A New Start

Story by JHWolf on SoFurry

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Something a bit different from the usual. I'm not sure if I want to continue this story but I hope you enjoy it!

This story is about a college student named Simon, who undergoes a experiment to make himself different.

"So are you sure that this will work?"

Simon Anderson stared at the syringe that Dr. Orion held in his hand which was filled with a light green liquid and if the experiment was successful, Simon would transform into a non human much like Orion himself. Orion was a tall, black shire horse standing at 6'6" with striking blue eyes and covered completely by a white lab coat. Simon was slightly attracted to the doctor and could feel his loins stir every time he glanced at the doctor, so he mostly kept his head down and hoped that his growing erection would go away.

"We have tested it numerous times on other test subjects so we are sure it will work, though you will be receiving a new strain so we will see how successful this one is."

Orion led Simon to the operating table in the middle of the room who noticed that it was fitted with leather restraints.

"Why are those there?!" Simon asked the doctor worryingly.

"Those are there just for the first injection which you will be thankful for soon."

His tone wasn't exactly comforting, but he knew what he was doing so Simon went along with it.

"Before we begin I would have to ask you to strip down completely and put this on." Before Simon could react, Orion handed him a hospital gown. It was slightly embarrassing having to strip down in front of the handsome horse and even more trying to conceal a boner while doing it. Thankfully Orion didn't notice, and Simon quickly covered himself to make sure it stayed that way.

After that was done, Orion led Simon to the table and laid him out, fastening every restraint on the table. There was one for each wrist, elbow, knee and ankle as well as one across his chest, torso and waist. Simon was a skinny guy so the restraints had to be tightened as far as they would go to ensure he was strapped down and unable to move.

"Last chance to bail out you know, because after this you can't turn back."

This was it, Simon thought, but is it worth it? He thought back to how he got himself into this, about the message that brought him to the labs in the first place...

It was a day like any other, and Simon was on the internet like usual. The college student was a human though he had always admired the animalistic non-humans to the point he would pretend to be one online. Unfortunately non-humans were discriminated in society by humans and as such they generated animosity towards each other, further motivating Simon to keep up his ruse on the message boards he frequented where he communicated with non-humans.

That day, Simon had received a private message from one of the users of the site, saying that they knew he was a human. Simon panicked, begging the user not to tell anyone, hoping to still be able to communicate with his non-human friends. The next message he received from that user was a link to a local gene research lab and a note telling him to become a test subject if he really wanted to be a non-human. After hesitantly signing up for an appointment online, he got in his car and drove to the lab's address and was greeted by one of the doctors in the foyer. That doctor was of course Orion.

"I'm ready." Simon said to Orion, preparing himself for the worst.

Orion then located a vein on Simon's left arm, positioned the needle of the syringe above it, and slowly injected it. Orion pressed down on the syringe's plunger, making the green liquid enter Simon's blood stream. It seared Simon's insides, making it feel like he was burning from the inside out as his body reacted to the foreign substance. He screamed and pulled at the restraints which held him down tight, but it was no use.

"Mr. Anderson! Stop that at once!" Orion had replaced the needle and contents of the syringe which now held a clear liquid. The shire horse wasted no time in holding down Simon's arm as he injected the second liquid into Simon's body. The pain then began to subside and Simon calmed down along with it.

"That was a pain killer Mr. Anderson, so you shouldn't feel the more unpleasant parts of the procedure now."

Simon was about to ask what those were when he noticed that the restraints were now straining against his body. He was growing, and his previously skinny body was expanding with muscles that would make a body builder jealous. One by one the restraints snapped under the pressure his new muscles were putting on them. Simon got up and walked to a mirror that was located on the far-side of the room.

Before, the gown had covered the entirety of his body and fit loosely on his thin body. Now the gown could only be described as looking like a tight mini-dress, being unable to cover his knees and could barely contain his swelling pecs and had ripped the sleeves due to his melon sized biceps. Simon also noticed he was now taller than Orion by a head, standing at easily 7'2" tall, the shire horse in question looking pleased at the success of the muscle growth. Simon removed the nearly useless gown and was impressed to see that his once flat stomach was now covered in a perfect set of rock-hard abs.

"Someone's enjoying this a bit, aren't they?" Simon noticed the doctor chuckling to himself and realized that he was now completely naked, and his dick was standing at full mast. Simon had blushed. Not only had his body grown, so had his dick, which had grown to a full twelve inches as well as become two inches thick. Simon grabbed for the gown he had discarded but found that Orion had kicked it away.

"No, sir. I want to see the full effects of the rest of your transformation and I'm sure you do too."

Simon began to protest, pointing a finger at Orion when he saw that scales were replacing his skin and spreading down his arms up to his chest. He looked back towards the mirror and saw that his fore arms, lower legs and torso were being covered in green scales while the rest of his body was being covered by nearly black, gray scales. While his skin was changing, certain parts of his body experienced dramatic changes.

