The Life of Another - Chapter 18 (Adult Version)

Story by Jake Atkinson on SoFurry

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#21 of The Life of Another

Hi all, the adult version is the same as the clean version minus the description of Roger's photo.

Oh, and I've updated the Character Guide. ^^

P.O.V. - Nick - Rec. Room

In the short time it took us to get to the rec. room Roger's anxiety had ramped up to the point that his fur was starting to flicker. He gets so self-conscious when he's around people. He hides it well though, other than the glow. I suppose Kriana and the rest won't know what his different light patterns mean and they're really forgiving when it comes to physical deviances anyway. Come to think of it, it seems odd how Kriana hangs out with Theresa, Amanda and Casey so much. The River Otter could pass for normal, at least until she slips and accidentally does that cool levitating thing. Hey they're all here, awesome!

All 4 were so engrossed in the show they didn't notice us at first. Kriana was on the sofa next to Theresa, the Racoon with Feline eyes and a nose to match. Casey, the Red Panda, was seated on the floor in front of the Otter with her back against the couch. The normally white patterns in her fur instead beamed a soft, glow-stick green. And Amanda, she was lying on her stomach on the floor next to Casey. The Sand Cat kicked her paws with excitement and flipped her bushy striped Fennec Fox tail as she exclaimed "Oh my god, she CAN'T be seriously considering this guy!" Her massive ears spoke heavily of her Fox deviation as well and I wondered if they blocked Theresa's view at times. Not that she'd ever say anything about it, Theresa was soft-spoken and quiet but she liked being social.

Roger's anxiety was so high I couldn't block it out but he walked right over to one of the huge recliners flanking the sofa and sat down to lean up against it's far arm, obviously leaving room for me. It was designed to handle an adult Bear and was just big enough for the two of us to use it like a reclining love seat. He's so nervous but look at him! He just walks right in and does it anyway, I wish I could be like that. The way he slid quietly into the chair left me sure he would have gone unnoticed if not for the pronounced flickering in his fur. Didn't that used to be confined just to his gray fur? It seems like his whole body does it now. Poor guy, I'll jump in and try to take some of the attention off of him. My train of thought was interrupted as Kriana hit the pause button and said with a note of surprise in her voice "Oh, hey Roger! You guys know Roger right? I bumped into him in the hall earlier and... hey Nick!" "Hi everyone!" I said as I sat down next to Roger. "Don't mind us, I know we're coming in to the episode kinda late."

P.O.V. - Roger

Damn, this is even worse than I imagined! I'm flickering like a disco light! Why am I so worked up over watching some insipid reality show while sitting next to Nick?! This could get out of hand, I better do that stupid trick. I hope I can keep my tongue out of his mouth this time! Wait, what if I start trying to make out with him right in front of everyone?! That'd be even worse! Great, now I'm flashing even brighter, this was a really bad idea! I can't back out now though. Ok, fine, I'll do it but no touchy feely! Just sit here and smile and... oh crap, they've been talking to me and now they're waiting for me to say something but I wasn't paying attention. I raised the tablet and hastily swiped "Sorry for the light show, it kinda just happens sometimes. It should go down in a minute."

Casey, the Red Panda with glowing green markings in her fur, was quick to say "It's ok, it's really not that noticeable. So which ones are your favorites? I know Ricardo isn't even the same species but I don't care, I soooo want her to pick him!" Before I could even get my finger to the screen to respond Kriana jumped in. "Oh you're just saying that because he's the only one left with a visible deviance! Well that and he's totally hot!" Amanda seemed put off by my unexpected visit but wasn't upset enough to hold back her thoughts, saying "He's an Otter! How can a Lioness marry an Otter?! It would never work, can you imagine them dancing?!"

And just like that I was off the hook, at least for the moment. The focus having shifted from me, I was finally able to calm down until I felt Nick shift against my side and was suddenly reminded I was 'out' in public. Why is it so hard for me to do this?! Just take a breath and pretend to like the show... no big deal. They're all being nice enough, I mean I'm totally crashing their little party. It must be kinda awkward for them too. Enough! Ok overactive brain, you've had it, take this!

I closed my eyes and concentrated on the imaginary cabin. I had to work at it harder and the effect seemed different from Sunday morning. The anxiety was gone but I felt strangely energized. Phew! What a relief! I mean, I feel totally awesome but this is just plain weird! I wonder what that counselor has been doing in my head? I've really gotta talk with her about all that... later. Hey, being here with Nick isn't so bad, what was the big deal? The chair is comfy, I've got my paws up and this show is better than I expected, check out the Wolf, and the Fox too! Oh there's a Lion, I was starting to wonder. Hey it's kinda cold in here but Nick is warm... and soft... and he sure smells nice after that shower. The girls aren't even looking this way, besides it wouldn't hurt just to put my arm around him. My thoughts continued to dart randomly and quickly about but at the same time they felt slow. I raised my left arm and dropped it over Nick's shoulders and tugged him closer to me.

