Mowgli at High School (part 10)

Story by gatto on SoFurry

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The final part of "Mowgli at High School". Hope you like it. Please fave and comment!

Everyone asked why the cock did not return to normal. << With the fifteenth ejaculation, the cock was back to normal. I've ordered you! >> said Kaa puzzled. << But you're fourteen! >> Mowgli explained. Kaa was speechless: the boy was right! In the locker room he had counted all those present, including the boy. For what they were fifteen!

What could be done? It was a little time at the end of the lesson. << Do not worry! >> said Mowgli << Since all present in the locker room can have fun with my cock, you will not mind if I do this! >>. Mowgli sat on the floor. He took his cock and put it in front of his face.

Mowgli opened his mouth and, as soon as he said "fifteen", a strong shot of cum filled the boy's mouth. Mowgli gladly drank his own sperm. The cock of Mowgli returned normal and the animals are transacted to tidy the classroom.

Mowgli was sad: his pants were torn, and he did not have a spare pair. Kaa assured him the pair of pants he had worn in the classroom were not his. They gave him a pair of underwear more tight, so the cock could tear them more easily. Mowgli had never noticed anything because this was another order given by Kaa, when the boy was hypnotized.

Bagheera gave Mowgli his red panties, and Mowgli was happy to get them back. Suddenly the bell rang to declare the end of the lesson and the day. All the students ran back to their seats. When he heard the bell, King Louis woke up from hypnosis and, looking forward, greeted the students and walked out. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief for the narrow escape.

Animals looked Mowgli and they saw that he was red in the face. Wondering why, Mowgli raised an arm, showing the pair of panties in his hand.

<< I have not had time to wear them before the bell rang! >> Mowgli explained, embarrassed. All the animals laughed. Even Mowgli laughed, realizing the humor of the situation.

Before going out, Mowgli asked his classmates if they could play at other times as that day. Shere Khan agreed, but on one condition: the boy had to stand naked in the classroom during lessons in the classroom. Mowgli was worried: if the teacher told him to do an exercise on the blackboard?

Kaa reassured him, telling him that he could hypnotize the professor to not conduct exercises on the blackboard. Mowgli thanked him, but he wanted something else: during lessons in class, Kaa had to wrap the boy's cock between his coils. << Otherwise I could not hide it under the desk! >> said Mowgli, showing his erect penis. Kaa agreed and proposed to hypnotize him other times to make his cock bigger and swollen.

Everyone believed this idea was great and Mowgli smiled: now he was sure! In that school he would definitely have fun!