A Suprise On Mother's Day

Story by Skie Moonstone on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: Due to the graphic nature of this work, reader discretion is advised. In other words,


Now...if your still here, please enjoy our story J

Skie Moonstone and Lilly Moonstone

Every May on the tenth, Lilly Moonstone would visit her mother, Trisha Moonstone, for a day of fun things, Spa, Lunch, a movie, and last not but not least, a shopping spree that would put the biggest shop-a-holic to shame. Well it was Mother's Day once again. Thus, this is what she was thinking about as she drove her convertible down the road. She chanced a glance to the passengers seat, almost as if checking to make sure that the package was still there.

She had earlier that month gone to the jewelers store and had them make a custom locket bracelet with two spaces for photos and the inscription ‘To a mother whose love will never go untouched. Love, Skie and Lilly.' in which she had inserted one of herself and one of her twin brother, Skie. It was this bracelet that she was looking at, wrapped of course, in a small soft blue velvet box with a pink bow wrapped around it.

She smiled to her self as she turned the car into the driveway of the two story house. The second she turned off the car sweat started to form on the back of her neck. ‘dam it was sweltering today, definitely a shopping day, unless mom decides that maybe we might go to the beach' she thought to herself with a grin as she scooped up the present picturing her mother in a two piece swim suite, before making her way up the walkway leading though a fragrant flower garden. She knew she was an hour early, it would make a good surprise, she thought to herself as she unlocked the front door and let herself into the cool house.

Lilly turned to look in the large mirror in the hallway across from the door. Stopping she set down the present and tried to silence the lock of rouge hair that had decided to annoy her by dropping across her muzzle. Then she examined the rest of her image in the mirror, it displayed a inverted Skunkette, with waist length black hair with streaks of white, lavender colored eyes and a cute little smile on her muzzle which had two streaks of black running from in her hairline down to her nose, her body with its petite slimness that made boys heads turn, had small perfectly formed A cup breasts hidden under a strapless blue dress that ended a few inches below her knees. She did a twirl watching the dress float out around her waist, reviling snow white fur on her legs, she was mostly white but two jet black streaks ran down her back from just under her shoulders to her butt and then over her huge floofy tail. She adjusted her half rim glasses, which if anything added to the innocence of her figure, and aura. Finally true to her name, there was a black Lilly with a throat of bright pink entwined in the hair just over her left ear. It stumped most onlookers even her friends on how it always looked alive, the truth was, it was alive! It was a gift to her from her twin, who studied Arcane Magic.

"Hello, any one home?" Lilly called out as she padded down the cool dark hallway leading to the living room.

No answer. That's strange, she knew that her mother was awake and the fact that her car was parked next to a silver Mercedes was a dead give away that her mom was home, so where was she? Carrying the present she made her way into the kitchen, nope, the porch in the back, nada...where was she...

Lilly made her way up the stairs, as she did she heard a strange sound, a high pitched whine and a bark like yelp. Lilly padded down the hallway at the top of the stairs before stopping at her moms bedroom door.

"Mom, are you in there? I have a surprise for you..."

Another whine, now that she was closer she could also her strange noises accompanying the whine, particularly a panting and growling.

"Mom are you ok? I'm coming in."

More whines. Biting her lip and thinking her mom was hurt or something she pushed opened the door.

The scene before her was not what she had expected. Her mother was laying at the edge of her bed on her tummy with the lower half of her body over the edge of the bed, her legs spread wide, her feet on the floor and ass in the air. All she could see of her mother was her legs, butt, floofy skunk tail which was flagged up high in the air, and a paw between her legs holding a black canine shaped dildo, which was being jack hammered into her sex by said paw. Lilly was speechless, she stood still as a statue as her mother fucked herself silly with the toy in front of her, not noticing that her daughter had intruded into the room.