P.O.V. - Nick

Wow, Roger did the trick and the flickering has already stopped. I know he hates having to do that but really, is it so bad? I mean look at him now, he's calmer and, well, kinda snuggly. I shifted under his outstretched arm and caught Theresa glancing our way. She offered the faintest of smiles and when I focused on her I sensed that she felt we were cute. I wanted to tell Roger 'See, everything is fine! All that worry for nothing!' but kept the thought to myself and rested my head against his solid chest to feel the gentle rhythm of his breathing.

He seems relaxed and yet at the same time kinda... charged up _. Woah, uh oh! He's THAT kind of_ charged up! I remember him telling me he worried about his self-control when he's like this but so far he's keeping it clean. I guess a little rippling light show is harmless enough.

Amanda rolled to lie on her side with her back to us and proclaimed "Look at her with Max, don't they look like a perfect couple? How could she be seriously considering anyone else? I'll bet the producers just told her to act interested in the others to keep the ratings up." Kriana turned her attention briefly from the screen to look at the Sand Cat and say "He's got looks and money but his personality is so blah! They just don't have any chemistry. Nick, you're good at reading people. What do you think?" I replied "I dunno, there's still so many left. There's like, what? 3 Lions, a Wolf, a Fox and an Otter right?"

Roger's muzzle brushed at my ear and he playfully blew into it with his nose, sending exciting shivers throughout my whole body. Kriana and Theresa both saw it and were momentarily surprised but Kriana recovered almost instantly and said "Uh yeah, I think the Fox is pretty much out of the running though. I'll bet he's the next to go." Roger's arousal grew stronger and trying to sense everyone else's feelings became next to impossible. Suddenly, I felt his teeth gently but firmly grip the rim of my ear while his tongue played along the captured edge. It was thrilling in a way I had never imagined and I shuddered momentarily before I shoved a knuckle quickly into his ribcage and muttered sharply "Roger!" The excited Wolf released my ear and whispered "Sorry, uhm, I did 'the thing' but it feels different this time." I turned my head and kept my voice low as I said "Just concentrate on the show. Who do you like so far? Max? Ricardo?"

Roger took his arm from my shoulders so he could handle the tablet and tipped it away so I couldn't see what he was doing. I could tell he was up to something and he swiped and tapped for a full minute before finally allowing me to view what he had been working on. An image of a naked Gray Wolf filled the screen. He was kneeling and arching his back to rest one hand behind him palm down on the floor while the other cradled the knot of his full erection. To my dismay I suddenly realized it was Roger! _Oh my god! When did he take this?!_Underneath the image he had typed out "I'm still horny from earlier! Can't you help a Wolf out?" I gawked, open-mouthed, as Josh and Matt walked into the room.

Matt proclaimed his immediate distaste for the TV show. "Ahw, is this show still on?! How much longer are you gonna be here?" Kriana hit pause and exhaled sharply in frustration as she said "We reserved the room, it's ours for about a half hour yet. No one has it after that, you can play your games then." Josh was the first of the pair to notice us and raised a hand to wave. I caught a fiendish twinkle in Roger's eye as he lifted the tablet and started to turn it towards the new arrivals while flicking his tongue suggestively at me. I lunged for the device and accidentally knocked it from his grasp, causing it to drop first to his lap and finally to the rug on the floor. To my heart-stopping horror it came to rest with the display face-up. I threw myself across Roger and dove over the edge of the chair as I exclaimed "I'll get it!" and landed in a heap covering the screen. I clutched it to my chest and scrambled back into the chair, holding the power button while I did so. I was embarrassed and irritated and the tone of my voice reflected it when I said "Maybe you should take this up to David and have him look at it just to be safe?" Perhaps it was from his altered state of mind but my words hurt him deeply. I felt awful as Roger's ears splayed and his eyes cast downward. He silently mouthed 'I'm sorry' and took the tablet from my hand as he slipped from the room with the grace of a dejected ghost.

