#10. Trial and Punishment

Story by deltroon1986 on SoFurry

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#15 of Origins


Names have been altered on purpose to protect the identities of the living and the deceased. Comments are welcome like always but, please keep all negative feedback to yourself. Merely out of respect for those that I've lost recently and over the years, Thank You.

Special Shout Out;

In loving memory of all those that showed me the way whenever I got lost or distracted. I miss all of you horribly but, I know you're still watching over me from above.

(Launa Moon Viander, Sabrina Breckenridge, Lady Azrealle aka Azzy, and Sayber are all owned by, https://xennydiemes.sofurry.com/ )

"Alright, Nova pack whatever you need and when you're ready to go let us know." Launa said. Doing as she advised I went downstairs to the basement to locate some suitcases. Once located I walked upstairs to my bedroom and packed all the essentials. Next I headed out to the garage to see if I stored all my old training gear there. As the wooden door was raised above my head this blinding light flooded my eyes.

After the light died down along with the floaters I retrieved a blue container. Written on the lid was; Training Clothes and inside it was all my martial arts gear. Through the plastic I could see something shining so I opened it and got blinded. Waiting once again for the light to fade before even attempting to open my eyes. Looking for where all that light came from was something I almost forgot about.

It was a silver and gold medallion with a flying phoenix etched onto the surface. A reminder of Sensei Ballista and her martial arts temple she built for eager minds. Perhaps there would be a safe enough place to conduct all of my training. Of course convincing Launa and the others to agree to go there won't be easy. Unless I do something crazy and have Sensei Ballista come and speak to them.

Granted out of all the crazy things I've done in my life this is one of several. Picking up the medallion out of the container then recovered it a shortly after. From there I lifted the tub up onto my shoulder and walked back inside the house. Upon entering Yvonne saw the container in hand she already knew what was in it. Placing it down on the dining table before walking back over to the patio door.

First making sure the door was shut tight then hung the medallion on the hook. Next I took a deep breath before placing my right index finger along the edge. "The flames of the warrior rage within my heart and soul I bid these doors to open. So that I may refine the skills handed down by the greatest masters of the world." I said. While tracing my finger around the medallion's edge as the emblem started glowing.

Next the small space between the door was filled by an orange mystical fire. When it flashed the portal was open, grabbing the medallion first then the doorknob. Turning both as Launa and the others joined me upon seeing a strange flash. "Before any of you ask I didn't use magic the place that lies beyond this door. Is a temple/school that teaches anybody the art of defense by the best martial artists." I began.

"Naturally, what better place to train than where I first learned how to fight. Besides Sensei Ballista will be more than happy to help me control my new powers. Oh, Yvonne I want you to come also so, please go lock the doors and whatnot. Don't give me that look learning some self defense skills won't kill you so get over it. Let me put it this way what would you do if I'm unable to come bail your ass out?" I pointed out.

Not bothering to argue with me she went around the house locking everything. "Quick question is this another one of those places we have to mind ourselves?" Sabrina asked. I was sorely tempted to string the super werewolf along but, decided against it. "Nope, if you do something stupid there than it's your ass that has to pay the piper." I replied. That satisfied her curiosity for the most part as we walked through the gateway.

Once everyone was safely on the other side the portal vanished with a flash. The medallion clattered onto the ground a few seconds later which I picked up. As we headed for the front gates I wondered why Sayber hadn't come with them. "Launa how come Sayber isn't with you did she have other plans or something?" I wondered. She wasn't sure how to answer me but, she didn't want to make up an excuse either.

"I can't lie to you Nova, Sayber only agreed to help us get you under control. To be honest I don't think you'll see her again unless HE tries to re-assert himself. Granted I know he's locked up tight in the deepest part of your mind, Nova. Sadly I've seen it before guys like him won't rest until they get what they're after." She informed. Naturally I couldn't argue with that sort of logic until I remembered a little proverb.

"Time is never ending Launa it can't be controlled but, it does make all things possible. Even an immortal with your extensive experience can't argue with that little fact." I added. "That maybe true Nova what she's trying to say is you shouldn't get complacent." Azzy stated. Before I could reply we finally reached the school's massive wooden gates. First Launa tried then Sabrina joined her in pushing doors open while I just watched.