Her mother growled again and sped up with her hammering, Lilly jerked out of her trance and quickly closed the door and leaned up against the wall next to it, she could still hear the noises coming from the bedroom. Then she noticed the heat blossoming between her legs, she gasped and rose up just enough to slip her panties down to her knees. Reaching a paw down she found that her treasure was slick with arousal. She squeaked when her pad brushed her clit. Her mother let loose a heated cry of pleasure from within the room, Lilly's paw moved as if of its own accorded thumbing the now hard nub of her clit sending a shock up her spine. What's going on, I've never been this aroused so fast before...she thought to herself, her sex burning with need and nose tingling with the scent of her arousal, surely her mother would notice it if she did not do something about it. Lilly stood, turned and peeked into the room again, her mother was still hammering strong, and from her movements Lilly knew that she was drawing it out, pleasuring herself almost to the point of orgasm then stopping long enough to let it fade before going at it again in a vicious cycle.

Lilly felt a trickle of fluid run down her thigh at this sight as her sex doubled in sensitivity because she was ignoring its need. Closing the door she squatted letting one her paws lift the fabric of her dress as the other went to town on her burning mound, flicking across her clit before letting her claws out just a slight bit and circling her wet folds sending shivers of pleasure up her spine.

In the bedroom Trisha finally succumbed to the ecstasy she was causing herself and rammed the toy home as hard as she could as her body spasimed so hard that she hunched over, her sex clamping down on the toy and pulsing like a heart, she open her muzzle and ripped her sharp teeth into the pillow that had been under her head with a feral snarl. After a few minutes she finally stopped cumming and stood up shakily. She spit out a few feathers she had acquired from the pillow before wrenching the toy from her sex with a yelp and a loud wet pop she lifted it to her muzzle to clean if off, savoring the taste of her work with a smile. She looked at the clock next to her bed, she had been at this for at least an hour and a half, Lilly should be coming in an hour. Just enough time to get cleaned up and make some breakfast. Trisha cleaned up the mess on her crotch in the bathroom, before heading for the door. Still unknown that her daughter was outside it doing what she had just moments ago done herself. Trisha grabbed the doorknob and turned...

Lilly heard the sink come on in the master bath and shot upright her paws flying away from her burning mound with a whimper, she had lost her panties when she had started to touch herself in earnest, and now they where sitting next to the door, quickly she looked for something to clean her fingers on, spotting nothing in reach except her dress she sighed, winkled her nose and stuck her paw tips in her muzzle and licked off the fluids. Then she bent over and picked up the present, she realized that her panties where on the floor and was about to retrieve them when she heard her mother walking towards the door. Lilly sprinted down the stairs as fast as she could and skidded into the kitchen before setting the present on the counter, making herself presentable and getting a drink out of the fridge, she knew her mother would take a few minutes to get dressed, so she took the cold can of soda and letting out a gasp of relief, pressed it against her burning mound. The chill calming her needs.

Trisha exited the bedroom to find an almost toxic scent hanging in the air, her eyes tracked around the hallway before locking on to the source, a pair of white panties laying next to her bedroom door. She leaned over and picked them up. "wait...these arn't mine?!' she thought. With a gasp her paw flew to her muzzle as she realized whose they where, and why the scent on them was so strong.

"Well well...this opens a few interesting possibilities..." she muttered to herself as she returned to her room and put them on the bed with a grin as she thought of how she could use this to her advantage.

Trisha got her confirmation of her theory as she entered the kitchen and saw Lilly sitting there with a paw up under her dress, and noticed the six pack minus one can next to her on the table.

"Careful honey, your gona give yourself frost bite. Its hot out isn't it?" Trisha said with a smirk as her daughter blushed, wrenched the can away from herself , nodded and set it down on the table before pulling another one off the ring and offering it to her mother.

But instead of taking the one offered, Trisha grabbed the one on the table, the one Lilly had used on her body, popped the tab and took a sip with a evil chuckle, inhaling the scent on the can. Lilly blushed even harder and wrinkled her nose.

