Bonneville: Sex and Speed 2

Story by TheNovelist on SoFurry

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#111 of Exploration

The other interesting thing for us, apart from the speed runs, was Time and Ryan. They insisted on racing one another, either side of the black line. This would finally and conclusively prove which was the faster bike, or so they hoped. So as I lined up above them, my jet whining, one camera on both, and one on a wide shot, they began the ten mile drag.

Time rose into a wheelie, Ryan kept himself firmly on the ground. I counted one and followed. Time had the slight edge off the line, maybe a couple of yards per hour, and so began to eke out a lead. Both were as low as they could be on their bikes, and as their speed flicked past 200, both hit second stage. Ryan's bike had the higher upper range power, just, so he held Time level, and began to pull the small lead back. I followed as they both floored it past three hundred. Ryan pulled level at the eight mile mark, and with both doing a fraction with in 400 kph, looked at one another as they rushed past the nine mile mark. Fifteen seconds they flashed past the finish line.

"Oh come on!" Time complained. They were receiving their numbers, and it took down to four decimal places before finding a difference. We are talking ten thousandths of a second apart, even formula one timers don't go beyond three decimal places. But Time's bike was over the line exactly 2 ten thousandths quicker than Ryan Lewis.

"Ryan, are you reading this?" she asked as they both slowed down to turn around.

"I am, yours is faster, just."

"Just!" Time laughed," We'd need a camera with super slow motion to find the slightest difference. The only thing that separates us is our driving style."

"Which is why Ryan's two or three seconds faster per lap on our circuit." Abigail finished. Ryan had a smoother technique, but Time's was cooler, literally flinging herself and bike into every corner.

"Shall we just call it a draw?" Ryan asked, as they rode side by side at fifty kph. He extended his hand to Time, and she reached over and shook it.

"Draw it is." she said, her leg against his as the two bikers shook while on the move. I shot ahead to film Thomas' Audi, he was just about to take off down the track.

The day passed. As the hot rods and the production cars finished, the jets and rockets began preparing for their runs. We had no jet cars, so the only two I would be following was Phantom, or Bobby's car, and of course Thrust SSC itself.

Bobby actually got the draw for first run, so while Draco supposedly controlled me, I hovered above him with all three cameras on the rocket car.

Like all rocket cars, it was not particularly fast off the line. A very famous jet car driver once commented he wouldn't like to race a VW over the first half mile. But as the speed increased, it began to increase faster, and faster, and I soon had to accelerate pretty quickly indeed.

The Phantom rocketed past each hundred with regularity, and while the Raptor's normal engines could break Mach 1.2, I was having to calculate just how fast he was accelerating and increase my own speed in relation. Bobby clicked past 750, and flashed over the finish line at 772 kilometres per hour. His first parachute deployed, followed by the larger one, and his brakes brought him to a complete stop. A tow truck came up, hooked the front of the Phantom to the tow, and brought the rocket car back. Bobby was still in the driver's seat, and I flew back to our table, i.e., computer base HQ.

With surgical precision, I landed on our five by five table, meant for all our meals, and as I was refuelled by Landon, Abigail placed a laptop on the table, plugged a wire into one of the cameras, running telemetry checks and temperature scans, simulations and other technical ideas.She could make a car bend over and bow to her on a laptop, divulging what ever info she wished. She was impressed by the Phantom, and after eight minutes, Bobby was wheeled over to his parking place. He leapt out of the car, and Draco gestured him over.

He jogged over, and Ryan Lewis introduced him to Abigail properly. Abigail then showed him the footage from my cameras on the run. Beside that was a small screen showing the passage he was cutting through the air, how aerodynamically sound it was, and the temperature scans. Bobby gently rapped a hand on my craft.

"Your craft really can move, thanks ever so much. How fast did you get me at?"

"Seven seven two point four kilometres per hour."

Bobby punched the air." My speedometer was jigging between seven and eight hundred, I had no idea just how fast it was. Still, I came, I saw, and I beat what I expected."

"Well done.You beat our F1 too, and that thing's no slouch."

