the cook's girl

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All characters Copywrite to me, Janus Wolff

Rin sat quietly on the bunk he was assigned in the hidden cabin below decks on the pirate ship. the other slaves sat huddled in groups about the room,

all except for a few. Alex the squirrle was still missing and several of the slaves were out cleaning the ship or serving various members of the crew.

more or less everyone was being chosen by certain pirates and being regularly pulled away by them.

Rin was lucky that the captain hadent had any other "urges" recently. some of the others were'nt so lucky as him. as he had heard it,

Dominic had raped Amelia yesterday and shot Jason. Jason was still alive and fighting when they tossed him over the side of the ship.

the loss effected everyone. Jason was their protecter. god only knew how many times he had taken the boson's whip for any one of them over the last week or so.

even before the pirates had taken them, Jason had always protected them. no one was hurt more then Amelia. Jason had died trying to save her,

so Dominic had left her alive, and the memory tortured the 13 year old Raccoon. she was currently huddled in a corner, sniffling softly.

Someone sat down on the bunk next to Rin. the little kitten glanced up at Fi, his Vixen friend. "Hey.." he said weakly. she smiled slightly at him. it was half hearted, as always now.

they were all depressed about Jason's death, and hopeless of ever escaping their captivity.

Fi haddent been chosen by any of the pirates yet, as she spent most of her time hidding down in the cabin.

They both knew it was only a matter of time though. the fox girl glanced around.

"Hey Rin," she said slowly. "Have you seen Sara?" Rin looked up. she was right. he haddent seen his sister Sara for almost an hour. the kitten's blood ran cold.


Sara stood nervously before the massive ship's cook, Dong, "The Butcher of the Highseas" as the other pirates called him.

the huge bear was shirtless, his large pot belly hanging out over the belt on his trousers. a stained white apron hung from his belt down over his pants.

thick greasy fur covered the knotted muscles on his arms and chest. the beast held a bloody cleaver, having just begun to prepare the food for the night.

the bear grinned at the nasty, greasy pirate coyote that had brought the 16 year old cat into his kitchen. "this th' one?" he asked gruffly. the coyote nodded.

"aye mate. this is 'er." the cook chuckled and crouched a bit to reguard Sara closely. Sara turned her head away.

"She looks good ta me. good job matey. best get back ta yer duties 'afore th' cap'n catches ya." the coyote nodded and returned to the deck.

the cook turned away from Sara and walked back over to the massive ovens.

"ya know how ta cook girly?" he asked as pleasently as a beast like him could. Sara shook her head stiffly. the cook looked over at her a frowned.

"Pity. Cause of ya dont do what i say, tha's exactly what y'll be doin'. cookin'." Sara blinked abit, confused.

the bear grinned and walked over to her, putting one smelly, greasy arm around her shoulder and pulling her over to the oven. Sara cringed at the smell.

"ya see this 'ere big oven girly?" he said pleasently. Sara nodded meekly. "well, if ya dont do what yer told 'ere, i put ya in thar.

and instead of mutton fer dinner tonight, th' crew will be havin' roast slut." Sara's blood ran cold at these words, her fur standing on end and fear coursing through her.

"Understand?" "yes sir.." Sara muttered. Dong grinned.

"Thas a good little slut." the bear spun Sara around and pushed her roughly up against the wooden counter.

the teen's heart rate began to rise, knowing exactly what was gonna happen as the cook forced her to bend over.

Sara closed her eyes as she felt her skirt pulled up and panties torn open. there was a loud thunk infront of her. opening her eyes,

Sara saw the cleaver, wedged slantwise into the counter top right in front of her, still covered in blood. a reminder.

Sara could hear the rattle of the bear's breath behind her as he ran his nasty paws over her furry rump.

"mm...nice 'n soft. jus' how i like it." Sara gasped as she felt a thick digit press up against her tight little tail hole.

"har, and tight to. perfect. jus' perfect." the air was suddenly knocked out of her lungs as she felt the big bear lean down on her to whisper in her ear:

"too bad fer you i like anal, slut. yer gonna get it.." the bear chuckled as he stood straight up. Sara panted in near panic as she hear the cook struggling

with his apron and trousers. soon there was a muffled thump, the sound of cloth hitting the floor,

and a moment later something thick and hot pressed its self up under her tail. Sara squeezed her eyes tight, preparing. Dong began to push his thick red bear meat into the poor cats rump, then stopped.she heard him chuckle slightly

"Silly me. how forgetful of me. i almost forgot the lube." Sara turned her head slightly to see the cook step away from her.

her heart almost stopped at the sight of his twelve inch long cock, bobbing in front of him. the cook went over to one of the cabinets

and grabbed something from one and walked back over to her. the bear grinned.

