underwater film crew!"


"And welcome back to "Dating Naked", with our contestants Leiko and Cyrr." Leilani smiled widely and turned to the happy couple holding hands next to her. "So what was it like on your jungle safari, Leiko?"

The cat-bird grinned and looked up at Cyrr, giving hir a nose-rub. "Fantastic. I really liked the fact that Cyrr knew so much about our surroundings, and I learned so much. Like sie was this exotic jungle guide for me. We really loved the flying too, and ocean was...really, really nice." She giggled, looking at the salamander and blushing more. "We explored quite a bit."

Leilani nodded and turned to Cyrr. "Cyrr, what did you think of this beautiful cat-bird?"

The salamander colored, if possible, under crimson scales. "Sweet, energetic, playful. If I ever needed someone to cheer me up and brighten my day, or...get in a little play-time with, I can't imagine anyone quite like her."

Leiko looked down sheepishly. "The same. It's fun having an older person to share experiences with. But they're also so gifted when it comes to...well, other things..." She giggled again as she looked at Cyrr. "Which we won't mention since no one saw us..."

Leilani had to laugh. "I heard. We are already requisitioning an underwater camera as we speak. No more sneaky undersea trysts." She turned serious then. "So, what do you think about each other? Would you like to go on a second date?"

Leiko looked at Cyrr and nodded. "Very much so. I really want to...if sie does."

Cyrr grinned and touched the cat-bird's cheek. "Absolutely. I wouldn't dream of leaving you now. I think we have a strong connection." Sie looked at Leilani. "Thank you for bringing us together, otter."

The sea otter laughed. "You are so welcome, you two. I am so happy for you both. As you know, since you both have asked for a second date," she motioned to the camera crew around them. "You now have full access to the island, without the camera crew following you about. I hope you both make this second date more memorable than the first."

Leiko nodded vigorously and hugged Cyrr again. "I think we can do that." She kissed the salamander softly, stroking hir hip. "Want to go back to the beach?"

Cyrr chuckled. "Aren't you waterlogged yet?"

"Nope." Leiko's teal eyes were sparkling now and her smile turned devilish. "Tell me, you like, um, roleplay? Because I have soooo many ideas."

As the couple walked off towards the water, Leilani giggled softly as one of the crew came running up to whisper to her. "I know, I know." She looked fondly after the couple. "Underwater cameras, coming up."