P.O.V. - Roger

My relaxed yet energized mind was in overdrive and I had a hard time staying on track with any one thought despite my best efforts. I can't even sit and watch TV without SOMETHING happening! It's not like I was going to actually show them my picture, can't Nick take a little joke? I sighed heavily and rounded the stairs. Bah, it's not his fault, what was I thinking when I made that photo anyway? I can't believe I did that the other morning. Jim was right there in his bed, what if he saw me?! Then again, I've seen pornos start with scenes like that! It's such a shame that fox is straight. What am I thinking, Nick is way hotter and we're sorta together... aren't we? I dunno, he seemed pretty upset. Damn it, all I had to do was sit there, just sit... would that have been so hard?! I wonder if any of them saw the picture after he knocked my tablet to the floor? F#ck, my mind didn't race around like this last time, did it? That stupid counselor! She is seriously screwing with me but what can I do about it? I could get myself expelled and shipped back to some foster home in beautiful Phelan where I could dream of someday living in Auntie Sue's closet. No thanks! I opened the door to my room and found Jim with the phone to his ear. The Fox was talking in low tones while propping his head up with a hand as he leaned over his desk. He acknowledged me with a faint heads-up gesture and bent back down. I could hear a muffled female sounding voice on the other end of the call. Hmm, that could be his girlfriend... or maybe his mother or sister. Does he have a sister? Either way, I'd better leave him alone for awhile. I tossed my tablet on the desk and grabbed my hoodie as I went out the door.Fine, I'll just go explore the school grounds. Maybe by the time my 'buzz' wears off he'll be done with the call. Then again, maybe I can break into the cabin and sleep there. I stepped outside and was greeted by a cold, star filled sky.

P.O.V. - Roger - Tuesday morning

It was 5:30 am when I finally crashed back to normal and I was too tired to even think of showering when I snuck back into my room. I ran a brush half-heartedly through my fur and changed clothes before picking up the tablet and heading to the training room. Ugh, there's no one here yet, now I'm stuck waiting until someone arrives. It's just as well, I'm flat-out exhausted. I thought that weird feeling would never wear off, I was walking all night! I flopped down on a section of the mat covered floor and closed my eyes only to be awakened by Jack's paw tapping me on the shoulder. "Hey, kid." said the Wolverine. I felt a fleeting sensation of disorientation at waking up in a strange place but quickly rose and rubbed the fur on my face. "You feel alright?" Jack said. "You don't look so great." I noticed the time was 6:23 am as I glanced at my tablet to type a response. "I didn't sleep very well last night so I figured I'd nap until someone got here." He scratched his muzzle and looked me up and down questioningly as he said "What kept you up?" I swiped at the screen and replied. "Just a lot on my mind." I wasn't sure if he was judging the validity of my answer or contemplating what to say but after a moment he responded. "Yeah, after what you've been through lately I'll bet you do. This is probably the part where I'm supposed to say 'If you ever wanna talk about it...' but I can tell you're not the type so I'll say this instead. If there's something I can help with let me know. Until then, ready to work out?" I nodded with a slight smile of appreciation and turned tiredly to mount a nearby treadmill. I placed my tablet next to the controls and started it up, quickly adjusting the speed down from my usual setting. Sure enough, Jack got on the machine next to me. His squat, powerful legs made him an outstanding lifter but he almost looked like a cartoon character on the treadmill. He started the conversation with "Glad to see you waited before using the equipment, how long you been here?" I flashed 5 fingers, then 4 then 5 and didn't break my stride. "You've got to be the only 'morning-person' teenager I've ever met. You're just full of surprises, like that quiz yesterday. If I didn't have your tablet at my desk the whole time I'd swear you cheated somehow." I almost smacked myself on the head. I'm so naïve! Of course they would jump to that conclusion, I never thought of that! I picked up the tablet but kept jogging as I swiped at the screen to say "Quiz me now if you want, bear in mind I gotta talk through this dumb thing though." "Ok wise guy" he said between heavy breaths "How would you check and adjust valve clearances." I typed back "What type? Screw and locknut, shim under bucket or what?" We went back and forth for 20 minutes before he finally said "Enough! Tell me, how does a kid who can't even drive know so much about cars?"

Tired of being on the defensive end of the conversation I responded by changing the topic entirely, using the table to say "You tell me why a short-legged species like yourself would chose to proctor a Tae Kwon Do club? That form is heavy on kicks. I know you were holding back and letting me tumble you by the way. Shorter limbs may have less reach but they also give you more speed than what I saw yesterday." His eyes narrowed as I switched to a bench and picked up a set of free weights. I was so exhausted they felt heavier than normal but I refused to let myself step down to lighter ones as he replied. "That morning you didn't press the button I knew you were gonna be a handful." I tipped my head to the side questioningly and mouthed "Button?" "Yeah" he said "I taped that button right in your hand, I even wrote 'Press Button' on the tape and what did you do? First thing, you totally ignore the message, unwind all the tape and then lower the bed rail to go trotting down the hall. Who does that right after being clinically dead?!" I huffed with frustration at having to stop my routine to use the tablet. "I woke up and had to take a monster leak so I did what had to be done. I learned early on that I'd better help myself because I sure can't depend on others." The Wolverine responded with a hint of hurt in his voice. "I woulda been right there kid." Uncertain about what to say I simply nodded and unconsciously tensed as a couple students entered the room. They were minding their own business and chatting casually but their presence combined with the uncomfortable conversation with Jack made me want to leave as soon as possible. Still, I had a few different sets to complete and felt guilty for not quite finishing yesterday so I forced myself to stay and got up to use a different piece of equipment. Thankfully, Jack didn't follow and I was able to go about my routine uninterrupted.