"Yeah, I heard about that, that's a great shame. I knew they could get up to around four hundred, but boy, people in San Francisco could have heard that roar as it went into that new gear. Beautiful car. Has anyone seen Alduin?"

"He's in the trailer, he is the pilot of this thing, and he practically lives in the metal box at the end of the trailer."

"So he's not testing his Atom's top speed."

"Already has, but not here. His car is not built for top speed.That car weaves through corners like a needle, but it has the slowest top speed of anything here we have." Abigail replied.

Bobby ran a hand along the top of the modified F-22. "Still, thank him for flying that thing for me."

"If you want, he probably wouldn't object to flying ahead of you with the cameras looking at the front, or running alongside."

"Well, I've got plans for more runs throughout the week, I'm keen."

"Keen is keen." the glower spoke to me, and I smiled inwardly.

"You've been fairly quiet today."I thought.

"Not much to say, just watching and observe.I thought it very nice of you to record everyone's runs, and Bobby is happy."

It also turned out that Thrust SSC was NOT running today, one of the engines was not one hundred percent, which caused all my friends to curse, and me to rage inwardly. So with no filming to do, I was carried into the back of Valmeero's trailer by Draco and Ryan Viper. I changed back in the back room of the trailer, next to the spare wheels and tools, and came back out. Two tents were being fixed by Silverine and a few others. One was for Valmeero's car and those working on it, which was about six. Tahir, Tufty and Ryan Viper were all good at mechanics, and Sunrise had a knack, and they were helping Abigail rebuild the ruined gearbox and everything else on the F1.

The second tent was our sleeping tent, and Kodey, Gareth, Takori and Valmeero were setting up camp beds. Several tents, some of our size, mostly smaller though, were springing up, for the sun was sinking, and it was getting late. Alecto,Time and Javid, who was moderately skilled as a cook, (he is in the army, after all) were starting dinner on a portable barbecue. Bobby spotted me, and walked over.

"God damn, you know how to pilot that kite." he said glowingly.

"Thanks, I have a touch with a keyboard. Have you ever played a game called Battlefield 2?"


"So far I have spent almost 78 hours flying aircraft on that, changing to the model Raptor was not hard." That was a personal joke, which only Draco beside me got the reference for, and he became poker faced.

"So would you have any objection to Draco's suggestion?"

"Flying to one side?" I raised my eyebrows," Not at all, just it needs a rest, it's been busy today, so it's having a cool down."

Draco found a chilly bin beside the table, and gave me a neatly cooled can of Diet Coke. Yes, I packed the provisions, I made sure it was Diet, so the dragons wouldn't become horny on me.

As the sun began to dip over the hills, dinner was served. The five by five metre table was plenty for our little brood, and everyone sat around the table, lit by hurricane lamps, eating and talking merrily about the day. Valmeero was understandably quiet, I was sitting next to him, and I put a hand on his shoulder.

"Come on, Val, spend your emotion on me."

"Alduin, my car blew up, what do you seriously expect?" Val looked disconsolate.

"On the other hand, you almost got as fast as Bobby's Phantom, and that's a rocket car. Don't feel so down, Abigail can tell what went wrong and make sure it won't happen again." I gently ran a hand along his furry forearm.

"True. I didn't think it would do seven hundred." he admitted with a grudging smile.

"Yay!, you can grin. Good.Concentrate on the good things.Just think, you have the fastest car around a track, and you're travelling at rocket car speeds."

"So fast that my own engine has a compelling urge to stop being an engine." Val smiled weakly.

"Nothing wrong with the engine, the gearbox just doesn't like it. The engine's perfect to a degree."

"So what can be done to fix the gearbox?"

"Well, add a few more gears, maybe, or gear it up to withstand higher revolutions. It might slightly hurt the acceleration, but I'm not an engineer, so I don't know."

Valmeero nodded, but at least he was smiling a bit.

"That's where your Atom scores, it's not so delicate."

"Val, on one lap of our track, you beat me by half a minute, at least. And it's only delicate at maximum revs, which, to be honest, isn't going to be often."