No matter what the two female powerhouses did the doors wouldn't budge. They cursed that no matter what they did the doors wouldn't, making me smile. "Nova, I think you've had enough fun at their expense so, if you don't mind." Yvonne said. Upon hearing that Launa and Sabrina looked over their shoulders and growled. With that I walked up to the doors as they moved aside then I gave the doors a flick.

When my index finger came into contact with the door I shared some of my chi. These doors will only open upon receiving chi from a student or a resident teacher. Unfortunately the doors didn't bother moving naturally I tried it a second time. Nothing so I tried it again and nada this told me the method of entry was changed. "Everyone mind moving to a safe distance cause these doors are coming down." I informed.

"Explain to me what the hell you're planning on doing Nova, oh never mind." Sabrina said. My body had already begun to increase in height, muscle mass rather quickly. Transforming into my were-beast form right before everyone, scaring Yvonne. Now she knew that I gained strange power but, didn't expect this sorta thing. Once my transformation ended I centered myself then reeled back and struck hard.

I hit both massive wooden doors dead center with every ounce of power. The impact alone created a huge dent between along with snapping the hinges. A slight pause came next before both wooden doors finally fell to the ground. Next this huge cloud of dust got kicked up as a result of two massive doors falling. Using it as a means of cover I wisely transformed back to my normal anthro state.

Before the dust settled and somebody saw this hulking beast standing there. Sadly the clothes I had been wearing prior to my transformation were now in tatters. Ironically my pants were ruined but, not enough that they'd fall down to my ankles. Exposing everything I'd been born with to anyone that happened to look at me. "Hold still Nova I'm gonna try fixing your clothes, okay." Azzy said then cast a spell.

Hoping that my strange immunity to all forms of magic wouldn't stop the raven. As luck would have it nothing happened as my clothes were repaired instantly. Though before I could thank her a squad of guards arrived and surrounded us. Launa and Sabrina readied to defend everyone should they try anything foolish. "Stay your weapons I'm third year student Nova returning to resume my training." I informed.

"Adept, forgive us when the doors fell we assumed the school was under attack." One guard replied. I told him that was perfectly fine then asked where I could find Sensei Ballista. He told me she's been up in the northern mountains mediating for days now. The council of masters were in the main temple overseeing morning exercises. "Could you have Sensei Sali and Gohan brought to the gates, please?" I requested.

Bowing respectfully two of the guards vanished to carry out my request. While we waited for them to return with both masters something bugged me. It wasn't uncommon for headmaster Ballista to mediate in the mountains to the north. When she does leave, Master Nasano takes charge and makes everyone miserable. He believes that anyone doesn't belong a warrior bloodline shouldn't be here.

His son Garrick grew up around these cynical ideals but, he's bit more mindful. Personally I'd love to teach both of them a lesson, sadly I won't stoop so low. Knowing they'll have their day soon and that's enough to keep me content for now. With my luck not withstanding I no sooner look around when I saw Garrick coming. Naturally his gaze was elsewhere and it didn't take me long to figure out where either.

"Don't even think about starting your crap with my younger sister, Garrick." I warned. The six foot tall, muscled human glanced briefly at me and simply ignored me. As he stepped closer I growled loud enough that everyone could hear it clearly. "Don't even try it we both know you can't take me Nova, I'm an expert level student." He stated. I was quick to remind him of the stunt his father pulled with me over two years ago.

"Look, Garrick why don't you walk away while you're still able to alright. I'd hate to kick your ass and ruin what ever reputation you believe you've got." Launa said. He glared angrily at her but, decided against challenging the feline warrior. That still didn't stop him from giving me a not so subtle shot to the kidney. At that same instant I got in my own cheap shot which dropped him to the ground.

Of course he was less than happy about it as he slowly rose to his feet. "We'll settle up later but, when you least expect it you no talented piece of shit." He stated. As he started to leave I decided why wait now if you want me then here you go. Spinning around on the heel of my foot and kicked him in the back of the head. Sending him flying forward a couple yards then slammed face first into the dirt.

"Everyone give us plenty of space it's time this jackass learns some humility." I replied. Azzy guided my sister to a safe distance while Launa gave me a warning look. She didn't have to say a word I knew what she had to say without her needing to. In short she told me to do everything in my power to avoid using my abilities. Giving her a nod promising her that I'd do my best as Garrick got up and faced me.