By the time I finished at 7:15 there were people everywhere and I caught more than a few of them talking quietly and darting glances my way. Since day one I had garnered attention of all kinds but I still wasn't used to it. For f#cks sake when will I drop off the radar around here? I guess I did make another big scene at lunch yesterday and then there's the whole 'gay' thing. Fine, I'll TRY to be Mr. Invisible all damn day. Maybe I can get through breakfast without incident and go from there. Jack interrupted my thoughts, and my progress, as I made for the exit. "Hey Roger, I can't have you wasting your time in my class. It's obvious you could be teaching the damn thing." A stocky purple Tiger with teal eyes I recognized from Auto Shop was at a bench press nearby. He turned his gaze towards us as I scratched the back of my head and looked away. "Go to the library for today and I'll talk to administration and see what we can get you into." I nodded and he solidly slapped my shoulder. "Maybe you should take track, I could talk to Steve, er ah Coach Worthy?" Sports? I'd be stuck going to practice after class and to track meets on weekends, all for what? Not like someday a recruiter will look at my resume and say 'You can run the 100 meter how fast?! You've got the job!' I shook my head and he replied. "Alright, but when you're sitting in the library think about it, ok? There's always room on a team for another good player and this school has everything from football to water polo." I nodded and mouthed 'Ok' before finally making it outside.

P.O.V. - Roger - 7:35 am - Dining Hall

I thought they might serve breakfast and it's not nearly as crowded as lunch, score! The dorm kitchen's stock of hyper-sweet kid's cereal was fun at first but after a few days of Captain Poof's Peanut Butter Puffs and Sugar Cub Crunch I was ready for something more substantial. I scanned the seating area and had my pick of empty tables but when I spotted Colton alone by the window I decided to join him. Between his jacket's upturned collar and the baseball hat with the school crest on it he did an admirable job of hiding his fur, that is, except for his impressive ears. They stood through the holes in his hat like bright red lights on an emergency vehicle. His gaze was focused out the window but he looked up as I approached. He appeared slightly uncomfortable but his tail wagged in greeting when he recognized me. "Here, let me move my stuff. I was just finished up some homework. I tend to procrastinate but I've only got like 2 problems left." I picked up the tablet and responded. "Go ahead, I'm starved. It'll give me a chance to dig in." His large ears pivoted in quick strokes that suggested of nervousness as he said "Ok, thanks. Should just take a few minutes." Hmmm, I wonder if he's nervous because of me? Probably afraid I'll make a scene, I guess I am 2 for 2 at this place, time to break the trend. I'm going to sit here and be so boring I won't even react if a UFO lands and the alien pilots eat my breakfast. In the five minutes it took Colton to finish his work I tossed back both of my over-easy eggs and my hashbrowns. I had gluttonously ordered 4 sausage links and saved them as a sort of dessert. Colton dropped his pencil dramatically. "Done, with 20 minutes to spare! Heh." I nodded and offered a smile as I poked the first sausage with my fork and gestured to the remaining ones. "What? Oh, they do smell REALLY good, thanks."

He picked one up with his fingers and brought it to his muzzle as two students I didn't recognize walked towards a nearby trashcan with their trays. They were about 3 tables away but I could hear them muttering. The nearest one, a Coyote with jet black dorsal fur and orange ventral fur tilted his head towards his friend, a Leopard whose spots were absent, his golden fur only interrupted by impossibly white discs. He smirked and said "Check out the sausage eater." Before I had the chance to consider the promises I had made I was out of my chair and a step away from expulsion. Luckily, the absolute terror in the Coyote's features combined with the clatter of his tray on the floor snapped me out of my reflexive rage. Still seething, I slowed my approach to a painstakingly normal speed and casually squatted to pick up his trash, placing it carefully on the tray before rising and holding it oh-so-politely towards the cringing Canine. They both stood stunned and terrified until finally the Leopard nudged his friend into taking the tray back. I bowed with a flourish and stepped aside to gesture at the clear path now available to them. The Leopard bumped his friend again and said under his breath "Just go!" They both plastered on sheepish grins and shuffled past me while stammering out apologies. I waved off their words dismissively and returned to my seat as they emptied their trays at the trash can and made for the nearby exit.