"So your saying I'm unbeatable on a track?" Val looked at me in an amused way.

"There's not a Earth equivalent that will beat an F1 around a track, and with the ion drives, I doubt anything that doesn't fly could go faster."

"Have you flown around the track?" Val asked.

I blushed." er, yes I have."

Conversation next to me stopped, and people looked in smiling interest. Everyone wanted to know, and Val asked.

"How fast did you go around it?"

"Well, what with all the hair pins, and chicanes, and the hill..."

"Get on with it." Draco leaned closer.

"Two minutes fifteen." I blushed. Draco leaned on the table, and looked towards Abigail.

The lioness nodded, with a smile." I timed him myself.Wasn't a standing start, but the electronic timer blipped at 2:15:497. Then he had to spend ten minutes on the ground cooling his ion rockets."

"Really, what ever for?"

"Every time he came to a hairpin, he would use them to blast out of the corner, before slowing for the next.It was like watching a pinball bouncing off those bouncing things.He did over shoot the Tester though, went about one hundred yards over the road through the gravel trap, but that's not surprising, we had a sign telling cars to brake, but he was flying at about Mach 2.5 by the time he got there."

"So he read the sign, and was already at the corner." Javid finished.

"How high was he flying over the track?" Time Dancer asked.

"On average?" Abigail queried, looking at me.

"About ten feet." I admitted.

No one was hovering around our table, everyone was having or preparing dinner, so this conversation was safe.

"Well," Draco smiled,"it wouldn't be the first time Alduin's had to cool his jets."

"Wouldn't be the first time someone's told you to cool yours." I shot back, and there was a collective laugh around the table. Draco rolled his eyes, he left himself open for that one.

Silverine spoke,"We've set up inside, so everything's ready for bed. Also, the silencers don't work in a tent of that size, so no sex, please."

There was a groan.

"On a happier note,I would like to make a couple of thank yous and well dones." the Lupogriff added.

"To Landon, for breaking the road legal speed limit about seven times over. That Veyron is the fastest road legal car here. Well done."

"And well handled." Draco added, and everyone applauded the blushing fox. He was disguised, but that didn't stop him turning red.

"To Valmeero, for leaving enough dust behind him to cover a battleship at 700 kilometres an hour, the fastest car here, and for putting up with a firey breakdown better than anyone else could have."

There was a huge round of applause for Valmeero. He had certainly moved fast with the fire extinguisher when I told him he was on fire.

"To Abigail and Simba, for the electronics, we now have enough data on our cars to bore the pants off anyone who isn't an engineer."

There was a laugh, and well deserved praise for the lion and lioness. Both acknowledged it with a smile.

"And to Alduin, for his administrative abilities, and his exceptional flying, showing us all at speed. Just don't hit another bird." he smiled, and I laughed.

"Where am I going to find a bird here?" I asked, and got a laugh.

"You've found stranger things than that before." Silverine replied.

"That is true." I laughed, and everyone applauded me. I blushed and nodded. We finished the meal, and in reasonably high spirits, began the process of kitting for bed. Valmeero walked over to the trailer where his car was normally in, and closed the garage door. I followed.

"That was an interesting day." I said to the disguised wolf hybrid.

"It certainly was. It's been a while since I had this much fun on a planet I didn't know, not including Central." Val nodded, as he walked around to the side door of the trailer. There was a set of fold away steps that led to a door, which opened up half way along the trailer. Val went in, and switched the lights on, showing a bare garage, with tools along the back wall of the trailer, and a door leading into a small living quarters like area.

To my knowledge, it was about two metres wide, and three metres in length. It had a bed in it, and some varying other things.As Valmeero entered, it also had a Ryan Lewis and a Time Dancer. Both were making out against the far wall, and both broke off as they saw Valmeero enter.

"No, don't stop, I was just coming in here."

"Our bikes were equal, I thought we should have a celebration to that." Ryan suggested.

"Correction, You thought you should have a celebration." Time Dancer replied, but she was smiling widely.