"Eww, mom that is so...gross."

"What? You didn't do anything to the drink now did you?"


"Well then it's mine." Trisha said sticking her tongue out at Lilly, who blushed again and looked away.

Trisha turned away to look out the window and Lilly eyed her mothers figure, she was maybe a head or two taller than her, ankle lenght white hair streaked with jet black pulled into a thick French braid. Looking in the windows reflection Lilly examined her mothers front, snow white fur from muzzle to toes, but like her daughter she had two jet black streaks that ran from just under her shoulders to the base of her tail and then over its fluffy length. However there was one big difference in body shape, her mother had C cup breasts not to mention a more curvy, sexy, figure with wide hips...Lilly felt herself start to heat up again as an image of the last time she had seen those hip popped into her mind, she willed herself to relax, it worked, but not as good as she hoped, she seemed to stay in a constant state of arousal, the slightest movements causing little shocks to shoot from between her legs and up her spine.

Trisha noticed her daughter staring at her and smiled, her thoughts added to by the scent of arousal that wafted up from behind her.

"Ok, so what do you want to do today my dear?" Trisha asked turning from the window.

"I dono, how about a movie?"

"Sounds like a plan to me."

Twenty minutes later they where walking up to the cinema in town, Lilly bought there tickets and they got some snacks and got seated. The movie was a new chick flick about a heroine fur that lost her family to some maniac and went looking for revenge. But Trisha didn't pay any attention to it, for she was forming her own plan of attack in her mind as she thought about how she could corner Lilly and get her own revenge.

The movie ended and Trisha had her plan formed, now to act on it.

"Time to shop." Trisha said with a smile.

Lilly smiled and followed her mother across the street to the mall, where they bought a few things, mostly clothes and such. After hitting their third store Lilly turned to find her mother sitting on a bench outside, looking positively beat.

"Are you ok mum?"

"Yeah, just tired, not the young thing I used to be dear."

"Ok lets call it a day and head to the beach then?"

"Nah I think I should go home and get some rest."

This startled Lilly. It was only a little after noon, but then again her mother was looking awfully tired...

"Okies" Lilly said her ears drooping in disappointment.

Twenty minutes later they where pulling up the driveway. Lilly got the bags of clothing out of the back and followed her mother into the cool house.

"OK where do you want this stuff?" Lilly asked.

"Up stairs in the bedroom." Replied Trisha.

Lilly walked up the stairs with her mother a few feet behind her. She opened the door to the room and stopped dead in her tracks. On the bed was her missing panties. She squeaked in surprise and whirled around, only to find her mother's muzzle, two inches from her own.

"Mum...I-I can...explain....!"


Trisha didn't wait for the explanation, instead with a wicked grin she cupped a paw up under Lilly's dress and between her daughters legs, feeling her paw meet bare fur and...slick wetness.

"Murr, what's this? No underwear? naughty, naughty~"

"Mom! What are you-"

Lilly gasped in shock and dropped the bags she was holding, but before she could pull herself away from the touch, her mother had slid two digits to the knuckle into her sex. As soon as Trisha had touched her daughter, Lilly had felt a trickle of fluid run down each thigh, when her mother had inserted her fingers the trickle had turned into a gush, further soaking her thighs. Lilly tried to pull away but Trisha pulled her daughter close to her body wrapping an arm around her girls back holding her in place with a growl. Lilly felt herself heating up faster that before at her mothers touch, her sex starting to burn, making her squirm in her mothers arms, the need that the female skunkette had ignored earlier returning with double the force making her paw at the wall behind her with a whimper. Lilly started to pant, her eyes squeeze shut tight, her muzzle pulled back in a scary grimace as her mother's fingers started to drive themselves in and out of her body with such force that Trisha yelped out in pain and surprise when her daughters body reacted by clamping down on the intruders.

"hmmm...too rough? Ok, how about this then..."