Ashamed for not even making it through breakfast without causing a commotion I stared dejectedly at my remaining food, poking at it with a fork in silence.3 times in the cafeteria, 3 incidents... so they muttered a stupid joke, just let it slide! I did manage to stop myself but I shouldn't have gotten up in the first place. Ok I guess that's only half an incident. Fine, I'm 2.5 for 3. That's an improvement right? Ugh. "I'm sorry" said Colton "That kinda stuff has been happening a lot since I came out." I lifted the tablet and typed "Don't be sorry, it's not your fault. I'm sorry for making a scene. I didn't quite manage to follow Chris' outline did I?"

I smiled half-heartedly and managed to get a forced chuckle from Colton before continuing to type. "Anyway, thanks for showing me the game last night. If I ever win the lottery I'll buy a computer so I can play with you guys." Colton made brief eye contact and said with genuine surprise in his voice "You don't have a computer?" I shook my head and swiped at the screen. "Pretty much everything got ruined in the accident. I've got $11 to my name until next month when I'll get another $100 which I'll be saving for a fur trimming kit. A decent one is like $130. I'll be pretty shaggy before then so I suppose I'll have to go off campus for a cheap trim but even that'll be $40 and it's so embarrassing!" Colton looked briefly at the red fur on the back of his hand before dashing it under the table and saying "Yeah, I can relate. To the fur thing I mean. I never really liked getting it done at a groomer and now that it's changed color there's no way I'd go someplace." After a moment's hesitation he added "You can use my kit if ya want, it's not like we'd be sharing toothbrushes or something." I ate another sausage and gestured to the last one as I typed. "Thanks, I'd hate to get my scent all over your stuff though. I mean, I'd wash the attachments afterwards but it'd still be on the rest of the equipment. Hey, you might as well have the last sausage, I'm full." "Ok, I am still kinda hungry. Thanks." He grabbed the last link and popped it into his mouth whole before talking around it as he chewed. "And I'm not worried about your scent getting on my equipment. Er, uh did that sound like I think it just sounded?" His apprehensive ears finally lifted and I smiled as I used the tablet to say "A little, and ok. I might take you up on your offer in a couple weeks. Thanks." Colton started to pack up and replied. "I'd better get going, see ya around." I waved and cleaned up the table before heading towards the library.

P.O.V. - Colton - 1st Period Math Class

Glad I got the homework done, she only checks it randomly but it would be just my luck she'd tell us to turn it in today. Oh no, here comes Mark._My tail curled under the seat as the black and orange Coyote started towards the far end of the room but pivoted to change course midway. I never had trouble with him before but after this morning it looked like things were about to change. I fought to sit up straight and keep my ears from folding down before he stopped awkwardly in the aisle beside my desk. His tail curved subtly behind him while he spoke. "Hey uh, Thomas and I were just talking. I didn't think you guys would hear and, uh, it was a stupid joke anyway. I don't know why I said it." I blinked a couple times and managed a nod. Mark stood in place for a moment longer and said "Ok, so just uh, wanted to say sorry." before turning to go to his desk. I slowly relaxed and got ready for class to start. _I wasn't expecting that! I kinda feel sorry for him now. I remember telling dumb jokes like those before I came out. When I look back I feel like a jerk for doing it, that's probably how Mark feels. If Roger hadn't reacted that way I wonder if he would have come and talked to me anyway? Probably not, gods Roger is scary when he's like that! So silent and fast... and that aura! For a moment I thought there'd be limbs flying through the air and blood spraying the walls like some sort of zombie feeding frenzy! There goes the bell, time for a whole hour of Algebra, ugh.

P.O.V. - Roger - 4th period - Remedial English

Is there anyone Ashley DIDN'T tell?! Damn, I shouldn't have shoved that striped Grizzly at the stairwell railing like that but he f#ckin' asked for it! I pulled him back before he fell over but it was close! I think it scared me as much as him. He knows he started it so he probably won't complain and besides, there aren't cameras in the stairwells. I could just say he was falling and I saved him. Bet he won't do that again! Even so, I've gotta watch my temper.

"Hey, Roger." A deep voice came from behind me. Great, here comes another stupid gay joke. Just smile, and remember, murder is a crime! Bearing the grin of a professional assassin I turned to face the purple Tiger. I recognized him from Auto Shop and the Training Room but we had never talked. Despite being substantially larger and bulkier he visibly flinched as our eyes met but he recovered quickly and said "The other Chris asked me to tell you to meet him in the food court at lunch. You know him right... the Snow Leopard?" Tablet in hand I responded. "Not sure what you mean by 'the other' but yeah. Ok, thanks." He kept his teal eyes on me while he opened his textbook. "My name's Chris too and he's my dorm rep. To keep people from confusing us we set up a system. He's 'the other Chris' and I'm Chris. Hey uh, I kinda overheard you talking with Mr. Ward this morning. Do you really know a lot about cars?"