Instead of rushing in blindly Garrick began to circle me and I did the same. Studying each other waiting for either a flinch or opening for the other to strike. Our eyes were locked that's when this strange glowing aura shrouded Garrick's body. Not sure what I was seeing before me until it fluxed and his left leg swung out. Reacting to that I moved clear of his high sweeping kick then grabbed his ankle.

With two quick jabs striking the back of his knee then hip in quick succession. He growled in pain from my counter and what ever I was currently seeing. Appeared to shift when he expressed an emotion which kinda confused me. As our fight progressed Garrick's temper was flaring thus making his attacks sloppy. "Oh, give up it's obvious to us that you can't hit, Nova so why continue." Sabrina stated.

Sadly when I heard the werewolf's voice I looked away giving him an opening. Without warning Garrick drove his elbow hard into the right side of my neck. My vision went blurry upon impact, also sent me sprawling side ways a few steps. Though it wasn't hard enough to knock me out but, I did see stars for a little bit. Garrick didn't give me anytime to recover as he un-leashed a flurry of kicks and punches.

It took what energy I had to keep him at a safe distance until I could counter. Little did I know he was backing me into a corner to prevent me from defending. "Uh-oh, if he keeps that up, Garrick is going to be in for a world of hurt." Yvonne muttered. Not long ago Yvonne pulled Azzy aside and had a private talk about something. She told the raven that when I'm backed into a corner with no escape route open.

Something from deep inside me rages forth and whoever is in my way gets hurt. "Umm, Yvonne do you mind expanding on what you meant by those words?" Launa asked. All my sister said was to keep watching and she'll see for herself soon enough. Giving her a strange look then returned her gaze to the fight and waited patiently. Fortunately she didn't have wait long as my back bumped into a large stone wall.

Garrick didn't stop as he continued attacking while I tried deflecting each blow. Meanwhile something inside of me began growing then it raged to the surface. Before he even had a chance I took this odd stance and kicked out his knee. As he dropped down then used the other like a spring board, grabbed the back of his head. Then drilled my knee right between his green eyes sending him sailing backwards.

Leaving everyone in a state of shock as I landed gracefully onto the ground. While Garrick flew through the air then tumbled ass over tea kettle for several feet. I readied myself to follow up my bold counter attack sadly he didn't get back up. "Whoa, Nova where in the hell did that come from I think you killed him." Sabrina stated. "I highly doubt that and as for your question Nova knows Mui Tai." A voice said.

"Though it would seem that your former student has become rusty, Gohan." Another voice added. Upon hearing those voices I cooled off then approached one of my form masters. "Sensei Gohan it's good to see you again and you as well Sensei Sali." I said while bowing. "Likewise, Adept please enlighten us why you've returned?" Gohan asked. As I went to explain that's when several armed guards appeared suddenly.

"Please don't fight us Adept as we place these restraints on you, per our orders." A guard said. Two guards bound my ankles first, next my wrists and lastly put a muzzle on me. Growling in annoyance as they made sure that I couldn't lash out at anybody. Finally they attached the shackles together by a chain leash then began walking. <Azzy, Launa and Sabrina don't I'm being brought to the main temple.> I began

<Sensei Nasano is up to his typical bullshit though it doesn't feel right at all. He's up to something and what ever that is won't bode well for any of the students. With Sensei Ballista away he's gonna try kicking out everyone that's unworthy. By the way he's been trying this long before I became a student of this school. What he doesn't seem to understand is only Ballista has the final say on such matters.

I don't suppose you could do me a favor and head into the mountains to get her?> I said telepathically. Launa and Sabrina simply told me to break free of my restraints and go myself. Rolling my eyes upon hearing their reply yet, somehow I wasn't surprised either. <Sensei Sali mind taking my sister to your training center and get her registered. I don't want her to witnessing anything that's going to happen here.> I requested.

She was a bit startled hearing me speak into her mind but, did as I asked. Taking my sister with her where she teaches students while we went to the main temple. Where the council of masters was waiting to judge me for some bullshit crime. For some reason or another I knew what that was and what would be happening. Once we arrived all but, one of the nine masters was standing outside the front doors.

Sensei Nasano stood in the center and was standing right at the stairs smirking. As his private guards/students escorted me up and into the temple to be judged. They brought me to the center of the temple, secured me to the floor and moved away. "Don't worry Nova we're not going to let them do anything doesn't seem right." Azzy assured. Looking over my left shoulder at the raven and gave her a nod in understanding.