Lilly whimpered when she felt her mother stop thrusting with her fingers and felt them start to move around her sex seemingly searching for something buried within her body, what she couldn't be sure of but the movements where driving her up the wall, so to speak. Trisha knew she had hit her intended target when Lilly let out a shocked yelp and her body jerked in response like she had been hit her eyes flying wide in shock, her muzzle dropped open and her cute tongue hanging out in a pained expression of pleasure, her claws extending and embedding themselves into the wall. Trisha smirked and with expert aim, started punching her fingers on overdrive into the spot over and over again, watching as her little girls eyes started to glaze over in ecstasy, her muzzle hanging open, drooling slightly and panting like she couldn't breath. Trisha continued this for several minutes before using her other paw to flick the nub of Lilly's clit. That was all it took to send her daughter over the edge.

"f-f-fuuuuuuck-k! ANNGH!"

Trisha felt her daughter stiffen as Lilly threw her head back and howled, her glasses flying from her muzzle and knew what was coming next. Seconds later her paw, wrist, and legs where soaked with a spray of hot fluid, her ears ringing with her daughters shrieks.

"That's it honey, be a good little girl and cum for me."

Trisha growled in pleasure as her daughters sex clutched at her fingers and continued to rhythmically spray her with orgasm fluid. Lilly couldn't control her body from shaking like she was having a seizure, her sex spasiming around her mothers fingers even as they continued to thrust into her, her wails getting louder by the second as she thrashed her head from side to side, tears running down her muzzle, black and white stars exploding in her vision. It felt like she had stuck her paw into an electrical outlet, her whole body tingling with an almost painful pleasure. Currents of liquid fire shooting up her spine.

This lasted for several minutes, before Lilly slumped into her mothers waiting arms. She would have leaned up and given her a kiss but she was quite incapable of moving, her body still twitching in aftershocks. So Trisha carried her to the bed and helped her little girl out of her dress, which was spattered around the hem with the fluids her body had sprayed out when she had came, it was difficult to do, Lilly was almost cationic because of the force with which the orgasm had consumed her. Trisha smiled and looked Lilly in the eyes.

"Honey, lay down so I can be a good mother and clean you up." she said and softly pushed Lilly onto her back before spreading her legs so she could see what she had done. Trisha growled in pure lust as she beheld the mess she had made of her daughters pure white fur. It was matted and sticky to the touch, and smelled so strongly of arousal her own body started to react to it.

"oh my, did I do that?" she asked licking her muzzle with anticipation.

Carefully she lowered her muzzle to her girls thighs and began cleaning the fur relishing the flavor of the fluids clinging to it, it was like her own, but slightly different. Slowly she moved up towards Lilly's mound. When she ran her tongue over the nub hidden at the top Lilly let out a small squeak of shock and her legs wrapped around her mother head as fluid splashed across Trisha's muzzle and tongue. Trisha freed her head with a smirk.

"Now now dear, if you keep making messes...I have to keep cleaning them up." she chastised before prying Lilly's legs apart again and returning to her grooming.

She managed to clean up Lilly with only two more incidents. Finally finished with her daughter she turned her attention to herself, grabbing the canine toy from earlier from under the bed she slipped out of her cloths and squatted on the bed. Carefully she hooked a little bottle of white goo into the base of the toy. Then, using a paw she spread her folds and drove the toy up into herself hard enough that it hit her cervix. She doubled over in pain, but her paws pulled the toy out and rammed it back up as if on there own, the force making her breasts bounce with each thrust. With a moan she let herself fall forward so that her ass was the highest point on her body in the air, both paws pushing at the toy, her expression one of pleasure as her sex pulsed around the fake cock, her moan accompanied by the patter of fluids hitting the bedspread under her. As she neared orgasm she thumbed the button on the bottom of the toy that activated the motor. With a shrieked that shook the windows she rammed the toy home driving the knot deep into her body as her sex painfully clamped down on it claiming it as its own, as this happened she squeezed the bottle attached to the base, making the toy shoot the fake cum deep into her body. She wriggled, squirmed and spasimed as fluids gushed over her paws soaking the bed under her. It took a few moments for the stars to clear from her vision, but when she did she found that there was a slight problem. She could not pull out the toy, her sex refused to let go of it, and when Trisha pulled, it hurt. With a whimper, she gave up and laid down next to her daughter. The slightest movement causing her sex to squeeze and spasim around the toy. Lilly awoke to this. She rolled over on to her side and licked her mothers cheek in affection, then noticed the end of the toy sticking out from between her mothers thighs. Trisha noticed her daughters gaze and laughed