I shrugged and swiped at the screen to say "Some, what's up?" His tail flitted randomly behind him as he said "My parents gave me an old Foxwagen Bus, a 2nd generation T2, and I've been trying to restore it. It runs but it needs serious work. I was wondering if maybe you could help me troubleshoot a couple things." Hmm, those old cars can be a time sink but he seems like a decent guy. I guess I can spare a few hours somewhere in the week. I tapped at the tablet to say "Sure, those old air-cooled engines are simple enough and non-OEM parts are dirt cheap. They're good starter cars. I don't have any tools, does the school let us use the Auto Shop for stuff like that?" His face brightened and his tail bopping picked up speed. "Yeah, but only when Mr. Ward is there. He usually gives us a couple hours after class on Thursdays for personal projects. Thanks... oh hey... you having to talk with the tablet... is that from the accident?" I nodded and used it to add "I can probably start talking a little tomorrow and be done with it soon after that. It's been beyond frustrating, can't wait to ditch it." The bell rang marking the start of class but the instructor was talking with a student. The delay gave Chris a chance to respond. "Good to hear, you sure look a hell of a lot better than you did the night you fell in on me. We thought you were dead."

That's what's been bugging me! This is the guy Tami was talking about when I first met her! What was he doing with Dylan? I can't imagine he'd be friends with a purist, not with all his purple fur. I rapidly swiped at the screen to get in a question before class began but the instructor cleared her throat loudly and class started before I could finish typing.

P.O.V. - Roger - Cafeteria

Dang, I wish Chris didn't run off after class like that. I've got so many questions! I guess they'll have to wait until we're working on his Foxwagen. I tiredly dragged my tail to the cafeteria and stopped momentarily at the food court entrance.

Chris, 'the other Chris' I reminded myself, was standing just off to the side of the main door along with Colton and Briana. They spotted me and I was quickly pulled aside and surrounded as I cocked an ear and said in a gravelly voice "What's up?" The Snow Leopard grimaced at the sound but stayed briefly quiet as Andrew arrived with Hunter only steps behind him. Moments later Nick added himself to the circle and there was a sense of playful seriousness in the air as Chris announced "Roger, this is an intervention."

I narrowed my eyes at him and shot a glance at my 'captors' as he continued. "We know you've been getting some flak today and we also know that you're, well, Roger... so we're here to help. Until lunch is over think of us as your reverse body guards. No matter what anyone does or says we won't let you near them. Now, what food station do you want to get in line for?" I croaked "Are you kidding me?" and everyone cringed at my hoarse tone. Nick pulled at my arm and said in a soft, concerned voice "Uh, maybe you shouldn't be talking too much yet." I hadn't seen him since the rec. room fiasco and it was hard to face him now. Still, I did so and gave him a gentle smile as I nodded. Colton jumped in to say "We always do something like this on everyone's first day 'out' at lunch. How about The Special?" Hunter chimed in with a dramatic, positive flair to his voice and added "It's macaroni n' cheese with hot dog slices and a side of freshly boiled spinach!" I took a deep breath and mouthed 'Ok.' "To the Pasta Station!" exclaimed Chris. The sentiment was immediately echoed by my entourage, "To the Pasta Station!" and we all shuffled towards the line as a single unit. Bea came running up to join the party just as I buried my face in my hands. This can't be happening! Ugh! Everyone is looking at us, even the staff! Where's an extinction level event like a meteor or super-volcano when you need one?!

I slid my hands slowly down and forced a grin. I can tell they mean well and they're totally enjoying it, lighten up and try to roll with it. This is probably their idea of a club initiation, besides I'm not exactly doing a stellar job of being incident free. Those of us partaking of The Special filled our trays and Chris shouted out new marching orders, "To the Grill!" Sure enough, the group repeated "To the Grill!" and off we marched. By the time we were all ready I had managed to get into the spirit of things, pumping my fist in the air with everyone else as they chanted "To the cashier!" We broke ranks to check out but even then they managed to keep me in the middle of the line. Everyone fell back into formation on the far side of the registers and the club shouted in unison "To the tables!"