His face had begun to stretch and distort, his nostrils becoming horizontal slits as his face formed into a big round snout. His mouth had stretched along with it, a flap of skin connecting the top and bottom at the back as his mouth began to fill with large, sharp teeth that belonged to a carnivore. As his scaly skin began to spread up his neck, Simon's hair began to fall out in clumps, making his face completely bald. The top and front sides of his snout were covered in green scales as well as along his jawline and the ridges of his brow which had stretched back behind his head in two stripes which continued down his back. the rest of course was dark gray. His eyes had also changed, his round pupils becoming slits and his eyes becoming the same light-green as the liquid that began the transformation.

His little fingers had already fused with his ring fingers, leaving him with four fingers on each hand the fingernails of which had been replaced with large black claws. His feet were no different. His legs had already become digitigrade and his feet had widened and grew to support his new legs. Again the little toe had fused with its neighbor but unlike his hand, his big toe had shrunk and migrated up his leg looking much like a lizard's. Now he was left with three large toes on each foot and two small ones further back, Each with a black claw.

His transformation wasn't done of course, as a lump appeared at the end of his spine. He was growing a tail as well. The process was slower than the rest of his transformation, Orion explained that it was because unlike the rest of his transformation, he was growing new bones to support it. It took about ten minutes for his tail to stop growing, ending at 4.5 feet long. It was large and though it was completely gray, a ring of green scales surrounded the base of it.

"Um, Dr. Orion? What exactly did I become?" From his reflection he could tell he was large, muscular, and reptilian, but nothing else. He had never seen a non-human like himself before. Not only that but his voice had deepened considerably, making him sound as manly as he looked.

"I'm glad you asked Mr. Anderson. What you have become is a Tyrannosaurus Rex, the only one of your kind."

Simon's jaw dropped, unable to understand what he had just heard.

"B-but dinosaurs are extinct! How did you? Why did you?"

Orion continued, unfazed by Simon's confusion as he made his way over to a cabinet, retrieving a plastic cup.

"We had been hoping to resurrect dinosaurs for a long time, mad science as it were. Ever seen or read Jurassic Park? We used the same theories to obtain the DNA necessary for the serum." Orion walked over to Simon and handed him the cup. "Now I know how awkward this sounds, but I need you to ejaculate into this cup."

"WHAT?!" Simon blushed, being asked that by the handsome doctor before him brought back his erection which had been in the process of dying down.

"We need to have the complete DNA from a donor for research purposes of course, after all if we want to repopulate the dinosaur population, we need to make sure we can recreate the serum! After all, we don't know if you are going to reproduce or not so this is crucial to save of course."

Simon tried to cover his throbbing manhood with his hands, though he found he was unable to cover it completely with the head sticking out prominently.

"Fine... but I need some privacy."

After Dr. Orion left the room, Simon had positioned the cup over the head of his dick and began stroking with the other. Simon found that he was fantasizing about Orion. He imagined himself tearing the shire horse's clothes with his claws until they fell off him in strips, leaving the older man defenseless and exposed. Before the imaginary shire horse could run, Simon caught him and locked him in place with his muscular arms. Orion struggled but couldn't escape the t-rex's grasp. Simon rested his head on the struggling horse's shoulder and began comforting Orion, saying that he wasn't going to eat him like the projection thought. The imaginary Orion calmed down and embraced the large dino, though he let his guard down.

Simon covered the tip of one of his fingers in saliva and began to probe Orion, eliciting a gasp from the captive horse who once again began to struggle.

"Don't worry, I'll be gentle."

Simon inserted his finger, stretching out Orion's hole and massaging the fleshy insides at the same time. Orion moaned in pleasure, enjoying riding the dino's meaty finger though one finger wasn't going to be enough to prepare him for Simon's girth. The t-rex in question shortly inserted a second finger and later a third until Orion's hole had been stretched out enough.

After dislodging his fingers from Orion's hole, Simon lifted the horse up and positioned him above his massive cock. Orion was merely grazing the tip of Simon's cock but the teasing alone was sending him close to climax. Knowing this, Simon wasted no time in plunging the shire down onto his massive length, enjoying the warmth of the horse's insides which had wrapped around his dick. He grabbed Orion's hips and pounded the horse till he was sore, each movement sending tingles up their spines and sent them both to climax.

Back in the real world Simon had emptied his load into the cup Orion had provided him, the seed thick and white and filled the cup to the brim. He got up and exited the room, handing the cup to Orion who was waiting just outside.

"Excellent! Now while you were busy pleasuring yourself I took the liberty of updating your medical records to match your new statistics as well as update your driver's license photo."

Orion handed him his wallet and car keys that were in his pants before the operation. Simon remembered that he was still nude, and his now flaccid dick was still covered in his seed. Embarrassed, he covered his dick with his hands.

"Sir? Where can I get cleaned up in this place?"

"Oh right, the locker rooms and showers are this way, follow me."

Walking behind Dr. Orion, Simon couldn't help but stare at the horse's ass as they walked down the hall to the lab's employee locker room. After a quick rinse off, Orion handed him a towel and a fresh pair of clothes which were thankfully his size.

After receiving his payment for the experiment, Simon left, but unknown to him, Orion began to call someone on his cellphone.

"James, you were right about him son, he was a perfect candidate. Now if I hear about you hacking into other people's accounts again, I will pull your college funds. Do you understand? Okay, see you when I get home tonight, all right, bye."

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