"Can't have a celebration by yourself." I said, as I entered, and shut the door,"Although I was extremely impressed by your bike handling skills. Full tilt, and still upright."

"We've practiced." Ryan replied, with a disarming smile.

There was a knock at the door.

"You four are not having sex without me." the familiar voice of Draco wafted through the door.

"How does he find out about this sort of thing?" I looked at the other three in query. Val shrugged.

I opened the door, and Draco shuffled in, sitting on the bed.

"So who's fucking who?"

"You aren't in this round. Val's with me, he deserves it after having his car blow up on him, and those two are settling the battle over their bikes." I said smoothly.

Draco smiled," O.K., I can wait." He understood me completely and all five of us stripped down. Three of us were wearing silencing beads, me, Draco and Time Dancer, so no one could hear us even if they placed a glass to the black out glass in the front of the trailer. I drew the curtain for decency's sake, and we began.

Draco sat on the bed, patiently waiting and watching. Ryan came up from behind Time Dancer, and held her gently, playing with her breasts. She sighed, and placed her hands on top of his as he stroked his unerect cock against her vagina. Val knew what I had in mind with him, but he stood by the door, while I stood in front of him.I took him by the shoulders, and he smiled at my intention. As I lifted my legs, he picked each up in his hands, and I wrapped my legs around his back. He took me by the back of my back as his cock slid smoothly into my ass.

Ryan manfully held Time Dancer by the waist with one hand, and began fucking her with very slow strokes. His other caressed her breasts, and she was leaning to one side, her free arm wrapped around the back of Ryan's neck, holding him close as she could.At his request, she turned her head to one side, and Ryan kissed her passionately.She made a sound through the kiss, like a sigh of pleasure, and the hand holding Ryan's hand encouraged the human to continue with his groping.

No such kissing or fondling with me and Val.I held him by the shoulders, and my legs wrapped around his back, between tail and wings. The wolf held me by the upper and lower back, and gently pulled me up and down on his cock. My timing of rise and fall was deliberately off with his, so there was a fair amount of jerking on his cock, which he enjoyed.His wings surrounded me entirely, to add their weight keeping me close on him,and to make this piece of intimacy me and him, no one else.

The wings didn't prevent me from seeing Ryan and Time's intimacy. Time broke from the kiss, and allowed her self to trust her weight on Ryan, her left hand, the one holding Ryan's, went limp, and she closed her eyes, feeling Ryan's thrusts up and down her. Draco was watching both pairs with a mild amount of interest, and while he harboured love for both me and Ryan, he was thinking which to go for, I could see it in his expression.

The trailer had very firm suspension, no one would have ever guessed that there were four of us in here having sex.Furthermore I had locked the door, no further questions.

Time was definitely coming to orgasm. Most of my close Central friends, so practically a few hundred were now used to my glower merge, and so Valmeero was getting into the swing of things. The interesting thing was the longer I spent with glower powers, the less I needed them.

Ryan began giving Time a bit more of a wake up, his groping was a little more forceful, and his thrust went deeper and slightly faster. Valmeero was already going faster than that, he could feel the glower sparks every time he hit a sweet spot.I would wait until he came to climax, and then give him a small boost with a glower surge.I was yet to find a creature that hadn't enjoyed that combined sensation.

Time was the first of us four to let go, her orgasm a lone cry in the otherwise quiet room. Valmeero was coming to climax pretty quickly too, and I concentrated sending a powerful surge through his cock just as began to cum. He leaned back and howled, letting go of me, so I fell all the way down his cock.His cock erupted semen, and my ass was filled to overflowing long before he stopped. The following jets oozed straight back out and down the wolf hybrid's testicles and legs.

Valmeero stopped ejaculating, and I quickly dismounted. He looked gratified at me.

"You have no idea how good that felt." he smiled, and he lay on the bed behind Draco, waiting for Ryan to finish up. Draco took the time to stroke Valmeero's dick with a hand.

Half an hour the others left, and I shotgunned the bunk, going to sleep practically instantly on the soft mattress. It had been an exhausting day, and I knew tomorrow could be much the same.