The entire dining area population watched as our procession wound its way through the gauntlet of social cliques. We were met with everything from derisive laughter to thumbs-up gestures as a louder voice caught my attention. "What's with the gay pride parade?" I reflexively spun to find the source but was shoved politely back into position by Andrew and Hunter as Chris said "No breaking ranks soldier!"Take it easy! They kinda have a point, it does feel a bit like a tiny pride event. Fine... Then I heard a male voice from Ashley and Melina's table. "Hey Splash, hiding behind your little fag friends?!" Colton tried to intervene by grabbing my arm and almost fell over as I simply advanced with the Dhole in tow. Which one was it?! It must have been the smirking black Wolf with the green tint to his fur, next to Melina. I strode forward and set my tray down at an open spot on a table as the Canine in question stood and put his shoulders back and chest out, trying to look tough as he crossed his arms. I came to stop in front of him and finally realized why he looked familiar.

In a loud whisper I flatly commented "Your father is Natsume Tanaka." The simple statement took him completely off guard. "He would be disappointed to hear you started a fight after all the time he spent teaching you Aikido." The Wolf stood agape, hurt more by my words than any blow I could have landed. Before he could collect himself Colton was suddenly between us and hands pulled me back. Chris gave me a stern look and said "Roger, you're going to the table and I'm dealing with this. Move!" The teacher on duty was none other than Mr. Yorke and I could see him advancing out of the corner of my eye. I relented and grabbed my tray, making a point of smiling at the people whose table I had briefly used before allowing myself to be led to our usual spot. Chris and Briana stayed behind to talk with Mr. Yorke as everyone pulled up chairs and Nick sat next to me.

Colton was the first to speak. "I don't get what you said, Steve's last name is Hampton." I was tempted to talk but used the tablet to reply. "His biological father is Natsume Tanaka. I doubt if he's seen him in years." I started into my pasta but Colton was still curious and asked "How do you know his father?" I put down my spork and swiped at the screen. "It's complicated. Short version is that his current dad is a douche, pardon my French. I wanted to see how well he remembered his real father and from the look on his face I'd say he remembered something. Anyway, thanks guys. I'm sorry for being so much trouble."

My eyes met briefly with Nick's as the tablet played my message and I yearned to be alone with him so we could talk. His ears went down and he smiled in a way that looked somehow sad. I was left wondering what he was thinking as Hunter, the turquoise Sand Cat, spoke up. "Try not to let it get to you so much. It's their problem not yours. Hey, Mr. Yorke is coming up behind you. Don't worry, he's pretty fair, just be honest."

I took a breath and grabbed my tablet as I turned to face the instructor. "Mr. Evans, I assume you know why I am at your table. Would you please tell me your version of events." I typed to say "A person in Steve's vicinity, not sure if it was him, yelled something to the effect that I was hiding behind my gay friends, only he didn't use the word gay. As my voice does not carry I was forced to walk up close to speak. I stated that his biological father would be disappointed to hear that his son would start a fight considering the Aikido teachings he used to share with him. We parted after that. By the way, since you're here, I guess I should mention that I never received an apology from Ashley." The Tasmanian Devil stared at me with his piercing eyes and said "I see. I'm sure you are aware that it is against school policy to confront someone in a threatening manner. However, I fail to see how your words were threatening, especially considering the instigation and that several people overheard you and they corroborate what you said. In the future though, I expect you to direct yourself to the nearest staff member should a similar situation arise. Is that clear?" I could tell he was used to students cowering under his high pressure stare and I wondered if he was disappointed in my lack of response. If anything, I felt reflexively challenged by his threatening undertones and had to tamp down the urge to throw him to the floor and restrain him. Mostly though, I was just too tired to really care. I typed at the screen and said "Yes, it is. If things continue as this rate I suspect I'll be getting to know each and every staff member rather well."

His tail tossed behind him as he processed my response and said "Things like this tend to die down after a few days. Until then I expect you to follow protocol. Oh and I'll have a talk with Ms. Padmore. Because she failed to send her apology by email she will now have to deliver a hard copy to you in person." I rolled my eyes as I imagined the irate Jakal throwing it in my face. Mr. Yorke took notice. "That gesture is all too common with your generation. I understand your concern though. If it's of any consolation be aware that I will be accompanying her so I suspect any histrionics will be kept to a minimum. I believe this concludes our business. Good day." I half expected a crisp salute as he turned to stride away and I returned my attention to the group at the table.

Andrew, the calico Margay, was the first to speak. "You gave Mr. Yorke an eye roll?! Word of advice, do NOT do that!" I shrugged dismissively and started back into my lunch while Colton wondered out loud "Why would Ashley have to write an apology but not Steve?" Chris and Briana had returned to the table while I was talking with Mr. Yorke and Chris responded. "There were conflicting reports about who said it. Even though he heard it he wasn't sure who it was either and they're all covering for each other." Hunter snorted derisively "Figures, those guys always get away with it. Ah well, Mr. Yorke is right though Roger. Things will probably settle down in a few days, especially with your reputation."