While the masters took their seats I decided to take matter into my own hands. Drawing upon what I learned from Sensei Gohan I temporarily freed my spirit. Next my whole body went limp as my spirit transcended up through the roof. From there I scanned the surrounding area for Sensei Ballista unique energy signal. Luckily it didn't take long to locate and chase down as quickly as I could in this state.

During this Nasano read off a list crimes that I committed while I was away. What shocked Launa and the others the most was he knew every single detail. Almost like he was there watching everything as it happened that very evening. Even the council were stunned at just how detailed the list he complied against me. "Hold on how the hell did you gather such information unless you were there?" Launa asked.

"That doesn't concern you outsider now sit down and be quiet or else." He replied. Before Launa could even think about doing something she was surrounded by guards. Even Sabrina and Azzy had spears pointed at their throats making them back off. Now such a tactic was useless against any of them until Launa noticed something. Reaching over and giving Azzy's shoulder a tap then directed her attention at me.

When she saw the expression on my face she knew that I wasn't all there. "He's not dead looks like Nova's spirit walking from what I can tell from here." Azzy stated. "Okay, if he's not inside his body than where did that idiot venture off ?" Sabrina wondered. All the raven could do at this point was shrug telling her that she didn't know. I was actually on-route to retrieve Sensei Ballista from her shrine in the mountains.

Of course she's not gonna be thrilled but, she'll want to kill Nasano instead. Especially when I tell her that he's trying to pass down judgment on her students. Nothing gets her scales and feathers ruffled when someone goes behind her back. To make things worse he's been warned before and apparently he didn't listen. Sure enough the shrine came into view so I dove down entering the small building.

Being careful not to alert her to my presense making sure she was in a trance. Once confirmed she was I morphed into a ball of light then carefully entered her mind. Upon changing back I looked around the astral plain and saw her sitting nearby. Approaching the phoenix dragon mix slowly until her head perked up then turned. "Greetings. Nova it's been awhile my student what brings you here to this place?" She asked.

Not wasting time with pleasantries I informed her about what was going on. Her spirit began burning as her anger raged to the surface upon hearing the news. "Go back to your body Nova I'll be there shortly to deal with Master Nasano." She snarled. Bowing respectfully then dashed back to my body and waited for the fireworks. Upon returning my eyes flashed purple stating that I've returned from my trip.

"Nova I'll ask again do you understand the charges that have been read to you?" Nasano asked. Just to turn the screws some I looked away thus saying whatever to the human. At that very moment Launa's senses pinged she pushed Azzy and Sabrina aside. I braced myself as the double doors exploded into pieces, followed by flames. This huge torrent of white fire had the council scrambling for some form of cover.

Followed up by what sounded like a true dragon's roar that shook the ground. The temperature in the room sky rocketed as Ballista walked into the room. She glanced over at Launa and the others briefly nodded then walked over to me. "Go ahead and break out of those restraints Nova then go stand by your friends. Whatever any of you do, I suggest not moving cause things are about to get hot." Ballista stated.

"We better do as the phoenix dragon asks and move to a safe distance." Launa advised. I took a deep breath focused my energy then flexed every muscle in my body. Forcing the restraints to snap like tooth picks and clatter onto the floor below. Next I walked over to where the others had moved themselves to then knelt down. As Ballista really got flared up even her already burning body soon caught fire.

Now I've seen her angry couple times in the past but, this time she's pissed. "ALL COUNCIL MEMBERS EXCEPT MASTER NASANO BEST GET OF MY SIGHT." She roared. They ran for the exit as she unleashed a torrent of fire scorching the back wall. Next she demanded that he kneel before her which he obeyed without question. "Last time I checked Argo I don't recall leaving you in charge of my school." She began.

"You were also warned that if you pulled this shit again I'd break you in half. Apparently my threat fell on deaf ears in any case you're overdue for an ass kicking. Despite you're long standing as teacher here do you have any last words Master Argo?" She questioned. For some reason or another I decided to step in and approached both masters. Placing a hand on her right shoulder unphased by the flames her body produced.

Forcing her head to snap in my direction with the look of sheer confusion. "I'm all for him getting his just desserts Sensei but, Nasano still has some use." I replied. Now Ballista is looking at me like I got kicked in the head but, let me continue. Looking to Launa silently asking her if she wouldn't mind me summoning her sword. With the okay from her I extended my left hand to the side then Ravenaire appeared.