I woke to the sounds of idle chatter from outside, and as I got dressed I saw Valmeero's F1 out from the tent, looking brand spanking new. The wolf dragon hybrid was talking to Abigail, and I walked out to talk to them.

Abigail went technical on me, and I had no idea what the cause actually was, just something with the gearbox. Valmeero seemed satisfied at any rate.Silverine walked over.

"Morning, Alduin. Breakfast is in the main tent, grab what you can before the others get to it, it's going to be a busy day."

"Cheers for that Silverine." I nodded, and did a reccy to the tent to grab some cereal before the dragons got to them.

Val had obviously had a word with the marshals, he was drawn to go first this morning, and after breakfast and a successful vanishing act in the garage (with Simba guarding the door), I came out and had my cameras fitted.

Val's run was, for want of a better word, flawless. 725 kilometres an hour, and when he got back Abigail said the car was fine. I had flown directly ahead, following the black stripe down the middle with all three cameras pointing behind.

When the balloon really went up, however, was Landon and Thomas's runs.Landon went first, and I flew ahead like I had with everyone else, and as we came to the end of the run I climbed into a ascent.

I guess, and this is hypothetical, that the climb actually put me firmly on the radar of a nearby US airforce base, and with the speed the US are famed for, two Raptors and one JSF Lightning II were deployed to investigate the 'bogie' that appeared on the radar.I reckon they knew I wasn't any home yard jobbie at the speed I was going, and I had appeared on the radar, so I wasn't on the ground.

I was just beginning the run with Thomas's Audi, one mile down the track, when my own radar bleeped, and three specks flew over the mountains in the distance. Draco shouted in my ear piece.

"We have three fighters coming in, what the hell are they doing here?"

I zoomed in, and recognised the aircraft. My suspicions were confirmed, they were here for trouble.

"Breaking rank!" I flew directly at the three fighter planes, and they at me, heading at total Mach 2.4 collision course. With a flash I flew between the left wingman and the squadron leader. I could hear my cameras clicking as Abigail reprogrammed them in mid flight, and as I looked behind me the three fighters were banking around.

"I'm popular."I said off handedly, and banked around. I was refraining from my ion engines, and dipped down to 100 feet to put them off shooting at me. Before long, the expert pilots in the Raptors were right behind me, and the JSF was flying to one side, about three hundred metres behind.

But no one was shooting, which was a promising start.What were they waiting for?

"Unidentified aircraft, you are in restricted American air space, we are to escort you to Utah air base, if you do not comply we will use deadly force.If you comply, fly level at 400 metres."

No bloody way was I going with them.That would end with a mechanic taking me to bits if I landed at an airbase, or worse.So I chose the only other option, which wasn't a real option at all.

I dived. I pulled out at about 10 feet, following the black line towards the start area.The world went by in a blur, and I left a trail of dust behind me. The raptor aircraft followed down to about 100 feet, and I could the blips as they attempted missile lock on me.

As I flew directly over the the start line, I banked up, hard. The G-forces were staggering, but I rocketed upwards.The two Raptors were expecting a move, and they both followed easily.There was a bleeping noise as one tried missile lock again, and I hit reverse, and back flipped, spiralling around.Within ten seconds, both F-22's were back on my tail, and I saw the flash of light as a bullet went flying past.

"Now it's personal.Goodbye, gentlemen."I muttered to myself, and hit the ion drives.

JSF and Raptor alike went backwards in my cameras.Mach came and went, Mach 2 followed suit. The Raptors tried gainly to follow, but I clicked up to Mach 3, and flew low and fast following the interstate 80 towards Salt Lake City.The JSF pulled a Vertical Landing next to the miniature township that had sprung up around the salt flat, and as I flashed over Delle, the pilot got out, walking towards the marshalling area.

I landed sneakily on Carrington Island in the middle of the Great Salt Lake, and took cover under several trees as both Raptors flew over head.Then I paid attention to my interlink function. Draco was watching the pilot speaking with the marshals, and they in turn were pointing over at our tents. The pilot turned and looked at the disguised Centralites, and walked over to them.