Hunter caught himself and quickly added "Er ah, no offense, I just mean it's a pretty short list of people that would want to mess with you. Speaking of that, I happened to be going upstairs earlier today when Ryan almost fell on me." I grinned and used the tablet to say "The striped Grizzly? He, uh, lost his balance." Hunter snickered and said "Yeah, funny how he lost it right after he called someone, ahem, a little fag and told him to get out of his way." I put on my innocent puppy face and typed "He's twice my size, in fact he's twice anyone's size. Those big guys lose their balance so easy. He's just lucky I was there to grab him after 'someone' kicked the back of his knee and hip-checked him towards the railing." Chris cocked an ear and glared at me as he said "I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that."

I could almost feel Nick's concern beside me and hastily tapped at my tablet. "That was the biggest event of my whole day though, overall it's been pretty smooth... considering." I glanced at Nick but his look of worry didn't seem lessened by my efforts. I guess it's pointless to try and lie to an empath. I sighed and looked down at my half-empty plate_. Ugh, Nick must think I'm a total jerk at this point. I embarrassed him in front of his friends last night and now he thinks I broke my promise to stay out of trouble. I promised I'd TRY and_I really AM trying. Besides, if people would just stop pushing my buttons this stuff wouldn't happen.

Colton set down his cup of soda. "Yeah, it hasn't been all bad. I mean, remember how Mark, the black and orangeCoyote, was kinda muttering to his friend this morning? And you helped him pick up his tray and stuff? He came overto me later in class and apologized. I was totally shocked." Hunterchewed thoughtfully on a piece of chicken and replied. "I know that guy, I've kinda had my suspicions about him. Bea? Nick? You guys are the experts. What's your gay-dar got to say about the Coyote in question?" Nick looked up from his hardly touched plate of Mac n' Cheese Special. "Oh uh, it's hard to say sometimes." Bea chided him playfully. "Oh come on! It's not like you'd be outing him to the whole school. Hello?! This is the gay table, myself excluded that is... so spill it!" Nick exhaled forcefully and rolled his eyes up at her before relenting. "He's gay." Bea spoke excitedly as hercurly tail wagged. "Hah, I knew it!" Chris seemed less convinced as he said "Ahwyou guys think everyone with a little fashion sense is ready to board the gay train." Colton had carefully herded all of his hot dog slices out of the Mac N' Cheese Special and was polishing off the last of them as he jumped back into the conversation. "Do you really think so? I can never tell." Bea looked at Nick and said "Nick's the best in the business. He knows if someone is gay before they do!"

She narrowed her gaze in mock seriousness and eyed Colton."So... you're thinking about Mark huh? The dance is coming up. Now's the time to strike!" Colton looked ready to climb under the table as he squirmed and folded his ears. "I couldn't ask him to the dance! Gods, no way! I was just wondering." Bea was relentless. "Uh huh, wondering how he looks when he's naked!" I squirmed myself as her comment brought up fresh memories of last night's disaster. Nick must have been feeling it too as he jumped to Colton's defense. "Bea, you get so carried away. You can't just walk up to someone who isn't even out and ask them to a dance. It's hard enough just to ask them to play a video game or something." Briana dabbed lightly at her muzzle with a napkin, having just finished her salad topped with chicken breast, and joined the conversation. "I agree with Nick. If you come on that strong he'll just get frightened off. If he's smart then ask for his assistancewith a class. If he's struggling then offer your help, for instance. Once you have a rapport then you can move closer a little at a time and see how he responds." Colton's tension eased and his large, bright red ears slowly rose to a more relaxed posture. Bea grumbled, "Oh you guys are no fun! I suppose you're right though. He'd probably run screaming if you just up and asked him to the dance."Colton absent-mindedly folded the napkin on his tray into ever smaller squares as he commented. "I dunno. I'm not really the forward type. Since he's not out yet maybe I should wait for him to come to me?" Andrew'smulti-colored tail waved casually behind him as he spoke up. "I kinda think he was making the first move by apologizing. Not that I was there but something like that is generally a rare event. I think Briana has a good idea and Nick too for that matter. Don't let us pressure you though." Colton let go of the tightly folded napkin and it slowly expanded on his tray as he responded. "I guess so. I dunno, I'll have to give it all some thought."

The bell rang and Chris jumped back into his Club President role. "Alright, form up everyone! Let's move fast, we'll be walking Roger to hisclassbefore heading to ours so let's double time it so no one is late!" We rose from our chairs and I was shuffled into the middle of the pack. Chris shouted, "To the trash can!"and our little procession started again.