A Shower of Moonlight

Story by Jette on SoFurry

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Fox refastened the satchel to his waist and lowered the leather duffle bag from his back to the ground, staring into the mouth of a massive, darkened cavern with the moonlight at his back. It had been a long day, and he had missed the full moon's rise, but he was finally free. As glad as he was, the feeling was empty, knowing that the freedom from his human clan was only temporary. He traveled miles to meet his dragon friends, knowing the mystics would catch him if they were any closer and he spent most nights alone. What a great night he would have, but the sun had to come up sooner or later.

He shook his head and forced a smile, starting into the cave and letting his emerald eyes gleam with the refracted moonlight. The feeling as he walked from one end of the cave toward the pillar of light left a peculiar tightness in his chest. Everything, almost everything, was black and the silence was deafening, but he could feel them, he could smell them. With each and every step toward the light, he could feel his smile become something real. He wasn't sure if they'd be able to sense how he felt with the full moon out, but it was probably for the best. There weren't very many ways to "fix" being human, after all.

As he made his way into the second chamber, the glow of their eyes finally showed amidst the darkness. A gold so bright they almost mirrored light magic and an amethyst that mirrored the darkness. His body quivered at the sound of their claws scraping against the ground, sharpening, preparing. Suddenly, before he could reach the light, he stopped, letting the bag down at his side and tossing away his satchel.

"Hope I'm not too late." Fox chuckled an empty chuckle as he knelt down and opened the duffle bag. Fur brushed across the side of his face as he looked down, imagining he could see through the darkness, but just as he raised his face, it left his side in a silent, unseen blur. He raised a thick cut of steak from the bag, but only a moment later, it left his hand, tugging his body to the side with it. He laughed.

"Mmm..." There was another voice, it moaned a deep moan, slurping and smacking as Fox's could feel his fingers being licked clean, slowly. "You are...but--" there was another tongue, this time it was on his neck, running along its width before a hard, longing bite. He let out a long-winded grunt that fell into a moan. "I'm sure we can make up for lost time..."

The licking of his fingers shifted into a sucking, then a slow, sure deepthroating. All the while, the bite to his neck began to draw blood. He could feel furry hands all over his body, his chest, his arm, his leg, his waist, claws poking at his flesh and ripping at his clothes. His knees went weak, but they kept him standing, slowly and surely ripping off his clothes, tearing them to shreds and replacing them with the warmth of their fur. The light eventually disappeared, his face smothered between a pair of large, furry breasts, another pair resting just on top of the back of his head.

Sil gripped his chest from behind, pressing her scent to his back as Eppai held onto his waist, pulling him close, smothering his quickly rising cock between her wet, furry thighs. Eppai growled softly, panted deeply, and looked down into his dim green with a golden glow bright enough to light up his dark face and disheveled hair. He could only manage to grab onto her hips, his body smothered in warmth and wetness, he couldn't move even if he wanted to.

"Though I think it's safe to say that you should start with Eppai..."

Suddenly everything went white as Fox toppled forward. Eppai fell to the solid stone, flat on her back with a grunt, then Fox, then Sil atop both of them, her tail wrapped around Fox's leg. She grinned wide beside Fox's face as he looked down to Eppai's eyes, her ruffled fur and her semi-crazed grin. If the full moon wasn't up, that fall might've actually hurt.

Fox smiled back, planting his palms at Eppai's sides, who leaned forward and licked the blood from his neck. All the while Sil lowered her hands down Fox's chest, grabbing his hard cock in her massive, velvety palms. She growled a quiet purr into his ears before running her tongue around his ear and pressing his cock against Eppai's sex. She roughly ran it through her soft wet fur, forcing Eppai to squirm beneath them, her toes curled and her claws on Fox's waist, subtly drawing blood.

"Well...?" Sil's voice rang through Fox's mind as she pressed herself to his back. She was just as much of a werewolf as Eppai, but her sheer age and maturity let her be unaffected by the full moon's madness...mostly.

Fox's body shivered at the sound of the deep, lustful, coy voice, he began to pant hard at the feel of his own mind going wild and he drizzled precum over Eppai's golden-brown fur. He began to chuckle as Eppai pulled his body even closer, forcing his tip to her slit with a tilt of her head. He'd never seen Eppai look so sexy before in his life. Held back only by Sil's grip, the taunting flicks of her wrist and added dry humps that forced in his tip. Suddenly, Eppai pierced the heavens with an earth-trembling scream, making Fox's grunt silent in comparison.

With their bodies finally forced together, Eppai wrapped her arms around Fox's back, smothering his mouth between her breasts. She scratched his back hard, demanding another thrust with a wild bite to his shoulder, arching her back under him and gripping his cock tight. Fox's eyes went wide and his mind went blank at the sudden rush of pain before the world tumbled about him. Sil scooted backward, grinning wide at the sight of the love of her life rolling around amidst the stone bed of moonlight until Eppai ended up on top.

She _couldn't_wait for Fox's movement, she _needed_it more than anything else. Eppai slammed Fox's back to the ground, mashing their lower bodies together with her claws planted on his belly. She looked down with closed eyes with a pant before lowering her head, forcing his lips apart with her tongue and diving inside.