"best lube in the world." he said mockingly, holding up a stick of butter. a chill went through Sara at the thought of having her

butt lubed with a stick of butter for the big bear's dick. she didnt have much time to think before the cold stick was pressed tightly

into her tail hole as hard as the bear could. Sara breathed in sharply, her hair standing on end as she felt the butter smear onto her hole and

up inside her. after a while of spreading the butter around on his future "snack", the cook tossed the stick away and smoothed out the lumps with one dirty finger.

"now thar, all set fer my big, fat sausage thar slutty cat." the bear mocked her, lining up behind her. she once again felt the head of the

hot bear cock pressed against her tail hole. "just so ya know, screaming is aloud.." the bear said with a grin. he began to push forward,

streaching out the tight little tail hole as he went. Sara whimpered pitiously, biting down on her lips to keep from screaming. she wasnt

about to give him that satisfaction. the bear groaned as the head of his cock popped in past Sara's tight ring, causing her to gasp in pain. the bear chuckled. "mm...nice and tight.." he said, pressing more of his cock into her tight butt. the bear groaned, leaning his head back in pleasure.

" fuck yea.." tears began to well up in Sara's eyes as she bit down harder to avoid crying. with one hard thrust, Dong burried his cock compleatly into her ass.

it was to much for Sara. she let out a painful yowl as the thick member penetrated her and heard the Cook groan in pleasure.

"thas right, scream bitch. scream." the bear began to pound her without preamble, gripping Sara's thighs tightly as he slammed into her,

his heavy balls slapping hard against her bare pussy, her furry butt jiggling with the force of his thrusts. Sara cryed out in pain, pressing her face to

the wooden desk and digging her claws into the wood, gouging long grooves in the counter. the cook laughed as he brutaly fucked her ass,

loving the pain he was inflicing and the pleasure he was reciving. Sara couldnt take it any more.

"Please! please stop! its too much!" she cried, tears streaming down her checks as the big bear raped her ass. the cook simply

laughed and spanked her butt, making the cheeks bounce and ripple. "mm, i love when my bitch begs! come on slut! beg for mercy!" Sara sobbed as she realized the more he hurt her, the more he enjoyed it.

Dong grunted and panted as he fucked her. her ass was on fire, her ears pressed tightly against the top of her head. her whole body shook as she was fucked.

it wasent long before the thrusts began to get more erratic and random, the panting behind her heavier and more strained. she knew he was close.

with a bestial growl, the cook slammed himself into her ass, digging his claws hard into her rump and drawing blood as he shot copious amounts

of bear sperm into her butt.

"fuck yea bitch!" he roared as he spurted in her. Sara sobbed, laying her face on the counter as she felt the hot liquid pumped into her ass.

after what felt like forever, the bear pulled out of her ass. Sara's back end slumped down as soon as it was free, but the cook grabbed her hips

and lifted her rump in the air.

"I dont think so slut. this lovley sauce is staying right there till I say so." the cook reached across her into a big wooden barrel and pulled out a

long, thick carrot. Sara whimpered, guessing where that was going. Dong, holding her up with one arm, pushed the carrot into her tail hole, skinny side first.

She groaned with pain and, she was embaressed to admit, pleasure as the vegetable was wedged all the way into her tail hole. "thats better. now..." Dong said, pulling her down from the counter and forcing her to her knees. taking his softening cock in one paw, he pressed it to her face. "Suck it."

"B..but you already" Sara protested, confused. the bear growled.

"I said suck it! suck it or its the oven!" Sara whimpered quietly and took the soft dick in her mouth, sucking on it.

she gagged violently on the tast of cock flesh as ass but kept sucking, tears rolling down her cheeks. soon the bear was fully hard again and

groaning as she bobbed her head up and down on his long hard shaft. Dong grabbed hold of her head with both paws and, grunting, began to fuck her face.

Sara gagged and chokes, spluttering and crying as the hard cock repeatedly slammed into the back of her throat. Dong dug his claws hard into her head,

causing her to whimper.

after what felt like forever, Dong snarled and jammed his cock into her mouth one last time before pulling free and sraying cum all over her face.

Sara spluttered and coughed, shaking her head violently and trying to pull away as her face was covered, but the bear held tight to her head, laughing. finally he let go. "thar. that wasnt so bad now was it?" he mocked her, patting her cheek. Sara choked and looked brokenly up at the cook. cum was laced all over her face,

dripping from her muzzle and chin. her ass throbbed around the carrot and she could feel the cum inside her slosh around. that was when she knew.

she was and forever would be, the cooks bitch.

Deck Rape

All Characters Copywrite to me, Janus Wolff ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jason had the roughest time on the ship. His reputation for trying to protect the younger kids made him a prime target for abuse, as he would...

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The Cabin Boy

All characters Copywrite to me, Janus Wolff ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It had been two weeks since the raid on the slave ship and captain Cubs and his pirate crew had simply been drifting...

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Slaves on the Highseas

All characters copywrite to me, Janus Wolff ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Captain Cubs sat at his desk in his cabin, reviewing the map in front of him. The iguana scratched the frill at the top of his head...

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