Causing both Nasano and Ballista to jump when the sword appeared suddenly. "After all he has intimate knowledge of hand held weaponry from around the world. Killing him seems like a quick an easy punishment but, being under supervision. That might prove unbearable if you're the one watching him every single minute. Besides I've been meaning to learn his skill set after mastering my other studies." I informed.

The flames shrouding her body vanished while she took the time to decide. "Very well, Nova do to the respect you've earned among your peers and teachers. Than his punishment shall be as suggested now Nasano do you accept his ruling?" She asked. With a soft dip of his head he agreed to his punishment then he got up and left. "Alright, now that's settled do you mind telling me what's really going on?" Ballista added.

Not sure who might be still within ear shot I asked for a change of locations. Handing Ravenaire back to Launa then followed Ballista to her private quarters. Where we enjoyed some tea and filled her in on what's happened as of late. Upon hearing of my loss Ballista had liked the Border Collie when she visited her. To learn that such a loss had sparked my transformation and my strange powers.

It seemed hard for her to swallow but, to hear my guests confirm what was being said. "Nova I'm grateful you're still alive but, to lose Gina sorry just doesn't cut it. All of you are welcome to use my school as you see fit as thanks for saving him." She smiled. Taking a moment to take a drink as Launa thanked Ballista for her generosity. Suddenly Ballista asked me if I could finish all my studies in about three months.

I'd have to complete roughly six months of lessons and training in half the time. Of course it sounded doable in my head but, to actually do it could prove tricky. Though it mainly depends on how I managed the time spent with my teachers. "Three months sounds like plenty of time to me since he's got a ton to learn." Launa replied. My head whipped to the left and looked right at the tall muscular feline in shock.

"Are you out of your flippin' mind Launa or what?!" I asked biting my tongue. "It may sound doable but, to actually do it might prove harder than you think. Sure I'm able to learn new skills easily enough, I need plenty of time just to practice. So explain to me how I'm going to cram roughly six months of work in only three?" I added. Launa sat there looking at me clearly unphased despite raising a valid point.

"What's the matter you afraid of a little hard work, oh, get over yourself. Look, your Sensei has complete and total confidence in your abilities Nova. Not only that from what we've seen you do I'm convinced you can succeed. Besides we agreed to help you train for your final test thirteen months from now." Sabrina stated. The wolfess' words rang true but, she understood the doubts I had were natural.

"Will you relax Nova I'm positive that we can work something out together. This way you don't get burnt out and you're able to learn every thing you need to. Worst case scenario we can always use the chrono room to pick up the slack. Before you even start, since you've been gone I've finally perfected that room." Ballista informed. The last time someone used that room let's just say they didn't look like themselves.

Not only does time move faster but, the gravity changes depending on the person. Of course I trust Ballista 100% that room on the other hand let's just say no way. "Excuse me, just how safe is this chrono room since you've made these adjustments?" Azzy asked. The phoenix dragon turned to look at the raven gave her a warm smile then spoke. "My dear Lady Azrealle you're just as safe as if you were back home." Ballista replied.

Azzy was a little shocked she knew her true name and Launa didn't like it. Nor did Sabrina but, both warriors wisely restrained themselves as Sensei continued. "Nova shared some information with me during his little spirit walk to retrieve me. Mainly your names and why all of you joined him when he returned to my school. Granted I know the whole story now, though there seems to be someone missing." She added.

"Like I told Nova, Sayber only joined us to get your student under control. Odds of her coming around are slim unless the god imprisoned in his head escapes." Launa stated. The expression that came to my Sensei's face told me something was going on. Not five seconds later a familiar energy signature pinged across my senses. Jerking my head to the left to look over my shoulder as a large shadow appeared.

To be continued.

Chapter 9

Since I had a little time before they arrived I got the last of my stuff put together. The only thing I hadn't gotten around to setting up was my desktop computer. Making sure that each cable was plugged in properly before powering it up. After a few...

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#11. Preparations

"Ah, what wonderful timing, Fiera please come in hun and greet our guests." Ballista said. The sliding door opened slowly revealing a tall, lovely gold and black wolf fox. Fiera and I go way back she's always been there whenever I needed a friend....

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A Tail of Kinks, Appointment 1

It's been a long time coming since graduation and I can't wait to start working. For the past ten years I've been studying my semi-hyper endowed assets off. While saving money that I didn't spend on tuition and books to start my business. Granted there...

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