"Fox..." Her light-hearted, distorted voice left Fox's body trembling as she began to raise and drop her lower body atop him. She rose with a werewolf's speed and dropped with the same strength, leaving him to grunt breathlessly with each and every meeting. Fox's vision, which had gone blurry began to clear up as Eppai backed away, smacking her hips only for Sil to take her place, looking deep into his eyes from the other side.

"My turn..."

Sil let her ferocity show with a deep kiss, replacing Eppai's tongue with her own, gripping Fox's wrists and pinning him even harder to the ground. She left further claw marks in his body as she slurped up every ounce of Eppai's essence from his mouth. No place in Fox's mouth was safe from Sil's tongue, which swiveled and wrapped around his own, leaving him breathless. She pulled away without a moment's notice, leaving Fox's tongue hanging out of his mouth as she crept forward, squatting above his face before dropping down.

Fox grunted a deep, muffled, grunt into Sil's wet, furry sex. He couldn't help but pant hard, gulping down the steady stream of Sil's essence that had already made a mess of his face. All the while his hands were balled into fists, his toes were curled. Eppai may have been relentless, but he could feel that peculiar throbbing, the undeniable heat that whispered how close she was. As he held his own beneath the loves of his life, Sil leaned forward, pressing her breasts to Eppai's chest with a smirk, tilting her head to the side and slipping her tongue directly into Eppai's gaping, panting maw.

Eppai's eyes narrowed at the taste of Sil's tongue, more specifically, at the scent of Fox on it. With a growl she pushed back, mashing their breasts together as her claws sank even deeper into Fox's hips, her ass working Fox's cock as though it was all she ever knew. She challenged Sil with a deep kiss, dripping saliva onto Fox's chest, turning a viciously passionate kiss into a tug-of-war for their lover's taste.

The sounds of Fox's slurping became much louder and his tongue found itself much deeper as Sil clenched it tight. She softly moaned from above, her body trembling and wavering as she fought against her steadily bouncing counterpart. Their fur had gone from pristine to puckered amidst the commotion and their growling had finally reached its peak in loudness...or so Fox thought. In a sudden and firm grip, Eppai shut her eyes tight, her claws bathed in Fox's blood as she finally came, roaring her lover's name in ecstasy and controlled madness.

He felt the warmth spread over his body as his chest tightened again and his cock throbbed harder and harder. His orgasm came shortly afterward in the midst of hers as their bed of moonlight became a mess of sweat and sweet, goop. Eppai couldn't help but lean forward, her body going limp with one soft grunt after another, her tongue caught at the back of Sil's throat and her legs unable to stop trembling.

"Nngh..." She groaned softly, seemingly unable to manage the strength to reel her tongue back in. "Fox..."

Sil couldn't help but smirk and chuckle at the display, lifting herself up and off of Fox just enough for him to see her tail wagging in anticipation. She released Fox's wrists, granting him just enough freedom to grab her hips as she helped Eppai up to her knees. Eppai only managed to look back with a dazed, half-smile, the crazed glow in her eyes starting to dim down.

"He's...all yours..." Eppai slurred her words, finally pulling her tongue back into her mouth to lick Sil's nose. Shortly afterward, her eyes slowly closed and Sil helped her onto her side beside Fox. Not even a moment later, at the first moment of Fox bending his knees to sit up, Sil leaned forward, looking down to Fox's cock on her fours then between her breasts at him.

Fox couldn't help but clench his teeth and shut his eyes as Sil lowered her head, wrapping the entirety of her tongue around his cock. She slurped up Eppai's sweet essence and savored Fox's robust taste, grinning wide at the sight of precum beginning to drizzle from his tip. With Eppai seemingly out for the night, Sil's inner wolf began to show as her teeth grazed the sides of his cock and her wet cunt began to drip over his face, noticeably moreso than before.

"Now it's my turn."

Fox clenched his teeth and shut his eyes tight, burying the tips of his fingers into the fur on Sil's hips. Everything was starting to go blurry...though he couldn't tell whether it was because too much of his blood was going to the floor or his lower body. Either way-- Fox leaned forward, diving tongue first into Sil's sweet sex-- it was going to be a very long night and an even longer morning...


I've gotta apologize for this, mostly because I'm extremely hard on myself when it comes to writing. This along with 4 other pieces of furotica have been in the works for about an entire month, but the funny thing about it is that I've taken roughly a day to write each of them. After a certain point I just lose the motivation to keep writing them. At the same time, I feel like I have to publish something, at least before I give this whole writing thing another shot. So, here it is, a shameless post from ya boy, Jette. Here's to hoping that one day I get my shit together :)

Under Claw [Part 2]

Tirrah didn't bother to wait for the answer as she looked down to the contents of Dane's book. There wasn't a single word on either of the pages she had open, instead, were lewd images of Sheer magically engraved. She turned one page after another to...

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Advising the King- Sweet Dreams

Onyx leaned to the side in his throne, scraping his claws against his scepter, letting the world of dragons around him fade in and out steadily. His bright, silvery queen watched him closely, smirking wide at the sight as she rested the side of her...

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Under Cloaks and Claws

"You did what!?" Tirrah roared a demon's roar, trembling the blue skies specked with massive, puffy blood red clouds. The strength of her roar blew Sheer's cloak open, revealing her naked, silvery, furry body and prepared claws. Co-rulers of the land...

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