"Morning, gentleman." he said, in a tone that sounded annoyed.

"And ladies." Abigail replied reprovingly in tandem with Time Dancer.

"I have been told you can provide an explanation for that flying device. What is it, and what is it doing here?"

I changed back into my Raptor form, now the full sized Raptors had gone past Syracuse and Clearfield, and flew low and fast back to camp.

"We were recording our cars, we are testing them here and wanted thermals and air passage recordings for each of them." Abigail replied.

"So you sent that, device, up?" the pilot sounded a little disbelieving.


"And you are also aware that the speed it is capable of has not been equalled since the Blackbird SR-71?" the pilot asked politely.

"Wonders of modern technology." Abigail smiled, and went back to her computer.

"I have been informed by my commander that the device is to be taken to the nearest base, for observation. Mach 3 is all very well, but it appears to be about 5 feet long, and that is not possible."

"Of course it's possible, otherwise how did it happen?" Draco asked innocently.

"I am not in the mood for your humour, who ever you are, our orders are quite clear."

I broke the moment by arriving. The pilot turned to look at my vertical descent, and contrived to look amazed at the technology and the fact the F-22's were no where to be seen, i.e. the fact I had lost them.

"It looks exactly like an F-22, except it has four landing jets and two extra jets on the back." he muttered, and Draco shrugged.

"That is precisely what it is."

I stopped my descent, and came to a hover looking directly at the pilot at eye level.

"Who controls it?" the pilot asked.

"A friend of ours." Draco said shortly.

"Bring him to me." the pilot ordered. But no one ordered that dragon like that except Silverine.

"No. You have no right to force our comings and goings. Any model enthusiast could build one of those."

"No model enthusiast could give it it's performance though." the pilot replied, as things got slightly worse. A pair of Patrol Vehicles came up the road at high speed, each armed with three men. The Raptors came flying back, and took up a circular orbit around the perimeter. The buggies came to a halt, and while the man on top with the machine gun stayed in the car and trained his machine gun on me, the other four got out, all in full kit and armed.

"We've arrived to take it, where's the controller?"

"They won't tell us." the pilot nodded at the relaxed Draco.The soldier wasted no time.

"We have every right to arrest and detain you, unless you hand over the person who designed it, the one who is flying it, and the device itself."

"Abigail, has anyone seen Raptormaster recently?"

The disguised lioness shouted over my engines as I landed next to her and cut them.

"No I haven't, is he not in the tent?"

Two men came over to pick me up, but were blocked by a Silverine, Blake and Javid. Everything had halted, watching this drama, and we were in the centre of a crowd. Bobby was standing there, trying to argue with one of the men on the machine guns.

"This Raptormaster is the guy who made this?" the man nodded at me, while those who had found their way impeded by Silverine looked for back up from their mates. Ryan Godsey had vanished into the garage.

"He formed it, yes.It's a prototype, the bumps haven't been smoothed out."

"In which case, the U.S. Government is interested in him. What's his real name?"

"He doesn't tell anyone.We all call him that, because he's a master at flying that thing." Both Raptors were flying back to base, maybe they were low on fuel.

"At any rate, bring him here, now." the pilot said firmly.

Draco rolled his eyes, and walked towards the big tent. After ten seconds he walked back out, looking confused. He jogged over to the trailer for the F1, and up the ramp, and after half a minute in there, he came out again.

"Guys, has anyone seen him?"

Silverine shrugged, as did most of the party."He can't be far away, he's flying the damn thing, ain't he?"

The four free soldiers began spreading around the area, obviously looking for a man with some kind of controlling device. They were being barracked by the racing patrons, who were getting annoyed at this delay. There was a roar from the garage, and Ryan Godsey's Aurora came flying out at increasing speed. He flew low and fast, making everyone turn, and I chose that moment to dive under the table and change into my F1 form. The disguised tiger was gone before the anyone could intercept, and he teleported back to Central as soon as he was out of sight.