"I cant get it out...its stuck and I can't for the love of me pull the damned thing out..."

"hmm maybe I can do it..."

Lilly knelt between her mothers legs and grasped the toy with both paws, causing her mother to whimper in discomfort at the slight movement the touch caused within her.

"Nya! Don't touch it!" Trisha squealed in discomfort.

Lilly smirked and squeezed the bottle, sending another blast of fake cum into her mothers already oversensitive sex making Trisha throw her head back and wail in discomfort. Lilly then pulled, twisting back and forth making her mother thrash about. Lily, stumped when it did not dislodge, put all her force behind the next pull and her mothers hips bucked into the air and the toy came free with a loud disgustingly wet squelch, accompanied by a huge fountain of orgasm fluid and fake cum. Lilly sputtered completely drenched in the mixture, and looked at her mom with an ‘Aww fuck! that's just gross!' expression on her face. When Trisha recovered she looked down her body at Lilly and burst out laughing, she looked like a drowned rat!

"Well I did tell you not to touch it...now looks like I gota clean you up again..." giggled her mother panting.

Lilly just wrinkled her nose and used her tongue to lick the fluids off the top of her muzzle.

Then she remembered the present, it was still on the counter down stairs! Before her mother could ask she slipped off the bed and exited the room in a blur, only to return holding the little velvet box. Crawling back into the sticky bed Lilly opened the box and with several quicker than the eye could follow movements had attached the bracelet around her mothers wrist.

"Happy Mother's Day!"

Trisha leaned into Lilly and gave her a kiss on the muzzle.

"Sorry I could only afford one gift this year..."

Trisha chuckled and looked at Lilly with a smirk.

"oh...are you sure? I could have sworn you gave me two presents..."

Lilly looked at her mother puzzled.

"I did? What was the other?"

Lilly squealed in surprise as her mother pulled her on top of her with a grin.

"Murr, this bracelet, and letting me give you that orgasm." Trisha replied with an ear flick. "Now then...I have to clean you up again, I wouldn't be a very good mother if I did not, now would I?"

"One thing before you do." giggled Lilly nuzzling her nose between her mothers breasts.

"And what's that honey?

"What where you thinking about when you came so hard that the toy got stuck?"

"Oh that..." Trisha said laughing and blushing. "Your brother..."

Lilly's expression was one of pure surprise as her mother laughed and started to groom her fur...

By Lilly & Skie Moonstone


Skunk Tails - 1. Two Problems, One Solution

.:disclaimer: due to adult furry material, cubs and furries under the age of their respected 18 years (human years, not animal :P) should close this window now. I am not responsible if your eyes burn out of your head from reading this:. Skie...

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2. Farewell to a Freind...

Woh! Hold on if this is the first time you have taken a look at my Lovers and Legends series then you have missed the opening of the story. Please read chapter 1. Check Mate. :3~ ~Skie Moonstone~ Ren'sen Snowtail (c) Skie Yifu (i.e. myself) ...

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1. Check Mate

.:Disclaimer: The following story is fictional and contains Adult content, if you are underage or find this disturbing do not reads any further:. Part one of my "Lovers and Legends" series. All characters are fictional and do not relate to...

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